• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 1,779 Views, 371 Comments

Dazzling Bladers - Joshua the Dragonslayer

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28. The Perfect Bey! Eclipse Genesis!

Somewhere else in town...

While Sunset told the Dazzlings about their evil past lives, Gabby was currently at Aaron's house.

"I'm sorry, I failed you. I was unable to take the victory nor was I able to beat Adagio." Gabby apologized as she bowed to Aaron.

"You actually helped me more than you think. Thanks to you I know now that the Dazzlings are capable of much more than meets the eye." Aaron then pressed a button that reshowed the part of Adagio transforming in Battle. "When Adagio unlocked her new profound power she unintentionally activated Sunset's and her friend's magical powers. Thanks to my genius device I sucked the magic out of all of them except for Adagio's." Aaron said as he held the device in his hands with a smile.

Aaron thinks back to when Adagio transformed causing a chain reaction and making Sunset and her friends transform. Quickly, Aaron pulled out his device and activated it turning on the device which then sucked away the magic within Sunset and her friends. They were so focused on Adagio's Battle that they didn't realize what had happened.

Gabby looked at Aaron confused. "Might I ask... why you didn't take Adagio's magic along with Sunset's and her friends? You could've stolen all of their magic at once."

"Adagio's magical powers had just been unleashed for the first time. She's still got a long way to go before her powers hit maximum levels. It would be pointless to take such weak magic powers, I'll wait to take her powers until they get stronger. But she's not the only one, if she could unlock a power like this then so could her two other sisters. Now, this is where you come in. You must make Adagio and Aria's magic powers rise to newfound levels." Aaron told Gabby.

Gabby tilted her head in confusion. "What about Sonata? She's a part of the Dazzlings as well, shouldn't we be worried about her as well?"

Aaron scoffed and rolled his eyes at what Gabby had said. "You've already beaten that poor excuse for a Dazzling twice and not to mention you shattered her Bey. Sonata is irrelevant, out of everyone she should be the least of your worries. Now, come on. We shall begin making the most perfect Bey! A Bey that is suitable for your worth in Battle! A Bey that can and will never lose! If I combine the Bey with the magic I have stolen from Sunset and her friends, it'll be unstoppable! Beating you will be impossible, nothing will stop us from taking over the world!" Gabby and Aaron both let out an evil laugh, this new Bey was going to be the strongest Bey the world have ever seen.

It had been a few hours after Gabby and Aaron started making the so-called "strongest Bey" in the world. After a while it was finished, it was a lot like Royal Genesis but it looked much stronger, it even had some weird armor on it. Gabby looked at the Bey in awe as Aaron smirked at what he had created.

"This Bey will be known as Eclipse Genesis. Thanks to the Eclipse Armor, bursting this Bey is now impossible. Thanks to the magic I stole, this Bey is even stronger than it was without the magic. Now, to find a test subject to test out the new Bey." Aaron thought about it but then looked down at Gabby. "Gabby, do you have anyone in find that you would like to take on?"

Gabby thought for a second and then she looked out the window. Running at full speed was none other than Aria. An evil grin appeared on Gabby's face as she turned her head to Aaron. "I will take on Aria, one of the Dazzlings! With this new Bey, I will surely take down Apocalypse! And with how Aria's been acting... maybe we can get her to join our side. Think about it, two unburstable Beys working together. Me and Aria would make the greatest team ever!"

Aaron smiled at Gabby's thinking. "Good idea! Go find Aria and challenge her to a Battle! Show her the power of Eclipse Genesis!"

Gabby nodded her head and ran out of the house to go catch up with Aria. It didn't take long until Gabby was able to catch up. She noticed Aria up ahead who had taken a break to catch her breath by a stadium. She was sitting down looking at her Bey, she looked up when she felt Gabby's presence.

"Aria... member of the Dazzlings. Why are you out at a time like this?" Gabby asked as she looked down at Aria.

"That is none of your business now leave or else. And don't you dare call me a member of the Dazzlings, that's in the past! Nothing but history." Aria said glaring up at Gabby.

"I've come here to challenge you to a Battle!" Gabby showed Aria her new Bey, and Aria's eyes widened. "With Eclipse Genesis, I shall take down you along with your sisters! Now let's throw down, Aria! Or should I say, member of the Dazzlings!"

Aria looked up at Gabby and smirked. "You're on! I'll make you shut up for good this time!"

Gabby and Aria got ready and looked at each other. 'So someone must have told them about their past selves... I could use that as my advantage!'

"Three! Two! One! Let it Rip!" They both yelled.

Both Beys took to the stadium, Eclipse Genesis swooped in to take the center while Apocalypse started to pummel it with some ferocious strikes. What surprised Aria was that Eclipse Genesis was taking all of the attacks on purpose. No matter how hard Apocalypse hit Genesis, Genesis stayed strong.

"Apocalypse! Hit it with Omega Blast!" Aria yelled.

Both Beys go flying, and Apocalypse and Genesis hit the wall making both of their centers go red. Gabby and Aria both see that and smile with delight. They then look at each other with evil grins.

"Activate Prime Reboot to speed up!" Aria cried out.

"Not on my watch! Catch up to them with your Hybrid Force!" Gabby countered.

Apocalypse and Genesis speed up, Genesis was starting to catch up to Apocalypse but Aria had other plans.

"Dodge it Apocalypse!" Aria countered.

Suddenly a dark light took over Apocalypse and Apocalypse dodged the incoming attack. Gabby's eyes widened from the sudden power-up from Apocalypse.

'That looks like my Superior-Flux!' Gabby smirked."Genesis! Unleash Superior-Flux!" Genesis sped up as well and charged after Apocalypse. "Now take it out with Eclipse Whip!"

Aria smirked. "Finish it! Once again, Omega Blast!"

The two Beys collide in the center, however, thanks to Genesis's new special attack Genesis was able to burst through Apocalypse. Aria's eyes widen as she saw her Bey burst before her eyes.

"With a final score of 2-0, it's my victory!" Gabby smiled.

Aria said nothing as she picked up her Bey. Gabby took off the Eclipse Armor from her Bey and handed it out to Aria. Aria looked up at Gabby with surprise.

"The Eclipse Armor can also be put onto your Apocalypse since both of our Beys have the burst prevention system attached to them. With this you and Apocalypse with achieve new powers far beyond your belief. I will lend you this as a gift, think of it as nothing more than a way to get stronger. Us girls got to stay together, right?" Gabby said with sarcasm.

Aria could tell Gabby was acting way too nice, even for herself. But regardless, Aria took the Eclipse Armor and put it on Apocalypse, when she did it was a perfect fit.

"What about you? Don't you need this for your Bey?" Aria asked looking at Gabby in confusion.

Gabby shrugged her shoulders. "I have a spare so that one is yours to keep. However, you shall not use the Eclipse Armor until you have full control over Apocalypse."

"Like Adagio? With her newfound bond with Achilles?" Aria asked.

"Yes. Now I must get going, I have a lot of training to attend to. Hope to see you in the stadium soon Aria, and tell your sister I won't lose to her the next time we battle!" Gabby yelled as she walked away from Aria.

With that Gabby was gone, Aria was still confused by Gabby's behavior but she couldn't care less about her at the moment.

Gabby had turned a corner and when she did she was face to face with Aaron, he didn't look happy. "And why did you give Aria, a member of the Dazzlings the Eclipse Armor?"

Gabby smiled. "I told her that she could only use it until she fully mastered Apocalypse. That will push her to achieve that, so I'm speeding up the progress of Aria unlocking her powers as well. You should be thanking me for what I've just done."

Aaron glared at Gabby. "This better not backfire on us. Failure is not an option at this point in time, if you make another mess up as you did in your match with Adagio our whole plan will fall to ruins!"

"Don't worry, I have no intention of losing to anyone ever again!" Gabby's eyes lit up and Eclipse Genesis shined.

Aria was looking at Apocalypse, she was still thinking about what Sunset had told her earlier, as well as what Gabby told her. Just then she felt another presence, she turned around and saw her Auntie Luna standing behind her.

"If you're here to take me back to my so-called "mom" then you've come for nothing." Aria then stood up and was about to walk off when Luna stopped her.

"I'm not going to take you back to Sunset, rather I want you to come with me for a while. At least until you calm down and can learn to forgive Sunset of her previous actions." Luna said.

Aria looked at Luna and then sighed. "Fine... but just so you know I may be staying longer than you think."

Luna smiled "Take however long you need, you can stay as long as you like. But just know that one day you will have to talk to Sunset again."

Aria scoffed. "That day is in the future... I'll rather be thinking about the present, thank you very much." Aria started to walk towards Luna's car, which was nearby. Luna watched as Aria got into the car and slammed the door, she could feel Aria's pain.

'I'll need to talk to her about not slamming my doors when I get in the car. But not only that I hope Aria realizes that if she doesn't talk to Sunset soon then things may never change.'

"Oh, they will, in the near future they will forgive each other." Luna turns her head and sees Pinkie Pie appear out of nowhere. Luna just looks at Pinkie and then starts to walk away.

"Quit your nonsense." Luna then turns around and smiles at Pinkie Pie. "If you keep breaking the 4th wall people might have to ban you."

With that Luna left a now scared-looking Pinkie alone. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

Preview: After hearing that Aria was found and is living with Luna, Sonata gets to making her new Bey. Sonata will then learn that she will have to start from scratch with her new Bey. She and Spryzen must embark on a journey in recreating their bond. Will Sonata and Spryzen be up to the task or is their bond too broken to be fixed?

Next Time on Dazzling Bladers! Lord Of Flames! Lord Spryzen!

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