• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 3,989 Views, 456 Comments

A New World - A New Game - V-Oblivion

How will a group of Pokemon Mercenaries react to be in the friendly word of Equestria? Sidestory to Zeusdemigod131 "A New World, a New Way"

  • ...

Thirty Second Move

Thirty Second Move
The meaning of defeat

Everfree forest

Weiss' breathing was hampered as he spat the dirt and blood, an annoyed look in his eyes as he kept watching out for his ‘challenger’. Still wondering how this all ended in such a way in so little time.

“So?” the challenger inquired behind the dust covering him, “are you feeling it yet?”

At such moment, the former human could only think a single thing, a single idea, a single mantra to keep himself going.

‘Fuck you and your idea of helping!’


The group continued their walk back to Canterlot, as Weiss had yet to make his apology with the princess of the day. Not that he was too thrilled to do so, so they kept walking at a leisure pace, not to mention it was nice to be under the canopy of trees for a change compared to the scorching sun.

“Is good to have such a lazy moment for a change,” said Rouge as she enjoyed a single ray of sun piercing through the trees.

“Sorry to break your bubble,” chimed in Daring, “but we already lost a day, so we may want to speed things up.”

“We are still walking you know,” countered Rouge, “it’s not like we are losing that much time, besides, isn’t this forest supposed to be close to that Pony town, you know… the one with the Princess?”

Ponyville,” mentally reminded her Xavier from high above, as he and Edge would have troubles to be under such reduced space, “a bit of a redundant name if you ask me.

“Is like calling a human town ‘Humansville’…” added Pancha, “de hecho, it doesn’t sounds that bad.”

“I am surprised they never did that, being as arrogant as they were,” said Gold, his PLA self clearly shining through such commentary.

“I am surprised they never named a city after a living being at all, it's all colors, or elements, or letters, or stuff,” pointed out Weiss as they continued their walk.

It was all calm and quiet.

“Don’t worry,” Said Simon reassuringly as he noticed Penny’s hesitant gaze since the mention of the incoming town, “Ponies ain’t bad beings.”

“I can vouch for that,” added Daring while flanking them, “with very few exceptions, the life of Ponies are the most simple, calm, quiet, and boring one can possible imagine.”

“Ith that tho?” asked Penny with a brighter look.

“But of course,” continued Daring while boasting, “Ponies are so freakingly boring that even a place as ‘wild’ as this forest has few things to show. By mere proximity to my kind, this place is one hundred percent boring!”

And then a huge explosion could be heard, seen, and felt not so far away.

“You just had to call for it, didn’t you?” asked Weiss with an incriminatory look towards the Pegasus.

“That can’t possibly be my fault!” she defended, “right guys?”

Everyone averted her gaze, while Penny looked at her at the verge of tears.

“You can’t be serious…”

The only ones who didn't share the moment where Roa, since she was still looking depressed; Valerie, who was still feeling guilty, and Greninja since he hardly had any other setting but silent and serious.

The Ninja Pokemon taped Weiss, asking for instructions.

“Right,” snapped Weiss back into the event at hand, “would you kindly?”

As soon as he said this, Greninja was nowhere to be seen, only to return a few moments later while gesturing everyone to get close, whatever the cause was, it wasn’t considered a threat.

The group slowly approached their comrade and quickly discovered the one responsible for the startle before. They found a Pokemon battle just having reached its conclusion, on one side lied a very unconscious Toxicroak inside of a small crater, he was the one on the receiving end of the explosion. Besides him was a Hitmonchan trying to help his friend, although he didn’t looked that impressed with the results nor that worried to begin with.

On the other side was the victor, a large humanoid looking Pokemon, very humanoid looking in fact: he was akin to a body builder, both in height and aspect, completed with a thong and belt. The only differences being the grayish hue of his skin with red stripes accenting his already ripped muscles and the almost reptilian shape of the face.

“And with that I have 89 straight victories!” exclaimed the Machoke with the happiest of grins on his face while celebrating with his own companion.

A small Pokemon, which looked even smaller beside his friend.

“Only 11 to go!” added the Sandslash to his victorious friend.

He looked like a brownish yellow pangolin sporting two thin and sharp claws on each arm while a coat of hard looking, brown colored, quills covered his back as a sort of armor.

“Just a battle,” calmly said Weiss as he left the bush they were using for cover. “Nothing to worry about.”

Everyone agreed on his words and decided to be on their way, when the Machoke spoted them.

“Hey! You guys!” he shouted.

“So much for tranquility,” said a salty Rogue, as she felt certain Deja Vu vibe from the incoming Pokemon.

“Good day,” saluted Weiss, not seeming to mind as the other approached. “Congratulations,” he added while pointing at the still unconscious Poison-type, who was now been taken away by the Hitmonchan to the nearest settlement for him to be healed.

“Great day indeed,” replied the Superpower Pokemon, “and thanks, but I wouldn’t be satisfied until I reach my goal.”

‘Well good for you, now please don’t tell me your life story’ thought Weiss.

“But I still have some way to go, as you see…”


“... I won’t be ready until I reach 100 straight victories.”

“Huh, that was rather short,” said Weiss outloud.

“Why such a self imposed challenge?” asked Daring besides Weiss while the former human just facepalmed.

“So I can finally be on equal footing with SS here,” he said while patting his friend.

(Writer Note: It stands for SandSlash, don’t look for any deep meaning for it.)

“I make him go through a similar challenge, back in the old world, and against all odds and adversities he pull through. So it is only fair for me to undertake that path now that I am a capable fighter.”

“That is surprising honorable of you, unlike some Mons…” Daring said while glancing Weiss, who gave her his best ‘I really don’t care’ expression in return. “So you were a human then?”

“Sure was, another trainer looking to have his name known for everyone in the world of competitive Pokemon battles!” He proudly said while flexing his beefy arms like any good Gobernator. “You can call me A.J.”

“A.K.” Daring replied while taking his hand with her hoof, “and these are…”

“Her posse,” Weiss said while also grabbing his hand.

‘I don’t wanna stand out too much…’ he thought to the group as he had seen the similarities between this AJ and his very own hot blooded comrade.

Daring seemed confused, but she was starting to learn about her mercenaries, so if Weiss had such change in his actions, it meant he was worried about something.

‘Or else we won’t hear the end of it, is enough to have two of them already, let alone three!’ Weiss thought, worrying more for the comfort of the moment, rather than any sort of danger.

“But to have one hundred victories in a row, you must be truly a gifted fighter,” mentioned Daring.

“As if!” proclaimed AJ with a loud chuckle, “I was barely able to land proper punches at first, but thanks to SS and some diligent training I was able to grow everyday, little by little, until I was finally able to start my string of victories.”

“I can already tell,” said Chopper almost solemnly, “the muscles on your body already bare witness of the tribulations you had to go trough, truly a manly story!”

‘Great, he had already drawn one out…’ thought Weiss. Luckily for him, Simon was more interested on keeping Penny calm than joining the talk.

“But that wasn’t all,” added SS, “he would have a couple of straight victories, but then a strong opponent would appear and we had start all over again.”

“Right, like this Gold guy, he clearly held nothing back,” remembered the Machoke.

“Friend of yours?” inquired Pancha to their Gold, who actually looked offended by her words and shocked by the fact that there was a human, of all beings, sharing his name.

“But we had been talking about ourselves so far, that is a bit rude don’t you think? What about you guys?” AJ asked.

“Just passing by,” replied Daring dismissively, “we had somepony to meet back in Canterlot.”

“Oh, then we won’t keep you off your way,” AJ said calmly, “a pleasure to meet you!”

And with that, he and his friend began to leave while waving, “Good luck with your meeting!”

“And good luck with your challenge!” Daring replied, “See? That is one nice Pokemon, unlike a certain former human I know.”

Weiss was about to counter her comment when a shadow appeared before him, to both of their surprise, the massive AJ simply ‘appeared’ before them.

“Did you said, ‘former human?’” he asked, barely able to refrain his excitement.

“... OH COME ON!” shouted Weiss.

Griffinheim Empire
Nesting Hold castle

“Come on guys, just another lap!” proclaimed Alberich at the head of ‘his’ remaining group of Griffins, and a couple of Pokemon, while trotting around the castle grounds, just as their instructor often did.

“One would have thought that with our leader away, we could have some time to relax.” Mentioned Jakie to the old Griffin beside him.

“Is only natural for him to want to emulate our leader, if he is to ever lead us himself.” Replied Ulfric with his Nordic tone, “not to mention this is the closest thing he has for fun before been buried in papers by Linza later.”

Both chuckled, as they both know well how serious the maiden was about her own job, leaving the advisors glad of not been in charge.

As they were about to complete another lap, a sort of commotion on the main gate caught everyone’s attention.

“Okay guys, finish the lap and then began sparring, you know the drill!” ordered Alberich as he left the group and headed for the doors, the older Griffin and Lucario close behind him.

“I told you, we sent for our translator, just wait for him to arrive!” exclaimed one of the gatekeepers to the being desperately trying to get through.

It was hard to miss, as tall as a Minotaur, if not as bulky and imposing. Albeit the similarities ended there. At mere glance, one could tell it was an insectoid Pokemon: the black compound-like eyes; purple antennae and silver armor-like shell were a dead giveaway.

It had two massive arms with matching claws on each end while four smaller limbs rested at the side of its body.

An impressive sight on its own, was increased by the fact that, unlike most Pokemon who use variations of their names as a sort of language, it only emitted a series of clicks and gnarls for communication.

The Golisopod looked desperate to be understood as he kept pointing at the distance, at the castle and at a certain paper one of his smaller limbs carried, all at once while clacking and clicking his mouth off.

“What seems to be the problem?” inquired Alberich for etiquette as the ‘problem’ was rather obvious.

“This Pokemon here,” started the guard.

“Golisopod,” pointed Jackie.

“This Golisopod,” repeated the guard, “is insisting on telling us something. We sent for a translator but he still keeps this up.”

“Quite a being we have here,” admired Ulfric, “but shouldn’t you be able to translate for us mister Walker?”

“I do know a few Psychic things, but that ain’t mah type. Plus this guy’s head seems resistant to Psychic moves, I doubt I can make anything fancy like a mind link.” The ranger explained.

“How about old fashioned translation?” inquired Alberich.

Clearly, this had gone completely over Jackie's head, who simply coughed while approaching the Hard Scale Pokemon.

“Alright, hold on there partner, what can we help you with?” started Jackie.

“Finally!” the Golisopod exclaimed while pointing at the castle, “I’ve been warning these guys about the danger yet they wouldn’t listen!”

“Woah there, slow down. What danger?”

“THE ARMY MARCHING TOWARDS HERE!” he exclaimed while pointing at the distance.

Jackie translated.

“Who would be foolish enough to challenge the empire?” inquired Ulfric with disbelieve.

“Let alone that, where did that army come from to begin with?” added Alberich with a matching tone.

“Well, this fella says it’s a Pokemon army of sorts.” Translated Jackie.

“Pokemon? Why would they do that?” Asked Alberich to Golisopod.

“Because… I kind of… guided them… here…” slowly and shamefully admitted the large Bug-type.

Everyone stared at the newcomer while slowly drawing their weapons.

“NO!Nonononononononononono!!!” Exclaimed the Pokemon while bowing to the ground, “you don’t understand! I only told a couple of them about this place, and before I know it there was a whole bunch of them marching after the city!”

“And why would you have done that to begin with?” Inquired Ulfric with a cold tone, his matching cold blade already out of its scabbard.

“Because they are family of a friend of mine!” the Pokemon explained while on the verge of tears.

“Sorry, but we would’ve remembered somthin’ as large as your kind in the castle.” Pointed out Jackie as he too was starting to look menacingly at the newcomer.

“That’s because she isn’t one of my kind, here look!” he proclaimed while offering the paper he was carrying.

Alberich took it and read it.

He didn’t have to read much to understand who this Bug-type was friend with, as at the bottom of the parchment lied a modified version of the Imperial army’s crest with a distictibly Chess motive.

“You are a member of Checkmate,” said the temporary leader matter of factly.

“Yes… YES! I am one of them… kind of…” the Golisopod said, “My name is Tomino.”

“Kind of?” inquired the old Griffin.

“Long story, but there is no time to explain.” Tomino said, “we need to do something about them before they reach the city!”

“Well, you may want to know,” proudly stated Alberich, “that we are capable to stand our ground against your kind. We have been through the most rigorous of training regimens, thought by none other that Lady Shredder herself, so tell me sort of member of Checkmate, what can this army be made off to represent a challenge to us?”

Tomino had lost interest on this speech, though, as he was currently looking at the valley right between the mountain range where the city lied. A humongous cloud of dust slowly but firmly advancing toward them as the sound of metal echoed through and the reflection of their bodies shine through the sun.

“How about her whole kin… plus some friends?” flatly asked Tomino as he pointed at the marching army.

Suddenly, and as if the heavens themselves directed it, a strong gust of wind removed the dust, showing the incoming army composed of a myriad of weapon wielding Pokemon, or in some cases a whole set of armor. Among the perfectly organised lines, stood large banners flapping on the wind, proudly proclaiming the clans each division belonged to. The only exeption been two large Pony like Pokemon covered in flames who gallantly stood at the front of the formation, both pulling a single chariot with a single occupant.

A large looking Bisharp holding a sword as large as him in a fashion everyone on the Pokemon corps recognised. His single eye scanning his surroundings while the other half of his face lied covered by a single plate of steel, yet instead of making him look weak, it gave the unknown leader an imposing sense of superiority.

It said a simple yet strong message: I’ve been through hell and back, now try to keep up.

The Pokemon army marched towards the city.

