• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,088 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

  • ...

Chapter 19. Velvet Night, Love.

Author's Note:

I want to thank Mortal Kombat Brony for the foal name. Hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 19. Velvet Night, Love
Matt placed the last of the baskets onto the wagon and looked around. For about a month Rarity has been putting together a double wedding for Applejack and Twilight. She had already started placing up banners and flower's to see how it would look in the barn. The four planned on having the wedding after the foal's were, it was Night's idea as he it was a good time for his parent's to make it and it would give them more time plan the wedding. Matt let himself yawn as he made his way back towards the house.

He opened the door to his home and saw Applejack mopping on the couch. He chuckled "Now what did I tell you about pouting?" He said walking over towards her.

She just glared at him "Now don't give me that look Aj, the doctor said you had to stay off your hoofs till the foal is born." He said kissing her cheek. He then felt something wet touch his hoofs and notices the look of horror in Applejack's eyes "Please tell me that's pee." She shook her head no.

Matt quickly rushed towards the door "BIG MAC! CODE RED! CODE RED!"
Blaze hated hospitals; every time his mother brought him here they would stick him with needles. He hated needles.

He sat there in the chair worried about his mother and his brother or sister. He felt Luna's wing wrap around him "Do not worry Blaze; your mother will be just fine." She said with a bright smile making Blaze smile.

The sound of the hospital doors opened up making the two look towards the door. Blaze and Luna's eye's went wide as they say none other than Applejack on a stretcher with Matt by her side as they rushed into the delivery room.

"Luna, Blaze... What are ya two doin' here?" Apple Bloom asked walking up towards the two.

"Twilight went into labor... and it would seem Applejack is in labor as well." Luna said still surprised.

"Where's Big Mac?" Blaze asked.

"Big Mac is out on a date, but he'll be here soon." She said taking a seat next to Blaze "I think he saw how fast Matt was pulling the wagon on the way here." She said chuckling "How long have you two been here?"

"About an hour so far." Blaze said worried.

"Well I'm sure everything is fine Blaze." Apple Bloom said giving him a warm smile.

Luna notices the doors to the hospital door's open up to see Night running through the doors "W-Where is she?" He asked stopping in front of Luna.

"She's right now in the delivery room." A nurse said making Night turn his head "Are you the husband?" She asked.

"Not yet, but will be." He said catching his breath "How is she?"

"She's doing fine, if you follow me I'll take you to her." She said. Night followed the nurse.

"How come he gets to go inside!?" Blaze nearly yelled getting angry.

"You are too young to go in there Blaze." Luna said "Besides, we need you out here in case one of us needs your help." She hoped this would calm the young boy. Blaze just crossed his arms and just sat there "How about we get some fresh air?" She asked.

"I want to stay here." He said not looking at her. This made her chuckle.

"Alright, but you will come with me to get something to drink." Blaze felt Luna's magic wrap around his body and the two were off "I'll make sure we bring you and Big Mac something when we get back." She said making Apple Bloom chuckle.
3 hours later.

With Celestia's sun fading and Luna's moon beginning to rise, the group of ponies awaited and Blaze waited for Twilight and Applejack to deliver their foals.

Blaze who was beginning to grow tired from the long wait slowly started to fall asleep making Luna chuckle. Apple Bloom watched as Luna wrapped her wing around the boy "Why don't you go ahead and get some sleep, I'll wake you when we can see your mother." She said. Blaze just nodded and yawned.

Apple Bloom tried not to giggle as she knew Blaze secret crush on the Princess of the night "I got some drinks." Apple Bloom looked to see Spike walking into the room with drinks in his claws and tail "Any news?"

"Nothing yet." Apple Bloom said as Spike handed them all their drinks.

"Sorry it took so long to get here, how is she doing?" They all turned their heads to see Celestia stepping into the room.

"So far Twilight and Applejack are doing fine." Luna said surprising Celestia.

"Applejack is in labor as well?" She asked taking a seat next to her sister.

"Yes, they've been in there a long time now." Apple Bloom said growing worried.

"Ah ain't surprised they're takin' this long." Big Mac said "When Ma had Applejack and Apple Bloom, it took almost all night for them ta be born."

"Oh I can relate." A female donkey said "When I had my two kids it took nine hours."

"I remember when our mother had Lulu here," Celestia said making Luna blush "It was bright and early in the morning and it took till midnight for her to be born."

"Tia! It didn't take all day!" Luna said glaring at her sister making her chuckling.

"It did too Lulu, I remember waiting till midnight to finally seeing my baby sister." She said giving her sister a smile "You may thing otherwise but I remember it as if it was yesterday."

