• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,088 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

  • ...

Chapter 16. Spike, Stories, Heartbreak.

Edited by Cartoonfan20.
Chapter 16. Spike, Stories, Heartbreak.
It was a beautiful day in Ponyville as Twilight sat outside with her son as the two were reading through the newspaper as they waited for Night and Sunset to arrive so that could go to the park.

Twilight's mind wasn't into the paper as she wondered where little Spikey went off too.

He wasn't in his room this morning and hasn't been seen since then and she was getting worried.

"Hey Twilight!" She snapped out of her thoughts as he looked over to see none other than Spike rushing down the road.

One thing Twilight missed was Spike being small, he's gotten bigger in years, and he’s even gotten much taller than Blaze and herself as he was now standing 4 foot now.

"And where have you been?" She asked giving him the 'You didn't leave a note to tell me where you were going' stare.

Spike rubbed the back of his neck "Sorry, Forgot, But there is a good reason why I was gone this morning.

"Mind telling?" She asked.

"I'll tell you later, Right now I need to take a quick shower and get ready for my job." He said walking pass her only to be stopped by Twilight's magic.

"What job?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"I-I've got a job working at Sweet Apple Acre's..... Applejack needs some help because Matt is out of town for a few weeks so I offered to help her out." He said.

"And you didn't tell me this till now?"

"You're in trouble." Blaze whispered as he read the comics in the paper.

"I was going to tell you when I got back home." He said as he crossed his arms "Mind putting me down so I can get going?"
She sighed as she let him go "Go, before I hold you down and force you to stay."

Spike chuckled as he took off into the house.

Twilight went back to reading her paper as she looked at houses "Why are you looking at houses?" Blaze asked noticing the ads.

"Well, we need more room when Night move's in and when this little one is born, she or he will need a room too, all we have is a three bedroom home, we’ll need a four bedroom home if we're going to be able to fit everypony."

"What about Sunset? Won't she be moving in too?" He asked.

"No, She'll have her own home to live in, I'm sure she'll keep the house Night bought." She said as she found a house and marked it "I'll show this to Night and you can come with us to go look at the new house."

Blaze sighed as he looked back at his paper, He did not wish to move from this house. He was close to school and to his friends "Hey sweetie." Blaze looked up to see Night walking over towards them with Sunset next to him.

"Hey you."

"I see you two are enjoying the morning paper." Sunset said as she looked at Blaze with a smile.

Blaze noticed Night looking at the newspaper his mother was holding as he raised an eye brow "Why are you circling houses?"

"Well, we don't have room for the foal and we're going to need room." She said "And I figured you and I should look for a house."
"Spike didn't tell you?" Sunset asked surprised the purple dragon didn't tell her the good news.

"Tell me what? That he got a job at Sweet Apple Acre's?"

The two looked at each other then back at her "Spike agreed to live with me and split the rent 50/50." Sunset said.

Twilight blinked "H-He's going to move out?"

"Well, it was his idea, He didn't want us spending more money on a house when all we had to do was let him take my old room and give us enough room." Night said "And he's just a block away so you know he's not far, And he has Sunset."

Twilight had memories of Spike rushed through her mind as she remembered the times feeding him and helping him learn to talk and walk and even helping him read. Now he's moving out, He's leaving her.

"Twilight, I know how much Spike mean's to you, But you know I'll keep him safe." Sunset said.

The door opened and a purple dragon came walking out "Hold it right there!" The dragon froze in his place as he could feel the wrath of Princess Twilight coming for him "When were you going to tell me about moving in with Sunset?"

Spike felt beads of sweat rolled down his forehead as he slowly turned around to see Night and Sunset standing next to Twilight and Blaze.

"Oh.. Um well you see.... I-I thought it would be wise to tell you at your wedding." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

Two thing's ran through Spike's mind, One he was going to be locked deep in a cage never to see light again and two, Twilight was going to yell at him till he became deaf or worst, Dead.

But what surprised him was how soft her voice became as she spoke "Spike, As much as I wish you would still be living with us, I know you’re getting older and going to become an adult soon... I understand you want to move out and explore the world," Spike watched as he could see the tears began to form in the princess eyes "I can't stop you from leaving but know I will love you and you always have a placed here if you ever need a place to stay."

This made Spike smile knowing he wasn't in trouble "Twi, He's moving just down the road for ya, not moving to Canterlot." They all turned their head's to see none other than Applejack standing there with her boyfriend Matt with a wagon strapped to his back as he was pulling a load of apple's into town.

"It may be a block to you but for me it's like he's moving to Canterlot." Twilight sniffed at the thought of his move.

Applejack rolled her eyes "Well, Ah came by ta tell ya Spike Apple Bloom will be waiting for ya in the north orchard."

And that's when a smirk came across Twilight's face as she knew the true reason why he took a job working at Sweet Apple Acres.
"Alright, I better be going Twi, I'll see you tonight." He said taking off leaving the group.

"Well, I'll take these apples to Big Mac and I'll meet you back at the farm." Matt said kissing his girlfriend on the side of the cheek as he pulled the wagon away.

"So what are ya'll doin'?" She asked noticing the group in front of her all gathered around a newspaper.

"Well I was looking at houses but it would seem I worried for nothing." Twilight said using her magic to close the paper as Blaze flipped the page and looked at some of the wanted ads.

Night chuckled "I would have told you sooner but I thought Spike was going to tell you."

The sounds of hoof's made Blaze lower his paper to see his two friend's running down the path with smiles on their faces "Blaze! You've gotta come to the park!" Pound Cake said out of breath as he stood in front.

"We're being challenged to a game of kick ball!' Pumpkin said "Y-You have to come with us to keep our title!"
Blaze looked at his mother in hope's she would let him go.

"I'll take him if you want Twilight?" Sunset said looking at Blaze.

Twilight sighed "Alright, but stay out of trouble."

"Will do mom!" Blaze jumped to his feet and ran towards the park with Sunset trying to keep up with the two.

"I thought we were going to the park?" Night asked confused.

"We're still going to the park." Twilight said getting up "I just didn't feel like running."

Night chuckled "Well, Ah'll catch ya two later... Ah have some thing's Ah have ta do." Applejack said waving goodbye to the two as she made her way down town.
As Celestia's sun slowly lowered and Luna's moon began to rise. Blaze laid in his bed as his mother pulled a blue book from a shelf and sat down next to her son as she opened the book up.

"Yay a Doctor Whooves story!" Blaze said smiling as he was excited to hear one of his mother's stories.

"Now, Why don't you relax, and I shall start the story." She said making sure she was comfy next to her son as she used her magic to hold the book in front of her, She flipped through a few pages as she got to the page she wanted "Shadows of the Lunar Republic, Chapter 1."

Blaze mind began to wonder as he listened to his mother's story of shadow ponies and Princess Luna once having ponies living on the moon.

He enjoyed these stories, A mad pony in a blue box traveling through time and space saving each planet and saving the day. How his mother came up with these stories were just amazing.

He could see the enjoyment on his mother's face as she read through the book.

"And with that, The Doctor and his beautiful assistant saved the day and brought a great joy to the princess." Twilight closed the book as she noticed her son fast asleep.

This brought a smile to her face as she kissed his cheek and pulled the cover's over her son and made her way towards the bookshelf as she placed the blue book back.

"Where I get these Idea's for these book's I'll never know." She thought as she made her way towards her room and into her comfy bed.

She pulled the covers over her body as she closed her eyes and began to fall into a deep sleep.

Her dreams were filled with amazing adventures with her loving fiancé. Then her dream began to change and a blue box appeared in front and Twilight's new story for her book began.
Celestia's sun slowly began to rise and Night began to awaken from his deep slumber as turned to his side to block out the sunlight only to come face to face with green eyes making him jump out of bed as he could hear giggling.

"Did you really have to do that Clair?" He asked sitting up on the floor as he looked at the donkey on the side of his bed as she had a grin on her face "And how did you get into my house without a key?" He asked annoyed.

"To answers your first question, yes I did. And I picked the lock." She said placing a pin in her hair "Anyways, I've made breakfast." She said walking towards the door.

He sighed as he made his way into the bathroom to begin his day. He looked at himself in the mirror as yawned.

"Hurry up! You don't want your breakfast getting cold!" He heard Clair yell making him sigh again.

Once he finished up in the bathroom he made his way down the stairs as he saw his two sisters’ both chatting and laughing.

"What's so funny?" He asked walking into the kitchen.

"Hello Nighty, I see you finally decided to come and visit with us." Sunset said trying not to keep herself from laughing.

Night glared at Clair as she busted laughing making Sunset laugh as well "Really? You had to give her my nick name?" He said sitting down and looking at the meal in front of him.

Clair managed to get herself under control as she wiped a tear away "Of course! It's something Sunset her needed to know!"
Night rolled his eyes "I hated that nick name."

"You don't hate it! You always liked it when I use to call you that." She said wiggling her eyes making Night blush.

"That's when I was younger!" He said crossing his hoofs.

"Why do you hate being called Nighty?" Sunset asked.

"He hates it because he uses to have a crush on me." She said grinning making Night eyes go wide as he wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and die.

"H-He use to have a crush on you?" Sunset asked surprised.

"I was young! And she was the only girl that even talked to me!' He nearly yelled.

Clair giggled "It was cute, he would stutter and act all shy around me, our parents never found out about his crush on me but I did." She said remembering when she found out about his crush on her "It was so sad when I had to let him down, It was heart breaking to see him break down in tears."

"I did not cry! I-I had dust in my eyes!" He said glaring at Clair as he crossed his hoofs.