“... they clearly know how to make an entrance.” Jackie pointed out.

Everfree Forest
Near Ponyville

“So I take you want to challenge us?” finally said Weiss as it was apparent that AJ wasn’t leaving anytime soon.

That and the fact that he hadn’t said a word for a while and only looked at Weiss in a erie way.

“Heck yeah I do!” AJ proclaimed, “Well, not all of you, just you,” he then pointed at the Bisharp.

Weiss in turn, sighed.

“And why did you challenge him just now?” inquired Daring in confusion, “you could have done it as soon eyes meet… or so I heard.”

“Is true that is the ancient way of starting a battle,” AJ explained. “But that would only bring me to fights against Pokemon.”

“And that is not what you been doing so far?” asked again the explorer.

“Not on the slightest,” replied the Machoke, “you see, the first thing I felt when I awaken on this world was sadness.”

The group looked confused, and by group I mean everyone besides the mercenaries, except Chopper.

“I was sad that, after so many years I had, suddenly, become a Pokemon. All that time wasted on the backlines while my comrades fought for me… but now,” he clenched his massive fist while a single, manly, tear slipped his eyes. “Now I can make up for the lost time and be part of the glory which is battle!”

“And that has anything to do with former humans because…?” asked Weiss while motioning with a hand to further explain.

“I want others to understand the fun of battle as well!” he proclaimed, Weiss sighted again, “so far, everyone used to be nothing than an spectator, a mere backline for the real fun which lied on the battlefield. But I wanna change that,” he proclaimed while placing a hand over his heart, “I want those trainers to know that they can stop relying on their teams, that they can join the fights. That they can join the fun!”

“I understand what you are saying,” said Xavier mentally, surprising AJ and SS for a moment before continuing, “but I can’t help but notice some flaws in your logic.

“That being?” asked AJ while looking around him, wondering where the voice's owner was at.

“Humans were, as you said, out of the battle. But they were an intrinsic part of it just as well. They were, and are, the ones giving the orders and strategizing according to the battle at hand. It would be impossible for most Pokemon to do so in the heat of battle.”

“Maybe so,” granted AJ, “but isn’t that what has driven hundreds, if not thousands of people to mistake the bond they had with their teams with that of mere tools?”

Xavier was surprised by the reply, it wasn’t flawless, but it was a good counter argument nonetheless.

“That is what I will change,” continued the former human, “the leaders will still be necessary for battles to be more exceptional, but for former humans to fully understand what it's like to be in a battle, not as spectators but as warriors. That is the kind of bond I want to promote in this new world”

“I see…” said Xavier while landing before AJ, “although I still see flaws in your logic, I can’t deny that the end result is in fact productive in the long run, as it will prevent former humans from creating a rift between them and Pokemon.”

He then turned to Weiss, much for the former human’s distaste.

“I highly suggest you undertake this challenge.”

Weiss in turn gave him his biggest ‘you gotta be shitting me’ eyes he could muster.

“I second,” added Simon, Weiss wasn’t that surprised but still he didn’t take the words well. “It would be nice to see how you handle that body of yours.”

One by one, the mercenaries, and even those they traveled with, began to support the fight, the only exeption been Roa, Valerie and Daring.

Weiss didn’t said a thing, he simply sighed.

“Look, as much as I would ‘love’ to help you out, we are kind of on a tight schedule, so if you would excuse us…” and began to make his escape.

“Actually…” inquired Daring.

Weiss stopped, sighed again and then said.

“You fucking people…”

Canterlot Castle
Kingdom of Equestria

Victoria was finally done with her political duties. No more Diamond Dog riddles to examine, no more half truths from Deers to decipher, no petulant Minotaurs to endure and most of all, no more lectures from a Pony princess. Just quiet and calm time for her to enjoy her visit in the Equestrian capital.

She, of course, looked the part: she wore none of her royal regalia, instead opting for a simple coat and scarf to hide her royal white body and a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses for her face. She just looked like any other Griffin tourist in Canterlot.

“It’s good to go out with nothing to worry about, is it not?” mentioned Grizelda besides her.

Her loyal assistant hadn’t left her side, as always, and also was wearing something fitting for the occasion, that being nothing.

“I still think you are exaggerating with all that ‘Vicky’” she joked. “It would have been far easier to just go out like this, it is not like we are that known over here to begin with.

“Canterlot is known as a place of fashion, so I fit in just as well,” Vicky explained, “so if anything, you are the one being more obvious around a fully clothed crowd.”

Grizelda had to admit that was true, many pompous Ponies walked around in a way to show off their expensive clothes, to the point some even sneered at her mere sight.

If that was because of her lack of accessories or her race was unknown.

“Ok… you may have a point there,” she said while looking at the hundredth couple to give her a snobby tourn of head. “But is not like we can just go and find a shop for not Equestrians just like that.”

“Actually…” Vicky stated as she looked for a direction.

“Oh fluffy feathers.”

“According to miss Roll, there was a shop dedicated to these sort of clients.”

“Wasn’t that more akin to Pokemon?” Grizelda asked.

“True, but Pokemon come in various shapes and forms, so it only makes sense if they can also work on something for you.”

Defeated, yet not unwillingly, Grezilda decided to go along with her Empress, knowing all too well how rare these moments of calm and peace were for them. It was only a matter of time before they had to go back to their old routine of ruling an empire.

‘Well, she does most of the ruling,’ Grizelda thought as they enter the shop, ‘I only bring the tea and the saz.’

And so they entered the shop, unaware of the turbulences of the world, which were bound to find them sooner than latter, as a lone mailmare keep flying around looking for a pure white Griffin.

Everfree Forest
Weiss’ group

The mercenary couldn’t believe what was happening. He had just been challenged by some random guy and his whole team had prompt him into it without his consent.

He at least expected Daring to say something about it, as she seemed to be so desperate to stop losing time, yet in a surprising turn of events, she was also up for it.

“It would be interesting to see how a former human fights in contrast to a regular pokemon,” she had said, “not to mention it would be nice to see you get some humbleness beat into you for a change.”

Reluctantly, and clearly with no way out of the whole ordeal, Weiss agreed to battle the AJ guy.

He let go of his coat and all the weapons he hid in it, so the fight would be at least fair, or so Simon had instruct him. He even went as far as to inspect him for anything hiding within his body.

He did found a couple of needles.

“... I am not apologizing,” was all Weiss said as he went to face AJ, who was also done warming up.

“Alright, let us see how strong your bond can grow!” the Machoke said while taking a fighting position akin to a flat-hand wrestler.

“Lets just get this over with,” replied Weiss as he as well took a loose stance.

Besides them, and acting as a referee, SS said.

“This battle will last until one falls unconscious. That is all!” he then raised a claw while shouting, “begin!”

‘So short!’ Weiss thought, expecting something more detailed, yet it made sense that such hot blooded individuals would skip formalities.

Yet, as Weiss thought this, AJ dashed towards him, his speed wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, his kind wasn’t know for speed.

