• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,779 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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17. Fafnir vs Spryzen!

It was the next day and the Dazzlings had just arrived on the tournament grounds. They were currently in the middle of the stadium waiting for their second-round opponent to be announced. Aria had calmed down after yesterday's match with Phoebe. Sonata was jumping with joy to get to battle again, Aria was just minding her own business, and Adagio was just glaring at Gabby with loath in her eyes.

'She'll get revenge for all that she's done one day.' Adagio thought as she continued to glare at Gabby.

"Ladies and gentlemen I'm your announcer and it's time that we launch right into the second round match-ups for the tournament. So without further ado here are the second round match-ups!" The Blader's faces scramble around for a few seconds and then stop. The second round of match-ups was Athena vs Gabby, Dean vs Valex, and Sonata vs Frizzle for Group A. For Group B the matches consisted of Adagio vs Joy, Phoebe vs Leon, and Bael vs Aria. "Let's jump straight into the action! Can Athena and Gabby please arrive at the stadium?"

Athena and Gabby arrive at the stadium and the Dazzlings look down at the battle. "Alright, I'm betting ten dollars Athena's got this in the bag!" Sonata offered.

"You're even more clueless than I thought, but I accept your bet. I bet Gabby will beat Athena in the first battle!" Aria countered back.

"Why? Don't you have trust in our friend? Athena has a chance at beating Gabby remember nobody is flawless. Gabby can and will be defeated one day." Sonata said, fully confident in what she said.

Aria scoffed at Sonata's words. "Oh please Sonata, Gabby defeated Leon, one of the most vigorous Bladers here. He's by far superior to Athena, Genesis will have little to no trouble against a Bey as inferior to Ashindra."

Sunset watches as her daughters fight over who going to win. She looks over to Adagio to see her not engaging with her other sisters. "You not going to take a bet on who's going to win, Adagio?" Sunset asked.

"It's easy to pinpoint who's going to secure the victory in this not-so-climactic battle. Gabby's got this in the bag no doubt." As she looked down at the arena.

Sunset just looks at Adagio in surprise, Aria and Sonata stopped bickering and stared at Adagio in shock.

Down in the ring, Gabby was having a fight with herself in her mind. She was thinking about Aria's match the other day.

'How was she able to tap into that power? That was just like my Superior-Flux but her's was darker. But I can't get sidetracked from her, I have better things to deal with.' Gabby shook her head and then got into position.

"Bladers get ready and set!" The referee announced.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yells. Genesis and Athena both land on the ground.

"Now go Ashindra!" Athena yelled.

Gabby just looked ahead. 'Now Genesis, unlock your power with Superior-Flux.'

Genesis lights up and speeds toward Ashindra. Genesis charged straight toward Ashindra and plows through it like it was nothing. Ashindra goes flying in the air and burst in record timing, Athena gasps in shock seeing her Bey burst.

"Royal Genesis with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-0, Gabby is the winner of the match!" The referee announced.

Aria turns her head and smiles at Sonata. "Poor Sonata, for your little mistake I'll be nice to you... pay me five dollars instead."

"Save your pity for someone who wants it Aria." Sonata said looking away blushing in embarrassment.

"Well... I hope you all enjoyed that match but it's time to move on to the second match. Can Valex and Dean please make their way to the stadium grounds?"

Dean and Valex's battle had already commenced. It was a tied score of one all, it was anyone's game at this point.

"Devolos! Use Dual Phantom!" Dean yelled.

"Stop them before they can take initiative, Valtryek! Take them down with a Rush Launch!" Valex yelled.

Devolos was able to split into two before Valtryek could get to it. The clone hits Valtryek sending it going in the opposite direction.

Dean smirked. "Now Devolos! Use Clone Cannon!"

Valex gritted his teeth. "Take out that nettlesome clone with Wing Whip!"

The clone collides with Valtryek with a huge blow. The blow was so hard that Valtryek large a chunk of its stamina. Valtryek was now wobbling with hardly any stamina left.

"Finish this Devolos! Use Shining Launch!" Dean yelled with all his might.

Devolos hits Valtryek almost instantly Valtryek burst from the strike.

"Venom Devolos with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 3-1, Dean is the winner!" The referee announced.

"That was a nail-biter battle. But now it's time for the last Battle in Group A, Frizzle and Sonata you know what to do." The announced said.

Sonata stands up and heads to the stadium. "Sonata wait!" Sonata turns around to see Aria and Adagio looking at her. "Yeah what's up?" Sonata tilted her head in confusion. "I kinda got a match to get to."

"Do your best sister." Aria said with a smile.

"I want to face you in the Finals so you better not lose to anyone else but me." Adagio said with a smirk.

Small tears enter Sonata's eyes. "Yeah... I'll win just you watch."

Frizzle and Sonata meet at the stadium, Frizzle smiles while Sonata gets her Bey in her launcher. Sonata had a plan that Frizzle would never expect.

"Bladers get ready and set!" The referee called.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Both Bey's land on the stadium floor. Fafnir rushes around the stadium at an impressive speed, while Spryzen... slowly spins around the stadium.

"How could Sonata mis-launch during such an important battle?" Aria questioned.

Adagio looked down at the stadium. "Your wrong. Look at Sonata, she's up to something."

Aria looks down to see Sonata smiling, she was up to something... but what?

"Nice trick, but I'm the magician here! Take it out Fafnir!" Frizzle yells.

Fafnir hits Spryzen but instead of sending Spryzen flying, Spryzen actually gains some momentum from the attack. Fafnir continues to strike Spryzen but blow after blow Spryzen just kept getting faster.

"She took a page right out of Fafnir, now Fafnir is the one to have its stamina taken away." Arctic said impressed as he watched the battle from Sonata's room.

Frizzle laughed. "If that's the best plan you got, you better start thinking harder. Now Fafnir!" Fafnir rushes onto the upper deck and gains some speed. "Now finish things with Wizard Blow!"

Fafnir comes flying down the upper deck and rushes toward Spryzen. Although before it makes contact Spryzen's trajectory changes as it goes in for a counterattack.

"Fight back with Turbo Upper Launch!" Sonata yelled.

Both Fafnir and Spryzen collide with one another but sadly Fafnir had more strength and sent Spryzen out of the ring. Spryzen hits the ground, and Sonata looks at her Bey in shock.

"Wizard Fafnir with a Ring Out Finish! Frizzle gets one point, and the score is now 1-0. Frizzle has now taken the lead against Sonata." The referee called.

"Your trick was a good one and that new move of yours was something else. But... only one can win this match and that person is going to be me!" Frizzle said laughing at Sonata.

Sonata just looks at Frizzle and then grabs her Bey. 'My plan failed but not only that but it backfired on me. Now, what am I going to do.' Sonata then looks at her Bey.

"Spryzen, what are we going to do now?" Sonata asked.

Just then Sonata was engulfed in a bright light when the light vanishes she notices that she was face-to-face with Spryzen.

"Spryzen..." Sonata said as she looked at the figure in front of her.

"Hello, Sonata. It's nice to meet you after all this time." Spryzen said with what looked to be a smile on its face.

Sonata continued looking at Spryzen in awe. "Yeah... so hey, Spryzen... do you have any idea on what we should do against Frizzle?"

"Do what we always do in battle. Give it our all and have fun, that's our style of Blading! In Beyblade, there are a ton of factors you got to think about but the main factor is the bond between Blader and Bey. With a strong bond we can do anything Sonata, now let's show everyone the strongest bond ever!" Spryzen said.

Sonata nodded her head. "Yeah! Just you and me Spryzen!"

Sonata wakes up back to face Frizzle with a smile. Frizzle smiles back at Sonata and puts her bey in her launcher. "Get ready Sonata! Cause I'm coming at you with full power!" A yellow aura surrounded Frizzle as she stared at Sonata.

But Sonata wasn't scared at all, in fact, she smiled even more. "Sorry, Frizzle. But I'm going to make the greatest comeback of a lifetime!" A red aura surrounded Sonata as she stared right back at Frizzle. Both bladers were serious about this battle and neither planned to lose.

Both Frizzle and Sonata got into position. "Get ready and set!"

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Both beys land on the stadium however it's the complete opposite of the last battle. Fafnir was spinning so slow it looked as though it could stop at any moment but Spryzen.

"Alright! The Turbo Blades finally awakened!" Sonata yelled, proud of what she had done.

Frizzle looked at Spryzen impressed. "So that's Spryzen in its Turbo Awakening form, glad I could be the first to take it on at full power. Now come on Sonata, let's go!"

Sonata smiled. "You got it! Spryzen hit with a Counter Break!"

Spryzen smacks into Fafnir causing Fafnir to drain its spin. Spryzen continues to hit Fafnir with all it's got but Fafnir just absorbed all of its attacks. Adagio and Aria look at Sonata in confusion.

Adagio sighed at her sister's antics. "What is Sonata doing? Sonata should have dodged Fafnir at the beginning and then tie up the score. Better yet why is Sonata in Right-spin Attack Mode? She should have gone with a Left-spinning Attack Mode to burst Fafnir in one strike. But then again why am I surprised this is Sonata we're talking about."

Aria looked over at Adagio annoyed. "Adagio you better shut that loud mouth of yours. Just watch, I feel as though Sonata's got a plan. She's doing this on purpose because she wants a fierce on the edge of your seat match with Frizzle."

Adagio looked over at Aria and rolled her eyes. "It's pointless Aria, look at Spryzen it's losing steam. Sonata needs to start using her brain during her battles. She finally unlocks the Turbo Awakening for the first time and yet that still won't be enough to save her behind in this match."

"Do you even care or better yet love Sonata? How would you feel if she said that about you!?" Aria's eye flashed purple for a second.

Adagio then angrily yelled back at Aria. "Unlike her, I use my brain! I'll make it to the Finals but it'll be a miracle if she can even win a match!"

Spryzen was running low on gas while Fafnir was charging up for an attack. However, Spryzen's tip gained traction on the stadium floor and sped up. Frizzle gasps as she sees Spryzen gain so much speed and power.

"Where did all of that energy come from?" Frizzle shook her head, she couldn't get sidetracked. "Never the more! Fafnir climb onto the upper deck and gain your own epic power!"

Sonata smiled, she had Frizzle right where she wanted her. "We won't back down! Spryzen you climb onto the upper deck just like them!"

Both Spryzen and Fafnir climb onto the upper deck and charge toward one another. Both Bladers let out a battle cry their Bey avatars were behind them roaring in sync with them.

"Now Fafnir! Wizard Blow!" Frizzle yelled.

"Let's go Spryzen! Turbo Spryzen Whip!" Sonata yelled.

Both Beys jump from the upper deck and collide in the center of the stadium. Sparks flew as the two Beys collided with one another. Sonata and Frizzle were yelling their lungs out, and people in the watching area gasped or blocked their eyes as they saw the battle. During their head-to-head collision, Fafnir's rubber and Spryzen's Turbo blade made contact resulting in a huge explosion.

The explosion was so intense it caused a whirlwind to begin. The sound of windows shattering could be heard but Fafnir and Spryzen were still at a standstill with each other. It looked like Fafnir was getting the edge until Sonata let out everything she had left.

"Spryzen! I believe in you!!" Sonata cried out.

With that Spryzen was capable of slicing through Fafnir causing it to burst into little fragments. The crowd was silent but then it turned into a loud cheer.

"That's a Burst Finish for Turbo Spryzen! With a final score of 2-1, Sonata is the winner!"

Adagio and Aria hug each other and start bouncing up and down yelling that Sonata had won. Sunset couldn't be more proud of Sonata. This was a changing point for the Dazzlings better yet everyone in the tournament, and it was all thanks to Sonata's victory.

"In all my life I have never seen such an action-packed battle like this one folk! Let's give this two a round of applause for their intense battle!" The announcer cried.

The crowd claps their hands for Sonata and Frizzle. Sonata and Frizzle were on the ground in sweat after the battle. They finally found the power within to stand up and shake each other's hands.

Frizzle smiled at Sonata. "That was a great battle Sonata. I hope we can have a rematch again one day."

Sonata smiled back at her. "The same goes for you, Frizzle. You gave me the best Battle I ever had and I'll be more than happy to have another Battle."

Up in the stands, two sisters began to talk again. "So your little opinion about Sonata was off, huh?" Aria asked as she looked over at Adagio.

Adagio sighed as she looked down at the stadium and smiled. "I'll admit I was wrong. Sonata has more potential than I thought she did. She may have what it takes to win the whole thing, but then again I want to win as well." Adagio then looks down at Sonata, 'Her bond with Spryzen is a strong one that's for sure. But that won't be enough to take down me and Achilles!'

Aria saw where Adagio was looking and looked over at Sonata. 'Sonata that was a great battle. But me and Apocalypse won't lose so easily if we have to face off.'

In another part of the arena, Gabby looked down at Sonata with a frown on her face. 'Your sisters are nothing more than failures but you're the biggest one of them all Sonata.' Gabby thought as her Bey lit up.

Preview: The second half of the second round matches begins for group B. Adagio has a rematch with Joy and she intends on winning. Then childhood friends Phoebe and Leon fight it out and then finally, Aria and Bael throw down with one another. But like her battle with Phoebe, Aria loses control once again but this time it seems far more chaotic than before.

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Battle Of Loved Ones!

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