• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,788 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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37. The Start Of The Team Tournament!

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata stood in front of the grounds of where the team tournament would be held. People from all over had gathered to watch this once-in-a-lifetime tournament. The girls watched as the crowd of people walk into the stadium, it looked as though the whole country had come to see the upcoming match-ups.

"I guess we should head in, they did say that all the teams had to be at the main stage." Adagio said. Aria and Sonata nodded. Although they weren't going to admit it all three of them were nervous. "Remember, we do this as a team. Win or lose. Let's go out there as sisters and show everyone who we are." Adagio put her hand out. Aria and Sonata did the same, the three girls looked at each other in the eyes.

"Let's go Dazzlings!" All three girls threw their hands in the air. With that, the girls walked into the stadium and headed to the main stage. Upon arriving the Dazzlings realized just how many teams were competing in the tournament.

"And here I thought there were only going to be a few teams, but there has have to be a hundred teams here." Aria said, looking around at the number of people on the main stage. Sonata was about to tease Aria and ask if she was scared but a voice stopped her.

"Hello everyone! Today marks the beginning of the team tournament! Teams from all over have gathered to compete, all of them having the same mindset, to be declared the best team in the entire world! Only one team will topple all the others, which one out of these teams will win it all? Only time will be able to tell!" The audience roared in anticipation for the tournament to get underway. "Each match will be randomized so with that said if you'll turn your heads to the overhead monitor the first match will be randomized." Names of the teams were shown being randomized, and as it came to a stop two names were shown overhead for everyone to see. The Dazzling's eyes widened, they couldn't believe what they were seeing. "And there we have it! The First Match of the team tournament will be between the Dazzlings going up against the Bulls. With that, let the team tournament commence!" Once again the audience exploded into cheers as the sound of fireworks could be heard.

"Who knew we would be in the First Round." Sonata said with her hand on her hip. She then saw the other team staring her and her sisters down, she quickly hid behind Adagio. "A-Adagio.. they're looking at us. I-I'm scared." Adagio looked over and saw the Bulls, and she and Aria quickly stared back. The Dazzlings and the Bulls eyed each other from opposite sides. All the other teams walked off the stage as the Dazzlings and the Bulls walked over to their places. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata then got into a group huddle.

"Alright, what's the game plan, group leader?" Adagio looked over at Sonata with a smile, while Aria did the same.

Sonata started to get flustered. "Um... well... we go out there and win! Adagio since you're the Champion you'll go out there first and give us an easy lead. Aria you'll go second and then I'll go last, we'll win before they knew what hit them."

Adagio let out a small chuckle. "Good plan, leader. You have my word, I'll go out there and win!" With that Adagio headed up to the stadium, however, the stadium wasn't the normal Hyper Stadium everyone had been accustomed to. Adagio looked at the stadium in surprise. "What's this? Where's the regular Hyper Stadium?"

"For this special event we'll be using a special Stadium, give a warm welcome to the newly made Hyper Warp Stadium. Beys will be able to gain some insane acceleration, as well as its steep slope. Awesome battles are sure to be brought to life from this stadium." The announcer said.

Adagio and her opponent got into their places as they got ready for the call. "This Battle will be a first to two points. The first team to achieve three points will be declared the victors! Now First Battle!" Everyone went quiet as the First Match of the tournament was about to go underway. "Now get ready and set!"

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Both Beys took to the stadium, and Achilles raced up the acceleration ramp. "Go Achilles! Pick up some speed and take them out!" Achilles ran up the ramp and then raced down the ramp picking up more and more speed. "End this in one hit! Unison Breaker!"

"Attack!" Both Beys collide and within a second the opponent's Bey burst.

"Union Achilles with a Burst Finish! With a score of 2-0, Adagio wins! Dazzlings lead 1-0!" The crowd cheers as Adagio walks back to the sidelines while Aria stood up.

Adagio side-eyed Aria. "Better go out there and win."

"Trust me Adagio, I will. All I'll need is five seconds and this match will be history." With that Aria walked up to the main stage, she looked at her opponent. Nothing too noteworthy to look at. "Apocalypse, don't worry this won't take long at all." Aria smiled while her opponent shook just by seeing Aria's crazy smile.

"It's a Burst! In just one hit Aria has shown her overwhelming power!" Aria stood there with her arms crossed, while her opponent was on his knees in shock at Aria's power. "The Dazzlings are now one victory away from winning the match! Will things end in the third round or will the Bulls make the comeback of the century!"

Aria walked back to the sidelines. "Well Sonata, me and Adagio did what we had to do, now all we need is for you to win. Make this fast, show them the strength of the Dazzlings."

"Trust me I'll finish this much faster than you did Aria. All I will need is three seconds." With that Sonata hopped off to the stadium.

"Do you think she'll really be able to finish this in three seconds?" Aria asked turning to face Adagio.

"This is Sonata we're talking about. Once she puts something in her mind she'll do it. Just watch, Sonata will finish this in three seconds." Adagio then sighed. "Looks like we won, it's a shame though, I was kinda looking forward to an action-packed Battle."

Aria puts one of her hands on Adagio's shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm sure the later we get into the Tournament the more intense Battles we'll get into. All of our friends are in this tournament, people like Leon, Gabby, and Dean, I'm sure we'll get to face them sooner or later."

"I hope the time comes sooner rather than later or else I might go crazy." Aria just laughs while Adagio puts her head down.

"What are you guys talking about?" Aria and Adagio turn their heads quickly to see Sonata in front of them with her hands behind her back along with a bright smile on her face.

"Sonata your back already?!" They yelled.

"Yep! I sure am. I told you I would finish the battle in three seconds. You two must have been so involved in your conversation that you must not have realized." The Dazzlings all smiled while they left the sidelines to get to the stands.

"With the Dazzlings winning 3-0, they will be the first team to be moving on to the next round. Now then, on to the next match." Team names once again are shown spinning, once it comes to a stop it shows two other team names. "The Second Round will be between the Shooting Stars going up against the Dragonslayers." When the two teams get down to the main stage, the Dazzlings were surprised to see who was down there.

Sonata looked at the team in surprise. "Gabby... Leon... and Dean? Working together!"

Adagio also looked at the team in shock. "That's some team combination if I've ever seen one. Dean with his Master Devolos which is a Balance Type, Leon with his Luinor which is an Attack Type, and Gabby with her Royal Genesis which is a Defense Type. We should watch these three closely."

Aria shook her head. "You're wrong. Gabby evolved her Bey. It's no longer Royal Genesis, it goes by Eclipse Genesis now. And it's much stronger than Royal Genesis use to be, its power is off the charts."

Adagio crossed her arms. "I'll be the one to decide that, as the Champion, I'm the strongest no one else."

"And it's over with a Burst! Gabby and her Bey Eclipse Genesis have given her team its third and final point. The Dragonslayers will be moving on to the Second Round." The referee declared as the crowd cheered.

Gabby looked down at her opponent. "And you call yourselves the Shooting Stars, you're no star. You've fallen to Eclipse Genesis, a star can do nothing to an eclipse. Give up while you still can, I spared you and your Bey today. But tomorrow's a different day, you might not be so lucky next time."

"Just like I thought, they would win. Sonata, Aria, we better buckle up because we're going to be in for the ride of our lives in this tournament." Aria and Sonata shook their heads, they knew Adagio was telling the truth.

It was like that for the rest of the day, with countless Battles with teams winning and losing. Every team gives it its all until the very end.

"Bushin Ashindra with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-0, Athena wins! Meaning she and the Stars will be advancing forward." Adagio looked and saw Bael, Phoebe, and Athena from above celebrating their victory. Athena looked up and her eyes caught Adagio's. They both look at each other and smile.

"Just wait Athena, you and me will get our Battle sooner or later. But in your case, you better hope it's later. However, your inevitable loss against me will happen no matter how hard you try to not let it happen." Aria and Sonata just look at each other and laughed at how serious Adagio was getting.

"You're not even the one fighting yet your so fired up. Dagi I think you should watch the match-ups instead of talking." Adagio looks at Aria and Sonata, a small blush growing on her face as she looked away from them furthering their laughter.

Before the Dazzlings knew it, it was time for the Second Round of the tournament. However, it was nothing too interesting for them as they were able to 3-0 their opponents once again. The Dazzlings were currently walking down the hall to get to the standings, while walking they decided to have a group chat.

"We've been able to defeat our opponents with no trouble at all. We're going to be heading into the Third Round soon, we know teams like the Stars and the Dragonslayers are moving on but there might be other teams we've yet to see to make them worthy of our attention. The competition will only get stronger the further we go, so we better get ready for anything that comes." Adagio spoke as she looked at her two sisters who agreed.

Aria nodded her head. "If we keep this momentum up, the next few rounds should be a piece of cake. I'm glad we decided to team up, with our bond with one another and our Beys we probably have the highest chance at winning this thing."

Sonata nodded her head with a smile. "Yeah! We have Dagi the Champion, me with Spryzen, and you Ari, with Apocalypse. But... I do worry about Gabby and her team. I know I shouldn't be too worried but I'm a little scared to Battle them if we do."

"Trust me Sonata me and Aria feel the same." Aria shakes her head agreeing with Adagio. "It took me everything and plus some to defeat Gabby, Leon has given both me and Aria problems in the past, and even though Dean might not look like a challenge at first glance but he's stronger than he looks. A Defense Type, an Attack Type, and a Balance Type, they have a wide variation in their hands."

Aria nodded her head. "The same thing stands for the Stars. Athena, Bael, and Phoebe are all strong Bladers as well. We may have beaten them in the past but their not ones to underestimate. They've only gotten stronger, so they're bound to give us more of a challenge than in the past."

"Valex and his team could give us a challenge possibly. With him, his brother Venus, and Frizzle. I may have beaten Frizzle and Valex before but it wasn't a walk in the park. Geez... now I'm even more nervous than I was before." Sonata felt a hand touch her shoulder, she looked up to see Adagio looking down at her.

"Sonata as long as we're together the three of us can do anything we wish for." Adagio reached into her pocket and pulled out Achilles. Aria did the same as she pulled out Apocalypse. "We are the Dazzlings, we can overcome any obstacle that stands in our way. Achilles, Apocalypse, Spryzen, me, Aria, and you, Sonata. The six of us will win this thing, we'll be the strongest team ever." Adagio and Aria put out their Beys, and Sonata caught on and took out Spryzen. The three of them did a Bey bump, and the three of them knew that no matter what came their way they would be able to overcome it. As a team!

Preview: After winning more matches with no difficulty the Dazzlings have arrived at the Quarter-Finals. Standing with them are the eight strongest teams in the world, and tension rises as the Battles get more intense. The Dragonslayers only continue to prove themselves as a menace, while the Dazzlings are paired against some strong opponents. Will their opponents prove to be too much for them or will they be able to surpass them and move on to the Semi-Finals?

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Annihilation! To The Semi-Finals!

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