• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

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Fifth Move

Fifth Move
Throne of Twigs

Griffenheim Empire
Nesting Hold castle

Empress Victoria looked down at Weiss with her soul piercing eyes, waiting for him to begin his story. On his side, Weiss didn’t know how to start. It wasn’t that he was too nervous to talk, although Empress Victoria was admittedly intimidating, but rather because he didn’t know what would happen after he was done talking. ‘Well, time for another gamble,’ thought the mercenary as he raised his gaze to look directly at the monarch’s eyes.

As Weiss told Daring, this wasn’t his first time dealing with royalty, so he already had a way of dealing with situations like these and leave most monarchs pleased. However he only needed one cold glance from Victoria to know she wouldn’t let elegant and flattering words gain her sympathy. Courtesy, honesty and intelligence were important factors in this interrogation, and thankfully, he had the first two while his tactician had the rest.

“Your majesty, it is my honor to have this audience with you.” The Empress acknowledged his words, but she looked more interested in the information rather than the formalities. “But I’m afraid to tell you that I am ignorant of many of the things which have happened to us in the past few hours. I don’t know how we did arrive in your domain, and even less the who or what that was responsible for this.” The look on Empress Victoria’s eyes became colder at the response, so Weiss quickly added, “But I am more than happy to answer any question you may have regarding other subjects.”

The ruler of Griffenheim sighed, thankfully not seeming offended by his initial words. “Let’s start with the basics then,” her voice was as strong as before, although less demanding. “Who and what are you creatures?”

“My name is Weiss. I am the leader of a paramilitary group for hire.”

“Mercenaries. I have heard that part already,” pointed Victoria with disdain. “That doesn’t answer my question.”

“My apologies…” Weiss swallowed and continued. “Collectively, we are known as Pokemon. What exactly a Pokemon is, is something that goes beyond my reasoning. However, I can tell you this: Pokemon on our world, are the equivalent to wild life on this world, albeit most of them… us, as my team, are sentient and intelligent. Sometimes they are even smarter than regular beings, although they also prefer to be driven by their instincts instead of using their logic.

“I see we have at least something in common,” said another griffin besides Victoria. The Empress simply gave her a scolding look and the griffin fell silent, although she didn’t seemed to regret her actions.

“Excuse my maiden, she has my trust but often abuses of it.” As she said this, the maiden simply made a childish expression of repent. “Let us continue. If you pokemon are the equivalent of the fauna of this world, then that means there must be thousands of your kind lose all over Equis.”

“Fauna AND flora,” corrected Weiss, “And I presume that would be the case, however I don’t know if all Pokemon were brought here. In fact, this falls into the things I’m ignorant to your highness.”

Another exasperated sigh came out the Empress’ beak. “We have received reports of your kind ‘popping up’ out of nowhere all over the empire. I presume the other nations may be having the same problem, so even if not all of them are here, I am sure at least most of them are,” Victoria massaged the bridge between her eyes for a second, apparently she has been dealing with these reports non-stop since the Pokemon arrive. “Tell me then. How can we deal with these creatures?”

“…” Weiss could simply answer ‘battling them’, but somehow he didn’t feel right about saying so, especially since he too was a Pokemon now. “Most Pokemon are calm as long they are not attacked. If some of your reports include damages, then it is most likely because they are as frightened of your people as your people are afraid of them. Not to mention the whole ordeal of suddenly waking up in a whole different place is probably not helping.”

Empress Victoria seemed very displeased with his words. “Are you telling me to just surrender my land to these invading creatures?” she stood up as she said this, making her seem larger and more intimidating as she stared down at Weiss, a frown now present in her expression. “They may be powerful and may be all over the world, but I will show them we griffins aren’t a race that will not go down without a proper fight!”

Crap...’ Weiss thought as he noticed how his little discussion with the Empress had suddenly turned into a political debate with at least thousands of lives on the line. However, he managed to keep his expression as neutral as possible and continued. “I never said you needed to surrender anything to anyone your majesty. What I meant was that you can simply let the wild Pokemon be and they will leave your kind alone in return.”

“Elaborate,” deadpanned Victoria as she slowly sat back down, taking a big cup of wine in the process and pouring its contents down her throat.

“From where we came from, Pokemon and…” he didn’t know how to explain what humans were without deviating from the topic, which in turn would made the Empress’ exasperation grow, so for now he left his former kind out of the equation. “All types of pokemon live in harmony with one another, just as any living creature you may have seen in the woods or your garden,” he knew he just offended his teammates, but he needed a good way to keep the Empress’ mind as far away from bloodshed as possible. “I don’t think you have to worry about the birds resting atop your castle planning an invasion, right?”

This was his highest bet of the day: appeal to the monarch’s pride. He just insulted her, although not directly, but he insulted her nevertheless, and possibly doomed not only his team, but all Pokemon in the empire to be hunt down, yet again if she acted out of anger, she would just acknowledged said insult, and thus she would insult herself more than he could have done. It all depended on Victoria’s pride and intelligence.

“…” the Empress remained silent, the corner of her eye twitching as she kept her rage under check. This made Weiss smile internally as well, hoping that the ruler had a large amount of patience. “Do not push your luck creature of metal.” The ruler finally said, obviously insulted by his words, yet she still retained her ruler persona. “I may be distrustful about your kind, but you can’t deny that I have good reasons for that,” she then give him and Checkmate a glance. “After all, you defeated a whole horde of invaders with apparent ease.”

“We collapsed in the end your highness”

“Did you lose someone?” retorted Victoria, Weiss retracted his case. “No, you didn’t. In fact not only was your team able to defeat those Diamond Dogs without suffering a single loss, but you were also capable of doing so without killing any of them. That wasn’t brute strength, that was controlled power, and that is downright insulting to us.”

Weiss didn’t know if he should feel threatened or proud.

“What I want to know creature, is how I should deal with these Pokemon if they ever decide to become aggressive?” finally asked the Empress.

Weiss took a deep breath and replied, “Fight fire with water.”

“… beg your pardon?” Victoria was taken off guard by this response, not sure how to respond to the simple, yet strange answer.

“We Pokemon have different types,” explained Weiss as he noticed the Empress was currently at a loss for words. “Based on said types, each Pokemon has a number of strengths and weaknesses one can easily exploit,” as far the mercenary knew, Empress Victoria didn’t care much about the Pokemon themselves but rather how should she protect her people from them.

So he started to explain about the different types, their pros and their cons. While he explained, Empress Victoria made a scribe write everything down, as as far as they were concerned, this was information worth its weight in gold and jewels. “Alright, we can deal with most of these creatures by ourselves, but we are unable to deal with these Ghost and Psychic-types you speak off. If what you are saying is to be believed, then they could easily take over our minds and souls and we would be completely defenseless against them. So the question still remains: How do we deal with you Pokemon?”

Finally, Weiss smiled as he proudly yet calmly responded. “You can always make use of another Pokemon for that your majesty.” By the look of her eyes, Weiss assumed that to her, it was like he was asking a Fairy-type to hug a Steel-type. Completely ridiculous. “Pokemon are social creatures so you can enlist some to protect your city, and with the right Pokemon in your service, no wild Pokemon would dare think to invade your fair land.”

Again, Empress Victoria remained silent. However, this time it was not due to anger or confusion, but rather because she was actually considering the option. Yes, griffins were prideful creatures, but they weren’t fools either. ‘If those ponies achieved so much with only horns, wings and hooves, imagine what we can achieve with living multi-tool creatures?’ thought the griffin ruler, while happily adding, ‘Oh I can see the look on Celestia’s smug once we show her what we can accomplish with OUR harmony,’ a smile forming on her beak as these words crossed her mind, however she needed to be sure before making any plans.

“You are offering we form an ‘alliance’ with these creatures then?” ventured the Empress.

Weiss smiled yet again. “Yes, though only those willing to assist you of course. They won’t be any different from immigrants; they will work for their own sustenance and will provide you with protection, along many other possible outcomes, all favorable for you, your Majesty.”

“But how will we be able to achieve so when most of the Pokemon reported so far show no signals of understanding our words? You and your group are the only ones I have records of knowing how to properly talk.”

The smile on the Bisharp remained as he turned to his team. “Can you see the silver member of my team your majesty?” Victoria nodded “He is a Psychic-type, and he is the reason why we have been able to communicate this whole time.”

The Empress’s gaze stayed focused on the shiny Pokemon.

Weiss continued, “You only need one Psychic Pokemon to work for you as a translator, your highness.” there was more to just that of course, but it could work as a start, especially now that the Empress seemed interested in making an alliances with the Pokemon.

I don’t know how the Princesses of the neighboring kingdom are, but she surely wants to surpass them,’ thought Weiss, thinking on the information Daring had given him about her home nation of Equestria.

“I will consider this idea of yours,” finished the Empress as her personal advisors finally seemed interested to take part in the discussion. It was tradition for the griffins that the ruler would deal and choose directly on affairs involving the nation, but only after she had discussed with her court.

Weiss and Daring bowed their heads and withdrew with the rest of the team.

Victoria, however, didn’t removed her gaze from them as long they walked, and gave yet another interested look at the Pokemon that bore a gigantic ‘X’ on its face.

“I thought she would start demanding our heads on a stake after your little question,” mentioned Daring as they were halfway through the dining hall. “Not bad,” added the explorer as she gave Weiss a friendly hit on his side. “You surely know some politics for a mercenary.”

“That was actually Xavier’s doing,” the Bisharp admitted sheepishly as they joined the rest of Checkmate. “He was telling me what kind of things to say while I make sure I said them with the proper words.”

“Not to mention I analyzed as much I could of the Empress’ expressions, body language and voice tone,” added the Metagross. “I must admit she was hard to tell.”

“True,” continued Weiss. “Most rulers from our world are too busy thinking about their popular appearance instead of their people. She on the other hand, was about to launch an all-out war against an entire race to the death just for them. That in a way is quite upstanding.”

“She isn’t called the ‘Steel Empress’ for nothing,” pointed out Daring. “And I thought you sounded too smart all of the sudden.”

“Do not exaggerate,” Shredder intervened. “He may be useful, but Ganger is still far from being good at politics.”

There was a general silence on the table as every member looked at the second in command with confusion.

The silence was finally over once a certain Hawlucha said, “Aun con eso?” through her full mouth.

“Your highness, you aren’t seriously considering the creature’s proposition, are you?” asked one of the members of the Griffenheim’s council.

“And what if I do, Haimirich?” questioned back Victoria. “You have read the reports. We have barely been able to drive those creatures away, especially when they were in a frenzy.”

“Not to mention it was mostly our fault on most of those cases,” added the Empress’ maiden. “Almost all of our guards turned hostile on these Pokemon before they went on a rampage. Now we know why the Pokemon acted the way they did. They were defending themselves,” a tone of ‘I told you so!’ present in her words as she properly served tea for her Empress.

“Grizelda, you have my trust and you may be right, but you must remember to keep your place in front of dignitaries,” started the sovereign with the same authoritarian tone and expression, only for the tone to turn into that of a teacher scolding an errant student. “You know that gives a bad impression from our part.”

“I do know my place your highness, I’d be cursed forever to the ground if I ever dared to disrespect your name!” honorably protested the young griffin. “But just for your knowledge your highness, these aren’t dignitaries, but mere mercenaries. Mercenaries that just happened to save our rears from a lot of trouble may I add, but mercenaries nonetheless, so I don’t think they deserve the rigorous treatment your grace is giving them.”

Grizelda was a simple looking griffin, porting a moderate gamboge coat on her rear and white feathers in her front (although not as regal as Victoria’s), small purple chick-like dots covering her chest, some feathers of the same purple delineate her big brilliant gold eyes and two tufts of feathers decorated her face as if they were pigtails.

She entered the castle’s service as a young griffin, though she was often looked down because of her innocent but direct honesty, until she was found by the Empress herself, who instead of driving the child out of her castle, made her her personal maiden, and extra officially, her closest advisor. As such, Empress Victoria held her in very high regards, despite her often odd behavior.

“I see your point Grizelda, but they didn’t do it out of the goodness of their hearts. They just happened to be there at the time,” pointed out Victoria.

“Speaking of which, we still need to decide on how to deal with Master Terrowin,” pointed out another griffin. “The Aguilon family hasn’t stop demanding his release since this morning.” Victoria frowned when she heard this, rather displeased at the mere reminder.

“I don’t see what good it would do him to have him walking out of the hospital with all those injuries,” pointed out the Empress.

“Yes, if anything, it would be good for him. Maybe make him build some character. Wouldn’t you agree, your highness?” added the maiden.

Most members of the council were often surprised by the young maiden’s direct demeanor, but they also admitted that she was the Empress’ closest thing to a friend, and arguably the wiser of the advisers since she cared neither for status nor fame. She just gave her point of view straight and forward with no regrets.

“You have a point,” admitted Victoria, “But we can’t let his actions go unpunished. We just have to wait for him to recover and then we will properly deal with him,” she then turned to the griffin that brought up the topic. “And be sure to tell that to the Aguilons as well.” the griffin nodded.

The imperial committee had dinner while discussing what to do with the problem at claw, some of the members saying it was a bad idea to make treaties so quickly, while others suggested to wait for the ponies to do something first (this suggestion pissed Victoria off), while a few suggested going to war, though they weren’t sure what for though.

In the end it was Grizelda who come with a proper solution. Empress Victoria wasn’t surprised by this, but she had to recognize the plan was simple, to the point and would help them greatly, if the mercenaries wanted to cooperate of course.

Checkmate finished their meal and were now chatting with each other, Pancha and Rouge still trying to convince Shredder that Weiss was indeed himself and not their Ditto comrade, Xavier gave the explorer more and better answers to her doubts regarding Pokemon and the world they come from while Daring shared some stories about her own adventures in return. Simon was trying to make one of the guards make something while Greninja kept an eye on him, constantly apologizing to the griffins as the Excadrill got bored and jumped to the next soldier. Weiss was simply calm, looking at the happy expressions his team was making; even Xavier seemed to enjoy the information exchange he had with the Pegasus.

He then leaned back on his seat, which was made for griffins and thus seemed huge for his new body, and thought about what destiny had in store for them. He was in no rush to return to earth. ‘It’s not like life is any different here than it was back there,’ the leader thought. Although this was true, he was also happy to see his team enjoy themselves so freely for a change.

They may be feared monsters in the eyes of the inhabitants of this world but their actions of today, as random and unexpected as they were, had brought about a potential treaty between the Pokemon and the residents of the Griffin Empire, not to mention that, according to Daring, griffins were the more ‘violent’ of the races.

“If they are the more violent, then the whole word must be freaking peaceful,” Weiss muttered to himself with a chuckle as they noticed Empress Victoria leave the hall and how a member of her retinue landed before them.

“Evening creatures!” says the cheerful griffin with a bright smile, her bright golden eyes looking at each one of the Pokemon, Simon posed just for her when she arrived to him, Pancha did the same, and then continued, “My mistress will talk with you in the throne room, if you were so kind to follow me,”

And with nothing else to do, the group stands up and walked behind the griffin maiden, though Xavier was the only one flying, since his bulky body was slow and preferred to keep close with the head.

As they passed through the hallways, the maiden turned constantly to look over her shoulder to look at the creatures. “So you guys really beat all those Diamond Dogs down on the ruins?” started the girl. “You don’t seem that strong though.”

The group simply laughed lightly at her words, Daring chuckled as she replied, “Yeah, they really don’t look the part, but you would do wrong to underestimate these guys. Especially the hot-blooded one over there,” she said, pointing a hoof at Simon, who in return made yet another pose.

The maiden smiled at Simon’s reaction and continued, “He sure looks everything but scary though.”

“I too recommend you, young girl, not to take us lightly,” replied the deep monotone voice of Xavier above her. “Underestimating an opponent is the worst thing you can do.”

“Huh… so you are enemies then?” the sudden question left them confused, not because they were, but rather because the griffin asked it so nonchalantly. However, for the mercenaries it was almost relaxing to talk with someone so direct for a change, and not having to worry about people being two-faced and etiquette been involved.

Although they would have to in a few minutes.

“You are really outspoken for a maiden aren’t you?” gently pointed out Rouge while giving the girl a sincere smile.

“I have been like this all of my life” she replied. “Most people usually find it annoying, but the Empress thinks different,” the last part was said with great pride as she added, “It was this big beak of mine who brought me to her side, and for that I would always be thankful.

“So that is why you always say what you have in mind, huh?” asked Pancha, before she smiled. “Nice esa,” she praised while offering a claw bump, figuratively at least. However the maiden stopped and moved to Pancha just to bump her claw with hers and then return to her guiding. Much to the Hawlucha’s bliss “ESTA NIÑA ES GENIAL!

“By the way, what language is she speaking?” asked maiden with little courtesy.

“Pancha is from a region with another language, and likes to mix some of her mother’s language with her sentences,” answered Rouge.

“Oh, cool! But hey!” noticed the young griffin, “Aren’t you supposed to translate whatever we say?” she points out to Xavier, who was floating above. “Why are her words still on a different language?”

A general ‘Holy shit that’s true’ look appeared on everyone’s face as they waited for the Psychic-type to answer. “It’s not that I can’t translate different languages at the same time,” replied Xavier while defending his personal pride. “She wants to say those words so badly that the translation doesn’t work on them. Which I must admit is weird”

The group decided to leave it there as they reached the throne chamber.

“Okay, I’ll leave you guys here. I will be joining my Mistress now,” and turned to leave them at the door. However, before that she turned around one more time and said one last thing. “There are around five thousand,” and then promptly left the group, all of which were perplexed save for Daring who was silently chuckling.

As Grizelda left the group, a griffin soldier intercept her while whispering, “Milady, there are some of these new creatures trying to break into the castle. They are not aggressive, but they are very persistent. What should we do?”

The maiden looked disappointed as she would miss the look on the Pokémon’s faces as they enter the throne room, but a maiden’s duty was before her maiden joy.

“~sigh~ Let’s see what this is about and solve it properly...not that we can return here in time...” she added, much for the guard’s confusion.

The Pokemon plus one Pegasus entered a waiting room; Though they didn’t have to wait long, as they were called to the throne room. Once they entered, they noticed the enormous windows showing the sunset’s light, the distant ceiling above them, the lustrous floor which reflected their image like a mirror, the seats of the court made of refined wood with an elegant finish, and then they noticed the throne itself, and none of them could stop staring at it with perplexity: Unlike the rest of the room which was grand, the throne was shaped like a simple bench with armrests, and not just that. Upon a closer look, they noticed that the throne was actually made out of twigs, like a gigantic nest.

Not painted metal or decorations of any sorts, the throne was entirely made out of twigs. And Empress Victoria sat on it with the same solemn expression she had back on the dining hall.

… uno, dos, tres…oh!” Pancha started to silently count, only to abruptly stop as she recalled something. “That is what she meant with that number!”

“Dear, I think that is rather obvious at this point,” replied Rouge in a whisper as they approached the Empress.

Once they reached a certain distance, she raised a claw for them to stop and then she proceeded, “We have been discussing your offer, and would like to follow it.” Checkmate smiled at the news, some of them whispering about it. However Victoria wasn’t done yet. “Still, we need assistance regarding the first attempts of communication.”

Weiss was about to offer their help for a few days when Victoria cut him out and proceeded, “We would like to contract your services for here on, as well as for you to train our soldiers on how to deal with your kind if a new situation erupts.”

The tone the empress used was less than a suggestion and more of an order.

However, the mercenaries already had their own schedule. “Your highness,” started Weiss. “We are truly honored by your offer,” they truly were, since it’s not every day they get a contract with an empire. “But I’m afraid we are nothing but a fraction of this team. I have other members lost in this world and would like to find them. I am sure you can understand.”

A few seconds passed, Empress Victoria took a deep breath and then continued, “I presume you have noticed the throne I stand in,” started the ruler, a general nod came from the Pokemon. “Its meant to remind the one sitting on it that all empires start from the nest, as well as that no matter how resistant and strong one may look, if you made a wrong move, the twigs will crumble and fall on their own weight,” she calmly caressed one side of the throne of twigs and finished, “Empires are delicate. Rulers can’t make moves recklessly mercenary, that is what this throne stands for.”

Checkmate couldn’t say anything in response, thus Victoria explained.

“I know you have done a great service to the empire, willingly or not. But I can’t ignore you have also done damages to the castle my family has ruled for generations. I hope you understand that this isn’t personal, but as a leader of a nation, I can’t let go of something as delicate as that.”

Weiss couldn’t deny her point; a mere show of kindness could be seen as weakness for other countries. Although, and according to Daring’s information, this world was mostly pacific, so such display would be meaningless. Then again they just happened to be in the heart of the more aggressive race on the planet, and as true as that title may actually be, the mercenaries couldn’t just walk away like that. They were at an impasse.

Yet, before anyone could settle for something, a yellow hoof rose from within the mercenaries and slowly made its way to the front. Clearing her throat, Daring Do gave a respectful bow to the Empress and then spoke, “Your highness, I understand the situation you are in, and I am sure these Pokemon would follow through, but they are really worried for their friends so…” Daring flinched for a second; unsure of what she was about to say but still said it in the end, “So I’m sorry to inform you that these mercenaries are already under a contract with me.”

The griffins besides the throne erupted into whispers. They definitely didn’t consider this possibility. ‘And right now Grizelda isn’t here,’ thought the Empress as she discussed with the rest of her advisors. On their end, Checkmate was just as confused as the griffins. “When did we get contracted and why didn’t anyone tell me!?” asked Pancha, voicing her thoughts rather loudly.

We haven’t… well not officially,” explained Weiss. “We may be in Daring’s debt because of the whole mess we made of the artifact she was after remember, not to mention she saved our skins when the guards arrived.

I see. Then official or not, we must honor our first contractor,” explained Shredder in a ‘matter-of-fact’ tone.

Yeah, but we also are in debt with the Empress here, don’t you see?” pointed Rouge.

Both parties continued to discuss for a few minutes, before the griffins became silent. Finally, Empress Victoria began to speak. “I agree. We griffin are beings of old traditions and ancient costumes, and as such, we will honor a contract already made,” Victoria look directly into Daring’s eyes and added, “However, this isn’t just because some contract conveniently appeared, mercenaries. Rather it is because of the debt we have with miss Yearling and the incident concerning the goblet.”

The Pokemon seemed confused, wondering who this ‘Yearling’ was, but quickly realized that the empress was referring to Daring, who gave her a respectful bow once more. “I thank your kindness your majesty.”

“Yearling…?” whispered Weiss.

Daring Do simply shrugged it off, as she too whispered, “I’ll tell you later.”

“I haven’t finished, Miss Yearling,” continued the ruler. “We still expect to have your services, and would like one of you remain to us help us with ‘your’ suggestion, if possible we would like Lord Xavier to stay.”

Again the suggestion was less of that and more of an order.

“I’m afraid that can’t be done your highness…” replied Weiss, “Xavier is the reason why we can properly talk with others, and though I can understand why you request my tactician, I will have to say no.”

Again some whispering come from the other griffins and once Victoria had heard them she proceeded, “Then unless you possess another member capable of communicate with us, I am afraid you don’t have much of a choice.”

With a serene smile, Empress Victoria waited for them to hand over the Metagross; however it was another raised hand what caught her off guard.

“Then I offer myself to fulfill my team’s contract with you, your Excellency,” said Shredder, through her own lips and a decided expression.

“So your kind does talk…?” asked the Empress with surprise and distrust.

“Some of us can, but only with the proper training and dedication. It’s not something just any Pokemon can accomplish,” replied Shredder with her own adamant tone. “But I can offer you more than just translating”

“And what could that be?” the ruler asked, now interested.

“You also wanted your soldiers to be trained to deal with Pokemon. That I am also capable of doing with little difficulty,” as Shredder said this, the Empress noticed the militaristic stand and tone the female Pokemon was using, and saw that it wasn’t a bluff.

“Let’s say I agree, will your team do so as well?”

Shredder turned to her team, which in turn became a mental discussion, then Weiss asked, “She will be treated properly, right?”

“She will. As I said, we griffins are creatures of old traditions and honor. It would be an insult to ourselves to treat poorly someone willing to help our kind.”

There was more mental discussion, with the main question being a question to Shredder, ‘Are you sure?’ to which the Sword Blade Pokemon nodded adamantly.

“If you are sure then,” started Weiss and then turned to Victoria, “We agree to your terms.”

The griffins seemed a bit disappointed with the result, but couldn’t deny it was a good bargain in the end. Once there was silence, the Empress spoke, “Good. I am glad this could be resolved properly. We will discuss this matter in more detail in the morning. Now if you’ll excuse us, I have a letter to write.”

With that said, Empress Victoria and her committee rose from their seats and left the throne room, with Checkmate doing the same, although from a different route.

Once outside the effusiveness of the team was immediate as the girls gave Shredder a hug. “We will miss you reina,” started Pancha.

“It was really noble on your part, just don’t go and over do yourself okay? We don’t want to know you became an outlaw because of how you tortured soldiers during training,” joked Rouge.

“I will be okay, these creatures may seem intimidating but I can feel their good intentions”

“We will try to be in touch…somehow… do you guy have cell phones here?” asked Simon to Daring. The mare just give him a confused look in response.

“Sorry about this, I didn’t expect things to end this way,” The explorer apologized.

“It’s okay, we do owe her that much. Besides, we are now this Empire’s mercenaries,” replied Weiss, while Greninja give Shredder a origami flower as a goodbye gift. “Shredder is perfect for the job, I‘m sure she will do just fin-!”

The heartwarming scene was suddenly stopped by the same griffin maiden from before, although she seemed to be in a bit of a rush this time. “I need you to come with me!” and with nothing else she left, the mercenaries didn’t lose a second and ran after her, not sure what to expect.

They ran for at least five minutes, as the castle was massive, until they arrived at the main gate and then reached the front gardens. Rouge marveled at the sight, but didn’t stop there as they reached their destination: a little police box beside the palace’s gate were five griffin guards kept an eye on two Pokemon.

One was a rather scared Surskit that kept looking at the other Pokemon, and a purplish Frogadier, which seemed to be trying to talk with the guard in charge.

“I told you a thousand times already: I do not understand a peep of what you are saying!” explained an exasperated guard as the Frogadier continued to repeat the same word again and again.

Of course Checkmate did understand her. “And I have told you each a thousand times: I am Anzu, gym leader of Fuchsia city.

The mercenaries looked at the scene from a distance alongside the maiden, who asked, “Would they happen to be with you guys?”

The whole team turned to face Weiss, who in turn had mixture of shock, horror and regret on his face. Not to mention he was sweating heavily.

“Her name is Anzu, better known as Janine,” finally said Shredder as she pointed at their petrified leader, and added, “And she is with him.”

Author's Note:

First of all: Yes, the throne is based on that of GoT, but only in image. I had always wanted to write about a metaphorical throne ever since I read the Inheritance saga of books. As well I wanted to write a strong ruler. This little story has fulfilled both dreams, thus I will forever be thankful to Zeusdemigod131 for this chance.

On another info: I am still looking for editors.

Pokemon of the day: