• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

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Nineteenth Move

Nineteenth Move

Some years ago
City of Alto Mare

It had been a couple of years since the mercenaries of Checkmate and the remaining member of the Eon duo had their bumpy meeting. By now, it had become a habit for Weiss to visit the vacation city at least once per year. More specific, the hidden garden. At first, he did it to pay his honors and respects to the deceased savior of the city.

Why? His comrades and he himself asked constantly. They were mercenaries. They normally had a pretty tight schedule for life and thus enjoying their ghostly vacations to their fullest was sort of a norm for them. So why was he losing his time in the same place again and again?

He pondered these very questions as he made his way to the hidden garden, a path he knew so well by now that he could take it blindfolded. In the same manner, he reached the fountain/ tombstone/ pedestal/ altar to the Legendary Pokémon Latios. He give his regards as always, and as always he got a glaring stare from one of the owners of the place.

“I see he’s still alive” was the cold greeting a normal-looking girl gave at the sight of him as she removed her white beret and placed it atop her sketching tools.

“And you’re as lovely as ever” replied Weiss as he turned to see her and her ‘twin’ walking towards him.

To say that the mercenary was surprised the first time he meet the human Latias based her disguised form on would be an understatement. Bianca was a girl around her twenties who looked exactly the same as Latias’ disguise, which made things so contrasting as their personalities were polar opposites. According to his Legendary friend, Bianca was always cold and weary toward strangers, especially when they managed to made it into the garden. But she also assure him that she could be a very nice friend once one get to know her better. Yet she became colder after Latios passed away as apparently they were rather ‘close.’

“Do you always have to be like this Bianca?” asked the disguised Legendary with a smile. “It’s obvious by now that he isn’t going to do anything to the Soul Dew.”

“Hmph…” her human friend retorted. “Still, that doesn’t change the fact he did tried to DO something to him the first time he was around.”

“Bianca…” Latias began, but was stopped by the other human.

“It’s okay, I have nothing to say to deny her accusation. But, neither do I have to prove myself to her, so she is free to glare at me as much as she wants. I can live with that. It comes with the job.”

Bianca didn’t know how to respond so she merely keep glaring at him, only to receive a begging look from her ‘twin.’

“… ah fine!” she proclaimed as she turned and left while murmuring. “Sorry for trying to stop someone from taking what’s left of him away from me…”

The Eon Pokemon could only heard fragments of it, but Weiss’ good ears did get most of it, which make him feel a bit sorry for the young woman.

“She doesn’t mean any harm.” The disguised one said with an apologetic tone.

“As I said,” Weiss replied, “I can’t fully blame her. But moving to happier thoughts: how has the world been fairing?”

The Legendary smiled at his question and then proceeded to answer while connecting their minds. It was common knowledge that Latias and Latios where the guardians of Alto Mare, yet that never meant they were bound to the city. They preferred to travel around the world and see what it had, even when they have seen it a couple of times already. The only reason they returned to Alto Mare was because it felt like home for them, and the last time the Duo returned was because of the Gran Prix De Alto Mare.

Now Latias returned on her own to do something similar.

“You let yourself get captured!?” incredulously asked the mercenary at a certain point of Latias’ story, knowing well how his friend loved her freedom.

“It was for a good cause, besides, Joy and I were just pretending, all I did was turn invisible when ‘inside’ my pokeball, besides: when have you seen a pokeball like that?” She replied while adding. “But I don’t understand how some Pokémon like to be captured, those pokeballs are incredibly tiny and uncomfortable!”

“Yeah, I almost feel sorry for my team.”

Latias chuckled at the last part, “Well, maybe you should cut them some slack no, giving them a bit more of ‘freedom’.”

Weiss shuddered at the thought. “Yeah, giving them more freedom, because that is a safe idea” he joked.

The two of them continued to talk and walk aimlessly around the enclosed forest, simply enjoying the company of one another until the sun seemed to start its descent, replacing the bright look of the garden to a slightly enchanting twilight glittered atmosphere.

“You know…” Weiss started as he noticed something. “I been wonder for some time; why do you keep your disguise? I understand when we go outside, but right now there is no one, not to mention the only two people who know about this place know you already.”

The Dragon/Psychic-type give him a sad smile as she think for an answer.

“I… prefer to keep this for when talking to others… I think it makes them feel okay when they talk to me. That I won’t scare them.”

Weiss went still at her answer, an incredulous look on his face.

“You are joking right?”

The female Legendary seemed confused at first until she caught onto what Weiss was thinking. “Oh! No! It’s not like I don’t like my true self! It’s just…” she looked away from her friend as she continued. “I prefer to get as close as possible to others if I can, which would be difficult if I show them my real self.”

“That didn’t stop you from showing yourself to that boy…” retorted Weiss with a tone slightly rougher than originally intended. “Sorry, didn’t mean to reproach you…”

“Is alright, I sort of understand…” she had to admit that the young trainer who helped her and her brother years ago made himself trustworthy fair and square, even to the point she had hoped that he would have taken her with him along on his travels. ‘But he didn’t…’ she thought with a bit of bitter sweetness.

Weiss cleared his throat in order to get his friend’s attention back from memory lane.

“Why don’t you let me rephrase myself; am I not worthy of your trust?” he seriously asked as he placed a hand over her disguised head.

Latias knew that whenever Weiss, or anyone on his team for that matter, became serious there was no room for jokes or misunderstandings. He was directly asking.

Thus she thought for a few seconds until her figure gave off a faint glow and revealed her true Pokémon self.

“T-there…” she said as she leaned a bit under Weiss’ hand. “Happy now?”

Weiss smiled warmly, a kind of smile he rarely used.


Friendship Express
Few hours for arrival

Weiss awoke from his memory and looked around.

The group was still lying on their seats, their minds drifting in their own respective realms of slumber.

He sighed as he wonder how his friend was doing back at the Hall of Legends, slightly worried of how things ended last time they meet and hoping he could have a chance to fix things shortly. And while thinking that, the now Bisharp let himself go back into Luna’s realm.

Yet there was another early bird, already stretching her wings at the first signs of Celestia’s sun rising in the horizon.

One of the perks of being an adventurer was the habit of waking up rather early, a perk Daring Do was rather fond of herself, that and her innate drive for thrill and excitement. However, this was one of the few times she found said custom to be quite annoying because of a simple fact: there was nothing to do right at that moment.

The train has still a good hour and a half to go before arriving to Manehatten, not to mention the dining car wouldn’t be open until another thirty minutes. Thus she look for alternatives in order to pass some time, unluckily for her, there weren’t many, yet luckily for her somemon took notice of her little struggle.

“Can’t s-sleep mein freund?” asked a timid Roa, much for Daring surprise.

“Whoa!” she turned to see the Zoroark looking at her with her dilated eyes shining at her. “By Celestia’s flank! What the hay is wrong with your eyes?”

Roa shivered by the sudden shriek and tried to hide behind her seat as much as she could, only to pop her head back out a few seconds later.

“So-sorry… I am used to do this when is dark, that’s all.” She slowly replied.

It took Daring a few seconds to realize what she meant and compose herself. “Oh… night vision… makes sense.” She said while patting the back of her head, shortly before adding “Also, I should be the one apologizing, didn’t mean to startle you.” Then she properly replied the Roa’s first question. “And I’m okay, thanks. I’m used to waking up early, how about you? An early bird as well?”

Roa turned her gaze away from Daring’s for a moment while sheepishly replied. “I normally have problems with going to sleep…” she said.

“So you didn’t sleep at all…?” Daring began before realizing something. “Huh? But you seemed to be so peaceful sleeping beside miss fairy over there?” she points a hoof at Roa’s sleeping companion.

Ya” she warmly replied. “Frau Valerie has been really nice to me, I been able to sleep properly in the first time since forever!” her tone was no longer shivering, in fact, she sounded like a cheerful child. Although it didn’t lasted. “But then I started to wonder if she would still like me if she were to see me as… you know” Daring nodded at Roa’s implication. “I don’t want her to hate me… so…”

“You’re worried she’ll reject you?” Daring guessed, not that it wasn’t that hard. “Well, I haven’t known her for that long so I can’t tell much of how she would react, I mean; I presume you have a background as shady as these guys.” She pointed now at the sleeping mercs.

It was Roa’s turn to nod.

