• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

  • ...

Twenty Fifth Move

Twenty Fifth Move
New Challenger

Las Pegasus
San Palomino Desert

“So how is it there is a temple, fabled to be filled with treasures, still sealed and untouched despite its proximity to a large metropolitan area?” Xavier asked with curiosity as he flew as fast his four Hyper Beams allow him.

As soon the team had a course set, taking the air route was the best option to reach the relatively close ruins. Although it was slightly cramped for most of the team since the only ones able to fly where Daring, Valerie, Edge, and Xavier (the latter two being the only ones able to carry the others).

Luckily though, Roa, Char and Simon were fast enough to keep up from the ground.

Which still left a very crowded back and head to Edge and Xavier respectively.

“I told you, the place has some sort of magical barrier,” Daring replied back. “Many explorers and magicians have tried to open the damn thing countless times, yet we haven’t been able to even scratch it.”

“Scratch?” inquired Weiss with curiosity from Edge’s back.

“Some attempts included the use of explosives and destruction magic,” Do replied once more while the memory of a mushroom cloud passed by. “A beautiful sight for sure, but not even that was enough for the doors to open.”

“One heck of a security system then,” acknowledged Char from within the mind link. “But how do you know the place has anything to do with the character we are after?”

“Most of Ahuizotl’s lairs, and Tlaloque by extension, have a common appearance and construction.”

“Let me guess, this place and those lairs share an architectural style,” said Weiss.

“Judge for yourself,” said Daring back while pointing at an approaching mountain range.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as they approached the mountains, then a certain pattern on one of their faces began to become more and more defined. A building was erected within the rocks, yet as the later had a reddish tone, the ruins host a grayish color instead. It seemed to be made of various terraces and stairs. However, and despite the magnitude of it, time seemed to be the only things capable of bring down some of its former glory.

“You bunch, and dear additions,” Daring announced, “Welcome to the ruins of Timbisha!”

The Pokemon world had its own share of ancient ruins left by lost civilizations with styles so different and varied as the Pokemon themselves. Even the building before them was slightly similar to a few ruins from there. Yet the shape and decoration the carved stone had was something a bit special, as a portion of the team could tell they have seen something similar not too long ago.

“Nesting Hold’s caves,” said Pancha, which surprised and scared those who didn’t know, mostly because Pancha of all mons knew something they didn’t.

“That’s right,” said Daring, and then explained “The ruins there weren’t sealed though so they weren’t that much of a mystery, but no one ever knew for sure what was in that place, only when Tlaloque meddled with Terrowind’s coup attempt could we find out about the direct connection with the castle. It’s quite interesting you know; this means there could be a connection between the young Griffin country with an even older civilization. The implications alone will…”

Daring’s small lapse of anthropological discovery was cut short by a wagging tail before her muzzle.

“No offence there, but we have other matters to worry about remember?” Edge said as gently as possible.

“Right, Tlaloque! Sorry, I just find that discovery very transcending,” the explorer said as if she were trying to defend herself.

“We get it,” said now Weiss. “It’s good to know you have something to be properly passionate about besides tomb raiding.”

“Thanks,” Daring said with a sheepish smile only to snap right away. “Hey! I am no Lara Trot!”

A ‘evil’ smile was all Weiss gave back.

“... Anyways, let’s get down.” Daring finally said while landing.

The place was a cleaner version of the same mountain the team had awaken close to, the position of some of the ‘caves’, which turn out to be some sort of hallway entrance, were in the same places, although sturdy-looking doors made of rock blocked the way in all of them.

“Okay, we’re here and I see no way to sneak in,” Gold said as he scrutinized the structure.

Greninja and Simon looked around for any way to get access to the ruins, even trying to dig their way through it, yet the place wasn’t damaged in the slightest. Simply put, there was no way inside.

“Now what then?” Valerie asked as she keep Surskit close to her, whom then added...

“Well, I doubt this Pony person will use any of the main doors to get in, how about we look for something less ‘door-y like?’.”

The team was silent for a moment.

“Edge, would you kindly?” finally asked Weiss with a slight tone of defeat.

“Be back soon!” the Noivern proclaimed as she left for the ruins.

And there was silence again for a short while, and then...

“A child's intelligence is proportionally relative to their innocence,” Xavier rationalized.

“Said the supercomputer who couldn’t reach the same conclusion,” Weiss replied.

Griffenheim Empire
Nesting Hold Castle

The empire was, despite the upcoming world summit, quite calm within its own hetich way. All over the castle were servants running around, moving documents, preparing the ship and troops so the flag ship could leave on time and with the proper comforts for Victoria and her retinue.

The Empress herself was quite busy as well, finishing any important matter which may need her attention and leaving the proper instructions for the ones she will leave in charge in the time being.

However, the atmosphere was the same as always. Every Griffin moved at a proper pace, making the scene an organized chaos.

“I must admit her Highness seems very used to all of this commotion,” acknowledged Shredder besides Grizelda as they keep a respectful distance from the ruler.

“Most rulers have it this way, especially when sudden things like this call for their attention,” explained Grizelda with a bit of pride herself. “They can’t just leave without having everything ready.”

On her end, Victoria seemed to have finished another bunch of paperwork and then turned to the talking duo with a slightly tired and annoyed expression.

“Lady Shredder, I won’t blame you for keeping yourself useful by not hindering us, but I will thank you if you wouldn’t give my clawmaiden an excuse to skip her duties.”

“My apologies you Highness,” said the busted clawmaiden in a docile tone, something none of those present thought possible or believable. “But I just so happen to have finished my duties. It’s not my problem your important agenda keeps the Empress more busy than me.”

Grizelda pointed at a tea car already on the way with tea and pastries for the right time, and right now Victoria had to admit it seemed to be a good time for a brake.

“One of this days Grizelda, you will find someone who isn’t as patient as me,” the Empress said in a defeated tone as she waited for her tea to soothe her tired nerves.

“And what makes you think I will ever go and look for someone away from your side, your Highness?” the young Griffin teased back.

Victoria simply chuckled.

“Lady Shredder,” she said, “I hope you have chosen someone to look after your team once we departure. We only have a couple of days left before we leave for Equestria and I would hate to turn back because any of us forgot something.

“Rest assured your Highness,” the female Bisharp replied, “I have left Sargent Alberich in charge.”

“Ah, right.” Victoria seemed to remember. “The young one, are you sure we will be able to handle the pressure?”

“That is something only he can answer, your Highness,” replied Shredder. “For now, I trust him and that is more than enough for me.”

“I see you hold him in some high regard,” Victoria pointed out as she placed her teacup down. “If it wasn’t for Miss Roll, I would say you have some ‘special interest’ on him.”

The mercenary couldn’t stop to blush at the insinuation, yet Shredder keep her expression the best she could.

“I-I will thank her Highness to refrain of making such kind of jokes.” A fast sigh latter, she was able to properly explain herself. “I only happen to see a bit of myself on him.”

“So you were a frightful pile of nerves on your youth?” Asked Grizelda with curiosity.

“Not at all!” Modestly replied the female Pokemon. “I was top of my class, leader of hunting excursions and daughter to the group’s alphas.”

“And you are the more serious one,” Grizelda said mostly to herself.

“If that is the case, then what makes you see yourself on someone as green as Alberich?” asked the now curious Empress.

“He seeks to be the best, no matter how difficult the odds may seem for him” Shredder calmly explained with proud .

“I think I can relate to that.” Admitted Victoria as she lean back on her chair, a far off memory of a young Griffin just learning the ropes of ruining a whole Empire by her own roaming on her mind. “None of us come to this world knowing how to perform.”

“Speak for yourselves,” the clawmaiden proudly interjected. “I always knew I was made for greatness!”

“Then is a good thing you don’t have much ambition,” joked the Empress. “I thank your hard work though, never doubt that.”

Grizelda give a bright smile in response.

“But enough chit chat, there are still things which require my attention,” Victoria said as she returned to her work. “I recommend you to the same Lady Shredder.”

“I was about to leave anyway your highness,” the Bisharp replied. “I think I have left Alberich to suffer long enough.” She added with a smile as she left, which in turn only left both Griffins confused on the study.

“... and these require you to read and sign each and every one of them,” Linza stated as she left yet another bunch of papers into an already full desk.

“BY SIGFRID’S MIGHT! WHY IS THERE SO MUCH PAPERWORK FOR ME TODAY!?” screamed a very exhausted sub-leader behind some still large piles of paper.

“Shouldn’t we help?” asked Jacky in a hushed tone, not too convinced of his own proposition.

“Nah,” replied Ulfric. “He needs to learn the ropes and form some leading character. Besides, I don’t want to suffer tendinitis,” he added at the end while Alberich continued to swim around the fort of paper.

San Palomino Desert
Timbisha ruins

It took Edge a couple of rounds to echolocate the entrance to the temple, a small cave-like corridor barely large enough for them to get in. This and the indestructible nature of the stone left the Noivern and Metagross out of the incursion.

“Was this here before?” asked Weiss as he and Simon examined the tunnel leading inside and looking for any signs of potential traps.

“Definitely not,” replied the explorer, doing the same on her end. “The place has been scrutinized hundreds of times over hundreds of years. I think even something like a small cave would have been noticed before.”

“Well, I see no marks of someone going out, but there is definitely someone inside,” Char acknowledged as he examined some hoofprints in the dirt.

“We’re not alone then,” Weiss stated as he turned to Edge and Xavier, as well Valerie, Sylveon and Surskit whom were also being left behind for their safety. “Stay focused, we may not be the first ones to come out.”

“Keep close and in contact at all times,” said Xavier as the team ventured further into the tunnel, the mind link slowly getting weaker as they did so. “I won’t be able help once you are deep inside.”

“We will dear, don’t worry,” replied Rouge. “I could place a vine around everyone if we need to.”

“Is this really necessary?” asked a confused Roa.

