• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,788 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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19. Sibling Rivalry! Aria vs Adagio!

Adagio was currently in her room contemplating the previous events going around during the tournament. 'Aria's been acting odd lately, I hate to say it but she's become obsessive over victory.' Adagio tightly holds Achilles in her hand. 'When I face off with her I will win!' Adagio then stands up and heads to the stage in order to hear her third-round opponent.

When Adagio got there she saw Sonata and Aria already there. She also saw Gabby giving her a glare so she gave one back. That's when Tom's voice spoke up.

"We're diving right into the third round of the tournament. Currently, these are how all of our Bladers are doing so far." The screen shows Gabby, Dean Leon, and Aria with 2-0 each. Sonata, Valex, Adagio, and Joy with 1-1 each. And Frizzle, Athena, Bael, and Phoebe all with 0-2 each. "Everyone still has a chance at moving on to the semi-finals so don't worry. Now without further ado, the third round match-ups!" The match-ups were for Group A, Athena vs Sonata, Gabby vs Valex, and Frizzle vs Dean. The match-ups for Group B however were Leon vs Joy, Bael vs Phoebe, and... Adagio vs Aria!

All the Dazzling look at the screen in shock. Then Adagio and Aria look at each other both emitting a strong aura around them with a smile. Sonata lets out a small whimper, she was scared to see how this was going to play out. She looks back towards Athena and Athena looks back.

"Fate has already been decided Sonata... you will fall to me." Athena said with a smirk.

"Sorry, Athena but I made a promise to Dagi that I would Battle her in the Finals." Aura then submerges Sonata. "And I intend on keeping that promise!"

Athena simply smiles and walks off. Sonata watches as she leaves and then her attention is focused back on the screen. These were going to be some intense showdowns. Sonata then realizes, her match was the first one of the day.

"Ready and Set!" The referee said.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Ashindra and Spryzen take to the stadium. Sonata had sadly not unlocked the Turbo Awakening mode but she didn't mind. She had put Spryzen in Stamina Mode in order to have the Type advantage against Ashindra.

"Spryzen! Use Counter Break and knock Ashindra out of there!" Sonata yelled.

Spryzen speeds up and hits Ashindra knocking it into the air. Ashindra lands on the upper deck while Spryzen held down the fort in the middle.

"Ashindra! Get them outta there with Tower Counter!" Athena yelled.

Ashindra races down the upper deck and collides with Spryzen. Spryzen tanks Ashindra's hit like it was nothing. Sonata then looks up at Athena.

'Showtime.' Sonata though with a smile. Spryzen starts to speed up and gets out of the center and races toward Ashindra. "Now Spryzen! Hit it with a Turbo Upper Launch!"

Athena noticed that and she wasn't going to let that happen. "On guard Ashindra! Bushin Guard!"

Spryzen and Ashindra slam into one another. Ashindra then goes flying toward the stadium wall. It crashes into it and burst, meanwhile Spryzen loses all of its steam with that one attack completely stopped.

"That's Turbo Spryzen with a Burst Finish! With a score of 2-0, Sonata is the winner!" The referee declared.

Sonata picks up her Bey and smiles. While Athena picks up her Bey and looks at Sonata confused. "What just happened? How did I lose that?"

"I stored all of Spryzen's power in one strike. If I messed up you most likely would have won. But in the end, it seemed to work out in my favor."

Athena just laughs. "You're an interesting one Sonata. Congrats Sonata, but the next time we Battle you won't be so lucky." With that Athena left the stage.

Sonata just smiled. She was finally on an impressive two-win streak! Sonata couldn't wait to face off with her next-round opponent.

"Today's been full of nonstop action. In the second round of Group A, Gabby and Valex threw hands or should I say, Beys. But in the end, it was Valtryek that got thrown out with just one hit due to Genesis's crazy raw power. Gabby is now just one step away from entering the Semi-Finals." The referee said. The screen replayed the Battle showing Valtryek bursting when Genesis slammed into it.

Gabby just looks down at Valex with anger. "I would have liked more of a challenge, but then again you're a weakling." Gabby then walks off while she left a frustrated Valex picking up his Beys pieces.

"Then ending things off in Group A, Dean, and Frizzle went head to head. But things didn't end so well for Frizzle when Dean unleashed Erase Devolos. Not expecting the now counterclockwise Bey, she and Fafnir were given a taste of a Burst Finish. Dean now follows in Gabby's step and is one step away from entering the Semi-Finals." The referee said. The screen replayed the moment when Fafnir burst into Devolos.

Frizzle looks at Dean with determination. "If I had known you had that trick I would have won. I promise the next time we battle I will beat you!"

Dean looks back at her. "Say's the girl who doesn't even have a point to her name." And like that he walks off leaving Frizzle in shock at what Dean had said.

Sonata saw what had happened from the viewing area. "That's not like Dean at all. This tournament is affecting everyone's friendships with each other. Right, Aria? Adagio?" Sonata looks up to see Aria and Adagio just staring down at the stadium. "Uh... Aria? Adagio?"

"Leave them, Nata. Their probably just thinking about their match later on." Sunset said as looking at her girls.

"Alright..." Sonata said looking down, she didn't like how things were going.

Bael's and Phoebe's match was currently underway. Balkesh and Pegasus were colliding in the center with a flurry. The score was tied one all and neither wanted to lose. Finally, both Beys were starting to lose their stamina and both Bladers let out a battle cry. It was going to be a close one but both Beys stop at nearly the whole time.

"It's Dusk Balkesh! With a Survivor Finish! With a final score of 2-1, Bael is the winner!" The referee declared.

Bael picks up his Bey in happiness, while Phoebe sadly picks up her Bey from the stadium. "With that match out of the way let's get Joy and Leon out here!"

Leon and Joy walk out to the stage. The crowd cheers as they both walk up to the stadium. Leon gets in place while Joy did something to her Bey.

'She adjusted her Bey. I wonder how that will influence her Bey's movements.' Leon thought as he got into position.

With both Bladers ready, the referee made the call. "Ready and Set!"

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Both Luinor and Joker take to the stadium. Luinor charges up and heads towards Joker while Joy... just smiles waiting for the attack to strike.

"Now Luinor! Drive them out with Zone Slam!" Leon yelled.

"Not so fast! Deflect the attack with Joker Wheel!" Joy yelled.

Luinor hits Joker but due to Joker's frame, the attack was parried. Joy smiles while Leon is a bit surprised. "I changed my Bey into Defense Mode! I'm winning this thing Leon just you watch!"

"Oh yeah?" Leon looked at Joy surprised. "Well, you can't parry every attack! Now Luinor use an onslaught of attacks!"

In every direction, Luinor sent an attack on Joker. No matter what Joker couldn't escape the hold Luinor had it in. Joker was starting to lose steam from all the attacks and fast, it was no longer deflecting Luinor's attacks and the attacks were actually doing some damage. Finally, Luinor got the better of Joker and sent it flying into the air bursting it.

"Zone Luinor! With a final score of 2-0, Leon is the winner!" The referee declared.

The crowd cheers for Leon as he picks up his Bey and leaves. Joy sadly picks up her Bey and leaves the stadium as well.

"With that battle under the bridge, that leaves Leon with Dean and Gabby in making it one step closer to heading to the Semi-Finals. But now it's time for the match of the day. Two sisters put up against each other. Adagio and Aria!" The announcer announced.

Adagio and Aria arrived at the stadium. Neither said a word to the other and attach their Beys to their launchers. Both were serious about winning and neither wanted to lose.

Adagio and Aria got into position. "Bladers! Get ready and set!"

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Achilles was in Attack Mode without the Union Sword attached. Achilles and Apocalypse rushed around the stadium and collide with one another. Achilles being lighter was sent flying from Apocalypse hit and was sent towards the upper deck. There Achilles sped up and jumped off the upper deck making it go right above Apocalypse.

"Hit it with a Unison Breaker!" Adagio yelled. Achilles comes flying down and hits Apocalypse in a weak spot sending Apocalypse flying out of the stadium. "Union Achilles with a Ring-Out Finish! That's one point awarded to Adagio making the score 1-0."

"Adagio has taken the first point of the match! Will Aria make a comeback or will Adagio wrap things up in the 2nd battle? Find out!" The announcer said.

Adagio and Aria just got prepared and got into position. "Second Battle! Bladers, get ready and set!"

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Achilles had been swapped into Defense Mode without the Union Sword attached. Adagio had done that so Achilles could defend against Apocalypse attacks. Achilles rushed towards the center to take a distinct early advantage but before it could Apocalypse was rushing towards it like a wild bull. The two beys collide and... Achilles was hurled out of the stadium resulting in it hitting the floor! Adagio turned around in shock to see Achilles on the ground.

"Prime Apocalypse with a Ring-Out Finish! That's one point awarded to Aria! The score is now 1-1!" The crowd cheered as Adagio picked up her Bey.

"Guess you've improved after the last battle we had Aria." Adagio finally saying something.

"I could say the same thing to you, Adagio." Aria said as she stared at her sister. "Now I hate to do this to you but I'm going to win this thing."

"You're not going to win if you don't use that craziness you've used against Phoebe and Bael. Why haven't I seen some of that action yet? Am I just not worth seeing that side of you? Or are you so sure you're going to win that you're not using it so I can have a chance against you?" Adagio asked as she glared at Aria.

Aria looks at Adagio in shock. She then looks down to see Apocalypse shining dark black again. Aria's eyes widen in shock. 'No! I said I wasn't going to have Apocalypse take over this battle. I gotta win this thing on my own.' Aria shook her head. Apocalypse light fades away as Aria looks at Adagio again. "Oh, I'll win alright. Just you watch."

Adagio smiles, "I'll like to see you try."

The two sisters then got into position. "Get ready and set!

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Achilles and Apocalypse land at the stadium. Achilles was in Attack Mode with the Union Sword attached, Adagio was truly going all out. Achilles and Apocalypse rush around the stadium and then they meet in the center with a monstrous clash!

"Tear them apart with Unison Sword!" Adagio cried out.

"Take them down with Omega Blast!" Aria yelled.

The blast was so strong both Beys were sent flying across the stadium. Achilles and Apocalypse then go right back with a volley of strikes. Blow after blow both Beys were giving it their all. It looked like Adagio was getting the advantage until Aria spiced things up.

Aria smirked. "Activate Prime Reboot!!"

Apocalypse not only sped up but gained some massive power as well. Apocalypse starts whooping on Achilles, Achilles couldn't even have a chance at fighting back. Aria smiled and then looked up at Adagio but when she saw Adagio's face she saw... a smile. Adagio had a plan she was just waiting for the perfect time. Apocalypse kept up on its rampage, and Aria finally had enough.

"Apocalypse! End this battle with Omega Blast!!" Aria yelled.

Apocalypse charged up and headed towards Achilles. Right before it hit Achilles, Adagio's plan swings into action.

"Now Achilles! Strike it down with a Unison Counter!" Adagio yelled.

Aria gasp seeing that she had just fallen into Adagio's hands. Just then an explosion transpires and both Beys go flying out of the stadium and hit the floor below. Everyone goes quiet waiting for the referee's call.

"That's a Ring-Out Finish for... Union Achilles! With a final score of 2-1, Adagio wins!!"

After the referee called the match Aria's head was filled with pain. Aria knew what was about to transpire so she ran off to her room away from everyone. Aria rushes to her waiting room and locks the door. She falls down to the ground holding her head in pain. Aria then meets with Apocalypse again.

"You said you didn't need me in this battle. But ultimately that leads you to your doom! If I had token control we would have won!" Apocalypse yelled.

"I can win without you having to take control. From now on we'll win every last battle we have. I promise!" Aria yelled back.

"Oh, well we alright? Cause I'm taking control of you from here on out." Apocalypse rushes towards Aria with a flurry.

"Wait!" Aria said blocking her face with her arms.

Before Aria could finish Apocalypse had taken control of her. The now possessed Aria woke up and her eye flickered a dark purplish black color.

"This will be the perfect vessel for me. For now, Aria is gone for I am... APOCALYPSE!!

Preview: The fourth round of the tournament has commenced! Sonata has been faced off with Dean and his mysterious Bey. Once the battle begins Sonata is already in some turbulence with Devolos clone. Sonata and Spryzen's bond will be put to the test in order to push through and beat Dean!

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Devastating Power! Beat The Clone!

Author's Note:

My new book should be out either later today or tomorrow. Be ready for it!

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