It give Weiss time to increase his Iron Defence, he was four times weak against him after all.

‘Not taking that pain head on again, thank you very much,’ he thought while remembering Roll.

AJ raised his right arm as he prepared to throw a generic looking punch.

‘A single block should suffice,’ he strategized, ‘it’s not like I am letting him hit me square on the face, then I shou…!’

A sudden cold sweat stopped Weiss’ thoughts as it run across his back while AJ was finally in range to throw his first punch, he saw not much form to it other than a mole of muscles punching, and still all his instincts told him one single thing, not to parry, not to avoid, not even to run.

What his instincts, enhanced by decades of battlefields, told him was something far more primal. One single world.


Before even Weiss could notice it, he was already somersaulting away, while AJ continued with his motion until his knuckles made contact with the ground, then a cloud of dust akin to an explosion was thrown into the air while the ground shaken as if an Earthquake has been unleashed. Once the dirt clean off, everyone could see that that single punch had reshaped the landscape, as now a new crater lied in the middle of the clearing, a Machoke with his fist buried deep into the earth at the very center.

The Machoke was not known for their speed, but they greatly make up for it in sheer brute strength alone.

“Wha- what the heck is wrong with that stupid physical power!?” Weiss asked at the rim of the crater, clearly glad of having let his instincts guide him.

AJ on his end, looked a bit disappointed.

“Tch, you dodged my Dynamic Punch,” he said.


“Ok, I may be having second thoughts about this fight,” said Daring as she didn’t expected AJ to be so ridiculously strong.

“Fighting-types exceed at physical strength,” explained Xavier, “but I must admit that is some well toned power he is wielding, albeit lacking in control.”

“He did mentioned some training,” pointed out Chopper, as the resident Hot-blooded master was currently busy keeping Penny, Surskit, Roa and Valerie at a safe distance.

“But just what kind of training would he take to make it this far in so little time?” inquired Rouge who, although not the aggressive type, was well versed in training regimes.

“I am glad you asked,” said AJ from the crater as he finally managed to remove his fist from the ground. “I just happen to have been following a quite excruciating training even before coming to this world, so my body was already a bit ripped back then.”

“So,” inquired Weiss, “would you mind sharing that knowledge with us?”

He wanted to know what parts of his body were trained, so he could come with the best strategy.

“If you want to know, then I will tell you, my regime is…”

Everyone leaned a bit forward to hear what he had to say, not daring to breath.

“One hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred squats and a ten kilometer marathon, every-Single-DAY!” he proudly proclaimed.

Then the wind passing by was heard, as everyone could only think a single thing.

‘So average!’

Weiss on his part, was also trembling.

“I know…” he said on the low, “I know I am at disadvantage here… than I have slim chances to win in pure strength… but!” he then looked at AJ while shouting to himself, “I so don’t want to lose to someone as idiotic as him!”

As so let out his blades while charging at the Machoke, who was already bracing himself for the incoming attack. Weiss picked up as much air as he could from around him as he jumped toward AJ, the Aerial Ace covering his arm blades as he threw slice after slice, expecting the effective move to work on his favor.

And it did, as the larger foe showed a face of pain each time the wind made contact with him, albeit he was smart enough to avoid being hit directly, thus leaving the amount of damage taken to a minimum.

Annoyed, Weiss then opted to Slash his straight on the chest, hoping for him to ignore the Normal-type essence of the attack. AJ, however, did not such a thing. He caught Weiss’ arm right between a Cross Chop, far more painful being four times effective.

With a kick to the stomach, and a shout of pain, Weiss made some distance from the Machoke, then gave his arm a quick examination.

His arm was still whole yet it felt as if it was completely shattered, as the bended points in the metal which now was his skin pulsated with each breath he took. “If he ever lands a hit, I am done for, let alone KO.”

AJ didn’t show any sign of stopping, as he then proceeded to harness all of his strength into the palms of his hands, a glowing sphere of pure physical energy condensing between them.

“You gotta be shitting me!” Weiss shout to himself as he prepared to avoid the incoming Focus Blast.

The challenger smiled as he then proceeded to fire the gathered energy towards his foe at an alarming speed.

Weiss did again a somersault to gain distance, but Aj had expected that, as the attack was now aimed behind Weiss and not where he was originally standing.

“Being able to strategize on the flow is also vital for combat,” AJ said proudly to no one in particular.

Yet, he wasn’t the only one able to strategize like that.

As soon as Weiss made contact with the ground, he dug his leg on it, unleashing a small Rock Tomb on the incoming attack. The sphere obliterated the rocks on impact yet gave Weiss enough cover to avoid the attack, still the pure shock wave was enough to send him flying a good distance, luckily for him, his metallic body proved to be resistant to that kind of damage.

That, however, didn’t stop the mercenary from panting.

“Just a couple of minutes and you are already like this?” pointed out the Machoke, “see how different it is to be a part of the fight instead of just looking from afar? Is quite a different thrill right?” He asked with an excited tone.

Weiss in the other hand keep breathing deeply, an annoyed look on his face.

“Of course I would be panting if I were to fight someone with such advantage over me...!” he shouted. “A single move of yours can slap the lights out of me.”

“Well, not all combats can be fair,” AJ admitted, “but to fight through those hardships in fair combat is what brings us closer both as foes and friends in the middle of the battlefield.”

“So you want us to grow closer by beating the crap out of each other huh?” he inquired, “to find ‘the glory of battle’ as some call it…”

He chuckled, and then hit the ground, hard. A new dust cloud erupted from the impact, covering him entirely, yet his voice could still be heard.

“Alright then, you want me to see the world through your eyes, so be it.” he said as the dust started to dissipate, “show me how you can help the world with these idea of yours!”

The dust cleared, showing Weiss standing just where he hit the ground, a combat pose at the ready.

“That’s the spirit!” congratulated AJ as he too resumed his fighting stance, waiting for the next move to come.
Yet none moved, as both were expecting the other to act first.

Or so AJ thought.

The challenger then noticed that, unlike him, Weiss was perfectly still, not moving on the slightest, not even to breathe. Almost like a statue, or rather, like a move.

Suddenly ‘Weiss’ moved, but not around, rather his body fizzled, as if fighting to keep its shape in place.

“Wait… when!?”

AJ realized what had happened as the Bisharp before him broke its form and suddenly took the shape of something akin to a stuffed, dragon-like, toy.

A Substitute.

AJ looked in shock at the decoy as it returned to its original form, completely missing the real Weiss jumping behind him, a Shadow Claw slashing over his back with the force of two Sword Dances.

“Fighting fair and square…” then said Weiss with a mocking tone, “yeah right, as if I would follow that logic!”

AJ rolled on the ground to gain some distance, and then stood back up, meanwhile Weiss continued.

“As if I would go along with YOUR rules just because YOU challenged me,” he said while straighten himself up. “I already have the disadvantage to begin with and you want me to face you head on? I am sorry but I don’t play that way. I had my share of unfair fights over the years so I don’t need you to remember anything, if I see a way of winning I will take it, I don’t care what others think of me, its not like I have to prove anything to them.”

AJ show a slim sign of discontent over the Bisharp, but it was quickly replaced with a grin.

“It’s not like I was expecting you to just go and lose to me,” he said, “but to go to such extent, you clearly ignore what a battle is huh?”

AJ missed how Weiss’ eye twitched because of the distance between them.

“I understand though, the use of unpractical strategies are normal in the world of competitive battles, but know that they all have their limits, all i have to do is wait for you to reach yours.”

And with that said, AJ dashed towards Weiss once more, delivering a Low Sweep as his first move.

“The thing about fighting..!” he shouted while moving.

Weiss hopped out of the kick’s way, but then saw a Karate Chop going his way, still being midair, Weiss had no way to avoid the hit.

“Is that you can learn in either victory or defeat!”

Or so AJ thought.

The Bisharp grabbed AJ’s wrist and then spun his body around, using the momentum from the chop to propel himself over the move and then Slash him over the face with one of his legs.

He then jumped out of the Machoke’s reach with a rather dusty tumble.

‘This body is too heavy…’ he noticed, missing a bit his older and more agile body.

However, he didn’t have much time to react.

“If you go around thinking that you will always win, then you have clearly need to learn how harsh a battle can be!”

AJ pulled both of his arms up into the air and then brought them down with such strength, that he produced an Earthquake.

Unable to dodge such attack, Weiss covered his body in a Protective shield,avoiding been damage just barely, yet giving AJ enough time to jump toward him and Tackle him right between the blades and prompting all air out from the Dual-type’s lungs.


With the temporary loss of oxygen, Weiss was unable to block the Wake-Up Slap that went right after, hitting him square on the face. The Bisharp’s sight went black and couldn’t see how he flew a few meters and then crashed on the ground, yet he still felt it all.

He remained still for a few seconds, prompting everyone to think that the battle was over.

Then, Weiss coughed, loudly and painfully.

Causing Daring to let out the air she didn’t noticed was holding.

“I must admit,” she said, “that I didn’t expected him to outclass him this much, I guess you guys aren’t as invincible as I thought.”

Yet no one said a thing, they didn’t seemed worried about their leader, but neither did they seemed to be angry. They were still showing interest.

“Wait…” Daring then realised this as well, “you guys can’t be serious!”

On his end, Weis was slowly standing back up.

“There is no way he can continue!” Daring proclaimed, yet no one said a thing. “Fine, if you guys don’t stop this, then I-!”

Yet before she could do anything, a red pinzer stopped her.

“You heard Simon before don’t you?” said Char, “we want to see if Weiss can use this body of his properly.”

“You are willing to let him get mauled just to see if he can fight someone with so much of an advantage?” Daring shouted back, yet she made no more attempts of stopping the fight.

“You didn’t understand,” continued Char, “we want to see if he can use his body properly, as you see, he has a huge type disadvantage now, but back in our world he had an even weaker body.”

Daring was about to ask what did he meant by it when suddenly a loud noise brought her back to the fight, where her answer was given right away.

Weiss’ sight had returned, albeit with a couple of black dots here and there, alongside the faces of those gone in his life, and for some reason he also thought he saw ashes on wool here and there. He looked directly at his foe yet he did his best to show none of his tiredness to him, at least as the best he could.

“So, can you feel it now?” inquired AJ with a humble tone, “this is what it's like to be part of a battle, is quite different than fighting on the sidelines right?”

Weiss continued to stare.

“Don’t be like that,” continued the Machoke, “is not like I am enjoying your suffering or anything, I just want to make my point across. There is nothing wrong with losing, so long you can walk out of a fight with your head high and with a lesson learned and the drive to grow stronger, then you have not lost at all.”

Weiss remained still.

AJ approached the Bisharp and offered him a hand.

“Don’t feel bad about yourself, you give a good fight.”

Weiss raised his gaze and chuckled while also raising his hand.


Only to remove AJ’s hand from his face.

“Learning from defeat you say…?” he said with a tone Daring had never hear from the carefree merc.


“You say it as if was something as simple as to walk off,” Weiss continued while standing back up. “But of course, there is no way you can know what losing meant for us.”

AJ didn’t seemed to mind the slap, yet he seemed surprised for the Bisharp’s sudden change in attitude. As he took a step back out of pure instinct.

“If you lose you start all over, just a bad day. But a loss to us meant way more than that...!”

As he said this, Weiss had another flash of those faces and then resumed his fighting stance, yet he was no longer in a loose and random pose, his feet were firmly on the ground and his arms were at the ready of any incoming attack while his eyes never left AJ’s.

“I suppose you are not a regular Trainer then,” replied AJ, “but this is just a Pokemon battle, there are no high stakes on the line. Not to mention that there is no way someone can be victorious for ever.”

And so, AJ retook his fighting stance as well.

“So let me show you how a real Battle is like!”

Weiss chuckled yet the look on his eyes didn’t changed on the slightest.

“I see you don’t get it…” he said, “I’m sorry if I break your bubble but I have no plan of going soft anyday soon, I still a job to fulfil and a family to look after. So instead let ME show YOU, what someone who survives an actual battlefield can do.”

Then, the Bisharp took a really deep breath and said.

“I am the river…”

“And what does that has to do with anything?” inquired AJ as he again throws the same Dynamic Punch he opened with, expecting Wiess to jump back as before and then aim for where he would land.

Yet Weiss didn’t made any attempt to move out, “forever fluid…” he continued while throwing a hand to intercept the incoming warhead of a fist, then a dirt explosion as before occurred.

Once the dust had settled, it revealed AJ and Weiss on the exact same spot, albeit the Machoke had a fist aiming at the ground, which was the source of the dust cloud, and the Bisharp having a hand firmly over his foe’s wrist.

AJ was still processing what just had happened when he felt Weiss moving. When he looked down, he found that the merc had placed his other fist over his ribs.

“I am the earth,” he said while punching him while keeping a hold of his arm, causing the impact to be increased by the awkward pose AJ was in, “immovable and unbreakable.”

AJ took a couple of steps back as he felt the sudden fault of air to the point he had the kneel down to keep himself from fainting, not to mention the pain alone was blinding on its own. Yet he started to smile with glee.

“I don’t know what are you talking about, but this battle suddenly become far more interesting!” he proclaimed while jumping back up and charging after Weiss, who again kept his ground.

When he was on range, AJ throw another Cross Chop towards the Bisharp.

“I am the wind,” Weiss simply said as he took a simple side steep besides AJ, avoiding all damage, “intangible and unconquerable.”

Not letting his momentum to take him away, AJ turned around and began a barrage of moves towards his foe: Cross Chops, Karate Chops, Brick Breakers, Low Kicks, everything on his kind’s repertoire.

