• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,613 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Solar Dragon Apple Pie Hearth's Warming Pt.2

The next morning, and for the first time, Spike was actually awake before everyone else. He was so excited for Hearth's Warming, so once Pear came in to greet her daughter and grandson, she got 1 hoof in the room before Spike bolted down to the living room to see everyone. She giggled at the sight of her grandson running down the halls, like a... well he was actually, so it's fine. "Oh, but he's going to love his surprise."

Sitting down stairs were Celestia and Granny, both shooting the breeze and just waiting for the little ones to wake up for the special holiday. Soon the pitter patter of clawed feet on the floor, entered their ears. Celestia smirked as she took the last sip of her tea. "Well, it sounds like Spike is up." Granny nodded as she headed for the kitchen to start some breakfast. Celestia sat in her chair as the little dragon approached.

Soon the image of a little dragon entered Celestia's view. 'Target acquired.' Thought Celestia as she used her magic to lift the ball of energy over to her. "And where do you think you're going mister?" Asked Celestia as she was a little upset that Spike hadn't said the 4 words that she was expecting.

Spike looked at Celestia and hugged her face. "Happy Hearth's Warming Grandma." Said Spike.

'Good boy.' Thought Celestia as she nuzzled her little granddrake. "Happy Hearth's Warming Spike." Celestia placed Spike in her lap as she smiled at how much he had grown. "So, where are the girls?"

Spike looked around and noticed that in his haste, he forgot about his mamas. "Um... I think they're still asleep."

Celestia hummed. "Well that just won't do, it's Hearth's Warming, the day when all little colts and fillies should be awake before their parents." Celestia used her magic to teleport her gift to Spike, it wasn't much, just some rare gems that she had found in the back of the treasury, none of them were magical in nature, but they would probably be very yummy for Spike to eat. She placed them into his hands and started to explain what each was. "The large pink one is called a pink star diamond, the cut is very rare and something that is said to be found only once in a blue moon. Next we have a beautiful gem called Musgravite, and the moment I saw it, the first thing to pop into my head was you, Spike. Lastly we have some jadeite, a bright and distinctive gem that has been prized for centuries."

Spike smiled at the gifts and he gave Celestia a large hug around her barrel. "I love them Grandma, thank you."

Celestia nuzzled Spike's head and gave him a kiss. "I'm glad you like them." Soon many hoof steps started coming down the stairs. "Well it looks like everyone is up." The girls, the Apples, and the Pies all walked down stairs and noticed that Celestia was just casually sitting in a chair with Spike. All the girls smiled as they needed to tell their son happy Hearth's Warming.

They each walked up to Spike and gave him a kiss. "Happy Hearth's Warming." Said each of the girls, and each time Spike greeted them back. Then they each greeted the princess, with her nuzzling each of their heads.

Next was the Pies. "Princess, I'd like to introduce you to my family." Said Pinkie, she pulled her father in front of Celestia. "This is my father, Igneous."

Igneous bowed his head at the princess. "Greetings Princess, it's an honor."

"My mother Cloudy Quartz." Said Pinkie as she pulled her mother next to her father.

Cloudy did the same as her husband. "Your Highness."

"My oldest sister Maud." Pinkie pulled Maud next to her mother.

Maud looked at the princess and showed no emotions. "Hi."

Pinkie smiled widely at seeing how excited Maud was at meeting Celestia. "Next we have my older sister Limestone." Pinkie pulled Limestone next to Maud.

Limestone gulped, she never thought she was going to meet the princess. "Hi, it's nice to meet you."

"Lastly we have my little baby sister Marble." Said Pinkie as she was trying to pry off her sister from the stair's guard rail. "She's a little shy though." Soon Pinkie was able to remove Marble and place her next to Limestone.

Celestia looked at Marble, she was almost an exact copy of Fluttershy. Celestia blinked at the thought that there might be another Pinkie Pie somewhere in the world, but she was being rude by not greeting them. "Well, it's wonderful to meet you all, and I'm glad to know that Spike, as well as all the girls will have wonderful role models as they grow up."

Pinkie beamed at seeing that Celestia was here and now literally everyone has met. She ran over to Spike and smiled at what she had planned. "Ok Spike, are you ready for Hearth's Warming?"

Spike nodded, but he remembered that there was something he needed to grab first. "Mama, hold on." Spike hopped down from Celestia's lap and ran past his family, and up the stairs.

Everyone looked at the stairs, they were confused on where Spike was going. "Why did he go upstairs?" Asked Fluttershy worried.

Granny walked back into the living room and noticed that Spike was gone. "So, he went to go grab it then." Granny smiled at the little gift he was going to give Celestia. Everyone looked to Granny, she knew something that the others didn't.

Soon Spike ran down the stairs and he was being careful not to fall on his face, but once he was on the ground, Spike ran over to Celestia and hid what he had behind his back. "Grandma, close your eyes."

Celestia smiled, she hadn't expected him to get her anything. "Spike, you didn't need to get me anything."

Spike shook his head. "But I wanted to."

Celestia sighed as she closed her eyes. "Very well."

Spike looked at Pear for some help. "Grandma, can you help me?" Asked Spike.

Pear giggled as she walked over to Spike and helped him place a small Sunstone necklace around Celestia's neck. Pear placed Spike back down on the ground. "Ok Grandma, I hope you like it."

