• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,088 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

  • ...

Chapter 14. Cut's, Deal, I Love You.

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas! Hope everyone is having a great day. Here's the next chapter for you all as a gift. Hope you all Enjoy. :pinkiehappy:

Edited by Alternivity
Chapter 14. Cut's, Deal, I Love You.
Celestia's sun slowly began to rise as two sleepy ponies slept under an oak tree wrapped in a blanket.
The stallion began to wake as he felt the rays of the sun shine into his eyes waking him from his wonderful slumber.

"Note to self, Buy pure black curtains," he thought, opening his eyes to see the sun greeting him "Wait... I'm outside."
He went to raise his head when he felt something holding him down, "Okay... Did I get drunk and somepony passed out on me?"

He turned his head to see none other then Twilight's mane covering her face as she was sound asleep, "Oh yeah... I forgot about her....How can you forget you fell sleep outside with a princess?"

The memories of last night came flooding into his mind as a smile came across his face, "She looks cute when she's asleep."
He didn't want to wake his sleeping beauty from her slumber, so he closed his eyes and just basked in the morning light.
Blaze slowly opened his eyes as he looked around to see he wasn't in his room or in his mother's room, "Where am I?" he thought as he went to sit up only to feel something holding him down.

He turned his head to see none other than Princess Luna right next to him with her hoof and wing over him as she slept. Blaze's eyes went wide as he couldn't believe Luna was right next to him, holding him close as she slept.

His panic went away as he noticed the smile on her face as she slept.

But sadly, as much as he wanted to enjoy this, he heard a knock at the door making him quickly turn his head and close his eyes to act like he hasn't woken yet.

The knocking came again making Luna's eyes flutter open, "Why is some pony knocking on my door this early in the morning?" she thought as she yawned. She looked down to see Blaze still sound asleep and this brought a smile to her face, "He looks so cute when he's asleep."

She heard the knocking again and she glared at the door, "If they wake Blaze I'm going to throw them out the window."
She carefully got out of her bed as she made her way towards the door. She opened the door to see her sister standing in front of her, "Tia? What brings you by?"

"Twilight and Night aren't in their rooms and I was hoping you would know where they were," she said with a worried look on her face.

"Um... I think they might be just outside the castle near the cliff," Luna said as she remembered that's the way the two were heading last night.

"Thank you Luna," Celestia said, making her way down the hall.
"Wait! Why are you looking for them?"

Celestia looked back at her sister, "Flash is on a search for Twilight, I'm going to find her and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

Luna looked back into her room and looked at Blaze who was still asleep. She looked back at her sister, "I'll keep and eye on Blaze, just in case Flash does pull something stupid."

Celestia nodded as she made her way down the hall leaving Luna to go back into her room.

She closed the door behind her as she made her way towards her bed, "I'll sleep for five more minutes then I'll wake up and start my day," she said as she climbed back into bed and wrapped her wing around Blaze as she closed her eyes, "If Flash does anything to harm Twilight or Blaze, he'll know the true meaning of pain."
Twilight felt the rays of the sun touch her eyelids making her squeeze them tight as she wished to sleep, "Five more minutes," she thought as she buried her face in to her... She opened her eyes to see her pillow had turned into furry blue pillow, "When did I get this pillow?" she thought as she blinked.

"C-Can you please remove your horn from my neck?" she heard a voice say, making her jump away "Thank you."
She blinked as she noticed Night rubbing his neck. The memory's of last night came flooding into her mind

"Oh I'm soooooo sorry! I forgot I wasn't in my room!" she said, noticing her horn drew blood as she saw a little on his neck.
"It's alright," he said as he noticed a little blood on his hoof, "I didn't know unicorn's horns could be so sharp," he said, chuckling, making Twilight blush as she felt guilty.

"D-Do you need a band aid?" she asked, worried.
Night double checked his neck and knew this was just a little cut, "Nah, It's just a little cut. It'll heal fast enough."
"A-Are you sure?"

"I'm sure Twilight," he said, giving her a smile as he noticed how close she was to him, "Did you sleep well?"
"I-I slept pretty well," she said with a smile as her face turned even redder.

"There you two are!" their heads turned to see Princess Celestia walking down the path way that lead to Night's secret spot.
"Does everypony know about this place!?" Night yelled in his mind as he watched her get close.

"P-Princess!" Twilight quickly jumped to her hooves as the blanket flew off her back and covered Night's face.

Night blinked as he now saw darkness, "Something tells me the sun is going to be hot," Night thought as he removed the blanket from his face to see Celestia now standing in front of them.

"Next time you two leave the castle please inform somepony where you will be so I don't have to go on a pony hunt for you three," she said.

"S-Sorry!" Twilight said. Night noticed she was acting very strange.

"It's my fault," Night said getting to his hooves as he heard his back crack as he looked at Celestia. "It slipped my mind." Night noticed no anger coming from the princess which meant he was safe from either going to the moon or the sun. If he had to choose though, the Moon seems better.

"Just remember next time to remind somepony where you are," she said as she cleared her throat "Now, You two need to come back to the castle, Flash is searching everywhere for you."

Twilight sighed as she looked at her former teacher "I thought he would drop this but I guess I was wrong." She looked at Night who was folding the blanket figuring they wouldn't need this anymore "Thank you for last night, Night, I'll see you later." She kissed the side of his cheek making him blush. She then made her way down the path way to go find Flash and make him stop this stupid crap.

Night watched as she left making Celestia chuckle "I don't know about you, But I think she like's you."
Night looked at Celestia who had a grin on her face "You should chase after her."

He quickly rushed off making her chuckle again as she watched him run "This reminds a lot like Shinning when he chased after Cadance." She notice Night change into a white stallion with a blue mane chasing after a pink mare "And in the same spot none the less." She made her way down the path with a smile on her face as she walked.
Flash searched the castle grounds as he looked for his mare.

"If she's with that stallion again I'm going to knock his lights out!" he thought as he walked through the maze.
"Maybe I can help you."

Flash turned his head to try and find the voice, "W-Who's there!?" he asked.
"We both want something, I want a body and you want Twilight Sparkle," the voice said.
He searched around trying to find the voice, "Show yourself!"

"Walk towards the bush and you'll see me," Flash walked toward the bush and notice a strange broken red stone in the bush. "If you help me, I can help you."

"Why should I trust you?" Flash asked.

"Because, I know the pain of losing the one you love," the voice said, "Twilight Sparkle still loves you but her mind is clouded."

"How do I un-cloud her mind?"
"It will take time. For, you see, In order for me to help you I need a body and the body I need is still to young for me."

"What body do you need?"
"Princes Blaze Sparkle, his body will be perfect for me. When he is old enough, I will use him to help you get back together."

"What will happen to Blaze?"
"Nothing. His mind and body will be fine. He'll just be in a sleeping state."

"How long will I have to wait?"
"On his 16's birthday he'll be ready."

"I have to wait nine years!"

"Yes. It's the only time I will have a chance to enter his body. Once he's under my control I shall help you back into her heart. After all, she loves her son more than life its self and will do anything to make him happy. Even giving you a second chance."

Flash thought about it for a moment and figured this strange rock might be telling the truth, "Alright. If I have to wait nine years you better make this worth my while."

"Don't worry Flash. You'll get what's coming to you."
"So, I come back here in nine years?"

"No. You will take me with you. When Blaze birthday comes you will send me as a gift."
"Alright, sounds good," he picked up the strange rock and flew off into the sky.
Blaze ran his fingers through Luna's mane as he rode on her back as she trotted down the hall as they were on their way to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

Luna stopped dead in her tracks as she saw two servants come running out the kitchen, "I DIDN'T WANT THIS!" somepony yelled after them.

Luna and Blaze watched as a plate came flying out of the door and into a wall.
"Is that Blueblood?" Blaze asked.

"Yes, it is," Luna sighed, all she wanted was a nice breakfast with Blaze but no, his royal pain in her flank had to be here. Luna used her magic to lift Blaze off her back, "Blaze, please wait here while I have a word with Blueblood."

Blaze nodded as she walked through the door as she used her magic to close the door.
Blaze stood there as he waited for her to return.

"YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BRAT! YOU WILL EAT WHAT IS GIVE TO YOU!" Blaze's eyes went wide as he notice the door glowing black and he could hear Blueblood let a girly scream.

"Note to self; never get on her bad side," Blaze thought as he saw the door grow even blacker.

The outburst over, Blaze watched Blueblood take off running towards his room with his tail between his legs and Luna come walking out, "Ready for breakfast?" she asked with a smile.

Blaze nodded as he followed her into the kitchen.
Night walked along side Twilight as they made their way through the castle.

