• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

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Eighteenth Move

Eighteenth Move
Free Time

The Friendship Express
Halfway to Manehatten

The group left Canterlot far behind them as Celestia began to raise the sun. That itself was a good sign as she seemed to keep up with her duties despite the sudden visit the mercenary leader paid her and her security staff.

"Then we flew off into the night!" the clothed pokemon exclaimed. "I firmly believe they could learn a thing or two out of this." Said Weiss full of himself as he finished to narrate what had happen last night, for the fifth time.

Apparently, the way things went down make the former human quite happy with his current body.

"We heard you the first time," Retorted the tired mare with foggy red eyes glaring at him. "Not to mention I WAS THERE!"

"Is it rare for us to have such a rushed plan working as expected with so little problems?" commented Char, who didn't seem to mind how little sleep his leader had put them through.

"If you call been attacked by the guard a little problem, then you all have quite an ego" Gold commented from his seat across the hallway. "Then again, the mere fact you were caught shows just how little you know about sneaking around" he smugly added to the end.

"Oh, so what would you have done then?" Weiss asked with curiosity as Daring groaned over her seat.

"I would have set some distraction to take most of the guard’s attention" proudly suggested the Golduck.

"But wouldn't that make them aware of the ruse once the distraction was over?" inquired the mercenary.

"I would be done and long gone before any guard had a chance to catch me" Gold replied in his Trottingham accent.

"That is an interesting idea and all, but we were supposed to keep things in a footnote." Retorted the Bisharp.

"Well in that case I would have-" the agent began again with more pride, only to be cut short by a glaring Togekiss.

"In case you gentlemon have forgotten, allow me to politely remind you" the Fairy-type coldly added. "We had a very exhausting day just yesterday, and I am sure most of us are really, REALLY in the need of a few good hours of sleep. So if you two don't mind, will you please shut up already?!"

The last part was mostly for Weiss, who merely gulped and nodded.

"Y-yes ma'am..." And so the group could sleep calmly for a couple of hours as the colorful transport they were in took them further away from the capital of Equestria and closer to its biggest metropolis.


A cloaked figure made its way around the expansive collection of hallways that acted as a protective maze of its lost city. And despite the sudden surge or Pokemon all over Equus, the stone hallways were completely devoid of any kind of living creature. Not even moss grew on it.

There were no death traps or ghoulish guards keeping others at bay; only a simple but powerful spell which implanted a simple idea into the minds of those daring to enter: leave. The idea was enough to keep anything away. And the maze took care of any smart being trying to fight against it.

Yet Tlaloque didn't have to worry about it since the enchantment only worked on living creatures.

A few Ghost-types been the only exception thus far; they seemed to be resistant to the spell as they seemed to be devoid of life. However, the lack of anything of interest gave them little reason to push forward, and the maze did a proper job keeping them off limits.

It smiled at the sight of the city's defenses still functioning, which brought back the memories of when the city was still alive, when he and his family ruled this and so many other lands unopposed.

"Those times... I will bring them back..." Tlaloque said to himself.

The ancient had to admit that talking to itself was a something it saw as a mere odd mortal habit. Yet, somehow now it began to do it somewhere in the distant past, much to its own shame and displeasure.

"Mother will fix it..." He continued to talk to himself. "Once they are all back in their rightful place."

It proceeded to move along the desolated ruins in silence for about an hour or two. Finally reaching a small temple, or at least what seemed to be the remnants of one. Despite the still activity of the spell keeping any living being at bay, things like time and weather continued to claim what lied inside of the city, especially since Pegasus Ponies couldn't stop by to keep the skies clear.

Tlaloque paid little interest to the ruined appearance of the building. 'The slaves will fix it in due time,' he thought.

Another silent hour of slow walking later and the hooded one found what it was looking for.

A round room filled to the brim with hundreds of quartz pillars in all sort of fashions. Some pointed up, others come from the ceiling, many more sprout from the walls, yet there was not a single pillar that was exactly the same as another, each one pointing in a different direction or had a different size. At the center of the room stood a single lone tribune, it's symmetrical shape contrasting with the rest of the rather chaotic room.

