• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

  • ...

Sixteenth Move

Sixteenth Move
Fighting Illusions

Ponyville, Equestria
Weiss' Location

Daring could only curse her luck while facehooving. “Of course this would happened when I’m in a hurry..."

Meanwhile, the merc still held the hoof of Agent Gold for a few seconds. The latter being quite surprised and slightly annoyed with Weiss' reaction.

"You don’t remember me?" Asked Gold.

"How could I when I haven't met you before?" Replied the slightly less confused Bisharp.

"After screwing over our operation less than a year ago! You do not remember?"

"Ehm..." Weiss was obviously out of words and slightly scared as Gold didn't let go of his hand "Less than a year ago I was on a whole different world, so I don't see how I could have met somepony like you back then."

The stallion blinked a couple of times before turning to Roa. “Will you please remove the illusion dear?"

She seemed to understand after a second as she let out a 'eep' while saying. “Richtig!"

The form of the tuxedo wearing Pony waved and disappeared, showing a blue duck with arms and a red jewel on his forehead wearing a tuxedo. The Golduck glared back at Weiss. “Remember now?"

"Mmmmmmm..." Weiss thought for a few seconds. "I think I would remember the tuxedo, but I must apologize. We’ve foiled a lot of evil plans, good plans, and even mediocre plans; sometimes completely by accident."

Gold did his best to remain calm and collected. He finally pulled his hand away from Weiss' and combing his down back over his head to look more proper. Once this was done, he continued with his suave tone.

"Well, I presume I can't blame you then. After all, I wouldn’t be very good at my job if everyone remembered me, now would I?"

Confused and curious, Weiss gave the Golduck a more proper glance, this time recognizing a blue insignia he wore around one of his arms in much the same manner that Shredder did. "Oh, you’re one of those Pokemon fanatics!"

The part when he hit his palms on the realization made Gold loose what little composure he had regained.

"You label the Pokemon Liberation Army as fanatics!?"

"You mean you aren't?" Asked the Bisharp with doubt. Needless to say Gold, and Roa to some extent, didn't take his words too kindly.

"Is the fight against slavery and oppression something to be called fanaticism?" Inquired the agent with elegant drama, looking to get the attention of some bystanders.

"You tell me. You’re the ones proclaiming after all," calmly retorted Weiss. “Or when you guys aren't doing that, you’re stealing from the humans."

Gold huffed. “It’s normal to take some weapons and technology from the oppressors. That is the path of revolution after all."

"Uh-huh... So tell me, when did revolution became terrorism?" Asked Weiss, still very calm, much to Gold's annoyance.

'He is a mere mercenary. How have I been unable to speak over him?' The Golduck questioned internally to himself. "Terrorism? I think you are confusing the PLA with the ways of the humans!"

Weiss smiled and shrugged. “Well, you guys were stealing pieces for, and I quote, 'an anti-human death ray of doom;' that’s pretty hard to forget, or even take seriously."

"Well... the Commander has a terrible ability for naming things" the Golduck replied almost apologetically. "But that doesn't change the fact that you managed to make it here!" he exclaimed while trying to change the subject, as the current topic didn't leave him nor his organization in a good light. Gold then pointed at himself and Roa, who was still wearing her Pony 'costume' quite elegantly. “We are Arceus’ chosen warriors,” he continued as he then pointed at Weiss in an almost accusatory way, “while you on the other claw are nothing but a simple soldier for hire; how could you possibly manage to arrive here? Did the humans send you to come after us?" 'Arceus, I sound as paranoid as the Commander!' Gold couldn't help but think to himself.

"To be honest, I questioned that myself..." Weiss replied almost sadly, a fact that wasn't lost on Daring. "But I just happen to know someone in a good position, so I got a pass."

"So you’re saying you have connections with Lord Arceus?" the spy inquired back with disbelief.

"I never said..." Weiss began, but was quickly cut off by Gold's proclamation.

"Then allow me to prove that!" The Golduck then leaped towards Weiss, throwing a simple scratch attack for starts.

It wasn't like Gold didn't know how to fight. On the contrary, he was rather good considering that in his line of work it was a given. Yet Gold was not above underhanded tactics. With but a single move, he attempted to get his opponent to attack him. Thus, when the authorities arrive, it would appear Gold had been the victim. Yet what he didn't expect was for Weiss to simply take the attack head on. Not that it caused him much damage though.

