• Published 4th Oct 2019
  • 6,635 Views, 642 Comments

Dragon's Mommies - TAD2

Spike was sent back to the Dragon Lands right after he was hatched, but what happens when he is found by 5 little fillies

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Apples Together pt.1

The girls had gathered the basket after returning the scroll inside it, and now they were walking out of the forest. Fluttershy had transferred the still sleeping Spike to the back of his strong mommy, Applejack. Once they reached the edge of the forest, Fluttershy smiled at Spike, but then she got worried, and from the look on her face, it was clear the others were worried as well. "So... What are we going to do about Spike?" Asked Fluttershy.

All the girls sighed as they thought about how to respond. "Well, we're near my families farm, lets head there until we get a solid plan together on how to take care of Spike." Said AJ. All the girls nodded at the idea.

They arrived at the farm soon after, and 3 of the five girls were shocked to see the area. As far as the eye could see were apple trees, hundreds of thousands of apple trees. "Girls welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, the lifeblood of the nearby town of Ponyville." AJ looked back at Spike and smiled. "And welcome home, little guy."

Spike still content with his full belly, just snored. AJ giggled at the lackluster reaction of her new son, but that was quickly replaced with worry as a rather large pale olive colored stallion with green eyes and a red mane walked up to his daughter. "AJ, Where you been, I told you to meet me at the train station when you arrived." Said Bright Mac.

AJ sighed as she looked down. "Sorry Pa, but I got some news, can ya'll gather Granny, Ma, and Macintosh, please?" Asked AJ giving her father a big pleading whimper.

Bright Mac sighed. "Ok, dear." Bright Mac looked at all the girls behind his daughter. "Um, howdy, I'm Bright Mac." Rarity waved, Fluttershy was scared so she decided to hide behind Pinkie, who was only giggling, Rainbow Dash groaned at how easily her friend could get scared. Bright Mac looked at his little girl. "So, I see you made some interesting new friends."

AJ chuckled. "Yeah, but that's not all, I'll explain later, ok?"

Bright Mac nodded as he walked away to get the rest of the family. AJ looked at the girls. "Ok, let's head to the house." Said AJ.

Five minutes later. AJ and the girls walked into the Apple household, in the room was a large green couch, a well-worn rocking chair, and a whole lot of pictures of the extended Apple Family, but in the middle of the room was a small playpen. In the playpen was a little foal no bigger than Spike, with a big pink bow in her red mane. AJ walked over to the pen and smiled at the foal inside. "Hey little sis, how are you holding up?" Said AJ. The Foal looked up at her big sister and giggled. AJ chuckled. "I missed you too, Apple Bloom." Said AJ as she reached around her back and carefully picked Spike up. "Bloom, I got some news, your an aunt." She lowered Spike down so Apple Bloom could look at Spike. "See this little guy here, his name Spike, he's part of the family now, but he has already had a day and he's sleepy." Apple Bloom tried to reach for Spike, thinking he was a new toy, but she couldn't reach him.

Just then A gamboge mare with turquoise eyes and a head full of large curly hair walked into the living room, she was followed by a red colt with an orange mane, and behind him was a very elderly light green mare with a gray mane, and the last to enter was Bright Mac. "AJ!" Cheered Pear Butter as she tried to pull her daughter into a hug.

But AJ stopped her. "Ma, hold up, I got some stuff to say before I can hug you." Said AJ.

Pear was a little taken aback by her daughter, but she nodded. "Ok dear, you know you can tell us anything."

AJ nodded. "Well first, I missed you all. Next, I need to tell you guys that we have some new additions to the Apple Family."

Pear nodded. "If you're talking about your new cousin Babs, we already know about her."

AJ shook her head. "Not Babs, I'm talking about my son, Spike." Said AJ. Bright Mac passed out hearing that his daughter was already a mother.

Granny sighed as she walked over to her son and propped him back on his hooves, once he was back on his hooves, Granny gave him a swift hoof to the back of the head. "Get a grip there sonny, she's way too young to have a foal."

AJ sighed, as she reached for Spike but all she felt was her back. AJ became worried. "SPIKE!?" Yelled AJ. She looked at the girls. "Girls, where's Spike?"

All the girls panicked when they heard that Spike was already missing. Rainbow Dash flew around the room, as Rarity used her magic to levitate all the ponies in the room one by one to make sure they didn't sit on him, Fluttershy was crying for her son, and Pinkie was just giggling at Apple Bloom. The room was in a state of chaos, the adults were confused by what the heck was happening. AJ and the girls minus Pinkie were acting like it was the end of the world, but the moment they noticed the pink filly in the room was giggling at the youngest of the Apple family the whole room fell silent. AJ and the girls walked over to Pinkie, they were upset that she wasn't freaking out as much as she should have been. But then they looked into the playpen, that now had a Spike sized hole in the side. Inside of the pen was Spike, safe and sound, next to him was Apple Bloom, and they were doing the most adorable thing they ever saw. Spike was asleep, with Apple Bloom snuggling up to him, as she was struggling to stay awake herself. "AWE!" Said all the girls.

All the adults and Mac walked over to the pen and looked at the sight in front of them. Spike yawned and the sound of another AWE sounded, but this was the second disturbance to make the dragon wake up and he was not happy. Spike opened his eyes and he saw 4 new strangers looking at him. He was not with his mommies and he was being looked at strangely. There was only one option for Spike. He started to cry, wanting to be by his mommies, and not the strangers.

AJ saw Spike crying, she quickly picked Spike up from the playpen, as she cradled Spike in her arm. "Shhh, don't worry, mommy's here, its ok Spike, I'm sorry that we woke you up." Said AJ as she rocked Spike in her arm. Slowly he stopped crying and started to giggle at the fun new motion he was experiencing. AJ smiled at Spike. "See, there's my happy little dragon." But then Spike's stomach growled again. AJ Sighed. "You must be an Apple, you already have the stomach of one." Said AJ, she looked to Fluttershy who still had the basket in her hooves. "Fluttershy, what kinda gems are in the basket, Spike is hungry again."

Fluttershy looked in the basket. "He has a good-sized piece of Brazilianite, it's super soft." Said Fluttershy as she gave Spike the gem, which he immediately started to suckle, enjoying the new and very yummy taste. AJ decided to place Spike on the floor so he could enjoy his lunch. She looked at her Family.

"So, guys, I would like to introduce you all to Spike, our son." Said AJ as all the girls got to the side of her.

Author's Note:

So how are the Apples going to react to Spike?

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