• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,632 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Spikey Pear Pt.2

When morning came around, the blizzard had stopped and it was a bright sunny day, perfect for a young dragons first snow day. But first, they need to get said dragon up. Pear walked into the room AJ, Macintosh, and Spike were sharing while they were staying in her family’s house. She nuzzled Macintosh's head. "Mac it’s time to wake up."

"No." Said Mac as he tried to go back to bed. "Spike kept me up all night." It was true, Spike's snoring was so bad that the eldest of the rooms occupants was up all night.

Pear nuzzled Mac's head. "Sorry baby, why don't I wake up AJ and Spike, and you get some sleep?"

Mac smiled and nodded at the proposition. "Thanks Ma."

Pear kissed Mac's head. "Don't worry, Sweetie." She walked over to the other side of the room where there was a ball of sheets on the bed. 'I swear this girl just loves to make it hard to get her up.' Thought Pear as she started undoing the ball of sheets. Soon she spotted the first hint of purple, it was Spike's tail. Pear carefully grabbed the spaded tip and carefully started pulling the scaly log out of the mess of sheets. Spike was pulled away from the sheets and Pear sighed that she didn't wake up AJ. Ever since Spike had been in the family, AJ had slowly become less hydraish, but she was still bad. She placed Spike down on the other bed with Mac, and she carefully started to untangle her daughter away from the sheets. Soon she began to see orange, meaning that AJ was almost out of the mess. 'One more little pull and she'll be out.' Thought Pear as she gave one more tug at the sheets, freeing her daughter. AJ's mane was a mess, she was sprawled out, and her left hoof was searching for something, probably Spike. Pear giggled at the sight of her daughter, but she carefully lowered her head and nuzzled AJ's. "Come on Sweetie, it’s time to wake up for the day." Pear then proceeded to duck for cover.

AJ groaned as she opened her eyes, there wasn't any flailing around, no hitting, and no problem. "Morning Ma, where's Spike?" Asked AJ as she yawned.

Pear popped her head over the edge of the bed, and she looked at AJ surprised. "Um... He's still asleep, and on Mac's bed." Then they both heard Mac groaning. "Right, Sweetie, Mac didn't sleep well, so we're going to let him rest for the morning."

AJ nodded as she got out of the bed and picked up her still sleeping son. "Come on Sugar Cube, let’s get breakfast."

Spike stirred. "I wanna ruby." Said Spike half asleep.

AJ giggled and nuzzled Spike's head. "Sure, one ruby omelet coming up."

Pear smiled at seeing that AJ and Spike were so in sync. "Good, now let’s head down to the kitchen." AJ nodded as she walked out of the bedroom with Spike. Pear walked over to Macintosh's bed and nuzzled his head. "Sorry Mac, but I still love you."

"Love you too Ma." Said Mac. Pear nodded and walked out of the bed room to let Mac rest.

20 minutes later, Spike was scarfing down his omelet as Grand Pear and Slicer were watching in both surprise and worry about the little dragon’s ability to eat food so quickly without choking. Granny leaned over to Grand Pear. "I told you that he was something special." Said Granny.

Grand Pear looked at Pear. "Pear Butter, can we talk to you for a moment?"

Pear was confused, but she nodded. "Sure Pa." With that, Pear, Bright, Granny, Slicer, and Grand all walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Pear looked at her father. "So, what's wrong Pa?"

Grand Pear looked at Bright Mac. "Bright Mac, first off, I want to say, if you ever think of making my little baby sad, I will hunt you down and make you wish you were never born." Pear and Bright were confused on what was going on. "Second, I forgive you for running into the water tower, and lastly, I know I’m like 10 years too late for this, but I give you my blessing."

Pear looked at her. "Pa?"

Granny smiled as she walked over to Grand Pear. "Buttercup, last night, me and this grumpy old Pear talked about what was best for the kids, and we decided that what’s best is that we start over."

Pear started crying. "So, it's ok that I'm with an Apple?"

"And I'm with a Pear?" Asked Bright Mac.

Both Granny and Grand Pear nodded. "Yes." Said the 2 elders.

Pear looked at Bright Mac. "Bright Mac, I love you."

Bright Mac smiled at his wife. "And I love you Pear Butter." The 2 then kissed.

Granny, Slicer, and Grand Pear smiled. This was probably the first time they ever said those words with such feeling. The 2 pulled back from the kiss and smiled, but Slicer wanted to talk about what was going to happen. "So, Pear, what are you going to do, because I would love to get to know all my grand babies, but if you need to leave today..."

Pear smiled at her mother. "Ma, we are in no rush, we've been planning Hearts warming with Pinkie's family for a month now, and we set everything up before we left. So, we can leave tomorrow."