'Why didn't he...?' Gold began to thought, only to see a cocky smile on Weiss’ face, then it clicked. 'He... HE JUST REVERTED MY MOVE ON ME!' He mentally proclaimed while some Ponies and Pokemon began whisper about the Golduck who started a fight.

"I will ask you once," calmly said Weiss. “Please stop. This place is just adapting to us and a fight in the middle of the street wouldn't help."

Gold was quite irritated, and slightly humiliated, by the Bisharp at this point. He decided it was time for the 'big guns' to take a part in the fight.

"Roa, dear, will you be so kind and show this crowd what we stand for please?" Asked the Water-type with a melodic voice.

Roa seemed a bit annoyed by his request, but she simply sighed. Suddenly the whole area around them seemed to be distorsioned once again, and then... nothing happen.

Or so thought Weiss, as he was about to ask what she did when 'he' leaped towards Gold and punched him right in the stomach and soon followed up with a kick that sent him flying into a nearby market stand. The crowd looked on in horror as the Bisharp seemed to have suddenly gone berserk on the other Pokemon, but the most confusing thing about this turn of events was the fact that Weiss watched the entire spectacle unfold from same spot he was originally standing in.

"Now who is the terrorist?" Asked an invisible Gold close to Weiss. “Soon any ounce of peace you had here will be crushed just like the scene before us and this whole crowd.” The fake Weiss had the fake agent pinned down in the dirt at this point. “If you want this to end, then just walk away. We’ll make sure trouble doesn't find you."

And then the voice went silent.

Weiss examined the scene. He was clearly seeing it, which meant it wasn't a psychic trick. in addition, he could clearly hear every single punch his other self delivered and the splintering crashes that came with every time 'he' threw the fake Gold into some wooden crates. He even felt how the ground shook when the fake Gold landed beside him.

"A very high-level illusion, I must admit," he said, much to Gold's surprise, as he didn't seemed confused or scared. In fact, he seemed fascinated and curious about his vicious self and the one behind it.

"I see you are so shocked that you don’t know how to think properly," supposed Gold. "Should I choose for you then?"

As the Golduck was about to strike the Bisharp unconscious, a gloved metal hand grabbed his own, shocking the Agent.

"Do you know what the only weakness of this illusion is?" Calmly asked Weiss, as he kept his grip strongly on Gold's wrist.

The agent flinched at the metallic grip, but he didn't give his captor the pleasure to know he had indeed surprise him. “And what would that be?" Asked Gold as calmly as possible through his pain.

"Smell can't be hidden. Neither can the sounds made by beings or things under the illusion, so I must thank you for been such a talkative and clean gentlemon." Replied Weiss with a smile. “Will you kindly ask your friend to stop this?"

"I hardly see that helping. The illusion will fade, leaving my friend as a target when the citizens snap and then a real vicious monster will break lose."

The answer Gold gave was more of a warning than a bluff. Weiss sighed.

"So you won't ask her to retreat then?"

Silence was all Weiss got.

"Okay then, I am afraid I’m going to ask for her to be 'flushed out' of town."

"What are you talking about?" Gold inquired when a dark blue blur suddenly jumped into the picture.

Greninja raised his hands as soon as he arrived and unleashed a strong Hydro Pump on what at first appeared to be empty space, only for Roa to appear literally out of thin air and be sent flying off towards the Everfree as her Unicorn form changed to that of a large, hairy, fox-like being, although few had time to see that last part.

With the caster sent away, the fighting vanished in a second, leaving Greninja bowing to the crowd as he held two small spouts of water in his hands, before he vanished as well with a fast jump.

"Thank you for your attention, everypony!" Weiss exclaimed as he forced Gold into a bowing position beside him. “We hope you enjoyed this little street performance!"

The Ponies in the crowd began to whisper.

"A street performance? Was this some sort of magic?"

"Is beating a poor creature your idea of entertainment?"

"These creatures have one sick way to enjoy their time."

Damage was done, but it was short lived as the crowd slowly left the area.

"And that solves that," Weiss calmly said.