“Then I guess there are a lot of things you don’t want her to know.” Daring said matter-of-factly, much to the Illusion Pokémon’s cringe.

“Y-ya…” she sadly replied. “I was bred to become the ultimate killer… I never knew why though.” She admitted as the memories of her ‘raising’ paced through her mind. “So it became natural for me to accept that as a part of me… but…” then she remember her savior, a rather boisterous Seviper and his adorable sister. “But, somemon told me I didn’t have to be what others want me to be, that I could be what I wanted… so I decided to put that side of me to a good use and serve that person’s cause.”

Daring noticed an interesting tone was added whenever she referred to said ‘somemon.’

“So is this ‘somemon’ important to you?” teased Daring.

Yet all she got was a confused look from Roa. “Well, he saved me from my torment, so why wouldn’t he be important for me?” she asked nonchalantly.

“…eh…” Daring didn’t knew if Roa hadn’t caught her drift or of if she did not harbor any kind of feeling towards this ‘somemon’ but loyalty and gratitude. “Never mind, but why do you keep turning like that even when you no longer need to do so?” wonder Daring with confusion. “Is not like you like it…or do you?”

Daring regretted have asked, as Roa smiled in a very pleased and cold way.

“Okay, forget I ever asked…” Daring bluntly said before the Zoroark had any time to explain herself. “But then why are you afraid of being found out by Valerie… I mean, you seem to like being a killer… no offence, but you also like to be this timid self… and… AGH!” she exclaimed while holding her head with her hooves. “This is so confusing!

Roa just smiled at Daring torment, a gentle smile. “I… I can’t change what I am. But that doesn’t mean I don’t look forward to know people and be close to them… if I can… or if they don’t mind… or if I don’t scare them…” at this point Roa’s eyes began to water as she thought this was nothing but a sad, impossible dream.

Some awkward silence.

“And why do you think she will really hate you if she ever finds out about your… more wild side?” Daring finally asked, only to receive a deadpanned look from Roa.

More awkward silence.

“You know, giving advice is not my strong point…” Daring finally admitted.

“Ohne Scheiß!” Replied Roa.

“But that doesn’t meant I can’t try!” She then proceeded to think on any good things she could say to Roa in a situation like this.

Suddenly a figure she hasn’t seen in some time appeared on her memories, a front filled with gray feathers on most of it, save the red ‘mask’ around the eyes and the black feathers on the back of his head fit perfectly with the sleek body of a cheetah in the rear.

A Griffon, but not just any Griffon, was what Daring brought back through her memories.

Years ago

“Listen kid,” the Griffin said as he walked besides a young Daring on some forest, “if you seriously want me to teach you how to survive in the wild I have but one word of advice before: don’t imitate me!”

“Huh?” replied a childish version of herself as she did her best to look at the Griffon from under her new tattered pit had, “but then what am I supposed to do? I mean, if how will I be able to use your tips if I can’t be like you!?”

“First of all, listen to me not just hear me.” Retorted the Griffin hunter, “second, you may be an agile kid, but last time I checked you had no claws nor experience to fend yourself if there is ever the need. So if you want to go out to the great unknown, you better come with some tricks of your own.”

“And what is that supposed to mean!?” The young Daring replied with irritation.

“You will know in due time, and when that time come, you’ll be thanking me.” He simply replied as he tapped the pit hat on her head while adding, “a good meal would do fine.”

Back in the present

‘Now that I remember, I do owe him some meat’ Daring smiled as she mentally thanked her old mentor, wondering on what kind of adventure had he get himself into. She then faced Roa and said, “You just have to be yourself kid.”

“… huh!?” replied the confused Zoroark. “But isn’t been ME the whole source of the problem?”

“Yeah… that is indeed tricky. But from what I can gather, you are both the beast who hungers for blood and the one who shivers at the sight of others yet only wants to be loved.”

Roa blushed a little at what she thought was prizing.

“So what would be the point of showing a lie of yourself in order to be liked? With the luck we have, you would be found out in a couple of days, so I say you go and be yourself. After all: better to be loved for who you are than for what you pretend to be” she finally stated.


Roa didn’t know how to take Daring’s idea, though she did see a bit of truth in her words, but she couldn’t deny that her darker self was something most people wouldn’t like to have close.

“… I… I think…” she doubly began, “I think it is worth a try…” she admitted with a smile, just to add quite coldly “but I will blame you if I do end up being hated.” And with nothing else to say, Roa sat back and closed her eyes. Quickly falling into a warm and happy dream.

Daring didn’t say anything as she could only feel a very cold sweat drip on her back while a single thought crossed her mind.

‘What did I just get myself into?’

The Hall of Legends
Dining room

Being a Legendary was not as legendary as most people thought. Firstly, knowing you had one of the biggest and noisiest families in not only one, but two worlds made any of its members either proud or ashamed depending on their personal thoughts. This also made family reunions damned to be everything but normal. Not to mention all member were constantly chased by every trainer worthy of the title, not to mention the evil and good organizations who want them for their own personal agendas.

Yet, one small, cream-colored Legendary with a red ‘V’-shaped crest over his head begged to differ.

Victini just loved being a Legendary, as being one meant he had a freaking license to kick all kind of butts; not to mention he was victory incarnate, thus it was impossible for him to achieve anything but (except that one time his victory lead him to being trapped in a castle for over a century, but that was water under the bridge).

He liked to win, but things could get dull after so much winning after some time. So in order to keep things interesting, he often changed the topic of his winning streak once every decade or so. Though now than Arceus had taken him and all the other Legendaries to Equus, Victini found himself with few options (not that he hadn’t been in a similar situation in the already mentioned castle), so he decided his next theme would be board games, since he didn’t have much to do inside the Hall of Legends. However, he quickly found out that beating the lake trio in chess a thousand times in a row made things pretty boring pretty quickly. So he looked for another hobby: cooking.

It was difficult enough, it took time, and he even felt afraid of failing a couple of times.

Yet he came out with perfect dishes and pastries, enough for him to feel proud about his own cooking skills. Yet again, he had one little problem: no one would eat his dishes. Not that they didn’t want to, but when their patriarch could simply will into existence whatever food they wanted to eat with a mere thought, spending so much time cooking a single meal seemed rather pointless.

Then came the welcome party in Ponyville. The awesome, awesome welcome party.

Victini enjoyed every moment of the extravagant night to the point he asked Lord Dialga to send him back in time just so he could enjoy it again. Sadly, the flow of time was currently locked for now, thus there was nothing that could be done and no victory to achieve to begin with.

The small legendary did consider having his version of the party a couple of times, but he felt it wrong to just have a party without a proper reason; the Pink mare who organized the party made him understand that much at least.

The Victory Pokémon was starting to feel bored, and for the first time in his life, defeated by the circumstances. It seemed that once again his power over Victory had lead him to yet another death point. He was about to give up when suddenly one of the other Legendaries, Virizion to be exact, asked for his help in a certain romantic affair between the ruler of Nightmares and the regent of Dreams.

Being as bored as he was, he decided to give her and the girls a hand.

Things turn out pretty well in the end, as expected, and then the little winged rabbit noticed something: playing matchmaker was fun. And even if he win every time, the number of variables was way too many, not to mention not everyone had the same problems, and definitely all results would vary. Long story short, Victini had finally found what to do with his time for the next decade.

Only problem was, he didn’t have much to start with, most legendaries already have a partner, like Darkrai and Crecelia, or didn’t mind much about such affairs of the heart like Lady Xerneas, Lord Genesect or Lord Arceus himself.

“And don’t get me started with Mewtwo, the lord of coldness himself!” exclaimed the little legend to as he floated into the dinner room. “Seriously, that guy could teach how to give a cold shoulder even to Kyurem!”

As the little Victory Pokémon made his way to eat he noticed a trio of legends sitting around a small table away from the main one, the group was confirmed by Lady Virizion, Lady Diancie and Meloetta (the Melody Pokémon was one of his closest friends, thus he used no honorifics) chatting in a hushed voice.

“But what could possibly had happen to her to be so down lately?” questioned Meloetta. “I mean just look at her! Have any of you seen her?”

“I am afraid I have,” gently answered Diancie, “and she seemed so melancholic it almost looked tragic. Then she noticed me and faked a smile, then she DID look tragic.”

“The problems on her heart must be quite heavily indeed,” Virizion wisely noted, “but I do not look forward to keep such a lively spirit under such state of depression.”

“Indeed, she seems so different now, I only wonder what could have possibly had happened to cause her to turn like this in such a short amount of time, definitely something quite awful must have happen.” Pointed out Diancie.

“But what can we do then?” Asked Meloetta, “We can’t help if we don’t know what is happening in the first place.”

“We could go and ask her brother.” Proposed Virizion. “They have always been close, and I am sure he already knows all which is there needed to know.”

“But wouldn’t he then go and tell her about it? Blowing off our cover.”

“Hey, those who doesn’t dare doesn’t wi-WHAT THE DISTORTION ARE YOU DOING HERE!?” shouted the Melody Pokémon once she and the other two realized the sudden addition of a fourth member to their little assembly.

“May I ask, lord Victini, how long have you been here?” inquired Diancie.

“Not much, I do understand we are looking to help somemon, so I thought ‘what the heck, let’s give a hand!’ so here I am.” Bluntly admitted the Victory Pokémon while adding. “Also, why are we still whispering?”

“I appreciate the feeling.” Admitted Virizion in a normal tone. “But I must first admit that eavesdropping is quite a rude way to offer your help.”

“You are kidding right?” asked Victini with sarcasm. “Ever heard the saying ‘Never run from an immortal or you will stick out’ before? We’re all immortals here! Placing your table away from the rest and hushing about Arceus-knows-what is just you shouting for others to wonder about what you’re plotting.”

At these words, the trio of ‘plotters’ noticed a certain silence on the room and turned to look at the main table, only for the commensals to turn back to their meals and resumed their eating noises as obvious as possible.

“…” Virizion didn’t say a thing, but she certainly gave a very disapproval gaze to the backs of those at the table, a gaze they could clearly feel on their skin. “Very well, I will admit our covering tactic was ‘inefficient’ and immature.”

Victini scoffed but didn’t say anything.

“But then, do you happen to have any kind of idea of what could we do?” Asked the Sword of Justice.

“I thought you would never ask,” confidently replied Victini, only to add right after “But first: who are we ‘helping’ again?”

Hall of Legends
Garden balcony

Latias wasn’t been her usual cheerful self, and she knew about it all too well.

She didn’t like to be like this, but her own heart didn’t let her just ignore her current emotions and forget what happened, no matter how hard she tried to do so. The part where her brother was constantly trying to apologize to her didn’t help one bit as she just remember the events from after her race with Rainbow Dash.

“That was supposed to be a good day…” she tiredly said to herself. As she hear the door to the garden sung open.

With a groan, the female Legendary just made her down reflect the light around her body and proceed to vanish from sight.

“Lady Latias!” shouted out Victini as he floated around looking for her. “I want to talk with you!”

Latias wasn’t precisely in the mood for talks, so she kept her distance from the cute Psychic-type.

“Okay then, if you want to play this game…” Victini said to himself as he flew away.

Latias sighted as she saw him float away, only to be tackled by a surprisingly strong little Pokémon right after.

“Found you!” Exclaimed Victini. “You know playing ‘hide-and-seek’ with me is useless!”

With the air out of her lungs, an amazing feat considering she was able to dive for hours, Latias made herself visible again as she give a fake smile at the tiny legendary.

“Lord Victini, what do I own the honor of your visit?”

“… wow, Diancie was right, you do look tragic!” he tactlessly replied.

“W-what do you mean with that!?” she replied with fake anger now as a part of herself did know what he meant.

“She, Lady Virizion and Meloetta seemed to be quite worried about you, so I thought coming here and asking you about what happened would be the quickest way to know.” He said with little regard.

“Why would they send you to ask about my life?” she asked again with her fake anger.

“Well, they didn’t.” Sheepishly replied Victini. “Remember that I said this was my idea, well, I sort of suggested coming to talk here and decided to do so while the others tried to stop me. So…” he then turned to the door, which suddenly busted open as it led three Legendaries barge out.

The Eon and Victory Pokémon looked down at the pile of limbs that Virizion, Meloetta and Diancie were at the time being. The three of them stood up, as awkwardly as possible, and returned the gaze. They keep silent for a few seconds until one of them broke it.

“Well then… if you excuse me…” said Virizion as she took her leave as proper and fast as possible.

“S-sorry for our intrusion!” Excused Diancie right after.

“… IT WAS ALL HIS DOING!” finished Meloetta as she pointed an accusatory limb at Victini and then flew out in the end.

Latias keep silent at the whole spectacle, she then sighed and continued as she had saw nothing “A-and what, could possibly make them think I- I have a problem?” she said with fake calm.

“Come on there, you have been looking like this for days now, not to mention you have also been avoiding your brother too. You know, that one Pokémon you said was the most important being in your whole life?”

Latias seemed to get angry again, although more to the memory of her brother than to Victini.

“He is still the most important Pokémon in your life… right?” Ventured Victini.

Latias didn’t knew what to reply and looked away from the Victory Pokémon, a small blush showing on her face.

The tiny Legendary went wide eyed as he put two and two together and reached a small realization “Oh Arceus…!” He said in disbelief.

“Just… try to keep it a secret… please.” Latias begged as she hide her blushing face under her claws.

“…” Victini had to shake his head to snap out of his first impression, but once he was back on gear he placed his small hand over his chest and proclaimed, “I swear on my honor as a Legendary child of Arceus to keep this between us.”

Latias picked an eye from her claws and looked at the solemnity of Victini’s words, then she could properly look at him. “Thank you…” She said, feeling slightly better at the fact there was at least somemon sharing her problem.

“Besides, this is perfect, I was looking someone to help on their romantic affairs!”

Suddenly, Latias didn’t felt okay.

“So who is the lucky guy?” Inquired Victini. “Knowing you it must be someone cheerful, is it Lord Jirachi?”

“I’m afraid is more complex than that…” Latias began, but was shortly cut short by another question.

“Okay, maybe someone as cool as your brother if not even cooler, mhm: Lord Zekrom then? I wonder if Lady Reshiram would get jealous.”

“Eh…! What? NO!”

“Then someone who clashes with you entirely…” quickly continued the Victory Pokémon and asked with confusion “Zygarde!?”

“IT’S A HUMAN OKAY! I LIKE A HUMAN!!” Latias busted out, only to cover her mouth right after.



The silence was suddenly cut by the sound of a door slamming as Victini left the room at a blinding speed. Latias was left alone as a long sight left her still covered mouth.

“Way to blow the news” she said to herself. “Now everyone will know about me liking... him… I wonder how far I can make it before things get awkward.”

As she was left to her thoughts, the door was swung open once more, letting a silly song to be heard as Victini floated back while whistling, with a tea table, a small chair, a tea set, a still-steaming tea pot with fiery designs and some macaroons (made by himself) held within his psychic grasp.

“What are you doing…?” Latias began to ask but didn’t get an answer as Victini continued with his little endeavor and song, seemingly ignoring her for the time being.

He carefully placed the table before her as soon he reached Latias. Latias only looked at the tiny Legendary antics as he set the table cloth on top of it, followed shortly after by the tea pot and the macaroons, which he arranged so each one of them could be picked up casually and properly with their hands, despite they both being Psychic-types. Once he was happy with the organization he gave an approving nod and elegantly took the tea cup before Latias, gently pouring some Jasmine tea into it before offering it back to her, then proceeding to do the same with his own cup and place it on a small but delicate tea plate.

Latias wasn’t sure to why was she still waiting for Victini to finish, yet she did as he sat on his chair and smiled widely. Then he said one single line.

“Now dear, tell me everything!”

Manehatten City
Train Station

The group leave the train as if they were leaving a prison behind.

“By Celestia’s grace, I don’t remember been this stressed since my last encounter with Ahuizotl!” Daring shouted as she stretched her wings. “I wonder how that old dog is doing.” She added with a bit of nostalgia.

“I thought he was the antagonist.” Pointed out Weiss as he too stretched his body. “You know, with the whole ‘I am evil’ monologues we’ve heard of him, not to mention we’re running around just to stop him.”

“He can be a pain in the flank,” Daring admitted, “but he isn’t that bad. His minion Tlaloque is a whole different story though, he is quite cold and heartless when it comes to his threats. I don’t know why Ahuizotl has such a servant; sometimes I think he has troubles controlling it.”

“Well, we are one step closer to them, I guess we can ask them personally once we are at it. So where to Daring?” pointed and asked Weiss.

“A couple of miles, but I think you guys won’t mind if we take the long route and walk the stiffness off, don’t you?”

All the Pokémon agreed.

“I wouldn’t mind a stroll for a change” said Edge as she joined the group. “You guys sure took your sweet time.”

“Well sorry, but not all of us can fly at supersonic speeds” clarified Weiss with a salute.

“I think it’s…” Daring took a quick look at her surroundings to get herself oriented, “this way!”

The group left the train station with little to no troubles at all and then gazed upon the renowned city of Manehatten, needless to say the Pokémon were really impressed.

“Ugh, and I thought Black City’s buildings were oppressive.” Pointed Valerie out with discomfort as a small shadow follow them at the distance.

Griffin Empire
Training grounds

“Keep it up! There’s only twenty minutes left,” instructed Shredder to her trainees. In a mere week, the female Bisharp had managed to improve the stamina of the Imperial Guard tremendously. Not only where they able to run a hundred laps around the castle in a less than a couple of hours, but they also had managed to keep their lunches in the stomachs at the end of it.

Part of the improvement though, was because of Jackie.

The ranger may be distrustful of Checkmate, but that didn’t stop him of giving his absolute best on the training field, which in turn stimulated the rest on the group to keep up as well. Unfortunately though, there had been no other Pokémon wanting to join the new branch of the guard.

Or at least there weren’t until that morning.

“My lady.” Saluted Linza with her singsong of a voice.

“Morning my clawmaiden.” Replied Shredder without turning away from the Griffon and Lucario trotting.

“I have news from the gate, apparently there is this huge rock who wants to join your branch.” Here Shredder did turn to look at the servant to the eye, a glimpse of interest on her own. “But he refuses to speak with anyone but you my lady.”

“Is it a huge clay-doll like creature?” asked Shredder, hoping the Pokémon to be a Baltoy or a Claydol. ‘A Psychic-type would do us well’ she thought.

“I am afraid he is not.” Linza answered while predicting the reason of her mistress’ question, “He came here with a note, that is how we were able to know his purpose, but it doesn’t explain why it wants to talk to only you.”

“I see, then if we have no other choice.” The Sword Blade Pokémon turned back to her trainees and shouted an order. “I will be gone to salute our newest addition, Linza will be in charge while I am gone so I don’t want to know about anyone lazing around; got it!?”

A bunch of ‘aye’ was all she got for an answer as she once again turn around and leave the Griffins, and a Lucario, at Linza’s care.

“They’re all yours.” And so she left.

The Griffins awaited for Shredder to walk away enough to slow down their phase; it was one thing being able to endure a hundred laps race and another to endure them all week. Yet they didn’t expected what come next.

“AND WHO TOLD YOU TO TURN DOWN THE HEAT!?” screamed Linza at the top of her lungs. “You bunch of maggots got an order and I am here to see you go through it! Now run faster or I will make you all run another hundred laps!”

The group didn’t know if they should take Linza seriously or not, to the point one of them broke the line and face the new one in charge.

“And what will you do if we don’t?” Stated a female Griffon with a light armor. “I am sorry to burst your bubble cutie, but we have been through this hell and I think we deserve some relaxation now that we can properly have some.”

Linza didn’t seemed paced by the Griffin’s words, in fact she seemed bored.

“Your name trainee?” she asked.

“Hilda Thunderwing, captain of her Highness’ aerial corps.” The Griffin, Hilda, proudly replied.

“Okay, trainee Hilda. I am sure overpowered by any of you, but don’t take my position lightly. You may want to remember lady Shredder will be back one moment or another and I would have the terrible task of reporting what I have seen.”

The thought did scare Hilda for a second, but she regained her attitude right after. “And so? We are not disobeying her orders, we are still running aren’t we?” She pointed a claw at the rest of the group who was still running, albeit much slower than before.

“True, but that is not what I was going to report.” Hilda raised a doubly eyebrow. “What I will be afraid to inform her is the fact that her trainees decided to let a rookie take the lead just because you were all a bit tired.”

At these words, Linza turned to see the one at the head of the group, been none other than a blonde Lucario with a really good advantage at this point. Needless to say, Hilda was really scared now.

“So unless you have anything else to add, I think you have some terrain to recover trainee.”

With a sonorous gulp, the Griffon began to run faster than before, the rest of her comrades following her example shortly after.

“Finish properly and I will give you all a treat!” she happily added at the end with her singsong voice as she turned back to her watching position.

The guards didn’t knew if they should feel happy or scared. Jacky just turned to see the surprisingly assertive clawmaiden and smile

“Nice wording,” He said to himself. “Makes me want to call her Judy.”

Then Linza get a cough of his gaze merely gave him a playful wink.

Griffin Empire
Front Gates

Shredder was happy to know there was a new member for her group, and a Rock-type nonetheless, but she was also curious of what could possibly needed from her to in order to join her ranks.

“I only hope is not another presumptuous Ranger.” She commented to herself as she finally arrived at the gates where a small group of guards keep watch of what could only be scribed as a living monolith with red crystals sprouting out of it. The properly named Gigalith turned to Shredder directly.

“My lady!” saluted one of the guards at the sight of her. “This Pokémon hasn’t said a word ever since he deliver this letter to us.” He then handed over said item to her while adding. “… neither has it move an inch since. Is this normal or should we be worried?”

Shredder took the note examinee it while replying. “Rock-types are known for their patience and stubbornness. It could easily wait like this for hours, if not days, if it had to.”

It, my lady?” asked confused the guard, he and his kind didn’t know how to difference a male from a female on most Pokémon, thus they often call them an ‘it,’ but if someone should know how to do such thing it should be another Pokémon, or so they thought.

“Yes, an it.” She replied and explained. “Some Pokémon are almost impossible to difference between each of their genders.”

The Gigalith keep staring at Shredder with its rock eyes as she give her explanation, the Bisharp in return made a question.

“So what should we call you?” asked the female Pokemon.

I do not have a name Giga gigalith,” replied the androgynous one. “But you can at least refer to me as a ‘he.’ Lith giga ga gigalith 'lit'” The voice he was using sounded similar to that of an old but strong man echoing through a cavern.

“A male then” replied the Sword Blade Pokémon. “And what brings you here?”

The note Giga,” was all the answer the Compressed Pokémon gave.

Shredder looked at the letter and then read it.

To the leader of the Imperial Pokémon Troops.

I write these lines by petition of my trusted and old friend, Gigalith. We are a small but scattered family desperately looking for our little daughter, however, so far we have been unable to find her as of yet. With few options left, Gigalith decided to enroll in the empire in exchange for its help.

Please don’t take him too seriously, he is just as worried as we are about our poor little Aley…

There were a couple of tear stains on the paper, some space later the lines continued.

‘We know the empire has more important things to do than look for a missing child, but he firmly insisted on doing this. So please, even if just a little, we would be forever grateful for any help you might provide.

Yours truly, Sally Checker.

And that was it.

“So you couldn’t told me this when asking me to come?” asked slightly annoyed the Pokemon to the Griffin guard.

“Well ma’am, he didn’t say a word to us, and all we could get from the letter was that it was addressed to you, so we guessed it was better to bring you here and end this quickly.”

“Not a bad reasoning…” Shredder admitted as she turned again to Gigalith. “So you want to join the empire in exchange for our help?”

The Rock-type nodded slowly.

“I see you have a very strong reason to join, but I do not see why we should let somemon join out of such a selfish reason.”

The Guards were slightly shocked by Shredder’s choice of words, not to mention Gigalith was even more shocked.

You are saying that finding Aley is selfish? Gigalith giga gigalith?” asked the Pokémon with disbelief.

“Indeed.” Coolly replied Shredder. “You look for this child of your trainer, not to help the Empire. As such we have no use of somemon looking for something else. Otherwise those with a second agenda will turn against us as soon their goal is achieved.”

The Compressed Pokémon kept silent for a minute, as its solid face was expressionless, save for his eyes which were becoming two small pits of magma.

You dare to insinuate my child is not worthy of a reason for me to help this land!? Giga gigalith giga ga lith giga!?” shut out the Pokémon with a more sonorous tone.

“That is right.” Replied Shredder with little hesitation. “We are too busy to go looking for a lost child. Not to mention that your alliance would most likely be temporary. So unless you show me you can put some resolve to support the empire, I don’t see why we should help.”

Gigalith stood still for another minute, the burning gaze fixated on Shredder all this time. Finally he erupted in another ear shattering scream as he lifted his massive body on his hind legs, bending his front ones as a rampaging Rapidash would.

The guards were taken by surprise by his sudden outburst of liveliness and thought for a second he was about to stomp on their commander by her, mostly uncalled and incredibly rude, reasoning.

Then the earth trembled as the Gigalith hit the ground, yet he didn’t hurt anyone. He merely make his knees hit the road as he lowered his massive neck towards Shredder.
I beg you, please help us! Giga ga lith, lith li gigalith!” shouted back the Gigalith with such passion that even the guards could understand what he was saying. “That child is everything to me, and I would do anything you ask me to do if that meant we can get a way to find her. Giga ga Gigalith giga Gigalith.” Then he looked up and directly into Shredder’s eyes, if his body contained any water, he would no doubt be crying at this point. “You are right, I do not care for this country at all, but if you can make me see Aley once more, I will become a fully invested member of the empire, just please… please...! Gigalith, giga ga Gigalith lith, lith ga giga Gigalith, giga lith… lith…!”

Shredder looked at the begging display from the Rock-type with the same cold expression of before, yet she let out a sight. “As if the Empire wouldn’t care for the safety of its children.” Then she spoke with a gentler tone, “there is no way we would deny your petition to begin with. All I wanted to see was your determination, like I said a couple of times, we can’t have every mon just join us out of a whim.”

Gigalith’s trembling stopped at these words and once again looked Shredder directly to the eye.

“We can have you fill a report about the missing child so the imperial guard can be on the look for her.” At these words Gigalith face shone with hope. “However, I am afraid to tell you yours is not the only child who is missing.” That hope wavered. “It appears many families were torn apart when we were brought here by Lord Arceus, so we already have a long list of missing children, and as you may have notice it, the list is just getting longer and longer.”

Gigalith looked defeated.

“But…” Shredder slowly added “if you do join the Pokémon Troops, I would pass the name to my comrades and see if they can find her as they are currently traveling around the world. Search and rescue missions are nothing new for us.”

Gigalith thought over her proposal for a few seconds until he finally hit the ground with his heavy head once again.

Then I beg you again, even if it’s just a small glimmer of hope, please: let me join the Pokémon Troops! Giga lith lith, ga giga lith li lith, lith: Gigalith giga!” shouted the Compressed Pokémon as he pushed its front head even further against the floor, cracking one or two stones.

“Very well then, we will have you fill in other documents first for your registration.” At her command, one of the guards took off for said documents. “It won’t be much, personal information like your name, your family’s name and your current location!”

“Thank you! Gigalith!” proclaimed the Rock-type while adding. “You can call me Gigalith Checker. But.. I am afraid we don’t have a home as of now. Giga ga li Gigalith Lithga. Gi… giga ga lith gigalith gi.”

“Mhm… then let me ask the empress about what can we give you, but first.” Shredder walked over the gigantic Pokémon and grabbed the hilt of her sword, slamming its pommel right into his chin right away as she shouted, “DON’T YOU EVER DARE TO KNEEL SO PATHETICALLY EVER AGAIN!”

To say the guards were surprised by her behavior would be exaggerating, they already knew how bold Lady Shredder could become. What did surprised them, however,]] was how she managed not only to make Gigalith stand up with that single hit, but that she also threw him higher into the air than when he did it himself.

“You are a member of the Imperial Pokémon Troops now. Show some self respect, trainee.”

Gigalith only nodded as he give her a stony smile in return. “Yes ma’am! Giga li'th!”

Manehatten City

“The infrastructure is well planned indeed, a marvel of architectural engineering if we take into consideration who build this place. No offence.” Calmly said and added Char as the group make their way towards Daring’s safe. Enjoying the sights as much as possible.

“None taken” the explorer said shrugging it off. “We sort of cheated when building this place though.” She admitted.

“How would that be?” inquired Valerie with confusion, “how can someone cheat when building a city?”

“I mean we Ponies didn’t build it alone, have you looked at the streets more carefully?”

The Pokémon did as she asked and then they noticed it; the streets were bursting with activity and life, but its bystanders were not only Ponies, there were members of all races walking around as well.

“The city was built as a collaborated effort between all races, it just happens to be considered Equestrian land but in fact this place is the most cosmopolitan in the whole word.” Daring proudly explained, it was good being in charge of the situation, even if only was her giving a little tour.

“I see the city’s already big populace is going to grow even more” Gold noted as another fact jumped into sight; not only were there those from Equus but also those from Earth. Pokémon could be seen properly moving around, some of them seemed to have already been employed by some of the local shops and establishments.

“Victoria isn’t going to be happy with this.” Said Weiss, admitting that te city was one step ahead than the Griffin Empire. “Well, at least we know this is thanks to the diversity it already has, so I presume the citizens get used to Pokémon quickly.”

“Or that would seem to be the case but…” Said Gold while noticed something, there were many repairing squads fixing one thing or another all around; broken sections of the floor, damaged walls, shattered windows, light poles taken down. All seemed as the results of the usual chaos caused by the Pokémon arrival to Equus.

“It seems like there were some skirmishes, but still I don’t see people cowering away from us.” Pointed Char as they saw a small group of Ponies walk pass them with little interest.

“I think this is the work of someone else.” Added Valerie, “some kind of mediator I think.”

“A pe-peacemaker?” asked Roa.

“So it seems, I mean look at this place.” Pointed Daring as they were walking beside a cafeteria bursting with all type of customers, literally ALL types. “This seem too perfect to have been achieved naturally.”

“That may be the case,” finished Weiss. “But we are not here to solve this mystery. All we know is that someone is taking care of Pony-Pokémon relationships properly so we have nothing to do here.”

And as on cue, the group arrived at a large, old looking, building of white stone, its marble columns hosted two smoking and black shades-wearing guards, a Minotaur and a Machamp carefully guarding the glass entrance which was constantly swinging around as many visitors come in and out.

“Here it is!” proclaimed Daring, “Manehatten’s central bank. I will go in and grab whatever I think the guy in Las Pegasus can find worthy enough for some information, one of you guys want to come with me?.”

Greninja step forward and besides Daring. With a silent nod, and with nothing else to say, they went inside.

And so the rest of group awaited outside, not wanting to get separated by the sea of people roaring in the bank.

Meanwhile, they couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being followed.

“What do you think Miss Daring will bring?” Asked Valerie, oblivious of their tail.

“I don’t know, maybe something fancy like a staff covered in jewels or some old and historic crown.” replied Gold, “What do you think Roa.”

“…” Roa however, seemed to catch the presences looking at them.

“You know, we could usually see who it is when Xavier is around, but since he is not for the moment, I would greatly appreciate you all come out and deal with you at once.” Said Weiss with a tone rather annoyed.

Shortly after four other Pokémon ‘appeared’ before them, this surprised Valerie, Roa and Gold, the latter two taking a defensive stand out of habit, yet the mercenaries didn’t seemed that much surprised.

“I see being brought here didn’t dulled that sharp tongue of yours Shredder.” Commented a sunshades-sporting Scrafty with a smug grin and a heavy Kalosian accent as he looked at the rest. “But is good to see your skills are still on good shape as well, mes ennemis.

“…” Weiss kept silent for a second, then he turned to the group and asked, “I don’t sound girly, do I?”

“Well…” began Edge, only to be cut right after.

“Never mind!” Weiss then turned back to the ‘familiar’ Hoodlum Pokémon before him, “Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not Shredder.”

“As if le black cloak wasn’t indication enough!” snarled back the Scrafty with a mocking grin. “Still, I think is amazing that you from all humans make it here, Shredder.”

Weiss sighted, knowing well he walked right into the joke, so instead of continuing a pointless argument, he merely looked at the other mercenary and asked. “What do the members of Royal Flush need with us? Other than antagonize us of course.”

The grin on Scrafty’s face grow to sinister levels.

“Is there something else to do?” he proudly replied.

“Is not like we are new to this aren’t we?” asked a female Liepard with a sassy tone.

“I would like to have a proper talk for a change.” Calmly admitted Char.

“Huh?” Inquired a Krokorok with a snarl, “Would you like to have a fight instead then? IS that what you mean!? HUH!?”

“Co-come on you guys, we just happen to meet for the first time since the whole world change” interrupted a rather shy Weavile. “Let’s start things with the good foot this time, okay?”

“… if you want that so much…” said the Krokorok as he looked away of the Weavile.

“I see your team is as lovely as ever,” Char replied, “And it’s always a pleasure to meet you, Lady Reine.”

The Weavile literally burst into steam at Char’s prize, which caused Krokorok to glare at the Pincer Pokémon again. This, in turn, made Reine stare at him, harshly. “OKAY?”

“Y-yes ma’am…”

“Ehm… friends of yours?” finally inquired Valerie at the slightly aggressive reunion.

“Ha!” Both Weiss and the Scrafty laughed with sarcasm.

“They wish to be that lucky!” exclaimed the Fighting/Dark-type.

“I would like to say ‘rivals’ is a more accurate kind of relationship” explained Weiss.

“Okay, I have all paper work done so things should go… smoothly…?” said Daring as she walked out the bank with Greninja behind, then she blankly stared at the now larger group and the aggressive atmosphere they gave. “Five minutes… I can’t leave you guys alone for five minutes!”

“Well, if isn’t the master of ninjutsu himself” commented Liepard with an even sassier tone as she placed herself before the Ninja Pokémon with little to no concern for his personal space.

Needless to say, the Greninja was quite uncomfortable with these events.

“Say, would you finally quit this bunch and join our guild instead, I am sure we could use your talents rather,” a loud purring sound could be heard coming from the Liepard as she added, “properly.”

“So… should we be worried?” asked Daring as she looked at the new group.

“That depends, do you gars want to settle things up?” commanded Scrafty.

“These guys here are the members of the mercenary guild Royal Flush, Spade division.” Calmly replied Weiss while ignoring the challenge.

“Hey! Don’t ignore moi!”

“This boisterous guy is the division’s leader, Roi.”

At the mention of his ‘name,’ Scrafty changed his look from annoyed to dashing, “Le pleasure is all yours!”

“His second in command, Reine.” He pointed at the Weavile who was still looking at Char with dreamy eyes.

“Hey, snap out of it, we are being introduced!” harshly said the Krokorok as he tried to brake Reine’s charmed state, only to be glared at.

“The scary but frightful one is Valet.” Added Weiss with little regard. “And…”

“And I am As,” interrupted Liepard as she keep codling with Greninja, who was sweating heavily.

“The division’s ace.” Commented Weiss. “A bit redundant if you ask me.”

“So, they are mercenaries like you guys?” asked Daring with confusion.

“They wish they were as good as us!” proclaimed Roi with arrogance.

“In a way, yes. They are not as organized as us, though” explained Weiss.

“Stop ignoring me!”

“We have our divisions based on our individual strengths and skills.” Continued the once human. “They however, only base their divisions on the typing. That leaves a lot of spoilable weakness one can take advantage of.”

“He! For your information we can properly regrouper with one another so we can come with the best strategy!” defended Roi.

“It would be a good thing, if you guys weren’t made of only four types” added Char.

“W-well, it was all Joker’s idea so…” shuttered Reine.

‘So that is how ich look?’ Thought Roa.

“Joker?” Asked Valerie with confusion.

“Their contractor, or in more simple terms, their trainer,” explained Weiss once more. “Just as I was to my team back on earth.”

“Which reminds me” Inquired Char, “Have you located the rest of your team yet?”

“No…” replied Reine with a sad look, “We were able to find each other shortly after awaking, but we had no luck with the other groups.”

“Let alone Joker.” Added Valet.

“Meh, screw that human, he was way too crazy to begin with.” Scoffed As as she keep her tail around Greninja.

“Yeah, I doubt Lord Arceus is crazy enough to go and bring such a dément here.” Replied Roi with a sonorous laugh, a couple of the members of Royal Flush agreed with him.

Meanwhile Weiss thought one thing, ‘I would totally be the same if it wasn’t for her.’

“So if you guys are all on your own, and I don’t see any real harmful intention coming from you, I have to ask: what are you guys doing here? Don’t tell me you are the ones in charge of keeping the peace here!?”

“As if we would care for something so much without a proper paid,” scoffed the Scrafty. “And I don’t know if you notice it Shred,” mocked Roi, “but we have been able to talk with ce Pony here so far.”

The group nodded.

“We happen to stumble across these Unicorn jumeaux and, after some arguing and charades, we were able to form an alliance: we protect them dash aid in their performances and in return we look for the rest of our team.”

“Makes sense,” said Char. “We are in a similar situation.”

“Hey! I don’t need your protection!” exclaimed Daring.

“So where is your little Pony then?” asked Weiss with curiosity.

“I TOLD YOU BOTH ALREADY! WE ARE NOT GIVING YOU A CREDIT ANYMORE!” shouted an angry voice from inside the bank.

Spade just sighed at the sound.

“Speak of the devils…” said Valet.

Shortly after, a pair of stallions were tossed/escorted out by a Throh and a Sawk dressed in black.

As the twins hit the ground, a smaller Unicorn with a gray suit, black framed reading glasses and a rather flat mane cut walked out the bank and said.

“We have had enough of your fruitless schemes and non-lucrative scams.” Then he turned and walked back inside, only to add, “Come back once you have a plan that actually works! Until then: have a nice day.” and then shut the doors close.

“That was quite rude of him” Said one of the twins, who was surprisingly taller than the average Pony and spurted a pale olive coat, a white striped red mane, tail and moustache.

“Not that we haven’t had worse thought,” replied his identical twin, the only difference been his cutie mark and his lack of a moustache.

“Checkmate, our current employees; le Flim Flam Fréres” Introduced Roi with an almost sad tone.

At the sound of their collective name, both siblings raise up and turned to see the new comers.

“Well look at this Flam, more members have riled up to be our loyal assistants.” Exclaimed Flim.

“I won’t blame them,” replied Flam with fake modesty. “We are two of the best investors on all of Equestria after all.”

Ouais… keep dreaming.” Added Roi.

“Sorry to disappoint you both, but we already have a contractor.” Finished Weiss as he pointed at Daring. “By the way, how did it all go inside?”

“Smoothly.” Calmly replied Daring, once she was over her initial shock. “All we have to do is wait for the petition to pass some executives and I can go enter my personal vault, the benefits of being a V.I.P. and stuff.” She smugly added at the end.

“… We get it, you’re important. Cut us some slack” dryly replied Flim with a more normal tone as he looked away of Daring.

Flam on the other hoof, was keeping his gaze on her. “Excuse my curiosity good lady but: have we meet before?” he asked with his acting voice still on place. “I do feel like I have seen you somewhere…”

Daring broke into a cold sweat as she realized one thing: she wasn’t using her disguise as A.K. Yearling.

“Ehm… no *cough* I don’t remember having met such a nice couple of stallions as you before, I definitely would if I had…” she said while hopping some cheap flattering would make them drop the subject.

“Well shucks miss, I would say you do have a good eye,” said Flim as he did fell for it, “won’t you agree brother?”

Flam however didn’t seemed to fall for it, “… could it be…”

Daring was growing anxious by the con-pony’s insistence and was about to ask her employees to give her a hand, if it wasn’t for the fact that both Checkmate and Royal Flush were currently looking somewhere else, both parties seemed quite serious as well.

“Ehm… what is going on now?” asked the mare with curiosity while adding, “and a little help would be quite welcome!”

“So vous notice it too?” inquired the Scrafty

“Is not that hard when they are being so obvious.” Replied Weiss as they looked at other guild preparing to do their job.

“What is it?” Inquired again Daring, the rest of the non-mercenaries interested as well.

An aggression” Calmly said Roi as he looked at two Pegasus, a Unicorn, a Griffin and a Minotaur take positions around the lobby.

“A heist!?” Asked Valerie back with shock.

“What?” Asked then Daring, “Who?”

Weiss pointed at the Equuslings Roi was looking at, while also pointing at a couple of Sableye, a Golurk and a Hypno.

“They will start soon, so I guess we could clear the area before they do.” Suggested Weiss with a shrug.

“A pity, but this peacemaker will be able to take care of things once he arrive.” Acknowledged Char as Checkmate prepare to leave.

En effet,” Added Roi as he and his group did as well.

“Hey hold on!” Exclaimed Daring. “You are going to just let them rob the bank?”

“Well this isn’t our fight.” Said the mercenary, “Besides, they have Pokemon security, not to mention the peacemaker. They will be fine.”

At this words a shout of “EVERYPONY TO THE GROUND NOW!” could be heard coming from the bank alongside the screams of those inside the building.

“And they have start it.” Pointed out As as both Sableyes guarded the doors, using their creepy appearance too keep everyone inside, meanwhile the FIgthing-type guard was quickly disposed by a united effort from the Gorluk and the Hypno.

“And that is why don’t rely on teams of a single type” commented Char with irony.

“Okay guys, I won’t pretend I’m surprised by your lack of empathy,” explained Daring, “but if they get to the V.I.P. vaults, then they’ll take my stuff as well! Then we’ll lose the only clue we have.”

The team’s thoughts froze at this news.

They could care less for the contents of the vault. But they had a contract to keep and right now, Daring was in a position to exploit it.

Weiss sighted. “Let’s do this quickly shall we.” And started to walk towards the bank.

Bonne chance playing the hero!” mocked Roi one last time as he turned to leave.

“Don’t worry, we can handle this, you guys can go and hide somewhere safe.” Replied Weiss with a knowing grin.

“…” The Spades turned to look at their boss with annoyance, as they knew what would happen next.

Excusez-moi… but did you just call us cowards?” asked Roi as he slowly let the sunshades slide of his face so he could see Weiss directly.

“No, no, no! How would you possibly think I would offend your fine organization?” Gently retorted Weiss back. And then said, “I called YOU a coward.”

Then Roi’s sunshades hit the ground.

“Well if vous think you can handle this by yourself then, by all means, don’t let me stop you.” Sarcastically replied Roi as he picked his sunshades up and walked beside Weiss.

“None at all, I am totally perfect of taking care of this, you can just watch and learn a thing or two, I am sure you need the lesson.” Retorted Weiss with a similar tone.

“Oh how cute of vous, to think I can learn something of the likes of a Bisharp.” Added Roi with a cold grin.

“I would love to teach, if that is what it takes to make you a proper mercenary!” Complimented Weiss with a similar grin of his own.

Meanwhile, both Sableyes had noticed the two incoming Dark-types and were sneering at them as they kept a couple of fillies as hostages. Daring, on her end, watched the scene in disbelieve.

“What the hay are those two doing? They already spot them!” and then turned to the rest of the mercenaries, both of their teams. “And why haven’t you go and help them already?”

“Simple,” Replied Char calmly, “We don’t want to get hit by the crossfire.”

“Oh yeah!?” Exclaimed Weiss at Roi’s latest reply.

To which the Scrafty promptly re-replied, “Yeah! Wanna settle this out properly mon ennemi?”

“I think is a good idea!” Shouted Weiss back as they reached the Darkness Pokémon watching over the door, which didn’t took long to warn both intruders.

“I don’t know what’cha think you doing here, but if any of you take a single step forward, this little Pony won’t be seeing another day!” Proclaimed one of the raiders as he held a filly close. Only to suddenly receive a soulless glare from both mercenaries. “… oh Arceus…”

Suddenly two dark projectiles hit the other side of the bank with tremendous strength as Weiss and Roi stood in the now clear door, each of them holding a fighting position.

“I see your gimmick trick still works” Weiss observed as he retracted his blades.

Jeloux?” Asked Roi as a dark aura dissipated from his leg.


“Did he just kick a ghost!?” Inquired Valerie with disbelieve.

“Those were Ghost-types?” Asked Daring as well.

“Roi can focus dark energy anywhere on his body, making his Fighting moves effective against Psychics and Ghosts, while also giving him a boost” explained Reine as she got a scolding look from Valet.

“The idea of secret moves is to keep them a secret, you know!”

“He is the head of his division for a reason, in fact, all leaders from a mercenary group deserve to be recognized,” pointed out Char, causing Reine to completely ignore Valet as she mumbled to herself.

“He recognized me…!”

Back inside, the robbers had gotten over the initial surprise, but were now at a disadvantage since the hostages didn’t lose any time to dash through the door as soon it was cleared.

“First, clear a path for the civilians to run.” Said As with a cool tone.

The Pegasus and Griffin then took off, aiming to stop the escape of their valuable hostages.

“Second, take down the ones which can recapture them.” Followed up Char with a similar tone.

Couteau!” Demanded Roi.

“Don’t you order me!” Replied Weiss as he lend a knife to him.

Degommage!/Fling!” Said both mercenaries at unison as they dashed inside.

Then all three of the flyers hit the ground as the painfully looked at their wings where deep cuts run through them, three knifes hanging from the selling was all the clue of what happened to them.

“Pretty neat huh?” Boasted the Scrafty as he kicked the Griffon unconscious.

“Hit more than one moving target at once and then we talk!” Replied Weiss as he lariated the Pegasus.

“Who in Tartarus are those two!?” Shouted the Minotaur as he and the Golurk run to intercept them.

“Take down the muscle” pointed Valet.

Both heavy-weights raised their massive fists and threw them at Roi and Weiss, only to hit air as each of them went up and down respectively.

Piet Voltige!” Proclaimed Roi as he propelled himself from the roof and slammed his darkness covered High Jump Kick into the Golurk’s face.

“Giga Impact!” Exclaimed Weiss from below the Minotaur as he gave him the equivalent of a warhead uppercut right on the stomach.

Both thieves fell unconscious right away.

“And now all there’s left to do is clean up the leaders.” Calmly said Reine.

“So how’s the score going?” asked Weiss.

“Who is keeping track?” asked back Roi with arrogance.

“Well I was just being polite, as if I don’t remember wrongly, I took down four of them, while you just took care of one.” Sarcastically pointed Weiss out.

… batard!” Was all reply Roi give as they get close to the remaining two robbers.

However, neither of them seemed scared.

Back outside.

“That’s strange” mentioned Daring.

“What is it?” asked Edge.

“These robbers, it look like they come from some of the local gangs, but they each seem to come from different ones.” She looked at the tattoo markings of the Pegasi, the extravagant piercings on the Minotaur, and the heavy dark makeup the Griffin was using; each a label from their respective group.

“So you are saying they are not the kind to orchestrate a hit?” asked Char.

“Not only that, they are not the kind to work with other bands at all” pointed out the explorer.

Then the mercenaries came to a conclusion.

“Things have definitely turned interesting” commented Valet.

Back inside.

“… oh boy” Roi said as he find out what was happening with the remaining thieves.

“They’re the muscle” added Weiss as he did the same.

Then the Unicorn let out a massive blast of energy which could easily be compared with a weaker Hyper Beam.

Ce que le baiser est que !?” Exclaimed Roi from behind a Protect wall, “and why does it burn so freaking much!?” Even with his defense up, some of the attack scorched some of his skin.

“Magic is the equivalent of Fairy-type moves in this world, and we just happen to be weak against it” Weiss said from behind his own wall. “Sucks to be you” he calmly added as he once again thanked his metallic coating.

“Okay gentlecolts,” cooly said the Unicorn, although he seemed to be fault of air. “You either give up or you will have a bunch of roasted innocents on your consciences.”

Le what are you talking about?” Asked Roi with skepticism.

“Huh,” Snorted the Unicorn as he continued with his explanation, “A Minotaur, a Griffin, two Pegasi and a bunch of Pokémon of different gangs enter to rob a bank together, why do you think that would be?”

“Because it’s the start of a terrible joke?” challenged Weiss.

The Unicorn ignored the insult, although his eye did twitch. “Because they found themselves under the mind tricks of a stronger foe.”

Both mercenaries then looked at the Hypno, whose pendulum was still moving under his hand, a sinister look in its owner’s eyes. Then Weiss looked back and noticed how the ones they defeated once again began to stand up, even when they seemed to be unconscious.

“… not a bad trick” Roi admitted as he seemed a bit worried about having to take care of two flanks now.

“So what’s it going to be, huh!?” demanded the Unicorn.

“Roi,” calmly said Weiss, “you said you wanted to even the odds, didn’t you?”

The Scrafty thought for a second and then smiled, “Oh, so you’re leaving the fun to me. How kind of you!” he replied sarcastically as he turned back at the zombie-like attackers.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m Arceus’ favorite soul” Weiss joked back as he took his blades out.

“Whoa!” Exclaimed the Unicorn with disbelieve. “What are you two doing? Don’t you care about what’ll happen to those drones!?”

“No” was the unanimous and calm answer both mercenaries gave as they dashed towards each side of the bank.

Roi took care of both the Golurk and Minotaur first with a dual spinning kick, and then threw a Focus Blast at the Pegasi, sending them flying far away.

Weiss on his side dodged volley after volley of magical attacks shot his way as he shortened the distance with the minds behind the heist. Some of the attack miss the Bisharp entirely, while others had better aim, yet bounced off the orichalcum coat he was wearing.

Then Weiss stood right before the Unicorn, which prepared a strong magical blast; but he couldn’t use it as the Bisharp used his head as a jumping platform and then aimed one of his arm’s blades towards the Hypno, suddenly an idea erupted into his new Pokemon mind, a whole burst of energy flowing through his body as he flexed his body and trusted his arm while shouting “Psycho cut!”

The Hypnosis Pokémon flinched, yet nothing hit him.

“Tsh!” Said Weiss as he finally landed before the yellow aggressor and cut his pendulum right off. Nothing too epic though.

With the controlling device off, the unconscious hostages were released and finally plumbed to the ground.

“And to finish this off,” Weiss then gave the Hypno a Shadow Claw punch right on the nose, leaving the Psychic-type unconscious with a single hit. But then Weiss’ back was hit by a powerful magical blast, one his coat wasn’t able to fully repeal as he hit the next wall.

“You may have taken care of my henchmen, but I am still able to stomp in you, you pathetic foreigner! You will pay for ruining my plan… what!?” exclaimed the Unicorn as he turned to a hand poking his shoulder.

Only to receive a fist right in the muzzle, finishing the conflict for good.

“What do you say mon enemi?” asked Roi with faked humbleness. “Pretty noble for me to save you at the end of the day, huh?”

“Yeah, yeah…” replied Weiss as he dusted himself off. Even though the blast was strong, it didn’t hurt him as much as he thought it would. ‘I wonder if I’m leveling up?’ Weiss thought as they walked off the bank.

“There, problem solved!” proclaimed Roi. “No need to thank me, I was just doing the right thing.”

“Said the one who was ready to leave” retorted Weiss.

“I would be hurt if it wasn’t because you were running away first” replied Roi back with a sneer.

“So you want to take this somewhere else?” suggested Weiss.

“Why would I, I’ve already won here, remember?” He then pointed at the bank while listing, “one Sableye, a Griffin, a Golurk, twice, a Minotaur and the mastermind. Not to mention I save your sorry skin from all of this!”

“I was just distracted…” was all Weiss could reply.

As both mercenaries continued their arguing, the small gray coated and suited Unicorn from before come trotting out directly at them. “Can I know who is responsible for this?”

Looking at a chance to get their rep back, both twins suddenly appeared before the manager.

“Well good sir, but it was none other than our good assistant here!” Began Flim.

“It is thanks to him alone than the bank is now safe and secure,” continued Flam, “you need to thank us.”

“Thank you?” Exclaimed the Unicorn with a frown, “Thank you!? Do you have any idea of how much will cost to repair the damages this assistant of yours have caused? Not to mention the bank will have to be close for the rest of the day!”

“… wait, what? You’re saying this is our fault!?” Exclaimed Flam.

“But what about the others?” proceeded Flim.

“Oh no, I wouldn’t dare to take any of your ‘honorable deed’ away from you.” Quickly added Weiss all too happy as he began to walk away. “It is your victory after all!”

And so Checkmate and their companions leave the stage for Royal Flush and the Flim Flam Brothers to clean it up.

“… tenir! You can just let them escape!” Exclaimed Roi.

“Hmp! I would let you know that miss Daring is a prominent member of the V.I.P. ring of the bank. There is no way a mare of her caliber would have taken part in this mayhem. Now we’re going to discuss how you’ll be paying for the repairs” finished the Unicorn as he pulled both twins with a magic grip.

“So that was Daring Do, I knew I knew her from somewhere!” proclaimed Flam as he was togged inside, not seeming to care that much about their current predicament as a new devious scheme (or as he like to call it: investment idea) build up in his mind.

Not far away from the bank

A small Mawile looked in shock at the events on the other side of the street and how only two Pokémon singlehandedly took care of the situation rather violently. She looked like a curious child that poked her head around the corner.

Sheesh, those are mercenries? Terra thought. I always thought those guys were just a story made up by the older mon to scare us to sleep. The doors were blasted off their hinges with numerous cracks in the tiled floor. “I could’ve done that too.” She mumbled.

That sounded convincing.

“Guess those old geezers were wrong about them. These ones at least seems like a good bunch.” She watched as a large group of guards made their way down the road, passing right by her without even a glance. “And those two fuzzballs don’t even need to worry about bank heist.”

And with that, the little Mawile spun on her heels and headed home, hoping that Octavia came through with her promise of roasted nuts and bolts for dessert.

Manehatten Downtown
A few streets away from the Central Bank

“Perfect, just perfect you guys, we only had to wait for the paperwork to be done and I could’ve had the items we need and then head for Las Pegasus, but now we have to wait a whole day for them, if not more!” Exclaimed Daring with righteous anger.

“I’m sorry okay, I just got caught up in the heat of the moment…” Weiss apologized.

“Seriously, I am losing some years of my life out of pure stress.” Daring finished as she lead the group toward a mail office.

They had to give Xavier the news about their current predicament, as well the information regarding their delay. As they walked in, Daring and Weiss left to deliver the letter to a Express Pegasus while the rest of the group used the waiting room. Then Roa found some interesting note.

Weiss and Daring returned as the note seemed to have been delivered, however, Weiss couldn’t stop thinking about the fluke of an attack he did back at the bank.

‘Why did I suddenly think about it…?’ Weiss thought to himself. ‘I don’t have a Pokémon father, so it’s only obvious it wouldn’t work, but why do I feel I can use it?’ he continued as he missed having Xavier to discuss these ideas with.

Weiss’ thoughts were suddenly cut though, as Valerie show him the note she found on the general chart board.

“Look, I found this little poem Roa found,” Said the once Gym Leader with glee, “I see someone has some latent potential here.”

Weiss didn’t give it much importance as he merely give it a quick glance, yet he snatched it from Valerie’s legs as he noticed something of it.

“Hey guys!” He exclaimed as he read said poem.

The mercenaries looked at their leader with curiosity as he show them the piece of paper.

“What do you read here?”

The Fairy Queen of Roses waits
From the Apple on the Hill
Look in the Mountain City

“Titania…” the whole team replied at the reading of the first lines, even Edge.

“Why is she always so extravagant?” inquired Char.

“So this is a message from one of your teammates?” asked Valerie with curiosity.

“Yup,” replied Weiss. “She has always liked drama, as our good Scizor friend pointed out. While also some mystery as well.”

“So she’s waiting for you guys, good thing” said Daring with honest happiness. “But where is she?”

“Beats me.” Replied Weiss. “I don’t know which mountain city she’s talking about, let alone the apple hill.” He then turned the note over and found a single piece of information. “But we are lucky some things are the same here.” Weiss smiled as he made a mental note regarding their next destination.

Sender city: Canterlot.

Author's Note:

FINALLY! I been able to post this chapter, but Arceus might did this took me long enough. I had to get used to my new laptop but still this was a very long wait. Still, I am happy with the results.

So what do everyone thinks? Pretty neat huh? We had even more characters here... what the buck was I thinking? Anyway; I even had the awesome Smashing Skunk53 to write Terra's little cameo, thanks man, you rock!

Speaking about crosses, I am finally able to catch up with my crossover with Thadious0, I am sure you all will like it.

Editor's notes:

Evo: A good character building chapter and some needed character interactions.
Good job. (Also, more Roa cuteness/horror is always appreciated.)

SK: Comming Soon!

TND: Comming Soon!

Who's that Pokemon!?

Victini (As himself) Scrafty (Roi)
Weavile (Reine) Krokorok (Valet)
Liepard (As)Virizion (As herself)
Diancie (As herself)Meloetta (As herself)
Sableye (Thug 1 & 2) Golurk (Thug 3)
Hypno (Leader 2)Mawhile (Terra)