Tlaloque walked toward it and looked around the room as it conjured some words in a language Equus had likely forgotten. As each phrase left the hood, the quartz on the room began to glow slightly and vibrate gently. Each piece slowly consumed energy from the very core of the city and turned to face the plane they were designed to look at.

"Over eons of search for a way to bring back the good days of old, to reclaim what was taken from us! Only to grasp at nothing but straws again and again... But then... Then you came here..."

With a motion of the clay staff, one of the pillars shone brighter and from it a creature could be seen running across some unknown grassland. It was quite similar to a Pony, save for its lack of a Cutie Mark and its blazing mane.

"You Pokemon come to take the lands..." continued Tlaloque with the monologue.

Another pillar began to glow and revealed what appeared to be an armored sea jelly roaming some oceanic deep.

"... the seas..."

Another pillar, another glow, another image: a brown bird with a crest larger than its body soared the clouds.

"... the skies..."

A final pillar show a red and yellow creature similar to a duck with flaming like down emerging of a pool of boiling magma as if just come out of a jacuzzi.

"... and even fire itself."

The images changed from time to time, showing a different Pokemon with each change.

"You can have them if you want." Chuckled Tlaloque as the images changed at an increased phase.

"After all, you just give me the opportunity I been aimlessly lookingfor so long."

The images were now a blur. One could hardly make head or tails of what the pillars were showing.

"Providence has brought me this chance I so desperately needed. I must act carefully and don't let it go to waste..."

The flashing unintelligible images from the pillars began to change once again, showing what appeared to be some other scene from somewhere else on the world, yet unlike the previous ones, the new images seemed to be blurred.

"It would be bad for me to be caught by this god of yours." Drily pointed Tlaloque as he looked at the pillars.

One showed a gigantic mechanic crab destroying some city. Another revealed an Equestrian wasteland. Another one showed a world ruled by two adorable overlords. Yet another displayed Manehatten covered on ice. Other show a great war between Pokemon and Equuslings. Other a prosper and bright future.

"But I must thank for the chaos he himself has brought, as it gives me the one opportunity I have looked for in an eternal lifetime."

The images show many and various events which could be or could not be, as Tlaloque was currently looking at the infinity of possible futures the world of Equus had. Needless to say, the possibilities grow exponentially since the Pokemon exodus took place.

"After all..." said the cloaked figure with a sinister and demonic grin, "it’s unfair for only one god to see into the fate lines."

And so Tlaloque continued to gaze upon what fate had in store, trying to figure out and predict the right moment to act, yet a single pillar was showing something different, something that was far more interesting: the past.

"Now, why don't we get to know each other better, lord Arceus?"

Griffinheim Empire
Nesting Hold Castle

Shredder had enjoyed the last night tremendously, but now was time to go back to work. And that of course meant she had a couple of Griffins to pluck around until the day they could withstand a proper, or at least decent, fight with her. Needless to say that was still a far day yet to come.

However, today was special.

Today she had a chance to have the Empire's very first Pokemon recruit in the form of a shiny Lucario. Or at least that was the original plan as Jack Walker was nowhere to be found that morning.

"Just who does that sneaking bastard think he is?" Protested the female Bisharp as she look over her trainees. "I thought Rangers were more dependable than this!"

"He may be a bit intimidated by you, my lady." Replied Linza with her gentle tone.

The few guards close enough to hear the little discussion couldn't stop to nod in agreement, and flutter a bit at the clawmaiden's melodic tone.

"Nonsense!" Proclaimed Shredder as she hit the ground with her hilted sword. "Even it that was the case, that doesn't justify him for ignoring a direct order from the empress herself."

Despite her rude methods of training, the Griffins under her tutelage had to admit that Shredder had developed an admirable respect toward Victoria, even though she had been under her contract for barely a week.

"She clearly commanded him to show his worth to by taking a test on this morning’s exercises," the Steel-type protested, "so that she would consider aiding him with this Ranger branch of his."

"We can't deny that is very rude from him," Linza replied, "but he did show to have a kind heart last night, so he may be thinking over the departure of the Rocket's troupe."

The night before, and right after their great performance, the group decided it was best to try new lands before rumors of their past life made traveling across the rest of the world impossible. Thus they took a late night air ship towards the Equestrian kingdom, after having thanked Jackie and Victoria for all they made for them.

"I remember such events clearly Linza, because I was there" Shredder retorted coldly. "And yet here I am, still waiting."

"Well, you are quite an 'adamant' individual my lady, so I could only say you are a special case." The clawmaiden replied, causing the soldiers to nod once more.

"Hmp." Shredder snarled, although she seemed flattered by Linza's words. "A slacker, that is all he is."

"Maybe so" admitted a blonde Lucario as he strolled over to them with no sense of haste whatsoever. "Or maybe I had my own doubts about her Highness' request."

The mercenary turned to the Lucario while arching an eye. "I see someone finally decided to arrive” Shredder exclaimed. “And why would that be?” she asked in reply to the Ranger’s comment. “I thought you wanted so badly to start your branch of the Rangers so things would be 'under control' once you all regrouped. What has brought such change of mind?" explained and questioned the Bisharp.

"I do want to get the Rangers in top shape, no doubt about that. Especially since Arceus himself has explained how we seem to be staying here for a while." the Top Ranger stated in reply. "Not to mention other Top Rangers like Spenser, Abby, Joel and Professor Hastings will most likely do the same. But I don't see why I should prove myself over a mercenary whose loyalty depends on the amount of money they are paid."

Shredder didn't need to question Jackie's resolve anymore, she knew it alright. The Ranger must have heard about her and her guild from back on Earth. That didn't surprise her though, in fact she was expecting something like that. They weren't saints, after all.

"I see. But still you are here. Why?" She asked again.

"Because the same reasons we heard last night" the Lucario explained. "We no longer have jurisdiction here. So you guys have a whole clean slate and rep." However the harsh look in his eyes didn't change. "But that doesn't, and will never, erase the things you and your team have done."

Jackie was so into his argument with Shredder at this point that he didn't notice the glares coming from the Griffins around him, Linza included. As crazy and tortuous as her training was, Shredder never showed the slightest sign of disrespect towards any of them. She had earned their respect fair and square, and the Griffins weren't just going to listen happily while 'one of their own' was foul-mouthed by some stranger.

"So you are saying I am not worthy of your time then?" Shredder asked calmly, with a slick smile crossing her lips.

"No, you are not" clarified the now Fighting-type. "But the Rangers are. So give me whatever test you want me to go through and let's finish this for once."

"Very well then." Shredder began. "If that is what you wish." She then looked away from Jackie and towards her Griffon. "Private Alberich! One step ahead!" She commanded.

Right away, a lone young-looking Griffon did as he was told.

"Her highness decreed you should prove your worth by showing us what you are capable of, so I can determine if your suggestion should be considered. Well then: show us what you’re capable of." She stated calmly, way too calmly. "I will proclaim you worthy for her Highness' aid if you can best him in battle." She placed a trusting arm over the Griffin's shoulders as she said this. "Is this good enough for you?"

"Whoa, whoa!" Jackie exclaimed. "I am here to pass your training, not to beat-up your boys. No offense."

"None taken." Alberich replied, although his eyes said otherwise.

"True, but you claim I am unworthy of your time, so I presume my training is as well." She calmly replied. "Then just prove you are better than my training and I will personally ask Victoria to assist you."

The Lucario couldn't stop to look at Alberich with a bit of pity. The boy had a lion’s rear which still had its cub fur and a eagle front filled with chick feathers all over. The fight was damned to last just a few minutes.

"Sorry kid, this a chance too good to let go." And with nothing else to say, Jackie took a fighting stance.

The rest of the group jumped back and gave them a good space to fight, the only ones remaining were Jack, Alberich and Shredder. The last slowly walked around the Griffon ring whilst stating "There is only one rule: there are no rules. Also, don't kill each other."

"Isn't that a second rule?" Asked Jackie with confusion.

"That was no rule." Shredder calmly said as she too took her place among her trainees. "That was a command." She coldly smiled and finally shouted.


Jackie was the first one to move, his already fast Pokemon body being even faster thanks to his natural agility.

The Ranger preferred indirect assaults and surprise attacks, but right now he wasn't in the right spot for that, so he only dashed towards the Griffon and pretended to throw a punch at him, only to jump past him and aim another hit at his back.

'Sorry kid, but today isn't your day.' He thought as he landed behind the Griffon and prepared his next punch.

Yet he never managed to land it.

As soon his paws hit the ground, Alberich had kicked the ground as well, throwing sand directly into Jackie's eyes while crunching his front close to the ground, barely avoiding the Lucario's attack, safe a few lost feathers.

"Ah! Sand Attack!" Cursed the Ranger as he rubbed his eyes.

The Griffin didn't let go of the opportunity as he grabbed a clawfull of dirt and punched Jackie right on the jaw with it as he exclaimed.

"Steel is weak to Ground!"

The punch wasn't as painful as a real Pokemon move, but was enough to make Jackie realise how weak his new body was to the element.

"... and to Fighting!" Alberich exclaimed again as he grabbed Jackie from both shoulders, spin over his own back, kick the Lucario on the stomach and threw him high into the air.

The Ranger hit the ground with a sonorous ~crash~ and a cloud of dust. Seconds later, however, Jackie dashed out of the dust cloud in a burst of surprising speed. With it he landed a good punch to the Griffon's face, which much to his surprise was quite sturdy.


He had hit the helmet by mistake, but he didn't let go of the opportunity just yet. He grabbed the head gear and pull it down, covering Alberich's eyes in the process.

"Ah! You cheating coward!" He shouted as he lost a few good seconds to readjust his helmet.

"What?" Jackie retorted with a grin. "There are no rules remember?" And so he used his earned seconds to place both paws together in front of him and channel the energy his new body was famous to control.

'I only hope this doesn't blow-up in my face again.' He thought as the Aura Sphere charged.

Alberich finally removed his helmet out of his line of sight yet he only had just enough time to react as a blue ball of energy was fired at him.


Another cloud of dust erupted from the collision. Meanwhile Jackie smiled.

"Alright, I got it to hit something this time...!" Only to realize he just announced his last move was all thanks to luck.

The dust finally dissipated to reveal a still standing Griffon, his large wings covering his front just as his claws beneath them.

"I thought that would have hurt more" replied Alberich with a grin of his own.

"Tch," cursed Jackie, "forgot he’s a Flying-type."

"It's ineffective then?" Commented Linza with confusion at the edge of the 'ring.'

"Your kind doesn't have types" Shredder stated beside her. "That attack had enough force to end the battle properly." She was now also smiling. "Yet Alberich performed something similar to a Pokemon move called ‘Cotton Guard.’ He used his feathers to absorb most of the impact, leaving him mostly unscratched."

The fight seemed to resume as she finally added. "That was a great show of quick thinking."

The Ranger didn't knew if he could pull the same move without it blowing up in his face, so he relied on another move he knew that just happened to be quite fitting for his personal fighting style.

"Extreme Speed."

And then the Lucario became a golden blur of lighting which bolted all around the arena. Hardly visible for most of the spectators and even less visible for his current fore, who couldn’t keep his gaze fixed on him. Taking advantage of this, Jackie began to deliver a flush of hits every time he passed beside Alberich, the latter unable to anything but hold his cover the best he could. Yet he still felt the sheer amount of hits taking their toll on him.

The rest of the trainees did an excellent job keeping their expression as neutral as possible, yet they all thought the match was settled.

"It’s not over yet," the trust-filled voice of their instructor stated. "If he has such a good battle instinct, then he already knows what to do." The Griffin look at her in confusion.

Alberich seemed to have been on the receiving end for too long as his wings began to shake,until they finally fell to his sides. Leaving him wide open.

Jackie didn't let go of the chance, and wanting to about hurting the brave soldier more than needed, he dashed to hit him right on the jaw.

"Sorry kid, nothing personal" he apologized as he appeared before Alberich, a glowing paw aiming to ram into the young one's face. Yet at the last moment, Alberich moved his face and body towards Jackie, avoiding his Power-Up Punch and heatbutting him in the process.

As the Ranger felt the pain on his face, he could also felt how a couple of claws grab him from the sides as a young voice said "Sorry sir, but this is very personal."

And with a mighty roar fitting of Entei himself, Alberich jump a good meter off the ground, raising Jackie over his head and then slamming him against the ground with a sonorous crash and a small tremor. Jackie hit the ground with his back and was disoriented by the impact, giving Alberich enough time to flap his wings once more, gain a bit more of altitude and finally body slam the Lucario in wrestling fashion.

Then there were only silence as Alberich did his best to stand up and not fall over from exhaustion. Finally a voice was heard.

"F-Flying... Pre-ess...?" Muttered Jackie with a sad smile as he slowly lost consciousness, and the fight was over.

The Griffins then exploded in cheers as they congratulated the the young Alberich.

"Good." Commended Shredder as she walked towards the victor. "You missed Fire as one of his weaknesses, but you took a great advantage of the sky, another type he is weak to." She instructed and praised with a serious smile. "A formidable first fight."

"Ma'am! Thanks ma'am!" Alberich replied with a broad smile.

Shredder then added "You can take the rest of the day off, Private Alberich. You earned it." She then turned to Jackie and gave him a glance, only to turn to her Clawmaiden and exclaim "Bring a medical team here to tend his injuries." She then walked away from him and added "And leave him this message for when he awakens..."

Jackie woke up in the middle of the afternoon, a killer headache been the first thing to welcome him as he found a small note beside his bed.

Petition denied. I expect you tomorrow morning for training for now on until you prove worthy of her Excellency's aids.

Ps: Be punctual.

Shredder of Checkmate.

The Lucario only sighed, and then cursed his headache.

The Friendship Express
A few hours to Manehatten

The group slept soundly in their own seats, each one doing its according sounds as they traveled the lands of Cresselia, or rather Luna as the fact was from now on. They each had their own unique dream which keep them entertained on the long way towards Equestria's largest city.

The plan was simple: get there, get whatever Daring would use, get back on the train and then get to Las Pegasus. Then they would worry about Tlaloque.

A simple plan alright.

Yet none of the mercenaries could stop to wonder: and once we are all done, what else is there for us?

They had been through so many events since their abrupt arrival that they had no time to think about their future roles in this world from now on. Or at least everyone but Xavier and Weiss. The former had a mind great enough to think on such subject while beating the crap out of someone. Weiss on his side wasn't as lucky.

He had been thinking what his team, his family, would do with their own lives now that they seemed to be no longer needed. He ultimately decided to let go of anymon wishing to leave. Weiss didn't liked the idea, but the facts of the matter were quite clear to him.

Not to mention Checkmate was currently being employed by the Griffin Empire, so they would most likely have a secure job for quite some time. Yet that wouldn't hold those wanting to go, and Weiss knew very well who would love to take the opportunity for a better life; not to mention the rest of the team would begin to have similar thoughts now that they had the opportunity to do so.

He only hoped that in the end they could all keep in touch once they made said choice.

And thus, Weiss and co. continued to drift into their dreams. Unaware of what the future had in store for them and finding comfort in the unknown.

Author's Note:

So freaking sorry this take so freaking long to do. Also I have another bit of bad news: I will write a blog about them to keep this short. Anyway, finally I am fleshing out a bit of my villian, yay! now I hope I can properly use him.

Editors notes:

SK789: There’s not much to say about this one as it’s mainly a transitional chapter, an in-between point that exists only to set the stage for future developments, and it does a pretty decent job in that respect. Although I have to admit that the fight scene was pretty good and it was great to see how Shredder’s “Training from Hell” is paying off for the Griffins.

Evowizard25: If I had to say anything, I’d say this was a rather good filler chapter. A little characterization, a fight, and an insight to our villain. Nothing major, but it does build up to what’s about to come. Overall, great work so far.

Who's that Pokemon!
(Name by Thewriter133)
