• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,088 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

  • ...

Chapter 6. Rainbow Dash, Run away.

Chapter 6. Rainbow, Run away.
Cadance slowly opened her eyes to see Blaze sound asleep next her. She smiled down at him as she looked out the window to see the sun slowly rising.

There came a knock at the door and Cadance eyes narrowed "Who is it?"

"It's me, Your loving husband... I brought you and Blaze breakfast." Shinning said praying his wife would let him in.

"Leave the food by the door." She said as she waited for her husband to leave.

She could hear a sigh "Alright dear." She heard the trays and heard his hoof steps as he made his way down the stairs.

Cadance felt Blaze move as he rubbed his eyes "Are you still mad at Uncle Shinning?"

"No, Just torturing him." She said with a smile as she used her magic to open the door and brought in their food "Mmm, Pancakes."

Blaze smiled as he saw the big stack of pancakes in front of him "This looks good."

"It is, Shinning makes the best pancakes." Cadance said as she took a bite of her pancakes.

"We should have breakfast in bed more often." Blaze said with a smile.

"Next time you come and visit us, I'll make sure Shinning cooks us breakfast every morning." Cadance said with a smile.

"Are you still mad at Shinning for what he said about Spike?" Blaze asked.

"No, I'm over the comment he made yesterday." She said taking a sip of her tea "But, I'm going to act like it for a little while to see how he makes up for it."

"Your evil." Blaze said with a chuckled.

"I'm not evil. I'm a wife and soon to be mother." She said with a smile.
Twilight placed Blaze cloths into a suit case as she made sure he had everything he needed.

"Shirt, Check. Pants, Check. Socks, Checks. Underwear, Checks. Suit, Check." Twilight smiled as she closed the suit case and placed it with the other's "Now, To go get some lunch."

Twilight made her way down the stairs and she saw Shinning still on the couch reading a book.

"Cadance still mad at you?" Twilight asked as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes, I've made her breakfast and lunch and she still hasn't came out of her room!"

"Keep trying Shinning, She'll come out sooner or later." Twilight made her way into the kitchen to make her self something to eat.

She looked out the window to see the little colts and fillies out enjoying this beautiful day.

Then it hit her "Where is Blaze and Spike?" She quickly rushed into the living room "Where is my son and my number one assistant!?"

Shinning looked at his sister "Mom and Dad took them out to enjoy this beautiful day."

"And you didn't want to take them?" She asked looking at her brother.

"I was but mom and dad beat me to the point." Shinning flipped the page "By the way, Rainbow Dash tagged along."

Twilight eyes went wide as she rushed out the door. She rushed back in "Which way did they go?"

"They took a right then a left and that's the last i saw them." She rushed back out the door and took a right then a left.
Rainbow Dash sat next to Blaze under a tree as Rainbow read Daring Do and the Quest for the Golden Crown Of Fire.

"And that's how Daring Do brought the crown of fire back to it's resting place." Rainbow Dash closed the book and looked to her side to see Blaze out cold as he laid on her side "Awe, He fell asleep."

Rainbow Dash pulled out another book and began to read as she let Blaze use her like a pillow.
Twilight searched high and low as she searched for her son "If i find out she took Blaze out for another flight in the sky with out me knowing she's going to lose her title as Aunt Rainbow Dash!"

Twilight found herself in the park and saw her parents sitting on a park bench talking with each other while Spike was playing with Apple Bloom. She couldn't see Blaze and was getting worried.

She looked up in the sky to see if she could spot Rainbow Dash "No clouds... I don't see her!" She looked back down at the park and looked towards the trees and that's when she saw Rainbow Dash with a book and a sleeping Blaze.

"Oh thank Celestia. She didn't do anything stupid." Twilight sighed as she was glad to see her son safe and sound.

She made her way over to Rainbow Dash "Hello, Rainbow Dash."

Dash looked up to see Twilight standing there "Uh oh, I'm dead!"

"You are not dead Rainbow Dash, In fact i'm proud of you." Twilight said "Maybe i'll let you foal sit more often."

Dash rolled her eyes "Last time i foal sit for you, You through me out the window because i took Blaze flying."

"He was two and you took him flying! Of course i would throw you out a window!" Twilight shouted. Blaze eyes cracked open to the sound of his mother's voice.

"M-Mom?" Blaze looked at his mother "What are you doing here?"

"I heard you guys were at the park, So i came to join you all."

Blaze smiled "Wanna go play on the swings?"

"Sure." Blaze got to his feet as his mother walked along side him.
The Next Day.

The sun was high in the sky as Twilight and her family were aboard the train heading to Canterlot for the Family Reunion.

Twilight looked to her side to see her son passed out asleep on her side. This brought a smile to her face as she notice the smile on his face.

Twilight looked back out the window as she saw Canterlot coming into view.

Twilight looked back at her sleeping son "If they do anything to make Blaze cry, I will bust some heads!" She thought as she heard the train began to slow "Wake up Blaze, Were here."

Blaze eyes slowly opened as he looked up at his mother "W-Were here?"

"Yup, Were in Canterlot."

Blaze looked out the window to see the ponies walking around and town. Then he saw the castle and a smile came to his face.

Twilight notice Spike was still sound asleep in his seat "Wait here sweetie, I have to wake up Spike."

Blaze nodded as he continued to look out the window.

"Wake up Spike." Twilight said giving him a light shake.

"Five more minutes." Spike said pushing her hoof away and turned away from Twilight.

"Spike! Rarity is outside waiting for you!" Twilight said hoping this would get him up.

"She's in Ponyville." Spike said still keeping his eyes shut.

Twilight glared at the dragon "Spike! Apple Bloom is here and she is mad about you kissing Sweetie Belle!" Blaze said.

Spike jumped out of his seat "HIDE ME!" Twilight watched as Spike hid under her.

"He's up now, Can we get off the train now?" Blaze asked.

Spike looked up at Blaze and glared at him "I'll get you back for this." Spike said getting back onto his feet as Twilight looked at Spike.

"If you lay one claw on him, I'll make sure you don't get any gems for a week." She said.

Spike looked at Twilight in horror "Y-Your bluffing!"

"Try me Spike." Twilight said glaring back at Spike.

"Okay! I won't lay a claw on him!" Spike said getting down onto his hands and knees.

"Good." She looked at Blaze "Let's go get our things."

"Okay!" Blaze said following his mother.

Spike got back onto his feet "I told Twilight i wouldn't lay a claw on him... But i didn't say anything about a tail." Spike said chuckling as he made his way off the train.
Twilight smiled as she saw her old home.

"I have all your room's ready." Star said with a smile "And i made sure Spike had a nice place to sleep as well."

Spike was happy to hear about that.

"You didn't have to do that Mom." Twilight said as she followed her parents inside her old home when she was just a filly.

"I did, Since the family reunion is being held here in Canterlot this year, I want my kids to be home for it." Star said as she turned on the lights.

Blaze looked around and saw the pictures of his mother as filly along with Shinning. One picture made Blaze giggle "Why is Uncle Shinning's mane like that?"

Twilight looked at the picture and chuckled "He was trying to die his hair and left it on to long and it went green on him."

"It wasn't my fault! Mom said it should only stay in for at least three hours!" Shinning said.

"No, I told you that." Twilight said with a smile.

Shinning paused for a second trying to recover the memory. The hamster in his head working the wheel stopped and the memory came flying into his mind "YOU CHANGE MOM'S NOTE!"

Twilight grin changed into a big smile "You didn't take me out for ice cream that day, So, I rewrote mom's note."

Shinning went to tackle his sister when a purple aurora flew around his body "Don't even think about it shinning." Twilight said with a smile as he fell to the ground with an thump.

"I don't want you two fighting while your here!" Star said looking at her two kids.

"Alright." Both of her kids side.
Twilight placed her bags in her room and looked around.

"It's been a long time since i have been here."

Blaze looked around his mother's old room and notice all the books "You have a lot of books."

Twilight chuckled as she looked at the books "Yes, When i was younger i was into books."

"You still are." Blaze said. His mother has a whole room full of books back at home.

Twilight chuckled "There is nothing wrong in reading."

Blaze notice a few of his mother's dolls sitting on a shelf "The only shelf that doesn't have books."

Twilight looked at the shelf and notice the dolls "Mr Bunny!" She used her magic to pick him up "I forgot all about him!"

"Mr Bunny?"

"He was one of my toy's when i was just a foal." She said as she looked at how old it was "The years haven't been kind to you."

Blaze chuckled.

Twilight looked out the window to see the sun slowly going down "We should put our thing's away and get ready for dinner."

"Okay!" Blaze said as he opened up his bag and pulled out some of his cloths.

When they were finished unpacking they made their way down stairs to get a delicious dinner.

After they ate Twilight pulled the cover's over her son as she got comfy in her old bed.

"Night Blaze, Night Spike." Twilight said as she used her magic to turn the light off.

"Night Mom." Blaze said closing his eyes.

"Night Twi." Spike said enjoying the nice soft basket.
The Next Morning.

Blaze sat there as his mother brushed his hair as she check to make sure his cloths matched.

"Mom, Are we done?"

"Just about sweetie, I want to make sure you look your best when we go to the reunion." She said as she brushed his short hair.

"Twilight! Hurry up!" Shinning called from down stairs.

"Just a moment!" She yelled back "Alright, Your done."

"Finally." Spike said as she placed his book down "Let's get going."

Twilight watched as Spike left the room. She looked back at her son "Now, Before we go I want to go over a few things with you."

"Okay." Blaze said listening to his mother.

"I want you to be on your best behavior. And if anypony makes fun of you or hurts your feelings i want you to tell me, Okay?" Blaze nodded "And don't wonder off, Stay close to me at all times, Okay?" Blaze nodded.

"Okay, Mom."

"Okay." She kissed the top of her son's forehead "Let's get going." Blaze hopped down off the bed and walked along side his mother.
Twilight looked at the many looks she was getting from the other family member's that were staring at her and her son.

Spike huffed as he heard the whisper's "If they don't knock it off i'll show them how angry a dragon can get!"

"Dusk! Star! It's so wonderful to see you again!" Twilight looked to see a purple mare with pink hair.

"Mindnight! It's soo good to see you too!" Star said giving her a hug.

"How are you doing Midnight?" Dusk asked.

"I am doing. I see you brought the whole family!" Midnight said with a big smile "Twilight! It's been so long since I've last seen you!" Midnight notice Blaze standing next to Twilight "And this must be Blaze!" Midnight said as she used her magic to give Blaze a red sucker "We have an area for the kids to play at so the adults can have a little peace and quite, But if Blaze wants to be with the adults that is fine."

"I think he'll be fine with me for now." Twilight said.

"If you change your mind he's welcome to join the other's." Midnight said "Now, We have plenty of food so go ahead and get yourself's something to eat while i go attend to a few matter's." Midnight said making her way towards the kitchen.

Twilight notice Shinning and Cadance talking with some of the other family member's.

"Are you okay?" Spike asked.

"I'm fine. Let's go get something to eat." She said making her way towards the table.

"She had to bring that Thing with her? I can understand the dragon but that ugly thing." The mare said to her husband.

"I agree. If i was her i would have thrown that Thing into the forest." Another mare said.

"I would have given it to my kids as a pet." A stallion said.

Twilight's rage began to grow as she heard the ponies whispered.

That's when Twilight notice her son was gone.
Blaze ran and ran.

Tear's falling to the ground as he ran.

Blaze found himself in the castles garden, The little pound near the fountain that his mother took him to everyday after school. He found the stone bench and sat down. He looked into the water as he looked at his face "I couldn't i be a pony..." The tear's fell down his cheeks as he threw a rock into the water.
To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoy this chapter. Also, I have an update for you all. I won't be writing for a couple of day's. My copy of Kingdom Hearts 1.5 came in and i'm going to be putting in a lot of time playing that and i will be putting a lot of time playing Grand Theft Auto 5 that is coming out Tuesday, In my free time i will try to work on chapter's.