• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,088 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

  • ...

Chapter 4. Letter. Family Visit.

Chapter 4. Letter. Family Visit.
It's only been two days and Twilight still was angry at the Princess of the night for telling her son to kiss that young filly.

Twilight sat in her living room as she sipped on her tea as she looked over the letter she was going to send to Luna but dropped it after she read her own words and figured out she would write a well detailed letter telling Princess Luna to please butt out of her son's love life and allow his mother to help him with fillies.

"She's only trying to help out." Said a voice inside Twilight's head.

"Doesn't matter! He's my son. He should be asking for my advice on how to ask out fillies." She huffed.

"Still, Luna has always been around Blaze since he was just a baby, She's use to foal sit him while you were busy with royal business."

Twilight had to give it to the voice, It was right, Luna had always been there watching over him and making sure he was happy "Still, I'm his mother. He should come to me."

"I think Blaze felt weird asking you about fillies, It's like you asking your father about colts."

"What does asking my dad about colts have to do with Blaze asking fillies out?"

"Think about it. You never had to ask him because you had your mother to help you out with colts. Blaze, He found somepony he could talk to with out feeling strange about it."

Twilight placed the letter down and sighed "I can't really blame her for doing what she did, She was only trying to help."

"Are you talking to yourself again?" Spike asked as he stepped out of the kitchen with lunch for the two "If you keep doing that ponies are going to notice and you'll have ponies talking."

"Spike, Do you wish to be sleeping outside tonight?" Twilight asked giving the purple dragon a glare.

Spike just chuckled "Did you figure out what you're going to say to Princess Luna?"

Twilight sighed "I think i'm going to just burn this letter and forget this ever happened." She said looking back at the letter in front of her.

Before Spike could speak he let out a burp and a scroll fell onto the table "Oh, A letter." Twilight used her magic to pick up the letter and began to read the letter.

"Well, Who's it from?" Spike asked.

"M-My parents are coming down for a visit..." Twilight couldn't believe it. It's been a while since she saw her parents, They weren't really happy with her when she told them she was going to raise a baby human on her own. But they soon warmed up to the idea of having him as their grandson.

Spike let out another burp and another letter fell onto the table "Were popular today."

Twilight opened the letter "Oh, You have got to be kidding me!"

"What is it?"

"Shinning and Cadance are coming down here the same day mom and dad are showing up."

"Oh, This isn't going to work out so well." Spike said scratching the back of his neck "We only have three rooms, Your room, My room and Blaze room."

"Shinning and Cadance can take Blaze room and Blaze can sleep in my bed, As for you. I think you can handle sleeping on the couch for a few days." Twilight said with a smile.

"B-But... My room!"

"Don't worry, You'll have your room back within a week." She said as she got off the couch "I'm going to get their rooms ready. While i'm doing that why don't you send those letter's off to Celestia for me."

Spike nodded as he watched Twilight made her way up the stairs.

Spike pulled all the scrolls together and use his green fire to send the letter's away to the Sun Princess.

With that Done Spike took the gem that was sitting on the tray and took a bite as he made his way out of the room to go clean his mess up in the kitchen.
Princess Celestia sat in her room drinking her coffee going over some letter's when she saw the green flame landed and six scrolls sat in front of her "I see Twilight had finished those documents."

She smiled as she placed the scrolls onto a small little rack till she notice a letter that wasn't address to her "Oh, I see she sent a letter to Luna." Celestia made her way out of her room.
Blaze watched as his mother rushed around the house making sure everything was perfect.

Blaze watched as Spike came walking out of the kitchen "Okay, I've got everything cleaned."

"Did you clean behind the fridge?" Twilight asked as she used her magic to lift the couch up so she could get the dust bunny's out of hiding.

"Twilight, They're not going to go looking behind the fridge." Spike said.

"I want everything to be perfect!"

"He has a point. Why clean under fridge when no pony is going to look behind there?" Blaze said as he sat on the stairs.

"Just do as i ask and please clean behind the fridge." Twilight said as she placed the couch back down and made her way to the chair.

Spike rolled his eyes as he made his way back into the kitchen.

Blaze was happy knowing his grandparents were coming to visit along with his auntie Cadance and Uncle Shinning.

