• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,788 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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46. Raging Tag Battle! Aria vs Leon!

Screams and cheers could be heard throughout the battle arena. Currently sitting down the Dazzlings were trying to brainstorm, but it was becoming an issue as Adagio and Aria were coughing due to the steam coming out of Sonata's head.

"Do you mind toning down the steam by a bit Nata?" Aria coughed. "I can't think straight with all this steam in my face."

Adagio let out a moan in distraught. "This steam is ruining my hair! Sonata stop with the steam this instant or I'll make you stop!"

Sonata's face was red as steam still protruded from her head. "I can't help it, I'm trying to think of a strategey. These next three Battles are two vs two, and Gabby and her team could send out anyone. Gabby and Leon, Gabby and Dean, and even Leon and Dean. All of those possibilities are making my brain hurt." The steam coming out erupted as the steam began to fill the arena.

Aria quickly snagged a water bottle and poured it over Sonata's head to cool her down. "Quit thinking, it's not good for someone like you." The steam stopped and Sonata shook her head to get the water off of her.

Sonata looked up at Aria with a glare. "Well, then you tell me what we should do? We're already behind, if we lose again we'll be back at square one by being behind by two points again!"

Looking up at the overhead monitor and then at Gabby's team a lightbulb went off in Adagio's mind. "Girls, I think I know what they might do in the Fourth Round." Aria and Sonata looked over at Adagio and listened. "They know that they're ahead, and they'll want to keep that lead, so strategically speaking they would send out their strongest two, and who are their strongest two Bladers they have?"

Raising her hand Sonata began to wave it frantically in the air. "Oh! I know! I know! Pick me!" Aria and Adagio rolled their eyes at their sister's antics.

Letting out a little giggle Adagio pointed at Sonata. "Yes, Sonata?"

With confidence, Sonata smiled and looked and her sister. "It's Gabby and Leon!"

Aria rolled her eyes. "Looks like you're not a complete idiot."

"Thanks, Ari!" Sonata then realized what Aria had said. "Hey! I'm smart.. kinda."

"Sure you are." Adagio looked at Leon and Gabby. "Knowing they're most likely to go with those two we should team up accustomed to who they go with." Looking down at her hand Achilles began to shine as its aura surrounded it. "I've defeated both Gabby and Leon before so I think Achilles and I going up is a no-brainer. Does anyone have a problem with that?"

Both Aria and Sonata shook their heads. "Nope, go ahead Dagi. And since I just defeated Leon I think me and Spryzen should..." Before Sonata finished she saw Aria look down in sorrow. Letting out a smile and sigh Sonata made up her mind. "What I meant to say was that I think Aria and her Prime Apocalypse should go up."

Turning to head to face Sonata, Aria looked at Sonata confused. "Really, why? I've lost to Leon already."

Sonata looked at Aria and smiled. "Which is perfect for you to go out there and get revenge! Apocalypse and Achilles' strength will be enough to turn the tide in this Battle! Go out there and give everyone a show they'll never forget!"

Adagio and Aria smiled as they faced each other, they fist-bumped as they made their way to the stage. "Let's go out there and get us a win! What do you say, Aria?"

Aria nodded her head. "Yeah!"

Making their way to the stage, Aria and Adagio saw two others make their way. Dean and Leon.

Shocked Aria looked at Adagio. "I thought they would've sent out Leon and Gabby!? Why are they going with Dean and Leon?"

"Perhaps going with their strongest two at the beginning was too predictable. But it doesn't matter, Devolos is a Balance Type while Luinor is an Attack Type just like Achilles and Apocalypse. Dean will likely go with its Right spin as Luinor spins counterclockwise." Adagio began to adjust Achilles. "I'll put Achilles in Defense to counter their attacks."

Aria nodded as she got into position. "Adagio listen to me, I'm going to try something risky but if it works we very well might will this match."

Aria then whispered something in Adagio's ear, it made Adagio's eyes widen as she looked at Aria in surprise. "You're really going all out with that plan? If this backfires on us..."

Aria shook her head. "Don't think like that, you just have to believe that this will work."

Adagio sighed. "Alright, hopefully, this works." All the Bladers got into position as they waited for the call.

"Bladers get ready and set!" The referee yelled.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone in the arena yelled.

The four Beys took to the stadium as Achilles raced to the center, Apocalypse ran around the stadium, and Luinor and Devolos made their way toward Achilles.

"Let's wrap this up before they know what even hit them, Dean!" Leon yelled.

"You got it, Leon! Now charge Devolos!" Dean yelled.

"Tear them apart with Zone Slam!/Master Upper!" As the two Beys made their way to Achilles, Adagio made her move.

Unleashing a roar Adagio's aura raised from the ashes. "LET'S SHOW THEM WHO'S BOSS ACHILLES!" The avatar of Achilles came to life as it shined bright red with aura. "Charge up Unison Counter!"

Leon gasped as he turned to Dean. "Don't let her finish charging up her attack! Finish her before while she's vulnerable!" Dean nodded as Devolos came in and started to attack Achilles over and over again, with Luinor following its movements.

The two Beys attacked over and over again and Achilles was coming close to its limit, Adagio looked at Aria who was smiling as her plan was going just as planned. Aria then looked at Adagio and nodded as then it was now Adagio who was smiling.

"Awesome, Achilles!! Now let 'em have it!" With all the energy it had charged up Achilles unleashed its counterattack and both Luinor and Devolos were sent flying. Luinor flew to the upper deck hitting the wall and then falling into the speed crater while Devolos flew across the arena, where Apocalypse just so happened to be heading too.

"We're winning this thing! Omega Blast!" Apocalypse slammed into Devolos pushing it forward as the two engaged in a side-to-side clash. "What's wrong? Where'd all that talk from earlier go?" Pushing harder Apocalypse began to drive Devolos toward the wall.

Meanwhile, Luinor was in the speed crater starting to pick up speed. "Take to the skies my beast! Luinor, go!" Luinor's avatar shined as it quickly reached quicker speeds as it then shot out of the speed crater and into the air. "Dean! It's time!"

Dean nodded and smiled. "DEVOLOS!" Devolos shined as its avatar came to burst. With newfound strength, it sent Apocalypse flying as it then charged toward Achilles. "Take on this attack! Master Upper!" Devolos barrels into Achilles sending it flying into the air.

Adagio gasps as Leon smirks. "It's over, Champion! Finish them with Zone Hammer!" Luinor crashes into Achilles from above sending it flying toward the stadium, Achilles slams into the flooring of the stadium causing it to burst. As Dean and Leon celebrated they seemed to have forgotten about someone very important.

"NOW APOCALYPSE!" Darkness radiated from Apocalypse as it headed toward the freefalling Luinor. "Engulf them into the darkness with your Final Blast!" Immense energy was pressed into one attack as Apocalypse collides with Luinor forcing an explosion to occur. Leon and Dean gasp as they both then cover their faces.

The force of the impact was enough to send Luinor flying toward Devolos, the two Beys make contact and Devolos goes flying into the wall and burst while Luinor was beginning to falter. Adagio looks at Aria in shock, as much as Aria's plan sounded crazy it worked.


Aria put her face close to Adagio's ear and began to speak her plan. "Look, Adagio, I know this may sound risky but I want you to battle the two of them in a two vs one. They will likely try to get rid of you as fast as they can and then deal with me later. If you can keep them busy and make them waste a bit of their stamina I and Apocalypse will come in and finish things up. We'll catch them off guard and win this thing, even if they can somehow beat you and Achilles they'll be weak and exhausted."

Adagio scratched the back of her head. "If you say so, Ari." Adagio then looks down at Achilles and smiles. "But, I don't think that'll be happening. Me and Achilles will blow them away before you and Apocalypse even have the chance to strike. Remember, we're the Champions and champions don't lose to anyone."

Aria rolled her eyes and laughed. "Sure, whatever you say Champion." The two smiled at each other as they then got into position.

End of Flashback...

"Finish them off Apocalypse!" Apocalypse raced toward Luinor as it crashes into Luinor sending it flying into the air. "End them before they can land! Prime Reboot!" Digging into the stadium Apocalypse's driver shoot out like a rocket and headed to its foe.

Looking up at the sky Leon took a deep breath. "If you think you're gonna beat us this easily you're gravely mistaken! Show them who's the boss! Diving Zone Hammer!" Luinor's blue aura shines as it starts to fall from the sky like a meteorite as it begins falling toward Apocalypse.

Luinor and Apocalypse collide as a clash of black and blue fill the arena. The two Beys get blown away and land on opposite sides of the stadium, Luinor lands on the lower deck while Apocalypse landed in the speed crater and starts picking up high speeds. "Now let's end this! Primal Sphere!" Apocalypse shot out of the speed crater and toward Luinor, a black sphere surrounding it as it headed to the all-mighty dragon.

"Breakthrough with Zone Slam!" Luinor slams into the sphere with all its might, as it tries to break the sphere. The sphere however didn't budge and sent Luinor reeling backward. "That sphere is going to be a problem..." Leon looks down and notices that Luinor is starting to run low on stamina and is starting to falter. A small drop dripped from his forehead, "This isn't good... I need to finish this and fast."

"Look alive Leon!" Leon looked up and saw Aria give off a devilish smile. "You may have defeated me in the previous tournament but this time... I'll be the winner!" Luinor was swaying back and forth as Apocalypse made its charge toward its almost-down opponent. "End their Blading career! Hit it with a Final Blast and burst them!"

Apocalypse hits Luinor causing an explosion, the sound of a Bey bursting could be heard and Aria smiled brightly. When the dust cleared, however... the pieces of Apocalypse were scattered on the flooring of the stadium. Aria, Leon, Adagio, Sonata, and everyone in the arena gasped as they looked down at the burst Apocalypse and Luinor who had just stopped spinning.

"Zone Luinor with a Burst Finish! The Dragonslayers take the battle royale! The score is 3-1!" The crowd cheered as Adagio and Aria sadly returned to the sidelines.

Aria sat down and looked down at the ground in shame. "I don't understand, what happened? Everything was going according to plan, so what went wrong? Apocalypse should've been able to burst Luinor right then and there so how did our power come back at us like that?" Just then Aria felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked up to see Adagio looking up at the overhead monitor.

Pointing at the screen Adagio realizes what went wrong. "I think that'll answer your question." Aria looked up at the overhead monitor. Apocalypse came running in and hit Luinor with its metal blade and then Apocalypse burst. "Luinor was running low on speed, Apocalypse came flying in with a higher speed, whether it was intentional or not Luinor unleashed a slow-motion burst. But judging by Leon's face he didn't know either, all it was, was bad luck. Had Apocalypse continued to keep its distance and waited Luinor would've eventually come to a stop."

Looking at Adagio, Aria then looked down at the ground. "If only I had been patient and didn't pounce on him... we would've won... the score would be different, the gap between us would be shorter, now we're right back to square one. I'm sorry, I failed you both." Sonata and Adagio looked down at Aria, sad that she was upset. Sonata then walked over to Aria and put her hand on Aria's shoulder.

"It's okay Ari, we all make mistakes. That's just how we learn..." Sonata looks up at the screen showing the score, 3-1. "We're not out just yet, we can still turn this around. Gabby now realizes the position we're in." Sonata and her sisters look over at Gabby who is blankly staring into nothing, it was as if she didn't have a care in the world as to what was happening. "She's going up, I can feel it, that's why me and Spryzen are going up next." Sonata looked down to see Spryzen's flames burning with excitement, she then looked at the sad Aria and smiled. "And I want you to join me, Aria!"

Startled by what Sonata said Aria looked up. "Me!? Did you not just see what I just did? We could've won that, but I messed everything up for us! Go with Dagi, you two will make a great team and probably actually win."

Sonata smiled and shook her head. "There's only one person I want to team up with and that's you, Ari! You and me, Spryzen and Apocalypse! We can do this, I can't do this without you. Let's go out there and turn this thing around, together!" Sonata put her hand out and waited for Aria to put her hand out. Aria looked at the hand and then into Sonata's eyes. Sonata's eyes were filled with a burning passion, much brighter than ever before, Sonata was serious and she was going to do whatever it took to win.

Aria put her hand on Sonata's and stood up. "Let's go out there and win, no matter what we will win! We can turn this around, together!" Sonata and Aria looked at each other and smiled, they hugged and then looked at Adagio. "Adagio, just you wait and see, when we come back we'll have won!"

Adagio smiled and nodded. "Then go out there and show me a victory!" Sonata and Aria nodded as they made their way to the stadium. When the two made their way to the stadium the two Bladers across from them were Dean and Gabby. "So in order to win Aria and Sonata they have to beat Gabby and Dean, a strong duo indeed."

Gabby looked at Sonata and Aria who was setting up a plan, she looked down at Genesis who was shining. "I know Genesis, this is our chance to crush them once and for all!" Gabby then looked at Aria and Sonata, the avatar of Genesis looming over her, with her white aura surrounding her. "This is the end, Dazzlings." Gabby devilishly smiles as her eyes glow. Things were just getting started as the Fifth Round is about to get underway.

Preview: The Fifth Round begins, a round that the Dazzlings so desperately need to win. Sonata and Aria walk up to the plate as their opponents are Gabby and Dean. The Battle begins but midway through the Battle, something mysterious starts to happen with Gabby and her Bey.

Next time on Dazzling Bladers! Unburstable Power! Genesis Charging!

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