• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

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Thirty First Move

Thirty First Move

Canterlot Castle
Early in the morning

The weather was nice, the sun was just raising on the horizon, a thin layer of mist covered the royal gardens. A beautiful morning to just grab a soft blanket, drink a warm drink and relax while contemplating the aurora.

If only the ones present could even appreciate any of that.

Before Celestia had started her daily routine, Shredder had already wake up, eat a light breakfast, done her regular getup, sharpened her blade and properly awaited for the asignated hour.

As soon as she arrived, the Sword Blade Pokemon began to examine her surroundings. The legendary would most likely be familiar with their fighting ground so she will be at a slight disadvantage. However, the terrain wasn’t so much different of any other garden. If anything, she will adjust just fine.

She kept her blade’s tip on the ground as she held it from the pommel, patiently awaiting for her opponent to arrive. A stern look on her face and her breathing been the only things differencing her from the many statues decorating the garden.

Then she stiffened as a silhouette appeared in the distance.

“Time to finally put this feud to rest,” said Roll not too far from her mate.

“I only hope things don’t go too much out of hand,” added a distressed Gene.

Last night.

One could hear a drop of dew fall into the nearby pond as everyone kept the utmost silence at the scene playing before them. A Pokemon, a Dark-type Pokemon, a Mercenary Dark-type Pokemon had just challenge to a duel to none other than the leader of the famous Swords of Justice.

Seeing somemon challenging a legendary wasn’t that rare, nor that impressive. Most of the fights lasted seconds after all.

But the mere premise of this particular fight was what kept everyone in suspense.

The Swords of Justice where famous for their heroic deeds and selfless acts all over the old world. Giving them enough time and new tales of them would bloom in this one as well.

Yet someone not only challenged their leader while glaring, but also with a grudge. A Pokemon held a grudge against the greatest Pokemon heroes of all times and did nothing to hide it.

“What can she possibly hold against Cobalion of all Legendaries?” inquired Gene, startling Roll just a bit.

“You came along?” she asked slightly surprised once she turned to the couple.

“We are sort of responsible for this development,” explained Belle.

Roll chuckled, “If anything, she will be forever thankful to both of you. No, her whole clan will.”

Both Psychic-types seemed confused. “You just give them a chance in a lifetime.”

Before they could exchange more questions, a sonorous yet somehow elegant sigh interrupted their dialogue.

“You know my name,” finally speak Cobalion, “but I don’t see why should I listen to you when I don’t know yours.”

“My given name is Shredder of Checkmate and my home lies on the ruling clan of the grasslands in the Virtus region from the old world.” She adamantly replied.

“Lady Shredder, I don’t mind obliging to your request,” he said while keeping his stern look. “But as stated before, I can’t stop noticing the aggression pouring out from you. If we were to fight now, your current mind set would be your downfall.”

“My feelings are in fact betraying me,” admitted Shredder with a slightly calmer tone. “But I am afraid I can’t wait much for them to lay down. I am bound to my dutty, thus I can only dispose of a couple of hours before returning to my new home.”

A soft breeze passed by, then Shredder continued.

“I can’t and will not let this chance go,” she said while clenching her armored fist close to her heart, “this is something that must be done!”

“Very well,” replied Cobalion with the same tone, “I will take you on, but now is not the time and here is not the place.”

Shredder was about to retort him, but the Iron Will Pokemon wasn’t finished.

“Tomorrow, as soon as the sun comes out on the horizon, we can fight to our heart’s content.” He looked at Shredder’s expression which show no change, so he continued. “I am sure you can reign over your emotions enough by then. As for the place… I suppose we can made use of the castle’s gardens.”

“I won’t mind the place as long as we can fight fair, square and wholeheartedly,” Shredder said without a thought.

“Then this leaves you with the honor of choosing the way we will fight,” said Cobalion, quite familiar with the dueling way.

“Swords,” Shredder swiftly replied once again, “no other kind of weapon than our blades and bodies will clash until one of us can move no more.”

“Swords it will be,” echoed Cobalion, “only one thing remains, witnesses.”

“Fine by me.”

“Good, but I must remind you that family does not count as such,” pointed the Legendary as he give Roll a quick glance.

“That sounds a bit arbitrary,” mentioned Belle, “why is that?”

“A witness is meant to make sure that honor is kept from beginning to end, even if said end is dead. No family would stay neutral at such,” answered Shredder without turning back and then replied, “There will be one from my part.”

“And so will from mine,” replied Cobalion, “and fear not, none of my fellow Swords will be my witness, we are brothers in arms after all.”

With a slow and gentle motion, Cobalion gave a bow to his contender and picked up her glove.

“Then, until tomorrow,” the Legendary said, not obstructed by the cloth on his mouth.

And so he left.

“I have few friends in this capital city,” said Shredder once Cobalion had left, “but I will make sure to bring someone, Pokemon or Pony, to make sure of the fairness of the fight.”

“I wish I could be of help Shred,” said Roll with a honest tone as she placed a paw on her shoulder. “You know that right?”

Shredder didn’t turned back as she was still looking at Cobalion, yet she did placed one of her own hands atop of Roll’s paw.

“E-excuse me…?” Said a still impressed Gene, “I think you have a little problem then.”

Shredder seemed to return from a dream, as she finally turned to face the ones standing behind, she even seemed to have forgotten about them entirely as she looked surprised once the memories of a few minutes ago returned to her.

“Right, Miss and Mister Phillips,” she said to herself. “I am sure I can ask someone to come, a friend of ours from the empire.”

Shredder of course meant the Empress’ very clawmaiden.

“But will she be free?” Inquired Roll, “she is very devoted to Victoria, not to mention that she already took the day off.”

Then Shredder’s look changed, drastically. As in completely shocked.

“How could I forget that!?” She asked herself, her resolve crumbling little by little now that the adrenaline was finally fading. “Now I need to find someone to bring along, not to mention I have to get my gear ready for tomorrow, sharpen my blade, have a proper night. Will I have enough time to calm down!?” She demanded to her mate.

“Dear, I think sleep should be there as well, also I have no idea how to calm you down without depriving you off of some sleep.”

As Shredder continued to worry and Roll tried to calm her down, Gene thought about the last thing the Lopunny said to them.

“In their eternal gratitude huh…?” Gene said to himself.

Then Belle took his hand.

“You are doing that again,” she said softly.

“What?” replied the Gallade confused.

“Worry over others,” she replied. “We just meet them, and you already think of helping them despite their past.”

“... should I keep quiet?”

Belle shook her head in disagreement, “it wouldn’t be yourself if you did that,” she gave him a peck on the check and added, “I love that part of you after all. Don’t worry, I will explain it to Lia.”

Gene smiled at Belle’s words and wonder for a second if he could marry such a wonderful being.

‘Oh right, I already did,’ he remember as he took a step forward.

“I would like to be your witness,” he said determined.

The mercenary duo took a moment to process what he just said, then both jumped at him.

“Really!?” they asked at an unison.

“Y-yeah, as long as it is early in the morning, I can make some time,” Gene replied.

In one swift motion, Shredder took hold of both of his hands.

“Thank you!” she said with a humble tone. “I will be on your debt!”

Gene didn’t know what to say.

“Finally… finally…” she continued, more to herself than to anyone else. “Finally, my clan will have their retribution!”

Canterlot Castle

Gene wasn’t able to ask what Shredder meant by that as she and Roll left as soon as they agreed on the hour they will meet.

He let out a sigh while looking at the windows passing by and wonder, “will this really be solved in a couple of hours?”

“It can become larger or just end in a second,” commented what appeared to be a dark purple ghost floating beside Gene.

At first glance it looked like a floating hat with long sleeves dangling below it, her body and arms. Three red gems come out of her skin around her neck while a pair of glowing eyes looked with enthusiasm to the events about to be unfold before her.

“I am still surprised you decided to come along Mage,” Gene commented as they continued to be guided.

“Are you kidding?” the Mismagius replied, “this is a duel we are talking about. Not some brutish fight for a couple of Pokedollars but an actual, well established and ancient duel! Do you know how rare those are now?”

The Magical Pokemon inquired while adjusting a couple of reading glasses on her face.

“Yes, yes, my bad to forget,” apologized Gene with a grin.

As soon he had told the rest of his family what he was going to witness, Mage appointed herself as well for the event.

‘Of course she will,’ Gene thought, ‘been able to witness what her history books describe will fixate her on the stuff.’

“But I must admit this is an interesting turn of events,” Mage pointed out. “With the dueling grounds being taken to somewhere else like this. Why would you think that is?”

Gene was curious a swell, but since he was meant to only witness what will happen, he had no word unless something broke the rules established by both adversaries.

As obvious as it is, the group didn’t find Cobalion on the garden but rather another of the swords of justice: Lady Virizion.

She didn’t explain much other than the garden was too delicate for them to fight properly and thus lead them somewhere else.

She didn’t ask a thing to the challenger nor her companions, all she did was lead the way with a kind and somehow exited yet discreet smile. A few turns and backs latter, the group reached a simple white door, which contrasted with the rest of the architecture on the whole castle.

“Over here,” Virizion calmly said as she open the door to a different place entirely.

The room was as white as the door, no windows or furniture of any kind besides a table and two chairs.

“Excuse me for my intromission but his doesn’t look like the place to have a fight,” pointed Mage out.

“Because this isn’t the place,” Virizion calmly replied while taking the group out of the meeting room and into another hallway.

As soon as they left the white door behind, the climate changed, nothing too drastic but a couple of degrees and some humidity.

“This isn’t Canterlot any more, right?” inquired Shredder with her usual tone.

“Why, you are quite sharp,” Virizion replied with a joking tone, “the door we just came trough is reserved for the Princesses and Lord Arceus. They use it when they need to talk. A sort of neutral ground if you will.”

“So that makes this a sort of pocket dimension?” asked Mage once again.

“I can’t give you the exact details,” Virizion continued, “not that I can’t tell you but rather that I can’t understand the process itself, let's just say is a magical gateway to our home.”

“Wow, and I thought my girl was blunt,” said Roll.

“Honesty is an innate part of any swordsmon, you can’t deliver your own feelings with your blade if you can’t be honest with yourself.” Shredder replied.

“Heh…” Virizion, for the first time on the trail, turned to see the challenger to the face. “I see now, it does makes sense. Mailady is very interesting indeed.”

And with nothing else to say, she continued.

The mons following her wanted to ask what did she mean with her words, but no one was able to as she pointed at another door.

“We are here, for real this time.”

The next room they were lead to was large, very large. Pure white as the previous room and door but big enough to hold all of Arceus’ childs if needed. Because of how perfectly white the room was, it was hard to make out the walls or ceiling for that matter, yet one could tell they were there.

As they walked further inside, the group soon noticed another group waiting for them at the middle of the apparent nothingness.

Four Pokemon and a single Pony awaited around a table filled with snacks and drinks, however the later was just as tall as the other legendaries beside her. She was the first one to noticed the challenger and her companions.

“This Pokemon definitely gives the sensation of strength with just a glance, even a novice on Pokemon like me can tell.” she then looked at the ones behind her, locking eyes with one Pokemon in particular. “ISn’t this a surprise, of all people to come, it is you who decided to serve as their witness, mister Gene?”

“Well, this kind of happen because of me your highness,” the Gallade replied to Princess Luna.

The ruler of the night smiled.

“So I heard, it is a noble act from your part. I on the other hoof was simply around when I catch notice of this particular event and offer myself for it.”

“I see two of the witnesses know each other,” said Virizion, “that should made things faster. These persons will be in our side, your highness Luna of the Equestrian kingdom.”

“Greetings,” the alicorn said properly.

The others give her a respectful nod in return.

“And the ruler of Victory itself.”

“The one and only Lord Victini!” cut in the Victory Pokemon. “But worry not, I am here to look after the fairness of the fight, so the only one winning will be your own satisfaction,” he swiftly added with a ‘V’ sign on his hand.

“As for you…” said Virizion.

“She means us!” said Mage after a short silence while also giving Gene a soft smack on the head.

“Ah! Right, sorry… ahem.” Gene replied in surprise. “M-my name is Gene and I will be vouching for miss Shredder’s fairness in this fight.”

“So will I, I guess,” said Mage right after Gene was done. “I am here mostly to witness a proper and real duel though.”

“Alright then, do you admit of these witness?” Virizion asked the blue Legendary still sitting beside the table.

All the Iron Will Pokemon give was a nod as he finished a cup of tea.

“And the challenger admits our witnesses?”

“I do,” replied Shredder with an resolute tone, barely holding her eagerness.

“Good,” said Virizion.

She then walked back to his comrades and proclaimed.

“Mailady Shredder of Checkmate, be prepared to face The Swords of Justice.”

At her words the other two members joined her side.

“Don’t worry,” Virizion added, “ we will go easy on you.”

Little Brook
Earlier that morning

Weiss and co. were lucky to reach a small town the last day and even more lucky to find someone used to work with metal, since the passing rails needed maintenance once in awhile.

“A good bed, a good bath, a good breakfast and in a couple of hours a good set of knifes, that is quite a nice amount of ‘goods’ on my opinion,” commented Weiss as he enjoyed his meal, a fully vegetarian course.

He didn’t complain though. After a marathon through a dessert, any meal was great. He still wished there were some oasis’ fish to accompany his food.

“Yeah very good and all,” added Daring with a slightly annoyed tone while she placed a cup of coffee on the table, “but we still have the little problem of our lack of money!”

She quickly shut her own mouth before the innkeeper noticed what she had told.

“Trying to getting us kicked out so early in the morning?” asked Char calmly as he hold a newspaper. “I would prefer to finish my read first you know?”

“Look,” she replied in a hushed tone, “you can be all chill and cool all you want since you guys will most likely run away without saying a word, but I have some personal pride to keep. Can you imagine what will my readers say if I were to sink so low?”

“Oh come on there, I am sure you have run at least a couple of times without paying,” retorted Pancha, “it comes with any sort of job revolving adventure in it!”

“Well… yeah, I can’t fully deny that.” Daring admitted, “but there was always a good reason for it to happen, like a hot clue, someone chasing after me or me chasing an escaping goon, and even then I managed to pay my fee once all was done!”

“Ain’t you an exemplar individual then,” said Weiss as a sarcastic price.

“You bunch are just too low in comparison.”

“I can’t deny that,” admitted Weiss without a second of hesitation, the rest of the mercenaries nodded as well.

“I shouldn’t be surprised at this point,” said Do in a defeated tone.

“I can’t believe you are still been surprised at this point,” added Rogue.

The group continued to talk on the low while enjoying their breakfast while they could, as everything pointed out at them having to run for it once their tab was too large for some random travelers.

Daring continued to mope over the idea of having to do such a thing while Penny and Surskit played around. Gold and Sylveon on the other hand weren’t as enthusiastic as the rest, they still took the opportunity to eat and chat but their interests where on both ends of the group.

Valerie and Roa were barely eating and neither of them tried to look at one another.

For the past days, they haven’t been their usuals self. Roa was more silent and depressing than usual while Valerie’s eyes show only regret and shame.

‘That is starting to get annoying,’ though Weiss.

‘Would you like me to intervene?’ suggested Xaver mentally, both for discretion and because he was eating outside beside Edge and Chopper. They were too big to fit inside the Pony made establishment.

‘As if we could do something so low,’ retorted Weiss, ‘besides Roa is immune to it.’

‘That is more like our boss,’ joked Pancha.

‘But we still need to look for a way to mend this,’ added Rogue.

‘How?’ inquired Char. ‘We may be traveling companions, but we are still far from friends. We can’t simply go and give them counseling out of the blue without properly knowing them. The fact that they have this problem to begin with lies in how quickly they bonded with one another.’

‘But we can’t leave them like that,’ added Edge.

‘What can we do?’ asked Weiss, ‘we are a bunch of mercs.’

‘The more reason to help them,’ added then Rogue, ‘we know well what Roa have been trough…’

‘Yes we do!’ cut in Simon with a mental shout, ‘we all do know well what that life is like. But each of us was able to walk forward by their own personal reasons: pride, duty, will, love. We found an answer ourselves.’

‘So you are saying this is something only she can answer?’ cut in yet another one.

‘... oh, right, she has access to the mental meetings, I forgot,’ admitted Weiss.

‘You guys do know I am practically your ‘handler’ right?’ replied Daring with an annoyed tone and then returned to the matter at hoof, ‘but there is nothing we can do?’

‘Is like my master said,’ Chopper contribute, ‘we can only wait, this is up to them to resolve or ignore.’

‘Damn,’ proclaimed Daring, ‘who would say the life of a hired muscle was this deep?’

‘Going down the rabbit hole is easy miss,’ replied Char while leaving the newspaper on the table and looking directly at the mare, ‘way easy. Getting out of it is the hard part.’

‘Is all up for Roa to decide: will she climb the deep or will she stay in it?’

‘Let's only hope she chooses swiftly,’ finished Weiss, ‘all she is doing right now is staring at the abyss, and it has the bad tendency of looking back.’

The bodies keep moving around and the mounts keep talking nonsense, but the minds went silent after that.

The group finished their meal and was more than ready to go, but they still have one problem to solve.

“So… who will be the distraction?” asked Weiss as he made sure of the best escape route.

“Wait! Are you guys really doing this?” inquired Daring with a silent but desperate tone.

“Unless you have enough money to make up for all we just consumed today, not counting lodging and room service, I don’t see a better course of action.” Pointed out Char as he too has his gaze locked on his escape route.

“But… you… think on the example you are giving the young ones!” she exclaimed while pointing at Penny and Surskit, their innocence being her last resource to save her own dignity.

“Alright girls, we may have to run, so be sure to hold tight, ok?” said Rogue to said innocent childs while carefully wrapping them with her vines.

‘Is because they are ‘innocent’ that they are also malleable,’ mentally commented Xaver as he and Edge were about to jump sky high.

“I was naive to doubt your cunning for only a moment,” Daring admitted in defeat.

“You should start to learn you know,” said Weiss as he give his coffee another sip.

“Please, any sort of miracle will do, just stop these shameless mercs of mine of tarnishing my image!”

Then, a small patch of fire appeared atop Weiss.

It swirled around for a moment and then in turn into a scroll.

“Nope!” Said the former human as he catched the letter with his left hand while finishing his coffee with his right. “You ruined me a meal already.”

The group awaited for him to read the parchment, they will have time to flee right after.

“Oh,” said Xavier.

“What is it darling?” Asked Rogue as she keep the younger ones ‘afloat’.

“A letter from the Empress,” replied Weiss before Xavier spoiled more. “Or rather an scolding about our night meeting this land’s ruler.”

“Oh, you mean that night you guys sneak into Celest-aghhhgmmmm!!”

“Yes that night!” quickly said Weiss while keeping Pancha’s beak shut.

“I guess is safe to say she isn’t exactly glad with your perfomance,” pointed out Daring.

“That is an understatement,” Weiss said drily. “Xavier, would you mind?”


Weiss then clean his throat and began to read the letter once more, yet everyone was able to hear it on their heads with a very realistic yet oddly toned voice of Victoria.

Mister Weiss.

I am writing you to inform about your latest report. I haven’t been able to properly read it as of yet since I am away of my castle, but I have been informed of its safe arrival. I will make my duty to read through it as soon as I return, for now I can rest assured that you are fulfilling your end of the contract.

I have heard here and there about your exploits in these lands, although nothing as big as I originally expected.

With only one particular exception.

Did you know, lord Weiss? There are many ways to meet a dignitary, more so if it happens to be a ruler. One must properly introduce to the rulers, making sure to acknowledge their importance as the maximum leader of their country without diminishing the importance of one’s self aliance.

Finding a balance between the host and the emissary.

And by no way should you disregard them, as in for example: barging into their domain at the death of night, assault their servants, break into their very room and then flee the place without a more proper explanation!

The next lines where all rudely written, some of which had also been crossed out, making them impossible to read. The letter then continued.

I guess playing fool would be pointless at this point: yes I know how you went and ‘meet’ Princess Celestia to inform her about your activities. Of all the ways I could have fathomed, yours is by far the more petulant, insulting and threatening I could have ever imagine.

Fortunately Celestia had taken little offence of the whole ordeal, although she did spend an hour or so lecturing me about how to reign over my subordinates, which I would like to remind you that you are.

I swear I thought it would be better if she declared war on us than having to endure another night like that. Which I have you responsible for.

So if possible I would like you to properly apologise to her if you ever have the time, just be sure to do it with more peaceful methods.

That been said, she admitted to have been genuinely impressed by how easily you and your companions managed to get into her chambers without been noticed and with minimal force.

She also wanted me to thank you for not harming her guards.

All things done, you did what you were asked for: show off to her.

So I guess you do deserve a reward.

“Isn’t that a conflicting message?” inquired Simon, “we are been scolded yet we will get a reward.”

“Those are politics for you,” said Daring with an used tone.

“As far we got some money out of it, I don’t mind.” Added Char, “but I don’t see much of it with the message.”

“I guess it will arrive by other means,” said Weiss and then looked at the letter, “there is more…”

I hope it's enough for you and your companions to reach Canterlot so you can apologize properly to her. It will arrive shortly after this letter.

“...wait-what?” asked Weiss as something made a ‘poof’ sound above his head, followed by a bag landing right on top of the Bishop's unfinished meal. Weiss simply sighed and continued to read.

That is for that incident, which I hope we have to never repeat again, or else you will get something far different than a bag of gold.

Regarding our side, I am glad to inform you that Pokemon are officially acknowledged as members of this world and formal citizens of their respective nations, so the more reason for your team to avoid an international conflict.

“Well that is no fun,” bluntly said Pancha.

For now I have nothing else to say but to wish you godspeed on your travels and hope you can find the rest of your team safely.


“... ps what?” inquired Daring as the mental reading ended right after. “Is everything alright?”

The other members of the group had similar expressions.

The mercenaries, however, were far from lost.

Hay dios!” said Pancha.

“Will you explain or not?”

“Is about Shredder,” replied Char, “she got herself a duel.”

“That does sound like something she will do, what is so impressive about it?”

“There is only one mon she will fight in the whole world,” continued Char.

“I am guessing is someone strong,” said Daring as she took the bag off the wasted coffee and began to count the money.

“Far from strong,” finished Char, “Legendary.”

“Good luck Shred,” said Weiss to no one, “you will need it.”

Hall of Legends
White Room

“Wait a minute!” exclaimed Gene at the sudden turn of events, “how can a four versus one match be even considered fair?”

Virizion looked at him with the same calm smile.

“We are the Swords of Justice, and if I don’t remember wrongly she wanted to settle a score with us.”

“And that gives you the right to gang on her?” the Gallade retorted.

“Oh do not worry, we will not go all at once, that would be too cruel from our part.”

“Consecutive battles of one on one, that is how this will be done?” inquired Mage.


“Well excuse me but that still seems very unfair,” continued Gene, “you can’t be agree to such thing,” he complain to the Legendaries’ witnesses.

Nor Luna or Victini said a word.

“Lord Cobalion!” he then appeal to the Swords’ leader.

He didn’t give the slightest show of emotion, however he keep his serious expression and his eyes closed.

“You can’t be serious…”

“Is alright,” Shredder finally spoke, placing a hand over Gene’s shoulder. “If this is how things must be done then I have no intention to back down because ‘I wasn’t able to last until the end.’”

“But this is unfair!”

“Perhaps,” Shredder admitted as she step forward, “but if this is how they want it to be, I will gladly face them on their own terms, so there is nothing for them complain.”

“You heard her,” Mage cut in before Gene could said anything else, “if she agrees then there is little we can do, other than point out how awfully unfair this is!” she exclaimed more to the Legendaries than to her friend.

“I thank your concern,” replied Shredder to her witnesses and then faced her foes. “Well, who will be the first one?”

She placed a hand atop her sword as she added, “I only demand you to hold nothing back!”

The three Swords look at her demeanor and then erupted in laughter.

“You sure know how to pick them Cobalion!” said the larger member of the quartet, “she definitely have a nice pair, even though she is a she.

“Of course we wouldn’t be as unfair as to make you fight all four of us,” continued Virizion.

“But that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t be letting just anyone come and challenge our leader just like that,” added the younger sword. “It wouldn’t be fair for us to at least have some standards.”

“So what is this all about?” asked Mage, “some sort of test?”

“Indeed,” replied Virizion, “and she pass the first one with flying colors.”

Gene let out a satisfied sigh, “I thought for a second you were really going to fight her.”

“They are,” added Roll with a serious tone.

“...eh?” said Gene confused.

“Can’t you feel it?” she continued, “they are not just talking, their fighting spirit is quite palpable even now.”

Gene was still confused, but after a second glance he understood a bit better.

The Swords of Justice were eagerly looking forward for a challenge, it reminded him of how Draco got before a gym battle.

“But didn’t they just said this was all a test?” he asked.

“Exactly: ‘a’ test, there are three more waiting for her,” Virizion explained. “But worry not, these won’t be wearing her down too much if she shows been capable of facing us properly.”

“What do you mean by ‘not wearing her down?’” Asked Mage.

“That if she wants to face our leader in top condition, she better not fail.”

Both witnesses looked at Shredder, who still have the same resolution expression.

“Well, if she is fine with this then,” reluctantly said Gene.

Meanwhile Mage noticed something from Cobalion, the legendary still had his stoic expression yet she could feel something, for a faint second but she was certain about it, for a mere instant the Iron Will Pokemon made a small show of emotion: embarrassment.

“So that’s how things are?” she said to herself.

“Ok, if everything is settled I will like to go first,” said the younger Sword while taking a step forward. “The name is Keldeo, but I am sure you already knew that.”

Then the room stop been white.

As the younger Legendary walked towards Shredder, the room around him modified at each step he took.

The walls and ceiling turn into a distant twilight sky while the ground become a collection of rocks and stones with patches of grass here and there. From it, a part of the ground raised in an arch while water appeared below it. A canyon of sorts with a river and a fenceless bridge formed out of nowhere as Keldeo stood in the middle of it.

“Quite a thing huh?” He said with a cocky grin.

The Legendary was quite similar to a Pony Unicorn in both size and shape with a beige coat and reddish mane, the exception been some blue fur shaped like a tabard covering his front and his sabre like horn, unlike the swirly one from those inhabiting Equus.

“The test is simple,” Keldeo explained, “all you have to do it's to get to the other side of this bridge, of course I will try to stop you.”

As he said this, the Colt Pokemon made a series of strikes and strokes with his horn.

“You can come at me when you wish, all is permitted so long you reach the end of this road,” he continued. “Even this!”

To prove his point, Keldeo let out a stream of water erupt from his hooves allowing him to hover around the bridge and even above the river below.

“That is quite the advantage,” admitted Mage.

“Yeah, even if she manages to take him off the bridge, Keldeo will simply fly himself back up,” added Gene.

After showing what he was able to do in the air, Keldeo returned to the bridge.

“Now with the rules out of the way, let us be-…!!!”


No one said a thing.

Everyone was so focused with Keldeo, that no one noticed Shredder walking, so the moment he landed back was also the moment she grab him from the horn, trip him on his hooves and throw him head first on the river.

It took Keldeo a moment to come out of the water and another to return back into the bridge, but by then Shredder was already on the other side.

“You said when I wished,” she simply said and then shout, “next!”

Keldeo didn’t show any sign of anger with his ‘defeat,’ other than a short mumbling.

“Things would have been different if I went resolute,” and alike.

“That is what you get for talking too much and don’t taking things seriously enough!” teased the larger Sword with a sonorous laughter as he left the group and face the challenge.

The Legendary was far bulkier than his friends on both his body and his horns. While Keldeo reminded of the fellow Ponies, Terrakion was more akin to Minotaurs with his bovine build, albeit he was still a quadruped. Their coats were just as different, a soft grey covering most of his body while the large horns covering his shoulders sport a dark brown. Yet both legendaries had the same enthusiastic smirk.

“I am next,” Terrakion said while stomping on the ground, eager to start just like his fellow sword before him. “I guess you know by now, but…”

Both the river and the bridge disappeared while the sky become orange tinted, the rocks however remained, some of them even grew larger and larger, covering Shredder and Terrakion’s sides and leaving them with a single path for both of them. Instead of been atop a canyon, the next ‘test’ would be at the bottom of it.

“We can change the terrain at will,” continued the Cavern Pokemon once the ‘terraformation’ was over. “A good thing for us Legendaries to practice our moves without being spotted or blowing up a town by mistake.”

“It only happen once!” Victini shout somewhere at the other side of the rock formation.

Terrakion chuckled and then continued.

“Of course, it comes handy for our tests here,” he then proceeded to ‘crack’ his neck, loudly, while also been careful not to hit the walls. “The idea is pretty much the same as before: get to the other side.”

Once his neck, back and joints had properly popped, Terrakion stomped repeatedly so his footing was set while also slashing the ground with his large horns.

“Now don’t expect me to go easy on you!” he properly added, “nor should you expect me to get distracted like our newbie just now” he further teased his centuries old comrade, “I been too bored to let this chance scape just like that!”

“So that is why this is all about,” pointed out Mage.

“What do you mean?” asked Gene without looking away.

“Don’t you think is strange for the fabled Swords of Justice to gang up on somemon who properly challenge them?” the Mismagius replied and explained, “they are too noble for that.”

“So what you are saying is that…?” asked Gene once more.

“That they only look to use her to kill their boredom,” added Roll, a tad annoyed for how they treated her mate’s resolve.

“If for a little while,” said Mage, “that would explain what I felt from Cobalion back then.”

“It must be very embarrassing for him,” pointed out Roll.

“You girls are very good at reading these sort of things…” finally said Gene confused on how could they know so much with mere glances.

“No dear, you are just too dense.” Replied Mage.

Meanwhile, Shredder keep looking at his new opponent, then looked at the ‘ring’ beside them. Rock, sturdy looking but she couldn’t be sure of it, a room made by the foe wasn’t worthy of her trust.

She then sized how much room she had on the rock hallway, it was large enough for her to move around but not for her to fight with her sword neither would she be able to pass by Terrakion’s large body which blocked almost all of the way with his bulk alone.

Overpower him was also out of the question.

She may be able to stop his charge at first, but to push him to the other side would be almost impossible without an enormous effort, but she wasn’t going to waste her precious pent up strength because he was bored.

That only left her with one option.

With her mind set, Shredder took her sword and carefully but strongly throw it over Terrakion’s head, landing to the other side of the hallway.

“From above huh?” Terrakion guessed while following the blade while his horns allow him. “Not a bad idea, but…” The large Pokemon then made a surprising act of agility and jumped almost instantly just as high if not higher than the blade had previously reached. “You shouldn’t underestimate us Swords of Justice young girl.” He then landed obstreperously.

It was Shredder who smiled this time.

“Underestimate a foe is the last mistake the weak do in life,” she simply said as she prepared herself to charge in.

“That’s the spirit!” Terrakion replied as he crouched himself as well.

Then both of them sprint towards one another.

Shredder run at a surprising speed given her typing and metallic skirt yet it paled in comparison with Terrakion’s charge: his speed was similar to hers, however and unlike Shredder, the Cavern Pokemon made little tremors at each step he take, moving his 572 pounds of weight with ease.

Yet Shredder didn’t slow down, she even increased her own speed as they get closer to one another, the Sword replied in kind as the little tremors turn into a small earthquake.

Just mere meters from impact, Shredder made a short dash towards Terrakion, looking to grab him by the horns before they collide.

The legendary smiled at this.

‘She’s going to pull my head down by the horns, forcing me to crash with the ground’ he thought as he readied his massive neck and back for one powerful gore. ‘Sorry but I have no intention for that to happen!’

It all ended in an instant

With a mighty roar, Terrakion pushed his front with all of his strength, even going as far as to jump to get some extra force. This was meant to push his adversary back to the running start..


Yet he was still looking at her right on the eyes.

His body was arched and his face was aimed at the fake sky, yet he still had Shredder before him, if only for a moment. As she made us of his power and her own momentum to spin on the air, hand-land on his rump and then pull herself away with another mid air spin, landing with a tumble and then casually dust herself off while walking away.

“Hey, wait!” Terrakion shouted once he had landed, “this isn’t how this is supposed to go!”

He tried to run back and stop her, but his massive build and large horns made the simple act of turning around impossible in such small hallway.

“Wasn’t it?” Asked Shredder as she picked back her sword and continued to walk, “the goal was to reach the other side, not to play inverse tug-o-war with you.”

And so, she reached the end of the hallway.

“Next one.”

“Alright!” proclaimed Gene once his own surprise have ended, “that is two down!”

“Your girl knows how to move around,” then complemented Mage to Roll.

“She has to, I don’t like one trick Ponitas after all,” the latter replied.

As they where on this, the landscape changed again, much for Terrakion’s comfort as he had somehow stuck himself between the walls but also for his shame as he now had to face his fellow Swords in defeat.

“That is what YOU get for charge in blindly,” mocked Keldeo.

“At least I was able to touch her,” Terrakion silence him.

“Come on kids, show some composure before our guests,” Virizion told them as she marched towards Shredder.

Again, the room disappeared, but instead of large mountains or rivers, all that appeared was a thick layer of grass covering the land as far as one could see while the sky had a less epic aspect.

“By order of elimination, the only answer is ‘me,’ Mailady,” Virizion greet the challenger with a gentle bow and a kind yet emotionless smile.

Shredder replied in kind, although she didn’t removed her gaze from her.

“The test is exactly the same,” Virizion explained, “you have to pass me in order to reach your oh so desired duel with our leader.”

The wind flow on the grassland.

Shredder awaited for her to explain more, however she keep a close hand to her sword and expectant of any sudden move.

“Girls, is it me or is lady Virizion looking different?” asked Gene to everyone on their end.

“You mean the ominous atmosphere surrounding her, the cold look on her face or the lack of emotion I sense on her?” replied Mage, happy to finally been able to write something worthy to be called a duel, yet feeling anxious about the lack of emotion the kind-looking Sword was exhibiting.

“I doubt she was bored to begin with,” noted Roll.

As if she was waiting for such words to be said, a pillar of light at larger than as her emanated from her forehead, quickly taking a refined shape and edge.

A sword made out of pure energy.

“This is the cornerstone of our might and the reason behind our orders name, the Secret Sword!” Virizion explained as the blade keep shining on her head.

“Taking out the big guns from the start huh?” said Mage with an impressed tone, even when the move was useless against her, she could feel an enormous pressure coming from the construct.

“No,” Roll correct her, “there is an even stronger version of it. But as far as we know, only one of the Swords have been able to reach its form, luckily for her he didn’t take this as seriously as Virizion.”

On the other side of the field, Keldeo looked a bit disappointed with himself.

“This light is not for show, Milady,” Virizion continued, “is the very manifestation of our determination made present by our resolution to our sworn duty and sharpened by our very will.”

With this said, Virizion made a single motion with her neck and a small gorge was made on the ground.

“This is the light of hope for those we protect,” she continued, “and the cold shine of doom for those who taint the land, so tell me Milady, how will you face this challenge?”

The sword was too large for Shredder to run past her, and Virizion herself looked agile enough to keep up with whatever maneuver Shredder could make in the spot. The lack of anything on the room but grass give the legendary yet another advantage as it give Shredder no place to hide.

Not to mention that Virizion was also known for been able to ‘hear’ the voice of the grass.

The only way past her was through her.

“No matter what I try you will go after me, right?” Shredder asked.


“With all you have?”


A moment of silence.

“This is not fair,” Shredder then said.

“Now you said this?” Virizion replied, “I am afraid is a bit late for it though.”

“You misunderstood,” Shredder explained, “I am not saying a fight with you is unfair, if anything I feel empty with my victories. Given the chance, I would love to fight you on fully equal terms, all of you. But…”

She looked away from the Grassland Pokemon and into Cobalion who was no longer ignoring the events and properly return her gaze.

“I want to fight you,” she turned back to Virizion, “I want to fight all four of you!”

The other two Swords smiled at her words.

“I would have jumped at the challenge without a question, but right now. There is something I need to do first, something that can’t be postponed by anything, not even my own pride as a swordswoman.”

“And that is?”

“My family,” Shredder replied, “my duty to them and to all of my ancestors who once fought alongside him.”

“You are not them.”

“True, but I come to give them the satisfaction he was unable to deliver when they were alive.”

“So what will you do?”

“Give them peace and then think about get some myself,” with that said, Shredder faced Virizion once more with the same solemn face, “for that I ask you to please, let me fight your leader.”

Meanwhile, the Secret Sword atop Virizion show no change during these exchanges of words, it didn’t shone brighter nor did it went dim. I t shone brightly from beginning to end.

“Very well.”

In the blink of an eye, the construct was gone.

“You pass!” proclaimed Virizion.

Shredder bow at her words and awaited for her to walk pass her before continuing.

“What!?” proclaimed Gene on his end, “That’s it?”

“Sorry, were you expecting a bloodshed?” inquired Virizion with a playful tone.

“Yes… i mean no! I mean: wasn’t the point of this to see if she was worthy to fight Cobalion?”

“And test her I did.” Virizion replied once more as she walked towards them. “I heard about how she demanded a duel last night and couldn't think of her as a proper challenger.”

“What do you mean?” asked then Roll, not too comfortable with the words used by the legendary.

“That she wouldn’t be able to give none of us a proper fight,” Virizion continued, not caring for Roll’s tone. “She would have charged mindlessly and got beaten on a single move.”

Virizion then placed herself besides Shredder’s witnesses and waited for the main event to start.

“But today’s her is not yesterday’s her,” finished Virizion.

Once Virizion had placed herself with the witnesses, Shredder turned to face the one Sword she had come to fight, finally.

Cobalion walked slowly toward her, porting the same stoic eyes and cold demeanor from yesterday.

The landscape didn’t changed this time around.

“I apologize for my comrades,” were his first words, “they insisted on this.”

Shredder shaked her head.

“I rather thank them,” she said, “now I can go all out with no doubts nor a clouded mind.”

Cobalion smiled for a mere instant, and then stood as upright as possible, Shredder replied in kind.

Slowly, she unsheathed her sword and place it before her face, and with a swift motion place it on her side.

They analysed one another before anything, then they dashed. Although calling it a blink would have been more accurate, as they cashed in an instant.

The metallic resonance of Shredder’s blade against Cobalion’s horns echoed across the grassland with every clash.

Despite having no arms, Cobalion show supreme mastery of his own projections to the point of giving nothing to envy to those with fingers.

Shredder on her end was taken by surprise by this, not that she haven’t fought creatures without arms before, but because of the level on Cobalion’s craft. He wasn’t ramming randomly with his horns, he was delivering proper slashes, stabs and parries with such precision, no one could believe he was a quadruped.

The fact he had two made it harder as it give Cobalion an extra advantage: if she wasn’t careful enough, he could easily snatch her blade from her grip or simply snap it in half.

However, and despite her initial disadvantage, she kept her ground, every time Cobalion tried to push forward, she replied with a flurry of stabs.

Shredder felt a tad nostalgic while performing her mother’s technique.

It wasn’t perfect though, since it was designed for a slim and lighter blade unlike her large sword. But since Cobalion could only move his neck so much, he was unable to parry all of the stabs, luckily he had a natural layer covering both sides of his face, so he suffered no damage from her sword other than small scratches.

However, Cobalion wasn’t the leader of the Swords of Justice just for show, by the third time he pressed forward, he had already thought on a way around the counter-flurry.

As soon the first stab was throw, he pressed his neck against the blade and pushed forward, giving Shredder no room to swing her blade back. He then positioned his head so he could jab one of her shoulders, it was in that moment he felt a huge pressure coming from neck, she was pushing against his whole body with all her might.

He knew she could bat him away, but she would also need time while he was just about to get his first hit on her, so he pushed forward. Then something hit his front legs, with a quick glance he noticed one of Shredder’s legs besides his.

She was about to sweep him down as she did with Keldeo.

“Gyaaaa!” with a roar, Shredder swing her blade from side to side, twisting Cobalion in the process but not throwing him a single inch away. “Wha-!?”

In a strange sense of deja vu and karma, Shredder find herself still facing Cobalion, although the later was in a strange pose.

She had forced him to twist his head but he had lifted his front legs on the last moment, so all he did was contorsioniste his front while his rear keep a good hold of the ground.

The Iron Will Pokemon completed his charge but his new angle stop him from delivering a proper stab, so he ram her straight on the chest while avoiding the blades she had around her body.

As Cobalion crashed against her chest, Shredder made hold of one of his horns, pulling the legendary toward her with the very same impulse he had give her and with a strong yank she pulled his face down, where he was greeted by her fist.

Both got the first hit on one another.

Both of them raice up slowly, not that they were tired or injured, but because they were weary of one another.

Gene swallowed deeply at the scene.

“They are quite at it,” he said.

“Yes they are,” replied Virizion.

“I can feel each of their strikes from here, just how violent will this get?”

“This is only the warm up,” said Virizion, “they are still getting used to one another, is interesting to see her getting used to our swordplay so quickly.”

“They are only warming up?” inquired Gene in disbelieve.

“This is not a petty Pokemon Battle where everyone wins,” finished Virizion, “each of them give their everything with each blow, not to mention their own personal reasons behind their blades.”

“Blade,” Roll corrected her, “there is only one blade drawn.”

“I shouldn’t expect less from the challenger’s mate.” Admitted Virizion. “But I doubt that will last.”

“Somehow I feel like we just stumble in the middle of something really big,” said Gene to no one in particular.

Cobalion was glad his nose wasn’t broken, it was annoying when that happened.

He was also quite impressed with his contrincante as she not only was already getting used to his style, but also managed to react in the nick of time.

However, Shredder didn’t show the same feelings.

She no longer looked as stern as before, yet neither did she seemed afraid of him.

She was angry.

“Why?” she asked.


“Why do you restrain yourself?” she inquired again, “you are not going serious on me!”

“I’m afraid that is quite the assumption considering we just hit ourselves quite hard just now,” replied Cobalion.

“Lies!” Shredder shout while charging once more.

Cobalion didn’t replied, he swinged his head around in an arc, aiming to counter Shredder charge with it.

Yet as he was about to conect, she crunched on the last moment, letting his horns slash air as she hit right on the armored side of his, throwing him some good feet away.

“The light to shield your ideals and the shine of doom to those ill to the world, that is the strength of the Swords of Justice, yet you haven’t unleashed that power at all.”

“I want to fight without regrets or remorse, for me and my kind,” she then pointed her sword at him, “yet I can hardly achieve that if you keep your blade holstered.”

Cobalion stood back up and remain quiet.

“Answer, Sword of Justice!”

“That blade,” he finally replied, “is meant to protect those in need and take down those whose heart have fallen into darkness. I can’t say it would be fair to fight someone like you with it.”

It was Shredder’s turn to remain silent.

She tightened her grip on her sword and then she talk.

“The fabled King of Virtus, do you remember him?” she inquired.

Cobalion noded as his eyes remembered an adventure long forgotten by the world.

“Shortly after his fall, the knights who fought beside him went to forge their own legends alongside the Pokemon they call their own blood.”

Cobalion’s gaze turn dark as he knew how the story went all too well.

“Some went to create their own kingdoms, others to maintain the one their King had made, while the rest dedicated their life to chase after one of their own, the knight once called the strongest among them, the knight our clan followed until the very end and beyond.”

“Such was your clan’s devotion,” Cobalion suddenly continued, “that they come and asked for our aid.”

“Which you denied,” Shredder added.

“It wasn’t in our right.”

“The swords raised the fabled King, yet you deny to aid one of his knights!”

“We only helped to stabilize a kingdom, we never care about their actions as humans. The fate they written afterward was done by their own hand.”

“... that is true,” Shredder admitted with resentment. “It was selfish from our clan to ask for your aid. However, your actions were what give the other knights an excuse to hunt down the strongest knight, our knight. And us.”

“Each clan followed those humans on their own accord, none were forced into their service,” Cobalion explained with a resolute tone, “it wasn’t in our hooves to intervene.”

“Not even when we were hunted down as fiends? Not even when our name was corrupted from history as the aids of a traitor? Not even when we lose our rightful place on history besides the fabled King to the point we were only looked as ‘evil-types’?”

“It wasn’t in our hooves!” Cobalion snapped, “have you ever consider if such event didn’t weigh down on our consciousness? Out of a whim we raised a lone human to become a beacon of hope and prosperity for both his kind and Pokemon.”

“Yet we were naive,” he continued with a softer tone, “we thought the legacy will endure and that the kingdom will become into one of equality, we should have known that human hearts will always have their own desires and goals.”

He then looked directly at Shredder and continued, “we had already done much damage and couldn’t bring ourselves to repeat the same mistakes, because of our actions your clan suffered, for that I have no words.”

Another silence filled the place, then Cobalion spoke again.

“However, that is a sin we have to endure, it has nothing for you to demand a compensation about.”

“There is where you are wrong, Leader of the Swords. As the blood which courses through my veins dictates me so,” Shredder replied, “we were persecuted and hunted down to the point of eradication, yet we endure. We endure and prosper because we choose to.”

As she said this, Shredder brought back her sword to her face.

“We endure to never forget what had happen, we survive to keep the legend alive and we become strong so one day we could reclaim the glory we had lost.”

“By fighting me at full strength?” Cobalion inquired.

“Indeed,” Shredder said as her blade began to emit a faint glow. “To tell you and the world that we are not the fiends legends taint us as.”

“No way!” proclaimed Keldeo at the glowing sword, “there is absolutely no way she is doing that!”

“To think their grudge is this deep,” added Terrakion with the same tone.

For generations, we have known about the light which give the Swords of Justice their name. For ages we have study it, passing down our discoveries again and again so one day we could deliver our feelings with it.”

The glow grew more and more, to the point it surpassed the blade itself and turn into a flaming aura coating the sword.

“And now one of you had preached how to wield it,” the glow grew even more with each of her words, “this is the manifestation of our ancestor's determination, made present by our resolution during centuries of duty and sharpen by my own will!”

‘So that is what you show her...’ though Cobalion as he looked at Virizion who cheekily smiled back at him.

Then, Shredder took a single step forward while raising the blade above her head and with a deafening shout exclaimed the most ancient move of her clan for the first time ever.

“Secret… Sword!” she then brought down the shining blade, which blasted towards Cobalion.

The impact was almost instantaneous, yet the energy didn’t explode or cut through, it only bulged as if something had stopped its advance. Another pillar of energy appeared, cutting Shredder’s energy as if were nothing.

Then Cobalion spoke.

“Your people's feelings, have been properly delivered.”

With a swift movement of his neck, the dust surrounding him disappeared, revealing the leader of the Swords of Justice also wielding his own Secret Sword.

“I apologize for my actions in the past and regret my lack of action as well for my actions on the present, I will not overlook you anymore.”

Shredder didn’t seemed angry or surprised at this, on the contrary she finally give a more positive expression to her foe. She was excited.

“That is what I asked for from the start.”

And then they both clashed again, each carrying their own pillar of light.

Now, not only where the clashes heard by everyone but they could be felt as well as a shock wave was carried over the whole room with each impact.

“That’s impossible,” Gene exclaimed, both by sheer impression and to have his voice heard over the deafening echoes of the duel. “How is she using that move?”

“Decades,” said Virizion without shouting, “no, centuries worth of a tainted honor lead to this very moment.”

“H-honor?” asked Gene confused while feeling his personal space invaded.

“A fickle thing isn’t it?” continued the Grassland Pokemon while keeping her face very close to Gene so she could be heard. “But for some mons, that is enough to nourish their will and give them a reason to get even through the disgrace given to them by others to the point of growing such power by generations in order to prove their right to be among the legends of old.”

For a moment, a memory of old flashed over Virizion eyes, a large number of Bisharps begging for their help.

“May these feelings put an end to this feud.”

Gene wasn’t sure if he understood what she just said, yet that didn't changed the fact that the fight he was witnessing was no longer a simple feud but more akin to the stuff of legends.

‘Be sure to write this down Mage,’ he mentally said to his friend.

Mage didn’t reply, as she was already doing so.

‘I don’t know why. But we need to write this down for her and her kind.’

There was no longer flurries of stabs or random slashes been thrown around but calculated and precise cuts and hits made at high speed and tremendous force.

Shredder’s enormous blade was as light as a feather yet it resonated like a wall of bricks at each impact. While the power she wielded was like nothing she felt before, she didn’t had time to bask in the glow of her feat, been the very first of her kind to use the blade of the Swords of Justice was only the first half of her endeavor.

Despite having her ancestors appeased, her own honor couldn’t allow her to just give a half-assed fight. Not caring for the toll of her new move.

Each strike was perfectly aimed and delivered with all of her might yet this was also truth for Cobalion which resulted on every swing been a clash among both swords.

“I must admit this is a very surprising turn of events,” commented Cobalion as their blades lied crossed against one another. “To think I would be able to fight properly against other than my fellow comrades.”

“I imagine you a humble Sword,” she replied as she swung her blade, forcing Cobalion to step away. “But I admit that this is the most fun I ever had in some long time.”

“Violence related I mean!” she quickly added.

“You know she can’t hear us over here right?” Cobalion joked while give his foe’s mate a swift glance.

“... i-is a habit.”

Coblation smiled, then chuckled, then laughed.

“Such a pure soul you have, no wonder you can wield that Sword, as incomplete as it is.”

Shredder didn't reply.

“Don’t take it the wrong,” the legendary continued. “I am still amazed of your ability and respectful of your resolve. But that doesn’t change the amount of energy needed to sustain such a crude form.”

“You can tell?” Shredder then replied, a tick drop of sweat dripping off her face.

“We created this move after all.”

“There is no point on keeping things simple then,” she replied as she charged back at Cobalion.

With a smile, the Legendary received the charge as he parried the impact literally head on.

Shredder swing her sword around her without showing her back to him, paring Cobalion's strikes while also looking to land a hit, meanwhile Cobalion was unable to swing around as she could, instead he kept his blade as close as possible to her, so all of her blows would be deflected and give her little room to attack while also looking for an opening.

Another clash and both jump backwards.

Cobalion’s breathing was agitated and sweat covered all of his body yet he looked as determined as ever. Shredder on her end was not as well, in fact her breathing was even faster and deeper and her balance was starting to go lose.

“So this is it?” inquired Cobalion.

“So it seems,” replied Shredder.

“You know we could end it here,” he began, but a single gaze on his opponent eyes told him all he needed to know.

“Until one of us can move no more.” Shredder said while her sword flared once more.

“Until one of us can move no more,” echoed Cobalion whose blade shone brighter as well.

Both stood on their places, raising their swords to be swinged one last time.

Without a word, both brought down their blades at unison, unleashing a massive blast towards one another.

The collision of both energies resulted in an explosion that shone all over the room, filling it with light.

It lasted for less than an instant, but for everyone it felt as hours.

The blinding light dissipated, leaving only both warriors and no trace of their Secret Swords.

“Wh-what happened?” Inquired Gene once all was calm again.

“It ended.” Virizion replied while leaving the group.

Gene looked at them confused, “Aren’t they still...?”

He was answered right away.

With no grace whatsoever, Shredder fell face first into the grass.

Yet despite how heavy her body felt, her soul had never felt so light before.

“It is done,” she said to no one as she slowly turned herself around to face the fake clouds. “I have delivered honor to my ancestors” she said while a couple of tears formed on her eyes.

“They must be proud of you,” said Cobalion as he approached her, his resolute tone been replaced by a tired one but just as adamant. “I know I can't change what I did in the past, but at least I hope this was enough to apeace my mistakes, even if it's a little.”

“It probably wouldn’t be enough back on the old world,” Shredder replied, still flat on the grass. “But this world is a new story. The old sins are things of the past, what we must live on today so we can look forward at the future.”

Cobalion smiled once more.

“I’m almost sorry for your short existence.”

“Because is short, I give my all at all.”

Cobalion didn’t said anything, he simply smiled as the others arrived, Roll taking proper care of her mate on the ground.

Not wanting to rub over his victory, Cobalion left Shredder and her companions’ side quietly, the room returning to his perfect white form as he reach one of its walls.

“That was quite the show,” a voice praise him.

“I hope it was of your liking Princess,” he replied.

“I did, and I must admit is quite impressive to know that not all of your Legendaries are as almighty as Arceus made you sound to be.”

“If I look ‘mortal’ to you, then that is a victory to her own determination,” he complimented his fallen foe.

“True, I must admit this was a pretty equal fight.”

“If only…” Cobalion whisper.

The Princess seemed curious at his words, “If only you have act differently in the past?” she ventured.

“It would have been wise and fair to have made amends with her clan long ago,” Cobalion admitted.

“The past is filled with mistakes,” Luna said as a dark memorie passed through her eyes, “that is so much true for beings with lives as long as ours.”

For once, the Pokemon show signs of regret and shame.

“However, it is also filled by victories,” the Princess of the night continued. “Yes, we immortals can do wrong, staining countless lives in the process with a single act of arrogance. But is because that we have mistakes that we can meet those willing to straighten things up and thus help us turn into a better being. That in itself is a victory we shall never forget. Even if is not ours.”

“Because life is short… huh?” Cobalion replied as he looked more at ease with himself.

Satisfied, Luna took her leave while saying.

“I will inform my sister about this event. I am sure she would find it as interesting as me how ‘mortal’ you can be” she joked while letting Cobalion to himself.

As soon as he was out of anyone’s sight, the Iron Will Pokemon seek support in a nearby wall.

“When was the last time I had this much fun?” he inquired himself. “I guess age takes its toll, even for immortals.”

He let go of the wall once he had steadied himself enough.

The victor shall be our satisfaction huh? Asking Victini to come was a good call.”

He began to walk away once more as he said the one thing pestering the back of his mind.

“If only she had a proper instruction with the Sword…”

The Swords of Justice congratulated Shredder on her fight and give her plenty of invitations to challenge them whenever she wanted.

“LIfe is dull right now, so you can come and help us spice things up from time to time!” Shout Keldeo as he and Terrakion left the room.

Shredder promised to do so while her body was surrounded by a indigo aura.

Luna healed Shredder with her magic and priced her for her courage and skill but mostly for her fitting will of steel.

“I see now that the Griffin Empire is under great hands. With that, I must leave you now,” Luna said, “as I would like to tell my sister your story while is fresh on my mind.”

“I can help with that!” Said Mage while sticking with the Princess, as having a chance to verify a couple of things would do good for her little story.

“I should be going as well then,” said Gene as he began to follow the pair.

“Wait!” Shredder shout before he could get too far, “Sir Phillips, would you mind me to take just an extra moment of your time?”

“Ehm… sure.”

“Sir, thanks to you I have delivered honor to my clan beyond what I could even express.” She then took her blade and offer it to the once human while adding, “while I am bound to others by honor and love, I would like you to know that you will forever have an ally in me.”

“You don’t have to…”

“I have!” Shredder interrupted, “and I would love to. Please, if you ever are in need of assistance, do not hesitate and ask for my help.”

“She isn’t backing down you know,” commented Roll besides him.

Gene let out a sigh and then took hold of the blade’s handle.

“Then I would remember to ask for help, but not as a lord but as a friend.”

“I would be honored.”

Gene then let go of the sword while Shredder place it back on her side, both of them smiling.

“I do have to get going ,” Gene then said as he began to chase after Mage, he couldn’t let her get too carried away with her writing. “Until the next time!”

“Godspeed,” Roll shout as he left, then she turned back to her mate, “shall we then?”

“Lets us go,” replied Shredder as she took Roll’s hand and leave the with a bright smile.

“And so this ends,” said Virizion as she walked besides the couple. “Was it as you expect it to be?”

“At all,” replied Shredder with a carefree tone. “This ended way better than I could have ever imagine.”

“Would you perhaps thought things would be harder?”

“No, I thought I would only need a single swipe to end things up,” she replied once more with the same tone. “I guess this proves how legendaries are not called as such just to show.”

“It would be troublesome if we were just a bunch of weaklings,” joked Virizion. “But you felt our strength on your own flesh and walk away with a smile on your face, that is something not many challengers do.”

“What is not there for me to smile?” Shredder replied, “I delivered my ancestors off their shame, proven my worth to one of the most famous warriors of our world and managed to made use of his very technique.”

“I would say that is quite a list to smile to.”

“And the best part is that I have yet to master this new blade of ours,” added Virizion. “As amazing as the feat is, is still far from perfect.”

“Indeed,” admitted Shredder with an enthusiastic tone, “It may take me months or even years to made proper use of this blade, but I will make my duty to master it, no matter how long it would take.”

“That is some remarkable conviction,” said a fourth voice behind them. “Such will do you good on the path of the Secret Sword.”

“It is only thanks to your help; Lady Virizion, Lord Cobalion.”

The Iron Will Pokemon looked refreshed as h joined the group as the walked back to Canterlot.

“I admit I never expected your kind to have been studying our blade, but I do have a theory of how they got such knowledge,” said Cobalion with a knowing tone as he looked at his second in command.

“I wonder how that ever happen,” said Virizion with a joking tone.

“But still, I can’t deny your worth as a swordsmon Lady Shredder.”

“Again, I am grateful for having agreed to my egotistical request,” replied Shredder as they returned to the gardens they have meet the night before. “And look forward to the next time we will cross our swords once more.”

With that said, she and Roll prepared to leave, but were stopped by the leader.

“I am afraid I didn’t make myself clear,” Cobalion said a bit more serious, “I do acknowledge you as a formidable user of the sword, and as such I can’t just let you walk away just like that.”

“So what you are trying to say is…?” Inquired Roll.

“Lady Shredder of Checkmate, I would like you to be a proper user of our Sword, so I would like you to become my apprentice.”

Both, Virizion and Roll were very surprised by his words, specially the Grassland Pokemon, who have only seen her superior do such thing once in their long lives.

Shredder, on her end was completely speechless.

Cobalion smiled at her face, he seemed especially pleased in Virizion’s case, but he simply turned around and leave while saying.

“I am not expecting a quickly answer, so please give my words their proper time and think over my invitation. Until you have your answer ready.”

And so he left, shortly followed by a very curious Virizion.

“Wow…” finally said Roll once the silent grew old. “You did quite the number on him.”

“So it seems…” replied Shredder.

“Is incredible how you could become friends with him by beating the ‘Sword’ out of him.”

“The trill to focus your true self on each of your attacks in order to deliver what you think on each hit. To exchange punches in order to know someone else, what is not to like about that?” asked Shredder as a gentle breeze cradled the flowers around them.

Somewhere else.

A large cloud of dust surrounded the area as Weiss did his best to stand back up, his mouth tasting like blood and his body aching all over. Yet he didn’t give his foe the joy of seen him beaten.

He stood back up, cleaned his face, spit on the ground and then said.

“I hate to exchange punches in order to know someone else!”

Author's Note:

First of all, I am sorry if this is odd typed, since summer is finally here, my editors are currently unabiable, so I did as much edition as I could and call it a day. But worry not my Gramar Facists, this will be edited... eventually.

Still I like how this chapter come out. I been looking for it for a while too.

Since her conseption, I always saw Shredder been an hybrid of Elsa from Fairy Tail and Saber from Fate, so what a better way to show that even more with a move fitting of her awesomeness!?

I wanted to use some more music from the Fate series beside 'Sword of promiced victory' but Type Moon has the bad habit of making their OST consistent of mostly electronic beats. They are awesome and fit the character out of time thingie, but it kinda remouve the epic facter a bit. Or that is just me.

And the region of Virtus made a return, I was actually conflicted about it since I don't plan to made use of it plot wise but then again I just couldn't resist to made use of it once more and expand upon its lore.

Will it be back for a third time? I don't know, only time will tell.

BTW: yes, I did asked Zeus for permition before making this so please don't ask the obvious.

Eidtors Notes: Eventually.

Who is that Pokemon!?

Keldeo (As himself).
Terrakion (As himself too).

Meet the team!