• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,788 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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38. Annihilation! To The Semi-Finals!

The Third Round of the team tournament was underway and the Dazzlings were currently facing off against The Ducks. Adagio and Aria had already won their rounds, as it was now Sonata's turn. If she won her match, she and her sisters would make it to the Quarter-Finals. Spryzen clashed with its opponent and sure enough, it overpowered its foe and burst through it.

"Lord Spryzen with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-0, Sonata wins! The Dazzlings win 3-0 and will advance to the Quarter-Finals!" The crowd cheered as the Dazzlings left the stage as they headed to the stands to watch the rest of the matches.

Soon enough the rest of the matches were over and the Fourth-Round matchups were going to be shown. "Hello, boys and girls. Now then the Fourth Round match-ups have been decided!" Everyone looks up to see the last remaining eight teams as their names juggled around the screen as they slowly came to a stop. "In the First Round the Powers will face off with the Jets, in the Second Round the Stars will battle the Rocks, the Third Round will be the Dazzlings vs the Shadows, and finally in the Fourth Round will be the Magicians against the Dragonslayers!" The crowd cheered as the Powers and the Jets walked down to the stage.

It wasn't much of a battle as the Powers who consisted of Derek, Joy, and Lance who was Leon's older brother. They won against their opponents 3-0, making them advance to the Semi-Finals. The Second Round wasn't any better as Athena's team outpowered their opponents and won 3-0, making them also advance to the Semi-Finals. The Dazzlings smiled as their friends won but they then had to get up and head to the stage for their match.

The Dazzlings arrived on the stage as they then got into their group huddle. "Alright, same plan as always. Adagio starts, then Aria, and I finish." Adagio and Aria nod as Adagio heads to the stadium. When Adagio got to the stadium she attached Achilles to her launcher as she put Achilles in Attack Mode. Her opponent, however, showed off his Bey, and when he did it made all the Dazzling's eyes widen.

"It can't be." Aria said as she rubbed her eyes. "I must be seeing things."

Sonata looked wide eyed at what she was seeing. "No Ari, you and me are seeing the same thing."

"No... but that's..." Adagio couldn't believe it, right before her eyes was another Achilles, but it was darkened!

"We the Shadows came here for the sole purpose to take you three down! Not only will we take you down but we'll take you down with your own Beys in our hands!" Their opponent said as he stared at Adagio. Adagio looked down at the ground with her hair covering her eyes, her opponent smiled at the action. Just then Adagio's head shoot up as she glared at her opponent, her eyes glowing green for a second. Her opponent flinched but quickly gained his composure, and attached his Achilles to his launcher.

"Bladers! Get ready and set!" The referee yelled.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

With that, both Beys took to the stadium, and the Shadow Achilles hit Adagio's Achilles as her Achilles went up the slope. It gained speed as it went all the way to the top and then raced down the race gaining even more speed.

"You must not know who you're battling, I am the Champion! I won't lose to someone like you! ACHILLES!" Achilles went even faster as it went into Hyper-Flux, and Adagio was sent into her pony-upped form as her pony ears and tail along with her wings appeared. "Show this copycat that we're the real deal! Unison Whip!" Achilles jumped off the slope and blasted toward the Shadow Achilles, the two Beys clashed and Shadow Achilles was blown away and burst into the air.

"Union Achilles with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-0, Adagio wins! The Dazzlings lead 1-0!" The crowd cheered as Adagio left and headed back to Aria and Sonata. Aria stood up and headed to the stadium.

"Aria be careful, they're using our very own Beys. They probably know your going up there, let me Battle for you instead! Spryzen will be able to handle Shadow Apocalypse, and you can deal with Shadow Spryzen, it'll mess up their plan." Aria stared at what Sonata said, as much as she hated to admit it, Sonata was right... for once.

"Fine, you go up in my place. But make sure to watch your guard, Shadow Apocalypse isn't the same as my Apocalypse. They may be the same Bey but their power is different." Sonata nodded as she headed up to the stadium for Aria's place.

"Is allowing her to Battle for you the best idea? I mean don't get me wrong her reasoning makes sense but is Spryzen able to take down Apocalypse, more so a Shadow version of it?" Aria looked at Adagio and then back at Sonata she got into position as the ref counted down.

