• Published 2nd May 2021
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Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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40. Operation: Make It To The Finals!

Currently, both teams were in group huddles going over their plans. Athena and Adagio would look away and stare at each other for a split second before returning to the discussion. The plan was simple, first Sonata would go up, then Adagio, and finally Aria. Sonata had thought hard about her opponents and she was almost certain about what they were going to do.

"Athena will go first as she is the leader, me and Spryzen will go out there and get us the first point. If Athena fails they'll most likely go with their second strongest, that being Phoebe. Adagio'll go out there next with Achilles and take Pegasus out, which leaves Bael and his Balkesh. It shouldn't be a problem for Aria and Apocalypse and by the end of this we'll have won 3-0 and make it to the Finals!" Sonata said, proud of her ingenious plan.

"It's a good plan Nata, but what if one of us loses? We need a backup plan if something goes wrong." Adagio said, her hand rubbing her chin.

"Dagi think about it. Ever since this tournament has begun our go-to plan has been for you to go up first. Athena probably knows you'll go first so she'll want to Battle you. Having Nata go first will surprise her and catch her off guard. I say we go with the plan, if something goes wrong we'll deal with it when the time comes. Just stay positive, fight hard, and go out there and win! Win and go to the Finals and win there too!" Aria said, pumping her hand in the air. Adagio simply nodded her head but she couldn't help and feel something bad was going to happen.

"Alright! Time for me to go out there and get our first victory! See you girls in a while!" Sonata waved her hand to her sisters and headed to the stadium to face her opponent, Athena. "Wait, what?"

The person standing before Sonata wasn't Athena, it was Bael. Bael smiled at Sonata's shocked expression. Aria gritted her teeth while Adagio sighed. "I was afraid this was going to happen, now the whole plan had shifted. Now that means one of us will have to face Athena along with Phoebe."

"It doesn't matter, we can still do this. If we can beat Bael then so can Sonata, and facing Phoebe shouldn't be a problem. Athena is the one we have to worry about the most." Aria tightened her fist. 'Stay strong Sonata, regardless of the plan messing up you can still win.'

"I didn't think you would be the first one to come up, I thought for sure your leader would come out. Or is she conserving her energy against one of my other sisters, since I've already beaten her before?" Sonata smiled, trying to get Bael angry. But Bael kept his normal expression, in fact, he smiled.

"You'll face Athena sure enough, but in order to go up against her you'll have to go up against me!" Bael showed off Balkesh, and Sonata followed showing her Spryzen.

"The First Battle of the Second Semi-Finals Match is about to begin. Now First Battle!" Sonata and Bael smiled while they attached their Beys to their launchers.

'He's going to head toward the center, I have to make sure he doesn't reach the center and up his defenses.' Sonata had put Spryzen in counterclockwise Attack Mode. 'I have to put trust in Spryzen's attacks and hope Spryzen can break through Balkesh's defense.'

"Now get ready and set!" The referee yelled.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Both Beys took to the stadium, Balkesh tried to take the center but Spryzen rushed in and attacked Balkesh sending it flying. Bael gasped while Sonata smiled, Balkesh had come down from the sky and before getting a second to recover Spryzen quickly raced over to it and struck Balkesh with a barrage of blows.

"Gotta end this fast! Come on Spryzen! We mustn't let Balkesh's defenses increase, take them out!" Spryzen hit Balkesh once again pushing it back and sending it up the slope. Balkesh quickly gained speed as Bael smiled.

"Big mistake Sonata! This match is already over, me and Balkesh have won! End this Balkesh! Now Dusk Crash!" Balkesh came flying down the slope and collided with Spryzen sending it flying. Sonata smiled as Spryzen came back as its driver started to gain traction from the stadium floor.

"Counter Break!" Spryzen rushed in and hit Balkesh making Balkesh's become a perfect circle. It then started to head to the center but Sonata wasn't to let that happen. "Not on my watch stop them before they reach the center!"

"Don't let them hit you! Dusk Wing!" Balkesh was able to block Spryzen's attack pushing it back as it reached the center. "Perfect! Now Dusk Circle!" Sonata gritted her teeth as Spryzen attacked Balkesh however all of its strikes were getting parried. "This ends here! Balkesh!" Spryzen hit Balkesh again and was sent reeling backward, Sonata gasped as she couldn't find a way to beat Balkesh.

'Balkesh's core is loose!' Sonata gasped as she heard the voice. 'Aim for the center.'

'The center?' Sonata looked and saw the center. 'I see it!'

"Leave it to me! Spryzen!" Spryzen gained speed as it started to fade in and out of Hyper-Flux. Spryzen rushed forward and hit Balkesh dead in the center causing it to burst, Bael gasped as Sonata smiled brightly.

"Lord Spryzen with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-0, Sonata wins! The Dazzlings are up 1-0!" The crowd cheered as Bael and Sonata returned to their sides.

Adagio smiled. "That was a close one but still good job Nata, now it's my turn!"

Sonata nodded. "Go out there and get us our second win Adagio!" Adagio nodded as she headed to the stadium.

"With you getting our first victory, if Adagio can win us the second match as well we will have the momentum. Then me and Apocalypse will go out there and win." Aria took out the Eclipse Armor Gabby had given her but she shook her head. 'Not yet, it's still too early to use it.'

Adagio had arrived at the stadium to see her opponent was Phoebe. 'So my opponent is Phoebe, so Aria will be facing Athena, odd but interesting. Against Pegasus, Attack Mode will have the advantage. However...' Adagio quickly attached the sword to Achilles and put it in Stamina Mode. 'I have a new move that might catch her off guard, I was going to use it for Athena but this seems like a perfect time.'

"Adagio get ready 'cause I'm winning this thing!" Phoebe attached Pegasus to its launcher as she got ready.

"Funny. I was going to say the same thing." Adagio said as she too attached her Bey to her launcher.

"Second Match! First Battle! Get ready and set!" The referee yelled.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Pegasus and Achilles took to the stadium, Achilles rushed forward and took center stage as Pegasus quickly followed it.

"Nice try but we won't let you hold down the center! Feather Storm!" Pegasus created a raging storm, the storm picking up Achilles sending it into the storm. The storm tossed and turned Achilles, the attack was obviously much stronger than the last time they battled. "Now release them!" The storm subsided as Achilles came down still in the center, however, its stamina had fallen and it began to wobble. Still Adagio kept a smile seeing her plan was working.

'The stronger you are the better for me. After all the harder you hit us the more this attack will hurt you!' Adagio looked at Phoebe and smiled. "Is that all you got? I thought they called you the Princess of Beyblade, I guess you don't stand a chance against the Champion!"

"You want to see an attack? I'll show you an attack! Harmonic Thunder!" Pegasus hit Achilles sending it flying up the slope. However instead of coming down, it stayed at the very top, Adagio smiled as Phoebe tilted her head. "Um, now what?"

"Now you lose! Achilles!" Achilles quickly rushed down picking up speed as it burst into Hyper-Flux. "Take them out with Unison Pendulum!" Achilles came down and hit Pegasus sending it flying, Phoebe gasped as Adagio only smiled. Pegasus started to come down but just like a pendulum, Achilles came back around and hit Pegasus again before it could land. The damage was too much for it as it was sent flying and burst!

"No way!" Phoebe looked at her Bey in surprise.

"Unison Achilles with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-0, Adagio is the winner! The Dazzlings now lead by 2-0!" The crowd cheered as Aria and Sonata hugged each other bouncing up and down. Aria quickly realized what she was doing and stopped hugging Sonata and looked away blushing as Sonata laughed.

She then saw her sister and ran over to hug her. "You were amazing Dagi! That move was so cool! And not only that but now we're only one battle away from moving to the Finals!"

"Yes, but look at who she's up against. Athena is no doubt stronger than she was the last time we fought her. And Aria is at the disadvantage going based off on Type. To beat Athena you'll have to take her down fast. Have Apocalypse hit Ashindra fast and hard, so she can't get a chance to win?" Aria nodded as she looked down at Apocalypse before she headed to the stadium.

In the stands, Gabby was watching the matches. 'So the so-called Champion and her weakling of a sister won their matches against a bunch of nobodies big surprise. Guess me and my team will be facing the Dazzlings in the Finals. Gabby then looked down at Genesis. 'And when the time comes... I'll destroy every single one of them and destroy any hopes of them winning!

"Go luck, Ari..." Adagio put her hand on Sonata's shoulder to calm her down, not doubting this Battle would be important for them. Sonata took a deep breath as she then turned to Adagio. "Even if she loses we'll be alright, right? We can afford to lose a match, but that still doesn't mean I want Aria to lose."

Adagio looked down at Sonata and smiled. "Aria will be okay, just believe in her."

Athena and Aria got into their places as they stared each other down. "Weren't expecting me I bet. A shame really, your Apocalypse doesn't stand a chance against my Ashindra. Give up and let me face Adagio, that's all that really matters here."

Aria smirked. "Sorry, but if you want to get to her, you'll have to go through me first. Which by the way won't be happening."

"Third Match! First Battle! Get ready and set!" The referee yelled.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Ashindra and Apocalypse took to the stadium, Ashindra tried heading to the center but just like Bael and Sonata's match, Aria didn't let that happen. Apocalypse came rushing in and knocked them back starting to unleash a flurry of attacks. 'Got to end this fast just like Adagio mentioned.'

"Hit it with Omega Blast!" Apocalypse rushed forward and hit Ashindra sending it back. Aria smiled while Athena kept a calm face. Ashindra was able to stay steady as it started to come back for a counterattack.

"It's time! Tower Counter!" Ashindra collided with Apocalypse sending Apocalypse flying however Aria wasn't worried. Apocalypse landed back at the stadium but it started to go wild as it crashed into the walls of the stadium. Athena looked confused but then looked at Aria who was smiling. 'What is she up to?' Apocalypse kept hitting the walls until the middle of its layer turned red, Aria smiled as Apocalypse bounced off the wall and headed toward Ashindra.

"Time to end this match! Final Blast!" Apocalypse clashed with Ashindra throwing it into the air. Athena gasped as Aria smiled, Ashindra started to go down and landed in the speed crater. Ashindra started to gain speed as it started speeding up faster and faster. Aria gasped as Athena smiled, Ashindra suddenly shoot out of the crater and jumped after its foe.

"Sorry Aria, but me and Ashindra are winning this thing! After that, me and my team will advance to the Finals and win there too! In the end, I'll have surpassed Adagio!" Ashindra started to shine turning bright gold. Aria, Adagio, and Sonata all gasped at the sight. Ashindra then collided with Apocalypse, the force was so strong that Apocalypse burst to the pressure. Aria gasped as parts of Apocalypse hit the stadium floor.

Aria looked up at Athena in surprise. "No way... she knows Hyper-Flux."

Adagio looked at Athena. "I guess Athena trained so hard that she mastered Hyper-Flux, she probably wanted to have the same technique as me and Achilles... but our Hyper-Flux is better!"

"Bushin Ashindra with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-0, Athena wins! The score is now 2-1, with the Stars achieving their first point!" The crowd cheered as Athena and Aria returned, Athena wore a bright smile as Aria held her head down in sorrow.

"I'm sorry you guys, I thought I had that match." Sonata had a small smile as she patted Aria's back.

Aria looked at Adagio. "The fact that she has Hyper-Flux came off as a surprise, she caught you off guard it won't happen again. Plus, now she no longer has the element of surprise. Whether it be me or Sonata, we'll know about the Hyper-Flux."

"It's okay Ari, we're still in the lead. I'll go out there and take Athena down, your loss isn't a problem. We are in a good spot, Athena can try but her efforts of making a comeback won't happen." With that Sonata got up and headed to the stadium. When she got there her opponent was exactly who she thought would go up, Athena.

Athena looked at Sonata and smiled. "Bael told me you wanted to face me, well here I am Sonata. But tell me, can you beat me or will you suffer the same fate as your other sister?"

"Oh, I'll beat you alright." Sonata smiled. "Admit it! You're scared to face me after what happened in the tournament so you had Bael go up in your place. My Spryzen has defeated Ashindra once and it can do it again, just watch!"

"I will admit you were able to overpower us before, however, I'm not the same person I was back then. Me and Ashindra have gotten only stronger, the only the one who should be scared is you, dear Sonata. I mean really, me afraid of you? As if, the only thing scary about you is how many tacos you can eat without getting sick." Athena then shrugged her shoulders as she sighed. "I would have liked to Battle Adagio already but if I have to beat both of her sisters before facing her, then so be it. Beating all three of you is even better than just beating her! Let's go Sonata! After I'm done with you..." Athena then pointed over to Adagio. "Your next Adagio! I'll beat all three of you and prove that I'm better than you and that I'm the best!"

"Fourth Match! First Battle! Get ready and set!" The referee announced.

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" Everyone yelled.

Ashindra and Spryzen take to the stadium, Spryzen had rushed to the center since she thought Ashindra would head to the center, however, it didn't. Ashindra was rushing around the stadium as Spryzen totally missed its attacks. Sonata growled as Athena smiled.

"Same old Sonata, you never were smart when coming up with plans. This is how a real Blader Battles!" Ashindra rushed over to Spryzen and landed a hit pushing Spryzen back a bit. Spryzen quickly recovered and its driver made traction with the stadium flooring.

"Counter Break unleashed!" Spryzen came charging back in and struck Ashindra back, not letting go it kept Ashindra at a standstill trying to drain it away of its stamina. "That's it! Keep attacking!"

"Bushin Guard!" Ashindra activated its guard as the two Beys continued their standstill. After a while, both Beys disengaged from each other. Spryzen went up the slope and went into the speed crater as Ashindra took the center. "I know what your planning Sonata, it won't work. Go Ashindra!" Ashindra came to life as its Hyper-Flux burst to life, as Spryzen continued to gain speed in the crater. "When they attack use Double Bushin Guard!" Ashindra created yet another defensive shield only this one was much stronger.

"Go Spryzen!" Spryzen came to life as its Hyper-Flux started to fade in and out of existence. Spryzen then shoots out of the crater and toward Ashindra. "Take them out! Lord Whip!" Spryzen hit Ashindra but Ashindra stayed strong and was able to survive but the attack had made Ashindra go unsteady as it began to wobble. Sonata smiled as Spryzen turned around to finish the job with a follow-up attack.

"Enough of this! This ends now! You've fallen right into my trap, Sonata! Now Ashindra! Hurricane Defense!" The frame of Ashindra started to glow, Sonata's eyes widened but it was already too late. Spryzen collided into the frame changing its course toward the stadium wall. Spryzen made contact with the wall and burst to the fierce impact. Sonata gasped as her sisters grimaced, now they were even.

Gabby looked down at the scene and sighed. 'She hasn't changed at all, still the same weak Blader I crushed in the past. Heck looks like she got even weaker if she lost to that loser and her weak Bey of hers.' Gabby's attention then turned to Adagio. 'Now tell me, dear Champion. Do you have what it takes for your team to face me and my team or will all your sisters lose to this nobody?'

"Bushin Ashindra with a Burst Finish! With a final score of 2-0, Athena wins! The score is tied at 2-2!" The crowd cheered as Sonata and Athena made it back to their teams.

Adagio thought back to the Battle. "She used Spryzen's heavyweight and speed, to her advantage. Crashing into the wall like that at that speed and with all that power came back to itself and caused it to burst. An excellent plan on Athena's behalf."

Sonata came back with her head down. "Guess I was wrong, it's all up to you now Adagio. I'm sorry I couldn't win, now thanks to me the match is all tied up." Adagio simply smiled and patted Sonata's head.

"And guess what, I'll go out there and win. For all three of us, because we're the Dazzlings! And nobody can defeat us when we work together, you guys with me!" Sonata and Aria looked at each other and nodded. The three girls all fist-bumped, as Adagio started to head to the stadium where Athena waited for her.

"You made me wait quite a while for you, but nonetheless the time has come! When this match is over you'll realize who's the best, and that's going to be me. Me and Ashindra are winning this thing! You and Achilles will fall to Ashindra's supreme defense!" Athena then pulled out her Bey as an aura surrounded the two.

"You may have taken down my sisters, but you need to remember that I'm the Champion. Me and Achilles don't lose to anyone that includes you, I'm winning this thing! You and Ashindra will fall to Achilles's all-mighty sword and shield!" Adagio then pulled out Achilles as she too was surrounded by her aura. Everyone watched as the two girls stared each other down with the avatar of their Beys behind them, no doubt this match would be full of surprises.

Preview: The Fifth and Final Match that'll decide it all has begun. Ever since the beginning Athena and Adagio have been rivals, trying to one-up each other. Now the time has come to prove once and for all who is superior. Both girls will have to break their limits if they want to not only win but also advance their teams to the finals. The Battle between bitter rivals has begun, Adagio against Athena, Balance against Defense, Ashindra vs Achilles!

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Athena vs Adagio!

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