• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,088 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

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Chapter 20. Past, Brother’s.

Chapter 20. Past, Brother's.
Night watched as Twilight pacing back and forth, her mind dead set on keeping Blaze and Pumpkin away from each other.

"Honey, Blaze is old enough to have a girlfriend." Night said trying to get her to understand she couldn't stop this.

"He's too young! He shouldn't even be thinking about girls!" Twilight was in panic mode and Night knew it "He should be worried about his next test not what he should get his girlfriend for their next date!"

"Pumpkin and Blaze are both grade A students, both of them study hard. I don't think their grades would drop the moment we let them date." Twilight glared at him "You even said Pumpkin was a smart filly, would you rather Blaze date some mean filly who will treat him like dirt or have a filly who will give Blaze the respect he deserves?"

Twilight sighed; she knew Night was right here. She truly wasn't ready for this just yet, him dating wasn't supposed to happen till he was in his 80's and she was long gone. Yet she knew deep down her son wouldn't be happy unless he found somepony special like she did. She looked at Night and wrapped her hoofs around him. Night could feel tears soak his fur "I-I don't want to lose him Night."

"You won't, he'll always be your son Twi." Night said rubbing her back with his hoof "No one can take that away from you." Twilight pulled her head from Night's shoulder and looked at him. He placed a hoof under her chin and gave her a light smile "Blaze may be getting older, but he'll still need you."

This brought a smile to her face "You always know how to make me feel better." He leaned in and kissed her lips. She kissed him back.
Twilight opened the door to her son's sitting on his bed; he had a book in his hands as he was reading "Blaze, can we talk?" She asked stepping into the room. Blaze looked away from his book and looked at his mother and nodded. Twilight made her way towards his and took a seat next to her son "I know what I did today was... a bit out of place but I only did what I did because I'm worried about you." She could see her son just sit there "You and Pumpkin can continue to date," Blaze looked at his mother with a surprised look on his face "But you must promise me you this won't affect your schooling and you two will not kiss... in front of me." It took everything inside her to even speak those last words.

"I-I promise mommy." He said pulling her into a hug. She hugs him back as she fought back the tears.
The sky was cold and dark, the ground covered in black crystals.

Blaze blinked a few times as he tried to figure out what was going on. That's when he heard the voices.

"His forces have kept us from entering the kingdom and I fear with each passing day the dark magic he possesses will grow stronger." Blaze knew that voice. He quickly rushed towards the voice to see none other than Luna, but this Luna was different. She was wearing blue armor.

"With our ground forces holding his army at bay, we shall be able to enter the castle. Once inside we will be able to use the elements of harmony to finish this." Celestia said.

"What if they fail?"

"Let's pray we do not." Celestia said looking back at the castle.

The scene changed as Blaze now stood within the crystal castle. Blaze could feel the darkness around him move as the only source of light was from the stained glass windows. Each one showed a held a pony Blaze knew was King Sombra, he remembered the story of how his mother help in the defeat of Sombra and freeing the ponies trapped by his evil spell.

The glass shattered as Princess Luna and Princess Celestia broke through "Surrender Sombra!" Luna yelled as they used their magic to fire a beam of light towards Sombra, he quickly dodged the attack and summoned black crystals and flew up towards them as he went to slice through them with a sword.

Blaze watched as the two princesses fought Sombra. Yet he was too strong from them as he sent Luna into a wall knocking her out.

Sombra laughed "You thought you could defeat me?"

Celestia quickly rushed towards him and their swords clashed, sparks flying off the two swords as their magic fought "You will fall today Sombra!"

"I am more powerful then you." Sombra said, his sword pushing Celestia's back.

"I do not care what dark packs you have made, you will fail!" She said as her magic sent out a burst of energy sending Sombra back.

Sombra chuckled "Your wrath is delicious."

"SILENTS YOU MONSTER!" She yelled her horn glowing bright as she sent a beam of light towards Sombra.

Sombra turned into a shadow avoiding the beam and smoke filled the room blinding Celestia.

Blaze saw a green light was over Celestia "Even God's know fear." Sombra said raising his sword into the air ready to strike Celestia down.

Blaze closed his eyes as he fought back the tears. He didn't want Celestia to die.

To his surprise he heard the sound of metal hitting each other "You will not harm my sister!"

Blaze eyes lit up, Luna had saved her sister from the blow and was now going to fight Sombra and defeat him!

"You should have joined me my love; together we could have shown the world what the night truly is." Sombra said. Blaze blinked in shock, did Luna once love Sombra?

"I am not your love!" Sombra was sent flying backwards by Luna's surge of energy "You used me as a tool! You treated me as if I was nothing more than a filly!" She rushed towards Sombra and slammed her sword into his "Your heart holds only but darkness!"

Sombra used his dark magic to throw Luna's sword into the wall and crystals trapped her "It is you who walked out; you forced my hoofs into this! You were my night sky and you went back to her!"

"You are blinded by your own hate that you cannot see what love truly is." Blaze looked towards the new voice to see another human, he was wearing gold armor, and he held a sword in his hand that was glowing a bright yellow "T-There's another human in this world? W-Why hasn't anypony told me this?" Blaze thought as he watched the human towards Sombra.

With each step the human took the black crystal began to fade to its normal color "H-How did you survive!? I stabbed you in the heart!" Sombra felt fear run down his spin as he stepped back.

"I made a deal like you brother." Sombra's heart started to beat faster and faster with each step the human took. The crystal Luna was trapped in broke and she was free. Sombra watched as his brother stopped in the middle of the throne room "Today King Sombra shall fall by the hand of the Knight of Avalon!" He rushed towards Sombra and his sword broke through and cut off his horn. The knight then kicked Sombra in the face sending him to the ground "You have grown weak brother, has your dark master abandoned you?"

Sombra chuckled, as he got back to his hoofs. His horn grew back as the one on the ground turned into a crystal "You won't be able to kill me brother, I have become a God!"

The knight just raised his sword towards Sombra "You are no God; you are nothing more than a monster."

Sombra aimed his left hoof towards Luna and her horn was engulfed in black magic "Luna, kill the human!"

Luna felt her body move towards them. The sword let out a powerful energy surge breaking the dark magic from Luna's horn "You shall not use her in this fight Sombra!" He rushed towards Sombra.

Sombra turned into smoke and faded. They could hear the laughter of Sombra fill the room "You honestly believe you can stop me!"

The knight was sent flying out the window and he appeared in front of Luna "You shall know fear!" Luna eyes went wide as her eyes change from blue to green as a purple mist came out of her eyes.

Luna chuckled as the mist faded and her eyes changed into cat like eyes "You truly are a fool aren't you Sombra?" The stallion stepped back as he watched the Alicorn look right at him as his crystals began fade into black smoke and flow into Luna's body "The power you were gifted with are the same powers I was born with! I am where the darkness goes when unicorns like you die." A sword formed from the darkness brought fear into Sombra's mind as he was backed into a wall.

"W-What are you?" Sombra stuttered as he watched Luna's coat changed from a light blue to a dark black.

"I'm a nightmare."

Blaze didn't want to see this, he didn't want to see Luna become the very thing that made her try and destroy her sister.

"Luna! Stand down." The sword stopped inches from Sombra's face as she turned her head towards the human "His master will bring him back if he dies here today."

"And how would you know? You're his brother." She said keeping the sword at Sombra's throat.

The human walked right up towards Luna and placed his hand around her horn and her eyes grew wide as the darkness inside her faded and her mind became clear "W-What happened?" Luna asked shaking her head.

"You lost control, but I brought you back from the sea of darkness." The human said as he moved his hand towards Celestia and the dark magic keeping her trapped in her own worse nightmare faded away.

Sombra watched as the sword at his throat faded and he smiled "You should have let her kill me brother!" The ground shook and Sombra flew towards the human only to be sent flying into a pillar.

Celestia stood onto her hoofs and shook her head, her body felt weak as she stood. Luna rushed over towards her sister "Tia? Are you alright?"

Celestia wrapped her wings around her sister shocking Luna "I am glad you are alright." She pulled away and looked at Sombra who got back to his hoof.

"Summon your sword brother." Celestia looked at the human covered in gold armor and her eyes widen as she saw him holding a sword glowing yellow.

Sombra summoned his sword with his magic; the blade was pure black and was glowing purple "I will break your sword in two brother."

The human chuckled "I hold in my hands the power of Avalon, the people you were once task to protect." The sword started to shine bright "And I shall use it to defeat you once and for all." He rushed towards Sombra and he did the same as the two swords hit each other as both swords gave off a wave of energy.

"Sister, what have I missed?" Celestia asked looking at Luna.

"From what I have heard they are brothers." Luna said "But I blacked out when Sombra used his dark magic on me."

The castle shook as the two fought "We need to end this before they destroy the castle."

Luna nodded.

The human broke through Sombra's sword and sending him flying into the wall "It's time for you to feel the pain of our people." A beam of light flew out of the sword and Sombra let out a painful roar as the beam entered his heart "Feel the suffering of our people, feel their pain!"

Luna and Celestia walked right next to the human, their horns glowing bright "Whatever you have planned do it now." He said as the beam was being to darken from Sombra's power.

The two sisters flew up into the air and fired their spell onto Sombra. Blaze watched as Sombra began to change into a shadow creature.

He flew into the air and out the window. The ice opened up and he was placed inside.

A light filled the room blinding them.

Blaze rubbed his eye lids as he tried to get his vision to return. When it returned he saw Luna on Celestia's back and the human standing in the snow.

"Without your help, we might not have defeated Sombra." Celestia said to the human.

The human placed his sword into his holster "You would have won, but it wouldn't have been the right way." He said looking away from her.

"What do you mean?" Celestia asked puzzled what he meant.

"In time you will learn this, but for now know that family can always be saved." He began to walk through the thick snow.

"Where are you going?" Celestia asked taking a step forwards.

He stopped and looked back at her "I'm going to rest, I have done my part and now it's time to be with my love ones." He turned his head and began to walk through the thick snow again "Keep your sister close to your heart Princess, she'll need that love." He said as the snow began to blow leaving Celestia alone as a snow storm began to form.

Blaze watched as everything went white. He didn't know if this was all a dream or if this was truly what happened in the past.

"Wake up Blaze! Breakfast is ready!" Blaze heard his mother's voice awaking him from his slumber. Blaze rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed.

"W-Was that all just a dream?" Blaze thought as he looked out the window to see Celestia's sun raising "Maybe I should ask Luna about this."
Matt placed the last of the baskets into the barn as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. He looked out at the sky as he saw the clouds being move by the pegusi as they were getting ready for a rain storm.

"I better close up the barn; don't need the rain leaking through." He thought as he moved to the side of the barn and closed the windows.

"So the former Prince of Avalon works on an apple farm. How the mighty have fallen." Matt turned his head as his eyes widen.

"You!" Matt formed changed from his ponyself to his human self "You have some nerve coming here!"

The stallion laughed "I'm not here to fight brother, I'm here to chat." He said raising a hoof towards him "We don't want your son being fatherless now do we?" He asked.

Matt pulled out his sword and aimed it at the stallion "I'm immortal Sombra, I cannot die."

"True, but that doesn't mean I can't lock you away." He said grinning "Now, if you want to be able to watch your son grow, you will tell me the spells for the vault."

Matt blinked as he lowered his sword "Vault? What vault?"

"The vault that holds of sword of darkness." Matt placed a hand to his chin as he thought for a moment.

Then it hit him and he started laughing "Oh that vault! That's just where I taught ponies how to fight the darkness."

Sombra glared at Matt "You lie! You placed the sword there!"

"No, that's where I taught ponies, dragon's and griffon's how to fight and protect each other." Matt said placing his sword into its holster "The Knight of darkness sword is in Tartarus where it belongs."

Sombra rage grew "Then why seal the room off with spells!?"

"To keep you from entering it and harming ponies who are trying to flew from you." He said picking up an apple and taking a bite from it "I knew you would return and reclaim the Crystal Empire, but our battle shall happen on the battlefield." Sombra's anger grew, his hate grew "I still love you brother."

Sombra felt a sting in his heart; just the words alone brought sparked something inside his soul "I don't love you." He said glaring at his brother.

Sombra quickly used his magic to teleport out of the area. Matt changed back to his human form and a tear ran down his cheek "I know there is still good in you brother, if only you would see it too."
Sombra smashed into a tree as a tear ran down his cheek "You have become weak! He's nothing to you Sombra! You have no love for your younger brother! He's the enemy." He yelled at himself as he tried to fight back the tears.

"Yet he was the only one who loved us for us." A voice spoke "Even when dad yelled at us, he was there to cheer us up." Memories of a younger Matthew sat next to him making silly faces trying to cheer him up. A small tear fell onto a small yellow flower.

"Yet he is the one that fought us on the battlefield! He wanted our head!" The little voice of reason was thrown back into the pit as Sombra's hoof smashed the flower "Matt will die by my hoofs! And I shall rule once again!"

The ground around him became grey as he walked through the forest "I shall wait for Blaze's birthday and I shall return and destroy Matthew and anypony else that gets in my way." He made his way through the forest and towards an old castle.
Celestia's sun filled Luna's home with enough light to allow her to read the paper's her sister had sent her to sign.

Yet her mind wouldn't let her rest, the thought of Blaze and Pumpkin came flooding into her mind. She had been informed by Blaze he was going out with Pumpkin when she visited his dream last night.

The tears began to fall down her cheeks as she let the sadness wash over her. She knew this day would happen. He would find a filly that would like him and she would be nothing more than a friend.

There came a knock at her door, she quickly wiped the tears away. She then made her way down the stairs.

When she opened the door she was surprised to see Pumpkin standing there. She had her saddle bags on her back "What brings you by Pumpkin?" Luna asked.

"I need to talk to you... If that's alright with you?"

"Send this filly packing! Erase her mind and make her fear Blaze!" Luna fought the voice in her head as she allowed the filly to enter her home "Come in, my door is opened to any pony who needs to speak with me." She said.

Pumpkin made her way into house and Luna closed the door behind the filly as the two walked through the hall and into the living room "What is on your mind little one?"

"It's about Blaze." She said to Luna as she jumped onto the couch as Luna sat down on a pillow.

"I take it you wish to know more about him... Correct?"

"I already know what I need to know about Blaze... I'm just afraid I might have done the wrong thing by going out with him." She said lowering her head, she could feel the tears begin to form "I like Blaze a lot, but I know deep down he cares for somepony else. I feel that later down the road we might grow apart and lose the friendship we have now."

Luna blinked, Blaze liked another pony? "I'm sure you two will remain friends even if you two break up." Luna said to the filly "You have been his friend since he moved to this town, he wouldn't want to lose you." Pumpkin looked up at her and Luna could see the blood stain eyes as she fought back the tears.

"I-I don't want to lose him." She let the dam flow. Luna walked over towards the filly and wrapped her wing around her.

"You will not lose him Pumpkin; Blaze will always be there for you just as he is for me." She said as the filly looked up at her as she saw she had a smile on her face "Blaze will be there for you." Luna used her magic to a box of tissues out of her room down to the living room "Why don't you dry those eyes." Pumpkin used her magic to take a tissue and blew her nose.

"This is your chance Luna! Use your magic to wipe her memory clean! Make it to where she doesn't love Blaze!" The voice inside her head yelled "No, if I were to do that Blaze would be sadden and I couldn't bear to see him sad."

"I can see why Blaze trusts you so much." She said wiping the tears away with a new tissue "You're so kind, wise and beautiful." She said looking away from the mare "I'm never going to be beautiful like you."

"She speaks the truth! We are beautiful then her! Blaze belongs to us!" The voice yelled. Luna just ignored the voice and focused at the task at hoof, helping this filly keep Blaze happy "Every filly is beautiful." She said trying to bring hope to this filly "I know Blaze thinks you are beautiful."

"He doesn't think I'm beautiful." She said blushing "He just thinks I'm cute."

Luna chuckled "Trust me, he thinks your beautiful."

"I'm not, I'm just... Cute." She said closing her eyes "I've heard what other colts say, I'm not even worth dating." Rage filled Luna's heart, how dare a colt even say such words to a filly. Back in her day colts were lucky to even be near a filly like Pumpkin. She made a mental note to track these colts down and make sure the next time they think about calling any filly names, they'll know fear.

"Those colt's don't know what their missing." She said to the filly "You are indeed beautiful, like everypony out there. You just need to remember colts are a bit slow when it comes to beauty."

Pumpkin felt Luna's wing give her a little squeeze "How about I take you and Blaze to go see Trixie perform today? I'm sure you and Blaze will enjoy her show as your first date."

"Y-You don't have to do that." Pumpkin said.

"But I want too, besides." Luna removed her wing and sighed "If I know Twilight, she'll sit in the middle of you two and will ruin the date." Pumpkin knew she was right "Now, how about we get going? We need to inform Blaze about tonight." She said with a smile as she used her magic to pick Pumpkin up into the air and placed her on her back.

"As much as this hurts me, knowing Blaze is happy helps make this pain heal." Luna thought as she walked through the busy streets of Ponyville.
To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

I really want to give credit to the Fall Of The Crystal Empire. They did an amazing job scripting and drawing all that. I tried my best not to copy them too much but you might see a few scenes with some lines from the video but still, I couldn't help but enjoy it. As always, enjoy! :pinkiegasp: