• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,635 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Whole Lot of Apples Going On Pt.8 (Family Photo)

As the sun of the next day rose into the sky, there were many different emotions. For most of the Apple family it was a time to be happy, they made it through another year and got to see relatives. For the younger generation, it was more somber for two reasons, the first, was they had to say goodbye to friends and family alike who they had grown close to in the time they were together, the other was the fact that the national first day of school was always the weekend after the reunion, that's why they needed to head home, so they could get ready. For the oldest generation it was a time to reflect on how fortunate they had been to live to see this day, and for the youngest generation, it was just a time that they got to meet family. But not for Spike.

In this short three-day span, Spike was feeling the same emotions as the generation of his mothers. He had gotten to meet so many of his uncles, aunts, and cousins, and he really was happy to get to know them. But as time marched on, it was clear that their time together was coming to an end. Right now, Spike and AJ were sitting on the porch of the house watching as everyone was packing up for the trip home. Spike looked at AJ. "Ma, why is everyone leaving?" Asked Spike.

AJ sighed. "Well Spike, we Apples are spread across the whole kingdom, and each family has a farm or a job they need to get back to."

Spike sighed. "But why can't they stay here?" Asked Spike.

AJ smiled as she looked at her family starting to pack up their stuff to make the trips back home. "Because, if they stayed, then there would be no point to having a reunion, we would see them every day."

"But isn't that a good thing?" Asked Spike.

AJ hummed, but shook her head. "I would have to say no, if we saw everyone every day, then the happiness we feel when we do get to see them would be gone, the magic of reconnecting with family would be nothing more than a passing smile."

"But, I'm always happy to see you, is that going to happen to us?" Asked Spike scared that their relationship would be less special.

AJ gave a chuckle as she brought Spike into a hug. "Never, I will always have happiness when I see you, and do you know why?"

Spike shook his head. "No."

AJ smiled as she nuzzled Spike's head. "It's because I love you."

Spike smiled as he hugged his ma. "I love you too Ma."

"Hey what are we, chopped grass?" Asked Rainbow as she and the girls walked over to Spike and AJ.

AJ laughed as she snuggled Spike closer to her. "Sorry girls Spike loves me more." Said AJ clearly making what she said a joke.

Rainbow squinted. "Oh, really?" She looked at Spike. "Spike, is that true?" Asked Rainbow.

Spike nodded his head, going with the joke. "Yes, I love Ma the most." AJ couldn't help but giggle.

Rainbow walked over to Spike and looked him dead in the eyes. "Really?" Asked Rainbow as she moved her wings to Spike's side. "Because, if your lying, I'm going to tickle you."

Spike gulped as he had two choices, get tickled or tell the truth. "Too late." Said Rainbow as she started to tickle Spike into submission.

Spike couldn't help but laugh. "Stop, please." Laughed Spike.

All the girls giggled at Spike. "Say it." Said Rainbow as she wasn't going to stop until he said the truth.

"I... Love... Mamas." Said Spike through his fit of laughing.

Rainbow smirked as she stopped her tickling. "Say that again." Said Rainbow.

"I LOVE MAMAS." Yelled Spike.

All the girls smiled as they gave Spike a group hug. "Good, because we love you too." Said Rainbow as she gave Spike a kiss on the forehead, followed by the rest of the girls.

While all of this was happening, Pear, Mac, and Granny were watching. Granny sighed as she couldn't help but feel a bit of sadness seeing them. "Spike reminds me of you Mac, before Sunny Core passed." Said Granny.

Mac and Pear sighed. "I miss him too Ma, I miss him too." Sunny Core was Bright Mac's father, he died when Mac was a colt of 12 years. When he passed, it was his dying wish that Mac be the stallion of the family, making it Mac's job to take care of his family. This made him grow up very fast for someone his age and leaving Granny to deal with a teenager all by herself.

Granny smiled. "I'm so proud of you Mac, you made your father proud, raising three kids, and one is already raising one of her own. If Core was here, I think he would be a great grandfather to the girls and Spike."

Pear nodded. Her father, Grand Pear, hated the Apple Family, but there was one stallion he respected, and that was Sunny Core, she had never actually met the stallion, but she saw how Sunny Core ran the farm with Granny, and she grew to respect him as well. "I agree, Sunny Core would have been a great influence on the girls and Spike." Said Pear.

Granny smiled at her son and daughter. "Never forget each other. I never have." Said Granny as she wiped her eyes. She looked at her hoof. "What's this?" Asked Granny. "I'm an Apple, we cry on the inside." Said Granny.

Mac and Pear laughed at the statement, that was one of Granny's many sayings. "Emotions are strong." Said Mac.

"Learning from them is stronger." Said Pear.

"And putting on a brave face is the strongest." Said Granny. She looked at her family and scowled. "Don't think I'm going senile yet do ya?"

Mac smiled. "Well, no, but you did forget to get the camera for the photo."

Granny smirked. "No, I didn't." She looked to the girls and Spike. "Pinkie, come here." Said Granny.

Pinkie then popped out of Bright Mac's hat. "Yes Granny?"

"Is it ready?" Asked Granny.

Pinkie nodded. "Yep, I have some questions though, what gradient would you like me to make it, any filters, can we make silly faces for the photo?"

"Normal, no, and no on the first photo, the second yes." Said Granny.

Pinkie hummed. "Ok, how about this?"

Granny hummed as she looked at Pinkie. "Na."

Pinkie hummed again. "How about this?"

Granny looked at the face. "Better but try again."

Pinkie growled as she needed to bring out her trump card. " That's it, you forced my hoof, I'm going with this."

