• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,088 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

  • ...

Chapter 15. Pirates!

Edited by Cartoonfan20.
Chapter 15. Pirates!
Twilight smiled as she watched her son smile.

"I'M GOING TO BE A BROTHER!?" He asked jumping for joy.

"Yes." She said as she watched her son jump for joy "And I have some other news for you too."
Blaze stopped and stared at his mother with a confused look on his face "There's more!?"

Twilight giggled and nodded "Yes." She said as she watched her son wait for her to speak "Night has asked for my hoof in marriage."

Blaze eyes went wide as he jumped for join "THIS IS AWESOME! LUNA'S GOING TO BE SO HAPPY TO HEAR OUR PLAN WOR-" Blaze stopped as a panic look on his face.

"What plan?" Twilight asked taping her hoof the floor as she waited for her son to speak.
"Plan for dinner." He said hoping his mother would buy it.

"Try again, And this time," She leaded in close to her son "Tell the truth."

Blaze gulped.
Twilight sighed as her friends where laughing as she told them about Luna's and Blaze plan to get Night and her together.
"It's not that funny." Twilight huffed.

"It is funny! You're own son managed to get you together with Night, and he even got the Princess to do it!" Rainbow said trying to stop herself from laughing.

Twilight glared at her "Ah know it isn't that funny but ya gotta admit, you’re son played match maker." Applejack said chuckling.
Twilight sighed "It would have been nice to find somepony on my own."

"And looked at how that worked out darling." Rarity said "You were always fighting with Flash and were unhappy, Night has been there for you and even when you two fight, He's always there to fix the mess he or you have made."

Twilight knew this was true, She cracked a smile as she remembered the big fight they had gotten into a month ago and even though she threw him out of the house and he sat by the door as he waited for her to calm down, In the end the two made up under the warm fire.

"We know Night is a good guy, He moved here to Ponyville just to be with you." Fluttershy said.

"So, when is the wedding?" Rarity asked.
Blaze relaxed on the couch with a nice book in his hands as he read the story of how Princess Celestia and Princess Luna ruled together, Blaze had a test coming up and this was what he needed to study for.

He sighed as he lowered is book and looked at Pumpkin who was lying across from him with her book in front of her face as she used her magic to hold her book.

One think Blaze liked about unicorns were their magic, they could do anything with them.

"Stop looking at me and get back to your homework." Pumpkin said still looking at her book.

Blaze brought his book back to his face as he mumbled under his breath "I am not a witch." She said making Blaze wish she didn't have such good hearing.

"Will you stop that!" He said lowering her book "I was taking a break from my book."

She lowered her book and stared at him "How you get straight A's is a mystery."

"The reason I get A's is because I study, but when you have your noise in a book for three hours straight, you’re eyes begin to hurt." He said rubbing his eyes.

She rolled her eyes "Your eyes may hurt, But mine are just fine."

"That's because you have eyes like an owl." He huffed as he closed his book "You know we could just go to Luna and get all the facts from her." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Are you sure we should bother her this late in the day?" She asked.

"Night has the day off and is spending his time with my mom, so Luna is just at home alone."

"I don't know, I don't want to just barge in and ask her questions." Blaze notice how worried she looked.
"Trust me, She won't mind at all." He said giving her a big smile.

Pumpkin sighed as she closed her book and got onto her hoofs "Let's go before I change my mind."
Luna walked through her home as she smiled at the pictures that hung on the walls. Each one was a picture of her and Blaze along with Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Matt, Night and Sunset.

Since her move to Ponyville she has found peace in her life, She has made friends and even has somepony who is by her side to be with her. She placed a hoof to her chest as she felt in her hoofs the half-moon necklace Blaze had given her two years ago.

"He's growing into such a gentlecolt." She thought as she made her way towards her room as she used her magic to open the door.

She made her way toward her desk as she saw a stack of paper's sitting there and she sighed "I am glad Night is taking the day off or he'll be freaking out about these papers." She closed her door as she sat down as she began her work for tonight.

As she worked her mind went to the young man she had fallen for. Everyday he's showing just how much kindness his heart has as he makes new friends.

She then remembered what Sunset had told her, Blaze friend Pumpkin Cake has a crush on Blaze as well and Luna being who she was couldn't force Blaze to choice as she knew She could never be with him, As much as she loved him, It could never work. She looked into the mirror as Nightmare Moon appeared "For who could ever love, A monster?" She sighed as a tear rolled down her cheek as she forced back the memories of her past.

She wiped the tear away as she went back to her work.

She heard a knock at the door making her happy to get a break from her hard work. She made her way out of her room and down the stairs towards her front door.

She was surprised to see Blaze and Pumpkin in front of her "Hey Luna!" Blaze said with a big smile "Hope you don't us dropping by?"

Luna smiled back "I don't mind at all, what brings you by?" She said letting the two inside.

"Well, we have to study for a test about our two Princesses’ and I thought it would be smart just to come ask our favorite Princess for some help." Blaze said making Luna chuckled.

"I shall go fetch some snacks and drinks; you two go ahead and make yourselves at home." She said closing the door as she made her way towards the kitchen.

"See, told you she would help us." Blaze whispered to Pumpkin.

"I hate it when you’re right." She huffed.

"You love it when I'm right." He said grinning making her blush.

"I've got carrots and peanut butter, with a nice tall glass of cold milk all the way from Trottingham." Luna said placing the tray down in front of the two.

"Um... Why is this milk from Trottingham?" Pumpkin asked.

"Night brought back a few bottles from his last trip down there and said this was the best milk he has ever tasted, and he's right."
Pumpkin took a sip and her eyes lit up "This is good!"

Luna chuckled as she took another sip "So, What would you two like to know?"

Pumpkin used her magic to pull out her book from her saddle bag as she flipped the page's to the chapter they were reading "We were at chapter five in our history book, It was three months after Discord was defeated, How did you and Celestia managed to rule with food supply’s running low?" Pumpkin asked.

Luna lowered her milk "It was hard, At this time the griffon kingdom were still enemy’s and we still had the dragon's to deal with, But we remain strong as we sat down with our town leader's and discuss a way to grow our food and to keep our kingdom safe from invader's." She remembered the meeting like it was yesterday "We all reached an agreement; we would shorten the night and make the day's longer to allow the farmer's to grow their food, When winter came, The night would last longer and the day would be shorter."

"And whose idea was it to do that?" Blaze asked.

"It was mine; I thought it would be wise for us to shorten the night to help grow our food so we wouldn't go hungry." She said.

This surprised Blaze, Why would she suggest to do something like this then turn into Nightmare Moon? This puzzled his little brain.
"Something on your mind Blaze?" Luna asked looking at him.

"I-It's nothing." He said looking down at his book.

"You can ask me Blaze, I won't get mad." She said giving him a warm smile.

Blaze looked back up at her as he had a lump in his throat "W-Why would y-you s-suggest this, T-Then t-turn i-into N-Nightmare moon l-later on?" He asked while stuttering as he feared he might have angered her.

Luna sighed as she looked at Blaze "At the time I was, I was happy with my life, but later on my mind was clouded by darkness and hate." She said "Anyway, Then a month went by and we notice our foods were beginning to grow faster than before, And that is when we had peace talks with the griffon kingdom."

An Hour Later.

Luna smiled as she watched the two slept, During her teaching on how peace between the griffon kingdom went sour due to some miss understandings, The two fell sleep as she got to the boring part of the story "I should inform Twilight and Miss Cake where their children are." She thought as she got up and made her way towards the closet that was under the stairs.

She opened the door and pulled out some blankets and made her way towards the couch as she placed the blankets on them. Luna looked at Pumpkin "I can see Blaze falling for her, she’s cute looking and she's not mean to him or scared of him." She looked at Blaze who had a small smile on his face "He deserve somepony younger, I'm just an old pony who put's little ones to sleep with her old stories." She sighed as she went to go write her letter.
The sea roared as lighting struck around the sea.

"Fire!" A stallion yelled as two ships were locked in cannon fire.

The mighty storm raged on as cannon fire was sounded out by the sound of the wild lightning.

"Don't hold back! Keep firing! We shall capture Pirate Luna and bring her to justice!" A young human yelled as he held his sword in his hands as he heard the crew roar.

The ships slammed into each other as the stallions from both sides swung to opposite sides as the two sides fought each other as swords rung.

"Stand down Luna or you shall find Davey Jones locker here tonight in this storm!" The young man yelled as Luna stood across from him with her sword wrapped within her magic.

"It is you that shall find Davey Jones locker here tonight General Blaze! For I have the upper hoof Blaze!" Luna's sword began to glow light blue "For I have found the sword of Nights! And I shall forever be known as Pirate Luna of the night!"

Blaze was sent flying into the water as he saw his ship begin to sink into the ocean as he slowly began to sink deeper into the water as his vision began to blur as his last thoughts were "I shall capture you!" Then darkness.

He slowly awoke on the shores on an island and he slowly got to his feet as he looked out at sea to see smoke from his ship "She shall pay for this, for I'm the son of Queen Twilight and I will never give up the fight to stop Luna and Celestia from ruling these seas." He looked at his sword that laid on the sandy shore as he sighed "Yet, Luna finding the sword of nights is clever. Now all they need is the sword of days and the seas shall be theirs, unless I find it first." He picked up his sword and made his way into the jungle as his mind was in deep thought as he thought about the legend his mother told him when he was young.

One Month Later.

Our young hero stood at the edge of the cliff as he saw a ship just outside the shore of the island.

"Finally! It's about time they found me." He cut a vine towards his side as a barrel was sent flying into the air as he pulled out a pistol and fired at the barrel as it exploded "That shoul- Oh this isn't good." The ship began to fire as he just noticed the pirate flag waving.

He quickly jumped off the cliff just as the cannon balls hit the cliff. The young man dived into the water as debris of the cliff's fell he dodged each one fell into the water.

Blaze quickly moved around the water and swam towards the ship as he came up out of the water slowly as he could hear the pirate talk "Find him! We have order's to capture the general at all costs!"

Blaze slowly made his way up the side of the ship as he watched the stallion's move along the deck of the ship.

Blaze then notice the captain as he stood by the helm "Captain! Maybe it would be wise to drop off our prisoner’s onto this island and flee before the general try's to capture this ship." Said a stallion.

Blaze smiled as he found his plan "I'll need to wait for them to go to sleep tonight in order for me to take control of this ship."

"No, We have order's to keep them imprisoned and if we came across General Blaze, He will be thrown in there with his own crew, Now, I want the water and the island searched, Find him!"

He watched as the ponies on the ship started to get there boats ready as they got swords and pistols.

Night Fall.

The moon shined bright in the night sky as a mist covered the water.

A camp fire could be seen on the shore as a ship sat on the water as the tide was calm.

"It sucks! We have to do the captain's grunt work while he sat in his nice warm quarters while we remain out here looking for a man that can easily take us out!"

"It's better to remain out here; If General Blaze goes for the ship we just have to worry about our row boat." The stallion said as he watched the fire.

A shadow moved along the tree lines as it watched the many fires on the shores as he could still hear ponies searching for him "There won't be many ponies on this ship, This is to easy."

He jumped off the tree's and slowly made his way into the water as he let the cold water wash over his body as he quietly made his way towards the ship.

Only three ponies walked the deck of the ship.

Blaze watched as each one moved along the ship. He saw his opening and made his way towards the stairs that lead into the belly of the ship.

Below he knew he would need to find the brig. He snuck through a few of the sleeping ponies as he found the cells keeping a few of his friends "General Blaze! You’re alive!"

"Shh, I see you made it, tell me are you all ready to take this ship?" Blaze asked as he undid the cell doors letting his crew free.
"Yes, we are ready to fight."

"Good, there are three stallions on deck, four asleep and the captain is in his quarters, with us six we can easily take this ship and get to the nearest port."

"We'll need crew on the cannon's."

"No need, I had some time to mess with their row boats before coming over here." He said grinning making the crew grin as well "Now, Let’s take this ship."

The six made their way through the ship as they gagged and tied the four ponies that were sleeping and waited for the three above to turn their backs before attacking.

The three stallions’ gave a good fight but were quickly defeated.

"What in Luna's name are you doin-" The captain's eyes went wide as he saw General Blaze standing there with five of the prisoners "You! How dare you!" The captain's horn began to glow as the bell's went off making Blaze chuckle "Why do you chuckle!?"

"I chuckle because right now, those row boats are now sinking." They heard the yells of ponies as he turned his head to see the row boats were sinking "Take our dear captain and throw him in the brig, The rest of you way anchor and let's set off."

Blaze held the helm of the wheel as he smiled "Now, Let's get to the nearest port so I can get to Saddle Arabia." Blaze watched as the sail fell and the wind blew "Sand blows within the seal, where night maybe lost, the day hides and waits for us to find." He knew only one land that had sand that this legend spoke of and he knew Celestia and Luna would figure it out soon "Let's hope I find it before they do."

In The Middle Of The Desert.

The wind blew as the sand blew around our two pirates. The sun was high in the sky burning down onto our two pirates
Luna took a sip of water out of her canteen "How much farther is this place?" Luna asked her sister.

"Just a bit farther, once we find the seal we'll find the path that leads us to the sword of days." Celestia said as they continued to walk in the heat.

The two came across a cliff as and the two sister's looked at it in awe; there they saw the seal shining through the cracks as it showed them where they needed to go "The seal is the map... The sword is hidden in the cliffs near hear." Celestia said looking over the map making sure she was correct.

"Then we must hurry! If we wish to rule the seas!" Luna said as the two sisters’ raced off into the desert.

"Bet I can beat you there first!" Luna yelled as she spread her wings.

"You are on dear sister." Celestia's wings spread as well as they took to the sky.

Luna smiled "Is that all you got sister?" Luna asked as she was ahead of her sister.

Before Luna's eyes Celestia went flying passed her as she saw she had caught the wind making her wish she would have thought of that.

Luna tried her best to catch her sister but could not as she made it to the cliffs before her.

"You cheated." Luna said as she huffed.

"I did not cheat my dear sister, I just, Caught the wind." She said smiling as Luna stuck out her tongue at her.

"Let's get this sword." She said making her way inside the cave with Celestia close behind.

---------------- Inside----------------

Celestia and Luna looked around the cave as they could not locate the sword.

"Are you sure you read the seal right?" Luna asked as she used her magic to flip over a rock.

"Yes, I read the seal right! It should be here!" Celestia noticed a stone that had sunlight shinning onto it as she saw a there use to have something inside the stone "I think the sword has been taken."

"By who?" Luna asked.

"By me." They turned to see none other than General Blaze standing there wielding the sword of days in his hands.

"How did you beat us here?" Celestia asked.

"You’re not the only one who heard the legends of the swords." Blaze said "I have the sword of days, Surrender now!"

"Never! We still have the sword of nights!" Luna said pulling out the sword.

"Its power only works at night." Blaze sword began to glow bright yellow "But my sword has power and I shall use it to bring you two to justice!"

Celestia smiled "Luna, I shall handle Blaze, You take the sword somewhere safe."

"Why? So you can have the honor of defeating Blaze!" Luna used her magic to steal her sister's swords as she placed the sword of nights where her blades once were "I shall defeat Blaze, You shall take the sword somewhere safe!"

"As you wish." Celestia took off through the hole in the cave leaving Blaze and Luna.

Luna smiled "It's just you and me now Blaze, Once I take the sword of days from you, we shall rule the seas!"

Blaze chuckled "Oh the seas shall never be yours Luna, for as long as I breathe you will always see me standing there with my sword in my hand ready to fight you."

Luna smiled faded as she shook her head "You shall fall here today Bla-" Her words were cut off as Celestia landed onto of her as the sword of nights landed into Blaze hand.

"Good work." Blaze said with a smile as two of his stallion's came flying out of the hole in the cave as they looked down at the two sisters’.

Celestia and Luna groaned as they heared chains wrap around their hoofs "You are hear under arrest by order of Queen Twilight Sparkle, You will remain locked up for the rest of your days."

"We shall go free!" Celestia said.

"Oh I know, you’ll be free after a few thousand years." Blaze said as he placed the sword into the holder "As for these," He patted at the swords "They will go into the vault; Storms of the night and day shall stay out of your reach and will never be used as a mean of control." He said as he looked at the two sister's "Captain, Inform the Queen we shall be returning home with our two guests."

"As you wish sir."

------------------On The Dock's------------------------

Blaze stood as he watched Celestia and Luna made their way onto the ship.

"I will follow close behind on the ship we borrowed from their crew, Watch these two, They will try everything in the book to get you to release them." Blaze said to his captain.

"As you wish sir! They will not escape on my watch!" He said as he saluted.

"Alright, let’s move out." Blaze yelled as he got onto his ship as the two ships set sail.

----------------------Out At Sea------------------------------

The night had fallen abound them as the moon was the only light for miles.

Blaze watched as the sea as he kept his eyes on the ship in front of him "Sir, if you don't mind me asking, why would you let the captain take the two sisters’?" The first mate asked.

"If they were to escape and take the ship, they would take these swords for their own and would rule the seas, but since I am here, they have no choice but to just take the ship and flee." He said looking at his first mate "Wake the crew and tell them to load the cannon's."

"W-Why?" The first mate asked.

Blaze said as he saw the captain go flying into the water "Because the captain just went overboard."
The bell went off alerting the crew making them all wake.

Blaze pulled out the sword of nights and it began to glow "W-Why are you using the sword of night’s sir?"
"Two pirate ships off the port bow, Tell the crew rain is about to hit."

The rain began to fall as the waves began to rise. Blaze watched as the ship in front of him turned and began to fire cannon ball's towards his ship hitting the front of the ship.

Blaze turned the ship as he yelled fire.

A raging storms roared as two ships were locked in battle both sides taking on damaged.

"FIRE!" Blaze yelled his sword glowing bright blue as the lightning flashed behind him Luna jumped onto his ship.

"I shall take back my sword!" Luna rushed towards him.

Blaze blocked her attack as sparks went off "You will fail Luna! For I have the upper hand!" He said quoting Luna.

Luna raised her sword high into the air and brought it down only to have it blocked by Blaze as he knocked the sword out of her magic "Time for you to live on an island for a month!" Wind blew around Blaze as he rushed towards Luna.

She quickly used her magic to bring forth her sword and block his attack as the two were locked in battle.

Blaze had no choice but to pull the sword of days out and use it to block Celestia's blade.

"You shall not sneak attack me Celestia!" He pushed the swords back as he spun his swords. Blaze watched as the two sisters’ stood in front of him with their swords in their magic as they smiled. He knew he was out numbered.

"Surrender Blaze, You have lost." Luna said.

"I may have lost my ship, but I have not lost my swords." He brought the swords together as they merged into one blade "Bet you didn't know you could combine them?"

The two sisters were shocked to see this as the swords were now one "How did you know this?" Celestia asked.

"This sword was once held by the master of weather, He made the blades to work the storms for night and day, but when combined the power of this sword is doubled and can create the most powerful storm!" The blade started to glow yellow and blue as the thunder roared as the lighting went off everywhere as Blaze held the sword towards the sister's "Now, Let's the true battle begin!"
He rushed towards the sister's busting both their blades as he now held the blade towards the sister's throats "Looks like I win."

"We surrender." Both of them said as the storm cleared and the three were now standing in a field with a water fall.

"Wow, I didn't think I would win that easily!" Blaze said as he was now in his small nine year old self.

"Just wait, the two sisters’ shall return and this time we shall win!" Celestia said chuckling "You were right Lulu, This was a lot better than doing paper work."

Luna chuckled then she sighed "I must leave for a moment; I need to use the little ponies’ room." She said fading away.
"What do you want to do till Luna returns?" Blaze asked.

"We shall wait for Luna to return so we can continue our adventure." Celestia said as the two walked down the path way "So, Are you happy summer is around the corner?" She asked looking down at Blaze.

"Not really, Pumpkin and Pound are going to be going to their grandparent’s house for the summer." He said as his smile was now a frowned as he was going to be alone this summer.

"I am sorry to hear that, maybe you and Luna would like to come with me on my trip to Saddle Arabia." She said as they stopped making Blaze blink.


"Yes, that is if you two want to come with me?"

"I-I want to go but... I don't know about Luna."

"I shall talk with her and your mother." She said with a smile "I am sure you will enjoy this trip."

"I hope my mother will let me go."

"She will, As long as I and Luna are there to watch over you." She said as the land changed into the castle grounds of Canterlot "Tell me, Is Luna enjoying her time in Ponyville?"

"I think so, she’s been smiling more than when she was in Canterlot." He said as looked around "Yet... I still think she's lonely."
Celestia raised an eye brow as she looked at the young prince "What do you mean?"

"Well, Whenever I'm around her I can feel as if deep down she's sad, I don't really know why I feel this when I'm around her... And I hate knowing she's sad." She watched as he sat down in front of the pound as he looked into the water.

She sat down next to him "Luna has been through a lot, I wouldn't be surprised if she was still sad." She sad looking into the water "But she has you around to keep that smile on her face Blaze, She may be sad deep down, But you are what keeps her happiness flowing." She noticed his blush on his cheeks as he continued to look down into the water "I'm sure whatever is bothering her is something you will help her with in due time, But for now, Enjoy every moment with her."

Blaze looked up at Celestia as she had a smile on her face as he smiled as well "I'm back!"

The two looked behind them to see Luna walking back with a smile on her face "Ready for round two?"
Blaze yawned as he slowly awoke from his slumber.

He looked out his window to see Celestia's sun beginning to rise as this brought a smile to his face as he saw the ponies beginning their day.

"BLAZE! Breakfast!" He heard his mother call making him jump out of bed and rush down the stairs as he could smell waffles.

He knew today was going to be a good day.
To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

I want to thank Cartoonfan20. for his help on this chapter. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy! :pinkiehappy: