• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

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Tenth Move

Tenth Move
Memento Mori I

Nesting Hold castle
Griffrenhiem empire

The crowd before the imperial palace had finally dispersed, and Xavier was taking a well deserved nap. This meant that for the time being, the Pokemon had to communicate via writing and translator, the latter being Shredder.

She was currently passing messages between Victoria and Weiss, particularly concerning their sudden departure. The former human had at least been able to explain to her his reasons before Xavier had to go to sleep. "I need to go to this ‘Hall of Legends," he said. Victoria wasn't that surprised as she thought that a LOT of Pokemon and denizens of Equus would like to have a talk with this 'god' about their current predicament, herself included. But she would have to wait for another time, as her empire need her first.

"I am sure Celestia will call for a meeting eventually," she said to herself.

She agreed to lend Checkmate a cargo ship, instead of the luxurious flagship for their transport, which according to the deck's records would set sail in a couple of hours. Personally, she would have preferred it if they had used a more proper vessel, but their haste made it impossible. Thus it was agreed that the mercenaries would depart later that night.

With that subject settled, the mercenary leader and his second in command proceeded to explain about their god to the Empress...at least as much as they could with their limited knowledge about it.

"But if he is so powerful, why didn't he deal with those 'umans' before?" Victoria questioned, having been taught what a human was as well.

"Human," corrected Shredder. “With an 'h', in the front. As for why, I presume he didn't want them to repeat whatever they did before that allowed them to keep him away for so long."

Weiss then said something and Shredder translated. “'Besides, human technology is in many ways similar, if not superior, to the magic that is present here. Because of that, if Arceus tried to fight mankind as a whole, humans would no doubt fight back with all they have. They may lose in the end, but the battle itself would leave no victors.” At this, Weiss let out a tired sigh.

"I see, so you think he decided to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed,” Victoria nodded. “But then why not send the humans to another world instead?" she asked.

"I think he focused on the quickest option," Shredder replied. “Not to mention the humans may try to return on their own, or start harming the next world they end up in. What do you think they would see in a world with magic?

"If most of them are as you describe them to be, then I assume they will have little concerns about recreating their slavery over here."

As a former human, Weiss felt bad about the current topic, but precisely because he was a human and knew most of the human world's darkest secrets, he knew humans would eventually attempt to assert themselves as the dominant species of Equss, whether the inhabitants liked it or not.

"Then why bringing some humans to this realm as well?" the regal Griffin asked again, as they had also explained about the humans turned Pokémon, as she had figured it out based on part of Arceus' speech.

Again, Weiss explained through Shredder's lips. “I think it was either to award us for some reason, or to prevent humans from looking for the Pokemon, as those who stay behind most likely saw them as mere tools or mere animals. I doubt that would entirely work though. Humans are curious by nature, and loving Pokemon or not, they would like to know what happen to them. It’s just a matter of time.'"

"Let's hope said time is eons away," added Shredder at the end.

"I suppose I will have to wait for a proper meeting with this god of yours to know for sure," Victoria sighed. "For now we must prepare things for your departure, so if you’ll come with me."

At her order, both Bisharps followed the Griffin ruler to a different chamber, a small group of guards behind them, while the rest of Checkmate proceeded to grab some gear as well. Meanwhile, Roll staying with the non-mercenaries: Daring, Anzu and Surskit. The Rabbit Pokemon was quick to make herself an acquaintance with the latter, mostly because she knew about them from the previous world and mostly to annoy the yellow Pegasus, which was currently with them mostly to provide some company to the sleeping Xavier, whom they were all guarding.

"Things have turned really hectic, haven’t they?" Anzu said, voicing her concern. She was still finding it hard to believe that not only was Arceus a real god, but that he was the cause of all this.

"At least we now know what happen and why... almost at least," Roll pointed out. "And we also get to see my hottie of a girl kicking some ass. Didn’t she look gorgeous back then?"

Anzu and Surskit chuckled at the Lopunny's subtleness. "I see hearing god's words wasn't that impressive then?" Joked the now Frogadier.

"Of course it was," retorted Roll. "It was thanks to him My Shredder could show off as she did!"

"... love blinds," thought Surskit out loud. Roll in return just nodded.

"They sure seem to be enjoying themselves, huh?" Daring idly asked the shiny Pokemon, who started to grumble in return.

"So..." ventured the small bug-type with a hint of shame and curiosity. "H-how did someone as energetic as yourself end with someone as stoic as the Bisharp, miss Roll?"

The Rabbit Pokemon had to suppress a 'DAWWW' by the cuteness the little Surskit showed with her bold question.

"If you want to know that much then I guess it can't be helped, but I must warn you," warned Roll with a playful tone. "It's a long, sad and scary story little one. Do you think you can endure it?" Despite using her usual sassy tone, the look on Roll's eyes told them clearly that she wasn't joking.

With an audible 'gulp' Surskit nodded as Anzu placed her close to her chest as both got comfortable so the girls could hear the story, as none could deny their curiosity.

"Very well then..." Roll started to narrate.

This goes some years back, when I was a little fluffy Buneary who lived a pleasant life with her mother. Back then life wasn't as exciting as it is today. In fact, I would say I was quite spoiled back then, as you see, I was the daughter of a very famous Lopunny actress of Pokewood. There was hardly a person, or Pokemon, who didn't know about her. She was all over the cover of magazines, constantly appearing on popular variety shows, always being the face of all glamorous publicity.

In case you are wondering; yes, my dad was also some famous boxer Pokemon. I inherited the elemental punches from him, but I didn’t really know him. The thing between him and mom was mostly some publicity affair, however the love my mom gave me was 100% real, I can assure you that.

She constantly kept me close to her, filling me with lots of hugs, kisses and gifts as well constantly teaching me how to behave, tutoring me about how to pose and speak, kindly guiding me in her world, hoping I could learn from her example and follow her footsteps. Of course I was more than willing to become the next super star of Pokewood and shine brightly in the sky, if it weren't for her fans, or more accurately: her 'biggest fan.'

Fans were always after her. She didn't mind it though, 'the price of fame' is how she used to call their constant harassment. However, her manager and a couple of bulky bodyguards kept them at bay.

Thus we never feared them unless they were paparazzis. That was too naive from our part.

One day, going back from an audition in location, my mother and I boarded the appointed transport to get back to the city. That was the last time anyone heard from us.

It took us a while to realize it, but once the driver took us on a different route, we knew something was wrong, he didn't dare to look back or say anything to us, no matter how hard my mother and her manager scream and hit at his window. Finally, he delivered us to some secluded mansion somewhere on the mountains.

As soon we arrived a group of thugs and their pokemon surrounded the car, the driver then stormed out of it, grabbed a envelope from one of them and left as fast as he could. I was too young to understand what he just did, but mom and her human friend sure did; he had just sold us to some kidnappers.

If only it was just that.

We were then 'guided' inside the mansion, where a skinny human with shiny skin waited for us, a crooked smile crossing his face like a Gengar about to devour someone's dreams.

He presented himself as some rich someone, I don't remember clearly, but what I do remember was the title he loved to bestow upon himself; my mother's biggest admirer.

He then 'invited' mom to have a date with him at his home for an indefinite amount of time, my mother obviously refused and her human friend angrily vent her discontent towards him.

"You think you can just kidnap someone to date you?" She raged, "well I am sorry to pinch your bubble, but no amount of money can keep us here for ever! Kat we are leaving!"

She determinedly hold mom's hand and start guiding her out, only for one of the thugs to suddenly put a gun's nusle at the back of her head.

"Eh...?" Was the only thing the thug let her say as a sudden explosion made her whole body limp and fall to the ground.

I instinctively turned my head away of the noise and was about to turn back when my mother held me tightly on her chest, stopping me from doing so as I could felt something dripping over my head, her tears.

The slimy human started to scream at the thug, "what the hell have you done!? This wasn't part of the..."

"No matter how rich you are, you couldn't hold her or the Pokémon here if someone in the know" retorted the thug with a cold but sadistic voice.

"Don't call her just a Pokemon!" Shaped the skinny human, apparently getting over that rather quickly. "But then what do you suggest me to do?"

The thug laugh and replied "there was a terrible car accident at the skirts of a mountain, no one survived, that is all the cops need to know. You can always pay off whoever starts asking."

I could feel how my mother's body trembled as the humans continued their talk.

"But what about the driver?" Worriedly asked the skinny human.

I then hear some footsteps walking away and the sound of a bigger gun been loaded, "No. One. Survived," emphasized the thug.

From then on, we become hostages to the skiny human and his thugs, at first he was surprisingly polite, giving us a courteous treatment and serving us with the greatest of treats. As the child I was, all of that seemed like a dream come true, however my mother thought way differently than me. She spent most of her time with the skinny human constantly praising her beauty, she merely smiled at his comments with grace, however, and despite my innocent obliviousness, I could clearly see how the human was a revolting being for her.

I often found strange how the human never brought a translator to their chats, it was as if he preferred to have those fancy talks with my mother in his head instead of actually knowing what she was truly thinking.

In the end that was a good thing, since he couldn't notice how mom constantly glanced at the windows, memorizing the thugs and their pokemon’s patrols or how she kept a knife from one of the meals or how she stole his keys one of the times he played to hug her.

That night she grab me and attempted to run away, we made it out of the mansion but mom was constantly slowed down by a spoiled brat; me.

If it wasn't because of my constant whining and complaining, we could have made it to the city in one night, but instead we were quickly cornered and brought back to the skiny human a couple of hours later, and he was no longer nice with us from then on.

I lost track of time.

I was placed on a cage somewhere in the basement, while mom was chained to a bed in the room before mine, and I could see her every time someone opened the door, and could hear her and the skinny human fight each night. I... I just can't describe how it was to see my mother deteriorate so rapidly each time that door opened... her once brilliant fur become dull, her toned shape become limp and weak, her shining eyes were now lifeless.

However, she somehow managed to notice me and give me a warm smile, that alone helped me to avoid having those same eyes.

Time went by, it could have been weeks or months, I couldn't know, but it seemed the human was no longer pleased with my mother. I could hear him say something about her being too limp now, the mere thought caused me disgust. Then the sadistic thug took me out of my cage and threw me into the room my mom and the skinny human were in, I could notice how my mother tried to protest about something but she was too weak to do that.

Her silent argument made me look at her more clearly, she was malnourished to the point one of her eyes was permanently dulled, her fur was raspy all over and her bones could easily be seen on her skin. The lashes on her arms and neck left blooded bald sections caused by the friction, and yet, her thoughts were aimed towards me.

I was too distracted with her to even listen to what the humans were talking about, but we all turned to look at another thug who barged into the room with a couple of Mightyenas beside him, he said something about an assault.

"By who? How many?!" Demanded the sadistic human, to which the other thug couldn't reply, "Guard the door!" Demanded the sadistic thug and the other obeyed, although he seemed to know that wasn't the best option.

The skinny human crumbled on the situation, constantly asking what was happening and what would the thug do to fix it. The thug slapped him on the face.

"If you don't want to go to jail for your perversions, you better start picking up a gun and shoot whatever tries to get in here!"

The skinny human lay on the floor speechless, only to crawl toward a safe box in the room and clumsily open it.

As he was doing that, the thug took out a "T" shaped gun out of his clothes and load it, a sonorous 'ka-shin' coming from the small killing machine as the sound of screams started to be heard over the ceiling, the rest of the thugs let out a single shot only to be silenced right after.

The humans in the room sweated heavily as the screams became fewer and fewer, making the sadist aim his gun at the door and the skinny one take an expensive looking gun out of his safe box.

And then a single whimper could be heard from outside the room, apparently from one of the Mightyenas, followed close by large blades coming through the wood walls at both sides of the door, the sharp edges covered in blood.

The remaining humans froze at the sight, on the other side we could now hear the dying noises of the beings nailed at the wall, as well the lone sound of someone's footsteps, slowly closing to us. The sound stopped before the door and the silent remained on the room for a minute, the only thing I remember to hear was our collective breathing.

Then both blades disappeared from the wall.

This seemed to bring the thug out of its stupor, as he unleashed a rain of bullets from his weapon into the door, which was quickly filled with holes as the magazine run empty, yet the thug changed it quickly and emptied it again like before, leaving Swiss cheese for a door.

He then dropped the gun and took out another pistol to the fight, stiffly pointing at the door as he walked towards it. He kick it open and burst outside, looking for either a corpse or someone to shot at. Yet he found none. Confused, the thug walked out, only for a black silhouette to descend from the selling, grabbing his neck and twisting it in one move.

The sadistic thug made a sonorous 'plop' as he hit the ground while the silhouette silently landed on it.

Another human, covered with dark clothes then entered the room, a collection of knives hanging over his body as he took a look inside, his presence scaring the skinny human who had troubles loading his gun.

The new comer only give him a cold glance before drawing one of his knifes from his gear and threw it at the skinny human's direction.

With a gurgling noise the skinny human tremble some moments on the ground, slowly going into a stop.

The human with the knifes then turn his gaze to my mother, he suddenly let out a curse as he proceeded to release her. Once the neck was free, her body limped all over the bed, being unable to even stand.

"...Xavier, I found her." Said the human, "Keep everyone upstairs."

He seemed to receive some sort of answer as he continued to talk.

"They don't have to see this. Yes she is alive, but I doubt this can be call as such..." he glared at the human lying at the other side of the room.

"I'm afraid we arrived here too late." Said the voice of a female pokemon as cold as the human's.

"I ordered you to stay upstairs Shredder."

The female Pokemon didn’t reply as she entered the room. She was a creature around my height, seemingly dressed in red and black body armor with blades for hands, coldly looking at the scene beneath the bladed helmet she had for a head. "It would be more merciful on our part to end her suffering now."

She raised one of her blood stained 'hands' and pointed at the pitiful creature that was my mother.

"..." the human seemed to be against the idea, so I thought he was a good human, that he would save my mother and take her to a doctor, that he will- "I will do it."

My heart stopped at that moment that word was said, but erupted the very instant the slim Pawniard and the black human take a step forward. I jumped and placed myself before her and my mother, angrily glaring at her as I charged both of my fist with fire. "Don't you dare to harm my mother!" I exclaimed.

Both killers seemed surprised at my sudden appearance, the human placing his hand over his temple, while the dark-type looked at me with disdain.

"What good will that do her?" She coldly asked. "She is nothing more than a husk waiting, no; wishing to end its time in this world! And you want us to let her like this?"

"Shut up!" I screamed back, "All we need to do is take her to a Pokemon center and she will be..."

"Don't be a fool!" retorted Shredder. "It's a miracle she still breathes, and even if we miraculously save her life, do you know what kind of hell she went through? She is beyond the point of no return!"

"T-then why didn't you come here sooner!?" I exclaimed back. "You guys are here to save us right? Then why couldn't you do it right away?" I could see my sight getting blurred because of my tears, "Why does mommy have to die because of your laziness?"

"You are right, we got here late, but then I ask you..." she then placed herself before me, completely ignoring my flaming fists, "Why didn't you save her?"

I frozen on the spot.

"You are here, valiantly demanding us to have come here sooner, then why didn't you use that strength to do something in the first place?"

The tears flowed and flowed at each word she said. It wasn't because I thought she was right, but because the sudden memory of my whining ruining my mother's escape wormed its way into these events.

"If you are so afraid of living," she coldly finished while standing just millimeters away from me. "Then don't you dare decide over death!"

The human silently let us argue, but now that it seemed things had settled down, he drew another knife from his gear and took a step forward, only to stop as he saw something incredible for him.

My mother, somehow in her current state, had raised herself from the bed and brought her weak body over us, tangling her thin arms around us in a cold hug as she whispered, "You have to keep living..." yet those weren't her final words. "Ple-ease... t-take care... of...h-her..." and then she fell to the ground, a deep wound pouring blood out of her chest.

I couldn't fully comprehend what had happened, so I turned to look at the Pawniard, who looked as shocked and confused as me, while my mother's blood dripped from the blade on her forehead.

Then, I passed out.

Despite the weight of the story she just told them, Roll seemed to be surprisingly calm. Needless to say, her audience wasn’t. In fact Surskit was currently crying, though Roll thought that it was better than being terrified, like she was a few minutes ago.

"What happen after that?" Asked Daring behind her, much to her surprise, she quickly noticed Xavier was currently chewing some food in the room. "You didn't part ways with them. That much is obvious," continued the Pegasus.

"How much did you hear?" Inquired the Lopunny.

"Around the 'no survivors' part, although the beginning was a bit blurred since Xavier wasn't fully awake yet."

Roll frowned at that. She didn't liked to share her personal stories with just anyone, Surskit being an exception due to her cute factor (and Anzu by addition), but still she continued. "... I woke up the next day at the mercenaries' place, some camp in the middle of the woods."

They explained to me how they were contracted to look for my mom and me, but not by the company mom worked for, but by my dad. Somehow he managed to make his own managers look for us, as he didn't believe the accident story.

I have never met the guy, but somehow, that moment made me think his moment with mom was more than just a ruse.

Still, being a Pokemon, it took him some time to convince his humans, but he managed to in the end.

"Your father also said he would be more than glad to have you with him," explained to me the leader of the mercenaries, which I think you know who he is by now. "But first things have to settle down. It seems your mother's company was quick to collect her inheritance and keep it to themselves, so you suddenly appearing in the picture would just be painting a bull's eye on your back."

"... s-so..." I doubtfully asked, "What do I do now...?" The mercenaries looked confused, but it was then when a known voice suggested.

"We can take care of her," I turned to glare at the Pawniard, but she kept her gaze up and continued, "We were paid to keep her safe weren’t we?"

The human, who looked more calm now without all of his knifes, thought over her idea, before coming to a decision. "It would be the best option, but I won't deny there would be some bad blood between us, so what do you say Missy?"

My glare was still locked on the dual type, a single idea on my mind; revenge.

"I'm okay with that..." was all I answered, and thus, I became Checkmate's temporal member.

"And that was how we first met," finished Roll...with a grin, much for the girls’ confusion.

"Wait-what!?" Exclaimed Daring. "But if you wanted revenge, how come you ended up all lovey-dovey with her?"

Anzu, Surskit and the guards in the room wondered the same thing.

Roll then gave them a sly smile as she finished. "Don't be greedy. That is another story, and you will have to wait for me to be in the mood to tell you the rest."

And so, she left them all in suspense. What a prick she is, isn't she?

On the other side, Shredder, Weiss and Victoria had discovered Xavier was back on duty along the way, and were now discussing about what she wanted to show them.

"With you in Equestria, communication would be troublesome at best, so I’ve come to the conclusion that your group is worthy enough to use one of the Empire's greatest assets."

Both Bisharp were about to ask what this great asset was, when they arrived at a heavily guarded room, the words 'emergency messagery' over it's door.

"This is the express mail room," explained Victoria as they entered said room, a collection of fire goblets in it. "In it we hold one of this word's greatest mysteries: Dragon's fire."

The Pokemon didn't seemed impressed, as to them dragon fire seemed to be no different than regular fire.

"I don’t know how this is in your world, but here it is imbued with magic properties, some of which are still unknown to us," the Empress explained as she deduced the reason behind their reaction, although she kept the part about how the Griffin knew little about Dragon’s Fire to herself.

"So this can help us to communicate then?" asked Weiss as he gave the fire a more respectful gaze.

"Indeed. You see, these goblets have been created to serve for delivery. All I need is to bind one of the clean ones to you and I will be able to send you parchments instantly."

Victoria looked proud at these words, but again the mercenaries didn't seem to react much. "So these are magical beepers then?" deadpanned Shredder.

"It's some of the technology we had on our world," explained Weiss before the Empress asked. "But still this will be very useful. We can discuss events in real time no matter the distance. That will sure be helpful."

Victoria was pleased by Weiss' words, but she seemed a bit embarrassed by one point. "Yeah, about the discussion part," She really felt dumb thanks to the next words she had to say. "It only works on one side."

The blank stare both Pokemon gave in return made her feel worse. Fortunately they didn't last long.

"I guess we can't ask for much," finished the leader as he shrug it off.

Victoria made a mental note of asking lord Xavier about the humans' technology when she could. It certainly seemed useful. "Anyway, please lend me your hand, Lord Weiss."

The former human obliged, and offered the Griffin ruler his palm, which she quickly stabbed with a small and thin knife. Apparently it also had the side effect of allowing her to relieve some stress.

Weiss on his end, kept his composure like a pro, despite the fact that he was inwardly screaming. Too bad neither females could hear him anyway. "S-what was that for?" Asked the Bisharp as he examined his hand, oily blood coming out of the wound.

"Something from the intended recipient is needed in order for the goblet to track you," explained Victoria.

"I see," commented Shredder. "Blood being a good link as it holds part of the soul."

"Actually, some hair or feathers would do just as fine, but I see none on you so..." the Empress shrugged with a smile.

'At least I was used to relieve some stress...' mentally cheered Weiss to himself as Victoria dropped the blood from the dagger into one of the goblets.

"It is done," was all the Empress said with a smile.

Author's Note:

First background story from one of my guys!
What do you all think...?

Pokemon of the day:
