• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,635 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Spikey Pear Pt.1

Spike was sitting in a train cabin with AJ, Pear, Macintosh, Granny, Bright Mac, and Apple Bloom. Yesterday, Pear told the family the truth about who she was, and how her relationship with her father turned sour. To no one's surprise, Macintosh was shocked, along with AJ. Spike didn't care, to him Pear was just Grandma, and as for Apple Bloom, she just turned 8 months old and loved playing with Spike. But that night was weird. But right now, Spike and Pear were the only 2 awake. Spike looked at Pear. "Grandma?"

Pear smiled at Spike, she wanted everyone to rest on the long 10 hour train ride to Van Hoover, but she was thinking too much to sleep. "What's up Spike?"

"Where are we going?" Asked Spike.

Pear sighed as she looked at the horizon, it was starting to snow but the lights of the big city illuminated the sky. "Van Hoover, it’s a large city in the northern part of the kingdom."

Spike nodded. "And we're going to meet more family, right?"

Pear smiled as she picked up Spike. "That's right, but I'm not sure if it will work out well."

Spike hugged Pear. "Will you still be my Grandma if it doesn't?"

Pear smiled as she hugged Spike. "No matter what Sweetie, I am your grandma, that will never change."

Spike smiled at hearing that. "So, should I not call Great Grandpa old too?"

Pear giggled. "Probably a good idea, but the real one to look out for is your great grandma, Pear Slicer, she may be younger than Granny, but Spike, a little advice, never call a mare old, it's very rude."

Spike nodded. "Ok, but how old are you?"

Pear sighed. "Spike, rule number 2, never ask a mare how old she is, but I'm 34, grandpa is 35, and Granny is..."

"Younger than a spring chicken, right?" Asked Spike.

Pear giggled as she nuzzled Spike's head. "You are one smart little dragon."

Spike nodded as he shivered a little, he looked outside and noticed that it was snowing. "Grandma, what's that?"

Pear looked outside. "That's snow Spike, it’s when rain gets really cold and falls to the ground."

Spike shivered as he looked at the snow. "I don't like it, it's too cold."

Pear giggled. "Don't worry Spike, let’s get you dressed in your warm clothes." Pear picked Spike up and walked out of the train cabin, making sure they didn't wake the others. Princess Celestia had the royal dress maker design a full cold weather outfit for Spike. She knew dragons didn't like the cold, and even some could die if exposed to cold conditions for too long. So once Rarity took his measurements, and Spike sent them to Celestia, she had a full body suit made for him and she even added the same magic as his blanket. Pear and Spike walked into the luggage car and found a garment bag with Rarity's cutie mark on it, Spike unzipped it and sitting inside was a large puffy coat and pants for Spike. Pear helped Spike into the pants and then helped him into his jacket. "Better?" Asked Pear, Celestia told Pear that Spike was going to be susceptible to the cold, so she knew the importance of it.

Spike smiled as he nodded. "Very, thank you Grandma."

Pear smiled at Spike as she kissed his head. "You're very welcome Sweetie."

"Ma'am, we're about to pull into Van Hoover Station, please return to your cabin and wait for the instructions to depart." Said a train worker.

Pear nodded as she and Spike walked out of the luggage car and arrived back to their family. "Spike, whatever happens today, don't think any less of me or Grandpa, ok?"

Spike was confused. "Why would I do that, I love you and Grandpa."

Pear smiled at Spike. "We love you too Spike." Said Pear as she saw a farm in the distance.

When the train stopped and they were told they could depart, the apple family left the train and gathered all their luggage, which included a single suitcase and Spike's bag. But it was cold outside so aside from Apple Bloom who was swaddled in a blanket, everyone had a warm hat and a scarf. Spike was sitting on Bright Mac's back and looking around at the large city they pulled into. But now wasn't the time for sightseeing, Hearts Warming was only a week away and Pinkie's family was coming to Ponyville for the holiday. The family walked out of the station and everyone was a little intimidated by the size of the large city. Sky scrapers, large shops, hundreds of ponies walking the streets. Pear took a deep breath and walked to the curb, she waved her hoof and a large carriage pulled by 4 large stallions pulled up to her. She motioned for everyone to hop on, and they did. The back stallion looked at Pear. "Where to Ma'am?" Asked the stallion.

