• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,635 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Apples Together, Family Forever.

Everyone walked back into the living room. Nothing had changed, the sofa was still there, Apple Bloom was still in her play pen, a pale fuchsia unicorn mare with a gray indigo beehive hairdo, and a gray unicorn stallion with a brown mane and mustache, were standing in the door way. Yep nothing out of the ordinary.

"Mommy, Daddy?" Asked Rarity in shock.

The two ponies looked over at their filly. "Rarity!" Said the two as they gave their daughter a hug. "So this is where you ran off to." Said the mare, Cookie Crumbles.

"We were so worried about you. One minute your in your room, getting upset about the outfits for the school's play, and the next you were getting dragged out of the house by your horn." Said the stallion, Hondo Flanks.

Rarity nodded. "Yeah, I don't know what happened, but I found a giant rock filled to the brim with gems."

"Geode." Said Pinkie.

Rarity nodded. "Giant geode... I ran as fast as I could back to the house to finish the designs, but I ran into AJ, turns out she was headed back to Ponyville." Said Rarity.

Hondo and Cookie looked over to the filly in question. "Its great to see you again, Dearie." Said Cookie. Hondo nodded.

"You too, Mrs. Cookie, Mr. Hondo." Said AJ. Spike was still squirming around in her arms. She looked down at Spike. "Oh, sorry Spike, let me put you down in the play pen." Said AJ as she walked over to the pen and carefully placed him down on the floor with his aunt.

Hondo and Cookie looked at the dragon in shock. "Is that?" Asked Cookie.

Hondo nodded. "It is dear."

Rarity walked over to her parents. "Yes, that is a dragon, his name is Spike, and he is my son." Said Rarity.

Normally Hondo and Cookie were open minded ponies, but finding out that their filly was already a mother and to a dragon no less was a little to open minded for them. They promptly passed out.

Granny sighed. "I'll grab some smelling salts." Said the old mare as she walked back into the kitchen.

Spike notice that there was still a him sized hole in the play pen, so he decided to go see who those new strangers that were looking at him were. He crawled out of the pen and over to the passed out mare. He placed both of his hands on the mares muzzle. He pushed her muzzle, but she didn't move. 'Hey, what happened, you were moving a moment ago, come on.' Thought Spike as he tried to push Cookie's muzzle again, but the mare was not moving. Spike got worried, he quickly made his way to Hondo, and tried to make the stallion moved. But again nothing. Spike started to cry as he curled up into a ball. 'No, go away, stay away.' Thought Spike.

Fluttershy noticed what Spike was doing and gasped. She flew straight over to him and picked him up. "Shhhh, it's ok, their fine, their not dead, its ok." Said Fluttershy. Spike looked at his mommy, he stopped crying, but he was still upset.

Pear walked over to Fluttershy. "Flutters was it?"

Fluttershy looked over at Pear and shook her head. "No... that's only a nickname, my name is Fluttershy… your Buttercup right?"

Pear nodded. "I go by that." She then looked to her grandson. "What's wrong with Spike?"

Fluttershy sighed. "Dragons are hatched fully developed, ready to survive in the world. The only way they can do that, is by having an understanding of fear, and more over, an understanding of death. Spike must think that they're dead, and since he is the smallest thing around, he thinks he's next."

Everyone gasped. Fluttershy nodded. "Yes, but it's true." Fluttershy brought Spike to her barrel. "It's ok Spike, nothing is coming to get you, your safe with us." Said Fluttershy in a soothing tone. Spike looked at her, as he wrapped his arms and leg around Fluttershy's barrel.

All the girls gathered around Spike, showing him that he was going to be fine.

Spike looked around at his mommies who were all smiling at him. "Baba." Said Spike while sniffling.

All the girls gasped, but then they sighed happily. "Yeah. Your Babas are here, Spike." Said Rainbow Dash.

Just then Apple Bloom figured out how to use the hole in the pen. She crawled over to her sister, and the others. She gave her sister a hug. AJ chuckled. "So is your Auntie Bloom." Said AJ.

"And us." Said Pear as she, Bright Mac, and Macintosh walked over and joined in the hug.

Fluttershy smiled at Spike. "See, if something want's to get to you, they'll have to go through all of us first."

Author's Note:

Next chapter will deal with Cookie and Hondo.

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