“Have you ever gone hiking niña?” asked back Pancha. “Hikers use that for safety, or so they say.”

“We could also got lost in the darkness,” added Simon. “Besides you and Greninja, we don’t have night vision.”

“But it will also reduce our mobility,” finished Char as he brought up the rear. “So let’s stay together at first and avoid having to resort to that.”

“How many foes do you guys think we’re up against?” asked Simon with excitement. “Two, four?”

“There is only one,” Gold stated matter-of-factly. “A unicorn, in fact.”

Then there was silence. Surprised silence.

“...what?” Asked the PLA spy. “I have learned my share of information from this world.”

“Care to share it with the rest?” Added Weiss.

Gold had to be thankful to the increasing darkness, as his smirk couldn’t be seen by the rest.

“Well, if you notice the hoof prints from the start, they were perfectly aligned and had no other trails, that alone tells us is only one Pony.”

“True,” admitted Xavier from an almost broken mind link, but then inquired. “But how about a Pegasus? One could be following through the air.”

“It could be, but the dirt hasn't been moved anywhere else, that rules out anyone flying alongside him.”

“Point taken, what about the Unicorn part?” Asked then Weiss.

“Have you seen or smelled any sort of soot?” Gold asked in reply. “Whoever came before us must have used something to light their way, and the only kind of pony capable of doing that by themselves are Unicorns,” Gold finished with a cooky and prideful tone.

“Well, I’ll admit it: that was impressive,” Rouge stated with a matching tone.

“Elementary my mercenary captors,” Gold boasted. “The best tool of any spy worth of the title isn’t dashing looks and daring personality, but his quick learning and brilliant mind. Having to learn things like this on the go is something innate for me. Thus rendering the deduction of our rival into a nimiety.”

“Or it could be a Batpony walking,” finished Do with an uninterested tone.

“... a what again?” asked the Golduck with a lost tone.

Some minutes later

“This is boring…” said Pancha after yet another long yawn.

“Well there is nothing to see to keep us entertained, literally,” added Rouge. “Roa, dear, are you sure this is the right way?”

“Eep!” exclaimed the Illusion Fox Pokemon, not used to be talked to when she was tracking. “Ye-yeah, the track is very easy to follow.”

“I doubt it would be,” continued Weiss with a tired and bored tone, much similar to Pancha’s. “I mean, besides us, that guy is so far the only one who has ever entered this place right? It would be almost impossible to cover your track in such ground.”

“True,” added Char a bit lost in thought. “Almost impossible.”

Suddenly, the group could notice a faint light appearing on the distance.

“Show time everyone.” Weiss stated in a hushed tone. “Keep your voices down and walk as silently as possible, Greninja, you go ahead.”

As a soft breeze, the Ninja Pokemon left the group while the rest made as little noise as possible, expectant of what could possibly be waiting for them. A moment later, Greninja returned.

Er ist gesturing us to join him,” communicated Roa.

“Huh?” asked Weiss as he did as told, finding his comrade in a large, torch lighted, room with a couple of other hallways around, yet no signs of other living being. “Okay, this is puzzling,” the leader admitted.

“So this guy went out through another route then?” asked Simon a bit disappointed.

“Maybe…” Char said, still absentminded.

“That seems to be the case,” Rouge added right away. “It seems we have lost our only lead.”

Weiss sighed. “We were too late then.”

“Not all is lost,” said Daring as she made her way toward a sort of altar at the other side of the room. “We can at least look for clues and find out what did Tlaloque sent for.”

“That is… almost out of a Police novel,” admitted Gold.

“We do work for a writer so it isn’t that far-fetched,” commented Rouge.

Daring, followed closely by Weiss, inspected the altar. It was slightly similar in design to the one they had seen in Griffonheim, however this one didn’t seemed to be a tool of sorts but a mere pedestal designed to guard three unknown objects.

Emphasis on unknown as only one of them was still there, one of them was empty and the other one had a big rock fall on it, destroying whatever once was atop it.

“Any idea of what this is?” Weiss asked with curiosity.

“I think I can translate these glyphs…” answered the explored while pulling a book note out and compared the inscriptions of the stone.

Meanwhile, Weiss examined the remaining item.

Is seemed like some sort of stone-like pod engraved with even stranger glyphs, barely bigger than Weiss’ hand. “This seems ominous don’t you think?” joked Weiss while pointing at the item.

“Yeah, it has ‘trap’ written all over it,” admitted the explorer.

“De veras?” barged Pancha in as she took said item, much for Daring and Weiss’ horror. “Because I don’t see crap on this thing.”

“Are you bucking nuts!?” Yelled Daring.

“You do realize who you are asking right?” replied Weiss as he looked around franticly, on the lookout for anything to move.

“What’s going to be, a trap door? Spiked walls? The place collapsing in on us?” asked Simon with very little dismay, in fact he sound very excited about it. “Oh! I hope it’s a rolling boulder, that one is a classic.”

The rest of the team, however, wasn’t so enthusiastic, as they awaited for something to be triggered.

