• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,788 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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42. Battle Of Flames! Training Showdown!

Train! Train! Train!

That's what was on the girl's mind ever since they got home from their match with Athena and her team. They had been given a day off to train for the upcoming Final Match where they would battle the Dragonslayers. If the girls wanted a chance at battling Bladers such as Gabby, Leon, and Dean they would have to train their hearts out.

Arctic had already given the girls certain instructions to do during training. Aria was tasked to increase Apocalypse's attacks to the max, Adagio was tasked to improve Achilles's defense and stamina as she used Attack Mode most of the time, and as for Sonata, she was tasked with getting a grip on Spryzen's Hyper-Flux. From what she understood, controlling Hyper-Flux would boost Spryzen's power and unleash its true potential.

However, no matter how hard she tried Sonata was unable to activate Hyper-Flux. She tried different launches, putting Spryzen in every Mode it had to offer, and even talking to it didn't work. Adagio and Aria had even requested to Battle Sonata but even after countless amount of battles, Spryzen didn't shine. The three girls were currently on a much-needed lunch break as they sat down in the backyard to eat.

"I don't understand, I've tried everything." Sonata said as she took another bite of her taco. "Me and Spryzen have a strong enough bond, don't we?" She looked at her two sisters for confirmation.

"Of course you do, Sonata." Adagio said. "It might be because you're focusing too hard on achieving Hyper-Flux, you need to be less tense. You and Spryzen have been through a lot together, and you've beaten a ton of strong opponents, don't force anything, and just let it happen. One day you'll get things under control, you two are already strong as it is."

"It's a double-edged sword for me." Aria said, taking a bite of her pizza. "Yes, Sonata and Spryzen are strong, it's no wonder they made it to the Semi-Finals in the previous tournament. However, you got to think about our opponents; Dean, Leon, and Gabby. She's beaten Dean before and I have no doubt she can do it again, against Leon it could go either way and let's not forget what Gabby did."

Sonata thought back, in the previous tournament she had battled Gabby twice and lost both times. The first time ended in a matter of moments as the Battle was one-sided, and the second time was what caused the destruction of her beloved Turbo Spryzen. She looked down at Spryzen and frowned. 'I promised I would get stronger and one day we would be the strongest team in the world. So strong that people such as Gabby and even my sisters wouldn't be able to beat it. But it seems no matter what I do I'm always behind them.'

The area around Sonata changed as it became nothing but a white void. She looked up to see Adagio and Aria but when she put her hand out they were further away than they were a moment ago, she tried to run after them but no matter how fast she ran she never caught up to them. 'They always have been ahead of me.' The void was then filled with precious moments of the Dazzling's journey, battles of them against their friends, the three bonding with one another, birthdays, and even the wedding of Sunset and Tom. 'Aria and Adagio have done things I thought were impossible over and over again. They always were the smarter, strongest, better siblings.' Sonata walked around to see some of the two's achievements. 'Bael, Phoebe, Athena, Dean, and Leon, too, they got stronger with each one.' Sonata then looked at a scene between Adagio and Gabby. 'Adagio was even able to take down Gabby after my humiliating loss. And to add to insult they've both unlocked a newfound power the world had yet to see. Meanwhile, here I am, not even able to enter a Hyper-Flux of my own.' A small tear escaped Sonata's eye as the once-white void went away.

"Sonata?" Sonata's trail of thought escaped when she heard her name being called, it was Arctic with Adagio and Aria behind him. "It's time to get Battle to practice. I called some of your friends over they should be here soon." Sonata nodded as she wiped her tears away before anyone saw them. She then proceeded to practically swallow her taco whole, as she stood up.

"Do I even want to ask?" Aria looked over toward Adagio.

"I would rather save your breath if I was you, this is Sonata we're talking about." Aria nodded. Just then the gate to the backyard opened; appearing came all of their friends besides the Dragonslayers. "No way it's everyone we went to school with."

Sonata looked at all of their friends in surprise. "Athena, Derek, Frizzle, Bael, and even Phoebe came. It's everyone we've ever battled before. But how... or why?"

Arctic looked at the Dazzlings and smiled. "They all wanted to help and support you guys before your big match, so they all came out to lead a hand. Now then, they'll all help you out so let's get this intense training session underway!" Everyone cheered as the training started up once again.

Matches between the Dazzlings and their friends begin. However, in every Battle Sonata seemed to take part in, she was still unable to enter Hyper-Flux. It was coming near the end of the day and things hadn't changed one bit, Sonata had battled almost every one of her friends. She had battled Joy and Bael and she even battled Derek and Phoebe in a two vs one situation, but even that wasn't enough.

'I've battled seemingly everyone in the backyard, so much for a whole days worth of practice.' Sonata turned her head and looked over to Aria and Adagio who were doing some last-minute training matches against Derek and Phoebe. 'Yet again I've fallen behind my sisters, will I ever be able to catch up to them?' Just then she felt something bonk the top of her head, she looked up to see Frizzle looming over her.

"Hey, Sonata, what do you say to a Battle? We haven't gotten to Battle yet today, me and Fafnir are looking for payback after what happened in the tournament." Sonata looked at Frizzle and then at Spryzen who shined in the sunlight. Sonata smiled and got up and headed to a nearby unoccupied stadium.

"Let's go this thing, Frizzle! Me and Spryzen will wipe the floor with you." Sonata had put Spryzen in Right spin Attack Mode, she looked up to see Frizzle staring at her, and a passion was in her eyes. Sonata glanced around the backyard to see that everyone was staring at them, her nerves starting to get the best of her. 'Calm down Sonata you got this. It's not like if you mess up or don't activate Hyper-Flux they'll laugh at you, they're your friends.' Sonata took a deep breath and looked at Spryzen. 'Spryzen it's you and me, together we'll take down Frizzle. But the question is... will this be the moment we activate or will it be another failure?'

"You said you wanted to be the best team in the world didn't you?" A voice said. Sonata looked around and before she stood Spryzen in his almighty glory.

Sonata smiled. "Spryzen!"

Spryzen opened its mouth. "I believe in my strength, as also your strength. Can the same be said about yourself? Do you believe in not only me but you as well?"

Sonata shook her head. "I do believe in you, ever since the beginning I always have. I do believe in myself it's just... whenever I'm around my sisters I feel weak."

"Ease your mind and focus on what's in front of you. Push those feelings you feel when you're around your sister back, believe in me and yourself and I will do the same." With that Spryzen went away. Sonata looked back and got ready to launch but this time with a smile on her face, this time she was determined to win and do her best. But most importantly enter Hyper-Flux and beat Frizzle with a burst!

"Bladers! Get ready and set!" Adagio announced as she was playing as the referee.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Fafnir and Spryzen landed in the stadium, Fafnir rushed in and took to the center as Spryzen came in full throttle after it. "Smack it down Spryzen!" Spryzen started pummeling Fafnir with a barrage of attacks, but all the attacks seemed to only help Fafnir as it started to spin even faster.

"Have you forgotten that won't work on my Fafnir? Let's give them a reminder, Fafnir! Wizard Spin!" Fafnir started to spin ever faster as Spryzen kept on hitting it. Finally, Spryzen stopped its flurry on Fafnir and started to race around the stadium looking for a chance to strike down pain on Fafnir.

"Spryzen use Counter Break to speed up!" Spryzen's driver gained traction on the stadium floor and started to pick up speed. It reached the outer rim of the stadium and picked up even more speed, a faint golden shine started to radiate off of it. "Come on! Come on! You can do it Spryzen!" Spryzen went even faster as the shine started to shine brighter.

"Almost... your so close Sonata." Adagio said as she looked at the Hyper-Flux coming fading in and out.

Aria looked as well. "She's at the final step, she's coming to the finish line."

"Go Sonata!" They yelled.

"Spryzen!" Spryzen glowed the brightest it had ever shined as it finally started to glow golden. "I believe in you! You and me together as one!!" Sonata's eyes flared as they shined. Just then Spryzen burst forth and went into Hyper-Flux, all of Spryzen became pure golden as it shot after Fafnir.

"She did it!" Adagio yelled.

"Yes! It's Hyper-Flux!" Aria yelled.

Sonata smiled brightly. "End them with Lord Whip!"

Frizzle gasped. "Stop them Fafnir! Wizard Blow!" Fafnir shot out of the center and toward Spryzen. The two Beys collided but the clash was one-sided as Spryzen burst through it like it was nothing. Pieces of Fafnir hit the stadium as Spryzen raced around the stadium.

"Lord Spryzen with a Burst Finish! Sonata wins with a final score of 2-0!" Everyone cheered as Sonata jumped up and down.

"I did it! I've finally entered Hyper-Flux and this time I think I've finally mastered it!" Adagio and Aria ran over to her sister and brought her in for a hug. The three sisters hugged each other as they smiled, after what felt like an eternity Sonata and Spryzen finally and hopefully mastered Hyper-Flux.

"I think it's safe to say this day's training secession has ended in success." The hug between the sisters broke as Sonata went over to Arctic and hugged him as well.

Just then the doors to their house opened and out came Sunset and Tom with plates of food in their hands. "We know all of you have been practicing hard so we decided to make some food for all of you." Tom placed some plates on a table as he helped out his wife.

Sunset looked at her three girls and smiled. "You three have grown up so much over the past few years, I'm proud to be your mother. Now then let's all party our hearts out as a celebration for my daughters for making it to the Finals!"

"Yeah!" Everyone yelled as the party soon began. Everyone started to drink and eat and especially party the night away. It would be the final moment they would get to be together before the Final Match of the team tournament. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata laughed and smiled as they partied with their friends, this night would be a night they would never forget.

Preview: The Finals of the team tournament has finally arrived. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata will have to give it everything they got if they want to prove they're the best. Against the team of Gabby, Dean, and Leon is it possible for them to achieve victory or is it just a measly dream? The Battle starts off strong as Adagio goes up where she's faced against Gabby, in the battle however something eerie starts to manifest.

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Dragonslayers vs Dazzlings!

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