Granny smiled at seeing Pinkie going above and beyond with the silly faces. "Perfect. Go get everyone ready." Said Granny.

Pinkie nodded as she retreated into Mac's hat. Mac sighed as he looked at his hat. "Is she still in there?" Asked Mac. Suddenly one of Pinkie's hooves popped out of the hat and placed a 'Be back in 5-minute' sign on Mac's nose. Mac groaned. "Pinkie get out of my hat." Said Mac.

"But I already am." Said Pinkie as she was standing in front of Mac. "But I left you something." Said Pinkie as she walked away to go do Celestia knows what before getting the family.

Mac sighed as he removed his hat, and sitting inside was a photo of Granny, Sunny and a very young foal, Bright Mac. Mac picked the photo up and smiled at it. "I thought I lost this photo on family appreciation day when I was a colt. Where did she find it?" Asked Mac.

Pear looked on the back of the picture and found a sticky note. "Wait there's something on the back."

Mac turned the photo around and began to read it. "I found it in AJ's room, it was stuck in the side table's base, it had some glue on the back, but I cleaned it up. I think it fell off a poster or something. PS. I wish I got to meet him; he looks nice. From Pinkie. PPS. Tell Granny to check her scarf." Mac looked at Granny. "Um... Ma, check your scarf."

Granny hummed as she checked her scarf and found a copy of the photo that had been sown in to it. Granny smiled at the photo, and the little embroidery that was done under it. "Family Photo." Said Granny as she looked at the smiling stallion in the photo. "Hey Sweetie." Said Granny as she used all of her will power to hold back her tears. She looked to Pinkie and smiled at the pink enigma. 'Thanks, Sugar Cube.' Thought Granny.

"YOU'RE WELCOME!" Yelled Pinkie as she was walking away.

Granny sighed as she was already reaching her limit for Pinkienanagans. "Come on, let’s get the girls and Spike ready." Said Granny.

Twenty minutes later, and the whole family was standing and sitting in front of the family barn. All the foals were in the front with Spike, all the little colts and fillies were right behind them with the elderly ponies, and in the back were all the adults. Pinkie was the only one not in the group, because she was setting up the camera. "Ready... Say Zap Apple!" Said Pinkie.

"Zap Apple." Said the family as the camera flashed.

Pinkie smiled at the photo. "Looks good everyone. Now get ready for the silly one." Said Pinkie. Everyone got their silly faces on and smiled. "Ready... Say Chimmy Cherry."

Everyone was confused. "Chimmy Cherry?" Then the camera went off again.

Pinkie looked at the photo. "That's a wrap ponies, I must go and find the magic." Said Pinkie, then she giggled. "Wait, that's not me, that's Rarity."

Everyone was looking at Pinkie, but Spike sighed. "It's Mama, don't question it." Said Spike.

Everyone sighed.

Two hours later and it was time for the Orange family to head back to Manehatten. Mosely walked over to Mac. "Mac, don't do anything I wouldn't." Said Mosely.

Mac nodded as the two hoof bumped. "The same to you Mo. Have a safe trip back."

While this was going on, Spike was getting peppered in kisses by his great aunt. "Oh, I wish I could have spent more time with you Spike, be a good little dragon, and don't forget to visit when you can."

"Aunt Orange stop, that it's gross." Said Spike.

Orange stopped her kiss assault and smiled at Spike. "Fine, but be a good little drake for your mamas, and be a good little dragon for your aunts."

Spike smiled. "I will." But then he yawned.

Fluttershy smiled at Spike. "Well, that's the cue for naptime." Said Fluttershy.

"I'm not tired." Said Spike, but he yawned again.

"But it's nap time, are you sure you’re not tired?" Asked Fluttershy.

Spike nodded but he yawned again as he started to curl up. "I want to say goodbye."

Orange giggled as she nuzzled Spike's head. "Don't worry Spike, in a family there is no such thing, only until we meet again."

Spike's eyes started to feel heavy, but he nodded. "Oh, that's good, see you later." Said Spike as he went to his nap.

Orange giggled as she was surprised Spike lasted this long, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were out an hour ago, and Babs was out 45 minutes ago. She looked to Spike's mamas. "Girls may I talk with you about what to expect from a dragon?"

"Greed growth." Said Rainbow.

"Dragon Lord." Said Rarity.

"Molting." Said Pinkie.

Orange looked surprised. "Well, I guess you all know about it then, but what about..."

"The fire belches, the smell, the creature that will try and eat him." Said Fluttershy.

"What about...."

"The Dragon Lord calling him and needing to go alone." Said AJ.

"The hording?" Asked Orange.

"We'll be ready." Said Fluttershy.

Orange sighed. "Well, that's all I got, good luck with him girls, he is a very special dragon, and he will need 5 very special mothers to guide him."

All the girls smiled at Spike. "We will."

Orange smiled as she walked to her wagon so Mosely could start the long 2-day trip back to Manehatten.

Granny watched as the last of her extended family left, but she smiled at the family she still had. "Well, come on don't just stand there, we got to get this place cleaned up." Said Granny.

That's when everyone realized one thing, they still needed to clean up the farm. "OH, COME ON!" Yelled Rainbow.

Author's Note:

There it is, the Whole Lot Of Apples acr has come to an end. Next we will be jumping a few months in time, Spike is older and smarter and is ready to party with his mama for a chapter or two.

Pinkie looked at the photo. "That's a wrap ponies, I must go and find the magic." Said Pinkie, then she giggled. "Wait, that's not me, that's Rarity."

This is a reference to the fact that Photo Finish and Rarity have the same voice actor Tabitha St. Germain, who was a G3 actor who voiced Minty, a pony who was very similar to Pinkie in many aspects.

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