• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,088 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

  • ...

Chapter 9. Sunset, Dreams.

Chapter 9,Sunset, Dreams.
Luna laid in her bed with a book in front of her as she heard a soft knock at her door.

"It's open." She said as she continued to read her book.

"I have those honey bun's you wanted and I have a stack of paper's for you to sign." Night said walking into the room with the paper's and box of honey buns on his back.

"Did you say honey buns!?" Luna jumped out of bed and standing in front of Night "I thought they were closed at night?"

"I got up early before coming to work just to get a box just for you." He said with a smile as he watched Luna's horn glow and the box was removed from his box. He watched her eyes go wide as she opened the box.

"Y-You didn't have to do that."

"I didn't, But I wanted too." He said as he walked passed her and placed the paper's on her desk "I have a few things to do, Make sure you read through these paper's and sign them when your done." He said making his way towards the door.

"And where do you think your going?" She asked.

"I have to go to the library, I'll be back before nine. If you don't have those signed you won't be able to visit Blaze tonight." Night said opening the door "So make sure you read them before signing." He closed the door making Luna look at the stack of paper's on her desk.

"He get's me my favorite honey buns... He's hiding something." She looked back towards her door "Time for me to go spy on my assistant." Luna placed the box of honey buns down as she walked out of her room.

The box slowly opened and a honey bun slowly floated out the door.
Night looked around making sure no pony was following him.

"Okay, Now to figure out why that mare wants me not to look for Sunset." Night walked down the rows of books as he looked for the right ally's.

"Here we are." Night said as he now looked for the right book.

Night found the book he was looking for and he placed it down on the table.

"Page 86." He ran his hoof down the page looking for his sister's name as he found it "Here we go, Last time she was here was eight years ago." He looking through the rest of the pages and couldn't find his sister's name "I know Celestia was her teacher but... Why would she just stop coming." Night forehead met the table hard surface "Och."

Night smelled honey "Luna... Why are you following me?" He looked over to see Luna hiding behind a book cart "I can see you."

Luna stood onto her hoofs "I knew I should have left you behind." She said as she took ate the rest of the honey bun "I wanted to know what you were up too."

"How much did you hear?"

"Just 'eight years ago she was here' part." She said walking up towards Night "Mind telling me who you are looking for?"

Night closed the book he was reading "I'm looking for my sister."

"Oh... And she was here eight years ago?"

"Yes, She was a student of your sister." Night said looking at her "Her name is Sunset Shimmer."

Luna eyes went wide "H-How do you know she's your sister?" She asked trying to cover up her her shocked embarrassed.

"I've done my research... My parents put Sunset in a orphanage when she was just a filly and I was given to a nice family when I was just a foal." Night said looking at the book in front of him "I found my real parents... They died three years later in a fire."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"She's the only one I know is alive... I was told to stop looking for her." He said looking at Luna "I won't."

"What do you mean you were told to stop looking for her?"

"When I got home this morning a hooded mare held I think a knife towards me and to stop looking for her, She told me my sister wasn't worth searching for."

"It would seem she has returned." Luna said "Bad timing, The portal would be close before she gets there."

"W-What are you talking about?" Night asked confused.

"It's hard to explain but I shall do my best to inform you." Luna said sitting down "Your sister was a former student of my sister, who began her studies not long before Twilight did. However, when she did not get the things she desired as quickly as she'd liked, she turned cruel and dishonest, eventually deciding to abandon her studies and pursue her own path. She escaped into a portal to another world."

Night blinked a few times "Years later she returned to steal Twilight's crown, She planed on using it to take over equestria with a teenage army... Which I still don't know how she would have pulled it off.. Anyways, Twilight stopped her and helped her open her eyes. She decided to stay in this world to fix the wrongs she had committed."

"But why try and cover it up?" Night asked.

"My sister wished to cover it up, I really knew nothing about it till that day she stole the crown." Luna said looking at Night "The mare that told you to stop looking for Sunset was Sunset."

"Where is this portal at?"

"It's in the Crystal Empire." Luna said "Why do you asked?"

"I'm going to go see her, I want to know why she doesn't want me looking for her." Night said as he grabbed his book and put it back onto the shelf.

"Well, You won't have to worry about going to that world to see her." Luna said still sitting her her spot.

Night looked at Luna confused.

"The portal closed this morning, It won't open up for another thirty moons." Luna said looking at Night "If i'm right and I am, Sunset is on her way to a closed portal." Luna looked outside at the night sky "Go, I can deal with my paper work till you return."

"Thank you Luna." Night said as he walked up towards her "I owe you."

"Go, Before I change my mind."

Night took off running leaving Luna alone in the library "Maybe Night can help Sunset return."
Twilight sat in front of her cousin, Aunt and Uncle.

"After speaking with other family member's we have come to an agreement, You and you're son are aloud back." The mare said.

"Was that so hard?" Twilight asked as Spike stood next to her with a piece of paper in his claws "I have already paid for the damages, Tomorrow morning we should have this place fix up as new."

Spike looked around the room at the tables that were broken and the pipe that was sticking out where a sink use to be "And the pluming will be fix tonight."

"Then we shall see you tomorrow." The three said leaving Spike and Twilight alone in the room.

"Hard to believe you trashed this room and threw a pony across the room." Spike said rolling up the paper.

"I let my temper get the best of me... I'm just glad Blaze didn't see me lose my cool." She said as she used her magic to open the doors in front of her as Spike followed her outside.

"So... What do you plan on doing for the rest of the day?" Spike asked.

"I was thinking about talking with Night Shimmer, After what he told me about his past... I want to know more about him." She said as she felt her cheeks heat up "What do you plan on doing with your day off?" She asked trying to change the subject.

"I was planing on going back home and snack on those gems you gave me, And I might read that book Night gave you." He said with a smile.

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No, I think I can handle walking home by myself... I'm not a baby." Spike said with a huff.

Twilight chuckled "Go before I deiced to put you in a stroller." She said with a joking smile.

Spike glared at her as he made his way back home.
Twilight looked around for Night Shimmer but couldn't find him any where.

"Where could he be?" She thought as she found herself out in the garden.

Twilight saw her son playing with Luna in the garden.

This brought a smile to her face as she heard a voice "I thought you had family member's to deal with?" Twilight turned her head to see Celestia standing next to her with a smile on her face.

"It ended early, So I figured I would talk with Night... You haven't seen him have you?" Twilight asked.

"Luna told me Night was leaving town for a few day's, She wouldn't tell me why." She said as she watched her Sister tickle Blaze. She looked back at Twilight "So you came to speak with Night? What were you two going to talk about?"

Twilight blushed "I-I was just going to talk with him about his past, He told me he was raised by donkey's so I thought I could learn more about how he grew up."

"Guess you'll have to wait then. I was on my way to lunch, If you want you can join me."

Twilight heard her stomach growl "I think I could use some lunch."

Celestia chuckled as the two walked away.
Sunset slammed her hoofs on the mirror.

"No! This can't be happening!" She sat in front of the mirror as she looked at her reflection "I'll have to wait thirty moons before I can go back."

Sunset closed her eyes as she lowered her head "Mind telling me why you didn't wish to speak with me?"

Sunset whipped her head back to see Night standing there in front of the door.

"H-How did you find me?" She asked getting onto her hoofs.

"I had a talk with Luna, She told me about this portal and why you left." He took a step making Sunset take a step back "I told you I wouldn't stop looking for you."

"You should't have! I'm not worth finding!"

"You are to me!" Night yelled "When I went on a search for my real family and learned you and I were the only one's left of our family, I had to find you." He said taking a step closer "You may think your not worth finding, But you are worth it, I'm your brother and you are my sister."

"I-I've done things... Things that hurt people I care about... I've hurt my friends here as well." Sunset said a she felt the tears run down her cheeks.

"I can help you, I can help you fix the mistakes you have made." He said "Just please, Come with me."

Sunset looked back at the mirror and back at Night "When the portal reopens... I'm going back."

"I won't stop you, But till then." He brought out his hoof "Come with me."

Sunset looked at Night's hoof and took it in her hoofs.

Night smiled "You won't regret it."

Sunset smiled.
Night looked at his sister next to him as she held her tea in hr magic as they both felt the jolt if the train as they went through a tunnel.

"I've been watching you." She said looking at Night "Ever since Mom gave you to that family."

"Y-You have?" He asked shocked.

"Yes, I would sneak away from the orphanage and would visit you... When you got older I just sat back and made sure you were safe." She said taking a sip of her tea "If a bully hurt you I would use my magic to scare him to make sure he didn't bother you... Since you weren't born a unicorn you couldn't protect yourself."

"So that explain why the bullies either stopped or just called me names." Night said "Then Celestia took you in as her student."

"Yes, My visited stopped and I just studied... T-Then..."

"Then you went mad." Night said finishing her sentence "I know the rest."


"Luna." Night said "She told me what I needed to know, But the thing I don't get, How did you know I was looking for you?"

"I-I never really left with out knowing where you were." She pulled a small mirror out of her bag "I enchanted this mirror to allow me to keep an eye on you in case I did ever... Get what I wanted."

"I see." He said looking at the mirror, He looked back at Sunset "Why not talk with me and tell me what was going on?"

"I was afraid... Afraid of what you might of think about me." Sunset looked into her tea looking at her reflection.

"I know what you have done was wrong, But... But you are my sister, You and I are blood." He said placing a hoof on her's "No matter what I'll be by your side."

This made Sunset smile "I'm glad." She lifted he tea up and took a sip "On my way back to the portal, I noticed you ran into Twilight... Do you have a thing for her?"

Night about choked on his drink as he looked at his sister in shocked "M-Me have a thing for Twilight! No way!" Night placed his cup down onto the table in front of him "Even if I did, She's dating Flash Sentry."

"You never know, She might like somepony else." She said taking another sip of her tea.

"I doubt that." Night said looking out the window to see they were out of the tunnel and going through a forest "I doubt she would date a earth pony... She'll either date a unicorn or a pegasus." He could see the sun slowly sinking as the moon came out "Luna better have gotten those paper's done while I was gone... Or so help me she's going to get it."
Twilight yawned as she got into her bed for a goodnight sleep.

She looked to her son to see him sound asleep. She bent forwards and kissed his forehead "Goodnight, My Prince."

She pulled her cover's up over her body as she fell into a deep sleep.
Twilight walked along side Night.

"Thank you for dinner." Twilight said as they walked.

"You are welcome." He said with a smile "I'm glad you took my offer to go out to dinner with me."

Twilight stopped in front of her door "This is where we say our goodbyes." Night said.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Twilight asked.

"Of course." He kissed the side of her cheek making her blush "I'll be by around noon to take you out to lunch."

Twilight pulled Night into a kiss.
Twilight eyes shot open as she looked at the darkness in her room.

"D-Did I just dream I went on a date with Night?" She turned her head to see her son sound sleep.

"I need to stop eating sweets before bed." She closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

Luna chuckled to herself as she watched Twilight go back to sleep.

"She'll thank me for this." She said with a smile as her horn began to glow.
To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

Here is the next chapter. Hope y'all enjoy! :pinkiehappy: