• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,066 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

  • ...

Chapter 18. Past, Family, Love.

Author's Note:

I Edited this myself, so tell me if you find any mistakes. As always enjoy! :pinkiehappy:

Chapter 18. Past, Family, Love.
It was a normal day at school for Blaze. Mr. Ink Heart was teaching the class about weather control, yet Blaze mind kept going back towards Night's father. He didn't know much about Night's father but what he knew; he just wished he could help them. He wanted to be with his mother and to help her through this.

"Blaze, are you still with us?" Ink Heart asked.

"Y-Yeah." Blaze stuttered.

"Good, then can you tell me what I was just talking about?" He asked.

The whole glass started snickering at him as he tried to remember what the teacher had said "That's what I thought." Ink Heart said "We were discussing how weather control works."

Blaze already knew all about weather control thanks to Rainbow Dash and his mother. So he didn't really care what they were disusing as he let his mind wonder off.

The bell rang allowing the kids to exit the school to enjoy recess.

"What's the deal with you day dreaming in class?" Pound Cake asked.

"I wasn't day dreaming, I'm just worried about Night and his father." Blaze said looking over at Pound who just stood there giving him an odd look.

"I'm sure whatever is going on, your mother will figure out how to help." Pound said "After all, she's a princess."

Blaze sighed "Still, what if there isn't anything they can do to help him?" He asked.

"They'll find away, you'll see." Pound said trying to cheer up his friend "Why don't we go find Pumpkin?"

Blaze nodded as he followed his friend towards the playground. Blaze felt his cheeks heat up at the thought of Luna came to his mind.

"I see you are already out for recess." He heard a familiar voice making him turn around to see the Princess Luna standing there with a smile on her face.

"P-Princess Luna!" Blaze watched as his friend began to panic.

"Hey Luna, what brings you by?" Blaze asked hoping his blush was gone.

"Your principal Soaring Star asked that I sub for Miss Cheerilee, she was support to be teaching history but has caught the flu that has been going around." Luna said as she placed a mental note to send her a get well card.

"Awe, but I was hoping to have that class off!" Pound said pouting.

"Those who don't learn about the mistakes of the past shall repeat the mistakes in the future." Luna said making the young colt blink.

"She's quoting Star Swirl the Bearded." Blaze said remembering his mother's stories of the stallion.

"Oh, so why are you quoting him?" He asked not really caring.

"Please forgive my brother... He can be a bit slow." Pumpkin said walking up towards the three.

"It is alright, I hope many of the young colts and fillies will learn what I teach." She said with a smile.

"Why don't you come and play with us till class begins again?" Blaze asked with a smile.

"I would enjoy that." She said with a smile and she followed the kids towards the playground.

Pound blinked "Wait... Did you just call me stupid!?" He yelled at his sister chasing after her.

This made them all laugh.
Blaze watched as Luna taught the class. But he couldn't help but feel sadden as she spoke of Sombra. He heard rumors from some guards that Luna and Sombra were dating and that's what made Sombra do the things he did, but he didn't listen to the rumors. He hated when ponies made up lies about ponies.

Yet he wondered if Luna did have somepony she cared about.

The bell rung out breaking Blaze from his thoughts "Alright class, remember to study pages 45 through 50." She said with a bright smile.

Blaze watched as the colts and fillies rush out of the room leaving him and Luna alone in the class room "Alright Blaze, just give me a second. I just need to get my papers and we can be on our way."

"Take all the time you need." He said with a smile.

Once she had her bag filled with her work for tonight, she used her magic to lift Blaze up and onto her back "Let's get back home, we have a lot of stuff to do before night fall."
Luna's moon shined into the small hospital room as a donkey laid sound asleep; the only sound being made in the room was the heart monitor.

A tall shadowy figure stood next to the bed "So you are the father to Night." The figure said.

The donkey's eyes went wide "W-Who's there?"

"I am a friend of your son, but I need you to keep this between us." The figure said stepping into Luna's light. The donkey's eyes went wide.

"Y-Your t-the thing that saved my life all those years ago."

"Yes, and I come to save you once again." He said with a smile.


"Your son, he has an imported roll and with you dying will break this roll." The donkey watched as the figure brought out his arm and his hands were glowing a light blue "I can prolong your cancer but it will return in time, but for now, you can be with your love ones."

"Thank you, this means a lot to me."

The figure smiled "No need to thank me Jerry." The figure began to fade "Remember, this won't last forever, make the time you have with the ones you love count."

Jerry watched as the figure faded away "I will, you can count on it."
Applejack was awoken from her slumber by her boyfriend slowly moving back into the bed.

"And where did ya run off too?" She asked looking at him.

"I had to use the rest room." He said.

