• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,788 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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31. Dark-Flux! Primal Attack!

That night Luna found Aria she had contacted Sunset to tell her about the change. Sunset allowed Luna to take in Aria for as long as Aria wanted. Things were going to be a bit different now that Aria was no longer there with them.

Adagio and Sonata were currently looking around the corner, they were worried sick for Aria. They saw Sunset talking to Luna on the phone, and Sunset didn't look like she was doing any better. Knowing that Aria ran away because of her was probably affecting her a lot.

"Is mom going to be okay?" Sonata asked Adagio.

"I don't know Sonata, this whole situation with Aria is probably eating her up. But then again you can't blame anyone for this. Mom had a reason for not telling us until now and Aria reacted to how she felt. We all had our reactions and Aria just took it the worst out of all of us." Adagio said as she continued looking at her mom.

Small tears started to form in Sonata's eyes. "I miss Aria... I want her to come back home." With that Sonata started to cry, Adagio quickly rushing to her side hugging her while rubbing her back.

"I know, so do I Sonata." Adagio looked out the door where Aria had run out, the door was still open and Adagio could see the pitch-black night sky with the stars shining. Silently hoping that Aria would come back through the door at that moment. "So do I."

It had been a few days since Aria had run away. Ever since that night, things were quiet. Sunset and Tom tried to get Sonata and Adagio to do something but how could they? All they wanted at the moment was to see Aria again. Even when they Battled with one another they were unfocused. Sonata and Adagio were currently outside having a practice Battle, they didn't want to but Sunset and Tom practically forced them to. The Battle was nothing special in fact it was more depressing than anything. Both Beys came to a stop at the same time resulting in a tie.

Adagio and Sonata picked up their Beys and looked at them. Just then for the first time in a long time, their Beys started talking to them.

"Achilles! It's you." Adagio said happy to see Achilles.

"It is, it's been a while since the last time we talked. Is everything okay, Adagio?" Achilles asked.

Adagio then looked down. "Just... a lot of problems going on, it's been affecting my Blading skills."

Achilles looked down at Adagio. "It's your sister, isn't it? I haven't felt Apocalypse presence for a while now."

Adagio looked at Achilles in surprise and then looked down. "Yeah..."

Achilles brought its sword down to Adagio's face, scaring her a bit. "Is this how you want Aria to see you when she returns? Do you want her to see you acting like this? You are the Champion and you should be Blading as one, not as some rookie who just started."

Adagio looked at Achilles, it was like a fire had been reignited within her. "Yeah! Let's go out there and show them who's Champion."

On Sonata's side...

Sonata looked at Spryzen and then looked down. "Spryzen... it's been a long time." Spryzen however didn't say anything and continued to look at Sonata. "Hey, what's wrong? Why aren't you talking to me?"

Spryzen opened its mouth. "I should be the one asking you what's wrong? You haven't acted like this ever since I was destroyed. You gotta get over Aria and start focusing on the Battle ahead of you. Aria won't want to Battle against someone who isn't worth her time and right now you aren't worth it."

Sonata looks at Spryzen with surprise and then Spryzen disappeared. Adagio and Sonata look at each other, Adagio smiled while Sonata was still surprised.

"Let's do this thing Sonata!" Adagio said with a smile.

"O-oh, o-okay." Sonata then attached her Bey to her launcher.

Adagio and Sonata took their places and... "Three! Two! One! Let it-"

"Room for one more?" A voice said.

Adagio and Sonata stop in their place and turn to the voice. Their eyes widen with their mouths agape. It was none of than Aria! Sonata and Adagio quickly ran to Aria and hugged her.

"I missed you!" They both said as they hugged Aria.

"Yeah, I missed you guys too." Aria said as she hugged her sisters.

Sunset looked at the scene in surprise and then looked at Luna. "So she wanted to come back home, huh?"

"Yes, it seems as though someone was homesick. However, I'm not quite sure if she wanted to come back just to see them or to see all of you." Luna said looking over at Sunset.

"Oh..." Sunset said as she looked over at Aria who looked happy to be there.

"Aria! Come on let's have a battle!" Sonata said with a smile.

"Fine by me Sonata, I want to see if you two have gotten any stronger. But just a little news flash, me and Apocalypse have gotten much stronger since the last time we saw each other." Aria said as she showed off Apocalypse to her sisters.

Adagio smirked. "I'll be the judge of that! Me and Achilles will take you down for sure!"

Aria smiles, "This'll be all three of us at once. No teaming, last Bey spinning wins."

Sonata gasped and then smiled. "Just like our match with Athena and Bael!"

Aria nodded. "Yep, so come on. Let's get this show on the road."

All Bladers took their positions. Sonata looked at Spryzen and started to resonate with it.

"Spryzen! Aria's back and I want to beat her but I have no clue how to do that. What should we do?" Sonata asked as she looked down at Spryzen.

"I'm sorry but I can be of no assistance. With Aria and Apocalypse being gone they might have some new tricks." Spryzen told her.

Sonata then began to think. "They have power but so can we! That's our plan! Well be powerful and beat them!"

"That's not exactly a plan." Spryzen said.

Sonata and Spryzen then stop resonating, Sonata looks at both Adagio and Aria who have been waiting for her. They could feel the power radiating off of Sonata.

"It's the only plan I need!" Sonata yelled.

Adagio and Aria start burning up and soon enough all three Bladers' auras were surrounding them.

"Get ready and set!" Said one of the maids.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" The three girls yelled.

With that, all three Beys landed on the stadium and started racing around. Achilles had the sword equipped and was in Attack Mode while Spryzen was spinning in counterclockwise Stamina Mode. Achilles and Apocalypse meet in the center and collide with a flurry! Both Beys go flying and hit the stadium walls sending them flying into the air. Due to hitting the wall Apocalypse lock moves a bit.

Both Beys fall back down onto the stadium and resume their fight. Spryzen's tip gains traction and heads toward Apocalypse.

"Don't forget about me Aria! Now, Counter Break!!" Sonata yelled.

Aria smirked. "I couldn't forget about you Sonata! Apocalypse unleash Omega Blast!"

Both Beys collide and Spryzen was the one sent flying. However, the impact from the hit made Apocalypse lock move again.

"Achilles! Get in there with Unison Launch!" Adagio yelled.

"Once again Spryzen, use Counter Break!!" Sonata countered.

"Charge in there with no fear Apocalypse!!" Aria yelled.

The three Beys collide in the center making all three get pushed back. Apocalypse lock moved once again making the center of it glow red. Aria smiled, her plan was coming to fruition and neither Adagio nor Sonata knew about it.

"LET'S GO APOCALYPSE!!" Apocalypse glowed with a pitch-dark black however the darkness was much darker than anything ever before. However, Apocalypse wasn't the only one that was changing. Just like Adagio did with her match against Gabby, Aria started to change as well. Wings appeared, as well as some ears and a tail. "ALRIGHT! I MASTERED DARK-FLUX!!!"

Adagio and Sonata gasped, Aria had learned a technique just like Adagio's Hyper-Flux! However, they couldn't stay surprised for long soon after they start to charge themselves.

"Spryzen!" Sonata yelled as Spryzen's avatar came to life.

"Achilles!" Adagio's wings, tail, and ears appear as well. Not only that but Achilles went into its Hyper-Flux state.


"UNISON WHIP!!!" Adagio yelled.


All three Beys collide in with one another and all three go sent flying into the air. Like fireworks, all three Beys burst into the air. Adagio, Sonata, and Aria gasp and then wait for the call.

"Sorry girls but it's a tie with a simultaneous Burst Finish. However, don't be upset you all gave it your all and have shown just how far you've grown since you started." Tom said as he smiled at the girls.

The girls smile at Tom and pick up their Beys. Aria looks at her sisters and then turns to Sunset. Sunset stands up, while Aria started walking towards her. Adagio and Sonata watch as Aria and Sunset look at one another.

Aria looks at her mom, while Sunset looks right back at her. No one could read the expressions on their faces, but sometimes things can't stay forever. Aria ran to her mom and hugged her as if her life depended on it.

"I'm sorry for how I acted!" Aria said as she hugged Sunset.

Sunset was shocked at first but then started hugging Aria. She could feel the tears wetting her shirt but she didn't mind. All that mattered was that Aria was back home. Sonata, Adagio, and Tom walked over and hugged Aria and Sunset.

Luna looked at the scene and smiled. Now, this... this was family!

Preview: The day of love has come around, and this year the Dazzlings plan on making some new "connections". Watch as Adagio goes out with Venus, Aria goes out with Bael, and Sonata goes out with Artic. The only question is, will they work things out and will things turn out "happily ever after" or will things tragically shatter before their very own eyes?

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Special Chapter! Valentine's Day!

Author's Note:

After being gone for longer than I wanted, I'm back! I apologize for being gone for so long but don't worry I don't plan on leaving anymore. I plan on making a new story soon, so be on the lookout for that this week.

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