"Tomorrow I'm leaving and going back to Ponyville," she said, looking at Night.

He looked at her and notice how sad she looked, "Guess I'll have to make your time here special." He said with a smile making her smile as well.

"Before I leave I'll make sure you have my address... If you want to keep in touch," she said, blushing.


Night and Twilight both stopped head in their tracks as they heard the voice yell.

"It would seem Luna isn't in a good mood," Night said as he lowered his head. "Great, My job just got harder."
"Does this get this way often?" Twilight asked.

"Whenever Prince Blueblood is in one of his moods and Luna is close by...War breaks out," he said.

They watched as the door burst opened and Blueblood rushed out and passed them as they both notice tears in his eyes as his tail was between his legs, "Ready for breakfast?" they both noticed Luna walk out with a smile on her face as they notice Blaze nod and follow her into the kitchen.

"Hopefully they don't have another food fight," Twilight chuckled as they walked passed the kitchen.

"That was them? Jeez, I heard the chef was mad about his work of art was all over the floor and walls," Night said chuckling, remembering the chef was in tears.

Twilight chuckled, "I've had a wonderful time with you."
"I've had a wonderful time with you as well, Princess."

Twilight notice they were outside her room and she knew she needed to get change out of her clothes.
"Well, here's your stop," Night said. "I'll be around later today, if you want, I'll take you out for lunch?"
"Sure, I'll be free," she said with a smile.

"Well, I'll see you then," he kissed the side of her cheek making her smile.
He went to leave when he felt something hold him in place.

He then felt something touch his lips and his eyes went wide as he felt Twilight's lips. He kissed her back.
Twilight smiled in the kiss as she was glad he kissed back.
2 Months Later.

The snow blew across the land as the ponies below built snow forts or snowponies or having a good old-fashioned snowball fight.
Twilight on the other hoof was inside with a book in front of her as she sat by the fire. She looked out her window to see her son outside with Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. This brought a smile to her face as she watched them throw snowballs at each other.
Just then her horn began to glow. She jumped a little as she saw a scroll land in front of her. She was in shock as she wondered how her magic was brought a letter here when she didn't use it at all.

She picked up the scroll and opened it, and what she read brought a smile to her face.
"To my lovely princess, Twilight.
I bet you're wondering how I managed to send a letter to you without Spike around. Long story short, Sunset has been in the library more and learned a new spell. Anyway, The reason I had this letter sent to you without Spike around is because I miss you. Not a day goes by that you're not on my mind, or in my dreams, and I love every minute of it. We should really get Luna a gift for connecting out dreams."

Twilight chuckled as she remembered how Luna had told them she would be able to connect their dreams so they can be together. She continued reading the letter.

"But sadly, I can't take it anymore, I have so much I want to do and say, but I can't in this letter, So if you could please open the door, I think I might be catching a cold!"

Twilight blinked as she looked flipped the letter around trying to figure out if this is a joke he was playing "He's gotta stop these jokes," she said aloud.

She then heard a knock at the door making her jump.
She quickly rushed to the door and opened it to see Night standing in front of her with a scarf around his neck, "Did you finish my letter?"

She answered him with a kiss, happy to have him in the flesh.
She pulled away as she noticed the goofy grin on his face, "I'll take that as a yes," he said, chuckling.
"Yes, I read the letter." She said letting him in from the cold as he took his scarf off.

"Good, because I have some good news!" He said, looking at her, his goofy grin still plastered to his face, which made Twilight smile as she made her way back to her spot near the hearth.

"How about we get you all warmed up by the fire?" she said as she patted at a spot right next to her.
He didn't need to be told twice as he laid down right next to her as he felt the warmth from the fire-place and the warmth of Twilight next to him, "So, what's this good news you have that made you write this confusing letter and have it sent, only to be standing at my door in the middle of winter?"

"Well, Hearths Warming Eve is in a few weeks and you'll be here and I'll be in Canterlot, and I'd hate for us to miss this event... So, I've talked with Luna we have come to an agreement, I'll be moving here to Ponyville to be closer to you."

"W-What about your job? I mean, I'm happy you'll be closer to me but.. Your job."

"That's where the good news comes in, Luna will be moving here as well, she's been tired of being cooped up in that castle, she wants to try someplace new," he scooted closer towards her as he looked into her eyes, "I've managed to find a place just down the road from here, I'll be able to take you out more."

