• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,788 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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3. Tag Battle! Brothers And Sisters!

After learning from Frizzle that all of their friends had some Beys of their own, the Dazzlings started a journey of their own to battle each and every one of their friends and their Beys. Their first stop in their journey was with Derek and Dean. That's where they were the Dazzlings were currently at right now, in the backyard of Derek and Dean's house.

Derek crossed his arms as he looked at the three Dazzlings. "We heard from Frizzle that you guys would be coming. So you actually came to challenge us, we're so happy that you decided to come to us first."

"I'm sure Frizzle told you that we only do Tag Battles. So... which two of you are going up with us? Adagio and Aria? Maybe Sonata and Aria? Or maybe Adagio and Sonata?" Dean said looking at the Dazzlings wondering which two he and his brother would Battle.

Adagio smiled. "We already know our lineup, but first we want to know your guy's Beys."

Derek smiled back, he knew Adagio was going to ask that. "Fine by us. My Beyblade is Ace Dragon, it's a Right spinning Attack Type." As he showed off his Bey. He noticed the Dazzlings looking at his Bey in awe. "Yeah, take a nice long look, this'll be a Bey that defeat you, remember the name Ace Dragon!"

"And my Beyblade is Venom Devolos it's a Right spinning Balance Type. But I can change it around to make it Erase Devolos a Left spinning Balance Type. I can change it around to whatever I decide to." As Dean showed off his Bey as well with a smile.

Adagio took a look at Derek and Dean's Beys and smirked. "I see... alright we're going with me and Aria."

Aria looked at Adagio in shock. "Why me? I thought you said Sonata and you were going up?"

"I asked Adagio to let you go up instead of me. You have tenacity, that's what makes you, you Aria. Now you go out there with Adagio and show them who's boss!" Sonata said, putting her hand out for a fist bump.

"Yeah, we'll beat them with no problem!" Aria said, colliding fist with Sonata's fist.

"Come on, more battling less talking." Derek said as he and Dean got into position.

"Yeah, let's go!" Adagio said as she and Aria got into position.

Sonata looked at everyone and then made the call. "Now that everyone is ready. Get ready, and set!"

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled as they launched their Beys into the stadium.

With that, all four Beys land in the stadium at intense speeds. Achilles took the center while Apocalypse rushed around the stadium. Dragon quickly rushed in and started to attack Achilles with a barrage of full-powered attacks, while Devolos was in Left spin and started to head towards Apocalypse. They were both going in for a head-on collision.

Derek smirked. "Dragon strike Achilles down with a Dragon Launch."

Dean noticed his brother was going on the offensive and decided to follow his brother's move. "Devolos hit Apocalypse with a Shining Launch."

Both Dragon and Devolos slam into Apocalypse and Achilles with their special attacks. But Adagio smiled, she wasn't going to let Dean and Derek get the better of her and Aria. "Achilles counterattack with a Unison Launch."

Now both Dragon and Achilles started to attack one another. While on Aria's end, Apocalypse was getting pushed back by Devolos. But she wasn't going to let Dean defeat her so easily. "Apocalypse! Take them down with Omega Blast!"

Apocalypse hits Devolos with its special attack. The attack was enough to send Devolos flying into the air and it burst! Well, that's what Aria thought but she was going to soon realize she was wrong.

"Alright! One down one to go!" Aria said happily that she had defeated Devolos.

Dean smirked. "That's what you think. Devolos can't be beaten so easily. Now Devolos use Dual Phantom."

Devolos' tip breaks off and turns into two. Aria gasps as the clone starts to hit Apocalypse, while Devolos goes in to double-team Achilles.

"What? How is that even possible? How can a Bey possibly be able to split apart like that?" As she watched the clone attack Apocalypse over and over again with non-stopping attacks.

Adagio watched the clone attack Apocalypse and smiled. "So its tip can break off to let a secret clone come in? That's a pretty cool trick you have there, but that won't stop me and Aria from winning! Achilles! Use Unison Defense to block their useless attacks."

Two shields come out of Achilles, and as Dragon and Devolos try to hit Achilles, all of their attacks are pointless as they bounce right off the shield. Achilles just kept on parrying each and every single attack from the both of them.

Aria was getting fed up with the clone and decided to increase the power. "Apocalypse hit the clone and make it crash into Dragon!"

Apocalypse hits the clone launching towards Dragon. The clone makes contact with Dragon, and with that Ace Dragon was burst into pieces. Derek gasped, now the match was a two vs one. Achilles and Apocalypse vs Devolos.

"Ace Dragon has burst, making the match a two vs one. Now how will Dean be able to take down both Achilles and Apocalypse?" Sonata said as she started talking like a true referee.

Dean started to worry, it was two on one and he was all alone. But he wasn't going to let his brother down. "Devolos once again use Shining launch!"

Aria and Adagio look at one another, they shake their head in agreement. "Prime Apocalypse and Union Achilles combo attack! Sister Strike!" As Adagio and Aria yelled combining their power into one big strike.

Apocalypse and Achilles collide with one another making sparks fly into the air. They then charge with each other and crash into Devolos. All three Beys were sent flying into the air and it looked like they would all be sent flying out of the stadium. However, midway in the air Apocalypse and Achilles hit one another making Achilles burst, making Adagio gasp. But Achilles wasn't the only one to burst, Devolos also burst making Dean gasp. Both Achilles and Devolos both burst midair while Apocalypse landed on the ground right after them.

"It was a close call to make but Apocalypse hit the ground a second after Devolos and Achilles burst in midair. So therefore, Adagio and Aria are the winners of the match!" Sonata said, pointing her hand towards Adagio and Aria with a smile.

"So close, we almost had it. Good battle you guys, we gave it our all." Derek said as he picked up his Bey.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to use my own Beys for your own weapon. Where did you guys learn that new move all of a sudden?" Dean asked. "You know what was that move called? Sister Strike was what you called it?"

Aria and Adagio look at each other and start to laugh. "We made it up right now."

Derek, Dean, and Sonata look at them in surprise. They couldn't believe what Aria and Adagio had just told them.

"So you two just took a chance with that move? That move could have backfired on you guys but you still took the chance?" Sonata asked.

"Yep!" Adagio and Aria said smiling and laughing.

"If you guys like to take a chance in battle, you guys should go face off with Joy. She loves to take chances and risks in Bey Battles. Her Bey is a Right spinning Balance Type, but her Bey is... well... different." Derek said, but he sounded very confused as he spoke about it.

"Different? How is her Bey different from all the others? Isn't every Bey different in its own special way?" Adagio asked.

"Her Bey moves differently. One second her Bey is somewhere, and the next it's somewhere else. Her Bey has some very erratic movements, truly a Bey meant for her." Derek laughed. "You won't be able to think of a plan to beat her beforehand, unfortunately."

Adagio looked at Derek but then smiled. "The harder the Bey the better the challenge! We're gonna think of a plan no matter what! Do you guys want to help us in thinking of a way to beat her? Whether we have to take a chance or not."

"Sure, why not. We'll be glad to help you guys in beating Joy." Dean said.

"Let's do this girls... and guys!" Adagio said. "We'll find a weakness in Joy's Bey one way or another.

"Yeah!" Everyone else yelled.

And with that for the rest of the day, the Dazzlings and the two brothers trained all day. Thinking of a way to beat Joy and her, from what Derek said, "different" Bey. All having fun with one another and enjoying one another's company. The Dazzling's next stop on their journey was none other than Joy!

Preview: The Dazzling's next stop is Joy. There the Dazzlings will have to take a chance with luck with battling Joy's Bey. It's going to be a challenge but by working together they'll find a way to take down the so-called "different" Bey of hers.

Next Time on the Dazzling Bladers: Take A Chance! Judgement Joker!

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