• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 18,066 Views, 383 Comments

Prince Blaze Sparkle. - Phantom Writer

Princess Twilight Sparkle finds a baby human in the garden and raised him as her own son with the help of her friends and family she will learn just how much this baby human will change her life forever.

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Chapter 7. Talking, Luna, Flash

Chapter 7. Talking, Luna, Flash.
Blaze wiped the tears from his eyes as he looked into the water.

"Mind if i join you?" Blaze looked to see a stallion. His coat was a light blue as his mane was a dark blue.

"S-Sure." Blaze said scooting over.

The stallion sat down next to Blaze as he looked out onto the pond "Names Night Shimmer, What's yours?"

"B-Blaze, Blaze Sparkle." He said looking at Night Shimmer.

"Nice to meet you Blaze Sparkle. What brings you out to the garden this late at night?" Night asked as he looking at Blaze.

"J-Just needed some fresh air." Blaze said "W-what about you?"

"Needed some fresh air." Night said "It's been pretty busy lately."

"It must be, Princess Luna is on a trip." Blaze said. Blaze notice Night had a confused look on his face "What's wrong?"

Night shook his head as he looked back at Blaze "N-Nothing is wrong. Yes, It has been busy with Princess Luna gone on her trip." Night rubbed the back of his neck "What's the real reason your out here?"

Blaze looked back at the pond "I-It's nothing."

"You sure? I think i could help you out." Night said.

"I-I was at a family reunion and they were calling me it or thing... They were whispering when they said it but i could still hear them." Blaze felt the tears returning.

"I see, I can relate."

Blaze looked back at Night shocked "You can?"

Night just nodded "I was raised by donkey's."

"Y-You were raised by donkey's?"

"Yup. My Mother, Father, Sister and Brother were donkey's. I was the only pony in the town and i was made fun of all the time." Night said as he picked up a rock and skipped it across the water "Even some family member's didn't like me."

"W-What did you do about it?" Blaze asked.

"At first i wanted to hide in my room and never come out." Night skipped another rock then looked at Blaze "Then i learned to not let their words get to me, I had family member's who did love me for who i was and friends that cared for me. Just remember, No matter what happens in life, You have family and friends to always be there for you to help pick you right back up."

Blaze smiled as he watched Night skip another rock across the pond.

"Did i manged to help?" Night asked.

"You did."

"Good, Now." Night stood "How about we get you back to your mother, She must be worried sick about you."

Blaze eyes went wide "Mom's going to kill me!"

"Worst thing is you are grounded for a month." Night said "You look tired. How about i let you ride on my back?"

"Okay." Blaze climbed on to Night's back as they made their way back into the city.
Twilight huffed as she walked down the street's of Canterlot.

"T-Twilight? Are you okay?" Spike asked.

"No! I am not alright!" Twilight snapped "My son is missing! Those stuck of ponies calling my son it and thing!"

"Did you have to throw one of them across the room just to get your point across?" Spike asked.

"YES! If i didn't do what i did, They would have kept stepping all over my son! He's done nothing to them!" She said as she notice the guard ponies in the sky "I hope i manged to get the guards out quick enough."
Night walked down the street as he saw Princess Twilight Sparkle walking down the street with her dragon friend "I found your mother Blaze."

Blaze looked over at his mother "S-She looks mad."

"She does, But i highly doubt it's about you." Night said as they made their way towards Twilight.

Twilight looked at Spike "We have been all over the city... Where could he be?"

"Mommy!" Twilight looked up to see her son running towards her. Before Twilight knew it she felt Blaze arm's wrap around her leg "I'm soo sorry for running away."

Twilight hugged him back "Don't you ever do that again! You had me worried sick about you!" She had a few tears run down her cheek as she held her son.

"I'm so sorry!"

"I-It's okay." She said as he continued to hold her son. She pulled away "Your grounded for a year for running away."

Blaze frowned "You were right Mr Night."

Twilight blinked and looked up to see a stallion with a dark blue mane and a light blue coat standing there "Mom, This is Night Shimmer, He helped me find you."

"Thank you for finding my son." Twilight said "How can i ever repay you?"

"Don't need to repay me, Just knowing he's back in his mother's arms is all i need." Night said with a smile.

"Are you sure i can't repay you?" Twilight asked.

"I'm sure." Night said. The bell rang as Night's eyes went wide. He looked at the clock tower to see it was midnight "I have to go! You all take care!" He took off running as he made his way back towards the castle.

Twilight blinked a few times as she watched the stallion take off running.
Luna sat in her room as she read through her book.

She heard the bell rang. She looked at her clock "It's midnight... Where is Night?" She thought as she looked towards her door "He's never this late." She stood as she made her way towards her door. She opened the door and stuck her head out as she looked down the halls "There he is."

She watched as the stallion came running up towards her as he was out of breath "I-I'm sorry (Gasp) i-i'm late." He said.

"It is alright, Whatever kept you from coming in on time, It must have been important." She said she allowed Night to enter her room.

"It was." Night said as she followed her inside "I'm kinda surprise to see you here."

"What do you mean? I'm always here." She said as she took a seat in her spot as she reopened her book.

"Well, A little birdie told me you were on a trip." Night said with a smile as Luna raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

"And who told you that?" She asked.

"Prince Blaze."