Yet Weiss keep flowing around them as if they were in slow motion, deflecting those getting too close for comfort.

Frustrated, AJ reeled back his body and then threw a Dynamic Punch with the help of all of his body height. Yet all Weiss did was side step once again, leaving AJ pulverise another section of the ground and then said.

“I am the flames,” and then proceeded to hit the Machoke on his ribs, followed by a kick towards his closest knee, prompting him to kneel down, but before AJ hit the ground, he turned around his arm, in an attempt to gain some distance from him, yet all Weiss did was simply dodge the large arm and then face him head on.

“Vicious and consuming.”

And so he hit him on his lower jaw with his palm, followed right after for a double palm strike to his torso, a knee to the sternum and then the other knee to his jaw, finished by a somersault kick to the head.

AJ took another step back, feeling greatly disorientated and quite damaged, yet far from defeated. However, he couldn’t tell if he was facing the same guy from less than a minute ago, not to mention the moves he was using were entirely unknown to him.

“What the heck are you using?” AJ asked with sincere curiosity.

Weiss simply let out another breath and resumed his position, then said.

“They are called martial arts,” and then invited AJ to continue with a move of the hand.

“Hoof Fu?” inquired Daring.

“I presume Kung Fu exist in this world as well,” suggested Char, deciding to ignore the punny name the explorer had used.

“Well, yeah, but I couldn’t imagine someone with a body like his could use an style meant for quadrupeds,” she replied.

“Is not like that in our world,” explained Char, “Kung Fu was devised by humans to fight foes stronger than them, for humans to fend against Pokemon without the use of weapons. Some said that they were also helped by some Fighting-types like Lucario and Mienshao.”

“So what you are saying is that…?”

“That you can call those Human-type moves.” Char joked while keeping his eyes on the fight.

AJ cracked his neck and slapped himself back into shape. After another round of him trying to hit Weiss to no avail, and the Bisharp’s recurring counters. There was no way he was going down easily from a fight this much fun.

“So you dropped Pokemon moves in order to use something you know better?” he inquired.

“I would rather say remembered,” Weiss replied, “I learned these in order to protect those dear to me, to not be a nuisance on the battlefield and fight besides my family. Not to mention that if I take another of your hits I will be down for good.”

Weiss’ eyes matched his words with the same blaze as of before, yet he was no longer angry, if anything they seemed a bit thankful.

Thankful that he had to revert to martial arts in order to defeat an opponent clearly out of his reach. Of course, he wouldn’t ever said that out loud.

“I see,” AJ said noticing the change as well, “then asking you for a battle may have been a miss from my part, as you already seem to know what been part of the battle is like.” He smiled, wholeheartedly and then resumed his stance. “But is not like I will just give up like that either, we started this and we will end it.”

Weiss didn’t said a thing, he simply reinforced his stance.

“But let me borrow some of you into my style!” he shouted while charging at Weiss, throwing an austoningly amount of punches in a barrage akin to a gattling gun.

‘Oi, oi, that looks more like a tantrum than a martial art,’ Weiss thought as AJ charged at him, ‘I guess I took him too seriously. But then again, he made me remember not to underestimate my foes.’

AJ was right before him.

“At least I didn’t have to lose someone for me to remember,” he said and then meet his opponent head on.

Their clash causing yet another dust cloud to raise, one that was swiftly swept by the air pressure generated by their current entanglement, as every punch thrown at Weiss’ direction was swiftly guided away of him. Causing the ground the shake and even crack by the pure pressure they were generating.

Yet, the amount of punches been thrown by AJ surpassed Weiss’ deflections substantially, so all the Bisharp could do was avoid all the hits aimed directly at him, while ignoring anything going to scrape him. However, that kept a toll on him all the same.

He wouldn’t go down in a single punch, but he already had low strength left, as he did receive a good hit from AJ’s part and the energy needed to generate the Substitute before that. The strain was evident on Weiss’ face, something AJ didn’t lose sight of.

“And for the finish!” he proclaimed as he aimed another barrage directly at his body, both fists carrying a Dynamic Punch on its own.

The Weiss smiled.

“All that strength,” he said while grabbing his wrists, “yet no discipline at all.”

Weiss then propped both arms open, leaving AJ completely exposed.

The Machoke was quickly bringing them back down but was surprised by Weiss taking a jump towards him, followed by something he never expected: a clap.

The clap stunned him in a way he never felt before, his body felt paralyzed, giving Weiss about ten free seconds to simply place himself before AJ’s large body.

‘Well, it’s not like I will drop moves entirely,’ he thought while charging his arms with Steel and Psychic energy, placing both fists on his foe’s chest, one over the other, and said.

“Finishing move!”

AJ struggled to have his body moving again, but it was all too late.

“Metallic Psy-burst!”

Then all the damage Weiss received during the fight was delivered in a pin-pointed Metal Burst and then covered in Psychic energy and then released on AJ’s as a simple yet stroundus bang.

A final cloud of dust been erected the instant the fusion move was unleashed, it been far larger than those who proceed it.

It took a whole minute for it to clear, revealing both Pokemon still facing each other, although Weiss was no longer standing.

He was clearly out of breath and was hardly keeping his consciousness.

“That… was… my ab…. absolute everything…” he admitted while taking tired breaths between words, “I can’t do … anything else…”

AJ on his end was still standing, and there was no signs of his breathing been like Weiss’ at all.

“THE FIGHT IS OVER!” Proclaimed AJ’s companion at the sight, “Weiss can’t continue!”

Weiss on his end sighed, the fight was over.

“The winner is A…!?”

Then, before SS couldn’t announce the winner, AJ fell down like a log, his eyes having become a couple of swirls and his mind having left the conscious world.

Weiss chuckled and turned to SS as asking ‘you were saying?’

“Guess we have to start all over again.” SS said, yet he still fulfilled his part as a neutral referee. “... THE WINNER IS WEISS!”

City of Canterlot
Flagship Holzschiff

The once peaceful ship was again full with its crew, yet the movement that was organized and calm, was now chaotic and hasted. The crew pulled ropes, charged engines and took out navigation charts as if there was no tomorrow.

And given the recent news the Empress had received, it could be just that for the Griffin Empire.

“A whole army… how could we overlook such a large amount of Pokemon?” Victoria inquired to herself in disbelief while painfully waiting for preparations to be over, a crushed letter under her claws.

The message was short but nevertheless devastating on its own.

‘Pokemon army marching toward the city, make haste on return.’


Victoria took not a single second to wait. She flew over the Holzschiff and called all the few crewmembers on it to set sail as soon as possible. Grizelda was sent to look for Shredder and Roll, as they would be more than needed, it also hindered the clawmaiden to be wearing a new and slightly pompous dress. But she still took her job as serious as it should, albeit looking slightly ridiculous.

“Were they waiting for me to leave to act?” she wonder in her cabin, “so does that mean they have no interest on negotiating?”

For each question made, Victoria’s unease grew larger and larger.

As a ruler, she was meant to live for her subjects no matter what, but right now when they needed her the most, she was nowhere near her beloved Empire. She knew it was pointless to beat herself over it, but still was unable to feel guilty of taking just a single minute of time away of her duties.

“Your highness!” barged in Grizelda with three Pokemon in tow. “Got them!”

“We received an overall notice of the situation your highness, there is no way we would sit idly by when the Empire is under such distress.” Said Shredder while saluting the Empress.

“Good,” said Victoria with a calm tone, even when her eyes clearly betrayed her emotions. “Then I don’t have to explain to you the situation. Now we can go as soon as preparations are over.”

Roll remained close to her mate yet said nothing since she knew there was little to joke about a situation such as this, also because she wouldn't be understood.

“But still, it would take us at least three days to reach Griffinheim, two at best.” Pointed out Grizelda, bringing Victoria to sigh with exasperation.

“There is nothing we can do in that regard, is not like we can bring our land closer merely by willing it so.”

“Perhaps I may be able to help with that,” suggested the third Pokemon, which Victoria now noticed.

She was so focused on her kind that she completely missed the large quadruped standing behind her advisor.

“An honor to meet you your highness, my name is Cobalion, leader of the Swords of Justice and friend to your servant,” the Iron Will Pokemon said with his elegant tone yet showing a serious gaze.

“The honor is mine, Lord Cobalion. My apologizes for ignoring you until now,” admitted Victoria, “but I am sure you can understand my mind is worried about my kind.” Cobalion nodded and the Empress continued, “so what help can you provide us with in this time of need?”

“I had made Lady Shredder an offer about becoming my pupil, since she showed great proficiency with the blade, to the point of been able to use our Sword, albeit incomplete.”

It was Victoria seemed surprised for a moment and then was her turn to nod and for Cobalion to continue.

“Yet I am aware of her duty with your realm, and as a fellow knight myself, I couldn’t dare to intervene between her duty. But as well, I am resolute in giving her Sword a proper shape, so I asked Lord Arceus for something to help us both, and in the current turn of events, help us three.”

“And that is…?” inquired Grizelda while removing her gown.

“A portal for direct access between Griffienheim and the Hall of Legends.” Cobalion said.

“... is that even possible?” inquired Victoria with a hit of both hope and disbelief.

She knew of the hallway from Canterlot to the Hall of Legends. But that was in the same continent, what Cobalion was suggesting was at least five times that distance.

“For Lord Arceus, it is. But I was saving it as a surprise for Lady Shredder,” he said motioning to the Bisharp who was indeed surprised. “I know you still have to decide, but this would have made the decision easier for you, as it meant you didn't have to leave the Empire, nor do I have to leave the side of my fellow Legendaries if the need of us ever arrives.”

“It is true that I felt conflicted with your offer,” admitted Shredder, “but if there is such a path, and it help us save the Empire, then I would gladly go under your tutelage on my own accord.” She proclaimed while slamming a fist over her chest, right above her heart.

“Then it is settled, I presume haste would be the best course of action then,” suggested Cobalion to which Victoria nodded.

“Indeed, lets.” And so they left the cabin, yet Victoria added, “And I would like to thank your kindness Lord Cobalion, it’s not your country and yet you are doing and incredible service to Griffenhiem.”

“It is not my country, but I once ignored a Kingdom once, and I never forget about it,” Cobalion admitted, “so let me learn of my mistakes for a change.”

Victoria smiled and then walked closer to the Legendary.

“Still, I would like to reward that resolution,” she said with a less worried voice, albeit she didn’t slow down. “Once this is over, I would like to award you as a friend of the Empire, if you would like to of course.”

Cobalion’s eyes didn’t show any sort of emotion, as always, yet one of his eyebrows was raised, apparently in surprise.

“I would humbly accept your offer,” he said without much of a thought, “I have seen the resolve of your kind,” he continued while looking at Shredder, “so I have no doubts about the potential of your Empire as another beacon of hope for Pokemon in this world.”

With nothing else to add, the group continued their way towards the royal castle, hopping there were still an Empire for them to arrive.

Everfree Forest

Weiss looked at AJ as Valerie healed him, he had to admit the other former human was incredible in his own right. Going so far to improve the world around him, although he was dead sure about how much of a knucklehead he was as well.

‘Who the heck goes spreading peace by beating people?’ he wondered.

Then, AJ sat, his healing done. He looked at Weiss and smiled while offering a hand.

“That was quite the battle, thanks for the fun.”

Weiss chuckled and did took his hand this time around.

“Meh, I guess having fights for fun is good for a change.”

“That last move, you fused a Metal Burst with a Psycho Cuter, right?” he deducted, “it’s quite impressive to see a ‘human’ using a move they can’t learn normally.”

“I thought I could be able to, since Arceus give me this body… although it’s not yet a Psycho Cuter,” he said while letting out a blade, a pinkish hue emanating from it. “I can’t throw it like normal and the effects of it when I hit someone are a bit different.”

“Then why you didn’t use it during the fight?” inquired SS.

“It’s not what someone would call fair,” Weiss said as an explanation as he hide the blade back into his forearm.

AJ chuckled, he had understood that Weiss was not normal ‘human’ as he was, but it was nice to see he at least had a bit of respect for battling itself.

“So, the reason for your anger,” AJ changed the topic, “were those comrades you lost?” AJ inquired.

Weiss looked a bit surprised, then he remembered having said something like that in the heat of battle.

“Yeah… I won’t go into details, but I was someone you wouldn't run across in the legal world you lived in. Defeat for you means a simple lesson and to start all over, for us it meant a single thing: the end.”

“Were…” AJ ventured again, this time with a bit of reluctance, as he didn’t wanted to bring back bad memories, but still wanted to know. “Were there too many ends?”

This time, Checkmate as a whole went a bit somber, yet not in the aggressive way AJ was expecting, but rather reminiscent of good times of old.

“One is already too much,” was all Weiss said while remembering the faces of his old comrades a third time. “But still, that come with the life we all chose.”

“I guess that is a way to see it through huh?” AJ said and then prompted back up. “Either way, it also is what make you who you are today, so I should thank these comrades of yours as well.”

Everyone looked surprised and then chuckled.

“To think someone would ever thank those of our kind,” said Char, “truly you are one special guy.”

“I think the term is naive,” added Xavier.

“You can say what you want, but it’s the way of a man to keep going on the path he has chosen no matter what. And mine happen to include honor to my adversaries, as they are who made me stronger with every fight.”

“Let me correct myself,” continued Xavier, “he is painfully naive.”

“You wouldn't have survived a day in our world kid,” said Weiss, “so that’s more to show how much of a goody-two-shoes you are.”

AJ and SS laughed, not seeming to mind having grown in a world of light.

“Well you honor me, but now if you excuse us, this goody-two-shoes has a challenge to re-start. Those 100 trainers ain’t gonna learn by themselves!”

“Ah, about that,” mentioned Weiss, “I guess it’s obvious by now but I would like to make it clear: I wasn’t a trainer, back in the old world I mean.”

“So…?” inquired the duo.

“So I guess you can call this an exception,” finished Weiss with a sheepish grin. “You didn’t lose to a trainer, therefore you didn’t break your own rule.”

AJ and SS looked at Weiss, then at one another, then back at Weiss and then back at one another. Then both grinned like toddlers.

“Yosha! We are still in our string!” AJ and SS shouted at the same time while high fiving.

As they celebrated, Weiss and co. prepared to continue their way.

“That was surprisingly humble from you,” mentioned Daring while giving Weiss a nudge on the side, which surprisingly still hurt.

“Yeah, yeah, I did get some of it beat into me after all,” he replied.

“You sure did, you look like a different Pokemon already… actually it’s kind of creepy.”

“Why you little!”

“Hey Weiss!” AJ shouted, “don’t think is over like this, I will be sure to train hard and have a rematch! So be sure that we will fight the next time we meet!” And with that proclamation, he and his friend turned around and walked away while gleefully talking about the fight.

Weiss on his end didn’t seem to mind, in fact he was smiling.

“Whatever you want kid,” he said mostly to himself, “it’s not like the result will change that much.”

Then Simon cut in.

“You do realize that he can still turn into a bigger wall of muscle with another pair of arms right?” he inquired.

Weiss stopped right then, a cold sweat going down his face.

“... now order, we will start every day with a training regime!” he exclaimed, “it would be bad to be taken down because of some lack of concentration!”

“That means we will be doing one hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred squats and a ten miles marathon?” inquired Chopper who, for some reason, seemed trilled with the idea.

“... you fucking people…”


Tlaloque continued to look at the fate-lines with its untiring diligence, Ray on the other hoof was just loitering around. Despite numerous offers from the imortal to let the Pony go until the time was right, Ray had decided to stay. There was no way he would miss a chance to get even with those creatures who humiliated him in such an easy fashion.

Suddenly, the room’s light changed, from the warm yet soft hue of pink emanating from the dozens of Fairy Diamonds to that of a erie lime green, coming from the Sphere of Guidance.

“So it is finally done charging up?” inquired Ray as he looked at the artifact glow.

“Yes, it is,” said Tlaloque while slowly turning around toward the pedestal where the Sphere lied. “Now, we can commence.”

Author's Note:

Again I took another millennium to post a new chap, I hope it was what you were waiting for and apologize for the insane delay. I’ve been busy with the real world in a way I don’t like much, but still it has to be done.

That being said, here it is! A collab Stag and me were meant to do before she was forced to leave her account. But still, she was the one with the idea for this chapter, so I am giving her the credit she goddamn deserves!

Also, Tomino is a Golisopod! YAY!! … Ok, some explanation, if you guys have noticed it, Tomino has been mentioned waaaaay before Sun and Moon were even announced, so what gives? Simple: Tomino was originally going to be a Heracross (with a bit of Franky from One Piece), but the idea didn’t sound that good the longer I thought on it, I mean, I already have two hot blooded characters, three would be just too much. So when I first saw Golisopod on Moon, I knew exactly what to do. I give Tomino a whole rework (thank Rito for placing that idea in my mind) and re-class him, as what? I won’t tell just yet, but be patient.

Also, also: I brought AJ into the NW-verse… now who wants him? I have no intention of using him further than this, so feel free to take him.

And that is it… for now at least.

All comments are welcome!

Also, also, also! New editor, say hi!

Editors Notes:

Raul: Alright! Been a while but new chapter, nice to see all the story’s getting some love again. By the way, I’m new editor, please send all typos to me so they can be purged from the story.

Who is that Pokemon!?
Machoke (AJ)
Sandslash (SS)
Golisopod (Tomino)

Meet the team!

Comments ( 20 )

Back in business, will now read.

Great as usual!
i was thinking of attempting to write a WImpod story...
except if i DID write it would probably be horrible, and i wasn't sure if the new Gen pokemon were able to be written about yet...
...this Golistopod knows it can breath underwater, right?

Did Zeus say it was okay to use a gen 7 mon

7941355 Don't forget to comment!

7941382 I don't get (why) the question, but yes, he knows.

7941407 ...Sigh... how many times have I explained this? I always ask Zeus for permition before updating, always! So yes, I ask for permition beforehand.

It's about TIME that someone finally defeated that "undefeatable" AJ and put him in his place (consider it payback for beating the crap out of Ash's Pikachu too).

You know, it's a pity that we don't have Barba in Griffinheim right now, he would clobber whatever this army that's coming?

7941571 You will be surpriced.

I ask because being able to head to deeper waters for a strategic retreat/ambush/time alone with nobody bugging (heh) him seems useful...

nice work, love all these crossover stories this club is writing, sorry a little rusty I remember what Tlaloque is planning but what manner of creature is he? plz remind me

7941599 I was already surprised that AJ would be featured in this chapter.

Furthermore, I'm really happy to see a 7th Generation Pokemon in your story for the first time.


forgive me, I just didn't see it in the editor's notes

I literally just know remembered who the hell AJ was. I was wondering what story he was from since I couldn't find one, than ten minutes after seeing this one 7941571 it finally clicked.
Damn I'm stupid.

7942590 Thanks for noticing that! :pinkiehappy:

The fight left something to be wanted, a little too much "talk" mixed in with the action made it flow rather slow and akwardly. The jumps between scenes are not a bad thing, though you could perhaps have combined them and made them longer than had so many of them. What action was in the fight though was rather well written, even though I found myself cheering for AJ.

Weiss breathed difficulty

you might wanna rewrite this somewhat. Its not "wrong" per se, but it feels really clonky to use it in a sentence like that.

Overall a good chapter and nice to see the story continue, keep up the good work.

8003941 Yeah... I did included a bit much of talk, since I wanted to give a message with this (I am not telling what exactly). But I thank you all the same.

I will look at it later on.
And be sure I will keep on going.

Also, is ok to cheer for AJ, I never intended Weiss to be charismatic or likeable. So your words means I am doing a good job.

8047558 Why thank you, I been busy and will take some time to post again, but fear not, I am far from dead, just with little time for writing.

But would you mind giving me more comments? As you may notice, I kind of lack on those and would welcome them, it pulls me to keep going.

8053046 Not an orthodox action, I admit, but if something content creators love more than anything is for others to notice said content and comment on it.

Otherwise why do you think all YouTubers ask for likes, subscribes and comments?

Yes to make money, but also to feel appreciated for their creations.

8058165 Really?

... I mean​, of course! It is a masterpiece... Okay really, thanks, I just felt it fit the moment.

8060438 Well, my english is atrocious at best so I am pretty sure I f*cked up, sorry. Will give it a look.

NICE! Liked and followed.

Is this story paused cause i'm looking in 2019 and there has yet to be an update on the series.

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