• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

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Thirteenth Move

Thirteenth Move
Encounters, encounters everywhere

Ignis was having a rather good day. He had just found out what he wanted to do with his life on this new world, found a couple of Pokemon he knew, reunited them with their trainer and even managed to find his own trainer as well. However he also had to part ways with him as soon as he reunite with Seth, the former human who was like a hatch mate to him.

And though he found his new look as a Luxray rather fitting, if not humorous, Ignis was having a bad time getting used to the idea of him ditching Seth after so long. He knew he was in good care with Elesa, Selena and Rika, whom he cheered for. There was also a Pony with him as well, thus he was bound to be alright without him.

Yet he also felt sad, but above all, he was angry. Angry with himself.

So here we had a Charizard who was in a rather agitated state, looking for something to distract his already blazing head, when he suddenly felt several presences, most of them promising a good fight.

"Okay then..." said the Fire-type to himself as he took to the sky. "Let's cool down with a good battle!"

Above the Everfree Forest
Weiss' group

The group looked down at the light coming their way, Daring and Valerie wondering what it could possibly be that it could cause the mercenaries to go into “mercenary mode”, as Daring dubbed it. What’s more, the Pegasus was in a worse situation, as she couldn’t even ask what was going on.

An eternal minute passed by as the fireball grew larger, eventually revealing to be a large dragon-like creature heading their way. However, despite the many travels and adventures Daring Do had been on, a dragon with its tail on fire was not yet on the list of the weirder things she had seen before. Then again...the last three days have proven to be all but conventional.

The dragon-like creature was orange in color and had two slightly disproportionate blue wings carrying him at a surprisingly good speed. A pair of cold blue eyes locked on them as it roared with enthusiasm.

"You!" Exclaimed the Charizard while pointing a claw at the mercenaries and demanded, "You are strong, fight me!"

For some unknown reason, Daring was able to understand this creature, thus she wonder if he was indeed a Pokemon or an unknown type of dragon from Equuus.

"Asking for something without introducing yourself is rude Bisharp-sharp bisharp," replied Weiss from his end, "Besides, we may need to land first Bisharp sharp, Bisharp."

"You can land if you want pipsqueak!" Exclaimed the Charizard, which confirmed to Daring that he was in fact, a Pokemon. "Its him I want to fight with!"

Weiss didn't say anything, but could clearly feel his eye twitching, "Edge, kick his butt, Bish, Bi-bisharp" said the Bisharp as he turned to both females beside them and gestured his arms up, "sould you kindly do this? Bi sharp, Bisharp?"

Valerie obliged and Daring copy her by reaction, as soon both of her limbs were up, Weiss throw himself off and grab each of them, forcing the girls to slow down his fall, much to their surprise and annoyance.

Greninja on his end only give Edge a reassuring look and a thumb up before jumping off her.

"Edge!" Commented the Charizard, "that is one interesting name you have there, who knows; maybe I will remember it if you put a good fight!" And then charged at the dragon-type.

Ignis was surprised by the height these Pokemon were at. Not the height itself, but by the fact he could feel them, sense their power, all the way from the ground. This however, thrilled him far more than it scared him. He then got his first glimpse of the owners of the presence: a Noivern, a Greninja, and a Bisharp. There was also a Togekiss and a yellow Pegasus, but he paid little attention to them as he felt little power coming from them.

However, he kept his gaze fixed on the Dragon-type as if it were some sort of oddity or rarity, which it was in a way, since Ignis hadn’t had the chance to fight one untill now. Luckily it was blind, unable to see the eyes Ignis was using, which weren't nice as the thought of parting ways with Seth was still fresh in his mind.

"You!" He declared while pointing at the Noivern, hoping the thrill of the fight will help him ignore the event as soon as possible. "You are strong, fight me!"

He couldn't stop thinking what would Seth have said and come up with in a moment like this, facing an unknown opponent, this making him angry with himself again, slightly hearing the Bisharp saying something about landing.

"You can land if you want pipsqueak!" Exclaimed Ignis while wanting the match to start ASAP, "It’s him I want to fight with!"

He look as the rest of the group bailed out, but he clearly made out one word. "Edge," he said as he couldn't hold back his eager fighting spirit any longer and charged into the heat of battle. "That’s one interesting name you have there, who knows; maybe I will remember it if you put a good fight!"

Yet he only hit air, as he looked around for his prey, only to find Edge flapping in the same spot as before.

"I was merely waiting for my team to reach the ground you hot head!" Exclaimed back the mercenary before Ignis could think on what just happened. "And for your information," she suddenly disappeared and reaped right beside him and finished, "I am a female!" While throwing a gust of wind at him.

The wind wasn't hard enough to be called an attack, but it sure made Ignis lose his balance. Whoever this Noivern was, it-SHE surely knew how to read the wind.

"And I still don’t know your name hothead. Mind sharing it this time?" It wasn't as if she wanted to hear it, but at least it would give her team enough time to reach the ground safely.

Ignis was about to simply give his name and start again, but something told him that wasn't right, a feeling similar to the one driving him to this fight. So instead he proudly shouted his full name and title, “I am Ignis Crescent, brother to Seth Crescent!"

At the notion of this, the Noivern seemed to gain some actual interest on him. "Crescent? The same Crescent who promoted human-Pokemon relationships? That Seth Crescent?" She asked in disbelief, only to erupt in laughter a moment later. "So you are the 'brother' of our would-be target?"

The way she said 'target' made the Flame Pokemon feel uncomfortable for some reason. However he didn't let that show as he replied, "Of course I am, and his is a just and great cause!" However he couldn't stop to ask, "And what about it? What do you mean he’s your ‘target’?"

"It WAS a glorious cause," corrected and mocked the female dragon. "And we were asked to 'end' his life by some people who didn't like his philosophy." Upon hearing this, Ignis roared in anger at the notion that they intended to take his brother’s life. Despite that, Edge seemed unfazed by his bravado. "Oh don’t get all flared up...at least more than you already are. We declined the offer, since our boss thought your brother was okay."

"Hmp..." snarled Ignis. "Even if you were to have accepted the job, you all would have met your defeat the instant you fought us!"

"Would we?" Cooly asked the Noivern while lazily circling around Ignis. "What make you think we would have give you a chance to fight to begin with?"

Ignis couldn't stand being mocked any longer, especially by someone who had been tasked to end his brother’s life. So with another roar, he launched himself toward the Noivern, waiting till he was at point blank range to throw his attack at her while exclaiming, "Dragon Pulse!"

Everfree Forest
Weiss' group

Weiss and the rest of the group walked away, leaving Edge and Ignis to their match, the mercenaries showing unwavering trust in their comrade.

"You guys should be out there cheering for her!" Exclaimed Daring a bit upset while following the Pokemon. Aside from the seemingly lack of care she was seeing, the fact that she had just been used as a parachute didn't help her mood at all as they headed toward the newly placed mountain besides the Everfree.

She didn't know what they had been talking about, as for some reason she could only understand Ignis, but the carefree attitude they were showing gave her a good idea of what it could have been.

Weiss calmly look at her and wrote a single line on the ground: 'we would be a distraction', followed by 'or could get hit by an attack and be caught on the middle of the crossfire' by Greninja, who was surprisingly talkative when writing.

Daring scoffed at both lines, wondering what could possibly happen that made them deem it necessary to leave a team member behind. After all, she had already seen what they were capable of doing so there was no point in walking away of it. Then the first blast was heard and felt, and suddenly Daring felt that this was a VERY wise move.

"I suggest we make haste, Bisharp sharp" commented Weiss as he increased the pace, the rest following his example, whether they understood him or not.

Aerial battleground
Edge's location

Ignis turned around once the smoke created by his attack had cleared out, only to reveal nothing, and found Edge calmly gliding behind him, the expression she gave him clearly showed that she wasn’t impressed.

"Wow," she mocked. "A dragon attack against a Dragon-type, how original!"

Falling to her provocation, Ignis threw a small ball of energy at her, which she easily dodged.

"Okay, now you are not even trying!" Commented Edge at the last attack.

"I wasn't aiming at you," snarled back Ignis as the attack headed towards the sky, clearing any cloud out of the way and causing the sun to shine brightly. The Flame Pokemon dashed toward Edge, as he expected the sudden light will distract her for a second, time enough to roast her with his "Searing Flamethrower".

Yet to his surprise, she didn't even flinched at the light as she flew around the infernal flames Ignis had unleashed at her as if it were a mere acrobatic exhibition. She then started to gather a large amount of dragonic energy in her mouth, which Ignis quickly recognised as Dragon Pulse, and thanks to how fast she closed the range between them, there was little he could do but brace for the impact head on, yet she didn't shoot, she bit the energy and spun around Ignis, then she 'spit' her Dragon Pulse at his back as a small but powerful bullet.

The resulting explosion causing Ignis to lose his aerial balance once more.

"Fire against a dragon, that is as smart as using a Fairy-type against an Aggron," Edge tiredly commented.

"Wh-what was that...?" Ignis asked, "Dragon Pulse can’t be shot like that!"

"Dragon Bullet, my own version," cockly replied Edge, "it has increased power because of the added speed."

"Cute trick," prized Ignis sarcastically, "but don’t think it will work aga-"

Ignis had his words cut by another bullet to the face.

Ignis found that her attack was surprisingly annoying and damaging as he struggled to regain his balance once more, yet he glared at Edge as his wings shine and throw a cutting blast of wind at her, "Air Slash!"

"Finally, a good choice!" Edge sarcastically applauded, if she could actually clap of course, but she merely spun around the blades of air. "But you aren't the only one who knows how to read the wind!" She declared while surrounding them with her own wind and then sending them back at the Charizard.

Ignis was surprised by her sudden counter, but he was able to avoid his own attack with ease, what he didn't expect was that she threw a Hurricane at zero range, increasing its already low hit range at a 100%, and trapping him on a momentary and painful air prison, however she wasn't done yet, as he heard her shot her Dragon bullets at the storm again and again, which didn't took long to catch up with him, hitting him like a hail.

"So? Do you like my BulletStorm?," Edge sarcastically asked once all of her bullets had made impact and the wind had calmed down.

Ignis found himself at a fault of air and unable to focus on the foe before him. But what had him more stressed was the fact he was still thinking 'what would Seth do in these situation' again and again. He was so into his thoughts that he didn't noticed the moment Edge had moved before him. It took Ignis some seconds to realize this, surprisingly reacting at the Noivern presence, and finally noticing something about her. She was blind.

"You... You can't see?" the Charizard asked in shock.

Edge snarled. "That's it!" She exclaimed while flying away. "This fight is over. I don't know what the reason is and I don't care, but don't you demand a fight when you aren't fully invested in it!"

"What!?" the Charizard wearily demanded, while clumsily following her.

"You fell for my taunting, used ineffective attacks, lost sight of your surroundings, you even ignored the part of my blindness for Arceus sake!" She listed, annoyance growing in her tone at each point, finally turning her scared eyes at him.

"..." Ignis didn't know how to reply, as he had to admit, she was right. Normally he was a far better fighter than this.

"So whenever you feel like stop feeling whatever is slowing you down, you can try to challenge me again."

Edge was about to fly away for good when she felt Ignis’ presence increase, not in a menacing violent way, but as a strong foe.

"I can still fly," he calmly replied, "So I won't let you fly away from this fight! This isn't over yet!"

He knew he was an attack away from fainting, but if he was going down, he will do it fighting, not being written off as some low level encounter. Edge seemed to see him on a slightly different light now, as she turn herself to face him.

"Very well then, if that is what you want," she happily replied, seemingly enjoying Ignis new found confidence.

Ignis growled and then charged at his for one more time.

The world spun around Ignis as he plumber toward the ground, yet he was clearly smiling.

He had charged at Edge as fast as he could, another Dragon Pulse charging on his throat as he closed the distance between both of them, finally copying her own maneuver and spun around her while unleashing his attack at her back, hitting clear between her wings.

Yet the figure of Edge wavered at the impact, disappearing soon after. Seeing this made Ignis realise there were now dozens of Noiverns flying around him. "Double Team huh?" Noticed the Charizard.

But instead of giving up, he made use of what remained of his strength and charge at each one of them, Dragon Bullets raining at him at each second. Ignis knew he was done, but he still managed to keep flying, charging at each illusion as if it were the real thing again and again, until finally he threw a scorching torrent of fire at the real dragoness, who didn't avoid the attack.

"Not bad," she honestly praised the tired Charizard's accomplishment, she then flew besides him and whisper to him in a surprisingly sensual tone, "You do have it in you why don't you?" but as soon as her voice left her lips, she proceeded to bite Ignis on the neck with a Leech Life attack, "But I’m resistant to fire, remember?"

With what little energy he had being sucked out of him, Ignis began to fall down to the earth, yet he was happy. He had given his all at the end, there was no regret on his part, besides maybe heading to his demise, literally head on.

Yet he found himself caught by a gentle gust of wind when he was just about to hit the ground, looking at the wind's owner he found Edge, calmly flapping above him.

"I should be ashamed of how I fought today," Ignis apologize as he looked at his rival. "But at least I am glad to know I can give you an actual fight next time!"

"An actual fight?" Edge asked with disbelief, and proceeded to laugh in a high pitched tone, "boy, I wasn't giving my all at all."

"You are bluffing!" Exclaimed the Charizard after a few doubtful seconds.

Edge merely turned towards a nearby boulder and shut another of her Dragon Bullets at it, pricing the thing and blowing it up to smithereens in just an instant.

"I could have done that to you at any time," she cooly claimed while landing besides him. "But I thought you were too cute for that, thank Arceus for your good looks!" She joked.

Yet, Ignis didn't want to believe it. "Y-you can bluff all you want," he stammered while trying to stand up and thank his luck, not his looks, but he was still glad that Edge was not able to see his blushing face. "But I will show you-!"

Again his words were cut off by the Noivern, who pinned him down with her body. "Now, now, you shouldn't push your luck nor your body," she said again with her sensual tone while looking at the blushing Charizard with her blind eyes and whisper, "or I shall punish you!"


Was all the aroused and confused Ignis could say as he noticed Edge's ears shine, the Hyper Voice pressing him against the ground.

"I would love to have a chance to brawl with you if we ever cross paths again, or to fight if that is more of your liking," was the farewell words Edge gave the Charizard while taking off, her last words slowly blurred as Ignis lost consciousness, but he still could clearly hear, "And don't you dare to remove those fang marks off you, or I will punish you again!"

And giggling away the Noivern went, leaving a smiling Charizard pinned down with swirls for eyes behind her.

Outside the Hall of legends
Weiss' group

They found the entrance rather quickly, thanks to the guards besides it that is. Both seemed to be carved out of blocks of ice and rock respectively, the one of ice had a huge block of it for a body and smaller ones for limbs, icicles where its legs and fingers while seven yellow dots organized as a cross take the place of a face of sorts. The rock one seemed to be a pile of boulders joined together to a massive one, this one however seem to be more agile than the other, albeit just a little more, thanks to the larger amount of joints it had on its arms and legs, this one too had dots for a face, although these made an 'H' form instead.

To Daring, those seemed to be structures besides the door, mere decoration, but she soon changed her mind as both Legendary Pokemon turned their dots to them, a sequence of signs coming from them.

"We seek audience with the lords and ladies of this Hall!" Exclaimed Weiss as a reply, surprisingly calm despite the situation.

Both Regis turn to each other and shared another sequence of blips.

"Hey!" Demanded the Bisharp. "We are not 'another group of pilgrims’!"

Both golems kept their gaze on the newcomers. Whether they were annoyed or surprised was impossible to decipher though. Regirock then had its dots flash in a sequence, before walking into the Hall, while Regice moved to block the door, its dots flashing as well, while Weiss nodded, having understood the command of "Wait here".

Meanwhile, Valerie looked surprised at Weiss. "I learned braille for Edge. You know, from when she was a small and sneaky Noibat," Was all the explanation he gave.

Daring on her end was in shock, "D-did y-you just yell at and retort at one of your own gods!?" At this, Weiss look at her with incredulity.

True, the Regi trio were powerhouses in their own right, but they were far from gods, and maybe elemental embodiments would fit their status more properly. Gods were beings like Arceus and his children, like the Creation or Lake trios, but unfortunately he was unable to explain this to the mare, so all he did was shrug.

Before Daring could made another argument, the earth began to softly shake under their feet at a rhythmic phase.

Shortly after Regirock returned alongside his father, a white creature so large some vegetation grew on its back and feet. Six eye-like gems stood on its chest while a yellow and round head hold yet another collections of spots.

"Follow me," was all Regigigas said in a deep, though almost monotone voice, and as soon he was fully outside he turned around and return inside.

"Thank you," was Weiss’ answer as he took the invitation, Greninja right behind him and Valerie not far behind, although not as confident.

"Wait!" Exclaimed Daring as she dashed beside Weiss and grabbed his shoulder. "These ... Giants! Are all Pokemon right?" The Bisharp nodded. "And they are just in charge of the security?" Another nod. "So there are even more important and frightening Pokemon inside?" A third nod and Daring felt her haunches touch the ground. "I don't know if you’re too confident, stupid, brave or stupidly confident on your bravery."

Weiss laughed at her sort of compliment, patting her on the head to make her know they were going to be okay, even though he himself wasn't fully sure of that.

They slowly made their way into the mountain, mostly because of their guide's Slow Start. Weiss was thankful that Edge had stayed behind or else things could have turned 'impatient' very fast. He also wondered if Regigigas just happened to be passing by when they arrived, since it didn't take him long to greet them. This however gave them a chance to contemplate the royal look and elegant design the Hall possessed, marveling both females with each slow step taken by the Colossal Pokemon. The mercenaries on the other hand, didn't seem to care.

"Defended better than the Sinnoh nutjobs," was all the praise Weiss gave.

Almost thirteen minutes later, the group finally arrived at one massive dining room with a grand dining table in the middle of the room. On it lay a sight none of them expect, not even the mercenaries: a two story tall vanilla cake with chocolate frosting and strawberries, also the legendaries Dialga, Palkia, Zekrom, Reshiram, Mew and Deoxys holding a plate with a slice of said desert made the scene so much more impressive...or silly.

"Oh come on!" Exclaimed the black dragon Zekrom at the sight of the newcomers. "We just had our meal interrupted and now we can't even finish our dessert!?"

"Now, now my son," said a gentle yet omnipresent voice from somewhere in the room, making both mercenaries weary. "They only come seeking answers."

Then a slight glow come from behind the cake, only to float over it, and the table, and land before them. A white creature slightly similar to an equine, yet possessing no visible mouth, hooves or mane, instead two pair of wise eyes looked at them kindly while an imposing aura emanated from it, an 'X' shaped ring rested on its torso, the source of the Alpha Pokemon's divine light.

"Greetings my children and resident of Equus," politely greeted Arceus while making his ring shine once more. "What troubles disturb your mind?"

Both Daring Do and Valerie looked at the original Pokemon with awe, barely able to stand their ground.

Weiss and Greninja on their end, again didn't seem to care. "I thank you for your warm welcome, Lord Arceus, and I apologise for our sudden intrusion," commented the Bisharp while looking at the table, adding to Daring's shock as she was suddenly capable of understanding him, thanks to Arceus of course. However, ignoring her, Weiss continued. "But one would expect random and unexpected guests to arrive when you caused a world changing event and gave away the location where you currently live."

The Deep Black Pokemon glared at the newcomer, only to burst into sonorous laughter. "He has you there Lord Arceus. Not exactly the wisest of moves."

"And where else should I greet those looking for answers then?" Asked back the original one.

"I don't know, anywhere but where we are at home maybe?"

Arceus dropped the topic before it became repetitive and returned to the visitors. "I presume you have something to ask, don't you young Bisharp."

"Weiss," the mercenary offered his name and continued, "And being sincere; no. I am not here to see you Lord Arceus. I am here to see someone else, so if you’ll excuse me."

And so the former human turned around and began to walk away, much to the shock of everyone in the room, save perhaps Greninja who had his expressionless face on as always while staying with Daring and Valerie.

"Well that was new," commented Mew on her end while sipping some tea, though when she had heard his name, she wasn’t all that surprised, remembering that one Legendary had a connection with this particular human.

"We deeply apologize for our comrade's outrageous behaviour!" Valerie quickly said in a very apologetic tone and repeatedly bowed as soon as it was clear Weiss wasn't joking.

"Y-yeah, not quite sure what happened with him," added Daring, although she wasn't as polite as her Togekiss companion, mostly because she was afraid of what a 'god' could do.

"It's okay madames," Arceus replied calmly while watching the clothed Pokemon leave the room and ask something to Regigigas, probably directions. "Believe it or not, I have heard of this being before."

The remaining visitors seemed confused, yet none of them wanted to ask.

"Either way," proclaimed the god while asking for a third time, "What troubles you young maiden?"

Valerie hoped she knew Minimise, as she felt like she wanted nothing more than to shrink as much she could under the Legendary’s gaze, but regained a bit of courage while constantly reminding herself about her reason to be there.

'It’s for him, for us, for our happiness!' She chanted to herself a couple of times till she finally opened her lips and asked in a half scream "L-lord Arceus! Is this... You know... Are we going to remain as Pokemon? Or is the happiness my beloved and I have share thus far an ephemeral dream?" She began to tremble as the possibility of returning to the old ways passed her head. "Please! Please, let this not be a dream..." Small tears began to roll down her face, yet she continued to look up at the Pokemon god.

The look she gave through her dilated eyes showed how concern and terrified she was, not about Arceus but about his answer, about the possibility of all this being a mere and sad illusion.

The Alpha Pokemon look at her eyes and smiled inwardly. 'Such passion and worry towards her loved one, no wonder she was so synchronized with the Fairy-types,' he then brought his own body down and lay down on the ground before Valerie, so she could have his gaze closer to her height and probably calm her a little.

"This is not a dream, I can assure you of that," began Arceus with a paternal tone. "This is reality. You can even ask Darkrai or Cresselia if you wish," offered the god.

As soon these words were said, the shadows of the room enlarged and extend towards a single point on the ground, from it a white flowing mass of hair appeared, single cold blue eye followed shortly after and then a voice with a tone dark as the night said, "This is no dream."

And then Darkrai's head returned to the shadows.

"That was cryptic...and weird," commented the white dragon Reshiram over her cake.

"He has been like that as of late," Deoxys explained. "And he seems to be constantly preoccupied with something.”

"At any rate," said Arceus as he continued the conversation, "Be at ease. I am not willing to go back, and even if some force capable of making me change my mind suddenly appeared out of thin air, I don't have the power to do so anymore."

Arceus knew the last part was perhaps a bit too much of information, but he knew the former Gym Leader would have no use whatsoever for it, though he would have to ask Daring Do to keep it a secret. However, the relieved look Valerie gave him told him he had done the right thing. Yet she returned to her former angsty expression, although not as troubled as before.

"I thank you for your kind words my lord, you surely have relieved a monumental weight out of my back..."

"But?" Invited Arceus.

"It’s not that I am not unthankful or anything," she quickly explain before continuing, "But why am I unable to give my loved one an offspring?"

"Huh?" Wondered Daring.

"She means why it's she unable to have a child," kindly replied Mew as she floated closer to the talk.

"Ehm... Thanks…?" Awkwardly replied the Pegasus as she gave an inquisitive look at the pink cat hovering besides her. "I did get that though, what I mean is how can she know that after only three days in this world. I mean; I know those two have been cooking like crazy, but the bun needs more time in the oven to know such a thing!"

"Their egg groups are different," explained Mew as if it were the simplest thing in the world. Of course, Daring had no idea what she meant.

"I see," commented Arceus as he too reached the same conclusion. "That is odd, I made sure all humans took the form most fitting for their loved ones when transporting everyone."

"Or the form most fitting for them," completed Arceus' first Daughter, this seemed to light something on the Alpha Pokemon's mind.

"Oh! Of course, I hadn't thought about it."

"About what my fair Lord?" Valerie asked worriedly while looking at both legendaries alternatively.

"I had heard you had the wish of becoming a Pokemon long before I was even able of think about all of this. Is that correct?"

Valerie nodded. "I always loved Togekiss’ gracefulness and title, although I knew I was as close to becoming one as I was to show my affection to my soulmate to the world. It was just a silly maiden's wish."

"But I am afraid that you wished a bit too hard."


"You had your sight so fixated on such a wish that when it was your turn to be converted, I could only see your wish to become a Togekiss, and since it was fueled by your love towards your mate, I was unable to sense it."

What followed next was a scene anyone would have deemed as depression incarnate; a crying Togekiss.

Even Daring could see it despite knowing little about Pokemon, Valerie was lying on the ground, wings flat on her sides, eyes small like pebbles and tears streaming out of them, followed by the most heartbroken tone one could possibly achieve.

"Then, this is none other than my fault..." Surprisingly, or shattering, she was still trying to use her cheerful fairy tale voice, "How... Un-unpleasant... This news is..." At each pause the amount of tears increased and her voice faltered. "How foolish a woman I am!" She finally snaped, no longer holding back the tears or the sadness.

The rest of the legendaries also heard the roaring cry and stand up from their seats, and then Daring sees them do something she wouldn't have expect them to, they gathered around the crying fairy in a comforting way, Mew even letting her cry over her shoulder. It was an impressive scene, all of these gigantic and strong looking creatures showing so much kindness toward a small being such as her new companion.

"I guess these guys aren't legends for nothing," She commented to herself as she too leaned closer to the crying fairy.

Some minutes passed before Valerie to finally calm down, the legendary Pokemon having left during the time, leaving Mew and Arceus to keep her company besides Daring and Greninja. She was currently sitting on a small chair willed into existence by Arceus, besides her was Daring and Mew, they had a smaller version of the cake served on cute and elegant white dishes on a Victorian table, all also bringer by the Pokemon god.

"Feeling better now?" Asked Mew while offering Valerie a levitating tea pot.

The Togekiss gave a slow nod as she finished her third slice of cake. "I am better now," she held her cup with the tip of her wings and offer it to Mew to refill it.

"So..." Starter Daring as she finished her cup. "I presume having a child was your third wish?" Despite the harshness of the question, Daring used a tone as subtle as possible. She didn't like to keep trouble at bay and unchecked, even emotional.

Valerie didn't break into tears this time, instead she looked up into the ceiling. "It was," She calmly said, no longer using her exaggerated speech or tone. "Back on earth we knew such possibility was nothing but a dream, yet it was a dream I loved to have every night." She had to take a very deep breath to stop herself from crying when an unknown child's voice crossed her thoughts and softly call her 'mama.'

"Well, is not the end of the world you know," started Mew. "We could-"

"She's right!" Cut Daring, "You two are finally together in a world free of that puristic crap, not to mention you can try having a kid another way, like maybe adopting one."

Valerie smiled at the thought, that was a good possibility, besides she was also right about having a whole new world for her and Sylveon. "You are right, this is a whole new beginning! I shouldn't be mopping like this!"

Daring was about to say something else but was her turn to be cut off by Mew, "or you could, I don't know, let us change you into another Pokemon." The other two looked at her in surprise and confusion. "Me, father, my brothers and sisters were responsible for your, and everyone's, transformation, so it won't be hard to give you a new body more fitting for your beloved and your wish."

Daring turned to Valerie to see her reaction, but she was currently looking at the legendary Pokemon and couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"It will be slightly difficult, but not impossible," proudly explained an incoming voice. "Nothing compared with what we had to do when moving here," said Arceus as he joined the group, having overheard his daughter's proposition simply because he remained close to the group. "So what do you say young one?"

It was impossible to calculate what lied in Valerie's mind, as she kept her eyes closed and her expression calm, slightly smiling from time to time as the imaginary voice of before came back from time to time.

For Daring it seemed like a no-brainer. She had beings capable of solving her problem in an instant and were offering their help willingly, no restrains, after effects or side quests needed, all she had to do was saying yes.

"I thank you for the glorious opportunity you both are granting me," Valerie said calmly while finally looking at both Legendaries with her big eyes.

Arceus give her a welcoming nod while Mew floated next to her father, Daring on her end though that Valerie's choose was obvious, she would say...

"I won't change."

The three beings besides her couldn't hide their surprise.

"WHAT!?" Exclaimed Daring, "Why not?"

"I achieved many things on my life by my own means," Valerie replied, a smile on her face, as she did so, "I became a successful model, an expert on Fairy-types, a respectful leader of a Pokemon gym and above all, I got myself a wonderful husband who loves me for who I am, even when loving me was forbidden."

The two legendaries and Pegasus kept a respectful silence, although they couldn't understand where she was going.

"But I also made my share of mistakes in life," she kept smiling while remembering them, although she didn't list them this time. "And it's because of them I stand as who I am right now. This form may be my greatest wish come true, but its also my greatest mistake, and its up to me to live with it."

She then took to the air and placed a gentle kiss on Arceus’ forehead and gave Mew a gentle hug.

"I truly thank you for what you have done, and believe me when I tell you I wanted, I really, REALLY, wanted to accept your offer, but a god's job isn't to help every creature with their tiny little problems all over the world, but to guide them towards happiness, or am I wrong 'father?'

Arceus blinked at the title, it was the first time someone other than his children, or an overly religious person, had call him as such. “It is your life Miss Valerie, so you may choose as you wish."

"But you can always ask for some 'divine intervention' if you ever change your mind," finished Mew while returning the hug.

Valerie smiled brightly as she thought on what she will tell her husband once they see each other again. 'I don't know what we will talk about, but I will properly talk to him, no fairy tale mask from now on, this is our home after all!'

'Tears of a maiden
A spring breeze
Promises of new starts'

The Ninja Pokemon looked at his little poem and then at the sight who inspired it, smiling slightly as he gently placed it on the wall beside him with some sticky foam of his. While he wasn't able to use it as much as when he was young, he was still able to do things like this every now and then.

Greninja then turned his face toward another place on the ceiling, wondering how his comrade was doing on his end.

The Hall of Legends
A few minutes earlier

Weiss left the dining room at a calm pace, hearing how Valerie apologized for his rude demeanor. 'If they call that rude, I can't imagine what my angry self would seem to her' he thought as he walked towards Regigigas, who was still holding its position besides the dinner room entrance.

"Excuse me," he begin, "I am searching for the remanent member of the Eon Duo, can you kindly point me in her direction?"

The Colossal Pokemon slowly turned its head down at Weiss, the Bisharp wondering if he was confused or uncertain about his question, since the Legendary remained silent Weiss decided to rephrase himself.

"I am looking for Lady Latias, do you know where she is?" His tone was less gentler but quite friendly this time.

Regigigas seemed to understand him this time, as he slowly raised his massive arm and said with his avalanche of a voice, "Stairs on the left, second door to the right, at the end of the hallway." And then returned to his statue-like pose.

"Thanks!" Cheerfully replied Weiss as he followed the instructions.

On his end, Regigigas thought 'remnant member?' and chuckled.

Weiss followed the path instructed with little to no problems, yet that didn't stop him from looking at the other doors open along the way. He saw Meloetta practicing her dancing on her pirouette form, Jirachi lazily reading a book, and he even caught a good look at Rayquaza passing by the same path in the hallway, the great dragon merely giving him a glance.

"All my life I’ve been offered bounties for these guys and here I am casually walking into them," Weiss joked to himself as he reached the end of the path.

He raised a hand motioned to knock on the door, but stopped right before touching it, his memory drifting into the past and into a single line.

'We will see each other again, right?' Said the memory of a plain looking girl smiling at him, only to hear his own voice from then.

"It's a promise."

Yet he still couldn’t bring himself to knock on the door.

"And how am I going to greet her?" He thought out loud, "I can't just walk in and say 'hey long time no see! By the way your patriarch turned me into a Bisharp, any way how is the weather?' just like that," he then took the moment to realize something. "Will she even recognize me?"

Suddenly Weiss was grabbed by the back of his coat and thrown at the other side of the door. A back flip latter, Weiss look for who ever throw him with both forearm blades ready for battle, but he only found nothing as the door closed by itself.

"... Okay, not what I planned." Commented Weiss to himself as he turned around and look at the place he was in, or rather out.

He was on a huge balcony, filled with small gardens and fountains all around, yet Weiss felt he had seen the view before, 'Alto Mare' he thought while looking at the small replica of the secret garden, the only differences being the size and the panoramic view of the landscape.

A shadow passing by cut Weiss' awe as he looked up for the owner.

"You’re back!" Commented a cheerful female voice, a voice he knew all too well. "What was so important that you left so abrupt...ly...?"

The Legendary Pokemon stared at the clothed Bisharp in surprise, obviously, he wasn't the mon she was waiting for. On his end Weiss didn't knew what to say, mostly because he hafn't expected to find her as he did.

"Ehm... How’s the weather?" Was all the Bisharp could say while mentally face palming.

'Oh yeah, real smooth' he thought 'Of course she is frozen, she mustn't recognize me,' as he thought this, Weiss took a small step back, 'I better leave before things turn high wire,' and then he turn around while saying "I am sorry for startle you, it was my mistake..." And adding nothing more he took another step away.

Only to be suddenly stopped by a pair of red arms hugging him from behind, a good thing since he had four sharp blades on his chest, although he wasn't thinking on that at all. It was Weiss' turn to be in shock as he slowly turned to face Latias, but as soon he did so, he found himself being hugged tightly at some good feet off the ground, while also being moved from side to side as a cheerful tone energetically said, "You’re so small now!"

"Huh?" Sophisticatedly replied Weiss.

"You used to be such a tall and scary human, but now you almost look adorable."

"You..." Doubtfully began the almost adorable Bisharp. "You recognize me? But how?"

Once Latias finally put him on the ground, Weiss turned to face her old friend, who seemed confused by his question. "It wasn't that hard you know?"

Weiss thought for a second before saying, "You read my mind?" She nodded with her head.

"You’re immune to psychics now."

The former human saw her logic, 'but then how does Xavier manage to talk with me?' He thought, but left it for later, as he ventured his next guess, "Was it the clothes?"

Latias chuckled, "They look better on you now, but those weren't how I found out."

"Mhm..." He took a longer moment to think, an idea crossed his mind but he diminished right away, thinking it was too cursi to be it, "I give up then." He said with both arms on the air, as if he were turning himself in to some Jenny.

Latias chuckled again, "Your eyes."

Weiss chuckled too, 'So it was that after all,' he corrected himself, "It’s good to see you being as cheerful as always, Latias," greeted the Bisharp while holding his fist before her.

The Eon Pokemon raised her fist and bump it against Weiss' and joked "And is good to meet you once more, 'tin man!'"

"Really?" Deadpanned Weiss, "of all possible nicknames, 'tin man' is the best you could come with?"

"Well it's not like I have much to work with, I mean look at yourself!" The dragon-type gestured at his body. "What else could I call you?"

Weiss did think up a good list of possible other names she could use, each more embarrassing than the other, so he decided a tactical retreat was his best option. "You sort of have a point there..." Replied the Bisharp.

"Of course I do!" Proudly retorted Latias while raising her chest.

Both friends chuckled as a result.

"So, how has this world been treating you?" Calmly asked Weiss as he looked at the sight on the balcony, "I presume you have seen more of this world than I have."

The legendary Pokemon floated besides him as if she was walking, "I haven't seen much of this world," a slightly frown of defeat on her face, "Lord Arceus has commanded we stay here, for the time being at least."

"Ouch," replied her friend, knowing well how she liked to aimlessly fly around their previous world.

"Yeah, but he promised that he will let us go outside in due time, he even managed to give Rayquaza a spell so he won't destroy some Pegasi city when he passes by!"

"Wow! Magic?" Commented Weiss. "So Lord Arceus can use magic as well?"

"He’s been studying some Equestrian books," replied Latias.

"Now that's just being a show off," declared Weiss with an exaggerated tone.

Latias give her friend a cold look, the Dark-type simply shrugged.

"And what about you?" Asked Latias, "what have you seen since last time we see each other?"

"Huh?" Answered Weiss with other question, "Haven't you read my mind as always?"

"What part of you been immune to psychics didn't you get?" Deadpanned the Eon Pokemon.

"Oh... Right, sorry!" Weiss shyly apologized. "But how comes I can still talk telepathically with Xavier?"

Latias gave him a puzzled look on return, as she too ignored the fact, but remembering one of the many lessons she, and her brother, had with Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit in the past, she figured it out.

"Dark-types Pokemon have a natural immunity to psychics," she began to explain with a tone that resembled a scholar. "Yet they are capable of granting a bypass to some if they want." She then looked at her friend and continued explaining, using her normal voice though, "You and Xavier have been together for so long that he already has a bypass granted long before you even become a Bisharp" she then whispered to herself, "... I’m kind of envious of that."

Weiss however had a good ear as a human, and it seemed to become even better as a Bisharp, "Why would you envy my tactician?"

Latias in turn seemed surprised by been heard, although she didn't seem flustered on the slightest, "Well, it seems like both of you have such a strong link it transcended a whole universal jump!"

Weiss thought for a second and added, "You make it sound so gay," and then chuckled, Latias joining him once she realized her choice of words, "But you are right so," he then took a step closer to her "let us change that shall we?" And offer his head to her.

The female Eon Pokemon nodded and bring her arms to his shoulders and her head close to his, Weiss fidget a second and say in a whisper, "aren't you a bit too close?"

"That is surprising, feeling nervous all of the sudden?" Replied his friend in a mocking tone.

"Well, it’s your face what may get sliced by my 'hair' after all," retorted back Weiss with a similar tone.

"It’s okay," finished Latias as she rested her forehead right on the halberd's edge, "I know you won't hurt me."

And then she searched for Weiss' mind, the Dark-type concentrating on letting her mental self in, it didn't took long for him to feel the familiar touch of her mind on his own, he then started to feel how some parts of his memory began to be shared with Latias. A few seconds later, she pull away with a slight face of disgust, disbelief and naught.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm down and keep her stomach in its place, Latias look directly at Weiss and finally says, "He really french kissed an Eelektross!?"

Weiss simply laughed.

Author's Note:

Okay,now I have time, I really have fun with this chapter, I thank Aus greatly for letting me use his character Ignis, and look forward to write one of his characters again in a near future. As well for anyone willing to cross paths with my boys!

I hope you all like it.

Editor notes.

Ausbrony- Well, this chapter was a lot of fun to assist with. Ignis shows that a clouded mind is not suitable for battle and Edge is a delightful little tease~

Ignis - Don't I get a say in this!?

Nope, Imma ship you like the S.S. Anne

Ignis- *Groan*

Pokemon of the day:

Arceus Charizard (Ignis)

Regirock Regice

Regigigas Mew