Celestia opened her eyes, she looked down to her neck and sitting around her neck was Spike's gift. Celestia smiled at the gift, she got hundreds of gifts from ponies every year, but most of them were just to earn her favor, but this one was something different, this one was because she was part of this family. Celestia used her magic to lift Spike up to her face. "Spike, I love it." She gave Spike a kiss on his head and nuzzled his face. "A perfect gift from a perfect granddrake."

Spike smiled at hearing that. "I love you Grandma."

"And Grandma loves you too Spike."

Suddenly there was a loud knocking at the door. "Who could that be at this hour?" Asked Granny as she walked over to the door and opened it. When Granny opened the door, standing outside were all the girl's parents, and the town's newest couple and a little filly on her father's back. "Filthy, Raven, what are y'all doing here?" Asked Granny, she wasn't expecting to see them on Hearth's Warming.

"Granny Smith, may we come in?" Asked Filthy.

Granny moved aside so the group of family members and guests could come in. Once everyone was inside Granny looked to the much larger gathering of ponies. "Sorry for the intrusion Ms. Smith, but I wanted to make something known to the ponies that helped me find happiness."

Pear walked over to Raven. "Raven, is he talking about..."

Raven nodded as she moved her hair and showed a little ring on her horn. "I said yes." Smiled Raven as she gave Filthy a kiss.

Everyone was shocked to hear that Filthy and Raven were going to get married. Filthy chuckled at all the shocked looks, but he had known Raven for many years now, and even if his first marriage wasn't the best, he was sure that with Raven and Diamond, he was going to be happy. "And that's why we wanted to come to ask a few things." Said Filthy, he looked to Bright Mac. "Mac, would you be my best stallion?"

Raven looked to Pear. "And Buttercup, you want to be head bride's mare?"

Both looked at the engaged couple. Mac walked over to Filthy and pulled the stallion into a hug. "Sure."

Pear grabbed Raven into a huge hug. "Of course Raven. I won't let you down."

Both smiled at getting their friends to agree to the positions. "There are only 2 more things we need to ask." Said Raven, she looked to the girls. "Every wedding needs a flower filly, so having 5 would make it a great wedding, so would you girls like to be those fillies?"

All the fillies gasped and agreed on the spot, well most of them, Rainbow wasn't into the idea of getting into a dress, but she was quickly outvoted by the rest of the girls.

Filthy walked over to Spike and Celestia. "Princess, how is she doing?"

Celestia sighed. "She is serving her time in a far off town, but let us not bring down the mood with that kind of talk?"

"Agreed." Said Filthy, he looked down to Spike and smiled at him. "Well, Mr. Drake, I need to ask you a very important question, because of you, this town has changed in so many ways and so many lives have been affected. So, it would feel weird not having you at our wedding. Spike, would you be the ring drake?"

Spike gave a tilt of his head. "What's a ring drake?" This made everyone burst out in laughter, well except Maud, but she was laughing on the inside.

Pear walked over to Spike. "Spike, a ring drake is a dragon that brings the rings to the couple during the ceremony, do you think you could do that?"

Spike nodded, then he looked to Filthy. "Ok."

Filthy Rich smiled at hearing the little dragon's answer. "Well, please enjoy the rest of your Hearth's Warming, we're sorry about interrupting."

Granny glared at the stallion. "And where do you think you're going?"

"Um...home?" Asked Filthy.

Granny shook her head. "Nope, you're staying here for the day, and I won't hear a word saying otherwise."

Filthy sighed and Raven giggled. "Filthy, you don't want to make Granny mad, why not stay? Diamond could play with Spike, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, and with most of the staff out of the house for the holiday, wouldn't it be nice to spend time with others?" Said Raven.

Filthy sighed, she was right on all accounts. "Granny Smith, you drive a hard bargain."

Granny smiled at seeing that they were going to stay. "Well, let's stop talking and start eating, I made a large breakfast." So with that, the whole group started a new tradition on Hearth's Warming day.

For the rest of the day, Spike played with his aunts and Diamond. Raven, with the help of all the mares and fillies, settled most of the details of the wedding. And Filthy with the help of most of the guys, planned the rest of the day, there was no way they were going to be in charge of any wedding plans. But soon it was time for the night to come, meaning that it was time for the princess to attend her own family's Hearth's Warming. "Granny Smith, it is time for me to depart." Said Celestia as she approached the old mare.

"Oh, I understand, thank you for spending as much time as you have with us." Said Granny with a warm smile.

Celestia returned the smile as she gave the old mare a hug. When they ended the hug, Celestia used her magic to grab Spike and all the girls. "Spike, Girls, I need to leave, but not before I say goodbye to you all." Celestia proceeded to nuzzle each of the girls and lastly give Spike a loving kiss on his cheek. "Stay safe and have a great new year."

Spike and all the girls nodded. "Bye Grandma." Said Spike as he waved his claw.

Celestia giggled as she waved to Spike with her wing. "Have a great night, my little dragon." Celestia then teleported to the castle in Canterlot.

Soon each of the girls' families called it a night as well, it was late and many of the little fillies were tired after the long day of fun and family.

Author's Note:

Yep 2 in one day, next will have a jump to Spike's first hatch day, and his first bout with greed.

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