• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,066 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

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Chapter 23.

Chapter 23.
Nightmare night.

Young colts and fillies roamed the streets of Ponyville. Getting their treats and playing tricks.

Twilight walked alongside her son Blaze as he collected candy from door to door. Night was trying to keep up with the two, he was pushing a stroller with Velvet Night inside it.

“Are you sure you don’t want me pushing the stroller dear?” Twilight asked looking back at Night who was struggling. He’s daughter was using her magic to mess with the strollers breaks and he had to keep removing the break.

“No I have it, just our daughter thinks it’s funny to watch daddy struggle with the stroller.” Night said chuckling as he could hear Velvet giggle.

“Okay dear.” Twilight chuckled as she watched Blaze walk up to a house and ring the doorbell.

“Hey Twi.” Applejack said walking up towards Twilight as Apple Bloom zoomed by them and got to the door to get her candy.

“Hey Applejack! How’s your night going?” Twilight asked looking at Applejack to see her pushing a stroller with her young son Apple Sky. She smiled at the young colt, she could see his wings were starting to get a bit bigger.

“Ah’m doin’ good.” Applejack said “Just waitin’ for Matt to return.”

“I’m sorry he missed out on this, I know how you were looking forwards in scaring him in the haunted house tonight.” Twilight said.

“Ah know, there is always next year.” Applejack said with a sad sigh “Ah just want him back home in one piece.”

“He’ll be home before you know it.” Twilight said as Night walked up to the two.

“He Applejack, hey little Apple Sky!” Night said with a big smile “Honey, I think Velvet’s magic is getting out of hoofs again.”

“That’s what all unicorns baby’s go through, don’t worry.” Twilight said chuckling.

“Ah’m glad Ah don’t have ta deal with magic.” Applejack said chuckling “I just have to deal with this little one escaping from his crib and using his wings to fly around his room.”
Matt slowly walked through the ruins of Hippogriffia. He spotted strange creatures roaming around the ruins. They had sharp teeth and sharp claws, their fur were as black as the night sky and they stood on two legs, some were dressed in full armor while others were were wielding weapons.

He then spotted a unicorn with dark purple fur and he notices her horn “Is that Sombra’s horn!? Who is he working with this time around?” He thought as he watched her walk up to a dragon, she was pretty tall and her scales were blue as the night sky.

“Master has moved into the inner castle and has started looking through the old scrolls.” Tempest said “Any word from the princesses?”

“Not yet, they have our demand for the Princess of Friendship to come here to talk peace.” The dragon said.

“I want our troops ready just incase, masters plans are to let her think we are talking peace but she’ll be held hostage, with one of the elements of Harmony trapped here then Equestria will fall.” Tempest said.

Matt sighed, he knew this was a trap however this didn’t sound like something Sombra would want to do. He wanted the world under his rule, something didn’t feel right about this.

He knew he needed answers so he did something he thought he would never do. He snuck out of the ruins and made his way toward a small town that was held by this group “Okay, what was that spell.” Matt thought as he tried to think “From light to darkness, to sky to ground, transform my body and to that of light, become the power of Friendship itself.” Matt thought of the spell and his body changed to that of Princess Twilight.

He felt strange being in this form. He made his way out onto the streets as the creatures notices him and grabbed him “Hey! What are you doing!?” Matt acted surprised.

He was dragged back to the ruins of the kingdom and brought before the Dragon “And who are you?” The dragon asked.

“I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, I am here to speak of peace and returning the Hippogriffs homeland to them.” Matt spoke trying to act like Twilight.

“Take the Princess to the inner chamber.” The dragon said.

Matt was dragged to the castle and taken into what seems like a hidden room under the throne room.

When they reached the inner chamber he notices the paintings of himself all on the walls with the pearl in his hands, each picture showed him using the pearl to help the Hippogriffs defend their home from evil.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle! It is an honor for you to finally show up!” A female voice said.

Matt felt like he knew that voice “I have come to speak peace.” That’s when Matt saw her, a woman with bright red hair and eyes that were pure red. He knew who she was “Maggie! The handmaiden to my sister who turn our brother against us!” Matt had to keep his cool and not let the rage show on his face “Y-You're human!?” Matt said acting shocked.

“I am indeed human just like your son.” Maggie said with a devilish grin “And now he’ll be missing his mother for awhile!” Matt felt something wrap around his horn “Your magic is now locked! Now with you now powerless we can move to Equestria and I can begin taking over the kingdom!”

“Why attack Equestria!?” Matt asked.

“Because my dear, my kingdom was taken from me centuries ago.” Maggie said “I will rule this world!” Maggie walked up to him and smiled “Don’t worry Princess, your son will make a worthy slave.”

Matt glared at Maggie “You won’t get away with this!” He shouted as he was being taken away.

“Soon, I’ll prove to them all they should have chosen me to take the powers and rule of the world.” Maggie said placing the pearl onto her staff “Tempest! Ready the troops, we head to Equestria at once!”

Matt found himself locked up in a cage inside one of the many airships that were taking off and heading to Equestria. Matt notices no guards were watching him and he knew this was his chance to take down these airships while he can.

Before he could put his plan into action the door opened up and he saw the pony from before with Sombra’s horn come walking into the room “Why my master wanted you I’ll never know.”

“I am the princess of friendship and the wielder of the element of magic.” Matt said trying to act like Twilight the best he could “How did you get Sombra’s horn?”

“We captured him, my master used her magic and a amulet to trap him within his horn and allow me to access his magic.” She said walking up to his cage “He’s been quiet since we captured you.”

“He speaks with you?” Matt asked.

“He was, mostly yelling about how he’ll take control and get what he wants.” She said chuckling “As long as my master is here I’ll always have control.”

“Sombra isn’t one you want to make angry.” Matt said “Your master won’t be there forever and soon enough he’ll get loose and take control of you and your done for.”

“He’ll never take control.” Tempest said walking away from the cage “Soon, we will be in Equestria and take control of your lands.”

“The princesses will stop you!” Matt said even tho he had a plan to stop them before they reach Equestria.

She left him alone once again and he used his magic to break free and changed his form. He placed the ring that was on his head on the cage “Too bad this doesn’t work on me or they would have easily gotten away with this.” He made his way towards the door and slowly opened it to see two creatures standing by the door guarding the way out.

He closed the door and made his way to the side of the room where there was a window with bars. He brought forth his sword and sliced through the bars and climbed out and climbed his way to the to the top and saw the many other airships flying in the night sky.

Alright, this ship is in the lead, I can take out the fleet behind us and then I can handle them.” Matt thought as he made his way to the back of the ship and climbed onto the top of the ship. Matt used his magic to summon a bow and arrow “Alright, one shot and all these ships are going down.” He took aim at the ship's “Steel and air, combined together, with the power of light let it rain down on my enemy.” Matt spoke as thousands of arrows appeared in the sky and started raining down. Each ship started going down as the arrows rained down on them.

Tempest saw the airships going down “We’re under attack! You three with the princess! The rest of you! Ready the cannons!”

Maggie walked out of her cabin and looked at her crew moving around “What is going on?”

Matt slide on the side of the ship and landed on the middle of the deck “I’m here to put a stop to your plans.” Matt said pulling out his sword “Stand down now, this is the last ship left floating!”

Maggie chuckled “Another human, my we can’t seem to die can we?” Maggie said with a grin.

Luna stood watch at the tower. Word has it there were airships heading towards them and she was taking the nightwatch while Celestia took a rest.

All of a sudden a bright light lit up the night sky and she could see hundreds of airships start falling from the sky. Luna’s eyes widen and she let the alarms go off “Get trips to those fallen airships!”

That’s when she saw it, one airship hovering in the sky. She could see what looked like magical light’s flashing from aboard the deck of the ship. She quickly took off and flew up towards the airship.

Her eyes widen as she saw a female human fighting the knight from a thousand years ago.

“Face it! You have fallen today!” The knight said clashing swords with the woman.

“Tempest! Take the Princess of Friendship out of here!” Maggie yelled as she kicked the knight in the gut sending him backwards as her creatures moved in and started attacking him.

“Twilight!” Luna said rushing in and using her magic to blast Tempest back. She bust open the door she was trying to get to only to see the room was empty “Where is Twilight!?” Luna asked getting angry and her horn starting to glow.

“She escaped!” Tempest said getting angry and unleashing her magic on Luna.

Matt sliced through each of the creatures and rushed towards Maggie “Your dark magic is over! The pearl will be returned to it’s rightful place and you will fall by my hands!” Matt said rushing towards her and slicing her staff in half.

“No! You fool!” Maggie yelled as the dark magic from the staff started to surround her and she let out a painful scream as her body started turning into dust “I’ll return!” She yelled as she faded away. The creatures on the ship faded away like sand.

Matt looked at the broken staff “Gonna have to take this to Night Fire.” Matt saw Tempest blast Luna back and she landed on the ground near him.

“You killed her!” Tempest had tears running down her cheeks “I’ll destroy you all!” A wave of black magic came flooding towards them. Matt quickly used his magic to shield them from the attack.

The magic faded and Tempest felt her body become weak. A dragon quickly flew in and grabbed Tempest and flew off into the night sky.

“No!” Matt shouted and rushed towards the end of the ship “She escaped!”

“You're the knight that helped us during the attack on Sombra’s castle.” Luna said slowly getting up.

“I am indeed Luna.” Matt said walking towards the cabin room and stepping inside. Luna followed after him. She saw a pearl on a desk in the middle of the room “I-Is that the pearl the Hippogriffs use?” Luna asked.

“It is.” Matt picked up the pearl “From darkness to light, take me to the Hippogriffs.” The pearl came to life and with a flash of light the knight was gone leaving Luna on the ship alone.

“W-Where did he go?” Luna asked out loud trying to figure out what happened.


Matt found himself standing in the ruins of the kingdom of the Hippogriffs. He brought forth the pearl and the light started shining and the ruins started rebuilding themselves. The light spread across the land as the cages that held the Hippogriffs turned to dust and they were free once again.
Their home was returned to them and now they could live free once again.

With the pearl returned to their Queen Matt left and returned to Equestria. There he went to the try of light with the staff in hand.

He placed the staff down in front of the tree “Night Fire! I have returned and brought forth a item of dark power.”

The tree came to life “Mmm what do we have here?” Night Fire said looking at the staff “This magic is strange.” She said.

“I thought the same thing.” Matt said “The woman who used it was from my world, her name was Maggie, she was the one who turned Sombra against us.”

“I’ll have to study this staff, it’s magic is strange.” She said “Where is this woman now?”

“After I broke the staff she turned into dust before me, she vowed to return which makes me wonder what dark magic she is using.” Matt said “Sombra is also attached to a unicorn, however his control is locked and she is controlling his magic.”

“She is a danger to this world if she can control his magic.” Night Fire said “You’ll have to find her.”

“I’m afraid I cannot.” Matt said “She has his magic but soon enough Sombra will convince her to go after Blaze.”

“You believe she will?” Night Fire asked.

“No doubt about it, she lost her master and now she’s stuck with a voice in her head.” Matt said “I’ll double my efforts to protect the boy.”

Night Fire nodded “I suggest you get home before you are missed too much.” She said still looking at the staff.

“I’ll see you soon.” Matt said leaving Night Fire alone with her thoughts.

Sweet Apple Acres.

Matt yawned as she slowly snuck into the house and into bed with Applejack.

“Welcome home.” Applejack said sleepy.

“It’s good to be home my love.” He said kissing her cheek.

The dragon dropped Tempest down inside of a cave. Tempest was out cold by the magic that she unleashed.

Inside of Tempests mind.

She was in a sea of darkness. She tried to use her magic only to have sparks and she releised it was her broken horn again.

“Even in your mind your magic is broken.” She hear Sombra’s voice say. She then saw Sombra standing before her with his horn on his head.

“I’m not broken! I’m powerful!” She yelled trying to unleash her magic onto Sombra only to feel the magic flood back into her body shocking her.

“Poor Tempest, your master is dead, your body is weak from using too much of my magic and now you're stuck with me till your body recovers from the over load.” He said chuckling as his horn slowly came to life “It’s time we have a good talk.”
Twilight kissed Night on the cheek as they sat in the living room with their foal, Blaze was upstairs eating his candy while the two adults were relaxing and enjoying the rest of Nightmare Night without any issues. Twilight was happy to finally feel happy in her life. She has two beautiful and wonderful children and a soon to be husband who will be by her side the rest of her life.

“Aaaaaaahhh!” They heard Blaze yell and before Night could react Twilight was halfway up the stairs.

Twilight flew right into Blaze room to see his hands glowing a light blue and his candy floating around his room. Twilight eyes went wide, her son was using levitation magic.

“M-Mom.” Blaze said scared.

Twilight rushed to her son and pulled him in her hoofs and held him “It’s okay Blaze, you're magic is just coming to you.”

Blaze was scared, how could he have magic, he was human. He felt his mother’s hoofs around him holding him tight “It is alright Blaze.” He heard his mother’s voice.

“W-Why i-is this happening to me?” Blaze asked.

“I don’t know sweetie but we will figure this out.” She said kissing his forehead “I’ll have to ask Matt about this when he returns. Why did he have to leave?
To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoy! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 9 )

yes yes yes yes!! a story with twi as a motherly figure? :pinkiehappy:

now to start reading.. only 2 others i have read depicted her this way, one was onomonopia, shazam story. the other was like yours, found a baby human and chose to raise him. the second noe didn't get past 3 or 4 chapters tho... =/

Please upload more chapters soon as u can I'll be waiting my friend

Is the story dead I would like to see the ending

It's not dead, just been very very busy/ :ajsleepy:

This really cool the kid have now magic but what happens next? I wonder

Despite all the grammatical errors, I enjoyed reading this. Hopefully one day you will be able to continue it.

Can’t wait to see the next chapter

More good

7-4 less than 50% difference

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