Luna quickly looked back at her book "He must have been mistaken."

"That's what i thought when he told me you were gone."

She quickly looked back at Night "You didn't tell him i was still here did you!?"

"So, She told him a lie... Naughty Princess." Night thought as his smile grew bigger.

"Did you tell him i was still here!?" She said getting up as she glared at Night.

"I told him you were gone, I figured had a reason lying to him."

Luna was glad he told him she was still gone. She sat back down in her spot as she went back to reading "I have a very good reason."

"Mind telling me?" Night said as he took a seat next to her "After all, I think your assistant needs to know these things."

Luna took a deep breath then exhaled "I told Blaze i was going on a trip and i wouldn't be able to visit him in his dreams for awhile."

"Why?" Night asked.

"The reason i'm doing this is... It's because of Twilight."

Night could see sadness in her eyes as she looked blankly at the book "What does Twilight have to do with you not visiting Blaze?"

She looked over at Night "She asked me to leave her son alone after i told him to kiss this filly her met at school."

"And she got mad about it?" Night asked.

"Yes, She sent me a very angry yet detailed letter." Luna said looking back at her book.

"Well, This was the worst time for you to go on your fake trip." Night said as he looked at Luna.

"And why do you say that?" She asked looking back at Night.

"Blaze was out in the garden crying."

Luna's eyes when wide 'Who made him cry!?" Night felt anger coming from the Princess of the Night.

"He was at a family reunion and they kept calling him it and thing and he ran to the garden." Night said.

Night could still feel the anger coming off the Princess "How dare they! They will know fear when i am done with them!" Luna's eyes began to glow.

"WAIT!" Night yelled breaking Luna out of her trance "I talked with Blaze and told him about my past. I had family member's who did the same thing to me when i was little. And i heard Twilight thrown one of them into a wall."

Luna blinked "Twilight threw one?"

"Yes, She throw a pony into a wall." Night said.

Luna looked out into the night sky "Then she has everything under control."

"Maybe you should talk with her." Night said "You seem to really care for Blaze if your willing to spread nightmares into these ponies dreams."

"She wouldn't want to speak with me." She said as she stood and made her way towards her window.

"She might after what happened tonight." Night said following her "She might want you around her son more."

Luna closed her eyes as she felt the night air blow through her mane.

"It never hurts to ask." Night said.

Luna opened her eyes and looked over at Night "I shall, If she is still here tomorrow i shall speak with her."

"Good." Night said as he made his way over towards the door "Since that's out of the way, I'm going to go get some work done, I'll be back with all the paper's you'll need to sign."

Luna looked back out at the night sky as she watched the many lights of Canterlot slowly die out.

"Maybe she won't be as angry with me as she was with her letter." Luna thought as she watched the last light in Canterlot go out.
Twilight sat in her living room with a cup of coffee as she watched the morning sun being to raise.

"I see somepony is up early." Twilight looked over to see Shinning standing there.

"Just have a few things on my mind." She said as she looked back out the window "I see Cadance let you back in to her room."

Shinning took a seat next to his little sister "After what happened last night, She forgave me." Twilight chuckled "What's on your mind kiddo?"

"Nothing that you need to worry about." She said taking a sip of her coffee.

"Are you sure? I could help out." He said.

Twilight looked at her brother "I've got into a fight with Flash before coming here."

"You did? What did he do that made you two fight?" Shinning asked.

"I found out Luna told Blaze to kiss that filly i told you about, And he said it wasn't any harm and at the time i was really angry... I yelled at him he tried to keep calm and it got to the point where I said I didn't want to see him anymore." Twilight looked away from her brother as she looked into the cup in front of her.

"Maybe you should apologize." Shinning said "If you were the one that said you didn't want to see him anymore, You should be the one to apologize."

"I know... I just don't know... This isn't the first time we fought like this." Twilight said looking back at Shinning "It have fights here and there and they get pretty heavy to the point he walks out. He always comes back..."

"And he didn't come back this time." Shinning said.

Twilight just nodded as she looked back at her cup "I-I don't know what to do." Shinning notice the tears making it's way down her cheek.

"Maybe this is a good thing." Twilight looked at her brother with a shocked look on his face "Before you bite my head off, Hear me out." Shinning said raising his hoof "If you two are always fighting like this maybe you two should take a break, And try to figure out why you two keep fighting."

Twilight looked back at her mug as she thought over what Shinning told her.

"M-Maybe your right... Maybe we should take a break from each other." Twilight looked back at her brother "Thanks."

"Any time kiddo." Shinning said as he gave her a hug "Now, I'm going to go make breakfast for Cadance... You want something?"

"I'll take you world famous pancakes."

"A stack of my famous pancakes coming right up!" He said making his way into the kitchen.

Twilight looked back out the window "I better go speak with Celestia about getting Flash resigned back to Canterlot for awhile."

"I smell pancakes!" Twilight looked towards the stairs to see Blaze running down the stairs.

She watched as he son run into the kitchen "And i think i'll bring Blaze with me, I know he'll want to visit Luna while were here." Twilight took a sip of her coffee as she got up off the couch as she made her way towards the kitchen.
To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoy this chapter, I have been busy playing Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and GTA 5. I have been taking breaks just so i can write but it's hard when there is so much to do and so little time in the day to do it. Anyways, Tell me what you think! :pinkiehappy: