• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,779 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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6. Flying High! Harmony Pegasus!

Once the Dazzlings got word about Phoebe, they decided to head over to Phoebe's house the next day. They were currently outside of Phoebe's house... or so they thought. The house was well... a mansion! The Dazzlings looked up at the mansion in awe, it was huge!

"Is this the right place? I didn't expect it to be so big." Sonata said looking up at the mansion.

"I didn't know Phoebe was rich." Aria said also looking at the mansion in awe.

"There's no time to be surprised about the mansion girls! We gotta find Phoebe and challenge her to a Battle! Let's get going you guys." Adagio said, starting to head to the backyard. When the girls walked into the backyard they saw Phoebe who looked to be waiting for them.

"I'm glad you guys could come." Phoebe said as she sat down drinking some tea as she was waiting for the Dazzlings to arrive.

"Phoebe why didn't you tell us that you were rich? This place is probably ten times as big as our place!" Sonata said still looking at the mansion.

Phoebe smiled. "It's not something I like to bring up to others since I don't want them to treat me differently just because they know my family has money."

"That makes sense." Adagio said nodding her head. "If people find out you're rich, they might try treating you differently just to get some money." Phoebe looked at Adagio and then slowly nodded her head. Adagio seeing her sad face decided to change the situation. "Well, are we going to battle or what?"

Phoebe looked back up at Adagio and smiled brightly. "Indeed we are, this is my Bey, Harmony Pegasus. It's a clockwise spinning Stamina Type." Phoebe then looked at the girls. "So who's going to face off with me first?"

"I'll go first! Apocalypse has been itching to battle for a while." Aria said, taking out her Bey.

Phoebe smiled at Aria. "Fine by me. Let's get going!"

Adagio takes charge as the referee. "Alright Bladers! Get ready and set!" Aria and Phoebe then got into position.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Both Pegasus and Apocalypse land on the stadium.

Pegasus claims the center while Apocalypse starts heading towards Pegasus. Apocalypse hits Pegasus, making the first contact.

"Keep attacking Pegasus, Apocalypse! Hit it with Omega Blast!" Aria yelled out.

Apocalypse hits Pegasus with its special attack. Once it hits Pegasus, yellow wings come out of Pegasus. Aria saw them and started wondering what they were. 'What are those? Are they supposed to be some attack blades?'

'Are they like my Turbo blades, making Pegasus unburstable?' Sonata wondered.

"Finish this match, Apocalypse!" Apocalypse crashes into the yellow wings, making Pegasus gets sent flying.

"Now Pegasus! Reverse Heal!" Phoebe cried out.

Pegasus gets sent flying into the air but instead of bursting as Aria thought it would. The yellow wings go back into Pegasus. Pegasus lands gracefully back onto the stadium and heads back to the center stage.

"Why didn't it burst? It was supposed to burst with that attack!" Aria said confused.

"My Pegasus has never burst before. So you can't beat it so easily." Phoebe said with a smile.

Aria growled at Phoebe's words. "Well if I can't burst you then I'll get a Ring Out or a Survivor Finish!" However, Aria didn't know that Apocalypse was running out of stamina. Just then Apocalypse comes to a stop, making Aria's chances of winning over. Aria gasped not knowing Apocalypse was running low on stamina.

"It's Harmony Pegasus with a Survivor Finish. Phoebe is the winner of this match!" Adagio declared.

Adagio looked as Phoebe grabbed her Bey. 'So those wings only come out when Pegasus comes close to bursting, so when a Bey hits those wings it reverts back to its original state. To beat Pegasus with a burst you have to make the wings come out and then you have to hit Pegasus anywhere but the wings.'

"So who's next?" Phoebe asked looking at Sonata and Adagio.

"I want to go! I want to go! I'll beat you!" Sonata said jumping up and down.

Adagio rolled her eyes. "Yeah sure go ahead, Sonata." Sonata smiled and quickly ran over to get into place. "Bladers, get ready and set!"

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Spryzen and Pegasus crash onto the stadium floor.

Pegasus and Spryzen both head toward the center, getting into a head-on collision with one another for the center of the stadium.

"Pegasus send Spryzen out of the stadium with your Feather Storm!"

A storm appears out of nowhere and picks up Spryzen. Spryzen gets thrown into the air and gets sent flying out of the stadium. Making Phoebe the winner of the match and making Sonata the loser. Sonata gasped at how fast she lost.

"Harmony Pegasus with a Ring-out Finish. Phoebe is the winner of the match." Adagio declared. 'That was a crazy attack she just unleashed on Sonata. Both Aria and Sonata have failed trying to beat Pegasus, Phoebe really is powerful. Maybe if there was a way I could make Achilles fly and land on top of Pegasus I might just be able to beat Pegasus.'

"I guess they say you save the best for last. Adagio I've heard great things about you, you better not disappoint me." Phoebe said showing off Harmony Pegasus.

Adagio smiled as she showed off Achilles. "I won't disappoint you, I'll beat you! Just you watch, I'm going to win this match."

Adagio equips Union Achilles with its sword. 'I'm going to attack Pegasus with all I got, then when he uses that move I'll try to take control of the storm.'

Aria ran over to take as the referee. "Bladers, get ready and set!"

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Achilles and Pegasus land in the stadium. Pegasus claims the center while Achilles is right on its tail.

"Achilles hit it with a Unison Launch." Adagio yelled. Achilles starts landing a barrage of attacks on Pegasus. After a while, the yellow wings come out of Pegasus. Adagio noticed this and smiled. 'That's what I've been waiting for. Now I have to get Phoebe to use that Feather Storm move. Then I should be able to take Pegasus down.' Adagio then looked at Pegasus and smirked. "Achilles go forth and charge into Pegasus! Finish this match and prove why you're the best!"

"Not so fast, Adagio! Stop them with your Feather Storm, sending them flying out of the ring!" Phoebe yelled.

Just like with Sonata's match with Phoebe, Achilles gets sent flying up in the air due to the storm. But Adagio wasn't planning on losing to Phoebe. "Achilles ride the storm! Slash through the storm with your Unison Sword!"

As Achilles was slashing through the storm, Achilles started to shine with a dim gold. Achilles then finally crashes through the storm and hits Pegasus from above. Both Beys get sent flying out of the stadium and Achilles and Pegasus both land on the ground, but one of them hit the ground before the other one did.

"Union Achilles with a Ring Out Finish. Adagio is the winner of the match." Sonata declared. "Adagio that was amazing! That plan of yours was foolproof!"

"I agree. That was a good idea, you caught me off, guard. I didn't expect you to be able to break through my storm. Your an incredible blader Adagio." Phoebe said smiling at Adagio.

Adagio smiled. "Thanks but I still have a long way to go. Plus I'm no better than my sisters. I just watch my sister's battles and I think of a strategy to beat them."

Phoebe nodded her head. "Well, still that was a great match. By the way, I would recommend heading to Athena's place. I've heard her Bey has some crazy defense, she has yet to be defeated by anyone. She just turned into an A-tier blader yesterday. So now she's allowed to compete in upcoming tournaments."

"Athena is an A-tier blader? Wow... she must be a strong blader then." Adagio then turned to her sisters. "Girls you already know what I'm going to say but I'm going to say it anyways. Our next mission is to train with Phoebe so that we can take on Athena!"

"Yeah!" Aria and Sonata yelled.

'Phoebe said that Athena's Bey has some crazy strong defense. So that must mean her Bey must be a Defense Type. If I face off with her I'll go with Achilles in Stamina Mode without the sword attached.'

For the rest of the day, the Dazzlings trained with Phoebe at her mansion. Their next stop; to Athena's. Adagio was the most excited, she was going to prove once and for all who was the best between her and Athena.

Preview: The Dazzlings head over to Athena's house. Once arriving Athena challenges the Dazzlings to a Battle Royale. Who will win the three-on-one? Will the Dazzlings or will Athena win? And will Adagio and Athena prove who's the best once and for all? You're going to have to find out.

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Magnificent! Bushin Ashindra!

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