She felt her heart beat faster as she looked into his eyes. He moved towards her and kissed her on the lips. She kissed him back as she felt her heart explode in joy, knowing Night will be closer to her.

Night pulled away from the kiss making Twilight wonder what was wrong, "I love you Twilight."

Before Night knew it he was on his back, with Twilight on top of him kissing him deeply. She pulled away and looked down at the shocked stallion, "I love you too Night."

Night felt Twilight kiss him again as the two had a very heated make out session in front of the fire place.
After awhile they just sat by the fire place as they just relaxed.

Night looked down at the mare he loved, "Yes?"
"Is Sunset moving with you?" She asked laying her head on his side.

"Right now she's looking for a couch for our house," he said chuckling, "I think she's finally happy."

"Well, who wouldn't be happy with you around?" She said, using her magic to place a blanket on them as she closed her eyes.
He kissed her forehead as he laid his head next to hers as he closed his eyes "I'm glad I have you and Blaze in my life," she heard him say making her smile.

"We're happy to have you in our lives too, Night."
Sunset trudged down the snow-filled streets of Ponyville as she made her way toward Twilight's house to see if Night was still there.
As she approached the house she noticed a filly, a colt and a human standing around a window looking inside.

She walked up behind them and looked inside to see Night and Twilight sound asleep by the fire with a blanket around them, "They look so cute together!" Sunset heard the little filly say, "It's a shame Blossom Cake is sick, She might have wanted to see the princess' new boyfriend."

"I thought she was dating that guy, Flash?" The colt asked looking at the human.

"She was. They broke up," the human said. "But I think she'll be a lot happier with Night than Flash. And Night is a lot nicer to me than Flash was, he was strict. Night can be strict, but not to the point I'm scared of him."

"Well you have to be strict if you want to be a member of the Royal Guard," the colt said.
"I know! But I'm still young!" the human shot back.

"Knock it off Pound. If Twilight and Blaze like Night then he's okay in my book," the filly said, glaring at the colt.
"What do you know? She could find somepony a lot better," the colt said, glaring back at the filly.

"And what's so wrong with Night that makes you think Twilight deserve better?" Sunset asked, making the three jump.
"S-Sunset! W-What are you doing here?" Blaze asked in shock.

Sunset chuckled, "I came to see if Night was done visiting," she smiled as she saw her brother sound sleep with Twilight, "But it seem he's enjoying his time with your mother. So, mind telling me why my brother isn't good enough for her?"

The colt watched as she stood tall over him, "H-He just isn't."

Sunset notice a bead of sweat fell down his face, "I think somepony has a crush on a princess," she said, chuckling, making the young colt blush like mad.

"YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HIS MOTHER!?" Pumpkin yelled.

"N-No! I-I do not!" He said trying to play stupid.
"You do!" Blaze said in shock as he saw his friend blushing like mad.

"YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON LUNA!" He shot back at Blaze making him blush.

This made Pumpkin look at Blaze, "You have a crush on Luna!?" she nearly shouted.
This made Pound smile knowing the heat was off him.

"At least he's not in love with someone's mother," Sunset said, making the two look back at Pound. He glared at the mare as he wished she was gone. "Anyways, How about I take you three out for some hot chocolate?"

The three cheered as this brought a smile to her face as she followed the three.
Sunset sat at her table as she watched Blaze and Pumpkin sat by the window drinking their chocolate as Pound went up stairs to go use the bathroom.

"So.. You like Luna?" Sunset heard the little filly ask Blaze.
"Y-Yes," he said, blushing.
"D-Does she like you back?" Pumpkin asked.

"I-I don't think so," He said, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

Sunset notice how close Pumpkin got to Blaze as they sat near the window watching the snow fall "Oh... She has a crush on Blaze," Sunset thought as she watched the two just talk about random things.

Sunset didn't know how long she was sitting there watching the two but she notice how late it was getting "Blaze, It's getting late," she said, walking up to him. "We don't need you're mother having a panic attack," she said chuckling.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow Pumpkin. Tell Pound and Blossom I said bye."

"I will Blaze," before Blaze could stand he felt somepony place their lips on to his cheeks making his eyes go wide, "H-Have a safe trip home," she said, bolting off, leaving a shocked Blaze behind.

Sunset used her magic to lift Blaze up and place him onto her back as she wrapped her scarf around her neck "Luna and Pumpkin are going to enjoy having you around," She thought as she made sure Blaze had his coat and hat on and then they left.
The door to Twilight's home slowly opened and the two made their way inside to see the couple still sound asleep.