The two chuckled "Wait till Twilight hears about this." Sunset said as Night's eyes went wide.

"I hate you both." He said sticking his tongue out at the two "So, where’s mom and dad?" He asked looking at his Clair.

"They would have come but Dad’s gotten sick.... That's the reason I came here in the first place." Clair said looking down onto the floor "T-The doctor's say h-he has cancer."

Night blinked as he felt a sting in his heart "W-When did they find this out?"

"Couple weeks ago, h-he's right now in the hospital." Clair said looking at Night "I know you have a job and your fiancé to be with... but I really need you to come back home with me."

Night looked at Sunset then back to Clair as he knew what he must do "Let me go talk with Twilight and Luna, they'll need to know about me leaving. You can come with me and meet Twilight and her son."

"I've been wanting to meet thing mare that managed to steal your heart." She said chuckling.
Twilight looked around her home.

"Spike's working and Blaze is at school...... Night's asleep.... What can I do till Blaze gets out of school?" She sighed as she walked through her empty house.

There came a knock at the door making her smile "GUESTS!" She quickly rushed towards the door. She opened the door to see her good friend Applejack.

"Hey Applejack! What brings you by?" Twilight asked with a smile.

"A-Ah need ta talk to ya." She said.

"Come in, I'll get us something to drink." Twilight said allowing her friend inside as she went to get them some drinks.

Applejack took a seat on the couch as she seemed to have her mind somewhere else.

Twilight returned with some apple soda as she took a seat across from her "What did you need to talk about?"

"A-Ah'm pregnant."

"W-What!? That's amazing!" Twilight's eyes were wide "OH CELESTIA! We're both pregnant!" She said getting excited "Matt's going to be so happy!"

"T-That's the thin', A-Ah don't know if Matt will be so happy about this." Applejack said as she felt the tears forming.

"Applejack," Twilight said walking over towards her "Matt will be extremely happy, He loves you."

She watched the tears run down her cheeks "A-Ah know Matt loves me, b-but t-there’s something ya don't know about him.... H-He's immortal."

Twilight blinked in shock "H-He's what!? What do you mean!?"

"H-He's been around for a thousand years." She said "A-And he's a human like Blaze."

Twilight's eyes were even wider "HE'S WHAT!?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing "W-When did you find out he was a human?"

"H-He told me after our fourth date." She said blushing "At first Ah thought he was just joking around, b-but he showed me his form and told me his whole story."

"And you didn't tell us?" Twilight asked getting mad.

"A-Ah would have told ya but.... H-He asked me ta keep it a secret." She said "A-Ah didn't want ta keep it a secret from ya but.... When he said everypony Ah cared about would be in danger and that he'll have ta leave and never return," Tears ran down her cheeks "A-Ah can't lose him!"

"You won't Applejack, He'll stay with you because he loves you." She said trying to cheer her friend up.

"Y-You don't know him like me, once he finds out Ah've told you about him... He'll leave to protect us." She said breaking down into tears.

Twilight pulled her friend into a hug "We'll go talk with."
Applejacks mind was in deep panic as she worried Matt would leave an never return.

The memories of how they met came flooding into her mind.

The train heading back to Ponyville was long and Applejack grew tired of the long train ride, after the defeat of King Sombra and the Crystal Empire has been restored to its former glory.

Yet after what she had been through made her want to be home and be with her family.

As her mind wondered how her family were doing since she's been gone.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" A stallion asked the mare making her jump "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He said.

"I-It's alright. No this seat ain't taken." She said allowing the stallion to sit down next to her.

"Names Matt, what's yours?" He asked looking at her.

"Applejack, nice ta meet ya Matt." She said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too. So, are you heading to Canterlot or Ponyville?" The stallion asked.

The two talked for hours making the long ride seem like mere minutes.

When it came time to depart, Applejack gave him her address and each day she would receive a letter from Matt from somewhere in Equestria and soon their letter's became love letter's as the two did nothing more than just tell each other how much he loved her and how she loved him. This went on for about three months, and then one day the letters just stopped and she began to worry. Did he die or did he just stop loving her. With no sign of any letters from the stallion she loved, her hope began to die. Till she heard a knock on the door, her mind was in a panic, she hoped it was the post office telling her they had overdue letters for her that they forgot or got lost in the mail. But to her surprised it was none other than her stallion with flowers in his mouth and chocolates in his hoofs.

He explained to her why he hadn't written to her in a few days and she was happy to know it was due to being high up in the mountains and away from any nearby towns.

And for about two years now they have been a happy couple. He retired from searching the world for ancient treasure and settled down in the small town of Ponyville and took a job working alongside her.

The memories began to fade as she saw her boyfriend by the barn as he was unloading the wagon. He noticed the two as he gave them a bright smiled and waved.

"Please don't let him leave." She thought as she fought back tears as she saw his big smile.
To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

Here's the next Chapter! Enjoy! :pinkiehappy: