• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

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Twenty Sixth Move

Twenty Sixth Move
Booze Run

Equestria Kingdom
Across the sky

“I can’t believe it was so easy.” Commented Latias to her brother besides her.

“I presume the old saying ‘those who ask got answers’ wasn’t that off.” Replied Latios as they remembered their meeting with Lord Arceus.

After Latias’ abrupt idea, the Eon Duo had gone to explain their situation to the Alpha Pokemon, regarding their interest on looking for an old friend of theirs. What they had in return wasn’t something they expected.

“You two can go and look for this friend of yours.” Acrecus started. “But you do know my imposition about having the legendaries here expired some time ago right?”

Needless to say, neither of the siblings knew what to say, although the tone Arceus said such news made them think it was a small joke from their patriarch.

“Still, a success is a success!” Cheered Latias to her brother as they kept flying aimlessly through the late sky.

“I guess you are right but…” Said her brother. “What is our plan exactly? Besides flying around like a pair of Zubats.”

They did take some time to prepare themselves before leaving the Hall of Legends, yet the only thing they had done so far was moving from one town to another with little success.

“I told you already!” Explained Latias, for the first time. “Asking around would take us ages. So scanning everyone’s minds speed things up.”

“That is true.” Acknowledged Latios. “But we don’t know for sure if she is in this continent to begin with, let alone this kingdom. And you never explain anything to me.”

“Details, details.” Interrupted Latias. “We are the fastest dragons in existence, there is no way we can’t cover enough ground if we get serious. Besides.” Suddenly, her body began to shine. “We can bust ourselves!”

Latios just let out a tired sigh as he began to glow as well.

A moment later, both of them had mega-evolved and were now fly at twice their speed.

“You know mega-evolution isn't meant for childish things like this right?” Asked Latios while keeping close to his sister.

“You want to find your lady friend or not!?” Latias shouted out with a childish tone. “Now shut up and scan everything!”

As ridiculous as it sounded, Latios had to admit she was right, on her reasons though, not her actions. After all, this whole ordeal was done so he could find ‘her.’

‘Just wait a bit longer...’ thought the male Eon Pokemon as he began to look around for his long lost friend.

At that very moment, somewhere on this world a sleek Dragonair wearing a white beret looked up at the twilight sky with hope.

San Palomino Desert
Outside Timbisha’s ruins

“Well, that was a burst.” Said Weiss with disappointed tone, however he didn’t seem angry or sad. Simply annoyed.

The team had been treating their injured comrade for the rest of the day, and even when Valerie healed Char, the Claw Pokemon remained unconscious.

“Have you ever seen that Unicorn before?” Asked Xavier to Daring, who was currently eating some weeds Rouge had grown for her and the rest to eat.

“I haven’t seen the guy yet.” She admitted. “But I have heard some stories of him.”

“‘The Shining Demon’” remembered Simon. “Quite an pompous nickname if you ask me.”

“True.” Admitted Daring. “But if half of what I have heard of him its true, then he deserves it alright.”

“Is he that good?” Asked Gold who was, reluctantly, eating the same weed.

Most of the non herbivorous members of the team shared the disgust.

“Most hench ponies work to give their employers time or numbers for their evil plans.” Daring explained. “This guy, however, is the kind they contract when they want things actually finished and done.”

“Sounds like us alright.” Repeated Weiss with sadness. “It a bit disappointing to know such individuals existed in this world already.

“Well, he belongs to a rare breed, actually.” Daring pointed out. “Most people would think twice before asking for him or anypony with such set of skills. Ahuizotl once said it gives them bad rep.”

“Interesting quote.” Said Rouge, a she knew about their sort of relationship.

“The guy is a pain in the flank and his schemes are ridiculous as hay!” Said Daring rather quickly. “But still he isn’t that evil. I wonder what kind of plan has made his lackey to call upon Ray.”

“The more reason for us to focus on stopping him then.” Added Sylveon with a confident tone.

“I guess we will be running into him from now on so I guess that is a given.” Said Weiss with less enthusiasm. “I only hope this guy keeps moving around so I can find the rest of my team.”

“Like the member you forgot in Canterlot?” Gently remained the Intertwine Pokemon.

“... I know she can handle herself.” Replied Weiss while completely ignoring the Sylveon's gaze. “For now, I would suggest we start heading back to Las Pegasus. I don’t want to risk giving Char a heat stroke once the sun raises.”

The team agreed and finished their meal quickly, some more than others, and departed.

They wouldn’t be able to move fast though, as none of them wanted to risk putting Char in a worse condition. Even with Valerie’s healing, they needed to keep their comrade as stable as possible.

“Lets go.”

Somewhere else
A few hours prior

Tlaloque continued to look at his pillars just like before, only to be interrupted by a sudden burst of light appearing behind him. However, that and the intrusion of somepony on his chambers didn’t surprise him.

“I see you were successful.” Greeted Tlaloque. “Yet, by the look you have I would say things didn’t go exactly as planned.”

“You never told me they were so bucking strong!” Shouted Ray back as he held a hoof close to his aching ribs. “Damn creatures… I think I broke something.”

“And I thought you were looking for a challenge.” Calmly replied the immortal as he proceeded to heal his employee. “DIdn’t you say you would only take this job so you could have some fun, or were you just bluffing?”

Ray didn’t say anything and merely give Tlaloque an annoyed look.

“Fine, you are right…” He finally said once he felt better, tossing over the Sphere to Tlaloque. “I will be more careful next time.”

A magical aura enveloped the Sphere just as it was about to reach the ground.

“I would thank you if you were careful right now.” Calmly scolded the hooded being while properly carrying the item.

“Sorry boss, my bad.” Said Ray with an mocking tone.

Tlaloque didn’t say anything else, it only turned around, leaving the pillars for the first time.

“So what is this thing for?” Asked Ray as he followed his contractor, not that he had anything better to do besides ignoring the voice telling him to leave.

“I know you are a well educated magician Ray.” Replied Tlaloque as he moved around the abandoned complex with the Unicorn in tow. “Why do you ask what you already know?”

“I am bored.” Was all Ray said.

Tlaloque kept quiet for a few seconds and then continued.

“I am using this for its designed purpose.” It said. “Simple as that.”

“You mean calling upon a spirit from the underworld?” Inquired Ray once more. “No offence, but I thought a thing as strong as you didn’t needed of such trinkets to do so.”

“And I don’t.” Calmly acknowledged Tlaloque. “But this one will be special.”

The duo then reached a bigger room, filled with crystal-like jewels floating in it, a different kind from those Tlaloque was using so far since these ones didn’t consume any kind of energy; they produced it.

Ray whistled at the sight.

“Fairy Diamonds, and a lot of them.” He said while looking at the one slowly spinning in the center of the room, a massive structure shining softly as it gave power to the whole complex. “Just a small one is worth a year of my salary, and I am not exactly cheap!”

“This item requires an enormous amount of magic in order to be used.” Proceeded Tlaloque while keeping an eye on Ray, the last thing it needed was for one of his gems to be snached.

“So you are going to charge it with these?” Presumed Ray as he moved away from the smaller ones once he understood why Tlaloque hadn't removed his sight from him.

‘Next time.’ He thought.

“Yes, but I am using them for a different reason than just recharging the Sphere.” Said Tlaloque as it placed the Sphere on a pedestal before the main crystal. As soon the item was in position, all the diamonds in the room shone brighter, as their toll was suddenly increased. “I could do this myself, but that would leave me exposed to those looking for me.”

“uhu…” Said Ray, as he know very well the sphere required a quantity of magic not even an alicorn could muster just like that. “If that makes you feel strong. So how long will it be for this to be ready?”

“A couple of days maybe.” Replied Tlaloque as he stared at the charging Sphere.

“Neat… so do you need me for something else or should I go for some snacks?” Asked the Unicorn.

“There is something else I will need, yes.” Began Tlaloque as his body began to vanish. “But I am sure you will only make things worse, so I will go and fetch it myself. You can leave if you want, I will call you when needed.”

And so the hooded thing vanished, not without adding.

“I have them counted.”

Ray just stared at the now empty place where the last words came from and sighed, then he returned the small diamond to its place and left the room while saying.

“Snacks it is.”

Hoofrica Continent
Near Zebrican borders

The dwelling of a witch was usually said to be ominous. Ominous was certainly a watered down word for the dwelling of Thirst. The dark abode smelled of death and decay. The boat made for a suitable place for her to conduct her ‘experiments’, but it certainly wouldn’t have been her first choice. It was rather cramped, but she’d have to make do. The witch, was a tall lanky griffin of sorts. Her body resembled that of a limber puma, while her upper features were more like a raven’s. Her large wings lay at her sides, over her robes. A large staff with a dark purple crystal atop it lay in her left hand.

Currently, Thirst was working on the collars again. There were so many ideas and ways to instill control in these new creatures. Her test subjects were all in trances, so she wouldn’t have to worry about them. That and Rage could protect her. The once small Rattata now was larger than a tiger thanks to the witch's magic. The pokemon wore thick, black armor and was currently curled up near Thirst. It surprised her how much she’d grown fond of the creature.

Still, fondness would have to wait as Thirst had to focus on her plans, specially since a certain commander had become a new hindrance for her.

Thirst lightly used her dagger to cut into her latests test subject’s arm, a Scyther. Drawing blood, she quickly smeared it over the beast’s collar, chanting dark words not meant for this realm. It glowed brightly and she knew that the collar had taken full control. “Perfect.” Step one was complete. Now to give that foolish Caballeron her other tests. The greedy stallion would certainly water at the sight of these beauties.

With a job well done, Thirst walked over to a bowl. It wasn’t any ordinary bowl, since it was made out of ribcages. Dipping a clawed hand into the blood stained water, she calmly let it flow over her skin, rejuvenating her power. The blood of mon certainly had a kick to it.

Hearing struggling, she glanced over at a bound zebra. “Hush now. I’ll get to you in a second.” Thirst grinned. She always needed ‘immortals’ for her work. The undead creatures made for good soldiers. Killing the host was easy. Keeping the corpse together afterward would be a tad bit costly.

Taking her hand out of the water, she strode over to the zebra. However, she stopped the moment Rage started growling. She could tell by it that he was wary, which caught her a bit off guard. There was a nervous tick to his growling. She had placed wards around this place to make sure that she wouldn’t be found. Rage wouldn’t be growling like that with anyone that fool Caballeron brought. So, she stomped the ground with her staff and scanned about. “Who dares enter my domain?”

“I see you got yourself a new ‘pet’ to keep you company.” Came a emotionless voice from the shadows Rage was growling at, shortly after the hooded form of Tlaloque came out of it. “How unlike you Thirst.”

The immortal kept its features hidden beneath the ragged robes as always and gave a look to its surroundings, as he well knew how protective the witch was about her privacy.

“Tlaloque,” Thirst loosened up just a tad. With a wave of her hand, she called off Rage. The beast did as he was told, but kept a close distance to Thirst. “So nice to see you. It’s been so long since we’ve last met. I had thought you had forgotten about me.”

“I’ve been working on that suggestion you give me once.” The immortal replied with the same tone, yet it seemed to relax once it seemed the witch wasn’t going to attack just yet. “I must admit that being more direct in my approach is slightly more effective, although it leaves me with less time to be free.”

Of all the creatures on Equus, Thirst was, perhaps, the closest thing he had to a friend, after all she had lived almost as long as itself, something not even the rulers of Equestria could say. A couple of centuries were the only difference. Yet at the same time he knew he couldn’t bring himself to be too friendly with her, as they were also rivals.

“And how is your father doing?” He asked with the same dead tone of before, although it knew well it was being sarcastic.

Thirst glared at him. “Still trapped in Tartarus, the same as he was the last time you asked. My efforts are proving well enough. Did you come here to patronize me or did you have a point?”

“A pity.” Mocked back the immortal, but then cut right to the case. “I need a favor.” The clay staff appeared from within the robes and shortly after a magical shape took form from it, a sort of spherical being with magnets and coils on its sides. “I am looking for one of these new creatures, it looks like this one.” It then “looked” at her with its empty-like face. “I heard you have been collecting them and thought you may have one to spare.”

“Perhaps I do,” Thirst eyed him curiously. She smirked. “What need have you for such a creature? Have one of your many inane plans finally proven well enough?”

Tlaloque had to admit it, of all the creatures on the world, Thirst was the only one able to make it feel a need to shut up, it was unsure of how such thing worked though.

“Unlike you, Thirst, I am patient.” Tlaloque responded as it moved around the cramped chamber, examining her work. “I've been looking for the correct time and method to reach my goal. But yes, you could say one plan has proven ‘well enough.’”

“Then I will aid you,” Thirst said. She stomped her staff and in swirl of dark magic, appeared the creature. It was currently wearing one of her collars and lay sleeping on the ground. “Though, care to share your plan with lil ‘ol’ me?”

Tlaloque reached for the Magnemite, yet it stopped at the question, carefully thinking what to say as he didn’t wanted to give up much of his plan.

Then, it noticed the collar.

“A control device?” He said more as a statement. “So you plan to have these creatures as your servants?”

“Among other things,” Thirst chuckled. “Honestly, that’s the least of my many talents.” She stroked Rage’s head, causing the beast to growl in contentment. “And you are changing the subject, my dear friend.”

“I may want to reach a similar goal.” The hooded being replied. “Although with a different way of approach.” He then grabbed the necklace and removed from the Magnet Pokemon, not before giving the small charm a good, quick but extensive examination. “How about you? Will you use them as mere tools of war?”

“War is the fuel my father thrives on,” Thirst said. “Tools such as these will more than suffice in the upcoming war.”

“So you are going to war then?” Asked Tlaloque with only she could interpretation as surprise and curiosity, others would have heard the same tone of always though.

“War would come whether I lift a talon or not, Tlaloque.” Thirst said. “There is no stopping it. Instead, I wish to revel in it. The blood will flow like it has not done in centuries.”

“That is more like it.” Said the immortal. “I, for now, look to make use of this being.” It said while holding the now awake, scared and hysteric Magnemite in his magical grasp. “Its properties are perfect for my experiment with the Orb of Calling.”

“The Orb?” Thirst let an interested bird-like hum fill the air. “What are you planning, Tlaloque? I’m growing more interested the more I listen. You always had that effect on me.”

“You have been a good student.” Tlaloque acknowledge her. “And I thought it was time to use it. The time couldn’t be more perfect for it.” Then Tlaloque turned back at the witch. “But enough about me, how about you? Have your plans been ruined lately?” As those words were said, Tlaloque looked around at her current and small location.

“More postponed,” Thirst sighed. “These mon are truly stronger than I had first thought. They gave Zebby Skulltaka quite the fight. The Alpha Dog is certainly looking to spill more blood soon, but to see them in action...There is much more we need to plan for. That and that infernal sword.” She snorted. “Other than that, a tad bit degraded. I have been resorted to dwell in a small boat after all.”

“You know I can offer you help and shelter.” Offered Tlaloque. “So long you forget about your father, of course.” He knew she would decline, but that never stopped it from asking whenever the opportunity appeared.

Despite knowing well enough that the triumph of either of them would mean the death for the other, Tlaloque couldn’t stop wanting to have the witch as a servant.

“We should be thankful that the blade’s twin hasn’t found a wielder yet.” The immortal added, changing the topic.

“Yes, but that still leaves us with one large thorn in our sides.” Thirst snorted. “And honestly, when have I ever thought of abandoning my father.” She gave a tired chuckle. “You and I are on different roads...and mine will end shortly enough. One way or the other, I suppose.”

“Thorns…” Tlaloque said thoughtfully, really wanting to change the topic. “I seem to have a major one in my side right now. An old ‘friend’ of yours if I don’t remember wrongly.”

“An old friend?” Thirst blinked in confusion. “Perhaps you are mistaken, I have only one ‘Old’ friend and right now, he’s being a tad bit rude.”

“Careful Thirst.” The immortal warned. “You are turning soft. And this friend of yours is the Equestrian explorer which loves to stop our plans so much.”

Thirst shook in rage. “Daring Do? DARING DO?!! She is here?” Her dark aura surged about, darkening the room and would have no doubt overwhelmed lesser creatures.

“That solves that.” Said Tlaloque as the Magnemite fell unconscious. “She has been following me for some time now. I doubt she knows what I am planning though.” He then looked at her placing a ‘hand’ on her shoulder to calm her down. “And I presume that is a good thing for you, since she won’t be meddling here. I would say you own me for that.” And then the limb returned into the tattered clothes.

“Why have you not killed her yet?” Thirst growled. “She must die! The sooner the better. You know this to be true.”

“And you know killing her will then bring every self proclaimed ruler on the word after us.” Tlaloque replied back with the same dead tone, albeit a bit more authoritarian. “You are acting strange Thirst.”

“I am fine,” Thirst snorted. “I am the same as I’ve always been.”

“The time will come when those who challenge us will pay in due time.” ‘For one of us at least’ he thought. “For now, do not lose sight of your own goal. You are the only one fit to end me if I ever were to fail.”

“And end you I would,” Thirst replied. “But that is not for now. Now we must continue to whatever end awaits us. Though, perhaps Daring could meet hers a tad bit sooner.”

“If we can find the appropriate tool for it, so be it.” Added Tlaloque. “For now, I have what I come for and have seen you are still scheming That is enough for me.” As it said this, Tlaloque began to disintegrate, slowly vanishing from Thirst’s presence. “Until next time, Thirst.”

“Until next time, Tlaloque.” Thirst sat down. She gave another look around. Somehow, the place seemed a tad bit lonelier. Perhaps she was just missing her sisters and their remarks...With a faint nuzzle, she was reminded of Rage. “At least I have you still….Till the end of this.”

Equestria Kingdom
Las Pegasus’ outskirts

Next day.

The team had been walking non stop, and now had to endure the blinding light from the midday sun. However, their little pilgrimage had finally come to an end as they reached the Pony city of sins.

“Just a bit more guys!” Cheered Edge through the mind link as the dragoness had decided to take a less warm route and follow her teammates from the air, a couple of miles away from the floor.

A group of grumbles and mumbles was what she got on response.

A few minutes of walking latter, the group was finally in the more colorful parts of the city.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I could really use a bath about now.” Pointed out Rouge as she dusted off her hat.

A general agreement came from the team in the form of a grunt.

“Any idea where can we crash?” asked Simon as he let his claws scratch the road with each step he took.

“Well… shouldn’t lil’ Vince be back by now?” wondered Pancha as she surprisingly kept her cool despite wearing a poncho in a desert city.

At this point, the group was too tired to show their amazement for yet another moment of Pancha’s wisdom so they merely turned to look at Xavier, who was also too tired to hover and was currently helping Simon in damaging the street with each step.

“... I presume you all think I know where he lives.” the Metagross said.

“You two did train for half a decade.” Retorted Weiss.

“Then I am afraid to tell you he never told me… not that I ever asked him.”

The group was still too tired to give a proper reply of annoyance to their tactician, so all they did was glare at the shiny Pokemon.

Which let out a tired sigh and complied. “I always wanted to try this thing of his anyway…” He then proceeded to gather as much energy as he could, which in the current situation wasn’t much, and then let out a “Ping!”

“... does that word needs to be said?” questioned Daring under her old and tattered pith hat.

“According to what I know: yes.”

Then they awaited, hoping for Vincent and co. to have returned. They were in luck.

The wave of light returned to the shiny Metagross, carrying back one word. Pong!

“Found him…” Tiredly replied Xavier. “Is this way…”

Groaning, the group followed the Leg Pokemon with not much else to say.

The group took a good half hour to properly arrive at the building Vincent and his family used to live at, noticing a rather peculiar sight.

“Okay… why would an apartment building need a metal plate with lasers right beside its door?” Asked Pancha in confusion.

“Who cares!” exasperatedly replied Weiss. “Xavier, tell them we are here.”

Xavier’s eyes lit for a moment and then said. “Done… it seems they aren’t in a better shape either.”

“Are they as bad as your cargo?” drily asked the leader, to which Xavier denied. “Then we are good.”

The group was well received by the Nurems, which seemed to have been busy since the last time, so both groups proceeded to share their respective experiences.

Each of the once test subjects seemed to have found a job of sorts while Vince himself was turning the building into an Pokemon run living complex, as well as he was currently on a relationship with Lucy. This sparked a small grudge Weiss, and a now awake Char, had with the now Psychic-type, who had once said he was too young to drink. But now he seemed to be old enough to be in a relationship.

Thus, the only right thing to do was to settle the score fair and square.

Once the mercenaries had decided that it was their duty to introduce Vincent and Lucy into alcohol in a safely environment, and because they didn’t take no as an answer, they then proceeded to buy lots of drinks, separated into two groups and then leave for the dessert to drink under the stars.

Mostly so each gender could have a night to relax and so Vincent wouldn’t break anything if he got too tipsy.

The relation between the mercenaries and the Nurem family had turned into a rather odd friendship. Mostly because of the background they had, though the Nurems were still ignorant of it, but there was also the part where most of them were tormented souls looking for a normal life.

In way, they could relate to such concept, and thus form a strong bond with them, even though they still had some truths to share with them. But that was a sin to expiate another time, for now they decided to get a calm and crazy night of drinking.

And what a night it was, specially for the young couple who found support on their ‘friends’ to bring their relationship one step closer. However, everything has a price, and they all where paying the moment the sun shone bright on their room.

“You guys look really pathetic!” Joked Weiss with a cheeky tone.

“Well excuuuuuse us for not being poison immune, you metal jerk!” Replied Daring from her corner of the room, doing her best to keep what ever light entered the room from crippling her eyes any further.

“Who told you all to go and hammer your heads like this anyway?” Continued Weiss as he looked at the actual line waiting for a turn to use the bathroom. “I mean, yeah, moral support for Lucy and all but that didn’t mean you had to end up like her.”

“Well dear, we girls have to stick together don’t we?” Replied Rouge as she exited the washroom with a very refreshed expression while Pancha quickly dashed inside.

“Its sure nice to be able to assimilate the toxins in your body,” Pointed Simon as he looked at his comrade with tired and red eyes. “I am not that bad thought, but man, did we really have to go and extend it…? Not to mention we return at the breaking of day, I barely had any sleep!”

“Stop whining!” Said Edge with an annoyed tone, her head sticking in from a window.

“... what? no retort or sarcasm?” Asked Weiss intrigued.

“I didn’t mean it that way.” Replied the Noivern. “I mean him to stop making so much noise, my head feels of the size of a Snorlax, and its snoring!”

“Well, I do hope you all can take this as a lesson.” Said Sylveon with a tone of superiority. “Now you should be careful with what you drink, isn’t that right my love?” He then turned to his wife, who was as awake and ready as a Combee drone.

“You are right my dear, one must know when to stop.”

‘None of you have the right to talk back to us!’ proclaimed everyone, on their minds at least.

“So shall we look for something to eat?” Asked the leader.

“Sam keep mentioning this pizzeria all night, and how its sausages bested all we could ever dream, so I say we give it a try.” Replied Rouge. “Besides if we don’t go there I won’t get this curiosity from my head out from here on.”

“So pizza it is, when do you guys think we can go?” Asked the mercenary with a slight hope it won’t be long.

The sound of some puked ooze hitting the toilet made him lose his hopes right away.

“... I am going for some coffee at Vincent’s.” Was all he said as he left the room. “Greninja.” Saluted Weiss at his comrade.

And received a simple nod back.

“Any other plans for today then?” Asked Daring as she to waited for the bathroom to be free.

Ich suppose we could go sightsee?” Ventured Roa, who was as awake as always, mostly since she didn’t drink anything.

‘I presume we can do that.’ Added Xavier from within the mental link. ‘It give us time to wait for the train.’

“Good, then I will go and see Rich.” Said Daring as trotted out the bathroom. “I need to ask him a few things.”

Then, they heard a shout just outside of the room.

“FIVEBLOCKSWEST-TWOBLOCKSNORTH-FREDERICK’S!” Was all the leader said to Greninja as he dashed into their room, left a coffee mug on a table and kicked Simon out the bathroom as he then made use of its fine equipment as he let the contents of his stomach vacate very loudly.

“Well, took him long enough to get kicked.” Joked Daring.

A few minutes later, Weiss come out and then open a window and left his head hanging out of it as a contrast to Edge.

“Why does it have to stink so much!?” He asked himself as the rest of his comrades ran from the light.

“Everything okay there Weiss?” Asked Rouge as she patted her leader’s back.

“I know the odor from a Pokemon couple is bad for me, but the odor from a newly formed one is far more atrocious!” Explained Weiss as he took deep breaths of fresh city air. “It was like having my nose stuck into a Muk’s butt… okay that just sound terrible. But is still quite accurate!”

Author's Note:

More plot building.


Okay, this chapter also marks the point were I crossed with Thadious0 for the second time, God have I been a slowpoke till now. But anyway, I still want to speed things up so I can properly expand this story.

And as always, all comments are welcome... no cerious, please comment!

I am a terrible person! I totally forgot to add the piece for the background when Tirsth and Tlaloque are talking which Evo, I am so sorry Q.Q

Also as a side recognition: the portion between Tlaloque and Thrist was done in collaboration with the awesome Evowizard25, a huge thanks to him as well.

Editors' comments.

Evo: An excellent building chapter. V’s done it again!

SK: Coming soon.

Goggari: Coming soon.

And extra mention and acknowledgement to Arcane Howitzer who give the chapter another edition... good God I am a terrible writer Q.Q

Meet the team!