"Ah know it doesn't take ya an hour ta use the restroom, what were ya doin'?" She asked.

"If I tell you, can I trust you to keep it a secret?" He asked making sure she wouldn't tell.

"Ya know Ah hate keepin' secrets."

He placed a hoof under her chin "I know, but this secret won't be like the one you've been keeping. This is more of a joyful secret."

She sighed "As long as nopony is gettin' hurt, then Ah can keep it."

"I went to Trottingham to visit Night's father, to my surprise he's the same donkey I saved a long time ago." He said chuckling at the memory "Anyways, I prolonged his cancer so he may spend his time with his loves ones, but his cancer shall return and he will die, just not any time soon."

"W-Why did ya do that?"

"Night Fire is going to kill me for this but, I know Night will be broken up about this and I don't wish to see him freak out, so... I use my immortality to prolong his cancer." Matt said rubbing the back of his neck.

"YA DID WHAT!?" She nearly yelled.

"I had too Applejack, you know how I lost my father and I didn't want Night going through that yet."

"S-So ya can die then?" He nodded "W-Will ya get it back?"

"I should have it back sometime this week, his cancer will be about gone allowing the doctor's to heal him and maybe even cure him." He said with a smile "And before you flip out on me about being normal again, I'll be taking a backseat to the whole hero job, and be spending a lot more time with the mare I love." He said pulling her into a kiss making her smile into the kiss.

She pulled away from him "You said you met Night's father before... how?"

"Some rebel griffons who hated donkeys were going to kill him when I interfered and saved his life. At the time I didn't know who this donkey was nor did I care, but now knowing he's Night's father, I'm glad I did what I did."

"You were always the hero." She said pulling him into a kiss and pulling him on top of her.
The rain fell down over the streets of Canterlot as a light orange Pegasus made his way through the empty streets of Canterlot. His mind was in deep thought, the memories of the day still fresh in his mind "I can't believe I have to go to Dodge Junction to help guard a stupid temple!" He sighed as he dug in his bag and found his keys; he opened the door to his home and made his way inside "I won't be able to keep tabs on her while I'm down there! I hate Celestia right now!"

He placed his bag onto the table near the door as he made his way into the kitchen to make himself dinner.

"How was your day Flash? Find out anything on Twilight I should know about?" Flash heard the voice say making him sigh again knowing full well he didn't get anything on Twilight today.

"No, but I'm being sent to Dodge Junction to watch over a stupid temple that was found not too far from the town."

"A temple you say? I believe you'll need to bring me with you." The voice said.

Flash raised an eye brow as he looked over at the stone near the book shelf "Why? I'll be back long before your plan is supposed to begin." He said turning back to his oat burger he was cooking.

"Why would Princess Celestia want her guards out in the middle of nowhere looking over a temple? Something inside this temple scares her, and I shall find out why."

"As you wish Master, I'll make sure I buy a small case to place you in." Flash said looking back at his meal.
The trip from Canterlot to Dodge Junction was a long trip for Flash. He hated being on trains for to long and he wanted to stretch his legs and get this trip over with.

The train pulled into the station and Flash grabbed his gear and made his way into town.

He found the hotel he would be staying in till his work was finished. He placed his things in the room and got ready for duty "Aren't you forgetting something?" Flash heard the voice.

"You'll have to hide out in my lunch till the day is done." Flash said looking at the stone.

"I lived in a bush; I think a lunch box wouldn't bother me much." Flash picked the stone up and placed it in his lunch box.

Once he had what he needed he made his way outside and towards the temple.

Flash looked in awe as he stood in front of the temple that was carved in the side of the cliff. Stone statues of griffons, dragons, ponies and a creature that Flash knew of, the stature looked to be a human who wore a suit of armor and held a sword in his hand as the other statues seemed to be working with this human "Welcome Flash Sentry, I am general Flower Shield, you will be posted inside with the research team." Flash looked at the mare as he followed her inside. He notices the green eyes, blue mane and orange coat. He couldn't see her cutie mark due to the armor covering it.

"As you wish, General." Flash said as they came into the room filled with ponies who were studying the statues and strange markings on the wall. That's when Flash notices a dragon in the room.

"Flash, I want you to meet Gem. She's the lead researcher." Flower Shield said "Gem, this is Flash Sentry, he shall remain inside with you at all time."

"As you wish, I still believe I can handle anything that comes my way." She said looking over at the two "You can go ahead and help Sugar and Star Lander unload some boxes." Gem said.

"He's only here to keep an out for you four." Flower said to the dragon.

"It's alright ma'am, I don't mind helping out." Flash said placing his lunch box down and made his way towards the two ponies as they were placing down some lamps to light the room.

