• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,066 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

  • ...

Chapter 21.

Chapter 21.
Blaze heart was racing a mile a minute. The filly he liked was sitting next to him while the mare he had a crush on sat behind them watching over him.

Fireworks shot off the wagon as a stage fell forwards and a blue mare appeared out of purple smoke "Welcome my little colts and fillies!" The mare said with a big smile "Watch in awe as The Great and Powerful Trixie! Performs magic the likes of you have never seen!"

Blaze and Pumpkin watched in awe as Trixie showed off her magical talents to the crowed.
Luna watched as the two sat and watched in awe. This brought joy to her.

"You should be the one next to him!" A voice yelled within Luna’s head.

"He is but a child, and I am a mare. To act on the these feelings would be wrong." Luna thought back to the voice.

Red fire flew around the room like a dragon. This brought a small smile to her face as it flew around her and up into the sky.

"Love is never wrong. You love this boy with all your soul and you wish to deny what little happiness you have left?" The voice asked.

"Seeing Blaze happy, does bring me happiness. Tho...... one day I know my true love will come." The fire burst into giant hearts.

"Those were the same thoughts you once had when we were with him."

A single tear ran down Luna's cheek as she fought back the memories of her ex love.

Twilight sat in front of Matthew and Applejack as her mind was racing.

“We will need to keep Blaze under close watch with Sombra roaming around.” Matthew said “He has something planned for your son and I do not know what.”

“H-How did he live?” Twilight asked.

“His horn is his power, that’s what we have to watch out for.” Matthew said “I will do my best to watch over him but it’s not time for him to learn where he is from.”

“I need to look up spells, maybe there is something I can cast that ca-” Twilight's words were cut off by Matthew’s “There are no spells I’m afraid, I would have used a spell like that long ago however I do know spells to keep him from breaking into your home.”

“Cast it.” Twilight said.

“I’ll need to get a few things, I’ll meet you at your home around three.” Matthew said getting up and leaving Applejack and Twilight alone.

“Matthew will protect him, you can trust him.” Applejack said.

“I won’t let Sombra harm my son.” Twilight said “I’m going to contact Cadance and see if she can find anything in the crystal library.”

“Ah’ll try and help out the best Ah can here.” Applejack said with a smile.

“Thank you Applejack, you're such a great friend.” Twilight hugged Applejack.

Deep within the darkness a being stood.

“So far my plans for Sombra have changed.” A figure said.

“The deal we made with him a thousand years ago still hold strong.” A hooded figure said “However the human boy is strong with magic, locked away.”

“Sombra plans on using the boy, shall we take the boy?” The figure asked.

“No, if Sombra’s plan works the taste of darkness will linger within the boy and he’ll soon became the vessel.” The hooded figure said “Time is still on our side.”

Twilight looked around as she felt darkness creep into her heart. She felt a fire burning her soul. Before her stood Blaze older standing in front of her with a sword in his hands.

“You’ve pushed me to this mother, the world you once knew is now filled with darkness!” She saw her son’s eyes turn bright red “The time of light has come to an end mother.” She felt the sword run through her “You died as a weakling.”

Twilight felt the sword be removed and she fell to her knees as she saw Equestria on fire.

“This isn’t your fate Twilight.” Twilight looked to see a woman with long brown hair and green eyes “Blaze needs your love more than ever, you need to show him the light.” Twilight felt the pain leave as the world around her faded and was replaced with sunshine and peace, she could see ponies walking around and enjoying life “You and I know how great Blaze is, he is the true king of all realms.”

“W-Who are you?” Twilight asked as she got back to her feet only to see her son standing before her.

“You already know who I am Twilight.” She looked at the woman and realised who she is.

Twilight eyes opened up as tears rolled down her cheeks as she saw the sun slowly rising “His mother.” Twilight notices she was alone. She decided she needed to speak with Matt about her dream.
Twilight made her way to Sweet Apple Acres. She found Matt near the barn loading the wagon with apples.

“Matt! I need to talk to you.” Twilight said huffing as she stood in front of Matt.

“What happened Twilight?” Matt asked looking at her.

“I had a dream last night, it had Blaze mother in it.” Twilight said “She showed me two futures and one of them had Blaze evil.”

Matt looked puzzled “She showed you the future where Blaze was evil?” Twilight nodded “I’ll speak with Night Fire on this matter, she might know something.”

“She also showed me Blaze keeping the peace.” Twilight said “She told me he needs my love more than ever.”

“I suggest you go home and be with your family, I’ll talk to you later after I speak with you tomorrow after I speak with Night Fire.” Matt said.

“Thank you Matt, I owe you.” Twilight said giving him a hug. He hugged her back.

“No need to thank me Twilight, I’m happy to help.” Matt said as Twilight let go and she left leaving Matt alone “So, Blaze mother came to her in a dream, I wonder what this could mean.”
Sombra stood on a cliffside overlooking Canterlot as the ponies below were moving around.
I sense you brother.” Sombra looked behind him to see not his brother standing there but a strange creature “Now what are you?

Before Sombra could react he was forced into a deep slumber “Sleep, soon you’re magic will help power my master.” The creature said picking up Sombra and walking into the forest.
To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

I know this chapter is a little short but I wanted to get this out since I've been having some free time so I hope you all enjoy!