• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,779 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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18. Battle Of Loved Ones!

Sonata happily walked back over to her family. She was still thinking about her battle with Frizzle earlier. Sonata sat down in between Adagio and Aria, and almost instantly they asked Sonata questions about her battle with Frizzle.

"Nata! How were you able to do that?" Adagio asked looking at Sonata.

"The better question is where did that new move come from?" Aria asked.

"For your information Adagio, I was able to do that with the help of Spryzen. As for your question Aria, Turbo Upper Launch was help from Artic, thanks Arctic!" Sonata said as she smiled at Arctic.

Artic nods his head with a smile. He then turns his head to Adagio. "Your match is coming up Adagio. Better get going." Artic said.

"Don't have to tell me twice. Get ready 'cause I'm going to get a point as well." Adagio said with a passion in her eye.

"Good luck Adagio!" Aria and Sonata said.

"Ladies and gentlemen! It's time we jump right into Group B's matches! First up we've got the Blader with a sword and shield in her arsenal, Adagio, and her Bey Union Achilles. Then we got the risk taker, Joy, and her Bey Judgement Joker. Both are down a point so whoever wins will get their first point."

"Adagio! No hard feelings but I plan on winning this one!" Joy called out.

"You may have won the last one but I'll win this one! After all, I got a flawless plan, get ready for a twenty-second burst!" Adagio shows off her Bey, Achilles was equipped with Union Sword and was in Stamina Mode.

Joy smirked. "We'll see about that won't we?"

Adagio and Joy got into position. "Bladers! Get ready and set!" The referee announced.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Both Beys take to the stadium, and Achilles and Joker charge toward the center. Before the two Beys collide Adagio has a flashback to something Arctic had once told her.

"Adagio your Bey has the potential to dig deep and attack a Bey from below." Arctic told her.

Adagio looked at him surprised. "Really? Like an upper attack?"

Arctic nodded his head. "Yup! That's why you should practice with Achilles to deliver an astonishing upper attack."

"Alright!" Adagio said.

End of Flashback...

Adagio then looked back at Joker and smiled. 'It's time.'

"Now Achilles! Unison Upper!" Adagio yelled. Achilles hit Joker from below sending it flying into the air. Not letting it escape Achilles ran up the slope of the stadium and jumped in the air. "End this! Unison Sword!"

Joy looked in shock and then in fear. "Send it back with Fate's Judgement!"

Achilles and Joker collide and both go flying. Joker then burst in midair and Achilles lands back in the stadium.

"Union Achilles with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-0, Adagio is the winner!" The crowd cheers for Adagio winning her match.

Joy picks up her Bey and waves to Adagio. "Guess we're tied now Adagio. We're going to need a tiebreaker one day."

Adagio smiled. "That battle will go the exact same as this one." Adagio and Joy stare at each other with a fire in their eyes.

"Let's get the second battle of Group B underway! Can we get Phoebe and Leon up to the stage!"

Sonata and Aria stare at one another.

"Adagio sure is strong." Sonata said surprised by Adagio's power.

Aria hated to admit it but Sonata was right. "She can be annoying as well."

Phoebe and Leon arrive at the stage, Leon was smiling while Phoebe was a bit nervous.

'My Bey's a Stamina Type while Luinor is an Attack Type. I'll have to dodge all of his attacks in order to have a chance at winning.' Phoebe thought.

"Phoebe get ready! Cause I'm coming at you with all I got!" Leon said as he showed off his Bey.

"Not unless I can take you down first!" Phoebe said showing off her Bey.

The two then got ready. "Bladers! Get ready and set!

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Pegasus and Luinor take to the stadium. Luinor goes in for a flurry of blows toward the center but Pegasus wasn't there like normally. Phoebe had launched Pegasus on the upper deck away from Luinor.

Leon noticed this and laughed. "Not taking the center? So you're deciding to flee from me and make Luinor run out of steam. Hate to say it but that won't work! Now Luinor!"

Luinor rides up the slope of the stadium and heads up the upper deck. There it charges right toward Pegasus in a rush. Phoebe looks in surprise as Luinor was starting to catch up to Phoebe.

"Now Luinor! Zone Slam!" Leon yelled.

"Take it out with Feather Storm!" Phoebe countered.

Luinor and Pegasus collide in a flurry! Both Beys go flying and hit the walls. Both start to lose their spin and slowly but surely Luinor loses its spin before Pegasus!

"Harmony Pegasus with a Survivor Finish! The score is now 1-0, and Phoebe is in the lead!" The referee announced.

Sonata starts shaking Aria. "Phoebe actually took a point from Leon! She's incredible!"

"I'll admit getting a point from Leon is something. But she still needs to get one more point in order to win. And stop shaking me, I ain't a baby rattle!" Aria yelled trying to get Sonata to stop.

"Be quiet! The second battle has already begun." Adagio yelled at her sisters.

Sonata stops shaking Aria and watches the battle below, not wanting to make Adagio even madder. Aria just gives Adagio a side-eye glare.

Phoebe tried using her plan from the first battle but Leon had gotten to her. Luinor lands an explosive blow on Pegasus sending it flying! But Pegasus recovers and hits the stadium wall and it goes back to taking the center. Luinor repeated his attacks over and over again, causing Phoebe to get worried.

'If this keeps happening I'll lose. I need to do this with my own attack.' Phoebe then decided to counterattack. "Pegasus! Counterattack with Harmonic Thunder!"

Pegasus hits Luinor sending it flying into the stadium wall. Luinor hits the wall but instead of slowing down it uses the impact of the wall for momentum and accelerates toward Pegasus!

Leon smirked. "Kick into overdrive and use Zone Straight once again!"

Phoebe then surprised. "Stop it in its path with Feather Storm! Now divert that pathetic attack!"

Luinor zooms towards Pegasus, Pegasus tries to cease the attack but Luinor advanced through the storm. Luinor and Pegasus collide but the dragon gets the better of the Pegasus and burst right through it. Phoebe gasps seeing her Bey burst while Leon smiles and picks up his Bey.

"Zone Luinor with a Burst Finish! With a final scoring of 2-1, Leon is the winner!" The referee declared.

Aria stands up and heads towards the stadium. 'I'm going up against Bael... I can't get distracted by these dumb emotions.' Apocalypse then shines a dark black and Aria's eye flashes a dark purple. 'I'm going to annihilate him and Balkesh.'

Apocalypse and Balkesh crashed onto the stadium floors and were rushing around the stadium. Balkesh took the center while Apocalypse came in with a flurry of strikes.

"Strike it down! Pound it into dust Apocalypse!" Aria yelled.

"Block it with Dusk Wing!" Bael yelled.

Balkesh blocks away all of Apocalypse's attacks but Aria was determined to break through Bael's pesty defense. Apocalypse rides up the upper deck and goes in for an above attack!

Aria smirked. "Now strike it down with Omega Blast!"

Apocalypse hits Balkesh sending it flying across the stadium. It hits the wall and recovers. Balkesh goes in and hits a nasty blow to Apocalypse sending it flying as well.

Aria looks up to see Apocalypse free-falling towards the outer rim of the stadium. It looked as though it was going to be a ring-out finish for Bael but Aria had other plans in mind.

Aria's eyes turn a darkish purple again and Apocalypse shines dark black. Apocalypse had taken over once again.

"Survive the hit and then demolish them!!"

Apocalypse survives the hit and charges back in to attack Balkesh. Apocalypse strikes Balkesh and Balkesh turns into a perfect circle.

Bael smiled, his plan was now set in stone. "Now Dusk Circle!"

Blow after blow Apocalypse kept on throwing attacks on Balkesh. However, Balkesh wouldn't budge no matter how hard it struck. Aria was getting madder by the second, so Apocalypse took domination.

"I'm going to destroy you!! Balkesh will shatter into so many pieces your days of Blading will be over once I'm done!! Now Apocalypse ends him and his weak Bey!!" Just then Aria lost her balance a bit while holding her head in pain. Apocalypse taking control was too much for Aria.

Bael looks at Aria in surprise. "Aria! Are you okay? What's the matter?"

"Aria is gone! I am... APOCALYPSE!! NOW USE PRIME REBOOT!!"

'I got to stop her!' Bael thought. "Balkesh! Slam them down with Dusk Crash!"

Balkesh and Apocalypse collide with all they got. Neither was letting up for a second. Aria then smiled and looked at Bael.

"Darkness always wins in the end! Now Apocalypse! Use Omega Blast!!"

The blast was so strong that Balkesh got sent flying into the air.

"Goodbye Balkesh!!" Aria let out a demonic laugh.

Balkesh burst into the air, causing an explosion to happen. Bael gasps seeing his Bey on the ground in three pieces. Air looks down in surprise as she though Balkesh was going to be destroyed.

"You were supposed to be nothing when I was done with you. But here you are, not shattered as I had hoped for." Aria's face then turned into a scowl.

Aria then lets out a very demonic yell scaring everyone in the room. She then looked at the referee to let him know that he better call the match before she did something else.

"T-that's Prime Apocalypse with a Burst Finish! W-with a final score of 2-0, Aria is the winner!" The referee declared.

The crowd was silent but then slowly they started to cheer for Aria's win. Gabby glared down at Aria knowing what was going on. Sonata had wrapped around Adagio's arm in fear, Adagio gently rubbed Sonata to calm her down.

Adagio looked at Aria with worry, 'What's has gotten into you Aria? And when will this behavior end?'

Aria was walking down the hall to get back to the viewing ground. All of a sudden she felt sick and ran into her waiting room. Once she got and started holding onto her head in pain. It felt as though her head was going to burst, she screamed out in pain. When she looked in the mirror in her room, Apocalypse was peeking through.

"What are you doing to me?" Aria asked looking at Apocalypse. Apocalypse just looked at Aria not answering her question. "I said what are you doing to me?!" Aria yelled, she needed answers.

Apocalypse opened its mouth. "Making us the strongest team in the entire world. And in order to become the best there's got to be some pain here and there. But if you can't handle the power I wield then maybe you're not cut out to be the World Champion."

Aria just looked at Apocalypse. "Fine... but in our next battle, I'll take full initiative and you will not interfere. Understand?"

Apocalypse just looks at Aria, "Don't be surprised if we lose then." With that Apocalypse left.

Aria came back to her sense and looked around her waiting room. She looked down at her Bey. "I need to control this power." Her Bey and eye lit up and a fierce sinister aura surrounded her and engulfed the whole room. Things were just getting worse with Aria and Apocalypse. But how bad would things get before it was all over? Find out!

Preview: The third round of the tournament is underway. In Group A, Athena and Sonata kick the day off. Then Valex and Gabby face off and finally Dean and Frizzle charge head to head. In Group B, Leon takes on Joy in a battle of rubber against metal blades. Ever wondered who would win in a battle of Defense or Stamina? The question will be answered in Bael's and Phoebe's match. Then what could be the best Battle in the whole tournament: Aria vs Adagio! Who's the stronger Dazzling? Find out!

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Sibling Rivalry! Aria vs Adagio!

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