• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,066 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

  • ...

Chapter 13. Costume Party, Flash.

Edited by Alternivity
Chapter 13. Costume Party, Flash.
Twilight took a deep breath as she stood in front of the door.

"Well? Aren't you going to answer it?" Spike asked, walking out of the kitchen with a caramel apple in his claws.
Twilight exhaled and opened the door to see a Knight standing in front of her, "Um... Night?"

Night was frozen in his spot. "Beautiful," went through his mind as he stared at Twilight.
"Are you okay?" Twilight asked, noticing he wasn't moving.

Night quickly broke free of his mind as he blinked, "Y-Yeah, just got lost in my mind for a second," he was glad he was wearing a helmet to hid his embarrassment, "I have to say, you look beautiful."
Twilight face heated up, "T-Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

"I'm ready, Mom!" Blaze said running up next to his mother.
"Nice costume, kiddo."
"Thanks! I like your costume too."

"Shinning! For the last time I have everything under control," Night, Twilight and Blaze looked to the stairs to see Shining backing slowly down the stairs, away from his mother. Night noticed he was wearing a blue bunny costume which made him chuckle, "I think I can handle watching Sparkle Shine."

"I-I'm just making sure she has everything she needs," Shining said.

"Honey, I think Star can handle watching Sparkle while we're gone," Cadance said walking out of the kitchen. She was wearing a pink bunny costume, "Beside's, we don't want to be late for this costume party now do we?"
"Hello, Night," Cadance said with a smile as she saw him standing outside still "Nice costume."

"Now, you're going to be late for this costume party," Shinning felt his body float up into the air and was placed outside. "Have a good time."

The door shut behind the five. "Come along, honey, we don't want to keep the others waiting," Cadance said with a smile as she walked along the path way.

"Coming dear," Shinning said, moping down the path way.

"What was that about?" Night asked, alongside Twilight as they followed the couple in front of them.
"Shining didn't want to leave Shine Sparkle behind, Cadance wanted to get out while they can, since they will be busy with their bundle of joy for some time and this will be their only chance to enjoy a party."

Matt chuckled, "I can't blame him, he's just become a father and wants to see every little thing his daughter does."
"I know, I took every little picture of Blaze when he was growing up," Twilight said, which made Blaze blush and hide on his mother's side.

Matt chuckled, "My mother did the same thing with me and my brother and sister. Drove my dad crazy."
Twilight giggled, "My mom did the same with us when we were younger."
Shining said, "Drove our dad crazy too."

"By the way, nice costumes you two." Night said.
"Thank you, Night," Cadance said with a smile.

"I wanted to go as a dragon, but noooo, I had to go as a blue bunny," Shining said, making Cadance glare at him.
"I think the bunny costumes are a clever idea," Night said, "But if you were the dragon it would have been funny since I'm a knight."

"Told yo-," Shinning was cut off by Cadance
"Do you want to sleep on the couch again?" she asked.

Shinning quickly closed his mouth as he continued to walk down the path with his wife.
Twilight and Night both chuckled at the couple.
Luna had her door locked as she heard her sister bang on the door.
"Open this door now Luna!" she heard Celestia yell.

"No, I'm in the middle of reading," she said, with her book open in front of her. In reality she wasn't even reading her book, she was angry at her sister.

"Luna! We have important guests that have come all the way from Saddle Arabia just to experience Nightmare Night for the first time, please come out."

"Tia, I know we do not have guest from Saddle Arabia here, if we did, I would have heard about it," Luna said as she used her magic to flipped a page to sound like she was reading.

When she did not hear her sister reply she figured she had given up, "Good, Now I can just relax."
Luna used her magic to flip another page as she continued to stare out the window at the night sky, She looked at her clock and noticed it was nine o'clock.

Luna her a soft knock on her door, "Tia, Leave."
"It's me, Night."

Luna looked at the door surprised to hear Night's voice.
She used her magic to unlock the door and opened the door to allow Night in. Once he was in she quickly used her magic to slam the door shut and lock it.

Celestia glared at the door, "My oldest enemy... I will one day defeat you," she thought.

"Shouldn't you be on a date?" Luna looked Night up and down and noticed he was wearing a knight costume, "And why are you wearing a Knight costume?" she asked.

"I was on my date, 'til I got a letter from your sister, telling me you weren't coming out of your room," he said removing his helmet, "I took Twilight to a costume party after dinner, that's why I'm all dressed up."

Luna rolled her eyes, "And you just dropped what you were doing and rushed over here to talk with me?"

"Believe it or not, Luna, you are the only friend I have in this whole town," he said, walking up towards her. "When I heard you were keeping yourself locked up in your room, I came here to figure out why."

"Why are you really here?" Luna asked, not buying Night's act.

"To get you out of this room and into your costume," he said, standing his ground, "If I told you Blaze was throwing you a party I would be breaking a promise I made with Celestia and I won't do that," he thought, "You can either get up and put on your costume or I'll do it myself."

She glared at Night, "You wouldn't dare."

Night took a step closer to her, "I would," he said, staring down the Princess of the Night, showing her he wasn't afraid.

Luna watched as Night took another step closer and closer towards her, "He's not backing down... What do I do?"
"You have to the count of three," Night said. "One."

Luna felt her heart race as she saw his eyes turn cold as he got closer, "Two."

He placed a hoof onto the bed making Luna slide to the end of the bed. She was trapped between a wall and Night, "Two and a half."

"FINE! I'll put on my costume," for the first time in her life she felt fear, and it was from somepony she shouldn't have feared.
Night got off her bed and watched as she made her way toward the closet, "Tomorrow when he goes to bed I'm going to give him the worst nightmare any pony has ever seen."

"And if you dare give me nightmares tomorrow, know I can make your life here a nightmare," he said.
"And what can you do that will make my life here a nightmare?" she asked as she dug through her closet looking for her costume.

"Well, two month's work of paper work, which you'll have to read and go through, and with you going through them you'll never be able to go hang out with Blaze in his dream's 'til all these papers are signed," Night said, placing his helmet back on his head. "And, all those other papers you did sign, that just magically became unsigned, will have to be re-signed which means another two months of work."

Luna blinked as she couldn't believe Night would do this to her, "You wouldn't."
"I would," he said cracking a smile in his helmet, "Like I could really do that."

Luna closed her eye's as she thought it over, "He's lying... But will you take the chance with Blaze?" the voice asked. "You won't see Blaze for at least four month's," she looked at her costume in the mirror and sighed again, "He wouldn't do that to me, and besides, I'll just tone down my nightmare on him and just scare him a little."

She stepped out of the closet and saw Night standing there with his helmet on, "Aren't you forgetting your teeth?" Night asked.

"I'll put them in later."

"Come on, you can't be a vampony with out your teeth, then you're just a pony with a cape on," Night said.
Luna rolled her eyes as she placed her fake teeth into her mouth "Happy?"

"Yes, now," Night unlocked the door and opened it, "let's get you to your party."
Celestia quickly closed the door behind her as she singled for everypony to hide.
She quickly used her magic to turn off the light's and hid behind a table.

The door opened and Luna and Night walked into the dark room "Why are the light's out?" Luna asked out loud.
"I have no clue." Night said as he tried to see through the darkness.

The light's came to life as the two heard the sound of a cannon go off as confetti flew all over Luna making her teeth flew out of her mouth as everypony yelled "Happy Birthday Princess Luna!"

Night watched as the teeth landed on top of a cupcake. Night felt a pair of eye's glaring at him which made his slowly step away from the Princess.

Luna looked to her sister and glared at her, "I thought I told you no Party?"
"Don't be mad at her. It was my idea to throw you a party," Blaze said stepping out from behind Celestia.
Luna noticed the sad look on his face and knew she had hurt his feelings, "It is alright Blaze, I thank you for the party."
"I'm glad! I had Auntie Pinkie Pie plan the whole thing!" he said as he felt Pinkie Pie lift him up onto her back as she trotted over to Luna.

