• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love Part 1

*Danyelle’s POV*

I went to Morioh as Josuke soon healed up my wings with Shining Diamond’s power, much to my joy as Okuyasu showed up.

Izzy was in my neck fluff as usual.

Okuyasu asks "Even after gettin’ his butt handed to him, that Hazamada guy still said he didn’t know anything about that sparky Stand User who almost killed my bro and wiped his memory of the guy?"

Josuke spoke "Yeah, apparently he’s only ever talked to him on the phone."

Okuyasu spoke "You did torture that twatwaffle before he told you this, right? He could’ve been lying to you."

Josuke spoke "Look, I really believe Hazamada was telling me the truth. He knew the user’s identity, he would’ve been killed by now."

Okuyasu spoke "Oh yeah, I guess you’re right. That is why my bro can’t remember that guy."

Josuke spoke "Exactly. And Hazamada’s still breathing, isn’t he? For now, that’s all the proof we need at telling him the truth."

I spoke "And I've been hearing rumors about a weretiger prowling the streets at night but the odd thing is, it hasn't been attacking anyone."

Josuke spoke "Also, Hazamada did tell us about one thing."

My Dimensional Scream kicked in, showing us Josuke and Midnight visiting a hospitalized Hazamada.

Hazamada spoke "Don’t ask me to tell you why this is, but… it seems Stand Users are inadvertently drawn to each other, even if the Users have never laid eyes on one another. You’ve heard of a myth that says the red thread of fate forever connects you with your partner-to-be, right? Like in the myth, Stand Users are bound to cross paths. The User could be an enemy, a friend, that annoying guy on the bus who steps on your foot, or even your new next door neighbor. Everyone is suspect. Morioh’s a small town, you know. It’s anybody’s guess how many Stand Users are living here, but try as they may to conceal themselves, they’ll eventually emerge. He knows it’s just a matter of time before destiny brings you together, so he wants you to disappear before that happens."

My Dimensional Scream then ended.

Izzy mewls "But what bout that werebeast?"

A tiger's roar was heard, scaring the heck out of me and Izzy.

Josuke asks "Huh? A tiger?"

Okuyasu growls "Grr…! That guy’s a total coward. What is he waiting for?"

Josuke spoke "Well, the guy’s probably playing safe for the time being. When guys like that decide to go on the offensive, it’s usually because they’re confident that no one can take them out."

I spoke "That cockiness will only be their downfall."

The weretiger ran past the two males and I, leaving nothing but a bag of money behind.

Josuke asks "What the?!"

Okuyasu asks "Huh?!"

“Wow, did not see that coming.” I admitted as I I started carrying it before we saw Koichi as a place called “Cage Rengatei”.

Okuyasu spoke "Hey, it’s Koichi!"

Josuke asks "Yeah, but why is he at a snooty cafe?"

Okuyasu asks "Yoo-hoo! Koi-*As we saw a beautiful high-school female Flareon Poke-Mobian talking to Koichi* Wha?!"

Josuke and I gasped in surprise.

Okuyasu gasps "What the?! Josuke, it’s a girl!"

We think hid to spy on what was going on.

The Flareon spoke "So, Koichi… I hope meeting here wasn’t… too much trouble."

Koichi spoke "Huh? It wasn’t any trouble at all. Really, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be, although I’m not quite sure what this is about."

Josuke whispers "Wow, Koichi’s actually with a girl."

Okuyasu spoke "And not just any girl. That’s Yukako Yamagishi from my class. Come on, let’s get a closer look."

We then crept closer without suspicion.

Koichi asks "I’m not sure if this is about showing you my homework, but you should probably know my grades aren’t all that good and my handwriting’s sloppy. Though if it’s money, I suppose I could give you a thousand yen. Or maybe you came here to ask me to be the weekly class leader?"

Yukako spoke "I’m afraid it’s none of those."

Koichi spoke "Really? It isn’t? Then why did you wanna meet me here? If you’re looking for someone to take in a kitten or puppy, I’m sorry to say I already have a dopey dog named Police."

Yukako spoke "Koichi, I… I have to tell you something. Koichi… *Breath in* You need to know, that I’ve fallen madly in love with you."

Koichi asks "*Surprised blush* Huh?"

Okuyasu asks "What did she say?!"

Josuke and I covered Okuyasu’s mouth as our cover wasn’t blown fortunately.

Koichi spoke "I’m sorry, I… don’t think I… heard you right."

Yukako spoke "I’m sure you did. Every day all I think about is you, Koichi. I’ve been oh-so frightened to utter those words to you, however if I held it in any longer, my heart was going to burst. But I had to take a leap, and tell you my true feelings, even if you were to hate me."

Needless to say, I was thrown for a loop at hearing that as I could tell Koichi was surprised too before smiling on the inside.

Okuyasu spoke "*Whimpering with tears* Josuke, please tell me this isn’t happening. Why does Koichi get all the luck? No one’s ever said anything like that to me before."

Josuke spoke "Calm down, you big baby. There’s no need to cry. But still, holy moly, that Koichi sure is something."

Yukako spoke "So Koichi, you must have a girlfriend already."

Koichi asks "No, I’m as single as can be. Hang on, you wouldn’t tease me about something like this, would you?"

Yukako spoke "No way! I’m serious! I noticed your face has become more chiseled as of late. A strong face brimming with courage and conviction. Also, you’re really charming when you smile."

Josuke spoke "You know, she’s honestly making a lot of good points."

Okuyasu asks "*Whimpering* I have a chiseled face too, don’t I?"

Yukako spoke "That said, what attracts me to a man more than anything else is potential. And you are potential personified."

Koichi spoke "Wow, that’s the first time anyone’s ever said that to me."

Yukako spoke "But you must be repulsed by homely girls like me. I don’t blame you."

Koichi spoke "What are you talking about? That’s not how I see you at all."

Okuyasu spoke "Would you come on, you lucky little… Quit messin’ around and seal the deal with that hottie. Just go for it and ask her out already."

Yukako asks "Please be honest, do you hate me?"

Koichi spoke "No, don’t be ridiculous. I couldn’t hate you even if I wanted to."

Yukako asks "Do you love me?"

Koichi asks "*Nervous blush* Hold on a second. Don’t you think we’re moving a bit too fast?"

Yukako spoke "You do hate me."

Koichi spoke "No, you’ve got it all wrong. You just caught me off guard when you started talking about love-"

Yukako spoke "*Angrily with her hair flaring and hissing while pounding the table, knocking a teacup over* Well which is it?! Are you madly in love or toying with my feelings?! *As I covered Izzy’s ears* Answer me, dammit! I’ve poured my heart out to you! And now I spilled my coffee, all because of your heartlessness!"

Okuyasu, Josuke and I were unnerved as Yukako calmed down.

Yukako spoke "*Realizes what she did* I don’t know what just came over me. I’m… so sorry. *Covers face* Forgive me! *Picks up back* Goodbye. You’ll come see me again, I hope."

Yukako then ran off.

Okuyasu spoke "Well, I have to say, for some reason I suddenly feel like a deflated balloon. Any jealousy I had over that went just right out of the window."

Josuke spoke "No kidding. Let’s pretend we didn’t see any of that. And Dany, I don’t think you should get involved."

I spoke "*deadpan* I'm not Cadence..."

Josuke spoke "I ain't sayin' that."

Okuyasu left as Koichi sipped some of his cola before he suddenly coughed, revealing black hair in his mouth as there was somehow black hair in his cola.

Koichi asks "What's with my cola? *Catching mine and Josuke's attention* Why's all this hair in it? What in the world is going on?

Josuke asks "So Stand Users are always drawn to each other, huh? Could it be...?"

"Let's not jump to conclusions, but let's keep an eye on those two." I advised.

Izzy mewls "Something about that girl wubs my fur the wrong way."

“I mentally hear you, Izzy.” I nodded. Later, after we kept spying for a bit, Josuke, Okuyasu, Izzy and I saw the high school class rep with her hair on fire, blinded and tongue-tied by familiar Flareon hair as Okuyasu used the Hand to erase the flames and Flareon hair, saving the brunette.

Okuyasu spoke "Hey Josuke, looks like you were right about Yukako Yamagishi being a Stand User. It’s a Stand that manipulates hair at will.

Josuke spoke "Seems like it, but given what we’ve seen, it doesn’t appear as though she’d go after Koichi OR us for that matter. Anyway, Okuyasu, what’re you planning to do about this girl’s messed up hair? I’m not sure if you noticed, but Shining Diamond isn’t able to fix stuff the Hand takes away."

