• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

  • ...

Twelfth Move

Twelfth Move
Parting ways

Somewhere between
Griffenhiem and Equestria

Weiss removed a wall of knives, daggers and even needles to discover something unexpected; a door. A cell door to be precise, and behind it were two creatures, clearly Pokemon. One had a body similar to a fox mixed with a cat, with cream and pink fur, small bows adorning its neck and head, while four long feeler-like tendrils curled around. The other was surprisingly less exotic but just as extravagant; its whole white body was reminiscent of an angel mixed with some sort of bird. Though it had not beak or feathers, yet it managed keep itself off the ground without flapping its wings, as if some magic kept it afloat. There were a couple of patterns on its belly, while two small feet dangled on the bottom of it. Three crown-like spikes finished the design of such an odd yet happy looking creature.

"I thank ye for your fair aid, oh unknown black knight!" thanked the Togekiss with what Weiss considered a fitting feminine fairy tale tone.

"Don't mention it," calmly replied the newly appointed knight. "But how did a couple of fairies end up in a pirate ship's cell?"

"We do not know," replied the Sylveon, who had a surprisingly masculine but elegant tone. "We were going to meet a friend of ours when this whole incident that brought us here took place.” The mercenary quickly noticed how the male Sylveon keep one of its limbs close to the Togekiss in a comforting way.

He also began to notice a 'foul' essence.

“What a tragedy. To have lost all we knew in the blink of an eye, but..." continued the flying fairy while gently looking at the other fairy on the ground. "There are good things born from it, definitely worth smiling about."

The essence increased.

"~cough~ that is good and all," said Weiss while thinking that at least one of those two was a former human, and that they seemed to enjoy their current 'predicament’. But still, he wanted to know, "Then how did you two end up here?"

Weiss made a motion for them to follow him, the stench becoming a bit unbearable for him.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot about it!" Exclaimed the Togekiss while following the Bisharp, Sylveon closely behind.

"Its not your fault my lady. It’s been quite the experience."

'Arceus! Get a room, you two!' thought Weiss while keeping his duster's neck close to his face, just to realize that they had JUST come out of one, and had probably made use of it. 'That would explain the smell.'

"Certainly it has been, my love," the Togekiss smiled, to which Weiss rolled his eyes.
'Subtle,' thought Weiss dryly.

"We awoke in some sort of mountain in the middle of the ocean and ended up in some sort of cave while looking for help," the Togekiss explained.

"Let me guess," Weiss interrupted. "You two wandered around in it and stumble across some room full of treasure, only to be captured shortly after by the pirates."

Both fairies stopped in shock. "That is far beyond some wild guess my good sir!" Stated the Togekiss.

"I must say, I have never heard of a Dark-type able to read the future besides Absol!" Completed the Sylveon.

The mercenary only gave them an incredulous look and proceeded. "It’s not something that rare...in novels at least... But still, you guys look strong. I am sure you could have made it out with no problem."

"We certainly did," congratulated the female herself, "those poor lost souls were ease to defeat, but they were more cunning than we could have ever expect them!"

"Don't be harsh on yourself my lady," her Sylveon reassured. "No one could have seen through such a treacherous lie."

"Treacherous? Was someone really so smart in the crew? Because I missed them entirely," Weiss commented, hoping such an individual wasn’t still on the loose on the ship. "What happened?"

"Those tricky pirates gave up once we prove to be too much for them and treated us to some 'victory suit' they said," tears started to appear on her eyes as she continued, "And we foolishly trusted them!"

"... So... You just followed them to the cell?" Asked Weiss, wondering when the slapstick will come.

"And they even covered the door with lots of iron, even when we told them we were weak against it," finished Sylveon with the same dramatic tone as the Togekiss.

"You guys are kidding right...?" Weiss deadpanned. "Right!?"

"I wish we were," continued the female. "But those pirates showed no remorse or mercy at all."

"Those ruffians!"

Weiss was too dumbstruck by the innocent stupidity these two fairies were showing to even say a word…but eventually he just had to ask. "Who are you two again?"

"Oh, where are my manners?" the Togekiss commented. "I am the gym leader specializing in fairy-types; Valerie from Laverre city, and this is my faithful companion, friend, lover and husband: Sylveon."

"It’s an honor to make your acquaintance."