Yet nothing came for them.

“Raro,” added Pancha. “That was easy.”

“So you did it on purpose!?” Exclaimed Daring again.

“Of course not… I just sort of wanted to see what happened,” she shamelessly replied.

“Anyway…” said Weiss as he took the item from Pancha’s claws and give it to Daring. “Think you can see what this is?”

Still mumbling under her breath, Daring grabbed the item and give it a look.

Meanwhile Pancha was sent back with the rest.

“Well, that was boringly easy,” she proclaimed.

“Besides having jinxed us all…” began Rouge with a tired tone, “What do you mean by that?”

“This is supposed to be an old important temple right?” she asked, to which Rouge nodded. “Well, wasn’t there supposed to be traps, guardians and hard stuff to do like in the movies?”

“Now that you mention it dear,” Rouge acknowledged. “This was a bit too easy… and now I have jinxed us all.”

“Traps?” Inquired Roa. “There were traps all the way down here.”

“Wait-What!?” shouted Weiss from his end. “And why didn’t you tell us? We could have activated one on accident!”

“S-sorry!” she quickly and meekly apologized. “B-but…”

“But?” Simon inquired.

“Most of them were disarmed,” she explained. “Wires cut, buttons jammed, trap doors plugged. It was almost as if someone cleared the path.”

“More like someone cleared the path for US,” Weiss thought, only to be distracted by Daring.

“Holy Grail filled with first grade cider!” Daring exclaimed.

“Interesting analogy,” said Weiss. “You discovered something?”

“This thing here is the Wand of Guidance!” she replied with excitement while showing the item to Weiss very closely, as right on his face close.

“You sure?” He asked with little annoyance. “Because it doesn’t seems too ‘wandy’ to me.”

“You don’t understand, this is one of the three great Tartarian relics!”

“Aha… sorry, but I’m still lost here,” Weiss shamelessly admitted.

“Ugh!” exclaimed Daring with annoyance. She knew most Ponies had no way to know about such things, let alone the Pokemon, but she really hated having her explorer’s drive cut short like that. “This, alongside the other two relics, the Sphere of Calling and the Orb of Imprisonment, are said to be able to bring any kind of spirit from the land of the dead to our realm!”

“Cool!” said Simon. “But why did this Tlaloque guy take only one?”

“How am I supposed to know?” sincerely replied Daring.

“And how can you claim this thing is what you say?” Asked Gold with curiosity.

She, in response, pointed at the pedestal and ‘read’ “Beware those who look beyond our land, as for they can bring chaos to this kingdom. May this guide them to the right place.” She then pointed to the inscription of one of the other pedestals. “May this one take them home,” and then the last and destroyed one. “May this keep captive those who desire to ruin our world.”

“Will you look at that, an ancient weapon with its own instruction manual included,” joked Weiss as he give the Wand a look.

“Legends said these things could bring or send spirits with the Sphere, control them with the Wand and trap them with the Orb.” Finished Daring.

“None of those things sound very good,” Pancha pointed out.

“True, but the legends also state they required absurd amounts of power to be used,” she explained. “Aparently, the Sphere needs an amount of magic equal to what the Princesses use to move the Sun and Moon for a week.”

“They do what?” asked Simon in confusion.

“The Orb is speculated to require a sacrifice to work,” Daring continued while ignoring the Subterrene Pokemon.

“You think that is the one Tlaloque has?” Asked Weiss at the sound of the word ‘sacrifice.’

“I doubt it, some texts said it’s a self-sacrifice,” the mare replied. “Not to mention it was the one crushed by the rock.”

“So he has the Sphere then. What good is it for him?” Inquired Weiss again.

“I don’t know.” Admitted Daring. “Current magic spells can do summoning way safer and easier, not to mention spirits are hard to control on their own without the proper tool.”

“Which they, for some reason left.” Added Weiss as he examined the Wand. “... unless.”

“Unless?” Asked Daring, a bit worried by Weiss’ change of tone.

“Unless they wanted us to find it, not to mention to get here safely and get this thing out of the pedestal.” The mercenary processed as he remembered the ‘lucky’ events they have been through; the itme been left alone, the trapps been removed, the sealed temple been open, the sudden report of Tlaloque’s assistant.

Then he noticed.

“How did Rich know about this assistant?” Weiss urged Daring.

“He asked a friend of his,” the explorer replied confused.

“And how did that friend know in the first place?” he urged again.

“He said something about having seen him at his place just this morning and that he…” Suddenly, Daring seemed as concerned as Wess. “That he told him he was going to try his luck on Timbisha.”

“It’s a trap!” Weiss proclaimed as he looked around, waiting for something to come for them.

“What do you mean?” asked Gold in confusion as he and Roa were dragged into a circular formation.

“We weren’t lucky to get here, we were brought here, guided,” explained Weiss, still looking all over the place.

“B-but why?” asked Roa in confusion, who unlike her PLA comrade had her claws and senses ready for battle. “What would someone win from us.”