Blaze remembered the story Shinning told him about his wedding to Cadance and how their love defeated a whole army from destroy Canterlot. He thought that was cool.

Twilight placed the chair down "Now the house is all cleaned and i can relax."

"Mom, When will they be getting here?" Blaze asked walking into the living room.

"They should be here soon." She said as she sat on the couch "So, How was school today?"

Blaze sat next to his mother "It's was good, Blossom Cake, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake played hid and seek during recess today."

"That's good." Twilight said as she looked at her son "Did you finish your homework?"

"Yes, It's already done." Blaze said with a poured smile "I think the teacher is going to be happy with how it's nicely put into a folder."

Twilight smiled "I bet she will."

"Alright, I cleaned behind the fridge. Now can i please stop cleaning?"

"As long as the kitchen is cleaned then yes, You may stop." She said.

Spike walked over to his chair and got comfortable "Now i can sit and relax."

"You always sitting and relaxing." Twilight said using her magic to pick up a newspaper.

"I do not always sit and relax."

"You do too, I saw you and Apple Bloom snoozing under at school." Blaze said making Spike blush and Twilight look at Spike.

"So you went to visit Apple Bloom at school?" Twilight asked with a grin.

"I-It's not like that! I was walking by as she was sitting by a tree and i notice she was sad so i went to talk to her, Next thing i know i'm waking up with her on my side!" Spike said.

"Awe, My little dragon is growing up!' Spike blushed as Twilight used her magic to pinch his cheek "So, Should i start planning the wedding?"

"Knock that off!" Spike yelled making Twilight magic stop pinching his cheek.

"I'm only teasing you Spike." She said with a smile.

"So, Blaze, How is Blossom Cake?" Spike asked.

"She's okay, She was telling me about how she likes being here then Manehattan since the ponies there were giving her a hard time for not having a cutie mark. It's going to be sad when she goes back next year." Blaze said getting a little sad.

"Don't worry, When she leaves we'll make sure you have her address and you can send her letter's to keep in touch." Twilight said with a smile as she used her wing to give Blaze a little hug.

"Thank's mom." Blaze said hugging back.

Spike now felt bad for bring that up.
After some time the three just sat there in the living room waiting for everypony to show up.

Twilight and Blaze both had there noises stuck in there books while Spike was sound asleep.

Twilight manged to pull her head out of her book to see her son sound asleep with his head in the book "Awe, He fell sleep." She looked at the clock and notice it was already seven "They should have bee-" Her thought were interrupted by the sound of the door bell "Oh, There here!"

Blaze eyes snapped open as he heard the door bell go off "Finally!" Blaze said rubbing his eyes.

Spike was still sound sleep "Wake up Spike! There here!" Twilight said kicking the chair waking Spike up as she made her way towards the door.

Spike jumped "I'm up! I'm up!"

Twilight opened the door and smiled as she saw her patents and her brother and her old foalsitter all standing in front of the door talking with each other.

"Mom! Dad! Shinning! Cadance!" Twilight said as she hugged her parents and her bother and her old foalsitter "It's so good to see you all again!"

"It's good to see you too Twilight." Her father said.

"I'm glad you could make it!"

"GRANDMA! GRANDPA!" Blaze yelled as he hugged them.

"There's my favorite grandson!" Dusk Sparkle said with a smile.

"I'm doing good." Blaze said a she hugged his grandpa.

"That's good, Oh, I got you something." Dusk used his magic to pull out of his saddle bag a neatly wrapped box with a bow on top.

Blaze took the box "What is it?"

"Open it and you'll find out." Dusk said.

Blaze ripped open the wrapping and opened the box.

Twilight watched as her son's eyes lit up. Blaze pulled out a sword and what looked like armor "A guard pony suit!" Blaze was over joyed. He wanted one of these but couldn't get on because they didn't have any that fit him "This is so cool!"

Blaze placed the helmet onto his head as he pulled out the other pieces of armor as it fit nicely on to his body "It fits!"

Shinning chuckled "How did you find a suit that would fit him?"

"A buddy of mine works on making these and i asked if he could make a special one for me and here we are." Dusk said.

"Thank you so much grandpa!" Blaze said as he hugged him again.