Slicer smiled widely, and she pulled Pear into a hug. "That's fantastic."

Pear chuckled at her mother’s excitement, but she was starting to lose the ability to breathe. "Ma, choking, not breathing."

Slicer quickly released her daughter and gave a sheepish look. "Sorry, I just haven't gotten to do that in 10 years."

Pear smiled. "It's fine." Suddenly Apple Bloom started crying from the kitchen. "Well, that concludes this edition of adult time." With that all the adults started walking back into the kitchen.

After breakfast, everyone got cleaned up, and Slicer wanted to spend some time with her grandfoal and drake, so after AJ helped Spike into his little suit, Slicer and Granny took Spike and AJ out into the yard to go play in the snow for little while. While Pear, who was still holding Apple Bloom, and Bright Mac talked with Grand Pear about what life was like in Ponyville since they left.

Granny and Slicer were a little too old to play like a young filly. But no one was ever too old to get caught up in a snow ball fight. Slicer was paired with Spike, while AJ was with Granny, both teams were making snow forts, and talking. "So, Spike, how did a dragon end up in Ponyville?"

Spike stopped moving. He didn't know how he ended up in Ponyville, and until now, he never really wondered, all he knew was his Mamas found him and that's it. "I don't know."

Slicer hummed. "Well, it doesn't matter, you're family and it's a blessing that you are." Spike smiled and agreed.

"So, Great Grandma Slicer, Grandma told me not to call you old, but you're younger than Granny and she's really old, just how old is Granny?" Spike figured that since you should never ask a mare her age, asking someone else was ok.

Slicer sighed. "Spike, has Pear told you to never ask a mare her age?" Spike nodded. "Well, here's another rule, never get another mare to tell you that either."

Spike groaned. "But, how is that fair, I'm 5 months old. There, how hard is that?"

Slicer giggled at how innocent Spike see's the world. "Spike, what if I told you that I was 69 years old?" Asked Slicer.

Spike looked skeptical. "Really?"

Slicer shrugged. "I'm not telling, just throwing a question out there." She then nudged her hoof into Spike's side.

But before Spike could question the actions of his great grandmother, AJ announced that they were ready to start. Slicer looked at her partner for the upcoming war. "Are you ready Spike?"

Spike pulled a bandanna out of the little fort and tied it around his head. "I was hatched ready."

30 minutes later, everyone came back into the house, AJ and Slicer were covered in snow, Granny looked more red than green because of the cold, and Spike, well he was pretty sure that he liked snow now, going off the wide smile he had. "That was so fun." Cheered Spike.

AJ smiled that Spike had fun in the snow and he bonded with Slicer. "Well that's great, I'm glad you had fun Spike."

Spike hugged AJ's leg. "Thank you for playing with us Ma."

AJ returned the hug and nuzzled Spike's head. "No problem, Spike."

In the capital city of Canterlot, Princess Celestia was getting the halls of the castle ready for Hearts warming, and she was taking this opportunity to spend some quality time with her family. Well most of her family, Blueblood was complaining about his newest responsibility, looking after Twilight Sparkle during the school year. "Please Auntie, why does it have to be me?" Asked the snooty prince.

But before Celestia could answer, a pink alicorn with a gold, rose, and magenta mane stepped into the conversation. "Blue, what is your deal with Twilight?" Asked Cadance.

Blueblood rolled his eyes. "Cadance, please, all she does is read, she doesn't talk to any of her classmates, she doesn't play with them during recess, and I'm pretty sure she cloned herself, but the colors got messed up."

Cadance giggled. "That's Moondancer, she's a lot like Twilight, and you don't truly know Twilight, she's kind, playful, inquisitive..."

"Has an older brother you like." Said Blueblood.

"Has an older brother that I like." Said Cadance, but then she covered her mouth. "I said that out loud, didn't I?" Both Celestia and Blueblood smirked and nodded. Cadance glared at her cousin. "Not cool Blue."

Blueblood shrugged. "Meh."

Celestia groaned as she was probably the only creature in the world that had to listen to this kinda argument, and she didn't think it could get any worse.

But then it did. "Princess?" Asked a guard as he ran around looking for Celestia.

All three rulers looked at the guard, but Celestia stepped forward. "What is wrong?" Asked Celestia.

The guard looked worried as he stared into the princess’s eyes. "Your Highness, there has been a break in."

All three royals looked at the guard, Cadance was surprised, Blueblood was angry, and Celestia was upset that someone would try and brake into the castle, and during hearts warming no less. "Show me." Said Celestia.

The guard gulped and showed the princess to the site.