There was a noticeably big bald spot at the back of the brunette’s head.

Okuyasu spoke "Huh? Haven’t I done enough for one day? I did keep her from getting burned to a crisp. Even if I wanted to do something, I’m not much of a hair stylist.

I whisper "My Stand has various uses though."

Later, we met up with Koichi at the pool.

Koichi spoke "Oh no… What am I gonna do? Look what I got on my latest English test."

Yikes. 16%? I’m glad Twilight isn’t here, ‘cause she’d blow a gasket.

Josuke spoke "Whoa."

Koichi spoke "Yukako has been stressing me out so much, I haven’t been able to concentrate."

Okuyasu spoke "Oh man, even I did better than you did. I got a 32 on that test."

Koichi spoke "If I’m being honest, when she started paying attention to me, I was a little excited about where things were going. I mean, no girl ever said she loved me before."

Okuyasu spoke "Yeah, I totally feel what you’re saying on that one, my man. I feel ya deeply. Mm-hmm."

Koichi spoke "I was way too wishy-washy about my feelings and brought this all on myself, darn it. There’s only one way to end this madness now. I have to tell Yukako that I’m not interested in her so she leaves me alone."

“Are you kidding me?” I facepalmed.

Josuke spoke "I’d think twice about that, Koichi. If you try being that blunt with her, it will only fan those demented flames of her passion even more. She’ll lose it again."

“Exactly.” I nodded.

Koichi spoke "Y-Yeah, I guess you’re right."

Josuke spoke "Well of course I’m right. Now listen up, Yukako is insane, but convincing her to stop using her hair for evil is low priority. We have far more pressing concerns at the moment, figuring out a way to not provoke her comes first."

Koichi asks "But how do we do that?"

Josuke spoke "The truth is, it doesn’t matter how infatuated she is with you, if she comes to her own conclusion that you’re the most pathetic, disgusting shmuck around, then we get to go on living happily ever after, right? So all you gotta do on your end is act like a total idiotic klutz whenever you’re in front of her."

Okuyasu spoke "Oh! Now I get where you’re going with this, you’re such a genius, Josuke!"

Josuke chuckles "Hehehe, well thank you. Though was it really a compliment coming from you?"

*Facepalm!* This’ll only end in disaster. The next day, Josuke, Okuyasu and I found out that the “plan” must’ve backfired big time because Koichi was now missing.

Okuyasu spoke "It looks like no one Koichi’s family knows where he went either. And from the sound of things, they’re close to calling the police."

Josuke spoke "Tch, so he really is missing. Yukako is nowhere to be seen either."

Okuyasu asks "I feel like it’s all my fault. Wait! You don’t think she snapped and snuffed him out, do you?"

Josuke spoke "Well, no. I don’t think it’s come to that. Regardless, she’s holding him captive. Come on, we need to find him and do it fast. I feel like we don’t have much time left if we wanna find him alive."

I was sniffing about, trying to find Koichi's scent among dozens of others.

I spoke "If I can find Koichi's scent then we'll be able to save him."

While I sniffed around, Okuyasu and Josuke researched the map of Morioh.

Okuyasu asks "I might be completely wrong about this, but even if someone’s found a way to keep Koichi quiet, can’t he still call out for help using Reverb? *Eats some food*"

Josuke spoke "Ideally, yes. But Reverb only has a range of about 50 meters. If he was taken somewhere isolated, his powers would be useless."

Okuyasu spoke "It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Later, I returned, having no luck as Josuke, Okuyasu and I heard a phone ringing before Josuke answered.

Josuke spoke "Higashikata speaking."

But then we heard Koichi speaking through Reverb. “I got through! If the right signals are transmitted, a pushed button phone will connect!”

Josuke spoke "Huh? Koichi, hey is that you? It’s me, Josuke! Koichi, where are you? What’s that? I hear waves crashing."

But then the call ended.

We looked back at the map.

Josuke spoke "A pay phone, and the sound of waves. The only place Koichi could be is right here."

Koichi pointed to a road and at the cape.

“No wonder I couldn’t pick up Koichi’s scent! The salt water blocked it out!” I realized.

Izzy spoke "It the ocean!"

To Be Continued...

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