“I don’t know…” He then looked again at the Wand. “But it had to do with this thing…” Then he noticed something else. “Wait! Where are Char and Greninja?”

A moment of silence followed where everyone looked for their friends, arriving at one simple conclusion: they had gone.

As he noticed this, the mercenary could feel something vibrating on his clothes, the book he had just acquired. On it he found a single line to which Weiss could only exclaim the smartest thing he could come with.


Timbisha Ruins
Deep inside

“Such a slave-driver of a boss I have,” a white unicorn complained to himself as he awaited. “Promises me a good fight and then orders me to place a trap instead. Where’s the fun in that?”

The unicorn continued to ramble to himself as he placed some spells all over the pillars and columns on the room.

“Placing explosive spells to bring this place down and then retrieve the other relic, such an amazing job this one is…” the unicorn placed the last of the spells and turned up. “So you better give me some fun mister sneaky Pokemon.”

“My, my,” said Char as he landed before the unicorn. “My apologies about that. I normally leave those kind of tactics to other members of my team. But I must admit I was curious to see what kind of person would take so much trouble to luring us like this.”

The Unicorn chuckled at Char’s words and whistled at his shape.

“Ain’t you a frightening one! Not only in looks but in brains as well,” said the Pony with a respectful tone. “It was the traps, right?”

“A red carpet would have been less obvious,” Replied Char as he walked around the Unicorn, who did the same.

“It wasn’t easy, you know?” explained the latter. “I may have been told where to find those things and how to disarm them, but the spells in this place keep the damn things not only in pristine state but they were also hard to tinker with. I think you and your team own me a thank you.”

“I am certain we do,” said Char politely as he keep his claws up, meanwhile, the light on the unicorn’s horn glowed brighter and brighter. “After all, not only have you given us such a warm welcome, but you will also give us information about your boss.”

“What do you want to know?” asked the unicorn with a sincere tone. “It’s a jerk, a plothole, a jerk, an inconsiderate bastard, a jerk, a damn ambitious son of a Dog…” then he turned around and aimed at the entrance Char had come through and blasted the rocks above it, sealing it. “did I mentioned a jerk?”

“Tsh…” Char cursed under his breath. “So you knew where I came from?”

“I did leave the path you and your friend followed after all,” the unicorn proudly replied. “But for now, I would like to have a private party. No friends allowed.”

“You and our friend Gold will get along just fine,” Char teased while a strong sneeze could be heard from the now collapsed tunnel. “But I have to admit I am impressed. To think this place could be damaged this low makes it seems as this place was meant to be used as a trap.”

“It does, doesn’t it?” admitted the unicorn. “Quite useful. But I am afraid you have a little misconception, you see: this place can’t be damaged, the mortar on the other hoof…”

At these words, the unicorn fired another blast of magic at the ceiling, dropping a huge boulder directly at Char. The Bug-type had a second to decide to punch the rock or avoid it, his instincts told him to dodge, but his pride told him otherwise as he threw a powerful Bullet Punch to the boulder, the thing didn’t get a scratch.

“The mortar can be easily removed with the right spell.” Finished the Unicorn with a slightly disappointed tone as the piece of the temple landed with a sonorous thud.

“Thanks for the explanation.” Said Char besides the boulder while massaging his wrist.

He wasn’t been able to break the thing, but at least hit it with enough strength to change its trajectory.

The stallion, in response, smiled at the sight.

“You are something else entirely, aren’t you?” he asked with excitement. “Alright then, I’ll tell you what: you entertain me and I will answer your questions.” As he said this, his horn shone for a second, summoning several small balls of light around him. “That is, if you manage to ask them properly.”

“Its a deal then.” Char accepted as he flared his wings and claws. “Will you show me then? The strength of Equestrian’s fighters.”

They stared at each other for just a second.

And then it began.

The sound of small explosions and strong impacts could be heard at the other side of the pile of rubble the Unicorn had used to block Weiss and co.’s path.

“I know being sneaky and stuff is your thing,” Weiss complained, “but did you really have to leave us behind?”

Greninja, on his end, seemed a bit ashamed.

After hearing about the traps, he left to look for any other sort of trail to follow, only to find Char had followed right after. The veteran then asked Greninja to guide the rest there after using the new item Weiss got from Las Pegasus.

However, said Unicorn had proven to be quite a sharp one.

“‘Follow him’ Couldn’t he be more cryptic?” Weiss asked to himself as he looked at the book. “What do you think Simon?” he asked as the Subterrene Pokemon tried to dig through the rock in vain.

“It’s no good, these damn things won’t budge,” replied the hot-blooded mole with annoyance. “I could remove them one by one but that would take ages.”

“We don’t have that long…” agreed Weiss. “Okay, Rouge, tie us up and wait here with Daring and Gold. The rest, go and look for a way around.”

As he gave his orders, the Bouquet Pokemon tangled a thin vine around her comrades.

“Squeeze the vine if you find a way in,” continued Weiss. “And come back if you don’t find any way in.”

“Just, be gentle please.” Added Rouge with a bit of dismay.

The group shared a quick chuckle, but a new explosion remind them of the situation.

“Be swift.” Commanded Weiss. “Good luck!”

And so the group parted ways, most of them lighting their way with a Flash.

“I am still surprised of how calm your team is despite their current situation.” Commented Daring once everyone had left. “I mean, aren’t they worried for their friend?”

Rouge was focused on her vines and didn’t seemed to reply, though she seemed a bit insulted by her question. Luckily for her, she didn’t have to reply anything.

“What would they win by getting worried or anguished?” asked Gold back with a serious tone. “That is for petty amateurs, pros have to keep their cool and even their joy in order to think clearly and react properly.”

Daring was surprised, not only what Gold said sounded somehow logical to her, but because he didn’t sound cooky or arrogant. On the contrary, the spy sounded convinced of his words.

As if he were a spy or something.

“You guys had some rough lives huh?” asked Daring with an apologetic tone as she removed her pit helmet.

“You have no idea…” Rouge replied as she kept focusing.

Char had to give the Unicorn some credit, not only was he able to give him some trouble, but the Red Comet hadn’t been able to made a single question so far.

He predicted the balls of light surrounding him to be projectiles of some sort, yet he never expect them to move so fast and with such agility. The Unicorn showed a superb control over the violent spells.

On his end, the Unicorn was starting to ask himself if he had bitten off way more than what he could chew. Not only did the red Pokemon keep avoiding his attacks so fast it was almost impossible for him to keep up, but there were moments he had charged towards him, yet his light spells managed to stop him. His control over his orbs were his pride, but right now, they were the only reason he had a still safely distance with his foe.

“I’ll admit…” the Unicorn said as he keep his eyes on his elusive prey. “You are one tough bug, I thought squashing you would be easier.”

“And your light show sure is annoying,” replied Char right away as he shot Razor Wind after Razor Wind.

The spells caught the air blades before they could be a threat for their caster as well keeping the aggressor at line. As both of them moved around, dodging each others attacks, the room filled with more and more explosions and blasts, the magic casted over the ruins’ stones been the only thing keeping the place intact.

“You have a nice technique,” Char praised as he continued to avoid the light spells. “Offense and defence in one, a great combo.”

“Don’t let the cheerful and colorful look of this land fool you,” replied the Unicorn. “There are many dangers in it few dare to challenge. And I am proud to say I am one of the bests who dare to do so.”

“Aren’t you an special one?” Joked Char as he let out a chuckle.

“You can bet I am!” Proclaimed the Unicorn with a laugh.

Despite the level of hostility on the room, none of them could stop from smiling. That was what they lived for: the level of adrenaline they could only find in the middle of a battle. Nothing in could compare to that.

Or almost.

“This sure beats having a steady income and a happy family!” the Unicorn shouted with glee. “This is something no pathetic pacifist can ever know!”

However, Char didn’t receive the words with the same emotions as the image of a beautiful Bug-type with blade-like leaves crossed his mind. Giving one of the light spells a chance to mess with his footing.

With a sonorous crashing dirt explosion, Char hit the wall as the rest of the spells went after him right away.

“...huh?” Questioned the Unicorn in confusion. “I got him?” he said disappointed. “So much for that.”

“Indeed,” said the Red Comet behind him.

Before the Unicorn had time to even gasp, Char threw a mighty kick right between the ribs, only for a shield to protect the Equestrian in the last second. However, the Unicorn still flew a good distance away.

“What the Hell are you!?” asked the Unicorn with shock and pain. “Sneaking from behind like that…!”

Not only had the kick been almost as fast as his own casting, but was strong enough to send him flying with all and his shield.

“I don’t remember having a friendly sparring here.” Replied Char, no longer sporting the smile of second ago. “Now you will answer our questions. Why do you need us here?”

“So you want to get all serious then?” mocked the Unicorn as he stand up, calling more light spells around him. “Fine, two can play this game.”

Then the spells grew in size and shape, becoming into shining copies of the Unicorn who had cast them. Then they all spread across the room. Then they all said.

“We needed you to retrieve the item, damn thing had a safety spell preventing anypony from taking more than one at a time.”

“So your kind knows how to use Double Team,” commented Char unimpressed as he looked at the hooves of the clones, locked his sight on one and dashed towards it without hesitation, grabbing it from the neck. “You know doubles can’t leave footprints right?”

The Unicorn struggled under Char’s grip. “You sure…?” He then smiled. “Because mine can.”

Then, the veteran was hit not by one, two or four, but by six different hooves on the back while the double in his claw vanished.

“What!?” Char shouted in confusion as he turned around. Despite his small size and regular built, the Unicorn had a good punch. Having multiple copies of him sure helped too. “Doubles hitting?”

“It’s rather simple you know,” explained the Unicorns in unison, still loyal to his end of the deal. “How do you think my spells work? Mindlessly giving them shape and throwing energy blast? Nah.”

“That would have been too easy!” Two more doubles dashed behind Char as they continued. "I can make light solid, chump."

Char had to admit the Unicorn’s new spell was quite annoying. But at least his big mouth made it easier for him to react as he simply hit both images with the back of his claw. He could clearly feel as if he had hit an actual being. Finding the original among them was going to be difficult.

“So you give shape, mass, and even voice to so many spells, that seems quite difficult,” Char observed as he then focused on the formation. A basic one, many foes all around him, looking for a chance to strike. Yet there were some few on the distance, as if they were covering something. “I suppose it needs even more concentration than their previous form.”

“Oh it is, giving the proper mass to light is quite troublesome.” Replied the Unicorn. “But I manage to keep myself safe from harm.”

“You don’t say… But you aren’t the only one who knows some tricks.” Then Char shouted as he raised his arms, receiving an odd look from the Unicorns and then slam them into the ground while screaming. “SANDSTORM!”

A huge dust cloud raised from the ground, disorientating and blinding the Unicorn. From it erupted the Scizor at a blinding speed, aiming directly at the Unicron further away and guarded by a group of clones.

“Quick attack!” Char shouted again as he hit the Unicorn right on the muzzle and caused a few drops of blood to come out as he bounced on the ground. A couple of clones vanished right after this.

“The rear gives both, a good perspective and good cover,” Char admitted, “But it also tells me where you are.”

Yet, not all the clones had vanished.

“I already learned that the hard way, thank you very much!” they shouted as something exploded across Char’s back. “But I also learned that this serves as an excellent decoy.”

Char felt a bit disorientated by the explosion, then he noticed he had landed right besides the double he had hit a second ago, the blood still on its nose.

“Quite a neat trick huh?” Boasted the Unicorn. “Gives a false sense of victory.” Then the bleeding double began to shine.

Char jumped back on his feet right away, avoiding the explosion, only to be tackled by a couple of clones.

“And for my next trick!” they said at unison as they suddenly shone and exploded one after another.

“... kamikazes…” Said Char from within the smoke, looking at the doubles still remaining.

“Hey, I don’t have enough strength to bring you down, I learned that much.” Said the Unicorn as he placed a hoof over his red cheek. “So better bring you down with something brighter.”

Two more doubles dashed against the veteran, but before they could hit, Char’s claws shine in a silver tone as he threw two fast Bullet Punches on their faces, sending both flying and exploiting right in the middle of the clones.

“You really don’t want to die don’t you!?” Exclaimed the Unicorn as every horn they had began to shine and open fire at the Pinsir Pokemon.

“Agility.” Char said on the low as he began to avoid the magic bullets throw at him. Aparently this sort of tactic required even more concentration from the Unicorn, as the collective aim they had was really terrible. Then he open both of his pincers and let out a barrage of Swift stars against his foes.

The bright projectiles made impact with most of the spells from the Unicorns, yet those who weren’t intercepted continued to flew around the small battlefield. Avoiding to impact anything as they did so.

“What the hell are these things?” Shouted the Unicorns in annoyance as the stars moved around, chasing something.

“Doesn’t matter if you keep ‘blinking’ around all day. Those stars will never fail to hit their mark!” Replied Char as he continued to fire his barrage, causing the Unicorns’ shots to be fewer and fewer as the amount of stars become too many for the Unicorn to keep avoiding them.

“GYA!” With a defiant shout, the Unicorn was caught by the swarm of Swifts which caused a barrage of small explosions, finally causing all clones to disappear from sight.

Once the smoke had cleared out, Char moved beside his foe laying on the ground.

“... h-how?” He asked tiredly.

“I don’t remember having back-slapped you for real, I only hit a double that way.” Char explained as he grabbed the Unicorn and raise him from the ground. “You should have been Teleporting around your doubles.”

“... Quite sharp,” praised the Unicorn with a smirk.

“‘The perfect place to hide a tree is in a forest’,” quoted Char. “Now, what do you mean with a protection spell?”

The Unicorn chuckled.

“Anypony can grab one of the relics, if they make it that far, as a sort of reward,” he answered. “But if somepony tried to grab more than one... well, you saw the other pedestal right?”

“What about your boss, what does he wants this for?” Char asked, and then mocked “I am sure he wouldn’t be that pleased to see not only have you missed to retrieve the other relic, but that you destroyed the third one.”

“First of all, it's an IT okay,” pointed the Unicron out. “I wouldn’t call that thing a he or she. Second, I never said he told me why, I only was told to retrieve this. Picking on you was my treat. And third, sorry to disappoint you bug but I never blunder like that. That relic was long busted before I arrived.”

“My apologies then.” Said Char about his false accusation, not too apologetically. “Now I am sure you can tell me where to find him, don’t you?”

“Of course, of course.” Admitted the Unicorn. “I will tell, I am a colt of my word after all. But is not like it will help you and your friends!”

“Wha-?” Before Char could put the pieces together, the Unicorn's horn flashed, causing one of the spells he had previously placed before the fight to be activated, taking away the mortar from one of the main columns. The place didn’t took long to began to crumble.

“I said I would answer your questions.” Moked the Unicron. “But I never said I wouldn’t bring this place down!”

With a growl, Char throw his captive to the ground and dashed towards the collapsing column, doing his best to support it.

“... unbelievable!” Said the Unicorn as he stand up. “Not only could you give me one hell of a battle. But you still have juice to keep this damn place up!” He walked toward Char as he said this, the joy on his eyes long gone as it was replaced with something Char hadn't expected to see, yet far more sinister.


“You make this: fighting to the death, the rule of the strongest, my life… you make it all look easy.”

“Trust me, it’s not…” Said Char under the pressure of Arceus knows how many tons.

“Then how about I make it a bit harder for you?” He shout as he shoot another magic bolt at Char, who was unable to block.

The impact caused a small explosion which didn’t hurt the veteran that much. ‘Magic is similar to Fairy-types.’ Char rationalized as he thanked his metallic coating while the Unicorn continued his assault.

“Why don’t you just die!?” Commanded the Unicorn as he continued, not seeming to affect the Pokemon on the slightest, then he changed his spell.




There was a positive response.

“Agh!” Char cursed, not the pain but his own voice.

“Huh?” The Unicorn notice it. “So a good old fire spell works against you?” Then a ring of flames appeared around Char. “Good to know.”

The pressure was suddenly returning to the roof as Char began to lose his balance and strength as he could felt almost as if his chitin was melting on the surface while the Unicorn began to charge a bigger and hotter spell.

He looked up, hopping he could at least give his team enough time and then noticed something.

“Those persistent idiots…” he said to himself in a low tone.

“What was that?” Asked the Unicorn.

“You never answered my question… I never got to hear your name.” Char said with a defeated tone.

“Keeping up the tough act ‘til the end, huh?” replied the Unicorn. “Very well then, you can't say in the afterlife that I didn’t keep my word: I am Lux Ray.”

“... like the Pokemon?” Char asked.

“Wai- what- NO!” Proclaimed Ray as he extinguished the flames. “I am THE Shining Demon, not some freak of nature!”

“You sure?” said a voice behind Ray. “Because it sounds a lot like an Electric-type.”

“Of course it’s not- WHAT!?” exclaimed Ray as he turned around and remembered he was supposed to be alone with his prey. However, he was promptly punched in the face before he could properly ask something else.

“Char!” Weiss said as he run to aid his friend. “You okay?”

“That is… quite relative…” Replied the veteran as his grip began to grow lose.

Weiss then didn’t waste any time to hold the pillar as well, even when his strength was minuscule in comparison with that of his comrade.

“You think…” Began Ray as he stand up. “You think you are all that special…?” He asked as a magic shield covering his body disappeared. “Only because you were born with such strong bodies? Do you have any idea of how…?!” His speech was then suddenly cut as he heard the rest of the team closing by.

“Do you always talk that much?” Asked Weiss with a smirk.

“Why you…?” The anger on Ray’s expression only grew at the taunt. “Have it your way then. I will be waiting for you all in the Unsolvable Maze” He proclaimed, keeping his word. With that said, his whole body began to shine. “But know this, I will prove you my sacrifice is superior! Just you wait…”

The last part of his words echoed on the room as the white Unicorn vanished from the room.

“Tsh, coward.” Said Weiss, then he looked at Char, he didn’t looked good.

His exoskeleton was battered all over, not to mention the scorched places and the heat it irradiated.

It was a miracle he was still conscious.

Then a pair of massive claws took hold of the pillar and raised the roof as if was nothing.

“Don’t worry guys, I am here!” proudly announced Simon. “I can be here all day.”

“I will have your word… then…” Said Char as he finally collapsed on the ground.

The team had to move quickly, they placed most of the rubble from the blocked passway to sustain the damaged column while Greninja cooled down Char’s temperature. They run for the exit while carrying their fallen comrade.

What they found outside didn’t surprise them that much.

“... he didn’t come out this way then?” Asked Weiss as he looked at the rest of his team aiming at him.

“So it seems,” Xavier calmly replied as he lowered his Hyper Beam and positioned himself to carry Char. “What happened?”

“Read my mind, I don’t know exactly though…” Admitted Weiss as he and Simon placed Char over the Metagross’ head while Rouge tangled some vines on them. “All I know is that Tlaloque has the worst kind of help he could have.”

“A Unicorn?” asked Edge with doubt.

“Worse,” answered Weiss with an ominous tone. “A mercenary like us.”

Author's Note:

First of all; sorry for the delay and the typos.

This chapter is still going to be edited, but I want to hurry a bit up so I can put some ideas into motion.

Editors notes:

SK789: Welp, I finally managed to get the editing on this thing done. I’m only frustrated it took me nearly 3 months to finish (sh*t was happening IRL). Anyways, it seems as though things have just gotten serious for our band of wayward mercenaries.

Who is that pokemon?

NONE! Buuuuut, this is not a completely empty space! We have a new character here, what do you guys think about him?

All comments are welcome.

Meet the team!