Meanwhile, in a middle class home in Canterlot, a certain unicorn filly was playing with her BBBFF, Shining Armor, a teenage colt with cobalt mane, in the back yard of their home. They were making snow ponies. Twilight looked at her abomination of a snowpony, it had 5 legs, one eye, 3 sticks for a mane, one large stick for a horn and either a pair of wings or 2 large growths on its back. "So, BBBFF, how does it look?" Asked the very proud little filly.

Shining Armor smiled at his sister. "It looks great Twily, I don't think a better snowpony of Princess Celestia has ever been made."

Twilight frowned. "It's not Princess Celestia, it's Cadance."

Shining Armor shrugged. "My bad. You know me, I don't get art." Twilight nodded in agreement.

"Kids, are you expecting anything?" Asked their mother from inside the house.

Twilight looked at Shining and both shook their heads, they already got their parents a gift. "NO MOM!" Yelled Twilight.

"But it's addressed to you Twilight?" Yelled the mother.

Both siblings looked at each other and seeing as the snow wasn't going anywhere, they decided to go see what was going on.

Meanwhile again: Pinkie was sitting on the train back to Ponyville, she wiped her forehead with her hoof. "Whew, that's a lot harder than I make it look. But I hope they like their gifts."

Celestia, Cadance, Blueblood, and the guard entered the throne room, and sitting at the bottom step was a box, it was wrapped in pink paper, but it had a purple and green bow on top. The Guard looked to Celestia for an order. "Your highness, what shall we do?"

Celestia sighed as she walked over to the box, she used her magic to lift it to her face.

To: Princess Celestia.

From: Spike & The Girls

PS: Open now, and grab milk.

Celestia smiled at the little gift. "Guard, do not worry, return to your post." The guard bowed and returned to his station.

Cadance and Blueblood walked over to their aunt to see what the box was. "Auntie, were you expecting this?" Asked Blueblood.

Celestia shook her head. "No, but it I'm glad to get it." Celestia used her magic to open the box. Sitting inside was a large tin of cookies, and another note. She levitated the tin to Cadance as she looked at the note.

Dear Princess Celestia.

Hi, this is from Pinkie. With Spike going to see Mrs. Pear's family, I had to run this over to you, I hope you enjoy, and please if you have time, my family is coming to town for the holidays and I would love for you to meet them.

Spike is good, and I am proud of him for helping me and Mrs. Cake last month. But sorry to cut this short, I am writing this while trying to deliver another bunch of cookies.

From Pinkie.

Celestia smiled at the note. "That's sweet of her." She used her magic to roll up the scroll and teleport it to her study. Celestia then turned to her niece and nephew. "Well, let’s not let these go to waste."

Cadance smiled as she started heading to the kitchen for some milk. "Come on Blue." Said Celestia as she lifted Blueblood and started following Cadance.

Twilight and Shining walked into the living room of their home, there was an identical box to the one Celestia got sitting on the coffee table. Sitting behind the box was Velvet and Nightlight. Twilight ran over to the box to see who it was from.

To: Twilight Sparkle

From: I will tell you when you need to know

PS: Open now and get some milk.

Twilight was confused. "Ok, I'm not sure I should open it."

Shining laughed as he ruffled his sister's mane. "Come on Twi, what's the worst that could happen?"

Twilight hummed as she thought of a few dozen things that could happen, but ultimately her curiosity won. Twilight used her magic to open the gift and sitting inside was another tin of cookies and a note. Velvet used her magic to pick up both items.

Dear Twilight and Family, you do not know me, and I don't know you...Yet. Just wanted to thank you for everything, see you in 12 years. PP

Velvet looked at the note and then looked at Twilight. "Sweetie, why is a random pony sending you cookies and vague letters?"

Twilight was just as clueless as the rest, a rarity for her, but it did happen. "No clue, but those cookies do look good."

Shining nodded as he placed his little sister onto his back. "I agree, let’s go get some milk."

Later that night, Spike was sleeping in the fireplace with Grand Pear and Granny watching over him. Granny looked at Grand Pear. "So, anything you want to say to me before we leave in the morning?" Asked Granny.

Grand Pear laughed. "Yeah, Sour Apple."

Granny laughed as well. "Sure, you grumpy old Pear."

The laughter died as the room went silent again. "Thanks for letting me be a part of their lives, I was..."

Granny smiled as she placed her hoof on his shoulder. "An idiot, but even an old pony like you can learn."

Grand Pear smiled as he looked at the sleeping dragon in the fire place, and the reason why he could be a part of his daughter's life again. "So, you want to talk about ponies these days?" Asked the old stallion.

Author's Note:

That's it for the Pears, they will show up one or 2 more times before I finish the story and change it over to Dragon Mothers. That story will follow the show from there on. But next chapter will see the return of the Pies and Celestia meeting them.

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