"Wait till you see the cake!" Pinkie said with a smile.

Luna noticed all the the elements of harmony had all come to celebrate her birthday, along with their dates. This made her smile, knowing she had friends who came and what made her truly happy was knowing Blaze had planned this all just for her.
Night smiled as he watched Luna follow Pinkie Pie and Blaze as they showed her the table with all the gifts on them.

"Thank you, Night, if you hadn't gotten her out of her room... I think Blaze's plan would have been ruined," Twilight said, looking at him.

"No need to thank me, I was just doing what I do best," Night said with a smile. Night looked around the room and noticed Sunset hadn't shown up yet, "Where is she?"

"Ya'll must be the Night Ah've heard about," Applejack said, walking up towards the two. Night looked at Aj's costume as he thought the dead bride costume was cool.

"I hope they were good things said about me," He said, chuckling.
"They were." Twilight said blushing.

"Twi here told me about what ya did for Cadance," she said. "If ya could do somethin' like that, then yer alright in mah book," she smiled.

"It was nothing, I was just in the right place at the right time."
"Well, Ah'll let you two be, Ah gotta go find Matt... Ah don't how Ah lost him, he's wearing a werepony costume!" she said, walking off, making the two chuckle.

Night heard the music start the play and looked at Twilight, "Care to dance?" he asked, offering his hoof.
She smiled as she placed her hoof onto his, "Of course."

The two made their way onto the dance floor and began to dance.
Luna watched as the couples made their way onto the dance floor.

Blaze reached into his fake armor and pulled out a small black box with a blue bow on top, "Here, I got you something," he held the box out for Luna.

Luna looked at the box and smiled as she used her magic to pick the box up.
She unwrapped the small box and opened it to find a small necklace with a blue gem that was shaped like a half moon, "Blaze... This is beautiful," she said, pulling the necklace out of the box to get a better look at it.
"When I saw it... I thought of you," He said feeling his cheeks heat up.

Luna lowered her head as she gave Blaze a light kiss on the cheek, "Thank you."
Blaze's cheeks became even redder as he felt Luna's lips touch his cheeks, "Y-You're welcome."

He watched as Luna used her magic to pull back her hair as she wrapped the necklace around her neck, "How does it look?"
"Beautifu- I mean awesome!" he said, trying to cover up what he said.

Luna giggled as watched his cheeks turned even redder, which she thought was impossible.
Sunset walked into the ballroom to see the ponies dancing on the dance floor, and she saw her brother dancing with Twilight.

She noticed Twilight had her head laying on Night's side as they slowed danced, "They look cute together," she thought.

She went to walk in when she felt some pony push past her, "There you are!"
Sunset watched as this brilliant gamboge pegasus stallion wearing a guard uniform walked toward Twilight and Night.
"Flash!?" Twilight's eyes went wide as she was surprised to see him here, "W-What are you doing here?"
"I came to talk with you. I got your letter and I want to talk about it," he said, angrily.
"Flash... You're making a scene," she said, noticing her friends staring at them.

"I don't care! I want to know why you sent me this?" he said, pulling out a letter from his uniform.
"I don't want to get into this, but I think it would be wise if you two take this outside," Night said looking at Flash who glared at him.

"Who are you? Her date?" Flash asked.
"Kinda," Night said.

Before Twilight could say or do anything, Night was sent flying and his helmet went flying into the air.
"NIGHT!" Twilight quickly rushed over to him as he slowly got back onto his hooves as he wiped the little blood from his lip.
Over by the door Sunset's horn was glowing a bright light brilliant opal as her eyes started to glow as a single tear ran down her cheek as the memory's of her brother being bullied came flooding into her mind.

Flash stood in front of Night, "That's a warning."
Twilight looked at Flash anger in her eyes, "Why did you hit him!?"
"He's trying to steal you away from me!" he said.
"He's not stealing me if I'm the one who asked him to come here!" she said, snapping at Flash.

Flash went to speak when he was sent flying toward the wall, as he was being held by a magic force field, "HOW DARE YOU LAY A HOOF ON MY BROTHER?" Everypony looked to see a mystery mare standing in the door way with tear's in her eyes, "YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST PUNCH A PONY BECAUSE HE BROUGHT YOUR EX TO A COSTUME PARTY? YOU ARE SCUM!" Flash was sent flying towards another wall as he was slammed hard.

Night quickly rushed over toward Sunset who was still crying, "Hey, let him go."
"Why? He hurt you!" she said as Flash was sent flying into another wall.
"He did something stupid out of anger, and you're doing the same," Night said. "Just let him go and calm down."

Sunset eyes turned back to normal as she looked at Night. She was breathing heavily as she let Flash go. Night pulled his sister into a hug and the dam burst as she started to cry into his shoulder.

Flash glared at the two, "Flash, Go home," Twilight said as her horn began to glow. "Or I'll send you there myself!"
"Fine! But this isn't over!" he said, making his way out of the room.

He walked passed Night and Sunset and glared at them as he left.

Sunset pulled away as she wiped the last of her tears from her eyes, "S-Sorry... I-I didn't mean to lose control like that."
"It's alright, you were just protecting me, but next time let me handle it," he said, cracking a smile. He felt a sharp pain on his lip but didn't let it show on his face.

"Sunset? Is that you?"

Sunset looked over at Twilight who was walking over towards the two.
"I-It's me," she said with a small smile.
"W-What are you doing here?"

"I was searching for her," Night said, looking at Twilight. "She's my sister."
Twilight stood in front of Sunset, "It's good to see you again," she said, pulling her into a hug surprising Sunset. She hugged back.

"It is good to see you again too, Twilight."
Twilight pulled away from Sunset, "How have you been?"
"I've been good," she said and followed Twilight as they walked towards the other girls, leaving Night to smile.
"You should go clean that cut up," Celestia said.

Night looked to his side to see Nightmare Celestia standing next to him, "Nice costume."
"Thanks," she said with a smile. "There should be a first aid kit in my room down the hall, you can clean that cut."

"Thanks," he said, making his way out of the room.
Flash kicked a flower pot as he walked out into the garden as he let out a frustrated sigh.

"We're alone, talk."

Flash turned his head to see Twilight standing there with her mask off.

"Why did you send me this letter? Huh? Why not just come talk to me?" Flash asked, throwing the letter down onto the ground.

"Because I'm not happy anymore, Flash, all we ever do is fight," she said, her eyes turning red as she felt the dam wanting to burst, "I'm tired of the fighting, I'm tired of not knowing if you're going to come back and talk to me, I'm tried of this!" she said, slamming her hoof down onto the ground as a tear escaped, "I've tried sitting down and talking with you! I've tried figuring out what the problem is! I've tried everything in the book!" she felt another tear flow down her cheek, "It's over Flash, I'm done."

"Give me another chance! We can figure this out together!" Flash said, taking a step forwards, only to have Twilight take a step back.

"No, I've given you too many chances... It's over Flash, I'm moving on from this," she said, "You'll be able to date whoever you want and do whatever you want with out me and Blaze tying you down."

"You can't do this to me! I love you!" he said as he watched her walk back into the castle leaving an angry Flash behind, "I won't let you slip through my hoofs! You're mine!" he took off into the night sky as he flew back towards his home, "Before you leave, You will be mine again!"
Night walked back into the ballroom to see Sunset laughing and hanging out with the element's of harmony. Then he noticed Twilight was missing.

"There you are, I was looking for you," Twilight said walking back into the room.
"Sorry, I went to go take a better look at my lip," he said, turning around to look at her. He noticed her red eyes, "You okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine."