Many thoughts crossed the leader's mind, most dealing with the question of how someone as dumb as this managed to become who she was back on earth. 'Then again she was a model,' he thought dryly. "Charmed..."

"So you, brave knight, can share your name with us?"


"Ah! Such a wonderful name," replied the other former human.

"And so contrasting," her partner added. "A being clad in so much black, yet is called 'white'. What are the odds?"

" Thanks... I guess... " he meekly replied, while also remembering that he renamed himself with that in mind.

Weiss took a moment to noticed how Valerie's patterns were similar to clouds instead of the regular triangular red and blue shapes from other Togekiss. Her body was also different, as her wings seemed to be slightly larger than average, yet her body was way thinner than the regular Jubilee Pokemon. 'Why is it that Gym Leaders have Pokemon forms that look so...'customised', while I seem to be a standard 'stock’ form?' He wondered, while also asking himself if all Gym Leaders had something unique that told them apart in this new world.

At that moment, a skater Lucario, an old looking Mismagius and a headphone wearing Flaffy, among others, sneezed.

The group didn't take long to reach the deck, the Acadia already getting close to them.

"I have to apologize for the mess," joked Weiss as the unconscious pirates covered the wood.

Both fairies frozen on the spot. "By Arceus' glory! Don't you have any remorse?"

"...come again?"

"What have these poor souls done to you to deserve this?" Dramatically asked Valerie while holding the captain from the back, the action only causing him even MORE pain.

"They tried to assault us!" deadpanned Weiss, the incredulity he was feeling steadily rising.

"But of course they would, they are pirates!"

The mercenary didn't know how to respond. "...and I thought Simon was unbelievable."

"Don't worry poor soul, you will be better in no time," proclaimed Valerie.

"Wait-what!?" As Weiss said this, Valerie's body began to glow brightly, the warm shine softly embracing the captain, his crew and even Weiss himself, who soon felt how his body tingle while what little tiredness he had vanished.

Once the fairy finished, the defeated pirates began to rise to their feet one by one, all of them showing great expressions on their faces at the feeling of being magically healed. And magic was the source alright as Weiss recalled.

"Wish can only heal one target per time, not a whole ship! How did you did that?"

He was unable to get an answer though, as it seemed Valerie had depleted all of her energy on the robbers, Sylveon carefully carrying her with his ribbon-like tendrils. It was then that Weiss noticed both fairies were the source of the stench, much to his displeasure.

On their end, the pirates began to look at their sudden stroke of luck: they had the incoming ship at a range close enough to start boarding it, not to mention they also had the element of surprise. If they played their cards well, all could end in their favor.

"Great, now I have to beat them all again! Do you know how hard was to pull this off without killing them?"

Or they could just fly away and keep their sorry hides.

The second option seem all the more appealing since they knew first claw how efficient the mercenary was. And so, they decided to throw whatever pride they had to the wind, and promptly ran off the deck and into the sky, flapping their wings as fast as they could. In just a couple of minutes, all pirates had abandoned their ship entirely.

"Meh, that's better," shrugged Weiss as he turned back to both fairies. "Come with us, you can place her on a bed on our ship."

Not having much of a choice, Sylveon agreed. They boarded the Acadia once it was besides them, while they did so, Weiss looked at his team and asked, "So, how did I do?"

"Too long."

"Improperly and messy."

"Muchos punches."

"You call that passionate!?"

"I think you looked great."

"... you fucking people..." deadpanned Weiss as he guided the new arrivals to their room.

Weiss informed his team about what had happen once he had gotten into the pirate's ship as soon as he left Valerie and Sylveon in their room, Anzu and Surskit giving them some company.

"So she actually went into the cell by her own...?" Asked Rouge.

"So they say."

"Is she loco!?" Pancha exclaimed, the rest of the team thinking the same.

"I am currently wondering the same, although they could be under the effects of some drug or hallucinogen, since the room they were in reeked terribly!" Weiss reasoned.

"Reek?" Inquired Rouge.

"Yeah, I think they may be high or something, that's why they acted so foolishly."

"Darling... you mean you don't know what that essence is?"

"What do you mean?" Inquired now Weiss.

"Vera: when mommy Pokemon and daddy Pokemon loves each other really really mucho, they begin to share a common perfume."

