• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,788 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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33. Reformation! The Dazzlings Return!

Valentine's was over and it was time to start looking for teammates for the team tournament. It was early in the morning and the girls were wide awake getting to work. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were all in the living room looking at all of their friend's stats, their main goal was to scout around and see which ones would fit their liking. Sunset and Tom were looking at them from afar, Sunset was looking at them confused while Tom smiled at the scene.

"They do know they can team up with each other, right?" Sunset asked looking at Tom.

"I hate to admit it but I don't think they do. But even if they do know I think they would still be doing the same thing regardless." Tom said sipping his coffee.

Sunset turned to Tom. "What makes you say that? I mean their sisters, of course, they would want to team up."

Tom shook his head. "Not necessarily, I think they're looking at everyone else before they pick their sisters. You also have to remember that they're rivals themselves. They probably want to face off with one another and prove their stronger, that's why they haven't joined forces just yet."

Sunset turns her head back to the girls and then back at Tom. "Wonder who they're going to team up with then, it could be anyone at this point. I just hope whoever they team up with they makes a good team. Not to mention if they have to square off with one another. I hope they can Battle with one another and not cause a huge scene."

Tom looked at the girls. "Only the future will determine that factor. But right now it's the girl's decision on who they want to team up with, if they want to team up they will if not we will respect their decision."

All Sunset could do was nod her head, she had a sneaking suspicion that something wrong was going to happen during the team tournament. But what?

After a few more minutes of looking at their friend's stats, the girls had finally figured out which other two Bladers they wanted to unite with. The three girls packed their things and split paths to go to their designated locations.

For Aria, she was going with Bael and Gabby. Bael because... well she liked him and Gabby simply because she had given Aria the Eclipse Armor for Apocalypse. Walking her way to Bael's house she looked down at the Armor in her hand. If she had used it in her match with Adagio and Sonata a few days ago she most likely would have won the match. However, it was too early for she had wanted to keep it a secret. It was her trump card and she wasn't going to let her secret weapon be shown so soon.

For Sonata she was going with Dean and Leon. Dean because although her feelings for him vanished a while ago, that didn't mean he wasn't still a good Blader. Master Devolos was a Bey Sonata was still curious about and she wanted to use it to her advantage. Her reasoning for Leon was simple as well, with his and Zone Luinor's raw power they would be able to overcome any shield, well every shield except for Adagio's and Gabby's.

For Adagio she was going with Venus and Athena. Venus because just like with Aria and Bael, she liked Venus. And in Athena's case even though the two were rivals they were still good friends. And if they could push their rivalry into teamwork they might just be able to win the whole tournament. Adagio looks up and notices that she was already at Athena's house, now it was time for her plan to go into action.

"WHAT?!" The three siblings yelled at once.

Adagio and Aria had asked Athena and Bael if they wanted to team up just to hear that they were already in a team with other people. In Sonata's case, Dean and Derek were both gone from their parents, they had left due to someone inviting them to some sort of special event.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata then went to find Venus, Gabby, and Leon. However, they were out of luck because just like Dean and Derek, Leon and Gabby were both invited to some sort of special event as well. Adagio sadly was too late too because Venus was already teaming up with his brother, Valex. Left defeated the three girls traveled back home there they would have to think of a plan B.

When Adagio, Aria, and Sonata all got home Sunset could tell that they were upset. The girls went to the table in the living room and started to think of a plan B. There were still a few people they hadn't asked so there was still a chance. People like Phoebe, Joy, and Frizzle still had yet to be in a team, at least the girls hoped.

"Mom! Can I call Phoebe's mom?" Adagio asked her mom.

"Sure go ahead Adagio." Sunset yelled from the living room.

"Dad! Can I use your phone to call Joy and then Frizzle to see if they're available or not?" Sonata asked her dad.

"Yeah this is like really important and if we're even a second late they might get picked." Aria said also asking her dad.

Tom smiled at the two of them. "Fine, go ahead girls. But if someone calls me give back my phone."

Aria and Sonata nodded their heads and started dialing up Joy, while Adagio was dialing up Phoebe.

"Hello?" Adagio heard the voice it wasn't Phoebe's voice it was her mother's voice.

"Hi Phoebe's mom, it's Adagio. I was wondering if I could talk to Phoebe for a second?" Adagio asked hoping Phoebe could talk.

"Oh hello, Adagio dear. I'm sorry but Phoebe isn't home, she went to some kind of special event with Leon. Don't tell her I said this but I think she's finally making her move with Leon, my baby is on her first date I'm so happy." Phoebe's mom said, the happiness in her voice very clear.

Adagio deadpanned at what Phoebe's mom was saying. "O-oh, well I'm very glad for both of them. Thank you for letting me know Phoebe's mom, have a good day."

"You too dear." With that the phone hung up and Adagio sighed.

Yet again luck was not on the girl's side today, that was the fourth person today who was at some sort of special event that they just couldn't miss. Things weren't going much better on Aria and Sonata's side.

"Come on Joy! Please, one of us needs you to be one of their partners. Mostly me, Sonata can go team up with a trash can for all I care. Think about it Joy, with you and me working together we'll be unstoppable." Aria begged.

"Nooo!" Sonata whined. "Not fair Ari! I want to team up with Joy! Joy team up with me! Aria is mean and unfriendly, plus you and I are closer than you and Aria. You and me will not only be strong but also have a mutual connection with one another."

"Girls, I'm so sorry but I'm already in a team with some people. And even if I wasn't I couldn't choose between the two of you that would be unfair. Also, I don't know if you've asked Frizzle or not but don't. She's already in a team from what one of my friends said. I think it'll be best if you two just team up. I think everyone else has a team except for you guys. Once again I'm sorry but I have to go and start training. I hope to see you guys in the stadium soon." With that, the phone hung up. Aria and Sonata looked at one another and sighed.

It was over, all of their friends had teams, all of them but the three sisters. Sonata turns her head to Aria while Aria turns her head to Sonata, they had no other choice, right? They had to team up with each other... but could they get along was the question.

"Um... Ari? I know we butt heads a lot but can we please put our fighting aside and work together please. I know you want to win the tournament just as much as me, Spryzen is a Balance Type while Apocalypse is an Attack Type so we balance each other out. Plus the bonds with our Beys and with each other are on a whole different level. So... what do you say? Team?" Sonata puts out her hand.

Aria looks down at Sonata's hand and smiles. "Sure, why not? We're sisters after all, and for once you actually said something smart. I think we'll make a wonderful team Sonata. Now then, let's go show the world what we're made of!" The two girls shake their hands, so it was official, Sonata and Aria were going to team up. But what about Adagio?

"Should we team up with Adagio?" The two girls then look at a sad Adagio sitting at the table looking out the window. Just then Sunset went behind them and put her hand on Aria's and Sonata's shoulders.

"I think you girls should team up with Adagio. It'll be nice seeing you three working beside one another in perfect harmony." Sunset said with a smile.

The girls look at each other and nod. "Yo! Adagio, wanna team up with me and Nata?"

Adagio turns around and looks at Aria and Sonata, she smiles and walks over to them. "I didn't think we would have to team up with each other. I was kinda looking forward to battling you guys not working with you. But it's our last option so sure, let's join forces and become the strongest team ever!" The three girls put their hands together in the middle and shot it up in the air.

"Wonderful girls, I'm so proud of you. Now then, you still have some work to do." The girls look up at Sunset confused, what were they forgetting? Sunset sees their confused faces and smiles. "You three need a name and a team captain and don't forget about a trainer."

Sonata looked at her mom confused. "But we have Arctic, momma! He's already our trainer."

Sunset laughed. "I'm messing with you, of course, Arctic is your trainer. But what about your team name and which one of you three is going to be the captain."

"I already decided on the name." Sonata, Aria, and Sunset turn to see Adagio smiling with her arms crossed.

"Hey!" Aria yelled. "This is a team, me and Sonata get to decide the team name as well!"

Adagio smiled at Aria. "Trust me Aria you're going to like this one. Get this we should go by our old name, the name mom told us we went by in our past lives. Let's rebirth the name of the Dazzlings! What do you two say?"

Sonata smiled as she jumped up and down. "I love it! Let's do it! What do you say Aria?"

Aria thought about it and then smiled. "That's actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Let's do this thing! We will be known as the Dazzlings, the strongest team the world had ever seen!"

Sunset smiles. "A very interesting choice Adagio, I like it. Now then girls, who's going to be the team captain? And before you girls get into a big fight, if you can't decide you decide it with a Battle. The winner becomes a captain."

The girls look at each other and smile. "I think we would have had the Battle whether or not you said that mom." Adagio looks at her mom and smiles.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were now outside and getting ready. Adagio was equipping Achilles with the sword and was going into Attack Mode. Aria had decided to not use the Eclipse Armor once again she was confident she could win without it. Meanwhile, Sonata had put Spryzen in Left spinning Stamina Mode, she was going to take this Battle safely and with precaution.

"Alright girls. Whenever you're ready!" The girls nod their heads showing Sunset that they were ready. "Ok. Ready and set! Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!"

The three Beys make it to the stadium and start racing around, the three Beys make their way to the center and collide sending all three flyings backward. Aria looks over at Achilles who was in a head-to-head collision with Spryzen, she smiled if her planned work her victory would be assured.

"Go Apocalypse!" Apocalypse rushes over to where Achilles and Spryzen were at. "Hit them with your Final Blast!!"

The impact from the attack was so strong that it sent both Beys flying, making Adagio and Sonata gasped. Spryzen hits the stadium wall and starts to lose its stamina while Achilles was sent rocketing up in the air.

Aria smiled. "How do you like that? Victory is mine!"

"Don't be so sure of that Aria." Adagio smiled.

"Say what?" Aria asked.

"UNISON DIVE!!!" Adagio yelled.

"Hey! Don't forget about me! Counter Break!" Sonata countered.

Achilles heads straight towards Apocalypse while Spryzen came in for the finishing blow! The three Beys collide and the force of the attack sent all three going back the other way. Achilles and Spryzen were somehow able to survive the attack while Apocalypse was sent flying out of the ring.

Aria looks at her fallen Apocalypse. "Tch... !!"

Adagio looks up at Sonata. "Guess it's just you and me, Sonata. Look out because me and Achilles are coming at you with all we got." Adagio closes her eyes and smiles, she then puts on her serious face. "ACHILLES GOOO!!!"

Achilles speeds up and goes into Hyper-Flux, it then charges toward Spryzen. Spryzen was barely hanging on after everything it had gone through before, if Achilles hit it, it would surely be over! Just then right before Achilles hit Spryzen, Spryzen's tip gained traction on the stadium floor and was able to narrowly avoid the attack.

Adagio was shocked. "What the?!"

Sonata smiled. "Spryzen! You did it!!"

Achilles crashes into the stadium wall and loses a massive chunk of its stamina. Spryzen was picking up speed and was heading toward Achilles, Adagio couldn't do anything... could she?

"Go Spryzen! Hit it with Counter Break!!" Sonata yelled.

Adagio gritted her teeth. "Do everything in your power to stop it! Unison Shield!!"

The two Beys collide and they both get sent back, both Beys land out of the ring resulting in a tie.

The three girls look at what just happened. "What does that mean then?"

Adagio looks at Sonata and smiles. "Sonata, you can be the captain. I'm normally the captain so you go ahead."

Sonata looked up at Adagio in shock. "Adagio... for realsies?"

"Yes, for realsies. Right Aria?" Adagio asked looking over at Aria.

Aria nodded her head. "Yeah, me and Adagio will be hoping you can take us all the way to the top with your leadership Sonata."

Sonata looked at her sisters as small tears appeared in her eyes. "You guys... yeah! I'll be sure to send us all the way to the top!!"

The three girls look at each other and smile. "LET'S GO DAZZLINGS!!!"

Preview: It's the night before the team tournament begins and the Dazzlings go to bed for the night. However that night Aria gets more than just sleep, she'll have an encounter with none other than Apocalypse itself. To prove Aria's worth to wield Apocalypse once and for all, she must go through the most riveting obstacle of her life.

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Know Your Bey! Aria Edition!

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