Night knew she was lying, "You went to speak with Flash, didn't you?" he asked.
"Yes... I told him we were done."

Night noticed the a tear go down Twilight's cheek and he placed his hoof on her cheek and wiped it off, "How about we go and enjoy the rest of this night?"

She smiled and nodded. Night smiled as he led her onto the dance floor.

Luna used her magic to hold Blaze up to allow him to dance with her since she was to big to dance with him.
"I think mom just found her new boyfriend," Blaze said, noticing the two slow dancing as he his mother had her eye's closed as she had her head on his side.

"I think she has," Luna said as she looked at Blaze. "Thank for this party, Blaze."
Blaze smiled, "Nopony should be alone on their birthday."

Luna smiled, a strange feeling in her chest, as she danced with Blaze.
Around midnight the party had ended and Blaze was sound asleep on Luna's back as she allowed the group of ponies to stay in the guest rooms for tonight since it was late for them to travel home.

Luna laid Blaze on her bed as she turned off the lights.

"Night Luna," Twilight and Night said as they walked passed her room, the two were going to take a trip outside for some fresh air before bed.

"Night Twilight, goodnight, Night," Luna pulled the covers over Blaze as she climbed into bed.

She watched as Blaze was sound sleep, "This was the nicest thing anypony has done for me," she thought as she looked at the necklace Blaze had given her. The strange feeling came back as she looked at the necklace "Am I falling for him?... No... We're just friends."

Luna used her magic to remove the necklace as she put it into her music box with the other jewelry she owned, "Just say it out loud, You're not falling for Blaze."

"I'm falling for Blaze," she said out loud as her eyes went wide.
"That's it I'm out of here!" she heard the voice in her head say as she heard a door slam in her mind.

She looked down at Blaze and a faint smile came across her face "I am falling for him... Who wouldn't fall for him?"

She kissed his for head, "Sleep tight, I'll be joining you shortly," she watched as a light smile came across his face as she
lowered her head and her horn began to glow as she used her magic to enter Blaze's dream.
Night and Twilight sat on the cliff that looked out over Ponyville.

"Thank you for not hurting Flash," she said looking at him.
"I wasn't planning on fighting while you were in the room," he said, looking at her, "I don't believe in fighting in front of a mare."

This made her smile as she kissed the side of his lip that Flash had punched, "I hope that makes your lip better."
Night blushed as he felt the kiss, "It did make it some what better."
She gave his lip another light kiss, "Better?"

"Still a little sore," she kissed his lips again this time staying a little bit longer then last time.
She pulled away, "Better?"

"Almost," he leaned forward as he kissed her this time.
The moon shined bright as two colorful bunnies saw the two from the castle.

"I think your sister has found love." Cadance said looking at her husband.
"As long as he treats her right, He's okay in my book."

"Since were alone... How about we enjoy this beautiful night?" she said, using her magic to unzip her bunny suit as her hair proofed out of the hoodie.

Shining smiled as he followed his wife inside.

Night and Twilight looked up at the night sky as they watched the shooting stars.
Spike made his way towards his guest room as he yawned.

"Hope Twilight is alright," Spike thought as he opened the door to his room.
He turned on the light. He shut the door behind him as he turned around to see three little fillies in the room with him.

"Howdy Spike, wanna join us?" Apple Bloom asked rolling the dice.
"W-What are you three doing in my room!?" Spike asked.

"Princess Celestia said we should share a room with you," Scootaloo said, "she gave us all these board games to play."
"Come on Spike! It's a sleep over!" Sweetie Belle said jumping off the bed and pulling Spike toward the bed, "You can be the shoe!"

Spike looked at the three and sighed, "Guess I'll never get some sleep... But... I could enjoy hanging out with these three," Apple Bloom handed Spike the dice.

"Yer turn!"

Spike rolled the dice.
To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoy! As always tell me what you think! :pinkiehappy: