• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,633 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Over The Walls And Through The Sky To Grandma's House He Goes Pt.2

The moment Pinkie and Spike arrived at Fluttershy's home, the worried mother sent him to his room and placed him under mouse arrest, literally, Fluttershy asked a mother mouse to keep her eyes on Spike, while the rest of the girls talked about how to take care of what ever creature decided to come knocking. "Ok, so me and Rainbow will be looking down to guide you girls to make sure that nothing gets close." Said Fluttershy, this and the day that Spike had to go to the dragon lands were going to be the hardest days of everyone's lives. "Pinkie, is your cannon loaded with everything we need?"

Pinkie nodded. "Extra sticky tape, extra durable streamers, and balloons so full of confetti that I had to bribe a confetti factory to sell their entire stock to me."

"Pinkie dear, don't you think that's a little overkill?" Asked Rarity.

"No, I got the balloons long before this was going to happen, I just have them." Said Pinkie in a confused tone.

"Right, well, I have a sensor spell set up around Spike to make sure that nothing happens to him." Said Rarity.

"All my hard work has come to this." Said AJ. "No Varmint is going to get within a mile of our son."

They all nodded as each of them placed their necklaces on. "For my little baby." Said Fluttershy.

"For my Spike." Said Rainbow.

"For my Spikie." Said Rarity.

"For my Sugar Cube." Said AJ.

"For my Sweetie." Said Pinkie.

"For my little granddrake." Said Celestia as she walked into the home followed by Twilight and the others.

"Celestia?" Asked everyone other than Pinkie.

"Yes, hello girls, I'm sorry I'm late, I had some extra baggage." Celestia shot Twilight and the others a glare. But she removed her golden yoke and showed that underneath it was her sunstone necklace from Spike's first Hearth's Warming. "Now, where is Spike?"

"He's upstairs with Mother Mouse and Harry." Said Fluttershy, Celestia nodded as she walked up the stairs to see Spike, leaving Twilight, Sunburst, and Moondancer alone with Spike's mothers.

"Um, hi." Said Twilight, she was really confused on why they were here, who they were, and why they could just call the Princess, Celestia.

But Pinkie gave her a smile. "So how have you been Twilight, oh, did you like last year's cookies, Misses Cake let me go big last time." Pinkie had been delivering cookies to Twilight every year, and each year they had gotten better and better. Last year, Pinkie made a single cookie the size of a filly and delivered it to the observatory.

"Wait, you're the pony that's been doing that?" Asked Moondancer, she loved those cookies, and they never made it past the new year.

Pinkie nodded. "Sure am, but aren't you guys a little early, I'm pretty sure that Mister Writer didn't plan this to happen until we caught up?"

The writer sighed. "Pinkie, I thought I took those powers away?"

But Pinkie didn't respond. "Ok, maybe it was a fluke?" She didn't do anything. "Ok, then how did she know that?" Tad2 looked back at the whole story and found that she had been delivering cookies. "Ok, I'm just going to chalk that one up as Pinkie...being...Pinkie. Ok how did she do that, I got to end this story soon, I'm losing my mind." So with that existential question left unanswered it was back to writing.

"Pinkie, lets leave Mister Writer alone for now." Suggested Fluttershy, she always assumed that it was her imaginary friend. She looked at Twilight and her friends. "Sorry about her, she can get a little Pinkie at moments. I'm Fluttershy, and welcome to my home."

"Right, sorry, I'm Twilight Sparkle, this is Moondancer, and Sunburst, and thank you for having us." Said Twilight.

"SORRY!" Yelled Spike from upstairs. All the girls sighed, it was the uncontrollably volume shifts.

"Who was that?" Asked Sunburst.

"That was Spike, he's not doing well right now." Said Pinkie as she was upset that this was happening to him.

Upstairs, Celestia just dodged a fire burp that was going to burn her mane. "i'm sorry grandma, are you ok?" Asked Spike in a quiet tone.

Celestia had a hard time hearing Spike, but she could tell that he was sorry. "It's ok Spike, I'm not hurt." She nuzzled his head. "Oh, you poor thing, but don't worry, at the rate you're going, this will all be over soon."

Spike nodded as he looked at Celestia. "Thank you for coming grandma, but what's happening?"

"Sweetie, you're growing up right now, it's a few years over due, but you're going through a part of a dragon's life called the Molt. You're already in stage 3, going off the fire burp I just dodged, that only leaves one more stage, and for that one, all you need to do is just stay safe."

Spike nodded, but he was worried that his mamas were going to get hurt. "Will Mamas be ok?" Suddenly there was a loud crash coming from down stairs. "What was that? Harry, lets go check it out." Harry nodded as he grabbed Spike and ran down stairs. Celestia sighed as this was not going to end well.

Downstairs, Twilight was running in fear of the mothers. "You asked me how I knew the princess, what did I say?" Asked the scared mare.

2 minutes ago, Twilight was trying to find something to talk about. "So, how do you all know the Princess?"

"Well that's complicated, but we've known her for a long time now. What about you?" Asked AJ.

"Oh, well I was an applicant at her school for gifted unicorns, where I had to hatch a dragon egg of all things. But some how I did and she appointed me as her student." Twilight then hummed. "I do sometimes wonder, what ever happened to that dragon?" She looked to all the girls and noticed that each of them were about to kill her. "Um...Why are you all giving me those looks?" Rarity then levitated the coffee table with her magic. "You know what, I'll ask again later." Said Twilight as she ran for her life.

When Spike and Harry came running down to see what was happening, the scene he saw was very confusing. "Mamas why are you chasing her?" Asked Spike.

Everyone looked to Spike. "Spike, what are you doing out of your room?" Asked Fluttershy, she was carrying a pan ready to hit Twilight with it.

"Mommy, I heard a loud crash, now answer my question." He didn't like seeing his mothers angry, and short of his sorta cousin Dumpling, this was the maddest he had seen them.

"Ok, so everyone is seeing the dragon on the bear right?" Asked Sunburst. Moondancer nodded at the question.

"Wait, did she just call you Spike?" Asked Twilight.

"Hey, stay away from our son." Growled Rainbow, she was upset that Twilight was so forgetful to forget that she named Spike.

"Rainbow, please calm down and allow me to explain?" Asked Celestia, she knew this day would come, but she never thought it would happen like this.

Harry walked over to the couch and got protective of Spike. Not only Fluttershy, but all of the mares were angry, meaning he was sure that something was bad about the new ponies. All of the girls got very close to Spike. "Sweetie, I want you to remember that no matter what, we are still your mothers, and that we are always going to be." Said Pinkie.

Spike smiled at hearing that. "THANKS MAMA!" Yelled Spike. But the girls understood this was a symptom of the molt, so they all hugged him.

Celestia sighed as she took a seat in a chair. "Twilight, Sunburst, Moondancer, please come sit down and I'll explain all of this." They all took a seat on the other side of the coffee table that Rarity put down. "So, Spike, I want to tell you that I know why you were left in the Everfree." Everyone gasped as they looked at Celestia. But all the girls were growling. "Yes, I deserve the looks. Spike, 11 years ago, I was letting the newest set of possible students try and demonstrate their magic, on a seemingly dead dragon egg. I was sure that egg was dead, that was until I learned that it was not. I came into the exam room and found a massive dragon standing in most of it, and a filly having a magical surge. So once that situation was handled, the massive dragon that was in the room was in fact a little dragon that was magically grown. Sweetie, dragons are very protective of younglings, and if it was found out that a dragon was hatched outside of the dragon lands, it could have ended in a war. So before something happened, I used a spell to put you to sleep before you imprinted on me or Twilight. I took you to my room in the castle, and wrote a letter to who ever would find you. Once I gave you your name, I placed you in a basket and placed a few gems in it, and I asked a guard to take you to the edge of the dragon lands, in hope that you would be taken in by a wonderful family. But the guard that I assigned was a coward, and he decided to avoid the possibility of seeing a dragon, so he turned away from his mission and decided to leave you in the forest." Celestia was waiting for the anger.

"GRANDMA!" Yelled Spike, Celestia winced, she was sure Spike was angry at her, but she was surprised when she felt Spike's arms around her neck. "it's ok Grandma, I don't care, I love you, I love mamas, and I love my family."

Celestia started crying at how such a sweet dragon, that went through so much loss on his first day of life, could grow up into such a great grandson. She wrapped her legs around Spike as she just kept crying. "Spike, I'm so sorry, I should have told you the truth, can you forgive me?"

Spike nodded. "I don't have to."

Celestia smiled as she kissed Spike's forehead. "Such a great dragon."

Spike covered his mouth and looked away from Celestia. He then opened his mouth and burped out a massive fire burp. "Sorry, this is really annoying."

Celestia laughed at how nonchalant Spike was about that. "It's fine Sweetie." Once Celestia was done laughing, she looked to Twilight and smiled at her. "Twilight, I would like to introduce you to Spike. Spike this is my student, Twilight, she's the one that hatched your egg, so she's kinda your mother."

Spike smiled. "Sorry about this, I'm kinda having a moment, but I'm pretty sure that you missed 11 hatch days." Everyone was surprised that Spike was taking the fact that he was meeting the one who hatched him so well. "It's nice to meet you Twilight. I guess, I owe you a lot for hatching me and letting me meet my Mamas." Spike out stretched his claw.

"Oh my Celestia, it really is you." Said Twilight as she took the hand in her hooves. "You got so big."

Spike laughed at the comment. "I guess so, but you should of been here for my first hatch day, I was bigger than Grandma Celestia."

"Yeah, speaking of that, why do you keep calling the Princess, Grandma?"

"Um...because she is my grandma?" Asked Spike confused. "DUCK!" He yelled as he could feel a burp coming. Everyone ducked as Spike burped out a large fireball that was aimed right at Moondancer. "Sorry, is everyone ok?" Everyone nodded so Spike walked over to Moondancer and smiled at her. "Sorry about that, I'm going through a phase." Spike then noticed that he did singe her mane. "Hold on let me just..." Spike licked his claws and put out the flame. "There, don't want a beautiful mare as yourself, to have a messed up mane."

Moondancer blushed as she was never called beautiful. "Um... thanks."

"no problem." Said Spike in a near silent tone.

Sunburst looked to Celestia. "Princess, I remember reading about this in an old scouting report, is he going to molt?"

Celestia nodded. "Yes, but why were you reading scouting reports, they are locked away in the library?"

"Oh look, no one is talking to the bear, he must feel left out." Said Sunburst, he was curious, and wanted to learn some spells that were used long ago. So after waiting for the guard stationed at the entrance of the section of the library to leave, he snuck in.

Spike looked at Harry, he shrugged and started growling and snorting. "Really, then why didn't you say something?" More snorting and growling. "But you know I love to talk to you, and I can translate just as good as mommy?" Harry sighed as he started talking. "Ok, Grandma, Harry is upset to learn about me, but you had the best intentions at heart, he was a similar case, when he was a cub his mother was protecting him from a hydra, and after running away he found a new den to live in and a new mother to take care of him. He loves his mothers, and even if he wished he never lost his birth mother, he is happy to know that her life was able to give him a new one." Spike blinked as he looked at Harry. "Harry, I'm so sorry." Spike gave the large bear a hug, and Harry returned the embrace.

"Wow, who knew a bear was such a complex creature?" Asked Twilight. Spike, Fluttershy, and Harry raised their hoof and claws. "Right, sorry, but quick question, how did Spike do that?"

"Oh, I took after all my mamas, I can talk to animals like Mommy, I'm strong like Ma, I can find gems like no other, like a spell Mother developed, I can't fly like Mom, and I can do this." Spike turned around and messed with his face, but once he turned around he was nothing like what he was a moment ago.

Pinkie giggled as she pushed Spike back so she could fix his face. "Sweetie, not now ok?" Once she was done, Spike looked back to normal.

"Well, that and I learned how to do this!" Spike walked over to Fluttershy and started digging into her mane.

"Spike, what are you doing?" Asked Fluttershy, she was really confused.

"Sorry, Mommy, but I got it." Spike pulled out the party cannon, and fired off a single alligator. "Gummy, say hi to everyone."

Gummy looked into Twilight's eyes. "Spike, why do I hear voices in my head, and no I do not know the meaning of life."

Spike sighed as he pulled Gummy away. "Sorry, he has a bad habit of doing that. Gummy, what did I tell you last time?" Gummy moved his eye and the connection was broken. "Good Gummy, now why don't you head into the bath?" Spike placed Gummy on Pinkie's mane and he sunk down into the void.

Pinkie looked at Spike and she started to cry. "That's my boy." She was so proud of him for becoming just like her. She then took a sniff of the air. "Ew, Spike I think it's bath time for you as well."

Spike raised his arms and took a sniff. "Ok, I don't smell anything."

But while Spike didn't smell anything, everyone else did. Harry ran away from his friend, while Rarity gave everyone a clothes pin to help. "Spikie, I think you've hit stage 4. That means it's time for you to go upstairs and hide. Let Mamas take care of this, ok?"

"But what if you get hurt?"

"Sweetie, we'll be just fine, besides, I'm more worried about what we do to the big meanies that try and come get you." Said Pinkie as she gave Spike a hug.

"Oh, I hope we don't hurt them too bad, but I will not let them get close to Spike." Said Fluttershy, she was conflicted, but she didn't want her son to get hurt.

"Besides, harvest season is coming up soon, no way are we going to miss that." Said AJ as she gave Spike's back a pat.

"Spike, we'll take care of this in no time flat, and I'm sure that I'll make this molt 20% cooler just by being here." That was the best he was going to get from Rainbow, but he still understood the message.

Celestia nuzzled Spike's cheek. "Don't worry Sweetie, Grandma still needs to show you something, but it will have to wait until this is all over." She then kissed Spike's forehead.

"Thanks Grandma, I love you."

"I love you too Spike." She looked to her student. "Twilight, Moondancer, Sunburst, go join the front lines and keep a look out for anything." They all nodded and walked outside.

"Front lines?" Asked Spike.

Pinkie nodded. "Spike, did you really think that it was just us?" Spike nodded. "Oh, Spike, you silly little dragon."

Outside was everyone in town, the message that Gummy sent was simple. 'Spike is going to be in trouble, please help.' This sent a wave throughout the town. Mayor Mare was standing right by Granny Smith. "Thank you for coming Mayor." Said Granny.

"Not much of a choice. That little dragon has changed this town for the best, and no way are any of us going to let that change." She was standing right out in front of a mob of ponies ready to defend the town dragon.

"PINKIE!" Yelled all the girls, that was not how it went down at all.

"What, the story was just getting good?"

"Pinkie, that was not what happened." Said Rainbow, she moved the mare and took a seat on Spike's bed. "Sorry about that Spike, you know Pinkie, she loves to make stories grandiose."

Spike nodded as he laughed. "Yeah, so what really happened?"

Rainbow smirked. "Well, after you went up stairs..."

Rainbow flew out from the house and started fighting off rocs, hydras, Timberwolves. And the story was cut short because this as an obvious lie.

AJ sighed as she grabbed Rainbows tail and started dragging her from the bed. "Pot, meet kettle." Said AJ as she tossed Rainbow into the corner with Pinkie.

She got next to Spike, and smiled at him. "Here, let me tell you what really happened. So once you went upstairs..."

All the girls stood right outside the door and saw who really came to help, it was all their families, and some towns ponies. They were all going to protect Spike, he was their family, and their friend. Celestia looked at the small group and smiled at them. "Ok, I want unicorns to use shield spells and for those who know it, magic blasts. Earth ponies, I want you all on pushing anything back. Pegasie, you are on distraction, give us an opening to push them back. We are all here for one reason, and that reason is in that house, the most vulnerable he will ever be in his life. The molt is a time that will bring much change to Spike, so lets show him that this family is going to change with him."

Spike looked at Applejack. "Ma, I'm pretty sure that Grandma didn't rally the whole family for this?"

AJ smiled as she nuzzled his head. "Sorry Sugar Cube, I'm not lying."

Soon everyone heard a screech coming from above. "Rocs, Pegasie, keep them away from the house." Rainbow, Fluttershy, Bow, Windy, and even Posy flew up to distract the Rocs. "Unicorns, stun spells." Celestia lit her horn up and was about to fire, but just as soon as the roc came, it left. "Um... What?" Asked Celestia, she was sure that something was going to happen, but the beast flying away before the fight even started was not one of them.

"Rocs, are easy like a kitten in a box, if one just uses enough feral sock." Said Zecora as she walked out of the forest holding a large sack on her back.

Everyone looked at the zebra, and this was raising many questions, but Pinkie being Pinkie just smiled it off. "Zecora, what are you doing here?" Pinkie then stopped and turned green. "And why do you smell so bad?"

"Feral sock, when brewed into repellent, makes many feel like they ate a rock. But I came by, in hopes to not let anyone die." She tossed the sack on the ground and started handing out smaller bags. "Everyone, place these around the home, all of it will form a dome. To send all that desire a dragon snack right back."

Celestia walked over to Zecora. "I see, I was confused when I got a report of a zebra traveling across Equestria."

Zecora bowed her head. "Yes, I decided to change my view, but I like potions to brew, so the one place that holds more than even you, is the place I wish to stew."

"Very well, just please be careful, the Everfree is not the safest place in the world. But how do you know Spike?"

"Happenstance is a funny thing, he bumped into me while shopping. But once the scratching started, I darted to my home to craft. This was the result, an assault against all that might make us revolt."

Celestia smiled at seeing that Spike had grown so much on someone only after meeting them for a moment. "Thank you Zecora, I am in your debt for keeping Spike safe."

But before Zecora could respond everyone was shocked when they heard Spike scream. "AHH!" Yelled Spike in fear.

"SPIKE!" Yelled all the girls as they ran into the home to check on Spike. This prompted everyone else to do the same.

"SPIKE!" Cried Fluttershy as she busted down her own door to check on Spike.

"Mommy, help!" Cried Spike as his legs were encased in some stone like substance. Fluttershy ran to Spike and tried her best to pull the stone off.

"Don't worry Spike, I'm going to get this off." Said Fluttershy as she was being pulled by AJ and Rainbow, who were being pulled by Rarity and Pinkie. But nothing they did was working. "Sweetie, it's not coming off."

Zecora walked in and sighed. "I'm not surprised, but please all sigh. This is a shell that forms, that brings upon the transform."

Spike looked at Zecora. "You know what's going on?"

Zecora nodded. "I do young Spike, in my home this was a known sight. Normal to who are of your kind, but one strange to those not inclined. Though take a big breath, for to us it will look like death." Said Zecora as she watched the stone start to creep up Spike's body.

"Mama's, I love you all." Said Spike as he felt it reach his head.

"We love you too Spike." Said all the girls as Spike took a large breath.

Soon Spike's head was incased in the stone and the room went silent. Fluttershy looked at Zecora. "Um... Zecora, how long will he be in that?"

"It depends on many things, hours to minutes, it could be, but once it is done, we will know, though do not crowd him, for he might grow."

All the girls nodded as they stood next to Spike. They each placed their hooves onto Spike's chest. "Don't worry Spike, your Ma is here, just like any Apple would."

"So am I Spike, we're Dashs, meaning that we are going to be there for each other, and right now you need it."

"I can't wait to see you Spike, I have a ton of parties planned, and I'm going to need my best assistant to help." Said Pinkie as her mane started to deflate.

"Spikie, remember, you promised that we could go gem hunting, so once you're back, lets get our gear and head to the caves." Said Rarity as she was crying, not caring that her mascara was running.

"We're all here for you Spike, and I know that this will just make you better." Said Fluttershy. "Right girls?" They all nodded. "We love you Spike."

The stone started to crack, and all the girls gasped. The crack grew and grew until there was a large flash of light that blinded all the girls.

Once the light died, Spike groaned. "Uh, what happened?" He looked around and saw all of his mothers looking at him with wide eyes and dropped jaws. "Mamas?"

Spike moved over to them and started waving his claw in their faces. "Hello, Mamas."

Spike sighed as he really didn't know what to do. "Dang, now would be a great time for Mister Writer."

"Spike, look behind you." Said Tad2, he gave Spike the ability to hear him, just before he took it back.

"Thanks Mister Writer." Said Spike, he looked to his back and copied his mamas expressions. Attached to Spike's back were 2 purple wings with green webbing. But the silence was broken when Spike cheered. "I GOT WINGS!" Cheered Spike.

All the girls blinked, the outburst broke their concentration, and the first thing they did was Pinkie ran out of the room to get the supplies for Spike's 'I got wings' party. She was so happy that this was happening. "Ok? Mamas I got wings." Spike smiled as he showed his wings.

Celestia smiled as she walked into the room. "I heard from Pinkie, congratulations Spike." She walked over to Spike and nuzzled his head.

Spike smiled as he gave Celestia a big hug around her neck. "Thanks Grandma."

Spike was then picked up by Celestia and carried outside. All the girls watched as Celestia was stealing their son. "Um... should we go after her?" Asked Fluttershy. AJ, Rainbow, and Rarity all nodded at the idea.

Once outside, Spike was standing next to Celestia, and he was confused on what they were going to do. "Grandma?"

Celestia giggled as she looked at Spike. "Spike, give me one moment, I haven't used this spell since I was little." She started concentrating and her horn started flickering. But Spike was watching as Celestia's white wings started changing into white dragon wings. Celestia huffed as that took a lot out of her. "Whew, that was a lot easier with Luna."

Approximately 2678 years ago. A pair of little alicorns were messing around with some transformation spells. "Oh, Luna look, we can have dragon wings." Said a filly Celestia.

"No those are more like bat wings." Said a little blue alicorn filly.

"No there dragon wings."

"Bat wings."



"DRAGON and I'll prove it."

"SO WILL I!" Yelled the blue alicorn as they both used the spell together to see which was right. Celestia was right, then they got grounded by their mother for messing with advanced spells at such a young age.

Celestia smiled at the memory. 'It's almost time Luna, I hope this works.' Thought Celestia. She looked at Spike and smiled at him. "Ok, who's ready for his first flying lesson?"

Spike gasped as he was so ready to learn to fly. "Me!"

Celestia giggled at Spike's excitement. "Ok, now unlike Pegasus wings, Dragon wings are more suited for distance, meaning that starting slow is the key to staying up." Celestia started flapping her wings and she started gaining lift. "To start flapping you need to forget about making them move, you just need to let it happen. The wings are a part of you now..."

"COME ON GRANDMA!" Cried Spike, he was already above her and flying around.

Celestia looked to the purple dot in the sky. "Wow, that was a lot easier than I thought." She started to fly over to Spike as she was laughing at just taking a fly in the sky with her grandson.

"Ok, so why am I here?" Asked Spike.

"Yeah, that's on both of us Sweetie, I forgot that it took me a few tries to build up the muscles to fly for a long time, and you just jumped into it. You got a wing cramp and plummeted to the ground." Said Celestia.

"So, I've been in a coma for a week, because I crashed? But Mister Randolph told me that I could survive a fall like that when I was 6."

Celestia nodded. "Yes, but that's not why you are here. After your crash, Spike, I brought you back to Fluttershy's house and we had a party to celebrate you getting wings. Where Pinkie pulled Twilight into helping her bake."

"Ok add 2 cups of flower, 3 eggs, some baking powder and lastly some yummy gems for Spike." Said Pinkie, as she was baking cupcakes. Twilight nodded as she added the ingredients, she had never tried baking and so far it seemed to be going fine. "Oh, don't forget the half cup of milk."

"On it." Said Twilight as she pulled a gallon of milk out of the fridge and poured in a half cup of milk, but she didn't check the expiration date, which was today, and it was bad. The moment Twilight added the milk, evil glowing eyes formed, but before anyone could notice, Pinkie started mixing the batter.

"Perfect, I can't wait for Spike to eat his cake." Said Pinkie as she poured the batter into the pan and popped it into the oven.

"So I was knocked out for a week just because I ate some bad cake?"

"Not exactly." Said Rainbow.

"FOOLS, THANKS TO YOU ALL, I CAN FINALLY HAVE MY REVENGE ON THE ORANGE JUICE!" Yelled a possessed Spike. He had eaten the cake and the evil entity took over.

"Nope." Said AJ as she got behind Spike and bucked his back.

"You bucked me into a coma?" Asked Spike as he looked at his Ma.

"Nope." Said AJ as she wasn't what caused all this.

"Then what did happen?"

Fluttershy giggled. "You tripped on your tail and fell down the stairs."

"So me and Shy rushed you over to the hospital." Said Rainbow.

"And that is why I've been out for a week?"

"Sorry Spikie, you came around about an hour later, but that is why you are in the hospital." Said Rarity as she brought Spike some water.

Spike took the water and took a sip. "Ok, then why was I out for a week?"

"Oh, you were just asleep." Said Pinkie. "Turns out that molting is really hard work, and you fell asleep in here a week ago."

Spike sighed as he placed his water on the table. "I'm going back to bed." Said Spike as he just wanted to go to bed.

Celestia giggled as she gave Spike a kiss. "Sure, but do wake up in a little while?"

Spike snored as he let his tongue out. "Love...you."

"Love you too Spike." Said all the girls as the whole group left the room.

Author's Note:

That's it, the last chapter is going to be out on 6/13

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