"Do you know what this plan of your’s has unleashed?" Gold asked of his captor. "Roa will no doubt go erratic now. This place is no longer safe!"

"Didn't I tell you?" Weiss asked as he let go of Gold. "We’re used to trampling on plans of all sorts!"

He then left, dashing off in the direction Roa was sent while finding Char, who had returned from his latest assignment and was given a new one. “Bring Valerie!"

Not knowing what to do, the Golduck simply began to run after the merc.


Griffenheim Empire
Victoria's chambers

The empress looked from a window at the creatures waiting at the castle's doors, the Pokemon circus troupe seemed more than ready and eager to perform. She had to admit, they looked very interesting and she was curious as to what kind of acts they would present. However, she couldn't stop thinking about what Shredder had told her about the ones leading the performers.

"You’re certain we can just let them in?" Victoria inquired using a cold tone of voice, the one she usually reserved for discussing serious business.

"I assure you that no harm will befall any civilians" the Bisharp across the room from the Empress stated for the fifth time.

Victoria let out a sigh, "Very well then, the troupe can perform tonight, but I must ask why you are so interested in allowing such individuals in?"

Shredder smiled, "Because if there’s one thing my mate has ever taught me, your Highness, it’s that everyone deserves a second chance. Besides, we could all enjoy a good laugh while we’re at it."

Victoria smiled at this. "Linza," she called forth Shredder's clawmaiden, whom quickly stood before her, "go and inform the visitors that they are granted permission to perform in the Wagner auditorium, but that they must take care of their own equipment and that our guards will not hesitate to imprison any mon breaking the laws."

"As you wish your Excellency," replied the clawmaiden before leaving the room.

Shredder thanked the Empress, gave her a bow, and prepared to leave when Victoria stopped her, "Lady Shredder."

"Is there something else I can do for you, your Highness?" inquired the Bisharp.

"I may be seen as a cold and stern ruler, but that doesn't mean I don't like to take some time and talk with my staff."

Shredder arched an eye, not sure of what the ruler wanted to say.

"By that I mean two things: one, that I would like to extend the same courtesy to you," the Griffin Empress motioned a claw towards an empty chair, "and two, that I have caught notice of how your relationship with Miss Roll happened to be, the beginning at least."

Shredder was a strong, stoic Pokemon who rarely showed any sign of emotion as she thought such things could cost her a victory. But at that moment, she displayed such an expression of absolute horror, shame, embarrassment, and disbelief that Victoria thought for a second the Steel-type would faint right there.

"How do you know about that!?" She stammered, "o-of whi-ich I don't know w-what you are ta-talking about..."

The Empress had to do her best not to insult her with her laughter.

"Lady Shredder, there is nothing wrong with admitting one had a troublesome start in a relationship, in fact, I find it intriguing that you two ended together after... such an bumpy start."

"..." Shredder had to let her body stop steaming before she could properly reply, "... We..."

Suddenly, Grizelda entered the room, a serious expression on her face, "Your Highness," she exclaimed as soon as she enter the room, "it has arrived!"

The clawmaiden then gave a small roll of parchment that was tied using a blue ribbon with a golden rim, a single emblem keeping it in place: a Sun.

"So the World Summit has a date now?" Victoria said as she gently but quickly took the scroll from Grizelda, avidly reading its contents. Once she was done, she let out a sigh, "We still have some time before it occurs, but we still have much to prepare... My apologies Lady Shredder, but I am afraid we will have to wait another time to talk."

Shredder on her end was more than willing to leave, completely ignoring what Victoria meant by 'the Summit' yet not giving a damn.

"I understand, your Highness. Now if you’ll excuse me, I will look after the preparations for tonight's event." And then she headed out.

"Don't forget to invite Miss Roll," the Empress reminded her with a smile, before adding "and don't go thinking I won't ask for that story again."

Shredder blushed hardly as she bowed one last time and left the Empress' presence, finding Linza returning shortly after.

"My lady, is everything alright?" the clawmaiden gently asked, concerned by the redness on Shredder's face.

"Yeah, it’s all okay..." the Bisharp badly lied while coughing to fix her tone, "I need you to deliver a message for me."

"I will be happy to oblige, where to?"

Shredder smiled as she replied, "Avice School for Bright Children."


