• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,788 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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11. Almighty Dragon! Royal Genesis!

The Dazzlings, Leon, Gabby, and Aaron all took cover from the storm. Adagio was currently trying to fix her hair while Leon and Gabby kept staring at each other. Sonata and Aria had gone into Leon's house and asked his mom if they could call Sunset to tell them they were ok.

'It just had to rain, didn't it?' Adagio looks in the window, at her hair to see that it was just the way she liked it. 'There we go, perfect!' Just then her hair goes back in a big puff of craziness. Adagio sighed. 'Dang it.'

"Once this storm is over we'll have our battle. Get ready to be defeated, because I will beat you." Gabby said with a smirk. She was already starting her trash talk with Leon and the battle had yet to begin.

"I wonder what's bigger? Your ego or that mouth of yours." Loen sighed. "Fine, I'll take you on. But don't cry once I'm the one that beats you." Leon said as she glared at her. He was still mad at her for interrupting his battle against the Dazzlings. 'We might be somewhat friends with each other, but we're not friends in the ring.' Leon thought as he looked at Gabby.

Just then Sonata and Aria come back outside, looking for Adagio.

"Adagio! We called mom, she knows we're ok." Sonata said, running towards Adagio. Adagio wasn't paying much attention because she was still trying to fix her hair.

"Yeah, yeah. That's amazing Sonata, now if you mind I'm having a life crisis right now." Adagio said trying to fix her hair.

"You love your hair way too much, you know that?" Aria asked Adagio. Adagio just shrugged her shoulders at Aria's remark, she didn't really care, all that mattered was fixing her hair right now.

"And you love those dresses too much, huh?" Adagio looks in the mirror to see her hair completely fixed, she then turns back to Aria with a smirk.

Aria blushes and looks away with her arm crossed. Just then the storm dies down, everyone looks up to see the sun finally coming back out. And now that the storm was over, Leon and Gabby got up and walked toward the stadium, Aaron and the Dazzlings start to follow them to the stadium but Sonata stops Adagio.

Adagio looks at Sonata confused. "Do you need something Sonata? I kinda want to see this battle and watch Gabby get beat by Leon."

Sonata started fiddling with her fingers, she had a small blush on her face. She then asks in Adagio in a small voice. "Uh... what happens now? I didn't win but didn't lose either... so?"

Adagio understands what Sonata is talking about and shook her head. "We'll talk about this later, but you gave that battle your all, I'm proud of you. If Gabby didn't get in the way you might have won, now come on let's go watch this match."

"Yeah!" Sonata said with a smile. She was glad that Adagio praised her.

Leon and Gabby look at each other across from the stadium, a fire in both of their eyes. Aaron was in the middle of the stadium, the Dazzlings guessed he was going to be the referee for the battle.

"Listen, this will be a first to two points. A Survivor Finish and a Ring-Out Finish are one point, and a Burst Finish is worth two points. Bladers get ready!"

Leon gets into place while Gabby shows off her Bey to the Dazzlings and Leon. "This is my Bey! Royal Genesis! It's a clockwise spinning Defense Type!" Gabby then smirked. "And that means I have the advantage against your Luinor."

Leon smirked. "Looks like a Bey worth crushing, hope you're ready to lose."

"Listen closely I have a prediction." Gabby said, with a smirk on her face.

Leon looks at Gabby in confusion. "Is that so?"

Gabby smirked and nodded her head. "Your precious Zone Luinor will not be able to leave even a scratch on Royal Genesis."

Leon starts laughing at Gabby's remark. "That's hysterical, let's see that happen when I beat you."

Aaron watched Leon and Gabby and decided to make the call. "Now Bladers, get ready and set!"

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled and with that Luinor and Genesis land at the stadium.

Both pass each other, barely missing hitting. Genesis takes the center while Luinor rushes around the stadium looking for a chance to strike. Luinor then hits Genesis and... the attack does nothing?

"What the heck?" Leon was confused as to what happened.

"Luinor's attack did nothing to Genesis, what's going on?" Sonata asked, looking at her sister to see if they had an answer.

Adagio looked at the scene. "So that's what Gabby meant by Luinor not being able to land a scratch on Genesis."

Luinor keeps trying to hit Genesis with a flurry of hard blows. But every attack keeps on doing nothing to Genesis, and Genesis had yet to even move an inch.

Leon smirked as he looked at Gabby. "I see, so this is what your Bey is all about. You're trying to win this thing by wearing down Luinor's stamina."

Gabby just looks at Leon not even giving him a response. Luinor shoots up the stadium slope and then comes down for a huge attack, but just like the other attacks it does nothing and Luinor gets thrown back.

"Luinor attacks just keep getting repelled. How will Leon be able to handle beating her?" Aria said, looking at the battle in amazement.

Luinor keeps on trying to hit Genesis, but they all fall to Genesis's perfect defense. Leon just smiled. "How entertaining. You really are an amusing one, Gabby!"

Luinor gets thrown back once again by Genesis. Luinor's tip gains traction from the outer rim of the stadium, causing it to gain a huge amount of speed and power.

"Let's end this! Lunior!" Leon yelled. To the Dazzlings, it felt as though they could feel Luinor right there in the backyard. But that was impossible... right? "Zone Slam!"

Luinor bounces off of the wall and heads right toward Genesis. Gabby just looks at Luinor unamused at it.

Aria gasped. "Luinor is charging in for an attack!"

"This might just be it for Gabby and Genesis." Sonata as she watched Leon charge toward Genesis.

'No. Gabby has something planned. She took all those hits on purpose and she plans on doing the same thing with this attack.' Adagio thought.

Luinor rams into Genesis, and Genesis starts to move away from the center.

"Now break through their defense!" Leon yelled.

Gabby eyes glow for just a second, no one saw it except for Aaron and Adagio.

'What was that? Is that some sort of power-up like in the animes? Or was that... something else... more sinister.' Adagio thought.

"Take on my Bey if you think you can! Royal Scream!" Gabby yelled.

The Dazzlings look in shock as they see both Luinor and Genesis get sent flying into the air. Both Beys hit the ground with a ding. Gabby and Leon both look at their Beys on the ground. Then they along with the Dazzling look at Aaron to see what he had to say.

"It's a simultaneous Ring-Out Finish! Draw! No points are rewarded." Aaron declared.

"Unbelievable! Both Beys were sent out of the stadium with just one blow." Aria said still surprised at what she had seen.

"I know, right? This match is crazy." Sonata said, looking at Aria with a worried expression.

Gabby picks up her Bey. "I guess my prediction was a little off. You may have broken through Genesis's defense this round, but it won't happen again." Gabby's eyes glowed once again as she looked back at Leon while a sinister smile.

"I gotta hand it to you, you're worthy of battling me after all, how exciting." Leon starts to laugh.

The Dazzlings all look at Leon and Gabby, this battle was going to be tough. Gabby and Leon look at each other, both with the same fire in their eyes as before. Neither of them looked as though they wanted to lose to the other, but in the end, only one would come out victorious. The only question was; which one was going to win?

Preview: The Second Battle goes underway between Leon and Gabby. During their battle, Gabby's Bey does something that surprises everyone! Who will win the battle between Gabby and Leon? Only time will tell.

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! The Tyrant! Superior-Flux!

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