"So, what is this place anyways?" Flash asked the group.

"From what I can gather, this creature," Gem looked towards the statue that stood in front of a giant door "And a small group of ponies, griffons and dragons, built this vault and placed a weapon inside."

Flashed raised an eye brow. He looked at the statue then back at Gem "What's the weapon?"

"I do not know, all I know is this weapon holds the power to wipe out all life on this earth or bring peace to this world. Either way, whoever locked this weapon away used a lot of magic to seal the door shut."

The room grew quite making Flash notices the group of ponies and Gem have stopped dead in their tracks "So this is where the Knight hide the weapon." Flashed looked at his lunch box as it opened up and the stone floated up towards the door "With the magic I have I can take control over these researcher's and used them to find a way to open this door. As for the guards up front, they shall remain in the dark."

"I thought you were powerless?" Flash asked surprised.

"I'm using the unicorns in this room to power myself; they are now under my control. Flash, fate has chosen us to be the first to find this room and get the weapon before the knight of darkness returns and bring forth his army and destroy this world." The stone floated back down into the lunch box "When they awake, they will follow my orders and will have no memories of this."

The ponies in the room began to move again "Once we figure out what spells they used to sealed the door, we'll find out what this weapon is." Gem said.

"Right, sounds like some old pony tale." Flash said "When Twilight becomes mine once again, I will put a stop to the stones plan. I will not allow this stone to play me as a fool." Flash placed the create down next to Gem as he helped out the group.
Princess Luna walked through the halls of her home with Blaze sound asleep on her back.

She let a smile crawl abound her face "All that homework, I remember a time when homework wasn't so hard." She chuckled "A goodnight rest is all he needs." She placed Blaze onto the bed and pulled the covers over his body. She kissed his forehead and made her way to her room to finish some paperwork.

She looked over the paperwork before her. She notices a student's note one of the pieces of papers.

"Dear Princess Luna, is it true you and King Sombra dated?" She sighed. Rumors of her dating King Sombra started to pop up all around Equestria ever since the defeat of King Sombra. The rumors were true, she did once date the King for some time. Then he grew greedy and tried to use her to take over her kingdom.

This broke her heart and forced her to become Nightmare Moon in the years that followed. She denied these rumors and has informed them it wasn't true.

She remembered the stallion Sombra use to be, kind, loving... and all around good pony. But his heart began to change as he was given the title of king and soon he fell into his dark ways.

The day they broke up was the day the war between the two nations began "Then that's when the Knight came, he fought off King Sombra as if he had fought him before." The memories of the Knight came flooding into her mind.

"L-Luna, you're still up?" Her mind came back into reality. She turned her head to see Blaze in the doorway as he was rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"I shall be done here shortly Blaze." She said looking at him.

"I hope you can get enough sleep, school will start in two hours." He said.

Luna's eyes went wide; she looked over at the clock on the wall '5:45 AM.' "Do not worry Blaze; I shall have enough energy to survive today." She said getting up "Why don't you get back to bed, I'll wake you when it's time to get ready." She said giving Blaze a smile.

Blaze smiled back and nodded "Alright." He left her alone making her sigh "I'm going to be tired today."

She stood and made her way towards her bathroom and got herself ready for the day ahead of her.
Nine Months Later.

Twilight laid on the couch with a book in front of her. She was enjoying her relaxing day inside her home with a book in front of her.

Night's parent's came down to visit them since Jerry was fully cured of his cancer and wanted to visit everypony he could. Night for one was glad to see his father in such a good mood and this even made Blaze happy as he got to meet his grandfather.

Night had taken his parents out for a tour of Ponyville and since Twilight's hoofs were hurting, so she stayed home and found a good book to read.

The door to her home opened up and she smiled as she saw her son rush into the home with a big smile on his face "Mom! I got an A+ on my test!"

"And you thought you weren't going to get an A+." She said looking at her son's test. She heard her door close making her look up from the paper to see Luna "And how was your day Luna?"

"It was good; I am taking my new job as a history teaches quite nicely." She said with a smile.

"I'm glad; I would have gladly taken the job if my hoofs weren't hurting so much." She said sighing. Then Twilight felt a sharp pain rush through her body and then wetness. Her eyes widen "Luna, I need to go to the hospital." She said calmly, trying not to alarm the two.

Luna notices the water on the couch and her eyes widen "W-What's wrong mother?" Blaze asked beginning to worry.

"Blaze, why don't you grab your mother's bag while I help her get to the wagon?" Luna said helping Twilight up off the couch.

Blaze did as he was told and quickly made his way to the door and grabbed the bags sitting by it.

Luna waved down a wagon taxi and the three were off to the hospital.
To Be Continued.