"Your welcome."

"I don't think my gift will be able to top your gift Dusk." Cadance said.

"You guy's didn't have to get him anything." Twilight said as she saw her son take off running into the living room to go show Spike.

"I have the right to spoil my grandson." Dusk said.

Twilight rolled her eyes "Anyways, I'm glad you guys are here."

"We're happy were here too." Star Sparkle said with a smile "So, How have you been?"

"I've been good, I've been keeping myself busy with Blaze in school." Twilight said as they all walked into the living room "I'm really happy your here."

"We're happy to be here." Cadance said as she notice Blaze taking off his armor and taking a seat next to his mother.

"What really bring you all here?" Twilight asked knowing they weren't here just to visit.

"Told you she would figure it out." Shinning said looking at his parents who in returned looked back at him.

"If you would have played stupid just now we could have!" Star Sparkle said to her son.

"It still wouldn't have worked." Twilight said "Now, Spill the beans."

Her parents sighed "Since you brother here blew it, We were hoping to tell you tomorrow over breakfast but, A family reunion is coming up in a few day's and we wanted to surprise you." Dusk said.

"You could have just told me in your letter." Twilight said.

"We wanted to tell you face to face." Star said.

"Hey, Blaze how about you and me go open your gift up stairs." Cadance said.

"Okay!" Blaze said jumping off the couch and following Cadance out of the room.

Twilight was confused about why Cadance took her son "We were told not to tell you about this reunion because of Blaze." Dusk said.

Twilight eyes went wide "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BECAUSE OF BLAZE!?"

"Shh, We didn't want his feeling's getting hurt." Shinning said.

"It would seem some of the family member's think that you raising a... Human is wrong." Star said.

Twilight narrowed her eyes "How could they think it's wrong! I helped raised a dragon and no pony thought of that as wrong! Why do they think me raising Blaze is so wrong!?" Twilight asked angry.

"Some think it's weird and other's just don't like the idea." Shinning said "We know Blaze is still young but we don't want his feeling's getting hurt so we thought we would come get you and Blaze."

"So he could be laughed at? I don't want him being bullied by his own family." Twilight said "Let them have their reunion. Blaze and I can have our own little reunion."

"Are you sure you don't want to just go and show that no matter what other's think he's your son?" Dusk asked.

"I don't care what they think! He's my son no matter what! I'm raising him and making sure he has toy's and cloths and food! If they want to say he's not then let them because i don't care! Twilight huffed.

"Still, We think it would be better to bring Blaze along and show them he's awesome." Shinning said with a smile.

"No, I won't take my son to ponies who will make fun of him and call him names and hurt his feeling's." Twilight said getting up "Now, If you'll excuse me, I have to go start dinner."

"Let me go talk with her." Star said leaving the two stallion's in the living room.
Cadance used her magic to pick up Blaze gift as they made their way up the stair's.

"Since you and Uncle Shinning are staying in my room for awhile we can open my gift in here." Blaze said opening his door and allowing Cadance into his room.

She looked around the room "Did your mom clean your room?"

"No, I cleaned it all by myself. Mommy made the bed." Blaze said with a proud smile.

She smiled and gave Blaze his gift "Shinning and I thought you would like this. It took me hour's to make."

Blaze ripped the paper off and opened the box and his eyes went wide as he pulled out the gift.

"Y-You made this?" Blaze asked looking up at Cadance.

"Yes, It took me hour's but i knew it would bring a smile to your face." Cadance said with a smile.

Blaze ran up to her and pulled her into a hug "THANK YOU SO MUCH AUNTIE CADANCE FOR MAKING ME A LUNA PLUSHIE!" Cadance smiled and hugged him back.

"Your welcome Blaze."

Blaze pulled away and looked at her "H-How did you know i-"

"That you like Luna? Easy, I remember when i was visiting and you were playing with Spike and Shinning, Your mom went to use the restroom and Luna came walking out of the garden and when you saw her you froze making it easy for Spike to tackle you to the ground."

Blaze blushed "Y-You won't tell her or mom... Right?" He asked worried.

"I Pinkie Promise you. I cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." Cadance did the silly dance move "Your secret is save with me."

"Thank you." He said with a smile.

"So, Tell me, Have you made any friends?" Cadance asked
Pinkie Pie body began to shake as Aj looked at her friend.

"What's the matter sugar cube?" Aj asked.

"Cadance made a Pinkie Promise to Blaze." Pinkie Pie pulled a book out of know where and wrote down the date and time the Promise was made.

"I'll never get use to her." Matt said looking at Aj.

"I'm still not use to her." Aj said.

"Okay! We can continue to the movies!" Pinkie said bouncing down the road.
Twilight placed some corn into the water and turned on the burner to boil the water.

"Mind if i help you?" Star asked walking into the kitchen.

"Sure." Twilight began to chop up some carrot's.

"Twi, I know how you feel." Star said placing plate's onto the table.

Stopped chopping the carrot's and looked at her mother "Really? You know how it feel's to raise a human in a world full of ponies who judge you?"

"Yes, Ponies thought it was weird having a foal who did nothing but read and stayed locked up in her room all day and night." Star said looking at her daughter "But i kept my head up high and always knew you would amount to something, And i was right."

"Still, He's always going to be made fun of and picked on."

"You got picked on and made fun off when we put you into school." Star said looking at her daughter "And look at you, You showed them that know matter what they did to you, You still didn't let that keep you down."

"What i went through was different, I got picked on because of my reading. Blaze is being picked on because he's different and it's much worst then what i went through!" Twilight had tear's in her eyes "I watched as he cried in my shoulder telling me that those ponies were calling his a ugly monster who wanted to eat them! I watched as he cried himself asleep! I don't want him going through that again!" Tear's were running down her cheek as her mother pulled her into a hug. Twilight hugged back "I hated seeing him cry like that."

"I know, I know." Star said patting her back as she felt her daughter's tears soak into her fur.

After awhile Twilight calmed down and wiped the tear's from her eyes.

"We won't force you or Blaze to go, But think about it." Star said giving her daughter a small smile.

"I will."

The two went back to cooking and making sure everypony had a place to sit and eat.
Cadance laughed as Blaze told her about Spike and Apple Bloom falling asleep under a tree.

"Does Spike like Apple Bloom?" Cadance asked.

"I don't know, I think he might like Scootaloo because she kiss him on the cheek or he might like Sweetie Belle too, She also kissed him on the cheek."

"And how do you know about this?" Cadance asked.

"I over heard Mom and him talking about it. I didn't mean to over hear them."

"It's okay, As long as you didn't mean it to over hear them, But maybe you should keep this a secret."

Blaze looked away "Oh, Did i thank you for the doll?"

"Blaze... Who did you tell?" Cadance asked.

"I might have told Pound Cake... But i don't think he'll tell anypony!"

"When you go to school and make sure he know's not to tell anypony." Cadance said "We don't need Spike getting embarrassed."

Blaze chuckled "It's funny watching him get embarrassed. His face get's all red."

"Still, Would you want Spike to tell everypony your secret?"

Blaze knew she was right, If Spike went around telling everypony his secret he would be embarrassed "No, I wouldn't."

"Good." Cadance felt a little kick in her stomach "She's kicking again."

"Can i feel?" Blaze asked.

"Of course." She said with a smile as Blaze placed his hand on her stomach and felt the foal kick.

"I felt her!" Blaze said with a smile as he felt her kick again.

"I think she like's you." Cadance said with a smile as Blaze face lit up.

"How do you know it's a girl?" Blaze asked.

"The doctor told me my foal will be a girl."

"Did you want a girl?" Blaze asked as he felt the little one kick again.

"Yes, I did."

"When will i get to meet her?"

"Soon, Doctor told me any day now i she should be coming into this world."

Blaze smiled "I can't wait to meet her."

"I think she can't wait to meet you too." Cadance could feel her foal kick again.

"DINNER IS READY!" Blaze and Cadance both looked towards the door at Twilight's voice.

"Let's go eat." Cadance said getting up.

Blaze followed her out of the room and downstairs's.
To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. And if you haven't read Welcome to Sweet Apple Acre's or you have read it. The character Matt is from that story and before you all go "You ruined the other story by showing him in this one." Well Matt in this story isn't human. He's a normal pony in this one. Well enjoy! :pinkiehappy: