• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,066 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

  • ...

Chapter 2.Talk With Cadance. Moving.

Chapter 2. Talk With Cadance. Moving.
Six years have gone by since Twilight had found Blaze.

Twilight was sitting outside with Cadance as she watched Shinning and Spike play with Blaze.

"He's gotten so big since the last time I saw him." Cadance said taking a sip of her tea "It feels like yesterday i was holding him in my hoofs making silly faces." She placed her tea down "Soon he'll be courting mares."

"He's still to young to be thinking about mares." Twilight said as she watched Blaze trying to out run Shinning.

"He's already seven years old, Pretty soon he'll be bring home a mare."

"Stop! I don't want to see him grow up to fast!" Twilight said trying to get out the idea her son won't be needing her.

"I'm only messing with you Twi." She said taking a sip of her tea.

"Well it wasn't funny." She said with a huff.

She chuckled "So, How has Spike and Blaze been getting along?"

"Spike has been doing a lot better."

"So he's not trying to get your attention any more?"

"He still try's but he knows i'm still there for him just like i'm there for Blaze." She said as she saw Spike lay on the ground with his tongue hanging out as Blaze stood on top of him

"I have slain the dragon!"

She chuckled "Well that's good to know. How's school been going?"

"His grades are getting better since I have taken the time to study with him."

"Has he made some friends yet?"

Twilight smiled faded "No, Most of the kids think he's strange. I know he likes going to Ponyville to go play with the kids down there since they already know him for who he is." Twilight smile slowly came back as she remember how much fun Blaze had when they were at Sweet Apple Acres visiting Applejack while Blaze played with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

"Well it's good to know he has friends in Ponyville. Soon he'll be meeting his cousin." Cadance said as she felt the little one inside her kick.

"I still can't believe i'm going to be an aunt."

"I still can't believe it took me and Shinning this long to finally start our family." Cadance said as she saw Shinning letting Blaze ride on his back as he trotted around the garden "So, How are you and Flash Sentry been doing?"

Twilight blushed "We have been doing good. He's really warming up to Blaze since we started dating."

"That's good. How has Blaze been taking it?"

"He's beginning to like Flash."

"Glad Blaze is warming up to Flash, They would really get along if they were to get to know each other."

Twilight smiled as she saw Spike sneak up from behind Shinning and jump onto his back scaring the two as he shouted "I HAVE RETURNED TO GET MY REVENGE ON YOU TWO!"

Which made Twilight smile.
Twilight pulled out some cloths and placed them on the bed as Blaze sat there looking at his mother.

"Do i really have to go to school today?" Blaze asked.

"Yes sweetie. You have too." She looked at her son as he had his arms crossed.

"Why can't you just teach me instead? You did it with Spike."

"Spike was different, He didn't want to be away from me." She said as she used her magic to lift his arms and put on his clean shirt.

Blaze knew he had lost to his mother "Fine, But do I really have to wear cloths?"

"Yes, You have to wear cloths."

"You don't wear cloths!"

"That's because i have fur to keep me nice and warm, You don't have much hair." She said as she placed his shoes onto his feet "Rarity would be sad if she heard you didn't like her cloths that she made just for you."

"I don't want to make auntie Rarity sad! I'll wear them i'll wear them!"

Twilight chuckled as she placed Blaze on the ground "Good. Now shall we go to school?"

Blaze smiled as the two made there way out of the room.

As they walked down the hall they ran into Princess Luna.

"Morning Luna!" Blaze said with a smile as he waved.

"Morning Blaze, Off to school are we?"

"Yup!" He said with a smile.

"Have a good day at school Blaze."

"You have a good day too!" He said as they walked passed her.

Luna smiled as she watched the two walk "He's so cute."
After school.

Blaze followed his mother as they made there way back home.

"How was school?"

"It was okay... Some of the bullies were picking on me again but i did what you told me to do and i told the teacher and she made them stop."

"That's good." She said as they walked into the castle.


"Yes sweetie?"

"Can we go to Ponyville and visit Applejack?"

"Why do you want to go visit Applejack?" She asked looking at her son.

"So i can play with Apple Bloom!" He said with a smile.

"We can go down to Ponyville this weekend okay?"

"Okay!" He was happy to hear his mother say they could go.

"Maybe we should move to Ponyville." She looked at her son as he happily walked along side her.
Twilight sat with Applejack as she saw her son running off with Apple Bloom and her two friends.

"Ya really thinkin' about movin' back?" Applejack asked placing a apple juice down on the table.

"Yeah, Blaze has no friend back in Canterlot, He's always wanting to come down here and play with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo."

"Well, Ah know a few houses for sale ah can have Matt take a look for ya." She said.


"No problem sugarcube."
Blaze was jumping for joy as he ran around his new room.

"Do you like your new room sweetie?" Twilight asked from the door way.

"YES! I love it!" He said jumping on the bed.

"I'm glad."

Twilight left her son to enjoy her room while she goes and unpack some of her things.

She heard a voice and saw Flash placing the last of her things down.

"That's the last of it." He said walking up towards her and kissing her cheek.

"Thank you for helping us move Flash."

"It's my pleasure to help out." He said "I'm just glad i manged to find a place here so i can still be with you."

"I'm glad too." She kissed his lips as the two began to make out.
Blaze sat by the door as he waited for his mother to get ready. For once in Blaze life he was happy about going to school.

"Are you done yet mom!?" He yelled up the stairs.

"Just about sweetie!" She made her way down the stairs.

She placed her saddle bag on her back as she opened the door as they both headed off.

Blaze saw Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle just outside of school and Blaze rushed off towards them "Have a good day at school!" Twilight said as she watched her son wave goodbye as he talked with the girls.

Twilight made her way into town and saw Applejack sitting at her cart selling her apples.

"Mornin' Twi!" Applejack said with a smile.

"Morning Aj. How's business today?"

"It's going good! I thought Flash would be with you?"

"He is." She pointed up to see Flash hovering in the sky.

"Ah see."

"I'll see you later Aj!" She said waving goodbye to her friend as she made her way through the market.

Twilight noticed Spike walking of Carousel Boutique with a smile on his face "So that's why you were in a hurry to leave this morning."

Spike blushed "Um... I-I just wanted to stay hi."

"Whatever you say lover boy." Spike blushed as he followed Twilight.

"It's good to be back in Ponyville." Twilight thought as she saw all the friendly faces.
To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

I can't believe i got some many people liking my story... Thank you all and i hope you all enjoy this chapter.