Weiss didn't know if he should feel impressed or ashamed about being lectured by Pancha of all mons. "And what you mean by that its...?"

"That they are a couple," calmly concluded the Roserade. "That essence is emitted so others know that they are already taken."

"Like engagement rings for Ponies then?" Inquired Daring, to which both girls nodded.

"Okay, they smell like 'love' then. Why does it suck so much?" Asked the Bisharp.

"Well...the essence varies from individuals, almost like Spritzee and Aromatisse, and I am afraid that it just so happens that you are the type who found the essence foul to your sense of smell."

Weiss then thought on how many former humans would be in situations like Valerie and Sylveon, finally able to love each other with no one to suppress their passion and be happy with one another from now on. "yippiedee-fucking-doo!" It wasn't a nice thought for him. "But then, why didn’t I notice it with Roll and Shredder?" he noted before his mind drift to somewhere (or rather to someone) else.

"They have been together for years now. The essence doesn't need to be that strong anymore."

"Not to mention your kind isn't famous for its nose," added Pancha.

"Point taken," Weiss admitted while mentally cursing his luck. As they were talking, Sylveon walked into the room, looking slightly down yet not depressed. If anything, he looked tired.

"Once again, I thank you for your help," his tone was still elegant, but it was far more regular in comparison to his previous, overacted, speech pattern.

"You are welcome," Weiss simply said, clearly noticing the difference. "Is your 'lady' going to be alright?"

"Yeah, yeah..." The fairy looked at the pirate ship now being towed by the Acadia, yet he wasn't focusing on anything on particular. "It’s just... Valerie and I were happy back on Earth, even though we knew that showing our feelings in public would be a death sentence so we just accepted our fate."

"I asked you about your partner, not about your personal life story..." Commented Weiss, but Sylveon didn't seemed to hear or care.

"That never stopped us from loving each other. Lady Elesa, Lady Cynthia, Mr. Mime and Mawile supported us after all. We even got to encourage other trainers and Pokemon to follow their hearts," Sylveon's eyes drifted off again, staring into the distance, Pancha trying to figure out what he was looking at. "I wonder how the kid with the Meowstic and the boy with the Gardevoir are doing?"

"He’s ignoring us, isn't he?" Rogue commented, while Xavier only gave her a redundant glance.

"However... She still wanted a more intimate relationship...not that we didn't do it of course." he said proudly while happily adding, "We were so flustered that first time."

"That was too much information, thank you very much," Weiss deadpanned while fitting some of the blades acquired from the pirates into his coat.

"Then began her obsession with being as similar to a Pokemon as possible. It wasn't that bad but..." again the fairy's blue eyes looked deep into the past. "I was afraid she would take it too seriously one day so I would lose her forever."

"This guy may not be using that exaggerated tone, but Arceus, isn't he acting that way!" Exclaimed Simon.

"So when we arrived here, with her new glorious body, it was as if Cresselia herself had advocated for us! We could barely hold our happiness." However, Sylveon didn't look happy at all. "Then she began to talk like that. I thought it was her way to express her joy, but she didn't stop using it, not even when those pirates attacked us."

Checkmate had stopped trying to make Sylveon end his story, so they instead decided to ignore him. All but one.

"I... I am worried I may lose her here," expressed the Gym Leader's husband while tears flowed from his eyes. "Now that we finally had a chance for freedom."

"So you are afraid of her going insane then?" Finally asked Daring, who unlike the mercenaries had properly heard his story so far. Sylveon nodded while wiping his tears with a paw. "And have you told her about this?"

"It’s not like this is new for her. I mean, she used to talk like that whenever she had to act like a Gym Leader, as if it were her battle cry, or whenever she was happy."

"Then what worries you?" Inquired the explorer Pegasus while leaning on the worried Pokemon's shoulder. "If what I understand is right, your previous world was a real douche to those in love like you guys, so it’s only natural for a girl to be so damn happy about finally being able to share her life with the Pony, or mon in your case, she loves. She is just utterly happy!"

"Y-you think so?" Innocently asked Sylveon.

"But of course!" Assured Daring while giving the husband a friendly bump on the shoulder. "Just give her some time."

The eeveelution gave Daring a hug with his paws and tendrils. "Thank you miss Do, it’s great to have someone to properly talk with after so long!"

"Not a problem," replied Daring while feeling a tad bit awkward with the way he showed his gratitude. “It’s what ANY normal pony would do!" The last part was dedicated to the other Pokemon, who just shrugged it off.

"We’re mercenaries, not therapists," Weiss said nonchalantly.

The Pegasus was about to retort something when Harlock cut her off. "I have to thank you and your dragon for helping us earlier," he said in a very unconvincing voice, only to quickly return to his previous distrustful one. "But now because of your extra weight," he points at the towed ship. "We are going to arrive at Manehattan later than expected. At this rate, we may lose a day!"

The group didn't like to be blamed for the new schedule, but didn't say a thing about it, as they knew Harlock was the kind of guy who liked to talk back. Normally Weiss wouldn’t care about this issue, as he was a patient individual and knew that sometimes it was a good idea to be patient and wait, but this time wasn't one of those.

Deep inside, something told him he had to get to the Hall of Legends as fast as he could, and such triviality as a towing ship wasn't going to stop him. With that in mind, he glanced at Edge, who was currently amazing some of the Griffins with her maneuvers, and came to a conclusion. “Then I'm afraid I will have to take the lead."

A large shadow suddenly covered them as Edge perched herself on the ship's side right besides them. “We are taking off then?" she asked, her tone excited.

"If everyone is okay with that," replied Weiss with a smile while looking at his team.

They simply shared a knowing smile and nodded, while adding, "Be sure to say hi for us!"

"Shut up!"

And then laughter broke out amongst the group, leaving a confused Griffin, a puzzled Pegasus and a curious Sylveon.

"Okay then, who wants to come?" asked Weiss.

"I am needed here," said Xavier, something the leader expected.

"And waste this cruise so suddenly? I am sorry but you can count me out," replied Rouge with an elegant motion of her bouquet-like hands.

"Meat," was all Pancha said.

"There is an awful amount of water down there..." Simon childishly said while looking over the rails.

"..." Greninja didn't say a thing, he simply moved a step forward beside Weiss, the latter nodding in return.

"Anyone else?" Asked to the rest of his 'new' team, Anzu, Daring and Surskit, "...wait! Weren't you girls with Valerie?"

"I am going too!" Said a voice already besides Edge. Turning to the source to saw Valerie perched next to Edge.

"Dear! What are you thinking?" Sylveon exclaimed, placing his exaggerated accent just at the end of his sentence.

"It’s alright, my love," Valerie calmly said to her husband. She then turned to Weiss. "You plan to meet our fair lord Arceus, right dark knight?"

Weiss nodded.

"Then I shall join thee on this quest, as I too have something of utmost importance to ask him."

"Suit yourself," was the only reply he gave her before he hopped on to Edge's back, Greninja doing the same in a more 'ninja' fashion. "Last chance. Anyone else coming along?"

"I am going too!" Daring quickly said while flying besides the Pokemon. "There is no way I am losing more time for action and adventure in this flying bathtub!"

"Oi!" Exclaimed a Griffin.

"Very well then, it seem we are all set. All we need now is a rendezvous point... Mhm... What is the nearest town to the Hall?" Weiss asked their guide.

"That would be Ponyville," replied Daring without thinking much, as being an experienced adventurer, she was practically a living map.

"Its settled then," confirmed Xavier. "We will head to this 'Ponies Ville' once we reach land." He then raised one of his massive legs at Weiss' group. "Until then, godspeed you three!"

The rest of the mercenaries did the same with their fist closed (at least those with fists), Weiss, Edge and Greninja doing the same on their end.

Meanwhile, Valerie and Sylveon shared one last hug and kiss before parting ways. "It will be agonising to wait till our next time together," said the Togekiss.

"I will endure. You be careful out there," replied Sylveon.

They slowly let go of each other's embrace, the morning light giving their departure a fairy tale atmosphere of Pokewoods proportions.

"Ah! The cuteness is killing me! Someone blow something up!" Demanded an overly embarrassed Excadrill.

Feeling pity for him, Rouge shot a Energy Ball at the pirate's ship, exploding on contact.


Weiss laughed and then patted Edge's neck. "Let’s go."

At his command, the Noivern let go of the Acadia and let herself be pulled by gravity, turning herself towards the horizon with a movement of her massive wings. Valerie and Daring following closely behind.

"Okay Daring," said Edge in a friendly tone. "Where to?"

Griffienheim Empire
Nesting Hold castle
Training grounds

Shredder stood before a group of Griffin soldiers of many branches of the empire's army: cadets, veteran, imperial guards, sky patrol, etc. Yet their numbers didn't surpass that of a battalion, as there were no more than 17 Griffins. Victoria had originally planned for every member of her army to be part of the new Pokemon training program, but she also wanted her soldiers to choose freely, thus only a few members decided to join.

Shredder wasn't bothered by this in the slightest, since she thought it was better to have quality over quantity.

So the first thing to do would be to give a good and well thought speech to greet her new recruits, or maybe allow them to introduce themselves one by one, or she would rather start screaming insults to every last one of them like every drill sergeant who has ever lived. Instead she only said.

"The one able to land a hit on me can leave."

And that was it, the Griffin looked at her in confusion, wondering if she was crazy, most of them were double her weight, and almost all of them surpassed her height. Yet she didn't seem to have said anything wrong, as she slowly removed her sword from her side and carefully threw it at a Griffin servant while adding, "I don't have all day."

Finally one of the cadets broke the line and dashed toward her as he gave a war cry and launched a punch right at her face, only for the Bisharp to block, and twist the punch, forcing him down. "Too obvious," was all she said, before kicking him back into the line. "Next!"

It didn't take long for another Griffin to take his chances with her, this one being a member of the sky patrol, took the aerial route instead and sky bombed toward the Pokemon with the intention of pinning her down with his weight. However, all Shredder had to do was jump to the side and throw a kick as soon as she landed, kicking the air out of the Griffin's lungs. “Not fast enough!”

Another Griffin took the challenge as the sky trooper limped back into formation. This one was an older looking Griffin, golden armor covering his chest, claws and head while the emblem of the Sighfridian squad, Victoria's personal guard, decorated it. The looks on the Griffins show a bit awe as he passed before them.

He didn't make any attempts to charge or mindlessly attack Shredder. Instead, he merely walked till he was before her and gave her a polite salute, which Shredder returned, though neither of them broke eye contact. They had this staring contest going on for a silent minute, before one of them made a move. The Griffin threw a jab at Shredder, who quickly intercepted, leaving the Griffin leaning against her. However she wasn't able to twist it against its aggressor like she had done before.

"Oh, not bad." the female Bisharp complimented. "What's your name soldier?"

"Harbinger Ulfric, former head of our excellency's personal guard," Replied the veteran with a thick Nordic Griffin accent.

"You do possess astounding strength Ulfric, but how about your agility?" As she asked this, Shredder swept his legs, only for Ulfric to flap his wings and avoid the fall. However Shredder didn't seemed impressed, in fact she looked displeased. "You didn't let go," she coldly said while tightening her grip around the Griffin's claw.

Pulling the now airborne body of the imperial guard down and slamming him into the ground caused two things, one: a small burst of dust erupted like a small explosion, and two: all remaining trainees lost their enthusiasm to take on the Pokemon's challenge.

"You are promising despite your age, Harbinger Ulfric," Shredder praised while helping the old Griffin stand up. "But you need a wider mindset for the job you have taken upon."

She then turned to the rest of of her trainees and continued. "You all need to forget what you used to know. Pokemon can be either honorable fighters or sneaky tricksters, sometimes we can be both, thus you need to learn how to act and react to any kind of situation," she then raised her hand to the help holding her sword, which was soon thrown it back at her. Shredder then proceeded to place its tip on the ground while exclaiming a single line.

"Welcome to the Imperial Pokemon Corps, training starts now!”

Griffenheim Empire
Avice's School for bright children

The orphanage burst into cheers as a certain Lopunny presented herself to help miss Buho from then on, a frilled apron, a pen and a notepad as her work uniform. Much for the resident teacher's shock and surprise.

Somewhere between
Griffenheim and Equestria
Weiss' group

Daring's wings were flapping at an insane speed, annoying the Pegasus mare to no end, yet all she had been able to do was keeping up with Edge’s gliding and eventual flapping. The explorer was amazed before of the mercenaries' speed, but this was downright pathetic for her. On her end, Valerie wasn't doing any better, despite using her fairy powers to fly.

"You girls know you can latch on to me whenever you want don't you?" Calmly commented the Noivern without looking back, not that she was rude.

"I appreciate the offer, my dragon lady, but this is a quest I must fulfil by myself, no matter how harsh the winds or how hard the roads!" Dramatically replied the Togekiss.

"And I can't leave Valerie here fighting so hard on her own... Right?" Lied the stubborn marte once Weiss had translated with some miming that would make a Mr. Mime proud.

"Suit yourselves then," replied Weiss while Edge laughed at her new title. "But we still have some distance to cover... How long exactly?" The Bisharp asked in gestures.

Daring then made an estimated calculation. They have been flying non stop for a couple of hours now, but the distance between her homeland and the land of the Griffins was supposed to be crossed in two to three days in a lazy cruiser ship, so for them... "We will be reaching ground in around five hours, then we can proceed towards the Everfree forest. At the rate we’re going, we will be there around midday tomorrow," Daring proudly announced her calculations.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Exclaimed Edge the moment she heard that, and turned her dulled gaze towards Daring. "You’re telling me we are going to wait and rest once we touch ground?" she asked, an eyebrow raised toward the mere.

"... Ehm... Yes?" Replied Daring, guessing what Edge just asked.

"Nope!" Exclaimed Edge as she grabbed both Daring and Valerie with her talons. "You are not cramping my style!"

"You two may want to hold on like your lives depend on it," joked Weiss as he buried himself in Edge's furry neck, Greninja doing the same behind him. "Because it does!" Finished the Bisharp as Edge began to flap harder and faster.

Both female passengers wanted to voice their protest, but the roaring wind made that impossible.

"Time to show these mortals the meaning of speed!" Cheered Edge to herself as she shot a constant wave of ultrasonic screams, her already fast speed doubling as a result and the scenery becoming a blur.

Daring had only heard stories and legends about the famous Sonic Rainboom, but she wondered how Rainbow Dash was actually able to pull it off. And after a few seconds under Edge's accelerated flight, she decided to ask her biggest (and most annoying) fan something: If the world she saw was similar to the one she was watching right now?

She gazed at the ocean passing by at an insane speed for what she thought was mere minutes, when in fact it was an hour. Suddenly a port city appeared beneath them, and the moment it did, the speed decreased.

"Okay, we are over land now. Where to next?" Asked Edge in Pokespeak, only to remember it would have sounded like gibberish to Daring, so she opted for a less subtle tactic; shake her like a maraca.

"How! Wait, stop it!" Exclaimed Daring as she faced the Dragon-type, who only gave her a questioning gaze, "...what...? Oh right, directions." It took a moment for her to realize where she was. Luckily they were high on the air and the city they just passed by was big. "That is Baltimare, so that means we should go..." She then raised a hoof pointing at a mountain surrounded by a thick, dark forest, "That way!"

As soon the course was set, Edge increased her speed once more, though this time she didn’t need to use her ultrasonic trick again. In five minutes they were right above the Hall of Legends, home of Arceus and his family.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce we have reached our destination," The Noivern said playfully while acting like a flight captain’s voice in an announcement, static at the end of each sentence included. "We suggest that you remain in your seats while we land and remind you that whenever you need to get somewhere, Air-Noivern wasn't your best choice."

Weiss chuckled at the joke as he stretched, but suddenly felt his comrade halt on the spot, her ears focused on a point on the ground. "Ehm... Problems captain?" Half joked Weiss as he too felt something. Needles to say Greninja was also alerted.

"Finally!" Exclaimed Daring as she and Valerie were released. "I am so complaining to this traveling company," joked the explorer as if she knew about the joke. The only problem was that it wasn’t the best time anymore. "Ehm... Guys...?"

The explorer noticed the sudden change of attitude in the mercenaries, and so did Valerie.

"Is that supposed to be normal?" Asked the former Gym Leader.

"Only if you count their killer-switch going on," replied Daring, again guessing what the Pokemon just said with incredible accuracy. "I only hope this ends well..." was all the Pegasus could say as they all noticed a flame quickly coming their way.

Author's Note:

Finally! My guys made it to Equestria QvQ/

Arceus, it took me a lot, but don't worry you all, the first thing they do there is all but subtle.

Pokemon of the day:

Togekiss (Valerie)
Sylveon (as himself)