Ponyville Equestria
Outer rim of the Everfree

The black 'meteorite' that was Roa made a subtle entrance into the scene, or at least as subtle as being thrown high into the air by a Hydro Bomb, skydiving back to earth, and softening the landing with a Night Daze could allow. Not to mention Roa was roaring all the way down. She was surprised when the Greninja suddenly appeared, but she expected him to pass her and head towards her illusion, as many had done before. Yet he perfectly placed his hands right in front of her and threw an attack directly into her chest.

As scared as she was, she wasn't able to avoid the attack and was sent flying. That’s when her anger snapped. She was the PLA's most feared member for a reason and that damn ninja just woke her 'working self.’ As such she began to fight the water which send her flying, but it didn't let go of her until she was far away from the village.

That was when she had to use Night Daze to avoid hitting the ground. By this point, her thoughts had been replaced by her instincts, which were going ballistic at the moment.

"... at... hi..." She mumbled as she raised out of the rubble her fall had caused. "I... I'll... ea... hi..." She repeated, her eyes shined with blazing azure light as she looked for something, anything to smash. "I WILL EAT HIM!" she shouted.

Luckily for her, and for the creatures and Pokemon around, she didn't have to look for too long before she had her eyes fixed on her prey.

Above her, on one of the branches of a tree, a lone Greninja looked down at her, patiently waiting for her to begin.


Weiss left the town behind him and dashed towards the forest. He didn't know how far away Roa had landed, but he could feel the dark energy she was unleashing. He only hoped his ally was able to handle her properly and cursed the only trait that his new body lacked in when compared to his older one: speed.

Although he was still relatively fast, he wasn't as good as before. Not to mention Greninja was way faster, thus wondering how long will it take them to reach the fight.

"Would you mind to explaining what we just awoke?" Weiss asked as he keep running and running. He still felt the dark, menacing aura in the distance.

"General Sev rescued her from some mad humans who wanted to breed the ultimate Dark-type." Gold began.

"Were they colleagues of Doctor Nurem by any chance?"


"Never mind," Weiss said. "So they made her this way?"

"She was born with the utmost 'pedigree', as those humans said," despite keeping his calm tone, it was obvious Gold didn't approve of whatever those breeders did. “They labeled her as a weapon and made her fight strong opponent after strong opponent. She was left alone in a cell whenever she won, and was beaten whenever she lost. Commander Sev rescued her and she has been forever grateful to him. She only gets back like this when she is doing her job."

"I get it. She has a troublesome past, big deal, but what makes her so dangerous?" Asked Weiss as if were nothing.

"Didn't you just hear!?" Gold exclaimed with a shout. “She’s had a hell of a life you cannot even imagine. She slaughters Pokemon like your for breakfast. Doesn't any of that leave you the least bit scared?"

Weiss looked back at the tuxedo-wearing Pokemon and simply raised an eyebrow.

"What makes her any different from us then?" The mercenary asked with scepticism.

Gold couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic, overconfident, serious, or just ignorant.

But before the PLA spy could argue back, Weiss rephrased his question. “You mentioned a job. What was her’s?"

"She is PLA's assassin..." replied Gold almost with sadness. “The Commander offered her a less violent position, but she denied it, saying she was most suited for those kinds of missions."

"Then I presume you commander isn't such a bad guy, even if he is totally insane."

"You bloody bas...!" The discussion ended as they heard an explosion nearby.

"We’re here," pointed Weiss with his serious tone. His ‘mercenary mode’ had activated.

"You don’t say?" Gold replied sarcastically. Weiss didn't bother to reply though, as he was interested only in the fight before them.

The foe Greninja was currently going against was a tall bipedal creature which resembled some sort of big black canid. A dark grey coat of fur covered its entire body while a long, thick crimson mane with black tips fell from her head and reached as far down as the waist before meeting a round, aquamarine jewel and taking on a shape more similar to a fox’s tail at the end. The Zoroark roared menacingly each time she slashed her vermillion claws at her foe.

Greninja was the team's spy, and thus he was fast enough on his feet to rival even Roll, but he was currently having trouble dodging Roa's constant slashes, dashes and bashes. He had, however, been able to stay clear of any lethal blows, only paring or blocking attacks too fast for him to dodge.

Gold was about to mention something about hoping the mercs had a life insurance policy capable of covering them extra-dimensionally, when he noticed something about the Ninja Pokemon. He was having trouble, yes, but not in the 'she is too strong for me' way. He saw how the Greninja had multiple opportunities to land a hit yet he let them go.

He was having trouble in a 'I don't want to hurt her' kind of way, and this realization alone caused Gold to ask "Who the hell are you guys?"

"Just the best team for hire you will ever encounter," calmly but exaggeratedly replied the Bisharp.

As Roa released a blast of flames from her mouth, Greninja barely avoided the Flamethrower with a jump, while Weiss stood in front of the flames and stopped them with a Protect.

At each passing second, Roa seemed to become more and more vicious, her dark aura growing over her back as her eyes shone stronger yet colder.

"Things are going to become difficult if one of her attacks reaches out," Weiss pointed out. “Roa's Flamethrower could have easily started an out-of-control wildfire. And we can't properly strategize either without Xavier... Talk about bad luck!"

As the mercenary said this, he jumped over a Toxic spit, removing his previous disliking over his new body as the corrosive substance dripped on the ground.

"But I guess we don’t have much of an option," Weiss pointed out before shouting a command to his comrade. "She isn't gonna get tired any time soon. Try to 'disarm' her!"

The Water-type nodded in agreement, but then Roa noticed Weiss as a result. “Crap!" was all the merc leader said as the Zoroark charged towards him, preparing a Focus Blast in her hands. “Crap, crap, crap, crap, crapppp!"

As the Bisharp cursed his luck and typing once more, the Illusionist Pokemon jumped at him, ready to deliver the blow at close range, but then...


An explosion was heard as the Fighting-type attack made contact, yet it smacked a boulder into smithereens instead of the coat wearing Bisharp.

"..." Weiss blinked as he searched over his own body, making that every limb was still in its place. “I’m alive... and apparently whole."

Then Roa landed with a thud back in the center of the fighting zone while a shadow positioned itself above her.

"You’re welcome," commented Edge as she kept an ear for any attacks heading upwards.

"I see you found her too," commented Weiss without looking back, as he was too busy watching out for any loose attack on his side. “You take the other side."

Gold was about to ask what was he talking about when a red blur shot past him and quickly positioned itself across from them.

"She is hard to miss," Char replied as smoothly as Gold, although without the accent.

"What about Valerie?" Asked the leader in return.

"Miss Do is on her way to fetch her. I decided to come over and help" the Scizor replied again while smacking a Shadow Ball to the ground before it exploded right before him. Yet the Scizor held his ground as if nothing happen.

"Okay then, until she arrives we have to keep things under control, Greninja!" Commanded Weiss to his teammate, the latter quickly turning towards him. “You can take her on!"

The Ninja Pokemon smiled under his tongue; while he had been doing his best to 'disarm' Roa, being as crazed as she currently was made that impossible. Now that he didn't have to worry about an attack getting loose or making her angrier, he was set to go all-out.

In the meantime, Roa's anger had been growing. During her little 'rampages', she just loved to crush, slash, break everything. Her favorite killing technique was beating the crap out of someone with their own skull while they were still conscious, as physically impossible as it seemed. But this 'frog' had somehow managed to keep himself safe from every single one of her attacks, not to mention he hadn’t even throw a single punch back at her.

If she were slightly conscious, she would have wonder if Greninja was some sort of hippie, but she was currently been driven by her instincts. She didn’t care that he didn't fight back. He was prey and prey was to be slaughtered. She wouldn’t stop until his blood painted the forest.

And blood was spilled, although much to Gold's surprise, it was Roa's.

Greninja had slapped Roa across the face with one of her own claws, giving it more momentum and leaving her nose sliced open. As soon this was done, Greninja connected a Water Pulse-covered jab right to her muzzle, leaving the frenzied Zoroark with a taste of iron in her mouth.

The move wasn't just random, as Greninja began to connect hit after hit. Each one covered with a ball of water which increased the impact, yet at the same time made him avoid hitting her too hard. Again, if Roa was properly thinking, she would have taken such treatment as degrading, but all Roa could feel was the need to dig her claws into the flesh of the Pokemon before her. To rip him to shreds and feast on his innards.

Thus with a demented grin, she decided it was time to escalate the scenery to a more chaotic state.

"Oh no..." Gold said as he recognised the grin.

With a flash of darkness, the simple woodland they were fighting was suddenly twisted before their very eyes. The sky became pitch black. The color of their surroundings was dulled as what seemed to be white walls and oxide-corroded fences materialized around them. Even the leaf-covered ground was replaced by a floor composed of bolted metal plates. A simple sign that read as “W---ome t- S---nt Hi--” appeared, the paint once coating having long-since peeled off, while an alarm siren was heard in the distance as the grim atmosphere took effect.

It seemed the group had suddenly been transported to yet another world. One corrupted to its very core, and even when they knew this was an illusion, what they were seeing seemed way too real to ignore, save for only one member.

"She’s closing on your six!" Exclaimed the blind Noivern from above, snapping Greninja out of his stupor as he barely avoided a Night Slash aimed for him. He quickly turned and threw a kick at his attacker. Yet what he found wasn't a Zoroark as he had expected. Instead, what he saw was some sort of small, clawless Drillbur with a knife pouring out of its hands.

The creature squealed as it returned to the surrounding darkness, only to return shortly after with about another dozen of those creatures, all aiming their sharp blades at the Pokemon.

"Um, Edge?" Weiss asked as he was beginning to get creeped out. “We’d appreciate some air support here!"

Edge wanted to provide said support, but Roa had caught on to her quickly and was currently throwing Swifts at her while running around. Needless to say, Edge had a hard time giving commands and avoiding/been hit by the never-missing attack.

"She’s on the left, ah! No, now she’s at the- fuck! No, your other lef- Oh come on!"

Taking advantage of the confusion, Roa began to slash the Pokemon on the ground. Weiss and Char could endure it thanks to their types and the orichalcum cloak, but Greninja wasn't having such luck. His kind is well-known for its speed and strength, but it’s also well-known that they can barely take a hit. So things were turning very dangerous for the Ninja Pokemon.

So he then did the only thing he could think of: he placed both of his arms at his sides, palms aimed down as two small spouts of water then began to pour out from them. Weiss and Char smiled as they understand what he was doing, while Edge continued to curse whenever a star hit her.

"Oh you son of a b-!"

"Edge, keep quiet!" Weiss commanded as the group became silent.

Gold, who had been watching from the sidelines in amazement at how the mercenaries were actually holding their ground against the PLA's scariest member, also understood what the Greninja was about to do. He felt the need to stop them. As violent as she was, Roa didn't start such things on purpose. In fact she didn't start anything. It was his fault things ended this way, and as such he wanted to make it up for his friend.

Yet as he was about to warn the Zoroark, a pair of small feet gently grabbed him by the arm.

Gold turned his head and gazed into the face of a smiling Togekiss. He didn't know why, but he felt as if he could trust her, even though she had taken him by surprise with her sudden appearance.

"Yeah, they can be silly and odd and hard to take seriously most of the time," added Daring as she too landed beside him. "But they know what they do once they get into this mode."

Back in the fight, Greninja had taken yet another barrage of hits. Yet he continued to pour water all around him. He then closed his eyes, focusing on the sounds around him. He could clearly hear the steps each of the creatures made as they moved around the metallic plates they had for ground. Some of them even splashed over the water he released. He could also hear the air coming out as they squealed. But then he found the sound he was looking for, paws rapidly splashing around.

The Ninja Pokemon then opened his eyes to look for the illusionist. He saw nothing, but he still smiled. He then made use of Extreme Speed to tackle Roa, yet the illusion didn't vanished as it would have with a regular Zoroark. However, Greninja wasn't done yet, and as soon as he felt Roa's fur, he proceeded to deliver a series of hits and punches at a blinding speed. First her liver, next the lungs, the solar plexus, ears and jaw.

By the time he was done, the world around them began to wobble until it finally shattered like glass, only for Roa to fall unconscious as her body hit the ground. Greninja followed her example.

Weiss let out a relaxed sigh as he approached his comrade while turning to Valerie. “Would you mind?" he asked the former gym leader.

The Togekiss simply smiled as she approached the tired combatant and healed his injuries.

Gold was about to dash towards Roa and make a run for it as the mercenaries were distracted in healing their own, when Valerie turned to Roa and proceeded to heal her as well.

"You... You’re helping her?" Inquired Gold with doubt.

"Normally, we would have dealt with her differently," admitted Weiss. "But you say she isn't that different from us, so not helping her would have been hypocritical on our part."

"... What?" was all the agent could answer with as Roa regained consciousness.

"There you go," Valerie said as she helped the Zoroark to her feet.

"Da-danke..." she thanked the Togekiss. "And... ahm... Who are you again?"

"Don't worry dear, I am a friend" Valerie assured her with a smile.

Gold couldn't believe the moment Roa looked up at Valerie and returned the smile as only a child would.

"See, told you they could be trusted," commented Daring as she too approached the group.

"Just what mess have I waltzed into?" Inquired the Golduck as he did the same.


The group let Valerie take care of Roa, who somehow managed to keep the Zoroark calm as they walked through the woods. The mercenaries in return 'guided' Gold back at Ponyville. Daring groaned in front of them.

"This is why I never have partners! Now we’ll have lost a whole day!" Exclaimed the mare with a bit of desperation. "Luckily we can make it back at Canterlot by midnight, but we’ll have to wait ‘til tomorrow for the train to Manehattan, not to mention we still have to drop these guys off with the royal guard somewhere on the way."

A gasp behind her made Daring look back to a shivering Roa cowering behind Valerie and a sweating Gold.

"You can't seriously be thinking about throwing this poor girl into a cell?" Valerie inquired.

"I don't take pleasure in this," replied Do in a almost apologetic tone, "but these guys didn't think twice about trying to frame you for a fight, and she’s just plain dangerous if left alone."

"She is right," Weiss pointed out. "We can't just leave them on their own, especially since this world is still adapting to us. We simply can’t allow guys like them to take advantage of the denizens of this new world."

Daring smiled at his words. Apparently Weiss was able to have some normal ideas from time to time.

"So we’ll take them with us."

Or so she thought.


"You said it yourself: he can sneak around with her illusions and she can go feral at any second. Do you really want to leave such individuals in the hooves of unsuspecting, ill-equipped guards?

Daring couldn't retort that. She knew that her land’ enforcers were strong, but if even they had difficulties in dealing with Roa and Gold, then the Royal Guard would be nothing but a glass box for the two of them. A very thin glass box.

"The guards may still end up hearing about them, though. Even as a 'street act' some Ponies may still report them, and you," she pointed at Weiss, "for disturbing the peace."

"Mhm..." Weiss thought for a second. "You mentioned that the rulers of this land live in Canterlot, right?"

"Yes... What about them?" Daring asked bit expectantly.

"Then I propose we give them a visit," proclaimed the Bisharp with his elegant accent in place. "Afterall, we are Griffinheim's ambassadors."

Author's Note:

And here it is! I am on a roll!! What do you all think of this chapter? Is the first time I properly work a fight scene and really want to know how I do them.
A big thanks and welcome to Serpentking789, who has offered to edit my works. I am really glad I belong to such an awesome fandom filled with so many great members QvQb

Evo: Well that was an intense fight. Thankfully no one was made into mincemeat. Hopefully our heros can keep that trend up.
Again, it was lovely working with V here and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

SK789: I have got to say, it’s an absolute pleasure to be involved with the “New World, New Way” story-verse. I’ll admit that this isn’t the first time I’ve played a role in editing for a world-spanning fanfic concept (though that first time involved a wiki that’s no longer being properly maintained for a story that I’m no longer even sure will ever be properly released), or even the first time I’ve done grammatical editing for a story in the “New World, New Way” group (that particular honor goes to Rectik Shade’s “A New World, And A Better Way”), but it’s still nice to be able to contribute to such a great story community, as well as the fandom in general. It makes me feel like I’m a part of something bigger and I suppose being able to help others make their own work as good as it can possibly be is a way of making up for my own total inability to write a decent, original narrative (wow… things got kinda deep there for a moment). Anyways, it’s nearly 1:30am as I’m writing this, so I should probably hit the hay before I say something REALLY stupid in my sleep-deprived mental state.

Pokemon of the day:

Gulduck (Agent Gold) Zoroark (Roa)