• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,788 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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36. Know Your Bey! Sonata Edition!

Sonata was happily dreaming about unicorns and eating tacos, a typically normal dream of hers. She was playing around with the unicorns while eating her taco when all of a sudden Spryzen started to light up in her pocket. She quickly took Spyzen out of her pocket and looked at it.

"Spryzen?" The light only got brighter and brighter until it engulfed Sonata. When opening her eyes Sonata realized she was in a void with Spryzen looking down at her.

"Having a nice dream?" Spryzen asked looking down at Sonata.

"Spryzen! What are you doing here? But wait, the better question would be why did you summon me when I was having such a good dream?!" Sonata asked.

Spryzen opened its mouth. "I have summoned you because this is the perfect opportunity to see if you're worthy enough to wield me in Battle. You've said you wanted to become the best team together, then prove it to me."

"That's why you took me away from my amazing dream? Aw man." Sonata pouted. "Fineeee." Sonata whined. "I'll do what you want me to do to prove to you that I'm worthy of wielding you in Battle, as if I haven't already."

"In order to prove yourself to me, you must defeat that Blader in Battle." Sonata turns around and sees a Blader she had never seen before. The Blader had a jacket on with a V symbol on it, he had some sort of scar on his cheek and he had a bright smile pastured on his face. The Blader was none other than the Legendary Blader; Valt Aoi.

"Who's that?" Sonata asked, tilting her head in confusion.

Spryzen then spoke up. "He's a Blader from another universe, he's known as the Legend of Legends: Valt Aoi. He's by far the strongest Blader in his universe, he'll be a challenge for you indeed. How you fare against him has remained to be seen."

Sonata looked at Spryzen with a smirk. "And you think I have a chance at beating him? I don't even know who he is or his Bey is, what makes you think someone like me can beat someone known as a Legend of Legends?"

"You'll have to use all your Blading prowess and knowledge if you want to beat him. This challenge is supposed to bring out your full potential and bond with me to the utter max. Just because Valt is the strongest in his universe doesn't mean he's invincible, I know you can take him down Sonata." Spryzen said looking down at Sonata.

"Alright then, if you say so." Sonata takes out Spryzen and shows it off to Valt. "This right here is my Bey: Lord Spryzen! This is the Bey that you will fall to!" Valt takes out his Bey and shows off a Bey Sonata had never seen before, the Bey was none other than Ultimate Valtryek!

"H-Huh? I've never seen a Bey like that one before." Sonata continued to examine Ultimate Valtryek, its design looked like Derek's Sword Valtryek but a bit different.

"Like I said Valt is from a different universe, in his universe, they have different Beys than in your universe." Sonata turned her attention to Spryzen. "That is a Quad Bey, from the Quaddrive system. The Bey's name is Ultimate Valtryek, as seen it's a hyperactive fast Right spinning Attack Type Bey. Its speed and power are insane so you can't just brute force your way to victory, you'll have to play smart and logical."

"So I'm supposed to beat someone who has a Bey from a different generation? Who has a title to his name? And is said to be the strongest Blader in his universe?" Sonata looks down, her hair covering her eyes. She then looks up with a big smile on her face. "Alright! I'll take this so-called Legend of Legends if it's the last thing I do! Ultimate Valtryek will fall to Lord Spryzen!" Sonata then attaches her Bey to her launch, she watches as Valt does the same thing on the opposite side.

"Get ready and set! Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" They both yelled.

The two Beys take to the stadium, Sonata had put Spryzen in Right-spinning Defense Mode. Spryzen takes to the center while Ultimate Valtryek climbs up onto the upper deck. Sonata waits for Valtryek to make its move, a bit of sweat rolled down her forehead.

"Winged Launch!" Valtryek hits the wall on the upper deck and bounces toward Spryzen! Sonata gasps in surprise.

"Endure it Spryzen!" The two Beys collide but Spryzen gets sent flying from the strong blow. Spryzen goes flying onto the upper deck, it hits the edge of the stadium but remains in bounds. Spryzen started to wobble a bit, but nonetheless, it stayed strong. "We gotta end this now if we want even a chance at winning! Let's go Spryzen!!" Spryzen starts to speed up, a bit of gold starting to glow off of it. "Strike it down with Counter Break!" Spryzen's tip gained traction giving it an even stronger boost of speed and power.

"Ultimate Whip: V!" Valtryek raced towards Spryzen, the two Beys collide causing an explosion to occur. When the smoke cleared it showed Spryzen up in the air and flying down. It fell on the ground outside of the stadium, when it hit the ground, however, Spryzen burst into pieces. Valtryek stood proud doing a victory lap around the stadium. Sonata looked down in surprise, in just a matter of seconds she and Spryzen had been defeated. She looked back at Valt, so that was the power of the so-called Legend of Legends.

"Ultimate Valtryek with a Ring-Out Finish. That's one point awarded to Valt Aoi, making the score 1-0." A referee declared.

Sonata reached down and grabbed her Beys pieces and put them back together. She looked up at Valt as he stood tall, and Sonata backed up in fear. Spryzen was right, Valt was strong much stronger than her. Sonata started to shake, she was scared, Valt surpassed her. He had far more experience, a stronger bond, and just a better Blader than she was.

"I can't beat Valt. I failed... Spryzen... Adagio... Aria... I'm sorry." Sonata said as she looked down holding back tears.

"So that's it? You're just going to give up?" Sonata looked up, she knew that voice. She turned to where she heard the voice, in front of her was Adagio with a smile on her face.

Sonata looked at her in shock. "Adagio? What are you doing here?"

"She's not the only one here you idiot." Sonata turned her head once again and saw that it was Aria with her arms crossed.

Sonata looked at her other sister in shock as well. "Aria? What's going on here? How are you two in my dream? Are we having the same dream or something?"

"No Sonata. This is just an illusion, me and Aria aren't real. But are you serious about just giving up like that? This isn't the Sonata that we know and love. The Sonata we know is stronger than this, she wouldn't give up until the very end. She would find a way to win no matter who the opponent was." Sonata stared at Adagio with wide eyes, she was right this wasn't like her at all.

"If you can't defeat someone like Valt what makes you think you could take on me and Adagio? You said you wanted to be the best team in the world. So what if you don't have as much Blading prowess as Valt, or experience? You can still defeat Valt, maybe not surpass him but you can defeat him. You are Sonata, our sister, if anyone can take down this so-called Legend of Legends, it's you Sonata. So you better not let me or Adagio down, you hear me!" Aria yelled at her.

"Adagio... Aria... thank you, both of you. I'll be sure to take down Valt no matter what. Just you watch me and Spryzen are going to win this thing with a Burst Finish!" Adagio and Aria looked at Sonata and smiled, the two of them fading away leaving Sonata all alone. Sonata looked down at Spryzen her grip tightening. "I can't lose here, I can't let Adagio and Aria down!" Sonata attaches Spryzen to her launcher, a fire burning in her eyes. "No matter what I'll come out the victor!" Her aura bursting out like a wildfire, with Spryzen looming over her. Valt just smiles and attaches Valtryek onto his launcher, his aura also coming to life. The climax of the battle was coming to fruition.

"Get ready and set!" Just then Sonata had an idea.

"Three!" Sonata jumped back from the stadium.

"Two!" Sonata then made a heart shape with her hands as she winked

"One!" Sonata then spun around in a full 360 and launched herself toward the stadium once again.

"Let it Rip!" They both yelled.

The two Beys take to the stadium once again, Sonata had switched Spryzen into Left-spinning Stamina Mode. Both Spryzen and Valtryek raced toward the center the two Beys collide fighting for dominance.

"Push them back Spryzen! I know you can do it!" Spryzen was able to overpower Valtryek and sends Valtyrek flying back the way it came from. Valtryek climbs up the upper deck and races around for another attack. "Get ready Spryzen, it's going to hit you hard!"

"Ultimate Winged: V!" Valtryek hits the wall once again and uses the rebound to head straight toward Spryzen! Sonata watches as Valtryek came closer and closer to Spryzen but she wasn't going to let what happened in the first battle happen again.

"Let's take these guys out Spryzen! Lord Shield!" A bright circle appears around Spryzen, Valtryek hits Spryzen but instead, Valtyrek gets sent flying high into the air. Lord Shield was a technique that sent the opponent's attacks straight back at them, it was the ultimate counterattack. "It seems as though our defense is too much for you! We'll send each and every one of your attacks back your way!"

"Ultimate Dive!" Valtryek comes back flying down straight to Spryzen. Sonata sees this and gasps, but then she smiles. She was going to fight fire with fire.

"Burst them Spryzen! Use Counter Break!" Valtryek and Spryzen collide with one another. Both Beys go flying into the air, with Valtryek landing on the upper deck while Spryzen hits the edge of the stadium and goes flying into the air. Sonata looks in the air and smiles. "Spryzen! Change into Attack Mode!!" Spryzen's tip hits the edge of the stadium and switches it from Stamina Mode into Attack Mode giving it an extra boost of speed. "Let's go Spryzen!" Spryzen comes to life, its speed and power increase, a bit of gold coming off of it once again.

"Valtryek!" Valtryek also comes to life, its speed and power also increasing by the second. "Ultimate Whip: V!" Valtryek raced down the upper deck and headed to Spryzen. Sonata watched as Valtryek headed toward her, just then she started to hear voices again.

"Don't give up!" She turned and saw that it was Adagio.

"Fight until the very end!" Sonata then turned her head again to see that it was Aria.

"Right!" Sonata's hairpiece tore off, all of her hair coming loose. Spryzen started to speed up even more, its speed exceeding all speeds from before, its Hyper-Flux coming to life. "I mastered Hyper-Flux!!! Now go Spryzen!! Lord Whip: S!!!" Stealing a move from Valt, Spryzen used its own version of Ultimate Whip: V. The two Beys raced towards each other and once colliding a huge explosion happened not only that but it caused a whirlwind to come to life. Valt and Sonata lifted their arms to brace themselves from the high winds. "Go Spryzen! I believe in you!" Blue and gold shined bright in the stadium, it seemed as though neither Bey wanted to give up either. Both Valt and Sonata yelled out with their Bey's avatars right behind them.

When everything died out Valt and Sonata put their hands down and what they saw surprised them. Ultimate Valtryek was in pieces while Spryzen had come to a complete stop but was still in one piece. Sonata looked in shock but that shock was soon replaced with a bright smile. "WE WON!!"

"Lord Spryzen with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-1, Sonata is the winner!" The referee declared.

Sonata picked up Spryzen and smiled. "We did it Spryzen! We really did it, we took down Valt!" Sonata looked at Valt who smile and started to fade away. "Thank you for everything Valt! I hope one day we'll get to meet each other for real and Battle each other!" With that Valt smiled and faded away.

Spryzen then looked at Sonata. "Congratulations Sonata, you've proved yourself worthy of wielding me in Battle. I always knew you had what it took to defeat Valt. Now hurry up and wake up, it's the morning of the team tournament, you don't want to be late now do you?"

"Nope, we don't want that." Sonata looked at Spryzen one last time and smiled. "Thank you for everything Spryzen. Let's go out there with Adagio and Aria and prove to the world that we're the best team in the entire world." Spryzen only looked at Sonata, but Sonata could tell that Spryzen was happy as well. With that, a bright light once again engulfed her, when she opened her eyes she saw that she was in her room on her bed.

She quickly got up and got dressed, she was excited after all. It was the morning of the team tournament after all. Sonata picked up Spryzen and started making her way out of her room. She looked down at Spryzen with a smile on her face.

"With the help of Valt, we finally mastered Hyper-Flux! Now I'm not left behind, unlike Adagio and Aria who already achieved their special Flux." Sonata stopped and looked down at Spryzen. "But even still, with our newfound Hyper-Flux can and will defeat people like Gabby or Leon or even Adagio or Aria?" Spryzen shined bright in response. "You're right Spryzen! Together we can do anything and defeat anyone!" Sonata smiled and opened her door, when she opened her door however Adagio and Aria also opened their doors at the exact same time.

The three girls look at each other and then laugh. It seems they were so close they started doing things at the same time. The Dazzlings walk downstairs to eat breakfast and then head out to the tournament grounds. Today was a big day for all of them but no matter what they were determined to show everyone that they were the best team out there. The three girls look at one another one last time and together they lift their Beys in the air.

"Let's do this!!" Adagio, Aria, and Sonata all yelled at once, their Beys shining in response to their owner's voices.

Preview: After the Dazzlings have proved themselves worthy of their Beys, the team tournament is now underway. There the girls must show the world just how amazing of a team they are! But they won't be the only ones there who want to win, they will have to face off with other teams who want the victory as well!

Next time on Dazzling Bladers! The Start Of The Team Tournament!

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