Pear sighed. "The Pear farm on the edge of town." The stallion nodded and informed his crew, once everything was ready, they started running through the streets.

After a 20 minute ride, the cab pulled up to a large fence with a pear cut into the gate. "Grand Pear Farms, that'll be 40 bits."

Pear nodded, but Spike stopped her. "Here, this should cover it." Said Spike as he pulled a tiny pink diamond out of his coat.

The stallion smiled and placed it into his hat. "Thanks, have a nice day." Said the stallion as he ran off.

Pear smiled at Spike. "Thanks Spike, but where did you get that?"

Spike shrugged. "Mother added some snacks before we left town, and Ms. Shine tells me my gems are valuable."

Pear pulled Spike into a hug and snuggled him. "Such a sweet drake, but Spike, please don't do that, I know you like your gems." Said Pear.

AJ smiled at Spike, she walked over to her mother and son and she nuzzled his head. "Spike, that was very nice of you to do, but Ma is right, Rarity wanted you to enjoy your gems."

Spike nodded, but then he sneezed, even with the clothes on, he was still cold. "Grandma, can we get to the house, it's cold."

Pear nodded. "Sure, lets head to the house." Pear walked over to the gate and took a deep breath; she placed a hoof on the gate, but she didn't push it open. Bright Mac and Granny walked next to her and they both placed a hoof on the gate to show that no matter what, they were still a family. AJ, Macintosh, and Spike walked over and did the same, Apple Bloom was too young to understand what was going on, so she just giggled, but the sentiment was there. Pear took a deep breath and pushed the gate open. "Let’s go see my father." Said Pear.

It was a quick walk to a large red house with a green barn nearby. No one was outside, seeing as the harvest season was done, but there was a light on the porch. Pear walked up to the door and knocked, soon an old stallion with a mostly grayed brown mane opened the door. "Hello?" Then he looked at who knocked. "Pear?" Asked the stallion.

Pear nodded. "Hi Pa, can we come in, Spike can't take the cold for long?"

Grand Pear nodded, he hated the Apples, but he still wouldn't turn them away, not in this weather. "Sure, um... your mother is in the kitchen warming up some pear juice for us."

Pear smiled; it was going better than she thought it would. "Thanks Pa." Said Pear as she walked in.

Grand Pear watched as Bright Mac, AJ, Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and a large purple thing walked into the house, but Granny stayed outside. Grand Pear looked at the old mare. "Granny Smith."

Granny glared at Grand Pear. "Grand Pear."

"Stubborn Apple."

"Stuck up Pear." Said Granny.

"Pa, please stop it. Ma, please come in, you'll catch your death if you stay out there." Said Pear.

Granny grumbled as she walked into the house, and Grand Pear closed the door. "Dear, who was it?" Asked Slicer, a deep light green mare with a mane of grayish orange, she walked into the living room with a tray of warm pear juice on her back. She noticed the large group of ponies, but the one that stood out the most was Pear. "Pear?"

Pear smiled at her mother. "Hi Ma." Said Pear.

Slicer placed down the tray and ran over to her daughter. "Pear, I missed you so much." Said Slicer as she pulled her daughter into a tight hug.

Pear started to cry. "I missed you too Ma." Said Pear as she returned the hug.

Spike sneezed again, it was better in the house, but it was still cold. The sneeze brought the family hug to an end. "Oh right. Ma, I'll explain everything, but can Spike have a cup of pear juice to warm him up?" Asked Pear.

Slicer gasped as she grabbed the tray and walked back into the kitchen. Pear sighed. "Hard hot pear juice?" Asked Pear.

Grand Pear nodded. "Yep, perfect for a day like today." Said Grand Pear as he took a seat in front of the family.

Pear Slicer walked back in to the room with a mug of just normal hot pear juice. "Pear, which one is Spike, that sneeze didn't sound good."

Spike walked over to Slicer. "That's me." Said Spike as he sneezed again.

Slicer handed the mug to the weird little purple thing. "Dear, are you alright?" Asked Slicer.

Spike nodded. "Yes ma'am, but I don't have fur like you, so I'm really cold even in this." Said Spike as he grabbed the mug.

Slicer was even more worried. "No fur!? But how?"

Pear sighed. "Ma, I was just about to explain."

Spike sneezed again. "Thank you, Ms. Slicer." Spike then dropped his hood and took a big drink. Both elders’ eyes widened at seeing that there was a dragon in the house.

"Dragon?!" Yelled Grand Pear as he wasn't sure if he needed to get ready to fight.

Spike nodded. "Yep. This is very good by the way." Said Spike as he downed half of the drink in a second.

Pear smiled. "I know, I loved this stuff when I was a filly."

Spike nodded. "I can see why."

Pear looked at her parents. "So, where should I begin?" Asked Pear. Both elders pointed to Spike. "Well, that's a little later, but that is Spike, he is a dragon, my grandson, and you're first great grandson." Said Pear.

Grand Pear looked at Pear and then to Bright Mac, not sure if there was something seriously missing from this equation. "Ok, I'm lost."

Pear sighed. "I told you that he came later. So, after me and Mac got married, and after you moved the farm. I found out that I was pregnant with Macintosh." Pear looked at Mac and motioned him to come meet his grandparents. "Sweetie come say hi?"

Macintosh walked over and waved. "Hi, it's nice to meet you both."

"Then came Applejack, 3 years later." Said Pear.

AJ walked over and nodded. "Hi."

Pear then picked up Apple Bloom. "And just 8 months ago, I had Apple Bloom." Apple Bloom giggled.

Grand Pear looked at all three kids, nothing looked out of the ordinary. "Ok, now where does the dragon come into all of this?" Asked Grand Pear.

AJ growled. "Hey, his name is Spike, not dragon." She hated when ponies called him that, but she calmed down to make sure Spike learned to brush comments like that off.

Pear smiled at seeing that AJ was in control of her anger, Pear looked at her father. "Pa, Spike was adopted by AJ and 4 other fillies back in Ponyville, they found him abandoned in the Everfree."

Grand Pear and Slicer growled, abandoning a child, and a new born no less, was something that made their blood boil. Grand Pear hated that he did the same to Pear, but she was an adult, but even he wouldn't leave anyone in the Everfree. "What kind of creature would abandon an innocent child in such a terrible place?"

Swift flight sneezed. "Gesundheit." Said a sickly looking centaur in the next cell over.

Swift flight nodded. "Thanks, Tirek."

Tirek sneered. "Screw you, I'm pure evil, but even I wouldn't resort to child murder." Swift flight sighed as he went back to rotting in his cell.

Pear nodded at her father’s words. "But Spike was fine, and he's been with us for 5 months now, and he is nothing like the other dragons that we saw every year during the migration."

Slicer sighed as she got close to Spike. "Spike, what has Pear told you?" Asked the mare as she took a seat near Spike, he was a child and he was more likely to tell the truth.

Spike hummed. "Grandma told me that Grand Pear and Granny didn't like each other, but that didn't stop Grandma and Grandpa from loving each other. But Grand Pear wanted to move, but Grandma wanted to stay with Grandpa. Grand Pear got mad and Grandma stayed with Grandpa and Granny." Slicer sighed, that was pretty much how it went down. "But Grandma still loved you, then Grandma told Grandma that Grand Pear was a stubborn fool, who wanted to come see her." Said Spike as he took a smaller sip of his drink.

Grand Pear sighed. "Dra- Spike, who called me a fool?"

Pear sighed; this was going to be a big surprise. "Pa, as hard as it may seem, Princess Celestia is also a grandparent to Spike, and she's the one who told me about how you felt, and how you bought a few dozen train tickets."

Grand Pear blushed, but he sighed. "Ok, yes, I have bought a couple of train tickets, but I chickened out because I didn't know how to talk to you."

Pear sighed, she needed to get her feelings off her chest. "Pa, it's been 10 years, I still didn't like how we left things that day, but I want the kids to get to know you, Ma, and the Pears without the animosity and the stupid feud, that I don't even know how it started."

Granny sighed. "Buttercup, it was a matter of survival when this all started. We Apples were struggling after my mother passed, and to make ends meet we sold off a portion of the farm to Sweet Pear, Grand Pear's mother. Something we had no problem with, but when they transported their trees, the whole apple farm became infected by a dangerous plague that nearly killed all the apples. So, for the next 2 years, we were in just as much trouble as our first few years in the town."

Grand Pear glared at Granny. "You blamed my mother for not maintaining the health of your trees, while you had no proof that it was us."

Granny growled. "Our trees had been prosperous for nearly 2 decades, then you're family arrived and the next thing we knew, our trees were infected, that was all the proof I needed."

Grand Pear growled. "We checked our first orchard when we transported it, no tree was infected, before, or after they arrived."

"WHAT!?" Yelled Pear in the angriest voice she had ever used. "I can't believe this, you're telling me that the whole reason my children don't know my parents, the whole reason why I haven't talked to you for 10 years, and the whole reason why I was taught to hate the Apple Family was because of something that died off before I was even born, something that if you actually acted your ages, could have been resolved easily and was probably something that was because of the Everfree, didn't that possibility ever cross your minds?" Asked Pear.

Granny gulped as she started to defend her actions. "But the apples- No, it was clear that something happened, but instead of thinking about what could have been the cause of all of it, you blame a group of ponies that were just like you. But you're still standing here right now, so what ever happened, has clearly passed." Interrupted Pear.

Grand Pear looked at his daughter as he rubbed his head. "Pear, you don't understand, things were different back then."

Pear glared at her father. "Really, did Celestia raise the sun, was there still food on the table, were we still neighbors that loved our families and did our best for the ponies of Ponyville?" Asked Pear, but she didn't give him a chance to respond. "Nothing was different, the only thing that changed was you 2 letting your pride cloud what made us ponies."

Everyone looked at Pear, her anger was tangible, and she was scaring Spike and Apple Bloom. Both of which were close to crying. AJ noticed how both were acting. "Ma, calm down, you're scaring Spike and Bloom." Said AJ in a stern tone as she tried to calm down her son and sister. "Shh, it's ok, Ma is not mad at you, I'm here."

Pear took a deep breath to calm her anger, it was clear that she was upsetting Spike and Bloom, and that was not how she wanted them to see her. She walked over to Spike and Apple Bloom and lovingly nuzzled them. "I'm so sorry, that was uncalled for, shh." Said Pear in a soothing tone.

Spike wiped his eyes. "Grandma, are you ok?" Asked Spike.

Pear sighed as she looked at Spike's face. "I am, I just got a little upset, but I didn't mean to make you and Bloom upset, I'm sorry."

Spike nodded as he hugged Pears neck. "I love you Grandma." Applebloom hugged Pears face.

Pear smiled at her grandson and daughter. "And I love you both so much." Pear looked at her mother. "Ma, can we stay for the night?"

Slicer sighed. "Sure, we have a few spare rooms, but we don't have a crib for Spike and Apple Bloom."

Pear nodded. "Spike can sleep with AJ and Macintosh, and Bloom can sleep with me and Mac." Slicer nodded as she showed most of the family to where they will stay. Leaving Granny and Grand Pear alone to mull over what Pear said.

Grand Pear sighed as he got out of his chair, he walked over to a few hooks on the wall and grabbed a scarf. "Granny, we need to talk." Said Grand Pear. Granny sighed as she got her scarf on and followed Grand Pear to their barn. Once inside Grand Pear closed the door. "Ok, we don't leave here until we settle this or freeze." Said Grand Pear, he walked over to a bushel of hay, and motioned for Granny to take a seat on an identical one opposite of him. Granny took the seat and the two old ponies looked at each other.

Granny sighed. "Buttercup gets that from you, you old coot."

For the first time in her life Granny heard Grand Pear chuckle. "Trust me, she gets that from my Ma. Thank you for giving her the love I was too stubborn to give her."

Granny sighed. "I love her like she was my own."

Grand Pear sighed; he should've been the one to do that. "And for that I'm thankful."

Granny smiled slightly. "So, about what she said, I agree it was unfair to blame your family for what happened."

Grand Pear nodded. "Thanks, but I want to tell you honestly, my brothers and I checked all 10 dozen trees that comprised of our first orchard, and to us we saw no problems."

Granny nodded. "What Pear said was true, we Apples are prideful, and we didn't have a single problem for 20 years, until your family showed, I didn't even think about the Everfree being the cause."

Grand Pear chuckled. "Stubborn old mare."

Granny chuckled. "Grumpy old Pear." The two laughed at seeing that it was true. "But, getting yelled at by her was actually really telling about how this whole thing started. I'm sorry for Mac running into the water tower and flooding your trees."

Grand Pear nodded. "Sorry for under cutting you're pie sales the year Sunny Core died, we had no right to do that."

Granny smiled. "I'm sorry we undercut your jam sales when Sweet passed, and to be honest you're family's pies were pretty good."

Grand Pear smiled. "Well, my mother's jam recipe didn't hold a candle to Zap Apple Jam."

Granny looked at Grand Pear with a serious expression. "Grand Pear, I'm willing to forget the past, so our grand kids can know you and Slicer, but only if you are willing to do so for their sake as well?"

Grand Pear sighed, he walked to a corner and pulled out a bottle and 2 cups. "This stuff tastes like dirt, but before my Ma passed, she told me that her and Fritter were actually drinking buddies for a short time." Grand Pear placed the bottle on the ground and poured 2 drinks. "We kinda acted like children, and our children acted like adults."

Granny nodded as she took her drink. "Hard Zapple Cider?" Grand Pear nodded. "Dang, this stuff was horrible in the first few years." Granny looked at the drink, it was a dark green and a bright red color. "A bottle of 3rd year?"

Grand Pear nodded. "She told me that it tasted horrible, and I was tempted to toss it when we moved, but I just never did."

Granny smiled. "For the kids." Said Granny as she raised her glass.

Grand Pear laughed as he shook his head. "No, that's the second one, this one is to help my stomach." Said Grand Pear as he took the drink. Granny laughed as she did the same. Both elder ponies coughed at the horrible taste, it tasted like hot sauce, grass, sour milk, and how a timberwolf's breath smelled. Grand Pear looked at the bottle. "Ok, she was right, that tasted horrible." Said Grand Pear as he poured another 2 for the real agreement. He lifted his cup. "Ok , this one for the kids, grand kids, and great granddrake."

Granny nodded. "Sure, for the kids, our grandbabies, and Spike." Said Granny as she and Grand Pear cheered and took another drink. Granny groaned. "I think we decided to use some of Burnt Cedar's barrels the next year and it helped. It still tasted like garbage, but it was better."

Grand Pear laughed. "Really? How is his little colt, Burnt Oak?"

Granny nodded. "He grew a moustache and his voice is much deeper."

Grand Pear chuckled. "What about Chiffon Swirl, how is that little filly doing?"

Granny smiled. "She's married to that lanky colt, Carrot Cake. They run a nice little shop in town, Spike's Mama works with her."

Grand Pear smiled. "So, tell me about Spike, and his mothers, but please tell me about AJ, Macintosh, and Apple Bloom."

Granny nodded. "Spike is just the sweetest thing..."

Author's Note:

Sorry for not posting much, I'm trying to get used to the whole online classes thing, but I've been able to write a ton of chapters for all of my stories.

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