Luna just turned her head as the doors to the room opened up and Night came walking out "It's a girl!"

Everyone cheered. The door's opened up and Matt came walking out "It's a boy!" Night and Matt both looked at each other and were surprised to see he was standing there "Don't tell me, Twilight went into labor too?" Night nodded "And you just had your foal too?" Again Night nodded "Looks like our kids share the same birthday." He said with a smile.
Twilight mane and coat was a mess as she held her foal in her hoofs. The door opened up to her room and she saw her son and Night walk in "Blaze, I want you to say to her baby sister." Blaze smiled as Night lifted him up to see a the foal as his mother's purple coat and his soon to be father's dark blue mane.

The foal smiled, Blaze notices his sister had two different colored eyes, one blue and one pink.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Blaze asked looking up at his mother.

"We're still trying to come up with a name." She said sighing. For about two months Twilight and Night have been trying to their hardest to come up with a good name but couldn't.

"C-Can I name her?" He asked looking at Night then at his mother.

Twilight looked at Night then back as Blaze "How about you tell us the name and we'll see if we all like it."

Blaze nodded "I think Velvet Night would be a good name."

"I like that name, what about Twi?" Night asked. Blaze was glad Night liked the name; he just hoped his mother would like the name.

Twilight looked at the foal in her hoofs and notices she liked the name as well "Velvet Night it is." She said looking up at her son.

Blaze smiled.
Flash read the paper about three times already and he... wasn't pissed for some odd reason.

The newspaper showed Twilight and Night walking out of the hospital with Blaze and a foal in a stroller. This should anger him but it didn't.

"So she finally had her foal. I guess I lost that bet with Shinning." A mare said making Flash look towards his side to see Flower Shield looking over his shoulder.

"You know Shining Armor?" He asked surprised.

She nodded "Shinning and I are good friends, he's the one that helped make me General." She said taking a seat across from him "You must be mad about Twilight having a child with this stallion?"

"You think I would be... but I'm not." He said looking at her "I should be kicking tables over and freaking out... And to be honest, I'm happy for her."

He felt Flower place a hoof onto his "Maybe you finally managed to move on." Flash could feel his cheeks heat up making the mare in front of him giggle.

"Maybe I have." He could feel her hoof leave his and she stood.

"I have to finish my shift, maybe later we could go out for some drinks?" She asked blushing.

"Sure." He said with a smile as she walked away. Flash crushed the newspaper up and tossed it into the trash and walked away. He knew what he had to do, get rid of the rock and move on with his life.
Blaze held his little sister in his hands as their mother was making the bed for Velvet Night.

"Once I finish making the bed, we'll go to the park with Night and his parents." Twilight said.

"Take you time mom, we don't want Velvet to have an uncomfortable bed now." He said with a smile.

Velvet giggled as Blaze made a funny face. Twilight couldn't help but smile as she saw that they were getting along. For the last four days now she was worried Blaze would feel threaten by Velvet, but he has been nothing but helpful, he's been making sure she had diapers and bottles. This surprised her as it took Spike some time to adjust to Blaze being around.

She heard Blaze chuckle as he kissed Velvet's forehead. This made her smile "Alright bed is made, let's get going." She said using her magic to place Velvet into the stroller and made sure Blaze had some coloring books just in case he wanted to color later.

The three made their way down the stairs and out towards the park.
Applejack placed her son into the stroller as Matt came walking into the room "Is Apple Sky ready for his day out?" Matt asked smiling.

"Just about." She said smiling. Matt looked at his son, he had his mother's coat and his mane; his eyes were a light green "Do ya have his blanket?"

"Yes, it's right here." He said pulling the blanket out of his saddle bag.

"Then we're ready ta go." She said with a smile.

"Just let me double check the barn and make sure we don't have anything else to do before we leave." He said kissing Applejack's cheek and made his way outside.

Matt opened the door to the barn; he notices the barn was dark. He remained quiet as he slowly made his way through the barn. He could hear voices.

"I love you so much Apple Bloom." Matt knew who that voice belong to. He found where he heard the voices.

"I love you too Spike." The light's came to life scaring the couple and making the two jumped away from each other. Matt looked at Spike who was scared to death. Matt could see red lips marks were all over his face.

"You're lucky I'm the one to find you two and not Big Mac or Applejack." He said "Spike, how about you go home wash that lip stick off your face." Spike kissed Apple Bloom's cheek and took off running as if Matt was going to chase after him.

"W-What are ya goin' ta do?" Apple Bloom asked scared.

"Oh, I'm not going to do anything." Matt said walking towards the door "You're going to tell Applejack what happened here." He looked back at Apple Bloom.

"W-Why don't you just tell her?" She asked surprised he wouldn't tell her sister about the make out session they just had.

"I don't rat out my friends Apple Bloom." He said turning away from her "I can't turn a blind eye here, either you tell Applejack about you and Spike dating or you'll have me always watching your back every minute of every day." He said leaving Apple Bloom alone with her thoughts.

"Everythin' alright? Ah saw Spike run out of here like a bat out of hell?" Applejack asked pushing the stroller over towards him.

"Spike forgot to help Sweetie Belle with a few things." He said "We better get going; we don't want to waste this beautiful day."
Applejack didn't know why Matt was acting so weird but she just followed him and figured he would tell her later.

Flash placed his lunch box into a box and taped it up. He then made his way outside and towards a wagon sitting outside. He placed the box on the wagon "Alright, take it away."

The pony nodded and moved down the streets "Enjoy the dump you stupid rock."

Flash then made his way down the street and towards the bar. He opened the door and stepped inside to see Flower Shield sitting at the bar waiting for him. She was out of uniform and he finally got to see her cutie mark, it was a shield with a flower in the middle of it.

"You finally made it!" She said with a bright smile.

Flash smiled and sat down next to her "Yeah, I had to hurry and take the trash out, the trash guy only comes once a week."

"It's cool, I ordered two ciders for us."

Flash smiled as the bartender placed their drinks in front of them. For once in Flash's life he felt happy.
Blaze tossed the ball towards Pumpkin as the two were playing catch.

"How's the new foal?" Pumpkin asked catching the ball with her magic.

"She's cool." Blaze said as Pumpkin tossed the ball. Blaze caught it in his hands "She doesn't like it when I'm gone for too long and she gets fussy." He said chuckling as he tossed the ball.

"Looks like, she likes her big brother." Pumpkin caught the ball "At least you know she likes you." She tossed the ball back at Blaze.

"I'm glad too; I was worried she wouldn't like me." He caught the ball "But after the four days with her, my worrying was for nothing." He tossed the ball.

She tossed the ball "Who wouldn't like you? Your kind and sweet, and you know how to cheer me up when I'm feeling down plus your very cut-" Pumpkin's eyes went wide as she felt her cheeks heat up as the words slipped from her mouth.

The ball bounced off Blaze head and fell down to the ground. His cheeks were as red as they have ever been.

"Yo Blaze!" Blaze and Pumpkin both turned their heads to see Pound Cake running up towards them "You okay buddy? Your face is all red." Pound said, he then notices his sister face was red as well "Did you two kiss or something?" He asked.

"NO!" Pumpkin said snapping out of her shock "We didn't kiss!"

"Are you sure? Because he's got that face like you did." He said making Blaze snap out of his shock.

"We didn't!" She said getting angry at her brother as her cheeks turned even redder.

Blaze mind was racing; his best friend just said he was cute. How do you take that? He couldn't figure out what to say or do. The one thing kept coming into his mind as he stood there, does he think Pumpkin was cute? Did he like her even like her in that kind of way?

He looked at Pumpkin and saw how red her cheeks were. He did like her in that kind of way... yet he still like Luna as well, his mind was confused "I think you're cute too." This surprised him and the other two. Why he said it he didn't know why but he knew deep down he liked her too.

"Wow, I didn't expect that." Pound said surprised "I'll leave you two alone." He quickly made his way out of the area.

"Y-You think I'm cute too?" She asked. Her face was beat read as she tried to hide her blush from him. He nodded as she slowly moved up towards him.

Pumpkin then kissed his lips and Blaze kissed her back.

He felt her pull away as she stared into his eyes "I-I know you like Luna but maybe w-we could date?"

"O-Of course, w-we can date." He said giving her a goofy smile. She then moved back in and kissed his lips again.

Twilight's eyes went wide as she saw her son kissing Pumpkin on the lips.

"BLAZE SPARKLE!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.
A grey stallion with a white mane placed the box down in front of him. He wondered why a pony would tape up his garbage. He pulled the tape off and saw a lunch box that looked brand new. He pulled the lunch box out and opened it only to be blinded by a red light. The stallion felt his mind being pulled into darkness.

The light faded and the grey stallion opened his eyes "Flash shall pay for his betrayal. But for now this unicorn shall do till my true body is old enough to take." The grey stallion started walking and the form changed into a dark grey with a black mane flowing in the wind. A newspaper flew into his face making him pull it off and look at the paper "It would seem Twilight had a child," Then something caught his eye and he grinned "I see my brother has taken pony form and has found true love." He tossed the newspaper "Let's go visit the happy couple and my nephew."
To Be Continued.