"If anyone can do it, it's Sonata. She and Spryzen can beat anyone they want to, she won't lose to this anybody. As for me, I'll have to come up with something to take down Shadow Spryzen." Aria then put her hand on her chin to think.

Meanwhile, the Battle with Lord Spryzen and Shadow Apocalypse had already begun, Spryzen was sent flying as it hit the wall but quickly went back to attack Apocalypse. The two Beys clashed back and forth trying to get the edge.

"Omega Blast!" Shadow Apocalypse hit Spryzen sending it flying into the air. Sonata saw this and gasped while her opponent smiled. "Hit it with Final Blast before it lands!" Shadow Apocalypse raced toward the free-falling Spryzen who was left helpless.

"Not on my watch, I refuse to lose to you! Go Spryzen!" Spryzen glowed as it came down to the stadium, its Hyper-Flux slowly shining. Sonata gritted her teeth, she thought she mastered Hyper-Flux but she was wrong. "Counter that attack with Lord Whip!"

The two Beys collided as the force from the attack caused an explosion to come to life. Both Beys fought hard as neither gave an inch, Spryzen however pushed harder as Shadow Apocalypse burst to the pressure. Sonata smiled but it was a very small smile.

"Lord Spryzen with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-0, Sonata wins! The Dazzlings are now up 2-0." The crowd cheered as Sonata walked down to Aria and Adagio, her smile was no longer on her face.

Adagio looked at Sonata confused. "What's wrong Sonata? You won the match and we're only a victory away from winning. You should be smiling like you always do."

Sonata looked down. "Hyper-Flux failed. I wasn't able to make Spryzen glow as it did in my dream, I thought for sure I had mastered it, guess I was wrong even now me and Spryzen can't pull it off. If I can't pull it off even in the Quarter-Finals then things will only get harder in the Semis and possibly even the Finals." Sonata looked down at Spryzen with a sad expression still on her face.

"Cheer up. You and Spryzen will one-day master Hyper-Flux and when you do it'll be the best Hyper-Flux the world had ever seen. I'll finish this match and then the three of us can do some training to help you and Spryzen." Aria walked to the stadium but not before putting her hand on Sonata's head. "You may be an idiot but you're stronger and smarter than what you give yourself credit for."

Sonata smiled with small tears in her eyes. "Thanks, Ari." Aria smiled as she headed to the stadium, where the last of the Shadow Bladers stood. Both Bladers got into position as they attached their Beys to their launchers.

"Ready and set!" The referee yelled.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Apocalypse and Shadow Spryzen circled around the stadium. They clashed in the center as Spryzen started striking Apocalypse down with a flurry of attacks. The barrage was so ferocious that Apocalypse had no time to recover or time to counter the attacks coming his way.

"Aria is in danger!" Sonata yelled.

"Aria you gotta get out of there!" Adagio yelled.

Aria gritted her teeth at the scene. "Tell me something I don't know!"

"Counter Break!" The shadow Blader yelled.

Shadow Spryzen hit Apocalypse once again sending it flying causing it to hit the stadium wall. Apocalypse now wobbled as its stamina was burnt away from the attacks. Aria begin to worry as Shadow Spryzen was rushing in to finish the job.

The shadow Blader smirked. "End them with Lord Whip!"

Aria's eyes glowed green as she smiled. "APOCALYPSE!" Apocalypse glowed as it went into Dark-Flux, along with Aria's pony ears, tail, and wings to appear. Apocalypse activated Prime Reboot as it raced toward Spryzen. "Send their attack back with Primal Sphere!"

The two Beys collide, the impact causing both Beys to go flying. Apocalypse flew out of the ring as Shadow Spryzen flew toward the wall of the stadium, upon making contact it burst as Apocalypse hit the ground.

"Prime Apocalypse with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-0, Aria wins! The Dazzlings win with a final score of 3-0 and will be advancing to the Semi-Finals!" The crowd cheered as the Dazzlings jumped up and down in their victory. They had not only won but would be heading to the Semi-Finals!

The last Round had started, as it was Gabby, Leon, and Dean going up against Frizzle, Valex, and Venus. The first few rounds had not turned out so good for the Magicians as Leon gave Valtryek a nasty Burst Finish and Dean didn't even give Frizzle a shot as he put Devolos in Left spin Mode. With it having more attack power than Fafnir, it was able to burst Wizard Fafnir without a problem. Last up were Gabby and Venus.

"Venus if you can pull off this win, we can change the momentum. Go out there and give it your all, for us." Frizzle said as she looked at Venus.

"You got this brother, Gabby may seem tough and powerful but I know you can take her down! Go out there and show her who she should be afraid of." Valex said as he smiled at his brother.

"Don't worry I got this!" Venus walked to the stadium while Gabby stood yawning as she saw Venus.

"Let's make this quick, I crush you and my team moves on. Simple as that." Gabby said as she got into position.

Venus then got into position. "Not happening, I'm taking you down! And then it'll be your whole team who falls, I'll be the one to crush you!"

Gabby smirked as her eye glowed. "Fine, you've pushed my hand. Don't cry when the final results are shown."

"Get ready and set!" The referee yelled.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Genesis and Valtryek took to the stadium, the two Beys clashed as Genesis took the center. Genesis held down the fort as Valtryek continued to attack it over and over.

"Knock them out of the center! Cosmic Whip!" Venus yelled.

Valtryek hits Genesis, causing Genesis to be sent out of the center. Venus smiled but then realized Genesis was heading toward Valtryek. Genesis hit Valtryek as it started pushing Valtryek up against the stadium wall.

Venus gasped. "Get out of there Valtryek!"

Genesis kept Valtryek in place as Valtryek was stuck between Genesis and the stadium wall, leaving it completely cornered. Gabby smiled as Genesis kept slamming Valtryek, soon small cracks started to appear. Venus gasped as Gabby smiled. The cracks got worse and worse, if things didn't change Valtryek would be destroyed.

"STOP IT!!" Venus cried out.

But Gabby didn't if anything Genesis started pushing even harder, and before Venus could see anything else, Valtryek was shattered. Pieces of Valtryek fell on the stadium, Venus stared in disbelief as he fell to his knees. The Dazzlings gasped as Adagio put her hands to her mouth.

"Eclipse Genesis with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-0, Gabby wins! The Dragonslayers will advance to the Semi-Finals!" The crowd cheered as Gabby's team left with the Magicians also leaving but with a very sad Venus. The Dazzlings watched as Venus sadly left the stage.

"Poor Venus..." Aria looked over to Adagio, as much as she wanted to tease Adagio she knew now wasn't the time.

"With all four teams in the Semi-Finals, it's time to announce the Semi-Final match-ups." The screen showed the Dragonslayers, the Powers, the Stars, and the Dazzlings. Just then the names juggled around the screen as the names then came to a stop. "The First Round will be the Dragonslayers vs the Powers and the Second Round will be the Stars vs the Dazzlings."

Gabby smirked as she looked at her opponents. The Dazzlings smiled while they had a stare-down with Athena and her team. Everyone seemed to be fired up for the Semi-Finals.

Sonata looked back at Aria and Adagio. "Girls, we're going to take down Athena and her team no matter what and then make it to the Finals!"

"Yeah!" Aria and Adagio yelled.

"The Semi-Finals will take place tomorrow, mark your calendars people because tomorrow the four best teams in the world will battle it out for the chance to make it to the Finals! Which two teams will make it to the Finals? Who will win it all and be declared the world's strongest team? Only time will tell, we'll see you all tomorrow!" The announcer said.

As everyone began to leave for the day, the Dazzlings couldn't help but feel excited for tomorrow. Tomorrow they would face off with Athena, Bael, and Phoebe, their opponents couldn't be better.

Preview: With the Semi-Finals beginning, the Dazzlings must face their greatest challenge as their Semi-Finals opponent is the Stars. Meanwhile, the Dragonslayers will face the Powers, which of these two teams will win and make it to the finals? And will the Dazzlings be able to beat Athena and her team or are the Stars shining brighter than the Dazzlings?

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Dazzling Power! Give It Your All!

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