"They're still asleep? They must be really tired," Sunset said, closing the door as she placed her scarf on the coat rack as she notice the time. "How about I make dinner for everyone?" She asked looking at Blaze.

"Can I help? Mom and I have been learning how to cook since Spike quit cooking for us," he said, chuckling at the last time they made a mess in the kitchen and Spike just said he quit.

"Sure." She said as she made her way into the kitchen with Blaze by her side.

Sunset placed the noodles into the boiling water as Blaze stirred the tomato sauce, "If mom marries Night... Will that make you my aunt?" Blaze asked, making Sunset look at him.

"Yes, If they do marry I would be your aunt," she said. "Why do you ask?"

"Because you're fun," he said with a smile. "Last time we were in Canterlot and you foalsat me, it was a lot better than the other foalsitters I had."

This made her smile, "I'm glad to know I don't suck," she said, chuckling as she stirred the noodles.
"You're the best."

Sunset blushed "I'm glad. Thank you."
Two Years Later.

Twilight paced back and forth as she waited in the bathroom.

"Why do these tests take so long!? It should just say you're pregnant the moment you pee on it!" she looked at the clock and notice the time "I don't have to worry about Blaze catching me panicking," she sighed in relief as she looked at the stick sitting by the sink.

She then looked back at the clock, "It's going to be a few more minutes... Might as well go get something to eat."
She made her way down stairs and into the kitchen to make herself something to eat.

Spike finally getting up from his after noon nap made his way out of his room and into the bathroom.

Twilight carried her plate up the stairs as she made her way back towards the bathroom. She stopped dead in her tracks as she notice the door closed, "I don't remember closing the door."

She opened the door as she walked in to see Spike standing in front of the sink holding the stick Twilight was waiting for.
"Y-You're p-pregnant?" he asked looking at Twilight.

"I-I don't know just yet... I-I'm waiting for the stick to tell me," she said.
"Does pink mean you're pregnant?" Spike asked. Twilight nodded. "Is Night the father?"

"Of course Night's the father! He's the only one I slept with!" she said as she placed the plate down, "How am I going to tell him?"
"Just tell him. It's not like he's going to go leave the moment you tell him," Spike said, "I mean, he moved all the way to Ponyville just to be near you, and he's been around for two years now."

"I know, I know," she said with a sigh, "I'm just worried, we're not married... Ponies will talk."

"Who cares what they think? You took Blaze in and everypony talked till they were blue in the face, I think you having a foal out of wedlock isn't the worst thing," he said.

"I know but... What if Night doesn't want to be a father?... I know Night has been really great with Blaze and they both have so much fun but... What if he's not ready for a foal?"

"I highly doubt he's not ready," Spike said. "He started dating you knowing you had a child that's not even a pony. Heck! He even bought Blaze all those new toys and books he wanted for his birthday! I think he's ready."

"I hope you're right Spike."
"I am right." He said, walking up towards her and giving her a warm smile, "Well, I'm going to go get something to eat."

She watched as Spike walked down the stairs and she placed a hoof her her stomach as she looked down, "You may have not been planed, But I'll love you no matter what," she said with a smile, as she was going to be a mother again.
Twilight sat in front of the mirror as she waited for Night to come to the door so they could go out to dinner, "How am I going to tell him? Will he accept the news? Or will he freak?"

Her thoughts were interrupted by the door, "Hope tonight goes well."

She doubled checked her mane then made her way down the stairs.
"Blaze, don't give Sunset a hard time and go to bed early, you have a busy day tomorrow," she said as she saw her son sitting on the floor with a book.

"Will do mom," he said keeping his eyes glued to his book.

She chuckled as she opened the door to see Night and Sunset standing there in the door way, "Hey Twi," Night said kissing her on the side of the cheek. "Ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready," she said with a smile.
"You two have fun, and don't get into too much trouble," Sunset said, walking past Twilight as she made her way towards Blaze, "Hey, whatcha doing?"

"Reading," He said still reading his book. "Just let me finish this chapter."
Twilight chuckled, "I'll be home around nine, so don't stay up pass your bed time."
"Yes mom. Have fun."

"Ready?" he asked with a smile.
"Of course," she said, closing the door behind her as they made their way toward the restaurant.
Night sat across Twilight as he had a nervous look on his face.

"You okay?" she asked noticing how anxious Night was.
"I'm fine, just a little hot," he said, taking a sip of his water.

"Alright, If you're sure," she took a sip of her water, "He's been acting very strange tonight... Maybe he wants to break up," She felt a tug in her heart as she thought those words. She pushed that thought out of her mind as she wanted to enjoy herself.

"Twilight, We've been together for two years now, And I couldn't be more happier being with you, But there's something I need to ask you."

Twilight blinked as she was confused, "W-What is it?"

Night got up from his seat and walked up next to her as he pulled a tiny box from his coat and opened it, revealing a diamond ring, "Will you marry me?"

Twilight's eyes began to water up, "Yes! Of course!" she pulled Night into a long and passionate kiss. She pulled away and looked at the ring. She used magic to lift it up, "I-It's beautiful," she said placing the ring over her horn and was surprised to see it fitted.
"When I saw it, I thought of you," he said as he heard the ponies around go 'aww'.

"I-I have something to tell you," She said wiping her tears of joy away from her eyelids, "I-I'm pregnant."
Night blinked, "You better not be joking," he said, not finding this joke funny.
"I'm not joking. You're going to be a father."

Night smiled as he looked down at her flat stomach knowing soon she would have a big old belly. He looked back at Twilight, "This is way better than me proposing! I'm going to be a dad!" he said jumping for joy making Twilight giggle, as he was acting like a big child. Then he stopped, "Does Blaze know?"

"N-No, not yet... I was going to talk about this with you first."

"Well, I hope you didn't stress yourself out over this," he said placing a hoof on hers.

"I-I was stressing out, I was worried you would get angry or leave," he notice she had tears in her eyes. "But knowing you wanted to marry me and you're jumping around excited about being a father, I guess I worried over nothing."

He wiped a rogue tear from her cheek as he kissed her cheek, "Even if I hadn't proposed, I would have still been excited to know I'm going to be a father. And to think, we only did it once!" He said, chuckling making Twilight giggle.

"It was still an amazing evening," she said, kissing his lips.

"My sister is going to freak knowing you're pregnant," he said, chuckling.
"Blaze is going to freak too."

"He's going to have a brother or sister, I think he'll be extremely happy," he gave her a light kiss. "Now, how about we enjoy our dinner?"

She smiled as their waiter made her way over to them.
Sunset was sound asleep on the couch and the house was silent.

The front door slowly opened and a small dragon slowly stepped into the house. His face was covered in lipstick as he made his way up the stairs.

"Have a good night, 'Lover Boy'?" Sunset asked from the couch.
Spike froze in his tracks, "W-What?"

"Which filly was it? Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle?" she asked.
"Apple Bloom," Spike said.

"You'd better clean the lipstick off you face before Twilight gets home," she said still laying on her back as she kept her eyes closed.

Spike made his way upstairs.
Sunset chuckled, "How he got three fillies chasing after him I'll never know," she thought.

Sh heard the front door open, "Do you think Blaze is in bed?" she her her brother say as the two stepped inside.
"If I know him, no, he's reading a book," she heard Twilight say. "Wonder if Sunset is up there with him?"
"Nope, I'm on the couch catching a few z's," they heard her say.

"Oh good, you're down here," Night said, walking into the living room to see her laying on the couch, She cracked an eye open to look at him, "How did your date go?" she asked as she notice Twilight walking around and then she spotted the ring on her horn, "By the look of things she said yes."

"Yes and we have even greater news!" Twilight said, with a smile.
"She's pregnant!" Night almost yelled, making Sunset eyes go wide as she sat up on the couch looking at the two.
"WHAT?! How?!" She asked shocked.

"A week ago," Twilight said blushing, "I-I found out this morning I'm pregnant."

"I'm going to be an aunt! This is great!" she said pulling Night then Twilight into a hug, "Oh this is just some great news!"
"I'm going to see if Blaze is still awake," Twilight said giving Night a kiss on the cheek as she made her way up the stairs.

"You're going to marry the mare of your dreams and now you're going to have a foal with her. Can I say I told you so now?" she said smirking.
Twilight walked into her son's room to see him under his covers sound sleep.

"For once he listened to me," she thought as she kissed his forehead, "I'll tell him tomorrow before school," she pulled the covers up over him so he wouldn't get cold, "Sleep tight, I love you."

She walked out the door leaving Blaze, "I love you too Mom," she heard her son say making her smile.
To Be Continued.