• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,088 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

  • ...

Chapter 12. Celestia, Star's, Costumes.

Edited by Alternivity
Chapter 12. Celestia, Star's, Costumes.
Sunset was frozen in fear as the pony in front of her stared at her.
"H-How did you find me?" She asked as the shadow slowly moved towards her.

"It wasn't hard. When I noticed Night snooping around the library, I looked at what he was reading and noticed a name he kept looking for and I figured he would find you in due time and I was right." The moon light was shinning through the window as the shadow moved and there shining in the moon light was Princess Celestia.

Sunset sighed as she knew Celestia would have her locked away.
"I am glad you deiced to stay," Celestia said surprising Sunset. "So, how have you been my former student?"
Night sat in Luna's room with documents she needed to sign before she could run off into the dream world to hang out with Blaze.

"And this is the last one," Night said placing the paper in front of her.
Luna sighed the paper as she kept her eyes focused outside.

"We're not into our work tonight, are we?" Night asked as he placed the paper onto the stack of paper's.
Luna just continued to look out the window. Night then pulled a blank piece of paper and place it in front of her "Sign here."
Luna did as she was told as he noticed she signed it "She's really out of it," Night thought as he ripped the paper "I'm glad you approve moving the moon to Ponyville so they can have some cheese."

Luna still continued to stare out the window "Alright, That didn't work."
"Luna! Blaze is here!" This snapped Luna out of her day dream as she looked behind only to see the room empty.
She turned her head back towards Night and glared at him "That was mean."

Night just chuckled "I needed you back in reality." He said as he placed the paper's in to his saddle bag "Mind filling me in on why you spaced out on me?" He looked back her as he notice she was looking back out the window.
"Do you enjoy my nights?" She asked looking back at Night.

"Of course I enjoy your nights. It's one of the main reason's why I took this job," Night said, "Why do you ask?"

Luna signed as Night noticed the frown her face and her ears hanging low "Does this have anything to do with ponies not enjoying your nights?" he asked. She nodded. Night stood, "The night was all I had growing up as a kid, I would look to the night sky. It's the one thing I knew would never call me names or bully me," he said "I loved looking up at the stars and just counting them and charting them, I know this doesn't really help make you feel better but believe me, when you returned and started bringing back the night, I for one was glad to see the artist back at work." Night looked out at the night sky and saw the stars sparkling.

Night felt a kiss on the side of his cheek and this made him blush "Thank you for cheering me up Night, you'll make a mare very happy."

"I-It was nothing Luna, you would have done the same thing for me if I was feeling down too." Night placed his saddle bag onto his back "I'll go take these to Celestia. If you need me I'll be outside."
"Will do." Luna said climbing onto her bed.

Night walked down the hallway as his mind kept wondering off to a pony that made him blush and smile.
Night found the door he was looking for and knocked. To his surprise no pony answer "She should be in her room... Well, I'll just leave these here for her," Night placed the paper's next to Celestia's door as he made his way outside.

Night walked down the path that lead to his secret spot. He sat down next to the tree as he over looked Ponyville "Maybe I should bring Twilight up her like in my dream." He thought as he notice the moon shining bright in the sky.
"I take it you're on a brake?" Night's eyes went wide as he recognize the voice. He slowly turned his head to see none other then Twilight Sparkle standing there.

Night quickly stood onto his hoof's "Y-Yes I am," He said rubbing the back of his neck. "What brings you by here?"
"Well, I came to speak with Celestia about this," Twilight used her magic to pull out an invitation "I found it in my room this morning and was wondering why I'm in invited to a party tomorrow night."

Before Night could say anything a Pink blur flew passed the two and was gone. Night blinked as he notice a blue envelope stuck into his mouth. "That was strange," Twilight said as Night removed the envelope from his mouth and opened it.
"You are invited to a costume surprise birthday party for Princess Luna tomorrow night at Nine, Bring a gift." Night chuckled "So that might explain why Celestia isn't in her room."

Then Twilight chuckled "Well, Make sense since Blaze bought Luna a birthday gift already."
"Wished I knew ahead of time," Night said. "It's going to be a pain to pick out a gift for your boss."
"I bet you'll think of something." Twilight notice the moon shining down onto Ponyville "T-This was in my dream!" She slowly took a step forwards as she looked down.

"Enjoying the view?" Night asked walking up next to her.
Twilight turned her head and notice how close he was to her and she felt her cheek's heat up "Y-Yes... I can see my house from here."

Night just smiled "Just like in the dream... Luna! Your going to ge-" Night's thoughts were interrupted by Twilight "I guess we'll have to cancel our date."

"What do you mean?" Night asked confused "Did I do something wrong?"
"Luna's birthday party is this Saturday, And our date is tomorrow, I'll have to take Blaze to the party so he can give her his gift," Night notice the smile she had early faded as she looked at him.
"No, We can still have our date, We both are invited to this party." This made Twilight smile slowly return "That is if you want me to take you?"

"If you really want to take me you can, Just know Blaze will have to tag along."
"I don't mind, After all, He's a cool kid."
Twilight smile fully came back "I'm glad... I-I'll see you tomorrow?"
"I'll be by at 8:56 to pick you and Blaze up." He said with a smile.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek making Night blush as she left a frozen stallion behind.
Night turned his head and watched Twilight walk away "I think I'm falling for her."
Twilight took a quick glance at Night "I think I'm falling for him."
Luna sat by the lake with Blaze laying next to her as they talked about Night and Twilight.
"So she asked him out?" Luna asked as she used her magic to toss a stone across the lake.
"Yes, she was blushing when she asked him out," Blaze said chuckling.

"She might have been remembering the dream she had with Night and blushed when she asked him," Luna said skipping another rock. "Did she tell you why she asked him out?"

"Yeah, she wants to thank him for helping Auntie Cadance out."
"What did he help Cadance out with?" Luna asked curios what happened.
"Well, Night helped Cadance with her foal."

Luna blinked as she turned her head towards Blaze, "What do you mean helped her with her foal?"
"Well, Cadance was going into... Labor.. That's right, labor and Night came by because you sent him over and he just happened to know how to help and then Sparkle Shine was born."
Luna blinked "And I didn't hear about this!?"

"I overheard Mom and Cadance talking about bringing her over to the castle tomorrow to surprise everypo- Oh no... I wasn't suppose to tell you!" Blaze was now panicking as he knew his mother would be mad.
"Do not worry Blaze, I will not tell a soul," Luna said with a bright smile.
"Thank you! I owe you!"

"I'll just put that with the other's you owe me," She said chuckling."So, What would you like to do now?"
Night yawned as he walked down the busy street's of Canterlot as he made his way home.
"It was nice for Luna to let me go early... I just wish I knew where Celestia was so I could give her those paper's," Night thought as he saw his apartment coming into view, "I have Sunday off, I'll take Sunset out somewhere nice."

Night opened the door to his apartment and his eyes went wide. There sitting on a stool was Princess Celestia, And she was talking with Sunset.

"Oh, Night, you're home early," Sunset said surprised to see him home.
"I-I got off early... W-What did I miss?" He asked, still in shock from seeing the Princess in his home.
"Nothing, We were just catching up," Celestia said taking a sip of her tea, "I take it my sister is looking for me?"
"No... She was getting ready for bed when she let me off early," He said, "Um... J-Just how did you find out Sunset was here... If you don't mind me asking?"

Celestia chuckled "You really need to cover your track's when in the library." She said with a smile.

"First Luna and now you," Night said walking past the two as he walked into his room to put his saddle-bag away.
"Oh, I forgot to give this to you," Celesita used her magic to pull out a blue envelope out of her saddle bag.
Sunset took the envelope and opened it "Y-You want me to come to a birthday party?" Sunset asked surprised.
"Yes, I figured since you have reunited with your brother, you might as well come and say hi to an old friend," She said, "I'm sure Twilight would love to see you again."

Sunset pushed the envelope back towards Celestia. "With all due respect, I can't go."
"Why not?" Night asked stepping out of his room "The princess hasn't locked you up, in fact it would seem she's happy to you have you back."

"I have my reason's," Sunset said glaring at her brother.
"If you change your mind," Celestia pushed it back towards her, "the castle doors are always open for you," Celestia stood, "I must be going, it was good seeing you again Sunset, take care you two."

After she left Night just stood there, "I'm not going to force you to go. But, I would like for you to come."
"What about your date with Twilight?" She asked, "Isn't your date with her Saturday?"
"It is, I'm taking her to this party instead," he said as he yawned as he felt the sandpony throwing his bags at him, "I'm going to go to bed."

"Night, If I go... Will you keep an eye on me?"
Night was confused why she wanted him to keep an eye on her "Um... Why?"
"If something happens, to where I'm being pushed into a corner, will you help me?"

"Yes, I will help you," he said giving his sister a smile. "Even if it mean's stopping my date with Twilight just to help you, I will."
"Thank you," Sunset used her magic to pick up the book she had sitting on the coffee table and made her way to her room. "Have a good day sleep Night."

"Will do!" Night said, pulling the cover's over his body and falling into a deep sleep.
One thing Night hated doing was spending his Saturday shopping, so here he was in a costume shop looking for a good costume.

"What do you think of this one?" Sunset asked stepping out of the dressing room and was wearing a very bright pink princess costume.

Night just blinked. "Try this one on and tell me what you think," Night said handing her the costume.
Night looked through the racks looking for a good costume, "What would be a good costume?"
Then he saw the costume he was looking for.
"How do I look?" Sunset asked stepping out.

Night smiled as he looked at his sister who was wearing a dark blue dress as she was wearing a mask over her eyes that matched the dress. "Like a glowing star."

This made her smile, "Did you find a costume?"
"I may have," he said as he placed his saddle bag onto his back.
"You're not going to tell me?"

"You'll find out tonight. Now, let's pay for our costumes and get home so I can get some sleep before the party tonight."
Twilight stood wearing her old nightmare night costume.

"Mom? You're really going to wear that?" Blaze asked looking at his mother who was dressed like Star Swirl the Bearded.
"Of course! I think Night might get a kick out of it." She said with a smile.

Spike just so happened to be walking by with a knight suit on as He notice Blaze was wearing a royal guard's uniform. He then notice Twilight "You're going as Star Swirl? You really need a new costume."
"I don't need a new costume!"

"Mom. You do," Blaze said.
Twilight sighed as she looked into the mirror, "Maybe they're right... If I really want to thank Night for everything he's done... I should look my very best!" she looked at the clothes she had sitting on her bed, "But what can I wear?"

"I think I have the perfect dress," Twilight turned her head to see her mother standing in the door way with bag sitting on her back, "Blaze, Why don't you go wait down stairs with the others while I help your mother get ready."
"Okay grandma!" Blaze said, leaving the two alone.

"Mom? What are you doing?" Twilight asked as she watched her mother close the door behind her as she placed the bag on the bed.

"I want you to wear my old Nightmare night costume." She said "This is the very same costume I wore when your father and I met," She said with a smile, remembering how she met Dusk.
Her mother used her magic to pulled out the dress.

Twilight took the dress and went to her closet to change.
She stepped out and looked into the mirror. The dress was a dark purple, her mask had sparkles all over it. "No wonder dad fell for you, this dress and mask make you mysterious."

This made her mother laughed "That wasn't all that made him fall for me. When you don't tell him your name and take off running at midnight, you get them chasing after you." She said with a smile.
"Mom! You made dad chase after you?"

"Of course! A girl has to keep them on their hoofs."
Twilight just smiled.

They heard the door bell, "That must be your date," Star said.
To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

I want to thank my new Editor Alternivity for helping me out. He'll be helping me out with the rest of my story's. As always enjoy and tell me what you think. :pinkiehappy: