• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,788 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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48. A Dazzling Bond! Ultimate Tag Battle!


A little Gabby walked into the living room of her house to see her mother once again laying across the couch with beer bottles all around her. Gilda was in a deep hungover as she snored in her sleep after the long night of drinking away. "Momma? Wake up, I'm hungry." However, the hungover mother stayed asleep unaware of her daughter's words. The little girl sighed as she went over to the kitchen to make some cereal to clinch her hunger.

As she ate her breakfast she looked outside to see two boys playing football with their dad, the three of them all had smiles on their faces at the fun they were having. Gabby looked out the window at the scene and sighed, she wished for a relationship like that with her family. She also wished she had a dad just like all the other families she would see. She played with her food as small tears escaped, life wasn't fair, life was a cruel and painful thing. Just then a strong light beamed above her, she covered her eyes so as to not be blinded. When she looked again she saw Genesis standing before her. "Take my hand and you'll life will be great from here on out." Gabby looked at the creature in awe, slowly but surely she reached out her hand and took Genesis's. "You've made the right choice my dear, now all will be well." Just then both Gabby and Genesis were engulfed by a bright white light.

Gabby opened her eyes to hear the cheers of the crowd, she looked around and saw that she was no longer in her nightmare but back in the stadium arena. She saw Dean and Leon discussing a plan of action, while the Dazzlings were talking, most likely trying to find a way to turn things around. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen! The fate of the Blading world hangs in the balance as these Tag Team Battles continue! Will the Dragonslayers seize the last Battle of the day and secure their ultimate victory? Or will the Dazzlings pull through with their resolve and delay the final outcome until tomorrow? Everything comes down to this last Tag Team Battle!"

"That's not even a question." Gabby looked down at Genesis as she thought back to the previous Battle. "There's absolutely no way they can win this with their abilities." She remembered back when both Apocalypse and Spryzen burst to her attack. Gabby's eyes glowed her aura radiated off of her. "There's just no way I'll allow them to win!"

"They can still win the next one, right?" Twilight asked.

"Of course, they can! Our girls always pull through. That's how they got here, that's what they're all about." Sunset said in response, but Tom looked at her and saw that she had her hands were shaking.

Tom looked at the girls with determination. "Come on girls, you have to win."

Back at the stands Sonata looked at Spryzen and thought back to the last Battle. "In that Battle earlier, when the Armor shifted, I pushed the sword in." Aria gasped as she looked at Adagio. Adagio looked back at Aria and nodded her head with a smile.

Aria smiled back and thought. "That means we've gotta shift the Armor over and wait for the center to glow red. Then we push in the sword to trigger the mechanism, and it might just burst. We'd need a lot of coordination to pull that off." Aria looked down at Apocalypse and smirked. "Adagio, Sonata... you've got this."

Adagio looked at Aria in surprise. "Aria, I..."

"Dagi! Let's go burst these guys with an epic combo!" Adagio looked at Aria who nodded.

"Yeah! You're right! For the next Battle, we'll be going with you and me. These Battle decides it all so we can't afford to lose..." Adagio's shoulders started to shake. Aria and Sonata saw this and started to worry.

Sonata took a step forward. "Hey, Adagio are you-"

Just then Adagio looked at her sisters with a big smile. "Doesn't it make your heart race with excitement? No matter what it takes, let's go out there and make that feeling surge! Let's go show everyone watching just how strong we are. Trust me, there isn't a better team than us!" Adagio took a deep breath. "Now let's get goin'!"

"Yeah!" The three girls fist-bumped as Sonata and Adagio made their way to the stadium.

"Hold on to the phone! The Dazzling are sending out Sonata and Adagio to tussle with Leon and Gabby!" The crowd cheered as Sunset looked at her two girls.

"Alright, Adagio, Sonata. Don't let us down, you two. Show everyone in here the greatest Tag Battle ever!" Aria yelled.

Gabby looked at the two and scoffed. "Well, you just never learn your lesson."

"Now Game Six! The Final Tag Battle is now commencing!" The four Bladers got into position as they were ready to take off.

"Sonata..." Sonata looked up to see Adagio looking at her. "I've got your back." Sonata smiled as she looked ahead, a fire was burning inside of her heart.

Sonata and Gabby looked each other in the eyes as if both thinking the same thing. 'I will end this right here and now.'

"Now get ready and set!" The referee announced.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

The four Beys launch into the stadium, with Achilles racing after Genesis and Luinor racing after Spryzen. Adagio had decided to go on the attack and with it in full power Attack Mode with the Union sword attached, as Sonata had put Spryzen in Left spinning Stamina Mode.

"The Dazzlings dropped some fiery launches!" Achilles quickly makes it's way over to Genesis. "Unison Achilles is on the offensive!" Gabby just watched as she wasn't worried. Achilles and Genesis collide as they get pushed away and come swinging back in with a head-to-head collision. "It's only the beginning of the Match, and they're already dishing out some major impact!"

Leon watches and chuckles. "Don't forget about me... Adagio!" Luinor changes course and heads toward Achilles, but then all of a sudden Spyrzen comes out of nowhere and starts pushing it back. Lord Spryzen rushes in for a direct attack and starts pushing Zone Luinor backward, away from Genesis and Achilles.

Leon looks at Spryzen pushing back Luinor in surprise. "Would you look at that! Sonata is proving to be the perfect match for Leon!"

Sonata saw this and smiled. "Unfortunately for you, I am your opponent."

Leon growled at this and yelled. "Get out of my way!" Luinor started to launch a fierce counterattack, however, every time Spryzen would shut it down. Leon let out a battle cry, it was time to get serious. "LUINOR!" Luinor was engulfed in a blue aura as its avatar was unleashed. Luinor made its way to Spryzen as it charged up its power. "Zone Slam!"

Adagio saw this and smiled, she was still in a head-to-head collision with Gabby and Genesis but she had a plan. "ACHILLES!" It was now Achilles' turn as it radiated its red aura as the avatar to Achilles was unleashed and ready to strike. "Unison Sword!" Achilles strikes Genesis giving it no time to escape, Gabby gasps as Genesis goes flying but is able to survive for another day. Achilles then races its way to Luinor to shut it down for good. "Now, Unison Upper!"

Leon looks up in the air. "What?!" Gabby looked at the scene and sighed. 'As predicted, they're going for the armor which means they're aiming for a burst.' Luinor then falls right in front of her face. 'But it's impossible.'

"Lord Whip!" Lord Spryzen goes on the attack as it was taking aim at the free-falling Luinor! Leon started to stress as sweat dripped from his forehead. "Now go!" Spryzen charged toward Luinor but at the last second Genesis came in front of Spryzen and stopped it in its tracks. 'She read our attack perfectly.' Sonata looked at Adagio and the two nodded. "We aren't done! Next one for sure!"

"It's no use!" Eclipse Genesis shifts into gear and races across the upper deck. "It's over. Eclipse Whip!" Genesis channeled its power into one strike as it raced down the upper deck and toward Spryzen. Sonata covered her arms to block the attack as everyone in the stadium looked in terror for what was to come.

The sound of Sonata yelling could be heard. "Now go Spryzen!" Spryzen fired up with an aura as its fighting spirit was being pushed to the max as the avatar burst to life. "Counter Break!"

"I've already calculated your trajectory. There is no escaping us." Gabby smiled, Sonata noticed this and closed her eyes. 'Come on I'm begging you... SPRYZEN!' Time seemed to stop but like a red bolt of lightning Spryzen shot away, evading Genesis's attack. Gabby gasped at the fact that Spryzen had dodged the attack. 'What just happened? How did she...?'

Spryzen began to pick us speed as it headed near Luinor with Achilles right behind. "Let's go, Dagi! I'm trusting you. Now watch my back!" Spryzen started to push forward as Luinor was completely defenseless! Leon gasped as Spryzen slammed into Luinor sending it up in the air as Achilles came from behind to deliver the finishing blow. "End this!"

"Now Achilles!" Achilles rams into Luinor sending it flying out of the ring and out of commission. Leon gasped as Adagio and Sonata smiled at what they did, Gabby meanwhile was looking at the ground trying to understand what was going on.

"How?" Gabby's voice was shaky, she was starting to hyperventilate. "This is impossible. Even Eclipse Whip failed."

"Sonata!" Gabby looked up at Adagio. "You can still keep going, right?"

"Oh, yeah. We can go a lot further if we do it together!" Gabby then began to remember all the memories she had of the Dazzlings, from back to when they first meet and got it a fight, to the first tournament and her destroying Turbo Spryzen but then losing to Adagio, and now here. They always seemed to get in the way, and now they were right here when she was so close to getting what she wanted.

"Shut up." Sonata looked over at Gabby in confusion. "I hate you! I wish you had never existed! When I'm done with you you'll be extinct! GENESIS!" The avatar of Genesis came to life as a white aura began to surround it, Gabby too began to transform as she went into her demon-like state once again. Genesis then quickly slams into Spryzen pushing it back, but it wasn't finished as it began to collide pushing Spryzen up to the upper deck and toward the wall.

"Holy Moly! Eclipse Genesis isn't ready to throw in the towel yet. Will this Battle end right here and now?" Sonata was sent toward a pit of fire but Adagio put out her hand to catch Sonata before her fall. Achilles came from behind and stopped Spryzen from colliding with the wall, however, Genesis was still pushing on. "This is incredible! Achilles arrives just in the nick of time!"

Sonata turns around to look at Adagio. "Dagi I-"

"Eyes front, Nata!" Sonata gasped. "From this moment on, this Battle is yours!" Using all her strength Adagio pulled Sonata away from the pit and toward Gabby. Achilles started to push harder as it underwent its Hyper-Flux state. Adagio's eyes glowed as she was getting down to business. "Let's go, Achilles!" Achilles' avatar stood before Spryzen's avatar as it used its shield to block Genesis's avatar from getting through.

"It's pushing back! Achilles is pushing back, and it's not stopping! And check this out! Spryzen's spin is getting even faster!" The announcer yelled.

Adagio thought back to all the good times she had, had with Sonata, she could only smile as she thought back to all the incredible things Sonata had done. "Keep going, Sonata. I'm leaving it all to you!" The transformation then began as Adagio grew her wings, tail, and ears as her aura exploded like a firework.

"Lord Spryzen is accelerating out of this world, absorbing all of the power from Achilles!" Sonata could feel the power coursing through her veins, Sonata lit up with a golden aura as she launched toward Gabby. Gabby was surprised but quickly caught herself as Genesis took the hit.

"Go away!" Genesis lights up as it too underwent its Superior-Flux state.

"Eclipse Genesis responds with some gnarly acceleration of its own!" It was too much as then Adagio was pushed back. Taking most of the blow Achilles was sent into the air and burst from the pressure. Achilles had completely exhausted its power.

Adagio looked at Sonata and smiled, "Go get 'em, Sonata!" Genesis and Spryzen fought in a head-to-head clash with neither of them giving up.

Inside of Gabby's black void, a small hole appeared as a small light filled the void. Gabby looked to see Sonata trying to get in, she growled as she and Genesis charged toward Sonata and Spryzen. "DISAPPEAR!!" With one last push both Beys were sent flying out of the stadium with Genesis hitting the ground just a second before.

"It's Lord Spryzen with a Ring-Out Finish! The Dazzlings are the winners!" The referee declared.

The crowd cheers at the Dazzling's accomplishment. "And there you have it, folks! The Dazzlings live up to their name and show us a Dazzling Performance as they snag their Second win! Looks like we'll be wrapping things up with tomorrow's showdown!" The referee declared as the crowd cheered.

"You did amazing girls!" Sunset couldn't help but shed a tear as Tom hugged her tight.

Aria couldn't help but get emotional too as she held back some tears of her own. "You two idiots really did it. We really do make the best team."

Sonata went over to Adagio to help pick up her from that exhausting Battle. "Adagio. That Battle was the best one ever!"

Sonata put out her hand for Adagio. Adagio looked at it and smiled as she took it. "Yeah."

Gabby looked down at Genesis in disbelief, with a blank expression. "But how."

Preview: After winning the Tag Team Battle the Dazzlings now have some wiggle room. Once again the one-on-one Battles are on, Aria takes to the stage for another victory but Leon has different plans as he steps up to the challenge to finish this showdown for good. With Aria having lost to him twice already she's determined to win and help her team get closer to winning. Will Aria finally be able to break her losing cycle to Leon or will she win and make her team one step closer to sweet victory?

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Revenge Match! Defeat Leon!

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas, wishing you all an amazing day. Spend time with your friends and family, and have a good time. All a gift from me to you, three chapters! Hope you all enjoy your Christmas and I hope my gift has made your Christmas just a bit better! :pinkiesmile:

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